Boku no hero academia

Noumu war arc when ?

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Other urls found in this thread: sales/

Can someone post the pic with the children high-ends theory ?

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Was talking about the kids who were in the Remedial Course Arc

after the a police state gets established outlawing heroes and villains

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In return, anybody got the sad drawfag of Ujiko at the shambled grave?

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>other thread OC got pruned
sasuga and bluepilled

Why do """they""" hate him?
Is it because """they""" are funded by """them?"""

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I can't wait for it, a fucking totalitarian government would be cool. Imagine heroes and villains joining to get back to status quo

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You want the readers bored to death?

i'd rather Heroes and Villains joining the reformed police state to subjugate other heroes and villains


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Ujiko will unleash the SCIENCE soon.

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Boku no stakes academia

what's happening here

Boku Sirloin Steaks Academia


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me on the bottom

If by "they" you mean jãņníēs it's because they have their heads so far up their own asses it's a wonder they can even breathe.

Wouldn't be the first time OC was deleted because of the original source it came from.

bakugou no pico

No more terms like heroes and villains, it would become subjugated vs renegade

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the weak should fear the mighty

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which chapter was this put in ?

I love Mt. Lady!

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>*promonitions of S3 deletions happening again*
I've got like 3 of these things, all from different drawfags. S4 is going to be a bumpy ride if we ain't careful

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>Deku being haunted by a cute ghost!

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>OC OPs get deleted within 30 minutes but off topic Hunter x Hunter (bnha titled) bait fuel OPs stay up for 3+ hours or more
whoa, really gets the noggin joggin

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You didn't keep your promise.
Reiko is doomed to be the singleplayer.

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>the big bubble not being just a wall for "based" and "cringe"

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>S4 is going to be a bumpy ride if we ain't careful
Prepare for 8-12 threads a day and reaching bump limit in 2 hours, let alone animeonlys and worse.

we know, kamui

I love Shiggy

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I love Reiko.

This isn't Yea Forums.... yet.

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Would Reiko be autistic enough to ask Deku out infront of his friends?

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I get that it's a rarely broached topic in these threads for obvious reasons, but with no other place on the site to reasonably get any discussion for it but here, the BnHA fighting game is pretty damn fucking good. Went in expecting a dead cashgrab, got a pretty active and well balanced game.

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jesus christ. thank god hori changed this design

thats nice but did you have to post that fucking picture

every time shiggy makes a videogame reference I want to break his kneecaps

>Disliking /m/ or Cocktiroach Prime

does this matchup timeline wise

nothing wrong with that

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Not him, but lurk more.

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Why did the last thread get nuked?

janny got triggered by OC

Long story short janny is trying to earn his pay.

too intellectual

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goddammit why arent days going faster? i just want to see the next chapter already

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Its impressive that Shiggy only looks better the more he gets trashed.

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High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most

The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days

And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free

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You guys say janny(s) deleted last thread when it was likely a mod. Jannies have to tell mods which threads and posts to look at where as a mod can do whatever the fuck he wants. That soecific thread was removed way to quick for it to be janny since he has to wait on the posts he wants gone.

two options
jannies = trannies
OP got banned for something unrelated, which deletes all your currently up posts, including threads

it's too early in the day for any of Yea Forums's mods to be out of bed, so it was a janny

My dick was ready when they kidnapped the pussy cat and in process of turning her to noumu

Too bad it didn't happened

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Prison break with Shiggy riding Giga comanding a high end squad when?

1st option
I didn't get a free vacation, only the thread got removed.

>eri gets her quirk, kills father
>shiggy gets his quirk, kills 5 people and a dog
the next tragic backstory will be about a kid manifesting a nuclear bomb quirk, mark my words

The next tragic backstory will be AFO, mark my words.

Monoma looks like my dad.

dekufags and dekuposting

Is your dad gay?

>2D looking like 3D

AFO's backstory isn't tragic though, he became a villain because he's a villainfag. Literally /ourguy/

He was born with a quirk in literal japanese quirk apartheid. He's /ourguy/ but he started off fucked.

dumb frogposter

Fuck this made me laugh.

Deku wasn't even mentioned in that entire thread.

>AfO's tragic backstory
>I really liked comic books
>and then I've discovered that I've got the strongest quirk
>So I've become an Evil Overlord
>That was fun
>But then my brother raised against
>So I gave him a super quirk that he can pass on to other people to defeat me
>killed 90% of those dumbasses
>That was fun too
>But then the eightth holder caved my head in
>But at least I completely destroyed his health and body
>And made the grandkid of his mentor kill his whole family
>And made him my disciple
>And completely ruined the guy arrested
>Boy. that was fun too
>Unfortunately he got me arrested, but now my siciple is after his quirkless ass
>Boy, that's gonna traumatize that sad dumbass All Might
>To be honest, my life is pretty fullfilling

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tusyu reminds me of inaba
perhaps her next powerup will be hair shenanigans

What's her quirk's endgame?

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Fuck off frogfag

AfO really is the kind of guy who'd punch you just because there was a bug on his knuckle

>and I'm immortal and functionally invincible
>imagine only having one quirk, honestly

I don't think super strong hair is a power that frogs have
also Inaba is way cuter than Tsuyu

>I just molded my life to my favourite comic
>I gotta say... It was way more entertaining than I expected

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you are correct on both counts
inaba is VERY cute

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He's literally the embodiement of mad with power, I don't think there's much more depth than that.
Also, you'd think after likely being considered maybe a patron saint for removing all sorts of "bad" quirks from people would take a toll on it's mental health.
Just imagine how many people back then would go to him just so they could get a potentially bad quirk removed from them.

At best she'll just go Killing Bites and get bone blades coming from her fingers. Shame she'll never look like a Killing Bites girl.

>Just imagine how many people back then would go to him just so they could get a potentially bad quirk removed from them.
yeah, he liked that. he helped people, and in return asked only that they'd look out for him in future
he is truly my boku no hero

Give me tangentially humorous examples of what kind guy AfO is/things AfO would do

Did they ever do anything with this twist?

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I'm just saying, at first things could not really be all about that and he wanted to help people out but over just how many people would go after you, it'd take his toll on him.

Raping women

He started from nothing and became backstage king of japan and saved it, that's pretty based. Just to be labelled vilain because the government hated people with quirks in his time.

order the wrong thing and make them prepare another meal saying he wanted something else

You mean how that opened up the possibility of Ujiko killing off/nomufying children that could potentially be powerful?

Nana totally liked it

>becomes Hanafusa instead of Inaba
pretty based

>AfO, I got super cancer quirk please remove it

hanafusa was peak based
maybe we get a quirked government assassin with poisoned bone blades at some point

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It's impossible to AFO to rape, all woman would immediately consent.

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AfO the kind of guy who'd remove manhole covers in front of nurserys and put in a small fake puddle in place just to watch kids fall in as they jump into the puddle

Look at the OP and catch up on the mango

Perpetual smug face. Autismo chad spaguetti spilling ala Legosi. Wear a white fedora.

Yes, it's confirmed as the same guy not a long time ago.

AfO is the kind of guy to take a girl out to dinner on a date and spend it flirting outrageously with the waitress, and yet be so charming that the evening ends with a threesome

She will rewind someone back from dead. Screencap this.

How did All Might beat the crap out of AfO to the point he likely got wiped some of his quirks?
In the fight with him, he did state he had a limited array of quirks this time.

AFO the type to put cartons of milk and juice back in the fridge when they're empty.

imagine BnHA-verse kengan matches

cause he gave up a bunch of his quirks to nomus

Checked. AFO truly is the happiest son of a bitch the series has, the guy must be chuckling to this day about the time he set Shiggy up to fuck up his own family.

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no, AfO's been putting them into noumus

AfO is the kind of motherfucker who'd dropkick a yapping dog at full power then look the owner in the eyes as if he were to do it again if he heard any more yapping

Bone based quirk when? Surprised there isn't one yet considering how much Horikoshi likes weird powers.

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You'd think the autistic fujos doing muh villain Deku would use Ujiko "giving" a quirk to Deku in exchange for favors to the league of villains now that Hori pretty much rubbed on everyone's faces that the doctor being Ujiko.

Eat the entire ice cream, put beans in the ice cream pot and put the pot back in the fridge.

No he explicitly says, that he lost a lot of quirks because of the state of his body. I'd assume him getting his brain caved in basically wiped a bunch of them from his storage or something.

>punched him so hard he grew a nose

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Depends. Some say he'd given away a ton of his quirks and was in a 'weakened state', others say he literally just wasn't trying too hard and was just trying to style on AM instead of purely beating him (compared to how he basically executed Nana)

>spear-like bones
AfO had that one

AM got AFO by surprise, or AFO let him.

the last time they fought his nose got flattened, this time it popped back out because he got ht so hard

>AFO becomes a fighter and just obliterates everyone else and steals their quirks

AfO is the kind of guy switch the sugar with salt and switch the salt with granulated cyanide

Impregnate Nana's daughter and leave her to raise the kid by herself.

It was a mutual kill pretty much, AFO landed a fatal blow on All Might and assumed he won, then All Might caved his fucking head in when he dropped his guard or something. AFO even mentions how All Might coming after him with his entrails strewn about still haunts him.

Or a cousin, am i right?

get so ass mad his Otouto wouldn't join him in his bid for conquest over their homeland that he invades all alternate worlds(realities) to ensure he has his way with his Otouto.

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Ah shit, I forgot. AfO has so much going on that I didn't think about his quirks individually.

AFO is the kind of guy that tracks down his enemies son, lets him build up a big, wholesome life and then send it crashing down by giving his youngest kid some destructive quirk and see how long it takes till it all comes literally crumbling down. The man got some dark humor, but it works.

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AfO is the kind of guy who purposefully poke a needle through his own condoms

Also, he knows Deku has OfA now and yet he isn't actively trying to mess up his progress.
That's what I find odd.

BECAUSE, he's Deku from the FUTURE

He's cool letting Shiggy deal with it. He's a tired old man, let him rest.

AfO is the bastard that makes a sphere of concrete, paints it like a football and puts a net a few meters away with a 'don't think - kick!' sign next to it; then sits on a nearby bench and watch as kids break their feet trying to boot the concrete football.

>not poking holes in all the condoms at a pregnancy clinic

why would he mess up his son's school life

Its also not half as fun to watch for him if he doesnt leave a bit of a challenge behind for Shiggy.

Does hori have daddy issues

Probably has to do with pride.
It would be literally stealing candy from a kid.

>All for One becomes Pranks for All.

>>not poking holes in all the condoms at a pregnancy clinic
I'm sure he would do that too, but you can't beat looking them in the eyes while they think they're safe but in actuality their life is being ruined

He loves his sons in his own way.

I think he does.

Because he wants him to become strong enough for him to have fun, that doesn't mean he isn't going to mentally fuck him in the near future

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tokoyami keeps his room dark so dark shadow will charge up and rape his cloaca in the middle of the night

he watched too much Molyneux and decided to write a manga about the importance of not beating your kids

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Does this manga/show ((((subvert)))) expectations ala HxH, or is it a by the books Shounen?

>Both Shiggy and Overhaul have hand based destruction quirks
>Both break out into allergic reactions from using them

Reminder that Quirks are fucking symptoms of a disease.

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But seriously, I don't believe that AfO never had children.

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>fucking symptoms of a disease.

what a tweeest that will be

AfO is the kind of guy who would just appear out of nowhere and slowly tail couples who are hiking through the wilderness, to the point he's close enough they know they're being followed but too far to pull him up on it

Follows suit in some areas, subverts in others. Take for example the 'rival taken in by the villain group' gets completely subverted as the second he's able to move he takes them on 1v7

>Quirks are fucking symptoms of a disease.
i mean, Quirks did come from rats

AfO wanted to stabilize society in the post-quirk era, in the mean time because an overlord for personal wealth and safety.
Knew his brother had the dormant quirk so he gave him the stockpile to purposefully create a perfect "heroic" quirk either as an experiment, pity for his brother as well or secure future society.
Over time he realize his immortality would make it extremely boring. Thats why he came up with the "Symbol of Evil" plan: Act as the evil overlord OfA users try to portray him, both for fun and to give society something to struggle against, something that ultimately upon his death society will be stronger for it.

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well it does have an entire family including little girl and dog being cut up into bloody chunks one by one, which I certainly wasn't expecting from chapter one

He's a autistic family man, he'd save his chad seed for The One. He's immortal, he can wait.

Allright, manga or show then?

>implying there aren't plenty of women who gave up their quirks for one night with him
he's immortal and immune to disease, he can afford to sleep around

The only expectations HxH subverted is my expectation of it being a good story.

>Implying he didn't create OFA on purpose to be the Hero to his Villain that the gorvenment had labelled him as.
It's a seasoned keikaku master we're talking about.

the show is a near perfect adaptation except for the animators overdoing a few scenes and a couple filler episodes. I'd recommend watching the anime and then reading the manga from where it ends

>upon his death
you mean, upon his "death"

>imagine only having one quirk, honestly
quirklets I swear, High Ends and Giga are another level

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Not having his heir through a prostitute, though.

Where did this theory come from? I see many people talkimg about, but I think I missed it.

his heir was definitely made with a woman he's actually interested in
no way he doesn't have dozens if not hundreds of bastards, though

Overhaul or something. Like the black plague.

What if the most loyal of AfO's followers such as Kurogiri and the doctor are literally his children?

Both are good - manga has outstanding-tier art and anime follows it to a T with keyframed scenes littered throughout (to the point it's biggest flaw is being too good at times and messing with the scale of things.)
You can start with the manga at Ch1, or you can go S1 -> OVA1 -> S2 -> OVA2 -> Movie ->S3 -> OVA3/Short and resume the mango at Chapter 1 or 125.
OVA's and the spinoff manga series (Vigilantes) are canon, Movie and occasional animeonly episodes aren't. Sub>Dub naturally.

Chapter 158, Overhaul is shown reading a book that proposed the theory. The liberation army also uses a rat as their symbol, presumably because of this same theory.

That would be a waste, though. AFO isn't a promiscuous degenerate without control. Probsbly has a quirk that prevent unecessary impregnations.

that's a pretty cool idea

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>not a degenerate
more than a century as a crime lord in a world where tentacle porn is real is bound to give you some pretty fucked up tastes

>A fat, bald and squeaky manlet
>AFO's son

I would enjoy it

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AFO is the Godfather/Pablo Escobar, not a mexican low life drug dealer.


Even then.

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hell the good doctor could be his great grandson, or even great-great

imagine walking down the street and a rat jumps out from the sewers and starts throwing lighting bolts and flames all over the place

don't talk about my mom that way

AFO is just 200 years old, he's nowhere near to have great great grandsons, if he did. Don't think the MC would have more than 2 or three brothers also, if he did.

checked and another not so serious thing to go by is that one bit of au art Hori did where he drew Nezu as AFO

user, 80 is old enough to have great-grandchildren if your offspring are quick to work


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Don't know, genetics can be very unpredictable.

Destro was hot and his kid is a literal balding goblin

>Animals gain sapience from the virus
>People eventually start banging them because of course they do
>Now we have people with fucking bird heads running around

Holy shit

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Even back then, the same shitposts word by word.
That's some high spectrum autism.

Maybe Destro banged a goblina because he knew it would give a better quirk for his kid.

Because of the mom. Endy's children are all tall handsome chads.

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>83 days until S4

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>Nezu was the rat that infected Patient Zero (aka the Glowing Baby), causing humanity to spiral away from their destiny among the stars


>Dabi is a Chodeoroki

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I noticed that too, that archival site has just been buggy for like a year now.

Also, add that Nezu is closer to rat than Human. We saw that back in chapter 177 or some shit.
If you want to actually see different level of thread quality go back to 2015 with the pre anime, manga only threads

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>A 200 years old mouse.

It is entirely plausible

The plot twist at this point would be him not being.

dab is todorokis sister

Remove “mentally” from that sentence and you’re correct

The greatest enemy to (((them))) is the truth of history.

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>probably 2 more months until the villain arc ends

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I could believe it. After all Nezu talks and mice don't have working vocal cords so what the fuck.

get fucked loser

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It's possible. After all, it seems that having a Quirk can increase a person's durability/physical capabilities, e.g. Endy vs High-End. Imagine what a Quirk can do to an animal. Increased lifespan just like the mouse from the green mile

Ok but
Who fucked the rat?

He would be older than AFO. He might be friends with AFO.

watch out wh*te boy

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Nah, fireden's been shitting the bed for a year now since they had to get a new scraper, old news.

Destro Jr's mother, apparently

We know for a fact that quirks cause changes not just to the appearance of people but also the inside, humans have that plus alpha shit pumping through them because of quirks.

Boy I sure love discussing characters that haven't done anything significant in 3 years

Makes me feel nostalgic for when this manga was something other than endless prepwork for future plot

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cute and canon

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>people fuck animals with human DNA
>mutant humans show up within 2 generations
abosolutely degenerate

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can't wait for nezu to reveal that he has more than 1 quirk

fuck-nugget nezu


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Dorm orgy arc when

Mirio x Eri is the only canon ship approved by Hori himself

Cells (second) to last words.

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new arc where all the girls get fucked by orcs so you can call it the orc arc

Wonder how they'll handle his fucked up hand going forward

Damn deku's father in law looks like THAT?

>Ahh, sweet mother of quirks
>Returned to the ocean....
>A bottomless quirk, bottomlessly seen
>Accepting by all that there is...and can be

lol shut up and fuck off faggot
and take your obvious discordbuddies with you lol

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Kill yourself pedophile.


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incredibly based and thread quality pilled

Remember to report him on every post so hopefully he starts get systematically banned.

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>noooo stahp ruining my shipping general

Mirio and Eri having sex for the first time will be magical and wholesome.

He's already ban evading so

What is mangas speech bubble head made of lmao

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Brigading is against the rules retard

the willing suspension of disbelief

And here we see him shaking on his boots.

cotton candy

>Brigading is against the rules retard
this isn't reddit retard. Reminding people to report rule-breaking posts isn't against the rules

He's not wrong.

Plottwist: Nezu was AfO's pet rat 100-200 years ago. That's why AfO has such a powerful Quirk; it's due to the high amount of exposure he had to the virus. It also explains why his brother was so sickly, his body couldn't handle it.

Now the question is; does Nezu want to stop his former master, or help him?

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Destro and AFO were from the same generation. Anti-special abilities mobs were hunting down anything with a quirk, even kids. At some point AFO just went fuck it and fuck the government, became AFO and saved the country.

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>Does Nezu want to stop his former master

Holy shit, Nezu is Hori's version of Master Splinter.

holy fuck I want retards to go back

Overhaul was unironicly right. Quirks are fucking cancer, they literally stopped progress for hundreds of years because everyone was having a power trip killing eachother, it's like current times but way more fucked. Now there're clowns in costumes who have the wright to abuse others and getting into the "Hero" business to grow in the scene and become nothing than egotistical celebrities, of course there are exceptions but jeez. I wonder how will Deku change this shit.

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>krazy keith and kis diskord krew are back for the day
It's a hot Summer this year.

Doesn't explain the transmission to the Cat/Bee though. Unless there were individual strains between species; in which case, why Cats and Bees too?

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Also reminder that Destro's dying circumstances was "suicide"


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>Plot twist, AFO had read all the volumes, and knew what that meant to him.
>He was pretending to die at Kamino

He's way too buff

Is this the plot of underworld?

Global Rule #8

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Who fucking cares? We're either gonna be dead or middle-aged by the time any of that shit has a chance of happening.

>telling people to report rule breaking is complaining about the rules
what did user mean by this

>Is he really a rat, or a bear? The actual answer is... The principal?

>Have you seen my eyes user... They dropped into this puddle splish splash

Attached: 1562936117951.png (366x256, 52K)

>He doesn't know how to link to individual global rules
>Wants us to believe he's not a newfag while actively breaking Global Rules 6, 8, 10, 12 and Yea Forums1
le shiggydiggy

Attached: smug_maou.png (958x537, 429K)

>why Cats and Bees too?
Probably because the virus itself has to do with Quirks/meta gene. The glowing baby might be the first human with a Quirk, but Nezu might NOT be the first animal with a Quirk. Let's say a random virus somewhere went plus ultra and gained the ability to infect more than one species. That's the virus' Quirk. It has a Quirk to induce forced evolution.

You might think that a virus having a Quirk is far-fetched but think about it. Animals can have Quirks. So can humans. In Vigilantes, a "plant monster" is shown. This could be to imply that plants can have quirks as well.

1, 2, 3, 4; Turtles!

Attached: The Chad Crawler.jpg (2518x1024, 536K)

I hope Shiggy dies and gets replaced by a villain with actual character

Why has no one else been born with another AfO quirk, hasn't Quirks been around for over a century at this point? Atleast one other person should mutate it atleast

Too specific quirk lotery. Some can mimicry a quirk or two, but no one can be as powerful as AFO.

Very redpilled.
Nah he's right, it's about them™ showing up, all those posts are the usual shit around this time of day when burgerland shitposters are truely awake.
Contrary to popular belief these threads weren't always about shipping. Go to the pre anime threads, much more on topic discussion.
Just fucking report and hide the post if yu care s much, you don't have to allude to reporting it, holy shit.

Attached: your breakfast, cough it up.webm (850x400, 2.76M)

Do we have a confirmed episode count for S4? If it's 25 again I have to assume:

>Raid arc
13-15 episodes. While a lot of anons think that arc was long, a lot of it was mostly long ass fights which can be handled much quicker animated. One also has to account for the fact that the chapter count is a little inflated because Hori was dying and there was like 10 pages per chapter a lot of the time.

>Remedial class/Aoyama episode
Prob like 2 or 3 episodes.

>Gentle arc
The rest of the season, Gentle arc is p short. It's the perfect end for the season so Eri's story can wrapped up with a nice little bow and we get Pro hero hints dropped.

All in all that's like 60 chapters to cover as opposed to the usual 40, but like I mentioned Yakuza arc was around the time that page count dropped like crazy, and a lot of the arcs have fights in them which the anime usually blasts through. People are gonna fucking love this season.

Attached: Chapter_153_Artwork.png (350x467, 376K)

! ! !

Attached: all_out.png (420x420, 62K)

Attached: Neito_Monoma_Hero_Costume_Profile.png (439x752, 300K)

Eri is such a lucky girl getting plowed by Mirio's thick 9 incher every night.

>People are gonna fucking love this season.
>90% Deku centric

Attached: 1551078191579.jpg (720x600, 59K)

Kill yourself pedophile.

>these threads weren't always about shipping. Go to the pre anime threads
Very nice. Who here /bnha/ 2015? There are so few of us left, I left for a while during the anime season ecause the threads really got THAT bad.

Deku would fuck Eren's shit up, though. Deku is a Ackerman on steroids.

Normies love this shit, theyre gonna be like woah so dark and epic, omg i looove eriiii, :'( OH NO MIRIOOOOOOOOOO WOW DEKU INFINITE 100%, BROOOO LETS GOOOO GENTLE FIGHT WAS SIIIIIIIICK.

You can't stop it, S4 is gonna be the most popular season yet, no matter how (you) feel about it.


99% of quirks are shit

this is just a popularity contest, Saitama would fuck up Goku

>your breakfast, cough it up
Is that really puke or just when animes do the shitty "heaving" animation?

Exactly user, he said people not fujos

Attached: 1535195741259.jpg (1920x1080, 738K)

>gonna be like woah so dark and epic, omg i looove eriiii, :'( OH NO MIRIOOOOOOOOOO WOW DEKU INFINITE 100%, BROOOO LETS GOOOO GENTLE FIGHT WAS SIIIIIIIICK.
literally me

Which post?

me on the left

Its two cour confirmed.

i love everyone in this thread!

Attached: 1535588145750.jpg (740x983, 631K)

fuck you cunt

>most powerful
hurr durff hurr
Power levels don't translate into popularity, you fucking moron.

Kill yourself moralfag.

>we cant attack oldfags so let's attack "nostalgiafags" as a dogwhistle
Just admit it, you came to these threads and sit within the past 2-3 years newfag.
Shiggy's changed.
Finally someone who gets it.
In short, fuck newfags, fuck shitposting Australians, and fuck Burgerfats for ruining everything.

Attached: different.png (870x1070, 786K)

to be the cutest one in the manga.

Attached: 1425040075076.gif (165x115, 20K)


You, user, speak the fucking truth.

Attached: 1501947172753.jpg (325x362, 48K)

post discarded

So were getting a cover for volume 24 soon? I hope it's Shiggy centered.

Stop getting mad over lolis.

Attached: 1504873997349.png (257x264, 27K)

Yup, this thread was good for the first -200 posts then shitpost niggers ruined it again about an hour ago. See you on the next episode.

>Using fucking Toonami as a metric for anything

Holy shit, you're a special kind of retarded nigger.

Kill youself pedophile.

more guns when

Attached: holy shit dude.jpg (287x724, 88K)

Buncha crybabies ITT

Maybe if your manga was actually good people wouldn't be poopy posting for entertainment

It's puke, in the very next scene you see it on his face.

I want you to suck my cock

ooo I wonder how many posts got deleted this time. hopefully enough to make a new expose cap

Attached: 1563432185763.png (738x405, 250K)

>poopy posting for entertainment
It's past your bed time fwiend.

Apparently, is a shitposter.

The best part about season 4 is all the Mirio x Eri doujins we're going to get.

After the quirk illuminati kidnaps eri to keep her from the omniquirk afo.
Also after Deku begins to master all of the abilties of OfA and realizes that what it stock piles isn't power. But powers.
Allmight was using the ability of the first user and pushed it to it's very fucking limit.
Midoriya then fuses all of the powers into one cohesive hole and becomes a captain america+shazam pastiche.

>From his 14, Shiggy has only 3 hands left
Time to revamp his costume.

swap em out for feet

Attached: 1503194900496.jpg (870x680, 366K)


We know, Eri.

Same shit as always. MirioEri poster says some stupid shit, someone (himself) calls him a pedophile and then both get deleted 9 times out of 10 but sometime just either one get deleted.

You mean Deku


Attached: 55278e44412d14fa9135c6fcdb064ce6.jpg (483x604, 29K)

The best part about season 4 is all counter shitposting for Mirio x Eri we're going to get.

Nah, the moralfag is a different user.
As a matter of fact, you'll often get the hammer for using the word pedo unironically in other threads. Glad the janitors apply that here as well.

he's so handsome

>not miss joke
holy plebian

It will be the complete opposite.

Attached: 1504993493017.png (457x688, 638K)

>not both

Eri is his daughter.

Attached: DonoNezUUAA3K_9.jpg (862x895, 89K)

How will miriofag react once he gets zero mirioeri doujins?

There are numerous archived posts that prove otherwise fagot. Holy shit (You) really will go through any length to continue your schizophrenic autism of daily shitting up these threads.

Attached: 1563655123692.png (670x480, 363K)

if miss joke says a funny and you don't get it does that mean you miss joke

Not him but the author of pic related says she wants to make plenty of mirioxeri doujins and is looking forward to season 4. There will be at least be one, maybe next year.

Attached: DyY-By6VAAA2FPP.jpg (1199x836, 221K)



I insist, the moralfag is a different user but you can think what you want.

Considering the nips despise Mirio outside of fujoscum, it's a very possible outcome that he'll embody pic related. I'd put the odds at 50/50 at best
That is if he doesn't waste a shitton of moneys on a commission or is >shadman or some other westshit artist does it. Then he'll just be a laughing stock

Attached: can't_wake_up.gif (224x233, 902K)


to be entirely honest.

Attached: De7B-qtU0AAi-4x.jpg (1113x1200, 404K)


The MirioEri poster is unironically fucked.
>a different user
Get 4chanx, multiple anons are calling out that fagot for derailing threads.



Shame you'll have neither



You'll see.

Attached: 1509658009383.jpg (1354x1354, 972K)


>Get 4chanx
I hate the miriofag as much as the next faggot (and having to deal with similar faggots across threads), but lowering yourself to using that abomination of a protoleddit script is cutting your nose off to spite your face. The only scripts this site needs are GET watcher and Dubs Checker, literally everyhting else can be done with lurking moar.
I expected better of you user.

Attached: 1562364054133.jpg (776x768, 67K)


>Believing all of that
Great way to show how underaged you are.

If it makes you feel better I only turn on the IP checker when he shows up or samefagging like right now occurs. Otherwise I keep it off because if it's a good thread with nice discussion then no reason to use it.

and it's ugly too

I want Mirio to cum inside my tight loli cunny and then rewind his dick with my quirk so he can fuck me again and again all night long until I start overflowing with his cum but still keep begging for more all while Mr. Aizawa can hear everything in his room when trying to sleep!

>entire classroom of children go poof
the fuck AFO

>glow in the dark nigger
>in a bnha thread on Yea Forums
truely this site is fucked

The IP checker doesn't work. Go ahead, try to quote all samefags.

>so disconcerted he makes fun of himself
Can't make this shit up

Do you think Deku was the one who had the superregeneration quirk?

Impossible. Might get 2.

Nah, Shiggy did at least before he got his replacement

Deku, AfO and the High Ends making a club to make fun of quirklets when?

I know. I honestly think many of the posters here have never bothered to post on any other thread that wasn't /BNHA/

Attached: 1511571667445.gif (500x225, 970K)

go ahead.


would todoroki's hybrid quirk be allowed in? after all he basically has two

t-there aren't people who actually do this, r-right?

I mean, that's a power ranking. And a fairly accurate looking one all in all. Maybe Meliodas could be a bit higher and Gon and Luffy a bit lower. Deku has a fair bit to climb yet.

How does Aizawa feel about having Mirio as his son in law?

The amount of normalfags, attentionwhores, moralfags and the rest should be quite telling that "people" are indeed doing that.


fucking hell
why, user?

Attached: 1c72df3e4762b402061d5215b1e9d93532eb23358c8cf702a6a3121d585193a0.png (958x546, 199K)

Attached: dakka.jpg (680x965, 560K)

Very happy.

reminder of faggots who think this shit will not timeskip

>story starts with "this is how i became the greatest hero ever"
>first school year is over by 225 chapters
>clearly everyone knows villains keep attacking UA and putting everyones life in danger cause deku is there
>theres not gonna be a time skip where they homeschool deku and teachers are gonna be ok with like all ua students being in danger cause of this one kid who hasnt really done anything remarkable yet anyway

next major arc is gonna be all might dying and afo escaping and attacking ua to get deku cause he knows now

I fucking wish. All might has really overstayed his welcome.

>Compress loading marbles into guns and firing them
>Expand on impact

Reminder to this faggot who cannot read to save his fucking life
>Deku says he will become a great hero, not the greatest hero
>Deku has literally nothing to do with the villain attacks, and nobody else bar AfO in the LoV knows Deku is AM2.0

Attached: violence.jpg (388x443, 29K)

I'm still holding out for compress having a custom made gun that fires compressed twice clones

A timeskip would be fucking retarded after all we've been through
>look we spent 3 years watching everyone power creep
>let's timeskip to senior year and just pretend nothing big happened between that time

At least the timeskip in Naruto made sense because Naruto, Sasuke and the Akatsuki had to take time to pool their resources and prepare for the future.

but AfO already knew deku was AM v2 as far back as kamino

>remembering something wrote so precisely on the first chapter ever that you probably read years ago

yikes, okay neet

Ironic how you're probably the same faggot calling people speedreaders for not assuming Toga could mimic quirks and yet you think we shouldn't consider AfO told Shiggy anything about OfA.

Honest question, why are you so annoying?

didnt even say major, probably more like 4 months or some shit

the school years are progressing way too slow and nothing is really being shown to us, honestly we're so focused on the school life of our characters we dont know how hero society is reshaping after all might's retirement aside from the hero charts and endeavor struggling against high end.

also TWO more cultural festivals AND hero festivals? do you not admit thats pretty fucking repetitive, even if theyre said to be different everytime, the last one was a tournament arc which is probably the pinnacle itll get to

This. I'm hoping that the current state of society doesn't allow for any sort of festival shit again.

*sports festivals, dont know why i said hero.

there's a few different translations for that line, iirc
also in the anime it was changed to "greatest hero"

You can't do a time skip because there's nothing set up.
Deku isn't in a place where he can star heroing
Shiggy is still a scenery chewing faggot and hori is still throwing every interesting villian in the series under the bus to FAIL at making him a decent villain. Yeah his backstory is fucked but he's still hilariously incompetent and ineffective as a villain.

Start with deku doing hero stuff as a normie vilian shiggy going off to the dark to do what he needs.
Rising of other villians who'll do dastardly deeds and keep everyone busy.
Like...bunch of people are emboldened by someone or thing popping off.

Perfect time for a time skip.

Attached: arc rankings.jpg (734x884, 140K)

I kind of just threw an example of why they would do a timeskip though I should have said I didn't mean a massive 3 year one like Naruto, that's silly.

I just think that hori should hurry it up a bit or try to put some more worldbuilding into it. Joint training and cultural festival arcs didn't give us much and this one is a lot better but just as you said, Hori is probably gonna throw re-destro under the bus anyway. (I hope not though)

>reddit spacing
>defending speedreading
yeah I'm thinking you need to go back

I don't think I've ever seen taste this bad

nice twitter meme retard

It is saiko no hiro.
Basically, the best there it is.

are you 12?

>probably more like 4 months or some shit
That doesn't work either. He's already established that shit pops off constantly in this universe, and now all of a sudden a semester can go by without anything happening?

Imagine if he has all of Class 1A become good and skilled off page during that time. It'll really make him look like a dipshit especially when we had to sit through 7 months of them jobbing in humiliating fashion.

Eri has lewd thoughts about Mirio and fingers herself at night while moaning his name.

I like mirioxeri but you should be more wholesome and romantic desudesu

>people who are too stupid to understand how writing a fucking shonen works complaining about the writing
having a time skip makes no god damn sense when there's no reason for either side to stop acting

>He's already established that shit pops off constantly in this universe

How long has it been since the Yakuza arc? its easily been more than 4 months dude and the only thing thats happened is the MLA situation currently and Endeavor, both dont affect UA.

Gentle is an exception if you think he was actually a risk lol

This is a literal edit of a normalfag game of thrones meme. I'd know because that shit was forced on us from reddit niggers and sources back reddit.

Attached: 1398018275297.webm (720x480, 2.75M)

Really doesn't work here

>implying you aren't also a normalfag

>no u

and stay there.

says the redditor seething at getting exposed
fuck off

/got/ was on Yea Forums since 2011 along with peak baneposting and Constanza, it was only in the later seasons that it became a world wide thing and """reddit""" ruined it.

Attached: constanza.jpg (512x512, 25K)

>"I'm not one of those "normies" y'see I go on the pedophilic hacker website known as FOUR CHAN, yeah I'm pretty cool XD"

old Yea Forums was good
hell, even Yea Forums and /pol/ were something approaching good, once upon a time
what happened to us all

>implying implications in 2k19
lurk more new niggerfagot

Attached: 1365122996472.jpg (250x250, 10K)

They're still good, you're just a boomer.

How will all the normalfags react when they see the honeymoon scene?

I miss when /pol/ was actually meant to be the satire of retarded political beliefs and not the center of it.
Stormfront killed it forever though and the 2016 election dug up and raped it's rotting corpse.

>They're still good
(You) >>>

Make memes and get offended at people who think mirio is anything but a good brother who wants to fuck his sister

That webm makes me laugh a lot.

>I miss when /pol/ was actually meant to be the satire
This was never true.

Yea Forums has not been good since 2007. If you disagree, you are without a doubt a newfag.

Attached: ...........................................png (331x381, 98K)

>that scene gets taken out of the anime by Bones
casual reminder that Bones also took out this manga panel

Attached: Kirishima thinking about a girls tits and ass getting stuck.jpg (567x648, 174K)

based kirishitma

You're saying regeneration was Shiggy's original quirk, and Decay was the one AfO swapped it out with?

>triggered by words
kek what a bitch

Doesn't change the fact /pol/ and Yea Forums are the only legitimate draws on this site

Mirio taking Eri to a love hotel

normalfags watch the dub, which uses the triggered viz translator's version

/pol/ was never satire, the fuck are you on about
just before the election and just after was the board's silver age, imo
I miss /sg/ being not a ghost town and brit/pol/ not being a tripfag hellscape

me taking Mirio to a love hotel

>popularity = good


Attached: protein shake.jpg (856x6016, 1.12M)

Why was Bones being a bunch of cunts and cutting this scene again? Fucking fagots.

>/pol/ was never satire
>/pol/ was always this retarded
checks out

Attached: 1555784261531.png (599x448, 285K)

Attached: panda2.jpg (1060x1092, 240K)

Bones wouldn't do such a thing. If they kept midnight making lewd faces while fighting mineta and sero they will keep mirio being a cute lolicon.

You need to draw more mirio

these comics are fucking stupid but mirio at the last panel got me

Are you referring to BnHA?

Attached: 4ba.jpg (485x480, 61K)

Attached: Hori's Editor.png (1326x3241, 251K)

funny because HxH brags about having more manga sales all the time

the scene will doubtless be there, but I GUARANTEE the dub won't have the original lines

this is one of the least perverse jokes that could've been made

I mean, it is the dub so of course it will happen. I wonder how they'll change it though.

they'll use the viz translation

BnHA is more popular than HxH, therefore HxH is a better manga than BnHA.

Kill yourself faggot
/pol/, like all shit boards, fell victim to the /r9k/ and redditor normalfag onslaught


I hate Caleb so much

My point exactly.

>BnHA is more popular than HxH
100s of anons in the archives disagree even if that is the case sales/

there was no point
you're just foaming at the mouth

Attached: inspiration.jpg (992x5318, 1.08M)

Were you guys not here during 2011 when /pol/ was made into a board? I feel like people argue about the stupidest shit when the don't know the full facts of the situation.

He's a king

Attached: 1555345797319.jpg (1601x2048, 296K)

yeah right

Attached: grapes.jpg (701x438, 60K)

I've been there since the Trayvon incident

Eri is such a lucky girl

He's a janitor

Attached: 1563656137105.jpg (724x1058, 302K)

That's only 5 years though...

Will Boku no Boredom ever have a moment as kino as pic related?

Attached: 59824306_318418522391537_9006779225323998869_n.jpg (750x750, 73K)

Eri is such an unlucky girl!

god that was some funny shit
fly free, zim zam

Is it Monday July 22nd 13:00 GMT yet?

I can't believe the author just had a baby

Look what's happened in 5 years:
>Quadaffi dead
>Bin Laden dead
>Zimmerman trial
>Mike Brown
>2016 Election season
Imagine if BnHA had that much content in that timeframe

Is it that hard to believe that Mangakas have real lives too?

well besides togashi

>Tabata had sex
>Isayama had sex
>Hori is still forever alone playing with spiderman toys

>Look what's happened in 5 years:
Look what's happened in the 15 1/2 that this website has existed, holy crap newfags never will learn.

>mirio is cleaning up the posts

Nothing wrong about having a pure and manly friendship

What Nighteye really saw was Mirio and Eri having sex on their honeymoon

>and you read his manga
What does that say about (You) then?

>why does this fictional work that takes time to make not have as much shit in a world of 8 billion people

Attached: 1b8ae68f6f8e17887ec1a3c0a6b0f7e015e4ec07aa178b50273c33ea9d2e870b.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)

and he always does it for free

Unironically this.

Bro just design, write, draw, and plan a fantasy world with as much scale as the human world. We expect your first 40 page pilot chapter this Thursday, oh, and a 15-20 page chapter every following week. Good luck.

Unironically this.

the real world is full of retarded hack writing anyway. I dropped it at the Julius Caesar arc. Worst mary sue I've ever seen

It's not perverse, but Kirishima being flustered by Momo's momos implies that he's straight, and if he's straight, then he can't be gay for Bakugou.
I doubt they'll cut out Mirio's honeymoon line because Mirio isn't popular enough.
If Mirio was extremely popular and all of the fujos shipped him with Tamaki, then Bones would absolutely remove that line.

you made the right choice
cold war arc worst waste of time I ever spent
forty years of buildup for fucking nothing

And he clearly leaves the ones he likes aka all lewd posting including Eri.
Based Mirio.

lewdposting should be legal
fuck the advertisers desu

>and if he's straight, then he can't be gay for Bakugou.
could be bi but I guess thats not enough for the fujos even though it gives them more of a chance??

Hori is truly one of us

Who needs luck when you have autism?

Attached: oda sensei.jpg (420x314, 9K)

>Bakugou had sharkteeth as a child

>he'll surely lose this time!
>he can't beat Vercingetorix and all of Gaul when he's outnumbered 10 to 1
Fucking dropped.
I'm only interest for the last arc where everything goes to dogshit and humanity has to fight for it's survival.

Attached: 1563011169202.webm (510x510, 2.42M)


Attached: ARAGEGHRHRAHHR.gif (255x231, 112K)

I'm glad mirio and eri aren't popular, that way Hori can do whatever he wants with them.

>that robot hopping up like that
oh fuck me sideways this isn't kosher at all

Someone redpill me on AI and the singularity.

That's why BC will never be as popular as MHA.
Hori may have no idea how to write characters because the concept of human behavior is lost on him, but at least he's better at drawing because he doesn't waste his time with women that aren't drawn by himself.

mangaka in 1988:
>6 pages a week completed by staying awake for 48-72 hours at a time because they love it
mangaka in 2018:
>13 page chapter followed by two week break because he got a cold from sneezing too hard

>humanity has to fight for it's survival
That is one of the reasons I liked the hunter/gather arc it was just so long it was over half of the manga.

Boston Dynamics was a mistake

>top right guy already has more movement than the T-1000 ever did

yeah it took the author forever to decide where he actually wanted to take the series, and you could tell that his heart just wasn't in it for much past the Bronze Age Collapse arc. After that he just repeats the same plots over and over with flashier art

How is being flustered means he's straight? He's just a pure boy not interested in girls because he's focusing in being a hero.

Gentle Arc is the worst filler


Attached: D_-pfoQUEAEJa-9.jpg (812x1024, 172K)

Anons I'm scared. Hold me.

Attached: uuhhh.gif (468x498, 1.34M)

more like filter


i want to kiss deku


Attached: 1535575877759.png (2518x1200, 240K)

Bin Laden was 2011 you absolute retard

Will their children be medium sized?

we know, ochaco

nevermind i'm an idiot

Robots are the true Earthlings. Humans are just the jumping off point for robots to come into existence.
Maybe they'll keep us around to harvest our creativity and improve themselves, but we'll hardly be dominant anymore. More like a Matrix scenario where we're bombarded with new situations to respond to and for them to copy.
That is, assuming robots don't learn to think creatively on their own, in which case there's no reason not to just exterminate us.

I want to kiss todoroki

t. Chronostasis

we know, momo

me too


don't be scared user, everyone will be safe

which one

t. Inasa

Fuck you

Attached: 1523014210315.jpg (757x541, 110K)

I want to kiss Iida

I miss Overhaul.

Fuck off he is mine

>friendships involve sucking dick and engaging in anal sex
user what the fuck

Attached: 61698856_117593145943731_6730878886695515024_n.jpg (1150x1425, 152K)

Every one of them.

We know, literally nobody.

user did you not see that webm? Even beyond that we're living in the 4th industrial revolution, times are a changing.


Same m8. Atleast we have the S4 anime.

Iida, my boy, what happened to you?

this is in the top 5 fights of this series and you can't deny it, even if you dislike the arc

Attached: gentlevsdeku.png (941x644, 376K)

There already isn't

Great fight. Terrible arc.

Isn't this character quirkless? Fucking disgusting.

>this is in the top 5 fights of this series
Must be a very bad series then

Cringeworthy arc

what if they make it so the robots are nice and won't hurt anyone

It's time to leave

The love it must take to willingly become quirkless is astounding


How you post is all I need to know about crossboarding shitbags in shounen threads

that's scary to think about

I'd rather have fucking robot overlords than genuinely evil corporations.

>fight so one-sided that Hori overemphasized everything to make it seem like it was an actual struggle
Sad part is people ate it up at face value

what makes you think the robots won't be just as evil if not more so than corporate overlords?
a neural network only concerned with itself, with no care nor reason to care for human values, ethics suffering and lives would be a worse overlord than a thousand jeff bezoses. at least he's not actually murdering the employees that fall ill and throwing their bodies into the bioreactor

it wasn't one-sided

>good execution is now bad

Attached: 6_TheOSign1.jpg (640x400, 165K)

bear in mind you have people in these threads saying if you like the manga that means you actually hate the manga
so this isn't much of a stretch

Attached: 352487263142.jpg (1280x1280, 254K)

>a neural network only concerned with itself, with no care nor reason to care for human values, ethics suffering and lives
That's literally the kind of people in power we're already looking at.

user, that's bullshit and you know it.

Ready to gas some muties I see

>Kid with the most powerful quirk ever can't beat a 30 year old boomer with a near harmless bouncy castle quirk
Just turn your brain off bro


>desperate cake literally throwing herself at him
>"No way fag"

>if you like the manga that means you actually hate the manga
I could understand if you like this manga you must hate manga as a whole because its bad
But yours makes no sense

100% OFA is the most powerful quirk ever, but Deku can't use even a quarter of it.

Miruko best girl. We need more of her, and soon.

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not my argument, it was another user's
basically his reasoning was that because this arc's fare is different to the usual, preferring this means you hate the manga

>"Remember Midoriya, no muties"

Attached: 1563542255064.png (389x402, 154K)

>basically his reasoning was that because this arc's fare is different to the usual, preferring this means you hate the manga
That makes a little sense and isn't really what you said before

user the only reason these people wouldn't toss you, your family and the little girl next door into a bioreactor for some money is the law, regulation and unions, and they are fighting tooth and nail, every day, pulling every influence they have to erode every one of those things. At least an equally-heartless machine concerns itself with the future.

>beats muscular and stain
>somehow boomer gentle was the hardest
You still haven't explained how its not dumb

law, regulation and unions
AI don't have to care about those

Stain was a 3v1, Muscular was 100% and a harder fight that left permanent damage, Gentle was a 1v2 fight where he sustained less injuries.

>replying to the braindead retard