ITT Grisaia

> Tfw when your long dead sister turns out to be alive
> You learn that she ended up being used as a CPU for Google and NASA's servers
> She gets saved and you and your group head to harem island
> Tfw she wants to taste the 'good old times' and 'sisterly love'
>Your Juicy Yuuji gets even more jucy

How can the other girls even compete?

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I haven't watched the anime but the true ending of Rakuen was absolute kino

Ending with Michiru getting preggo because she was too dumb to use contraception was truly the best kind of ending. She needed the motherhood most.

>tfw all the routes of the first game happened to a certain extent in the grand juicy fruit route
Good times were had tackling all the games in a short period of time.

Kazuki is the worst. Ama-nee forever.

Well she needed to keep her mind focused on something because she may have ended up drowning on the beach considering her high intelligence

Why not both (pic related)

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>"Contra...ception? Whats that?"
I love Michiru even tho her brain obviously doesnt function quite right.

Its quite shame Makina didnt get to properly show off that pink big ass sniper rifle.
I fucking love the Makina after where she traumatizes her scumbag mother forever about windows. I might even prefer it to her getting Juiced. Theres always the IF where Juice bangs the mother and makes her and her secretary submit to the JUICY

Is she related by blood to Yuuji?

Asako obliterates Kazuki by lifting Yuuji out of his despair, literally giving him his entire reason to live, and teaching him to be a man in every sense of the phrase. Also by being ludicrously sexy and gallant and having amazing bants.
Kazuki is second best girl though.

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Yes, they're blood-related siblings.

Kazuki is also alive. Checkmate.

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So why was Kazuki gay for Amane again? Fanservice or legit feelings for her?

Fanservice mostly. She might be a bit bi because of the school trip and them loving the same guy.

"Bad ending" where she becomes the brains and he becomes the brawn. Loved it. Wish more stories had sibling team ups like that.

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She's autismsexual.

Didn't Sharin no Kuni have such an ending?

This loses half its impact without sound.

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Makina is the best pretend daughter archetype I've seen in a story. Lovely and funny as hell. Love her personality after she gets trained by Yuuji. Though, I'm mad that her mom was spared in her VN route. In the anime (and I'm pretty sure in the second and third games is cannon as well as well) she got shot, which is a good thing.

Michiru is simply too dumb not to love. She's the lovely dumb type. Plus, she comes in a 2 in 1 package with her Murrican friend she got from that heart transplant.

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>her Murrican friend she got from that heart transplant.
Got retcon'd in the sequels. Now Michiru just has multiple personalities.

Can you image that there are people on this board that actually hate Asako? They even go as far as to say that she has no personality, yet again most of them are speed reader fags. Kinda glad though that they respected her memory and didn't bring her back to life by some mambo jumbo bullshit.

Fanservice mostly, though Amane would instantly get into a FFM threesome at any time if Yuuji asked for it.

You mean the one where she and Yuuji become the new ''villain''? I thought that ending was great. Moralfags would bitch about it, but it's actually amazing if you think about it. You are one of the most powerful people on the globe with a genius confidant at your side whilst keeping the harem island.

Guys, is Phantom Trigger worth the time?
From what I've read online, it's pretty shit and a quick lazy cash-grab.

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It's short at least, I read it for Maki and Tohka, but it's definitely no real followup to the trilogy.

Time sure, money no.

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That doesn't look like Asako.
Or one of the American whores Yuuji met.

Pretty hot to be honest.

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>no porn
Having girls that cute and not being able to fuck them is an absolute disgrace.

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Murasaki's sister needs to be bred.

Damn thats a blast from the past. Should prolly replay it, I remember having alot of fun with it.
easily prefer it to G-senjou no maou

I fucking love the Grisaia banter.
It doesnt help that translation team was based as fuck.

God damnit Ban! I CAN ONLY GET SO HARD!

Of course, because it's better than G-senjou.

I love that stupid robot arm she wears just for shit and giggles. Seriously did she only come up with it just to eventually fuck with Amane?

At least it has pretty consistent plot. While G-senjou has that stupid twist on the final route.
I did cry like a bitch during the last ending

Grisaia's annoying.The characters are almost all assholes who treat each other like shit, an over-the-top sense of machismo permeates the prose and many of the characters (I find it hard to care that Daniel Bone is killed given how obnoxious of a nigger he is)... I think the writer(s) behind this game would consider the guy in the navy seal copypasta to be legitimately cool if they ever came across it. Moments like Yuuji challenging Amane's dad to a fist fight to get his approval made me roll my eyes. So cool. Such manliness.

Gotta love how cheesy the games are.

Imagine going through a life or death escape to a submarine, travel the whole ocean.... all of this while wearing that fake robot arm to mess around with Amane. Teasing goes in the family I see

Wait... there aren't even H-scenes. Fucking dropped before picking. What's the fucking point of this entry? Ah yes, money.

Ban, you fucking bastard. One can only get this hard

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>The characters are are almost all assholes
Implying that isn't realistic. When's the last time you went outside and talked with people, you neet?

>made me roll my eyes. So cool. Such manliness
Take your estrogen pills, user. You seem to have gotten into a sissy bitch crisis

>Implying that isn't realistic. When's the last time you went outside and talked with people, you neet?

You're right, it is realistic, and that's part of what makes the games feel so gross. I've never liked how people are so abrasive and meanspirited and treat their so-called loved ones like garbage.

Murasaki too

It's a combo deal.

Michiru is NOT bipolar and distant!

It's a joke mate

Manga for Phantom Trigger has tits at least

Which was dumb as shit considering the sequels introduce shit that's at the very least equally as outlandish.

Meikyuu and Rakuen both do a lot of retconning. In Kajitsu, Yuuji was portrayed as a little bit of a psycho even as a child, when his family is still alive and whole. This is dropped entirely in Meikyuu, where he's entirely soft and sweet prior to the death of his parents, and his mental issues take the form of being sad and lonely rather than angry and embittered.

She absolutely is. There's a reason she's in a glorified mental hospital.

There's an alt version too.

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Makina's amazing

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She's mentally ill, but what makes you think her specific mental illness is Bipolar?

Ah, yes. The technicality defense. You know she's the biggest lunatic in the place so fuck off retard lover.

>18 years old
>150 cm tall
>B: 76 W: 57 H: 78


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>still manhandles 175cm holstein amazon

How does she do it?

But who was the better Nee-chan?

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Dont try and make me choose.
I refuse to.

I need to replay this game, it's been like a decade.

Same. I barely remember what it was about.
All I can remember is the Daddy Higuchi.

Is it true that the MC fucked his own mom?

All I remember is that I wanted to fuck Mana, also Wakamoto busting in to save his lover.

That was an IF story, so no its not canon in any form.

Man, I actually completely forgot about her.
Which is funny because it's kind of a story element too.

This also had a fucking awesome Harem ending from what I remember, its a shame it never got a anime.
Does Phantom Trigger have an references or callbacks to the first game at all? I bought the 1st episode and got bored with all the new faggots and how they werent Juicy Yuugi?

There's some small references to Yuuji and Asako, more so the former, one of the characters (Maki or Rena I think) use Yuuji's workout guide.

How much of a mess is the Grisaia timeline?

How is possible for Kazuki to appear in Phantom Trigger as Thanatos?
Wasn't the whole system destroyed? I even remember they sent Michiru to the bottom of the sea to cut the sea cables powering the system?
Did they make a copy of Kazuki's mind?

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It's explained in PT6 or 5, something something copy system with no human core.

Fuck so nothing concerning the state of Yuujis harem, or the kids they had or Yuuji himself? That kinda sucks since a majority of the characters look like hybrids of the first girls.

The studio fucked up with the shitty, inferior sequel.

Everybody hates the new cast.

The rather have Yuuji make a comeback instead and the plot line supports a comeback because it was revealed that America's Pentagon also hooked up genuis lolis to a super computer just like Japan did.

A sequel could have had Yuuji break into America and rescue Genuis Lolis from Machines hooked up the Pentagon's Supercomputer

Route for each girl and main route presented by animu where every girls problems are solved, leading to Rakuen. Meikyuu presents multiple IF scenes just for ero, like Banging Makinas mother into submission and that scene where Yujis mother basically rapes him before killing herself. The IF scenes very clearly state that these are just possibilities that never happened.

That was supposed to die off within a month wasnt it?

>Implying they aren't clones

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I mean I knew the story was bad, but was it really that bad to pull that kind of asspull?

good job spoiling the entire thing in the OP. i wanted to read the VN but i guess i don't need to anymore

Kys faggot, its been out close to 3 years now.

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Finding an excuse for being a lazy fag. It's been fucking years since it got released
Get your fatass moving and play the VNs.
Spoilers make people bitch, but they'll read/ watch it anyway

>Spoilers make people bitch, but they'll read/ watch it anyway
wrong. spoilers can change the entire experience because it messes with your expectations.

Then I guess you werent really that interested in the story faggotx if knowing an aspect of the ending really turned you off of it.

Why was Yuuji so much nicer as a little boy than the edgy asshole he becomes as a teenager and adult?

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Imagine being this retarded. It has been proven again and again by countless studies that even though you don't like to get spoiled, you'd still watch the story to see how it ended up to that point.
If you really were intrested in the story, you would have been completely spoiled before actually finishing the VN/ anime. It only proves that you are an attention seeking whore that didn't even want to go through it in the first place.


He was constantly raped and forced to kill people.

Why are clueless children nice and adults pricks?

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>an over-the-top sense of machismo permeates the prose and many of the characters
that's the joke

uh, did they rip the style from bakemonogatari for the blonde girl?

>If you really were intrested in the story, you would have been completely spoiled before actually finishing the VN/ anime.
no, only subhumans do that. I can't even imagine how you'd come to such an absolutely retarded conclusion. i didn't know anything about the best VNs that i've read besides that they were supposedly good in some way. the same with grisaia.
you're right in saying that i don't have a strong interest in reading grisaia, but that doesn't mean i wouldn't have read it.

and it'd not about reading/not reading it in the first place, it's about how spoilers will change your reading experience. knowing important things beforehand will lessen the tension and mystery of the preceding events. sometimes to the point where it will feel like a chore to read. if its well written you might still like the story, but you're an uncultured imbecile if you think "good enough" is an excuse for balant spoilers.

Nagisa dies, now fuck off.

Must be hard, huh? Being an incomprehensible moron acting like a Muppet, I mean.
>Muh brain is so high IQ I can only enjoy a story if it's spoon fed to me like a child at the kindergarten.

Listen, here you infantile: spoilers are not great, but not a ruining experience. If find it a "chore" to read it further after finding out future events, it only proves that you were going through it half-heatedly in the first place. This is just your self-centred opinion. For most people that love a series however, when they get spoiled they get even more intrigued. You know why? Because they have enough brain cells to get intrigued and now wonder what events will lead to the conclusion they involuntary found out (not like they didn't expect it to begin with but that's beyond the point)

Stop being an attention whore, you whore.

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Jesus christ please stay away from Grisai you faggot, you dont deserve to read and enjoy it if little things like this turn you off from this shit.


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Sachi and Makina are best girls, fight me

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That threesome scene was godly

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Makina's nipple slip in this CG is exactly what got me into Grisaia.

Damn right it was


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Post Michiru

That's simply not how stories work you newborn shitter.
>Muh brain is so high IQ I can only enjoy a story if it's spoon fed to me like a child at the kindergarten.
even your analogies are fucking gibberish. what you said applies perfectly to spoilers and not at all to what i'm suggesting, which is just reading a story cold.
>hurr durr let's read one sentence summaries (i.e. spoilers)! why? because i'm a fucking toddler who can't wait!

>spoilers are not great, but not a ruining experience.
so you understand it: spoilers will never add anything, they will only take away from the experience. the question is just how much.

i don't really care about grisaia. just don't defend spoilershitters and their retarded arguments.
at times like this i wonder if you bunch of homosexuals have ever read something that you truly liked, or if the entire hobby is just mainly about ironic shitposting.
because if you have then points should be obvious.

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There you go

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No bully pls

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You'll need an uncensored patch for that. Though it would be pretty useless in this game since it's the only one without H scenes

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> Hurr durr... I don't care about Grisaia but I still shitpost like a retard here ruining the fun for everyone

No, you're not retarded, just inbred. We are the retarded ones for responding to your cretinism and giving you attention

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God I love vagina bones

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So that why Google is garbage

going all ages was their biggest mistake

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Kazuki is more fun to watch, but I like Ririko/Ken’s relationship dynamic (specifically, that she was abusive as fuck in the past, but MoriKen sees this as being the result of her own isolation, and can’t leave her alone because she has literally no one else) more from a narrative standpoint.

Kabuki/The Juice feels like somebody ready Sharin no Kuni and made a cargo cult version of the Higuchi siblings. They have the same general setup for their relationship, but with all of the original’s faults and vulnerabilities removed, making the end result shallow by comparison.

I want a maid just like Sacchan.

That a fact?
