Is there even a SINGLE character who can TOUCH Ainz?

Is there even a SINGLE character who can TOUCH Ainz?

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>TOUCH Ainz?
Well, Touch Me for one.
Ainz is still a RP build, not a minmax build. It just so happen that most of his RP-tier powers are taken very literally by the New World. He's also a gachafag and a P2Wfag, and max level.
A dedicated linebreaker DPS build could fuck his shit up, assuming he's at the same level, or maybe even slightly under, but that's assuming he doesn't pull some OP items out of his pelvis bone. See: Shaltear's fight.

wakey wakey bonebitch

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The problem is not Ainz, the problem is the absurd military power of his guild that's what makes it untouchable.

Albedo can't keep her hands to herself.

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No you, the problem is definitely Ainz. He alone destroys every concept of balance in the new world.

Everything else, guild hall and loyal NPCs inclusive, is just absurd excessiveness.

Fate's Solomon, First Hassan, or any Magic Resistance EX Ruler should do the trick.

ya, other lvl 100 characters

Aqua is far too dumb to fight Ainz properly.

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>Loses to The World Over Heaven, which is just low level reality warping
Wish gg
>Wishes them out of existence

WUaS is not all powerful, you know. Nor is it unique. It can be countered by another example or by a World Class item.

>Tries to kill via grasp heart and all his death spells
>Don't work because incarnation repels instant death
>Get slashed once and Ainz get insta-killed

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given that it already backfired on him once, and his hoarding nature not wanting to spend his resources, Ainz is definitely not using WUaS again anytime soon.

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>Non corporeal form
>Can't be touched by magic since he absorbs anything and everything
>Touches Ainz and get his soul and existence erased

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Touch Me can.

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Begone from my sight, fake sorcerer

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No ainz himself isn’t that tough, it’s his items, summons and servants.
Fighting ainz alone isn’t fighting the real ainz since he wouldn’t even consider fighting like that unless his victory is guaranteed from the start.
He has every possible counter and can rush you with a squad made to hard counter you.
This is even without a mana source or wci ore mines found which produces high level golems and gear, ainz could get a divine spark too.

My point is that even without all the extras, Ainz by himself is enough to break all manner of balance that exists in existing denizens of NW.

Everything else is just adding to the excess that makes him and Nazarick OP.

Calling him "not that tough" is like saying Mt. Everest isn't that tall compared to when you add up the heights of the 30 tallest mountains in the world- Even without doing that, Mt. Everest is plenty tall still.

>Wish gg
TWoH isn't even canon, though.

Not an immediaye action, which is what he needs before Hassan gets in melee range
Solomon will see it coming and counterspell
Magic Resist EX is EX for a reason. Said Rulers will shrug off nearly any spell without even noticing it.

Except Wish can change the law of the world itself. It's just a spell, it's a reality bending power.

Ainz isn't even top 100 in his own game let alone other verses.
Skills should bypass that, divine tier gear also.

>pay to win
Disgusting. Simply disgusting.

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True, however when you use a spell against a creature it gets the chance to resist before being affected, which means it might do the Rulers in. However, again, Solomon will be seeing it coming (and has overall a wider repertoire of magic) and Hassan will strike before Ainz can even begin to cast.
Difficult. A-rank magic resist already tanked divine-level magecraft. Skills might work, but it would still mean Ainz wasting the time of casting a spell or two before figuring out that he needs to switch tactics.

hes already dead

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that game is shit and fucks with the established rules. How can dio negate ger when ger doesnt even need to touch dio to activate his ability, sure dio negates it with his hands but the effect would get reapplied and so on.

>Solomon will be seeing it coming
Ainz has plenty of anti-diviner spells...
> Hassan will strike before Ainz can even begin to cast
Timestop + Silen casting...

And there's the problem, who says overlord's divine gear isn't superior than fate's? that ainz magic resist isn't above A rank?

EX Clairvoyance isn't even divination, it's a form of Precognition.

>anti diviner spells
Solomon will know 'I will be affected by X ability or spell' despite whatever measures Ainz has. It's a small leap of logic to figure out that if he's going against Ainz and is getting hit by a particularly powerful spell, it will come from Ainz.
Again, not immediate. Even then, delayed spells will only take effect once TS ends. His favorite choice, necromancy will fail, and Hassan has pretty solid bulk to survive the remaining direct damage. At which point Ainz remains screwed.

We can compare their feats. Wishes and WCIs in Overlord can literally remake reality, something only the Grail in Fate can.

Imagine Ainz got BTFO by fat blue cat

Comparison by levels of destructive power. Breaking an army in one swoop isn't beyond any servant with an Anti Army or Anti Fortress NP. Heck, the strongest Servant NPs can destroy the planet, which Ainz has likely no similar countermeasure against.
That's because of Gaia being an active force that resists supernatural influence in Fate.

>Again, not immediate
It's immediately, just a single thought with his silent casting.
>His favorite choice, necromancy will fail, and Hassan has pretty solid bulk to survive the remaining direct damage.
He will be stunned and slowed down. That's why Ainz love Gasp Heart. It will stun enemies who survive it.



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The animators :3

>Breaking an army in one swoop isn't beyond any servant with an Anti Army or Anti Fortress NP.
Animeonly please. That spell is just a trash tier spell he used because of its flashiness to awe the scrubs. He doesn't use it in real battles. His real power is anti-personel instant death spells and conceptual mechanisms.
>the strongest Servant NPs can destroy the planet, which Ainz has likely no similar countermeasure against.
He has Nuclear Blast among his spells and Wish to deal with mass scale destructive spells.

Destructive power is not everything especially in magic.
Destroying the planet won't do anything to nazarick or the wci anyways.
Not like I can defend overlord feats since there hasn't been enough high level lv 100 fights to show what they can do.

> It will stun enemies who survive it.
Won't work against First Hassan. Due to Battle Continuation EX, anything short of fully killing him (even lethal wounds) registers as nothing and the guy can keep fighitng as if perfectly fine.
Fate has plenty of bullshit antipersonal powers and conceptual mechanisms as well. It was just a way to gauge the relative powerlevels of the settings, answering to
>who says overlord's divine gear isn't superior than fate's? that ainz magic resist isn't above A rank?

Hero from Goblin Slayer solos. 2ez

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I'm only comparing Ainz to NW. Other verses don't matter, and we've had zero evidence so far of other Yggdrasil players even being alive in the same time period. I think it's perfectly fair to say that within NW at the time Overlord takes place, Ainz is pretty much uncontested #1 with or without items/servants/gear (until such time that Kugayama feels fit to introduce character(s) to the contrary, that is).

Kayaba Akihiko. If an admin with admin status gets transferred in Overlord's world it's game over from the get go. Well, except if you are still no Demonbane.

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