Why isn't there an anime yet for this?

Why isn't there an anime yet for this?
There's enough material for two cours.

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made by a woman

Kyoani was going to do it but since they're dead the announcement will have to wait a bit longer. On the bright side, there won't be yuribait.

best thing to happen this year is that fire

no one wants to watch an isekai with no fan service

Not everything needs an anime you stupid moron.

Because anime adaptions only shit things up.

Yeah but this does!

It's not isekai.

I hope it never gets one.

because you burned kyoani

I wish there was an anime so the crimes against society by this vile fiend of a corrupt and malicious mage becomes know to all.

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There is no story at all.

Threads would go to complete shit.
On the upside, we might finally get that doujin about Laius counting Izutsumi's nipples.

because it's edgy boring shit

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mon ami deux cours to parle? mon dieu! mais oui! c'est la vie! elegant! vraiment! chocolat!

Chillack is a cute and virtuous husband!

>Caring about the threads
I think you got confused somewhere user. You're not supposed to come to Yea Forums to hang out with """"""friends""""" in threads ignored by anime posters. You're supposed to come to Yea Forums to talk about anime&manga because that's something you like to watch/read.

If you wouldn't kill these threads for a decent Dungeon Meshi anime you're working backward.

thats what this manga needs. more lewds

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how is that edgy at all?

Wouldn't translate well imo.
I don't get why manga readers want adaptions. Manga > anime every single time.
Enjoy having a unique, comfy series to read and don't monkeypaw that shit.

Now he's just going to say
>I meant NATIVE Isekai
And then we're all going to spit our teeth at our monitors in rage

Why would anyone want to see another great manga ruined by some cheap cashgrab anime?

>how is an evil elf torturing some halfling edgy

I don't watch an anime if I already read the manga so an adaptation is all negatives for me.

It's just as bad as one.

This,I get that it is cute and all but nothing happens.

no cute elf romance is the main reason

I can see a lot of mediocre studios jumping at a chance to animate this manga. But hopefully the mangaka is waiting for a good studio to be interested.

I'm down for anime adaptation but it really needs to deliver. It'll suck because I won't be able to have comfy threads anymore. But its for the greater good for this manga to have more exposure.

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All of these.

There can't be any cute elf romance in this series, because there aren't any cute elves.

The baits ITT are terrible. I don't even.

>But its for the greater good for this manga to have more exposure.
Why? It's not like the mangaka is broke and desperate for more sales. The series does alright.
I think it's the same few people who try to make bait DM threads between chapters.

Because the series is in a magazine that releases ten times per year. They're probably planning on doing a full adaptation, meaning that they can only start with the anime when the series is almost over.

>but it's a monthly release
That hasn't really stopped any other manga with similar release schedules from getting adaptions.

I dunno, you can easily adapt up to the red dragon with 13 episodes.

It doesn't stop them. It's an intentional decision. There have been anime adaptations that started shortly before a manga ended and anime adaptations that were timed in a way that the manga ends between two seasons that release around a year apart from each other.

>Kyo makes DM anime
>cranks yuribait to the fucking eleven
Dodged a bullet

True, but this is about a full adaptation.
S1: 2020
S2: 2021
S3: 2027
Isn't something that sells well.

it's not. i just don't like dm threads when there isn't a dm chapter to discuss. this is all it becomes when one gets made since most shit to talk about gets talked about in the 2 or 3 days it comes out.

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Jc staff is busy with other projects

I must consume

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>no fanservice
>Marcille's ears fully naked everywhere

Not everything needs an anime. That said, I wouldn't mind it existing to see Senshi's glorious beard be fully animated.

I want to see elf and halfling Senshi too

nah its not
this manga setting takes injury and death light as a feather, and have 0 consequence. hell they even built in a revival system until a certain elf decided to do some shady shit

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Elves are only good for ____

market speculation?

Evil and Forbidden Magicks

Saying that won't make him fuck you, Marcille.

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Yes and no. It's following the rules for classical D&D (where hauling your friends corpses around for a dungeon crawl was a matter of course, you had to bring them back to get revived and you didn't want monsters eating it/stealing the equipment on them. It got to the point where parties often hired NPC caddies for loot and their own corpses).

But like any convenience, when it's taken away the straits seem more dire. Take Senshi's backstory. Those dwarfs were the setting equivalent to American western pioneers - there were absolutely no conveniences available to them, including easy access to water. The story of something going wrong and everyone dying a slow and inevitable death was a common one, and exactly what happened to Senshi.

The pacing is too slow for an anime.

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the pioneers always get the short end of the stick, really. even in a highly established dungeon, those who are strong enough to dwell the deep levels always have the chance that their corpses wont be recoverable.
and that beg the question: why not hiring revival specialists for the team? does it follow the usual convention of "costs a lot of stamina, needs one (or several) long rest + food to do it once?"

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Why are Marcille's ears so round? Is she hiding something? I don't trust that elf. I bet she is researching dark magic to learn body manipulation and give herself pointy ears, that fiend.

I heard a theory that elves ears being round might be a sign of youth, because Marci is actually quite young

Not how it works. The mangaka doesn't have a say on whether it gets adapted or by whom.

God, I hope it gets an anime so that all your shitty threads get murdered by newfags.

Just give me a claymation like them ads

If I remember right the resurrection spell is an extremely high level cleric spell in AD&D. Most adventuring parties would not have included such a high level cleric, plus it could only be cast intermittently (most spells could be cast at least once a day, this may have been more like a week). The idea of the party trying to survive in a dungeon for 1-2 weeks to revive dead members was not economical when they could instead wait for the best opportunity to return to the surface (either once they've cleaned out the dungeon, or made a good amount of headway/loot to justify having to make the return trip and resupply). Hiring a high level NPC cleric from a nearby church to use their resurrection for the week was pricy as well, but usually the preferred option. Magic equipment found during dungeon runs was hotly contested not necessarily for how useful it was to the PC, but because it held good trade value to the outside world and the equivalent value was often easier to transport than the coinage.

Modern day D&D (and PnP RPGs in general) have a more laissez-faire attitude in regards to the expenses, upkeep, and time expenditure involved in dungeon crawling. The people who originally created, ran, and played these games were habitually people who loved NUMBERS, often having careers in them. Quite a bit of that has been lost as the audience expanded but it's always fascinating to me the detail that DMs went into on these things and expected from their players - and they were usually not betrayed in those expectations.

Dungeon Meshi has been fun for me because I've felt a lot of that old-school mentality from the world building in it. The adventurers and the infrastructure set up around the dungeons is exactly the sort of thing I'd have expected from a group playing in the 70-80s.

>nothing happens

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But why? I'd have a lot of quality like CGI monster of food
Do you really want that user?

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But they're fat.

Yes, and?

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>the monsters are all CGI
>the foods are all stills
>the fights have the characters turn into barely drawn wavy lines
>when having serious conversations the character's mouths don't move
>the character remains still until they have to add in a reaction which seems off alinement on their faces

Fat ears are unsexy.

Adds to her character. She's not this perfect, otherworldly elegant elf but a cute dork.

that;s the point, not having pedoshit and fujoshit is what we should strive for


Well, people have different tastes

As for myself, I'll never make her ears blush

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That’s not why there’s no anime

So which studio could possibly make good fantasy food anime besides JC Staff?

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Why do people think this kind of stuff is about "studios" and not about specific animators, usually free lancers?

tfw that chimera actually showed up later on

I love this manga's consistency

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If the manga does get an anime, I hope Banish does some videos on some of the meals.

Anime ruins discussion on Yea Forums.
I like manga, and I like shitposting. So things getting an anime adaption destroys a thing I like for some show I will probably never watch.


I want to gently pull one of Marcille's ears!!

it's true


Dude can't wait for an anime. Maximum comfy and the Gigguk and Mother's Basement videos about it would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good things do not need to be made worse.

Became incredibly boring after they found Farlyn. Should have ended the manga right there.

I'm down, the last manga I liked got a pretty good anime. I mean the threads were still destroyed, but the adaptation was excellent.

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but then we would never get to see mega ultra chicken
RIP MP100 threads

She's actually a half elf, her dad was a human and died of old age when she was younger.

She's also canonical for bush

it is super boring

>On the bright side, there won't be yuribait.
Why would you want an unfaithful adaptation?

The style is too nice to be butchered by a TV anime budget, I hope it never gets adapted.

gonna require a citation

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Hair is important for magic

Gelbooru, looked like a frame from the manga of her clothes being blown off