Yea Forums

>Yea Forums

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It's 2019, nobody on Yea Forums are virgins anymore.

I am on no fap since yesterday, sorry roasties.

>Yea Forums

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A woman would never say that to me since I never leave the house. Checkmate roasties.

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>nobody on Yea Forums are virgins anymore

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I lost my virginity in 2009. I was here before that, though.

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where's the 40 and cig?

Where did it go so wrong?

Yeah, me too
I thought we were all 8-12 year old little girls?

>they still haven't fucked
He's really milking this series for all it's worth huh?

Nothing; you just changed.

Smartphones and Hispanics

Gotta keep that paycheck rolling user, they will fuck when the well runs dry

Considering everything he's ever written has been hardcore pornography this is probably a fun change for Tsuya^2


He's milking me for sure

Mods not doing their jobs and retards falling for obvious trolls.
