World's end harem

That's it then, guess humanity is doomed.

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Watch, he's going to find a fucking way to make a vaccine without having sex.
The MC has wormed his way out of everything so far anyway.
Also you gotta love how his eyes look almost dead from hearing the news that he has to have sex

> Every protagonists from manga to anime all will do anything to not have sex.
No wonder Japan has a low birthrate crisis.

I already know this is going to happen.
Thank god I dropped this before I got any more mad at this cuck.

Did you drop it before or after Refusing Childhood Friend

He needs to just fuck her. But that obviously isnt going to happen.

Have sex.

why does it say this manga is sponsored by the japanese goverment?

It's be hilarious if it was, because until the 'Murrica bad' reveal the Japanese Government was pretty much the closest thing to villains.

Wtf, He is still a fucking virgin? I skimmed through it first few chapters and it gave me vibes of another nipshit where lead has girls throwing at him but he's not a man enough for the job. Thank allah i dropped it then and there. What kind of demographic wastes his money on this shit?

The fuck? Wasn't he saving himself for her?

How this manga fucking sells is beyond me. The advertising must be either fucking everywhere on the Jump website or are Girls X Battle tier misleading as shit.

no_way_fag.jpg the manga

Why would anyone read this when Parallel Paradise exists?

The artist, plus free training in controlling your blood pressure

This manga is awful. It had an interesting concept but holy shit did the MC ruin it from page 1. He destroys every page he's ever been on.

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If pretty much anyone else was the MC in that position, Secretary is on her back, and there a baby being put inside while those tits get sucked.
Even the Japanese themselves.
I can't FATHOM even the most beta Japanese person not jumping at the chance of free sex

If it was MC would have have roughly 20 kids by now

Do people read this just for the rage the MC generates in them? I can't understand it, he's been awful in every single panel he's ever appeared in, and he found a way to get EVEN WORSE when he met up with the one girl he refused sex with any girl while looking for, just to not fuck her either.

Oh I dropped this before the bombing shit happened. I only keep up with what these threads tell me.

MC is a bigger faggot than fucking Shinji

I read the first few chapters out of disgust, hoping he might be punished for denying sex with the most
willing women on the planet, where if he impregnates them guarantees them (and that child) the best living experience for their entire existence he's literally doing them every favor imaginable by having sex with any and every woman he could ever want

but no. He says no way, and when his not even gf gf appears, he still won't and nothing, ever, gets resolved and he runs screaming

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The other guys are fucking except him. Like, he sucked so much that the manga literally introduced another guy who fucks every girl he meets and is genetically modified into a handsome Chad.

I'm not joking or being ironic. This happens.

I think he's such a fucking pussy that he makes even Tsuna and Deku look like that one dude who impregnated 7 generations of his kids

That's how I assume most people who post in these threads keep up with it, but there has to be a genuine audience SOMEWHERE or this shit would have been AXED already. But even still, there can't actually be people who LIKE the MC right?

>he was about to bone her
so close

There are instances where his cock is literally inches from her (or many girls') impregnation zone and he screams and yells and pulls away in fear horror and shame

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that was the one time he was taking inciative

I honestly don't know. Has there been any popularity polls for this series yet?
Also it can't be axed. It's in Jump+. Even if Shokugeki No Soma got 10x worse than it was (first off it still wouldn't even be a quarter bad as WEH) it wouldn't get axed there.

This shitshow would only be worth it if it ends with him failing to create a vaccine, refusing to have sex, all the men die out, and the final page is ABE saying "THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DON'T PROCREATE".

The MC pisses me off so much. The glasses kid was way better.

Even Jockmode Nerd is still better. I honestly think he's a better more considerate human being than MC.
MC knows even more than the other males how bad women have it outside the walls. Yet he does nothing.
MC constantly drains diminishing resources with zero returns.
MC has lied, wormed his way out and even pushed his sister under the bus (which had to have a terrorist attack take away from THAT ONE) to not have sex.
Our MC is in fact the most despicable person in the manga barring the villains who are just 'Oh we remember that ol World War' shenanigans.

wait she refused him?
I guess I have to read the newest chapters so far...

no, other way around

Shinji was mentally ill.

He has an excuse for his behavior.

This dude?

It's nothing but bullshite pure of heart,shounen idealism.

>But if I have sex, I'll never make a cure for a disease super-computers and the world's most brilliant (and ten times more experienced, qualified and smarter than me) haven't come up with yet!
>Sex will take away ALL of my time!
>I won't be able to waste my time and resources on literally pointless test tubes of "experiments" done for years before I was even awoken!
It's infuriating to read any page he's on.
He does NOTHING. He wastes EVERYTHING. All while blushing and denying sex to absolutely the most promising women in existence who are desperate to just be granted a child. It would literally be the best thing not just for that woman (who is FLAWLESS, btw, and numbering int he HUNDREDS) but the best thing for existence.

And it would take 3 minutes. Then go back to your bullshit nonsense. Just FUCK HER AGH I HATE THIS MANGA

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So MC is going to have someone sodomize him I assume?

Even a shounen protagonist would have fucked after seeing how bad women outside have it.
This dude is just a complete bitch.
No but user, those are women. And according to this manga women are wholly incompetent. (But we're supposed to believe these incompetent women are going to teach the new men born into the world because none of the five males are teachers) so of course MC will do better than them.
Also three minutes? You assume a lot from an MC who passed out just being KISSED by a woman who had some booze to drink

>Childhood Friend

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>we can induce rapid growth acceleration but we can't clone you in a lab or create clone tissue to experiment on
cuck mc: y-yes we can!
*proceeds to clone tissue & preserve chastity*

You're right, I forgot. The manga has made it clear that females are completely selfish and ignorant about absolutely everything and could never solve anything that could ever present itself. It's the MC's singular role in existence to solve the man-killer disease, because every millisecond he's not looking at a computer screen about nothing or writing notes on a page about another failure he's just tried, they'll never see a cure.

He's got a lot on his shoulders! He has to re-populate the planet AND cure mankind! Do both?!?!? It's clear he needs to focus entirely on his failures as a medical student, not bone hot chicks.

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You know.
What IS this series? What is it's genre?
It's not a harem, despite it's name and some of it's beat but really it's not.
It's not a romance because once MC and Childhood got together again, nothing happened.
It's CERTAINLY not an adventure or action manga
It's not a mystery cause we know who the bad guys are.
It's not a thriller
So, really what IS World's End Harem?

Don't drop it. Just read the parts with the other guys who do fuck their girls. I honestly just skip his parts nowadays.

>without men they can't even grow food
I'm amazed one of them managed to 'create' the virus to begin with... probably just stole the research from her male superiors.

Have the fourth and the fifth men been woken up yet?

I don't know why but this pisses me off so much. It's laterally his duty has a human that he impregnate as many woman as he can before he dies. But this fag thinks its some kind of virtue to not have sex for the girl he likes. His girl even looked at him with dissatisfaction when she heard of it and told him to get on with it and he still hasn't had sex. He's laterally fucking with the amount of genetic variation available if his master plan fails.

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Fourth has but he got fucked so hard and wild by savage women he became Indra or something.

Filler. A name a magazine can list to take up space.

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A commentary on the state of harem manga.

Good, going full virgin buddha mode is for the best.
Fuck introducing males again and turning paradise into some roastie hell again.
What needs to happen is to replicate semen and only birth women, clones aren't good enough in the long run since the degenerate their cells by the time the dozenth one pops out.

Even with 3 guys this place already has cuck, ntr and violence.

Not every girl he meets, just most of them. I hope that changes in the future.

What the fuck? Why did he refuse his own childhood friend? He was literally saving himself for her. I stopped reading for a good while, but that sounds extra retarded.

Also, what happened to the guy who was being raped and tortured to summon some type of godly entity that rapes women into submission, and wanted to know where his family was? Did they AT LEAST murder everyone in that fucking village?

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Did he fuck the girls mc likes?

No, he refused her too

I still think it's the AI running everything that's responsible for both the disease being released and for the the breakdown of civilization. The humans in control are either working with willingly or know going against it just means they suffer/die too.

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I mean did the other guys fuck the girls the mc likes?

what chapter?, i don t remember

>the author saw the 'No Way Fag' meme and took it too literally

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No one's fucked her, unless it was before the virus killed everyone and we never found out.


What if the MC is indeed correct in trying to avoid sex until he finds a cure? Maybe he's a complete degenerate and sexual monster who will violently fuck a woman until she dies because he has a humongous sexual appetite, and will literally melt his own brain if he has sex once.
Obviously not happening, but it would be hilarious.

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Also this story has so many ridiculous plot holes. The most glaring one is this retarded plan the woman who released the virus came up with. Some how they want to take over the world with zero men available and magically maintain their standard of living. Yes zero men.

I thought at first it was going to be revealed that the virus work too well and kill off all men when it was actually intended to kill off only most men allowing the shift of power in the chaos. But in a recent chapter it was confirmed intended to be 100% effective and the fact that even a few hundred men had survived was a problem for them.

Even if they had a stock pile of sperm they would collapse the population and not be able to maintain world domination.

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Doesn't artificial insemination also not work at all in the first place? I'm probably giving the author too much credit in assuming he would even think that, but usually you'd assume they would test potential effects on females before releasing the stuff world wide.

Been a while since I hold this manga, did the imouto get dicked by that asshole yet?

Artificial insemination from ANY sperm donation works. It allows both men and women to be born, but male children instantly get the virus when they're born and die in a few hours.

They EVEN WORSE plot hole to that, however, is that artificial insemination from MS-MALE IMMUNE donors (like MC) WILL NOT pass along the immunity gene and have identical results as any normal sperm donation. FOR SOME REASON, only outright vaginal sex with a living, breathing, erect MS Man-killer virus-immune male (only 4 are alive in Japan right now, maybe worldwide) will birth equally immune male infants. That's right, only sex with those 4, NOT artificial insemination from those 4.

It's retarded.

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A woman eagerly accepts sex when it is offered:
>Yea Forums: what a slut worst girl

A woman refuses to have sex/runs away when offered
>Yea Forums: pure and virtuous, best girl

A man eagerly accepts sex when it is offered:
>Yea Forums: what a chad

A man refuses sex/runs away when it is offered

The double standard is laughable. And don't give me the retarded "lock/key" metaphor. Humans aren't inanimate objects and this is about the basic attitude towards sex. It's hypocritical to demand pure virgin waifus on one hand and then say that men are free to fuck whoever and whenever they want outside of a relationship. If you want to criticize the main character that's fine, but at least be consistent and criticize purityfag bullshit too

So just gonna ask again to be sure, what happened to the guy who in some rape village, and had a literal god entity enter his body? Did he take revenge on all the bitches, or is that plot point still going?

This manga has been going for awhile and the author has not given us anything to show that the evil woman masterminds are any real threat because they honestly sound like a bunch of idiots that found daddy's virus and never make plans beyond here and now.

The situation in this case is a little specific. I'm not one to like manwhore MCs, unless it's supposed to be a harem in the first place. And in this case, it's not sex for the sake of it.

It’s almost like men and women are different.
Mansluts are bad too but they can be based, there’s no such thing as a good slut.

You know your purity argument doesn't work when MC isn't even willing to fuck his childhood friend to help save the world.
There are zero excuse left for him. He is with the woman he claims to love and still won't fuck even when SHE HERSELF SAYS he needs to fuck.

>That translators note

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Turns put a borderline porn story can still be boring 8f the protagonist is little more than a walking dildo and plot device

It opens the door for him to fuck others if he fucks one.

the girls are sluts because it's about casual sex not sex with their current crush and the guy's a loser because it's his DUTY to have sex and he still doesnt want to
majority doesnt call girls sluts when they have sex with the mc and those that do are retarded

>Final chapter
>Lots of people died fighting off some robo menace unleashed by the evil women who want there to not be any more man alive
>MC is struggling to apply his formula in big enough scale to spread it world wide
>Accomplishes this, the robos are deactivated, his waifu is there with him, and they watch as they save the world
>She's super happy and jumps him and gives him a kiss and starts getting really steamy
>He punches her
>Starts screaming uncontrollably
>Grabs a scalpel and tears off his own throat
>In his dying gasps he exclaims
>"No way fag"
>She's to embarrassed to admit that ever happened, and claims he got killed by one of the robots who got inside, and finished the formula herself

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And this is bad how????

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In the context of this story and scenario it is in the best interest of the human race that he fuck every woman he comes across on his journey to find a cure. His love interest even told him to get over this ridiculousness and start fucking. His "girlfriend" is more realistic then the MC for once and is probably one of the smartest girls in the manga.

Anyone have a link/screen to the thread where the 'No Way Fag' happened?
I HAVE to see how everyone reacted

>Only those 4

You mean 3.

>MC wants his love to be pure and just, not conditional to saving humanity

The irony is that those two criteria don't have to be mutually exclusive, but the author has decided to make it so. At this point, its for one of two cases.

1. The author is retarded and has a talent of drawing beautiful women.

2. The author is retarded, he draws beautiful women, and the magazine has realized that they can milk him for maximum profit and therefore are encouraging his stupidity to keep the gravy train going.

The condition for success, with regards to the MC, given the NEW world he lives in, is a physical impossibility. He's basically decided "I won't have sex with anyone unless the world returns to the way it was."

But the world CAN'T return to the way it was unless he has sex, returns the human population to its former glory through fixing the population issue through copulation.

IT'S LITERALLY AN UNSTOPPABLE FORCE MEETS AN IMMOVABLE OBJECT. What's the outcome? Who the fuck knows, physics breaks down once the event horizon of this unbelievable density is crossed.

>The author is retarded and has a talent of drawing beautiful women.
The Artists isn't the author.

So isn't this quasi-NTR shit too?

Oh okay. I bet then the artist copes with the author's dumbfaggotry by drawing more women while accepting the money that comes along with the gig. I can't imagine any reasonable human to be able to continue this charade forever. Eventually, the artist would be like "fuck this, I quit; I can't keep working on a story this fucking stupid lest I murder the writer."

I'm starting to think the author is self inserting as the MC. At this point it's clear the author thinks its some kind of virtue to be irresponsible with the future of humanity for the sake of perceived love.

I think any real woman in this scenario would find MCs actions disgusting and selfish.

Money is money is money, and the artist wrote all kinds of porn (including yaoi) before. They ain't gonna be broken up that this series is kept alive by virtue of their artwork.

Gayfag here. This is one of my favorite mangas just because I love the horror genre

>1st guy has lots of sex but is a kind of tool who doesn't really 100 percent care about anyhing
>2nd guy wants a cure but refuses sex since he thinks it'll become a slippery slope
>3rd guy has healthiest relationship with his girls (comparitively) but is doing fuck all about a cure
>4th guy can't just say no but he's warped into an even worse sex machine
At this point I just want to see the final man be everything the fans want, but still somehow monkey's paw or into something bad
>clinically has sex and ejaculates inside, just lays back and thinks of England while accepting any and all approved push, but has the backbone of a sponge and the success rate of a broken clock

The Chad slow grampa fucks a lot, looks forward to being a father, wants to save the world by doing his job, ntrd his old school bully to death.

Wait bully chick is dead?

But there has to be some kind of a limit right? RIGHT? Where an artist just throws up his/her hands in the air and goes "this is too retarded, I can't."


But it's not really virtuous to deny humanity a fighting chance because you have some twisted sense of purity.

>slippery slope

It's not like he can't have a loving healthy relationship with someone, while banging women on the side to do what is good for humanity. It's like porn. People in healthy relationships DO watch porn on top of having sex with each other.

Hell, porn stars eventually marry and have children too. Some of them continue acting in porn despite this.

Is the author trying to say that it is unscrupulous to be able to have a healthy relationship without complete and total purity sans any external stimuli? If so, the author needs to seek professional help. This standard is insanity.

Could you be any more of an obvious roastie?

No her boyfriend that bullied him. He fucks her over his cryopod and then chads handler opens the pod so her old boyfriend can watch his girl get fucked by slow grandpa while he dies from the virus.

>be a father
The endgame has to be when a healthy baby boy is actually born to this society. What are they gonna do? Groom him until he's ready to be pimped out at 13? Make it a twist and show that even a blood borm baby wouldn't be immune eventually? Have the new dad suddenly have problems with the whole arrangement once they learn what they're gonna do to his son? Make the kid stockhome'd enough that he doesn't expect love ever?

I'm starting to think she may be evil. I'm hoping some of the other girls he has save him from his current path.

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>blue-balling smut
What the fuck are you doing nigger. Read Parallel Paradise instead.

Throw up their hands and get what in exchange?
Artists are a dime a dozen, being wanted is a helluva validation, not to mention the money.

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I dropped it when Izanagi or whichever Shinto god it was appeared. There was no reason to believe there would be any kind of overarching plot after that silliness.

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I keep seeing this kind of MCs. What the hell is wrong with these artists.

Oh she's definitely evil she murdered a man plus she even drugged mc sisters so slow grampa can raper her but as the true mc slow grampa didn't want any of that and olny wanted her to like him for him no date rape or any of that sleezy bs. Right now I'm at the point where I'd take a spin off manga off of him rather than the mc.

I hope his girl gets impregnated by another guy who strolls along and shows promise.

The last volume sold 120k+ copies the first couple weeks. It's in absolutely no danger of being axed. I don't even want to know why it's that popular.

>What the hell is wrong with these artists
They want to make money.

The most obvious twist is that artificial insemination by an immune donor DOES create immune male children, the public was simply LIED to that "embryogenesis didn't occur." Some higher-up didn't allow it to live and aborted it or the computer AI sabotaged it or something.

It doesn't change the fact that NOTHING has happened in this manga that counts as progress. It's just an MC who refuses, for ignorant reasons (even when informed why it's ignorant, he continues to act the way he does), to do what is both requested of him and is obviously the best option for mankind. And it takes minutes to accomplish. But he won't do it.

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I want to see things go poorly for both her and grandpa, then he can come back to the one who always liked him for who he was. Many of the girls he has had would quickly abandon him for someone better if they had the chance.

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Maybe shes already is pregnant. I get the felling she wasn't faithful when he went in to cryo sleep. Every time MC brings up not having sex for her sake she gets that look on her face.

I'm not reading this shit, but what was the justification for MC not fucking the girl he was keeping his purity for when she was happy to get in on with him?

Something about needing to find the cure first and the fact that if he has sex with her she's expecting MC to start putting out for every woman that requests his seed. So now he is desperately looking for that cure so he can be her one and only. He's still going to have to put out though because there are still only a handful of men frozen in the world.

Now she has to wait for him, since he has a goal to save all mankind by creating a cure hyper-futurisitic-super-computers have been failing at for many years be he-totally-can-because-he-has-a-penis.

I think. I really stopped caring. MC has zero excuses anymore. Literally everyone tells him he's wrong and he can't justify himself anymore so he just responds with "eek."

>Last volume sold 120k+ copies in a couple weeks
Confirmed for Massive Japanese Government sponsored PsyOp then. Doesn't make it any better, but whatever.

And lets be honest, most woman would have raped him by now considering the circumstances. But plot armor keeps getting in the way.

It doesn't.

It dose though because his last excuse for holding out is gone.

The cure probably has existed for years, but anyone who tries to reproduce it get stopped/killed.

Plot is the only way he could have avoided it.

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what excuse is gone

Or they would have just written him off as a lost cause and abandoned him already. Slow Grandpa should show up and fuck MC's sister and "GF" right in front of him. Then he can spend the rest of his life researching a cure with zero distractions.

>Girlfriend: "Let's fuck"

>quickly tie him up and gang bang him.
I realize it would be painful after the first dozen women and drug injections but my dick still gets hard thinking about it.

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>She then tries this
>But does so failing so hard I can only think of 'WHO PUTS A HEATER IN AN ICE CREAM FACTORY' levels of retarded

If i recall his girl told him she would do the nasty but after that he would need to start putting out for other girls for the sake of humanity and he backed out because why the fuck not.

We still have the 5th known male that could fuck the MC's sister, or maybe more if they were hidden in other countries. Whoever does it, I hope the MC has to watch even a video after it happens.

eh then she's a stupid bitch too
potentially 20+ immune kids is better than nothing
this mango is too retarded, glad I dropped it after a few chapters

>abandoned him
They should have abandoned him in the slums with all the thirsty woman and pick him up after his mind was broken.

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The only thing I want is Male 5 to be a Yakuza and he just takes everything over.
Doi can use his new chadness to have the shirtless tower fight while Dickless gets shot to death

Be honest.
Who else besides me wanted this to be a pregnancy harem when it first started out?

I think we all did Abe

Abe, I was excited for this manga for any number of reasons. But now, all I think is that Japanese men are impossible idiots and Japanese women are impossible idiots. It's too frustrating, Abe! Do something!!

Abe has a special card up his sleeve, just wait. He'll be the 5th man and fuck MC's gf and sister while wearing a shirt that says PROCREATE.

And It’s not cucking if the faggot refuses to touch them

he is still in the village, and perhaps turn into the god and keeps fucking the women
they soon start some sort of pilgrimage, so that he (the "god") can fuck other women

shes too good for that fag
fuck MC and fuck his childhood friend should have them both written out

Some guys read this shit,
other guys get their balls hammered.
It's a matter of taste on which torture method to use.

The chad WEH Fantasia Sir Fuckalot MC> The virgin bitchboy WEH MC.
Also Savan's art is godlike

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Does anyone get pregnant? If so source.

Hes never gonna fuck the girl he was saving himself for, Erisa, is he?

You can stop lying.

i just read it for every other guy except mc

Fuck off with your shitty fanfiction.

Grandpa is not even close to being a Chad. He's nothing but a tool being used.

>NTR'd his old bully to death
Based slow grandpa is based

Why does this manga even bother with its retarded premise?

There's literally zero reason the MC would not be seeking to pump out kids with a potential immunity to the disease. What fucking use is a vaccine if the falls down some stairs or drops dead for no reason, and deprives humanity of an asset that any researcher could use.

I just don't understand why the author is ironically still on this plot point even after following other characters with way more compelling storylines. Just because this is cheap erotically charged schlock doesn't make any of it more acceptable.

You know Grandpa is the closest to being the first male to be murdered in this story, right? You must be blind to not see it.

Grandpa can't even physically fight. He still can't do a regular class of PE.

Meanwhile, there are girls that can punch Wild Bears to death or break apart iron doorknobs.

More of a chad than MC will ever be

i prefer the other manga i read a long side it
i read the twist alongside Yea Forums

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Grandpa isn't even the true MC, you retard.

He doesn't even move the plot alone.

Nobody outside his handler even cares about him, not even the CIA or the other world governments.

And MC passed out for hours after just getting kissed by a woman

So does he have a micropenis or something? Is it deformed
What is the twist?

Why do you keep samefagging your post?

Grandpa's agent was the one who pulled the plug on the cryo machine.

Wait what?! What chapter did he refuse her?

So? But that means MC can at least jog for a mile without feeling like he is dying.

You're the one writing fanfiction about Grandpa saving the world when nobody other than his agent and school cares about him.

His agent doesn't seem to have any special powers either unlike MC's agents who have shown super strength.

You're forgetting he also has a turbo loli, and that the women (For some reason) didn't put in a Prime Directive 4 to prevent said lolis from attacking them
As seen when MC'S Loli stopped Science Chick

Not him. Sorry

Because the fanfiction is better than what we're getting.

Because scientists who tried finding a cure ended up disappearing while MC was asleep.

And MC got an opportunity to be in possession of a crystallized form of the virus.

And it doesn't look like MC is going to make the cure, himself. It looks to be a joint project among the surviving viruses.

He might not be murdered, but the one controlling him won't likely live and he will revert closer to how he started. Just because he learned to act when things go well doesn't mean he can maintain it when he loses almost everything.

Grandpa's has shown her nipples though, unlike the main MC's.

>TFW you're also a secret chad with his own harem.
Next week can't come soon enough, damn.

I remember reading through the second chapter or so when the elf woman was like, "and you can't have sex for a year." I thought the manga was going to take its sweet time with that, but nope. The year passed by the next chapter and MC fucked the hot dark elf.
Based Fantasia.

wait what but Why

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Grandpa even completely forgot about his sister.

Meanwhile, other males that have awakened still remember their family members.

Grandpa is the only one who didn't ask what happened to his sister when waking up.

That shows that he is the worst male.

He's got more confidence sure, but this is just projection. If there's even a hair's more capable and powerful guy I don't think grandpa's good streak will last very long

Latest Fantasia brought back the monster rape from the first chapter. I'd forgotten that was a thing. Also the censored version is hilarious in comparison.

And most of the girls will leave him for someone better. They are only interested in him because he's the only male they can have, and many just because they want the benefits pregnancy would bring. A few might stay though and help him find a better balance between the two extremes.

because this is the worst manga that's been made ever

Well the school got hit by a terrorist explosion and the sponsor of the school is already dead since the sponsor was the edgy female scientist chick that was killed by the Americans.

What was special about the school was that no outside news reached the students. The girls that attended the school likely went back home due to the terrorist attack and now they likely know about Number 2 since he is broadcasted globally on a daily basis.

sex strips you of your wizard powers, duh

He's just celibate. That's it, that's the big reveal.

But he has sex and enjoys it! Surely that must mean his non actions and constant guiding by his handler are the only ones that make sense!

Did the translation team drop this? It hasn't been updated in months.

The Japanese are a society of strict politeness, order, perfectionism and prudence, they are raised to be like this.

Knowing about the others doesn't mean they have access to them. If the school setting returns and another option becomes available to them, I think most would try someone else.

And it's why their economy is fucking garbage, their birthrates are low and suicide rates are high.

All we know is that America is not even panicking that MC fled Japan because it got revealed America and China are working together.

This means MC was tricked. MC was tricked into believing America does not want the cure at all which is why MC originally fled to Hong Kong.

Then it gets revealed that the American CIA director was already in Hong Kong before MC arrived and working with that Old Chinese Lady who is in charge of China.

So somebody is lying to MC, making MC believe Americans are the bad guys.

But if America and China are the bad guys, why did the Chinese Grandma give MC the crystallized form of the virus?

And how did they track the MC? Don't tell me, America or Japan surgically inserted a GPS device inside MC's body before they woke him up and they can track MC by satellite.

>best option for mankind
>waiting on a handful of chosen women to produce a boy when the odds aren't even 50/50 anymore while the rest of the frozen guys freezer burn and die
>relying on an already untrustworthy Government and basically giving up whatever male progeny you have to be either a test subject, a broodmare, or some kind of fuck puppet
>best option

They’re economy is 3rd best, other nations have similar or worse birth rates and suicide rates.
What now retard? mc is based to not care about women and fuck like a mindless animal, the series is already filled with roasties with just a few men.

does grandpa fuck his agent? cant remember

>>waiting on a handful of chosen women to produce a boy when the odds aren't even 50/50 anymore while the rest of the frozen guys freezer burn and die

A handful?

The whole reason the Male/Female thing exists as a form of reproduction is because it's so damn effective. One male can fertilise hundreds if not thousands of females over a relatively small amount of time comparative to the human lifespan, which also renders the human limit of one baby per 9 month period less of a downside. It works for big broods, mass eggs, or single mammalian births.

If you have one male and many females you can repopulate an entire species extremely quickly. The premise of the manga thinks that all this politics and science is somehow going to outweigh the literal raison d'etre of life itself that's survived millenia of natural selection. It's nonsense.

Not yet.

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>They’re economy is 3rd best
The dollar has more value than the yen and America is in an economic crisis.
And Japan has a worse BR/Suicide Ratio than the nations you're thinking of.
And if you seriously think the country that spends 10 billion a year on Pachinko and 1 billion a year on FGO, kills the art of writing with things like this, Isekai and remakes of 90s shows, and that overall has more game developers who use overpriced Cosmetics than the West is financially secure you're deluded.

But no seriously, I dropped it very early and I remember his whole refusal to not help humanity not go extinct was to save himself for her. So you're telling me that he doesn't fuck anyone ever including the girl he wants to fuck?

Seriously, what was his excuse for not fucking her?

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Just read this, holy shit it is so much better that WEH.

The more men the better or you risk mutational meltdown. Get tired of this notion you only need to keep a few men around for thousands of woman. We have a 50/50 gender split birth rate for this reason.

Belgium is worse of in suicide than japan.
That they can spend all that money means the economy is good, the yen isn’t raised because that’s the policy of the prime minister which has worked for now.
Art and writing is subjective and it’s better than the garbage the west currently writes.
You hate this series because the mc isn’t getting his dick wet like a nigger.

More men are born on average than females. Men take on roles that make them more prone to death, thus they are more disposable, and they also live for less so there are always more females.

If you fertilise 500 females you'll get about 250-300 males and within 12-14 years you get a new generation. With one more generation you then get enough genetic diversity that inbreeding stops occuring if you track family trees correctly. You can repopulate anything extremely quickly, even physically weak animals like humans providing they have any kind of adaptability.

I'm surprised he hasn't fucked his agent yet.
I thought he would end up loving her out of all the girls he fucked or something.

Let niggers into your family then, it’ll be better for your gene diversity or are you a hypocrite?

She's one of the two he really needs to start fucking at some point.

I really just want Slow Grandpa to get back together with Teacher again

Since she was probably removed to force him to start having sex with more than her, she probably won't be used for anything until his mental state needs adjustment in some direction. She might have also gotten pregnant, and she only cared about that and not him.

105 males to ever 100 females is nearly 50/50. 105/100 is according to WHO. Reducing genetic variation is extremely risky business is my point.

You know as someone who frequently reads mangas that makes me really mad and get my blood absolutely boil(Read all of Wolf Guy) I can't get past 3 chapters of this shit. Although I've been very much tempted to do so.

He never did, knowing he could is enouth for Doyle, to be fair he's the only one with a decent Harem.
>Seriously, what was his excuse for not fucking her?
Other male appeared leaving him free of the 'responsibility'.

My favorite thing about this manga is that it pisses off normalfags so much

> I am sorry MC I wad a spy all along
Could happen, no? Or someone in his group being blackmailed to give info
Maybe the Americans let him go to that ultra-tech country so that the spy? Or the chinese girl get intel or the necessary resources to complete a cure and get leverage against other countries. I am not so sure about thie, would have to reread.
That being said, who is MC going to fuck now that the % of finding a cure is related to losing his virginity? Is he going to get raped, risk the possibility of fucking up the cure and dying just because, do the deed with his childhood friend of the princess?
Overall is not the worst manga, a lot of plotholes, but meh, I would not trust a bunch of unknown bitched telling me what to do in a situation like that either.

>handful of guys
>there’s already cuck, ntr rape being setup

Personal rights are void in case of emergency, and in this case mankind is on the verge of extinction. What this fag does would be comprehensible in a normal setting but here his refusal is fucking everyone over. There's no reason to believe he can pull off a cure. And he's even rejecting his not gf who he supposedly loves.
That's being fucking selfish.

This. But the girls in his harem are fine too. Especially best girl

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That's not best girl.

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I had a hearty laugh when grandpa patted her head and told her to move along, I've got real women to fuck

I hope the author is just saving her for a good time with her only.

How can she be best girl if she even doesn't have nipples

She does, just not in that copy of the image.

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Holy fuck I am getting mad just by reading the thread.
Good thing that I don't pick up anything with 'harem' in the name since slave harem isekai.

Yeah it's pretty fucking bad. I usually don't go for the 'I wish I could erase one manga from my mind' mentality because I believe in learning from failures, but this would be an exception

Patrician taste.

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>Good thing that I don't pick up anything with 'harem' in the name
I pretty much stay the fuck away from the harem tag altogether. My biggest pet peeves are when
A: user posts something cool, I look up sauce only to see the harem tag
B: I read something decent only for a surprise harem to show up

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5th male turns out to be this guy

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If you were to list your 5 hottest women from this manga who would it bet?

You might be up to something there.

Doyle truly has it good

>Why are they getting worse?
because its been ages since a new chaoter realease.

author needs to stick to the sex and fanservice. everyone should tell him to stop telling a "story".

What is even the moral of this story?
Sex bad, Women Bad, China Bad, America bad?

It would be one thing if an mc is refusing sex because they're suspicious of everything that is going on. Like the important plot points revealed. Why does it have to only be through fucking? It was already revealed that artificial semination works and that natural fucking working only was a lie. If the mc was more of a paranoid guy, that would have been more accepting than the mc trying to act like a huge DOUTEI for practically no reason even after wanting to go after his crush and even had the chance to but still acts like a coward. Doutei as fuck. There's no fucking reason to not fuck by this point. Literally and figuratively.

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Even if there was some big conspiracy in play, he refused the woman he had been holding out for this entire time.
The one he can trust the most.
But no.

>Other male appeared leaving him free of the 'responsibility'.
user I sincerely do not know if you're fucking with me or not. You're telling me that the MC refused to fuck the girl he has a crush on because another guy showed up who could do the job? Did he fall for a different girl? Is he gay? is there a hidden ntr tag what the shit

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>You're telling me that the MC refused to fuck the girl he has a crush on
no, he hasn't found her yet, she's part of a evil secret cult and a revolutionary group so , plenty of 'plot' incoming before they can do the deed. He just refuse to fuck other girl because 'muh true love'

Except he did.

>all these ''''chads'''' shitting on the mc
kek, he's based for turning down these mental roasties.

And his excuse for turning down his girlfriend?

Pure pursuit of science to help the world and to not fall for the sin and lust of sex.

Holy shit this garbage is still going?

She's also a scientist and SHE'S saying he needs to fuck.

None of the other males has a dying older brother. The author seems to make the other males not have to worry about dying disease because their relatives are female.

MC is the only one with an older brother who is stated to be dying.

which is ?

She's also a woman and the reason they are in that state to begin with.
Only a man can truly fix this with actual science not witch craft.

Yes, a handful. If he just gives up and goes "sure, fine, let's repopulate" he gets whatever small portion of women they personally chose for him and has to wait roughly a few months and however many tries to impregnate them and figure out the baby's gender

The whole deal about him being able to shack up with any woman he wants runs into risks with that

Some story can be good, it's just stuck with a stupid one so far for the main plot and the primary MC is an idiot.

You have to have drama somehow, the mansluts will try to fuck his sister and girls he likes eventually.

Good boy

Well if ain't going to somebody else should.

lmao at the state of this thread.
The original MC is absolutely based for trying to find a cure to save the rest of the male population.
Only idiots would think that the potential extinction of mankind would be a good time for useless rutting around.
If he could potentially cure the disease then he should focus fully on that and ignore all the thots after him.
And before you say anything about the women already searching for a cure, i have a few words for you: Women can't do anything right.

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>Sex bad, Women Bad
This MC was not what Abe planned. The author is going rogue.

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Why can't he find a cure while helping repopulate during his spare time?

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>muh sex, have sex, think nothing but sex
You people are apes. MC is literally the only chad with no other goal but to save humanity. All the other guys are slaves to pussy.

To truly make great advances you must ignore the temptations of women and focus solely on your goal. This can be seen in regards to Tesla and Newton.

>If he could potentially cure the disease then he should focus fully on that
No one disagrees with that
>and ignore all the thots after him.
Now that part confuses me. Not only would that be a good stress relief, but it's also plan B in case the cure isn't feasible or something goes wrong. And it's not like those two actions are mutually exclusive

Wasn't the case with Einstein who happened to correct Newton, Stephen Hawkins and most scientists

literally what is the point of sex without love?

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I just told you: Stress relief. Not to mention helping repopulate the fucking earth.

You're adorable.

Are you fucking retarded? I'll sooner have sex without love than love without sex

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"I had always thought of woman as possessing those delicate qualities of mind and soul that made her in her respects far superior to man. I had put her on a lofty pedestal, figuratively speaking, and ranked her in certain important attributes considerably higher than man. I worshipped at the feet of the creature I had raised to this height, and, like every true worshiper, I felt myself unworthy of the object of my worship.

But all this was in the past. Now the soft voiced gentle woman of my reverent worship has all but vanished. In her place has come the woman who thinks that her chief success in life lies on making herself as much as possible like man - in dress, voice, and actions, in sports and achievements of every kind. The world has experience many tragedies, but to my mind the greatest tragedy of all is the present economic condition wherein women strive against men, and in many cases actually succeed in usurping their places in the professions and in industry. This growing tendency of women to overshadow the masculine is a sign of a deteriorating civilization.

Practically all the great achievements of man until now have been inspired by his love and devotion to woman. Man has aspired to great things because some woman believed in him, because he wished to command her admiration and respect.

Perhaps the male in society is useless. I am frank to admit that I don't know. If women are beginning to feel this way about it - and there is striking evidence at hand that they do - then we are entering upon the cruelest period of the world's history.

Our civilization will sink to a state like that which is found among the bees, ants, and other insects - a state wherein the male is ruthlessly killed off. In this matriarchal empire which will be established, the female rules. As the female predominates, the males are at her mercy. The male is considered important only as a factor in the general scheme of the continuity of life.

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They also depict women trying to activate men`s T, are they.......crying for help

When is it going back to slow gramps? It's getting boring

They are fakes who steal others credit, only Tesla is important and he gave up on women to further his mind.

>muh free energy man

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>Last 5 men on Earth
>Instead of turning it into a competitive story of which man can spread their seed the farthest and have the largest bloodline, it's instead following some beta MC who wants to save himself for his "True Love"...

Was it too few or too many nukes that caused this retardation?

Didn't he already reject fucking his "true love" when he had a chance? What's his reason for doing that anyway?

through 2050 more females will be born than males. females will take over in Earth when the population booms ever further.

>kikes literally raid his place after he died to steal every piece of paper he wrote on

based kikes then desu

Fuck me.

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he won't, though

Generic Harem
>Girls want to fuck MC cause he's nice
>MC wont fuck girls cause he's nice

This Harem
>Girls want to fuck MC to save the world
>MC doesn't want to save the world cause he wants to save the world... cause he's nice

I can't believe someone actually found a way to make the harem genre even worse.

[citation needed]


>I want to be a slave paying for everything

>Girls want to fuck MC to save the world
That may be some of the motivation for some of them, but many also probably just want to fuck someone and he's the only option, because their life will be improved if they do get pregnant, or they just want children.

Go to sleep Ishigami.

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Kill yourself.

Putting the pussy on a pedastal.

Based, all the nigger tier replies hating on this.

Behold anons. The RIGHT way to do the "MC won't have sex" gimmick.
>MC has a condition where he nuts a diamond when he nuts
>Each diamond is worth about 5 million yen, but the act is painful and shaves a year off his life
>He and his childhood friend have to fend off an outright rouge's gallery of thots who make a living hunting down men with his condition, making them cum, and taking the diamonds for themselves
>After several weeks and several close calls, both fall into a trap where MC must produce enough diamonds for several women or childhood friend gets the ugly bastard gangbang special
>MC resolves to masturbate to produce the diamonds, taking seven years off his life but keeping his virginity
>After recovering from the hospital and confirming that he's safe to cum because he's currently tapped out of diamonds, he proceeds to confess to and lovingly fuck the shit out of his childhood friend
All this and more in 11 chapters.

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Did his friend get the gangbang special anyway?

Shooting a diamond into a girl can't be pleasant.

I was pleasantly surprised he got to fuck her.

No he masturbated enough to pay off their debt even if it meant putting his life in danger.