Torture is morally correct

>[An eyewitness] lady said between sobs, "Someone left in the building was begging for help from a window. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. Their mouth was bright red against their blackened body covered completely in soot, even their face. All I could tell was that they were crying out "HELP! HELP" again and again. Soon they stopped moving against the window and burned into it like a shadow. Then I heard the din of ambulance sirens and helicopters flying by."

Death is simply not enough for the arsonist.

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Oh, he's going to die all right.

He's definitely going to get the death sentence.

Hanging is just unsatisfying for a person who has put another soul through something like this though.

Honestly, the point is to get him out of this world as quickly as possible. They should have just shot him in the stomach, where you die slow.

this might be an unpopular opinion. but having someone in a padded cell for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, never seeing any light, is a fate worse than death.

I'm so sick of the edgy teenagers on both sides of this incidents.

Yeah but it also means he is wasting resources of taxpayers, removing him from existence is the best logical option

I honestly do feel this with all my heart. I'm not saying it to be edgy. If something like this had happened to one of my loved ones I don't think I could rest knowing he got to just go out peacefully. Call me primitive but that's how it is.

I'm finding it hard to understand what you mean by "edgy" in reference to the people who are saying things like 'don't joke about death', 'fuck you for saying they deserved to die' etc. It can be called a teenage sentiment but not an "edgy" one.

Torture would just start to clear his karmic debt and might even induce a breakthrough to another level of consciousness. The biggest 'fuck you' that can be delivered is simply to drop someone into a medically induced coma and spend a modicum of effort keeping him alive for a few decades. Otherwise, swift execution to remove the threat to society is the best course. The wheel of reincarnation can set up greater tortures than we can imagine.

The net result would be exactly the same. The guy is removed from society. The question is do you want to pay for his continued existence?

Damn I wish I was religious.

Life for a life. He killed people in a horrible way and he should be executed in a horrible way. Nobody forced him to do what he did. Why should innocent people have to die and the muderer get to live?

It's not about punishing him. It's never really about punishment. Execution is about "Okay, keeping you alive is a net loss to our society. Out you go."

In Singapore, the death penalty and execution doesn't take very long to be carried out.


Burned at the stake please

>"Lets waste millions of the tax payers money on giving food and shelter to a cunt who enjoys burning people."

You don't even have to be religious. Reincarnation is being studied extensively by researchers like Ian Stevenson. The eastern religions aren't total bullshit like the abrahamic religions, they are based on the study of reality which modern empiricism is beginning to confirm.

I hope they hang him and livestream it

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The little ugly faggot should be lit on fire.
If you're capable of doing that to other people than you should experience it yourself.

The arsonist isn't at fault, it's the fire's fault.
The arsonist just started the fire, he didn't mean for the victims to die such gruesome deaths, the fire is the real perpetrator and it should be regulated.

He should be traped inside a wooden box and then the box should be set on fire. That way he'll go through the pain he put his victims through.

They're not animals.

Bait harder.

Death penalty isn't about justice or satisfaction.
It's about removing an unsalvageable element from society.

If you had extra air and energy to gasp HELP against a window repeatedly, why not grab a chair and smash it open?

Why not just execute him the way he executed his victims, by lighting him on fire like they did to the witches?

Derridean/Lévi-Straussean logic is not "modern empiricism"