So season 2 is never ever happening at this point right

So season 2 is never ever happening at this point right...

Attached: why did it have to be this way.gif (480x458, 252K)

It never was. Nichijou sales were dismal

It's not the show's fault that it came out an awful time.

It had poor blu-ray sales.We only had to cope up with it by rewatching Nichijoint.

Why should it have a new season
The thing that makes japs more based is that most of the times they don't shove pointless sequels down on our throats

yeah, that 2011 tsunami

What happens in the end of the manga anyway? Do the nichijous get boy friends?

Let's be honest here. No one would even care about this boring crap if it weren't for the, admittedly, great visuals and sakuga moments. I didn't even laugh once throughout the show, how do people find this "funny"?

Kyoanifags lap up literally anything with the name of the brand on it.
Same reason they think VEG is even remotely good, let alone decent.

whys it so hard to grasp that people have different senses of humor from you
the comedy was only half the enjoyment for me anyway, all the characters were incredibly endearing. seeing nano go to school and her friendship with the others blossom was one of the most beautiful arcs of the decade for me.

and now the people who put it all together are ash.
fuck trains...

If you didn't think it was funny, that doesn't mean anyone else should feel the same

what makes you laugh is subjective
a well constructed joke can be recognized and appreciated by most even if it doesn't necessarily makes you laugh
nichijou has none of that

I particularly loved how they depicted Yuria being lowkey in love with her stupid Go-Soccer senpai. The revelation in the end is the eureka moment confirming your suspicions.

You're saying quite the opposite, Nichijou had a lot of well-constructed humor. You might be imbecile, blind, or just focusing on original KyoAni slapsticks which usually are inside jokes within the staff/community, to fail to notice the good ones.

leaving aside the fact that parody and satire are among the most insincere forms of writing, spastic random insanity and exageration != well constructed joke, and it only takes you so far before it starts to feel trite
I can't believe anyone would laugh at the 'failed attempt at making a joke' bit. taking a joke way too far is not a positive

>he says, in the reality that allowed Gundam to reach the point of NT

Did you even watch the whole series? Or read the manga? most of what you described as poorly constructed jokes are the Kyoani originals that they inserted in it. I'm not willing to spoonfeed someone so incapable so you will have to look for them yourself, instead of making yourself looking stupid here while pretending to know what you're criticizing at.

>I can't belive that a good Japanese humor for Japanese is good because I'm culturally ignorant/estranged.

it's relieving to see that I can leave Yea Forums for years and the bait surrounding certain shows will stay the same

Does humor=joke to you?
>I can't believe anyone would laugh at the 'failed attempt at making a joke'
it happened,it happens,it will happen,you can laugh by a variety of reasons:
>Funny because relatable
>Funny because i saw that happen
>Funny because i found that stupid
>spastic random insanity and exageration!=well constructed joke
You're right,it constructs a humoristic situation,not a joke,i'm glad you got that right.

hurr durr we 'muricans should get what we want, not feel stupid for being ignorant at something that isn't particularly made for us

City anime when?

because nobody cares about your insignificance in Yea Forums

who even are you, edgefag?

nice reddit spaced meltdown

Yea Forums

People fucking died, nichifag.

go back there.

sure, redditfag. reddit and Yea Forums are the only sites you know so i can't blame your impotence

no, you go back there, reddit faggot. you don't belong to Yea Forums

while funny it's kind of disrespectful to be an attention seeking autist in a kyoani/nichi thread so quit it.

nice projection

>im not reddit ur reddit hurrr

then why are you here projecting your insecurities at others?

>i lost the argument so i'll do namecalling hurr durr hope that they dont figure out i'm a retard

what argument

I think Nichijou was hilarious, wasn't even aware that it was kyoani until I'd already started liking it, and I think VEG was utter garbage with one of the most obnoxious fanbases I've ever seen.

>How would you like to rationalize this?

what faggot

>It's everyone else that has shit taste not me!
There's a fucking reason why it sold like shit in japan, and I'm pretty sure the japs have a fuckton better taste than you when it comes to comedy. The japs have been watching slapstick comedy for most of their lives and comes along this shitshow which did everything wrong. Jokes are dragged out, over-exaggerated, and delivered with a weak punchline. Gags were overused, and having characters have a stupid surprised face after every single joke was a sign that it was trying too hard to make things funny. A good comedy will naturally make people laugh not fucking give visual cues on every joke as to when they should laugh. In the end of it all, it wasn't that good at comedy and it didn't appeal to that many people, which is why it sold poorly.


no u

Attached: [DB]Nichijou_-_14_(10bit_BD1080p_x265).mkv_snapshot_02.57_[2019.07.18_20.38.55].jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

there is no ending

Wasn't the majority of the manga already adapted?

Nichijou is already perfect and even before the incident you couldn't get the original team back together so I wouldn't have wanted it.

I wasn't aware of that last part, why?

Ok autist sure
The whole joke of Nichijou is the characters lack any frame of reference as to what an ordinary day even is, and so completely overreact to entirely mundane events while simultaneously being completely indifferent to fantastic feats normally impossible by any mere mortal.
Besides the inherent comedy in absurdism by forcing you to consider the possibility of things that would never normally happen, this juxtaposition is essentially funny.

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