Will we ever see anything new from Type Moon or its doomed to milk shitty fate forever?

will we ever see anything new from Type Moon or its doomed to milk shitty fate forever?
Tsukihime remake/anime when

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I'd milk her milkers while she milks my cock, if you know what I mean.

TM's office should've burned instead of Kyoani.

I don't know what you mean, care to explain?

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jesus christ how horrifying

Why are you asking for something new and then begging for a remake?

Tsukihime anime as well as other spin-off about Tsukihime worldline can only be a thing after TsukiRe being released. Anyway, from FGO interview in 2017:
>Nasu: I can’t reveal anything concrete yet at the moment, but rest assured that we’ve been making progress on various titles within TYPE-MOON. I’d like to apologize about not having anything to say right now. But all I can say is that as long as FGO is in service, I just have to make the Tsukihime R collaboration a dream come true.

>4Gamer: !

>Nasu: That’s why I feel that producing good content for FGO and releasing Tsukihime R are the duties entrusted to me and all of TYPE-MOON. After all, I also want to see SSR Arcueid Brunestud happen!

it's as good as dead

That looks disgusting

God bless Raita

>no physics
looks weird

>my tits are made of solid gold

>will we ever see anything new
>remake when

The duality of man.

FGO Arcade takes the fucking piss, the cost of summoning is actually obscene.


So why haven't they made anything. What the hell were they even doing these past two years?

We have no idea, user. 2017 is literally the last time TsukiRe got mentioned by Nasu and Typemoon. There's a new illustration in Typemoon Ace 11 but they didn't say much about the progress.

how much does it cost?


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Gachaturds will eat this disgusting raita vomit forever so no.

It's 100 yen to play like 1-to-3 maps, 100 yen for a single summon and 1000 yen for 10 summon.
That doesn't sound bad compared to the exchange rate in SQ in the mobile game, but in that game you can get that shit for free, there is no F2P in Arcade. Hell, you can't even whale, since you have to grind for summoning materials and once you've got enough you have earned the privilege to pay for a fucking summon. It's total exorbitant bullshit.

can't believe people pay for such a blatant scam

you are underestimating gacha tards user

Nasu ran out of "ideas" after plagiarizing all of Leaf's plots. So no.

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>Tsukihime remake/anime when
never i hope, remakes are garbage 98% of the time and have no need existing.
and the tsukihime remake designs look like fucking garbage

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I gave up on TM long ago, besides why the fuck would you want nu-type kek to touch Tsukihime? The only thing that forces me to care about them are Fate/Strange fake and Prisma Illya

Just go play Kizuato.


So what's this from, it can't be FGO because that's just shitty 2D sprites

The only time I've ever seen someone bring up Kizuato is in reference to Tsukihime stealing its ideas. I've never seen anyone actually talk about it properly, let alone anything indicating it was even any good.

It's FGO Arcade.

A guy goes to live with his expended family, five sisters Chizuru, Kaede, Hatsune and Asuza. Shortly after violent murders happen in town and he has recurring nightmares where he might be the culprit.

Game has several routes, can be quite gruesome, has great music, and has memorable scenes. Character's personalities are even stolen as well, like Hisui being a not-Kaede.

Go play it and you will realize how much of a hack Nasu is.

Attached: Kizuato.full.5677.jpg (1024x768, 168K)

Looks even more hideous than the 2D version. Literally balloons on a skeleton.

She looked weird in 2D, but dear god, she doesn't even look human in 3D.

All hail Raita's weird alien designs.

Part 2 is the finale of FGO. So that’ll end by 2020 at least

I don't really care that much, it's like complaining that Kizumonogatari is a rip off of Ciel's Route, while the similarities are staggering the two stand perfectly well on their own merits. All you really described was the basic setup which isn't even what made Tsukihime interesting in the first place.

To that I would say that Tsukihime enjoyed the advent of the internet more than Kizuato ever did. Lots of fanarts, doujin and the sort was booming, and this contributed to its popularity.

As for plot, Tsukihme is about madness and enjoying life, Kizuato is more about being a monster deep down and living with it. Same setting, some characters taken, somewhat different execution.

>FGO Arcade so cheap it couldn’t afford real jiggle physics

Should have just made a 2D fighter with FGO characters

Can't do soulless gachashit with fighters.

Execution is really what matters at the end of the day, it changes everything. And Tsukihime was at the forefront of the doujin boom leading the way, even Touhou didn't take off to its real extent until EoSD a few years after that. It was also the first doujin VN to get an official anime adaptation, which was a pretty big deal even if Yea Forums likes to deny its existence.
At the end of the day, you can take the workings of a story and make it something completely different, as can be seen anywhere. Hell, you can see the influence Tsukihime had on Ryukishi in everything surrounding Yasu's character reflected from Kohaku's story. That doesn't detract from all the original thought and distinct narrative that goes into each and every one of these works. These things were successful because they stole ideas and got lucky, they brought something new to the table that stuck and worked. That's all there is to it.

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>no translation
Why would you post that

>These things were successful because they stole ideas and got lucky
*weren't, even.

"Got lucky" is how I would describe Tsukihime.

that bath suit makes me diamonds, is there anything more lewd?
anything more perfect?

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Luck alone doesn't carry a doujin VN made by five guys into a major business deal and dedicated international fans almost two decades after the fact. There are too many factors to account for. You might as well complain that Touhou got lucky despite there being a whole bunch of other earlier shmups with cute girl characters, it's just fucking inane. The simple fact is that they had something that the others didn't.

>zero jiggle
If you told me this was a Chinese knockoff stealing assets I would believe you. But no, it's a game franchise that makes billions of dollars a year. Of course you'll never see anything new from Type Moon with this cash cow. Fate only keeps getting adaptations anymore to advertise new characters for Grand Order.

Mmmm... i wonder how hard could it be to rip the modems from a mobile game.

This is from the arcade game.

So not hard but a huge pain.

>We're never gonna get the Tsukihime Remake
>We're never gonna get any new Type-Moon content outside of fucking FGOshit
>The Tsukihime remake and Girls' Work are destined to be turned into FGO collab events and forgotten, if they're eve used at all.
I honestly just wish Nasu would release a concise summary about the complete plot progression of Mahoyo 2 and 3 just so I can stop worrying about updates and be satisfied with the TM content that we have, seeing how the gacha-bucks killed his and Takeuchi's desire to release anything substantial anymore.
The TsukiRemake was probably never gonna measure up to the quality of the original anyway, and at least all the porn FGO has spawned has been decent.

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>Giraffe neck
>Balloon tits
>Pretty much no jiggle whatsoever

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I seriously feels sorry for those, who can't appreciate Raita.

Based nasu giving False hope

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they should let raita design more characters for it

>Tsukihime remake

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man I love Raita... so polarizing though

>those fucking arms

>five guys
not that guy, who else made tsukihime besides takeuchi and nasu?

Raita should stick to drawing lolis.

>Tsukihime remake
It's never going to happen. And you don't want it to either. How many times have people begged for anime/game remakes only for it to be a monkey's paw?

Also the anime exists, it's terrible. Other series have bad animes. Accept it and move on already.

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the programmers and composer? nasu was script and story, takeuchi was art and the rest i dont know. probably kiyobee for the programming.
i gave up on type moon years ago ever since i quit fgo. the company has gotten too big for its own britches and cant move on from their cash cows. ever simce mahoyo flopped hard (which was their own fault for making dumbass fucking decisions), they arent going to venture into new ips or remakes ever again.
nasu is like one of those lying dipshit politician at this point. he promises this and that but never come through with it and he never will because he doesnt have to. fate franchise is too big to fail so why would he do anything else?

>the anime exists

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I don't know a goddamn thing about this character, but I can tell Raita designed her.

I was wondering about that, I guess the intent in which this was done disgusts me (cash grab)

from what ive heard, the models are only available in bits and pieces because they stream it that way to your phone and then it gets assembled into the full model.

The sprites in FGO are all modular, made up of different pieces so they can allow for differences in clothing and accessories during different stages of ascension, and also special costume changes.

It's been a point of annoyance for certain players for years that Delight Works still doesn't allow players to mix and match various aspects of the character ascension stages, since sometimes form 3 is really cool but lacks something you really liked from form 2.


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3D doesn't work at all for her.

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Wouldn't mean a damn thing since Nasu is never there.

The more I look at it the more repulsive it gets.

I want to slice those tits off and roast them over a fire

>Puts hands on her hips
>Her upper arm bends upward towards the shoulder
Jesus Christ how horrifying.

What do you call her clothing? The bra specifically; it looks like two eyepatches for her nipples, but I can't find a term for that sort of tip.


Best girl on the left

ayy lmao

She only really works in sprite form to be honest, and even then barely.

>3D raita

christ why do people like this design?

>will we ever see anything new from Type Moon

It's not as if this season of anime includes anything from Type Moon...

its just more spinoff of fate...

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>Nasu stops working on FGO
>the writing somehow gets better

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>When new?
>Fate/Kaleid Prisms Illya: Prisma Phantasm
>Just last month

That's how you get IRL Shirous you fool.

Fate spinoff. Goddamn it's like you don't even know what the question is.

Three guys and one female actually. Nasu, Takeuchi, Kiyobee and KATE.

This is the ideal female form.

Type Moon is dead in terms of soul. No more traditional VNs, any kind of Tsukihime release is never ever status and Fate's corpse will be continued to be used as a marionette doll even when it's clearly rotting in front of our eyes.
I wish I could erase everything Type Moon from my mind in between my first time reading both Tsukihime and FSN, the old days of Yea Forums and now.

>never paid attention to FGO
>always see this slut in sadpanda
>finally see this webm
>"wait, she was designed by raita?"
>my boner when

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Nasu hasn't been as involved in Fate/Grand Order lately since the Lostbelts are largely written by other writers. And he hasn't had any other projects lately either. Maybe he's finally working on Shingetter R.

dont kid yourself. hes playing sekiro and waiting for that next from software game to sink his time into.

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He wrote India LB bro and that took almost half a year because it the original draft was so garbage it had to be rewritten multiple times.

Oh Elden Ring...

Was it that bad? Is Nasu ever satisfied with anything he writes?


Based Raita

Raita making /ic/fags seethe since 1997, the absolutely based god

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>Wants something new
>Wants a remake
Make up your mind, shithead.