Hatta killed KyoAni

>According to the president Hatta, the front door usually closes the shutter, and the employees are coming and going from the employee entrance on the other side. However, there was a visitor on the morning of the 18th when the fire started, and the shutter was open.
>In preparation for suspicious persons, a security camera with an entrance was also installed.
>Since the studio is completed in 2007 and there are spiral staircases, Kyoto City has instructed installation of a smoke barrier in the completion inspection. In response to this, they installed a 50 cm long smoke-proof wall that hangs from the ceiling.
>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design, shook his voice, saying, "I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."

Not to mention, and this is the cherry on top, this man unlocked the doors that normally require employee passcards, basically disabling their only security.

This man is literally responsible for the deaths of 34 people. He's responsible for the deaths of his own employees. He's reponsible for killing his own company, which he founded.
And Yea Forums still defends him and damage controls his criminel negligence with "arguments" such as "crime is rare in japan so it's okay to have zero security" and "its LITERALLY impossible to survive fires to emergency exits dont do shit". Yes, people are seriously trying to defend him like that, because they can't handle the REALITY that the CEO of KyoAni is reponsible for its downfall.

He already admitted his wrongdoings and is going to be sued out of the ass by the survivors. Wonder if Yea Forums will still defend him when he's in prison. He should have committed sudoku at the first opportunity, but he's too much of a coward.

Attached: 1563706464640.jpg (348x433, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He should be hanged together with fat arsonist fuck. Kyoani is so fucking dead holy shit.

I don't think you understand what negligence is.
He's an animator, not a fire safety expert. It's the government's responsibility to establish codes, and his responsibility to follow them. Unless he failed to follow the inspector's instructions, he has zero liability.

>the front door usually closes the shutter
learn japanese

>He should be applauded together with rotund arsonist hero. Kyohackani is so fucking dead holy shit.

His actions definitely aided in the actions of an insane murderer, but to say he was the one who's responsible is ridiculous. Yes, he absolutely takes some of the blame. If he didn't follow the fire safety codes, this was just an accident waiting to happen. But putting him on the same level as the fuck who actually, knowingly, unashamedly lit the fuel and attacked those people, that is retardation of the highest degree.

So fuck you, OP.

Schizos are a force of nature. You have to account for them as a human being.

>knowingly, unashamedly lit the fuel and attacked those people
People who have manic episodes can be entirely detached from reality where it becomes even more questionable if they can be blamed for their actions

People who can have manic episodes should be put down.

>One man has the ability to make NEET incels like this SEETHE for days
Absolutely based

No he didn't. Off yourself OP.

Attached: 3.jpg (841x1163, 101K)

Exactly. It's society's fault for not doing anything about it beforehand.

I'm sorry but 34 dead? I would not one him near me even though he only had a "manic" episode.
He deserves lifetime in jail.

Kind of feels like the same logic OP uses should then be applied to the state, society, medical society and the perps family for neglecting mental health issues and letting a potentially dangerous madman be left unsupervised and with no treatment.

How about the perpetrator's parents? They were responsible for creating that insane piece of shit.
Are they also responsible?

>Schizos are a force of nature
Except in Japan they usually aren't.

Not jail, but mental institution.

>Kind of feels like the same logic OP uses should then be applied to the state, society, medical society and the perps family for neglecting mental health issues and letting a potentially dangerous madman be left unsupervised and with no treatment.

It's already normal to do this outside of America

They will be awarded the 4channel medal of honor of raising a saint who destroyed KyoAni.
I mean, edgelords meme about the christchurch shooter all the time as well.

"He only had mental attacks"
Yeah. No. Stop using that excuse. He already had jail time before.

He should commit seppuku at the opening day of the monument to KyoAni, in front of the park and statue they want to build there

Mods are asleep apparently.

>It's the government's responsibility to establish codes, and his responsibility to follow them. Unless he failed to follow the inspector's instructions, he has zero liability.

Deleting the sticky was a mistake

He followed the code.
Still, these faggots would just reply why he didn't improve it himself, so following the code isn't really helping for the argument.

Anime when?

That's not what he said.

He had the anti-smoke wall (whatever that shit is supposed to be) built as instructed by Kyoto.
He said he finds it regrettable to not add an emergency exit stair.

my side, you are so angry yet you don't give a single shit about the victims, you just want more people dead and destroyed. 100% chances OP is a youtuber

Thanks for the donations btw.
They will help us greatly during the legal cases against the families of the deceased!

t. Hatta

Attached: Screenshot_20190721_145140.png (496x325, 21K)

Did you use google translator?

NHK interview

>"crime is rare in japan so it's okay to have zero security" and "its LITERALLY impossible to survive fires to emergency exits dont do shit". Yes, people are seriously trying to defend him like that, because they can't handle the REALITY that the CEO of KyoAni is reponsible for its downfall.
>He already admitted his wrongdoings and is going to be sued out of the ass by the survivors. Wonder if Yea Forums will still defend him when he's in prison. He should have committed sudoku at the first opportunity, but he's too much of a coward.

Yeah, when crime is low it IS in fact okay to have zero security. Nobody who lives in the country locks their doors, I haven't locked a house door in years.

It is in fact literally impossible to survive a fire like that, yes. Read back through the threads if you're still confused about CO and the releationship it has with gasoline.

The building was built to the fire code, if you want to complain about something complain about lax building standards. Emergency stairs would have done nothing, not a single person died from the fall, nobody even made it to the roof.

>Trying to find a scapegoat this quick

Not falling for this bait nigger

I hope Megumi's Ojichan and Obachan gets all your money, Hatta.

Attached: 1563686775698.jpg (1024x683, 117K)

I mean we already have the arsonist.

Obviously you regret every action that would've saved lives and property.
But in the end they were a victim of a freak attack, and that invalidates any sort of blame from their part.
You don't plan your business around the 1 in ten million occurrence.
Tho now all famous buildings and such have to at least consider what if theres copycat crimes.

>his fault
The fire is the responsibility of the arsonist alone.
Deactivating the security for a scheduled interview is also not a fault in itself.
Not installing emergency stairs is retarded but if the fire safety regulations don't make them mandatory also not his fault.
Nothing of this would have happened without the arsonist.

>This man is literally responsible for the deaths of 34 people. He's responsible for the deaths of his own employees. He's reponsible for killing his own company, which he founded.

He didn't set the place on fire. Now, what would have happened in case of an accident?

This. THIS.

>Deactivating the security for a scheduled interview is also not a fault in itself.

Imagine unironically believing this

>Deactivating the security for a scheduled interview
No point in having a security if you're gonna disable it without replacement, because then the bad guys will wait for the specific moment it happens and come after you. Example: some recent arson attack at KyoAni where the bad guy did precisely that.

none of that crap, death!

I think it's fair to say that Hatta practically lit the match himself.

Death is too good. Forced labor is the way to go.

How could he have known the system was deactivated?
It looks like a glass fucking door, he was probably planning on smashing it if it didn't open right away. Or rushing behind someone else as they entered.

>get asked to turn your security of by interview partner
>"sure why not?"
>arsonist and interview partner arrive almost at the same time
You can't account for some maniac stalking your business, waiting to set the whole thing up on fire.
In hindsight it's retarded because we know that some asshole stormed the place with 40l of gasoline, but god knows how many times they've did this for interviews without some retarded ambushing them.

Osh mysh gosh, that means that NHK planned to kill KyoAni all along in the first place.

>turn off security
>be surprised you get invaded by criminals "WOE IS ME HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLY HAVE HAPPENED! MUH 0.0000001% CHANCE!!"

It doesn't matter how low the chance is, he turned off security and he paid the fucking price. If he didn't want to be responsible for the deaths of 34 people, maybe he shouldn't have gambled on "crime won't possibly happen to ME"?

And all of this is blatantly ignoring the fact that they received death threats multiple times prior to that. Because, you know, such a thing totally doesn't deserve increased level of alertness or something. Absolutely not. Crime never happens in Japan, after all.

>This man is literally responsible for the deaths of 34 people.
No, the guy who intentionally killed those 34 people is responsible. The building was prepared for an accidental fire.

Probably not. 11 people would have died on the 2nd floor in any case due to the extremely rapid spread of smoke, and 20 people on the 3rd floor would have been saved if the door were open.

you're a dumb retard talking about something far removed from you, i bet anyone could easily apply this bullshit logic to the stuff you do every day

>be boss
>be negligent and think that safety measure are just a waste
Every time.

All passive security can do is deter theft. Nothing short of an armed guard is going to prevent someone with petrol bombs and knives from attacking.

>NEET who can't even grasp the simple concept of employers being responsible for the safety of their employees calling anyone else dumb

Weebs will do anything for their entertainment is not even funny how delusional they are most of the time.

The door wasn't locked and opened outwards.
3rd floor would have been saved if they had 10s more air to not pass out in the staircase.

Attached: 1563710729732.png (1200x675, 742K)

The door was not locked if you mean that by open. Those people died from carbon monoxide

No one cares if you follow the safety rules or not but if something happens you have to take responsibility.

Where was it said that the door wasnt locked

Both him and government are at fault.
Mostly government because they not just have shitty fire safety standards but also they set mentally ill guy free from jail and didn't lock him in psychiatric hospital or wherever after that.

All it takes is one person to trip while running up stairs blinded and suffocating, and everyone behind them is fucked.
More escape routes would have obviously been better, and probably required under U.S. code, but no route is foolproof with that much smoke.

>nation with history of massive fires and earthquakes
>neglect securing their buildings from either
What the fuck is wrong with Japanese regulators?

IIRC was confirmed by firefighters
And just look at the image, the fireman is opening it casually using the door handle, and its not likely that the fireman found the key that would be somewhere in the charred remains of the offices. It hasn't been busted down using a battering ram.

When will misinformation threads like these become ban-able offenses?

What if CEO was corrupt and paid inspectors to close eyes on poor fire safety?

Arsonist is innocent.
Hatta did this.

What if there was actually a volcano right underneath the studio that nobody knew about and disappeared afterwards?

If you don't like it here, you can always go to reddit.

why he didn't clearly say N H K

10 years ago at a meeting of the architectural firm designing the building, one young and upcoming member raises his opinion
>this design has several vulnerable points. If it were to be attacked by - say - a lone man with 40l of petrol - it would be a death trap.
Senior member turns to him
>son, this is not an embassy or military building. It's just an anime studio making cgdct

And that young man went on to direct Fractale.


Some roof doors open from the roof side no matter what's the stats of the lock to prevent any person from being stuck on the roof.

Fractale is oldfag anime that no one know in modern Yea Forums.

Reminds me of that comic.

I know it and it's boring

user I...
He clearly entered the roof from inside the building.

Next time you go to a multi-story hotel walk up the stairs all the way to the roof. You won't have any problem getting to the roof. You might set an alarm off when you open the door to the roof. Now try to go back down. Odds are door is locked and you can't get back to the stairwell. Hope you brought your phone with you. If not and you set off an alarm, don't worry somebody will come for you real soon.

>the person who fueled the planes that flew into the World Trade Centers should be held responsible for the attacks

>another thread with the same copypaste and image
Deleting the sticky was a mistake

Legal liability is not the same as personal responsibility and due diligence. Especially when talking about support systems designed to avoid such catastrophes. If half of what OP wrote is true, this man should be hanged.

holograms don't need fuel

Yeah I bet he was expecting the worst mass murder since WW2 at a fucking anime studio in the most quiet neighbourhood imaginable.
They could probably have handled normal fire, it was a firebombing tier fire.
Kill yourself, friend.

You know 9/11 truthers and so on exist because the US basically let the attack happen, right?

His personal responsibility will be paid in full after he demolishes the building for a memorial and rebuilds it elsewhere to continue business. Even All Might couldn't have foreseen the chain of events that led up to this tragedy, nor done anything about it once it began.

No, that's not how responsibility works you fucking ass. The person responsible is the man who dumped 40 liters of gas and lit it on fire. This dude is only guilty of not anticipating the attack. Otherwise every single person who has ever failed to lock a door is responsible for murder because someone could have walked in and killed people.

I'm pretty sure accounting for that was the sort of thing the security was put there for in the first place.

>This dude is only guilty of not anticipating the attack.

He is guilty of negligence and this has nothing to do with "anticipating" or "predicting" the attack. You don't lock a door because you KNOW someone's going to sneak in, you lock the door so nobody can, period, and you don't look like a fucking idiot stammering about "muh 0.1% chance" if it does.

Those britbongs whose kid got kidnapped in Portugal because they left the apartment door unlocked rightfully get vilified by fucking everyone. Do you honestly think anyone gives a shit if they say "well we couldn't have known someone would steal our child, I mean such a thing practically never happens! hurr durr"

Every lone man seen carrying a bucket around Japan is going to get stoned to death from now on aren't they?

>Wonder if Yea Forums will still defend him when he's in prison.
Remember the countless 'x did nothing wrong' threads?
Take a wild guess.

A stranger entering your house with 2 cans is just a guest, right?

Kadokawa should be held responsible for creating these weapons of mass destruction

Attached: imgbin-kemono-friends-sakhalin-fox-oke-F1NuWQ2ab7Dj6kKvA6AXZVHsi.jpg (728x542, 53K)

So negligence or malpractice? I think its negligence for now.

All kinds of people carry all kinds of shit all the time, you'd know that if you ever left your parent's basement.
Leave such idiotic kneejerk reactions to burgers.

Men working in cleaning service works gonna have a hard life from now on

No, Kyoto/Japan should never allow shitty death traps like that in their fire code.

Most basics of basics: All air stairs and air ducts etc.going up must be closed off by a double set of doors and fireproof walls at all floors.

Within floors there also must be close-able sections with multiple escapes possible on both sides of any fire obstacle. Active fire systems like sprinklers and smoke alarms should also be installed.

And all the usual other stuff related to sane fire safety.

I imagine that helped him get away with it.
If you see somebody walk in with a bright red gas can you'll probably have some questions. If they're just pushing a bucket on a cart I doubt you'd assume it's gasoline until you smell it and you're already fucked.

He had normal clothes though, cleaners all wear uniforms.

I want to poop in one of those so bad

Kadokawa beat you to it.

100% with you. Those life's could be saved if he cared a bit about risk. For any faggots saying that emergency exits doesn't do shit, look what a simple closed door does when a fire rampages your home. He has blood in his hands


>30+ people dead
>youtube comment sections:wow, whats worse is *my favorite anime* is not gonna get new episodes now!
>youtube anime channels: cringy thumbnail of an anime character crying

Attached: 1561559087372.jpg (184x173, 7K)

Certainly, but actually it is far more meaningful if governments regulate this rather than leaving it up to every property owner.

Imagine having to guess for any building you enter whether the respective building's owner established sufficient fire safety measures.

Honestly though, would a door leading to external stairs on each floor really helped in the situation?
The fire spread quickly and the smoke even faster, 20 people died before they could even reach the rooftop door.

There wasn't an emergency exit, you can't deny that.

It's entirely possible if not probable that the same thing would have happened with one person succumbing in front of the exit so nobody else could get out, but the fact remains that it's possible that somebody could have made it out. We'll never know for sure.

Amazes me how people are defeding him in this thread, absolute cope

Okay. The arsonist is some kind of lucky mother fucker since all the conditions were favoring for him.

Any chance this is actually Hatta's evil plan to get Building's insurance money?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase - 02 [480p][05-09-21].jpg (848x480, 30K)

Excuse me?

>whats worse is *my favorite anime* is not gonna get new episodes now
Yeah, it obviously is the only reason anyone cares about this.
If it were a fire at some insurance company who would have given a single fuck, people die and 30+ people dying to fire doesn't even make a tiny dent into all the people that died that day.

I mean... "oh shit, they don't have fire barriers on each floor of this air duct/stairwell" and "oh shit, this section might be inescapable if caught in fire" or "oh shit, the wall to my neighbor is too thin and lined with things that will burn hot" is just not something you can easily guess even when making the decision to stay at a hotel or take a job in some office.

It's really a matter of sane mandatory fire safety measures and inspections and has been for a long, long while now.

>Multiple death threats for years to the studio
>uhhhgd durrr durr lets not hire a guard at the door
>lets make the entire building of wood ddurrrr
>fire exit?? emergency doors with push bars??!! that costs money!!durrrrr
>h-he is innocent!!

>hurr let's deflect blame from the guy who dropped gasoline and burned the entire fucking building

several persons would be saved
placing diving mat on the ground is only option to save most of the people in such low floors but no one would do so even they have enough place in their premises

>Any chance this is actually Hatta's evil plan to get Building's insurance money?
Then he is braindead level's of retarded, because IF there is any chance of him being found out then it is if people died as the investigation will be much more thorough and there will be a lot more media pressure.

Thank god the law doesn't actually work the way you pathetic NEETs want it to.

Just because arsonist is guilty, doesn't mean that faggot whose negligence / bad judgment contributed to high death count is innocent.

the owner of wwc was accused as such btw?

im from a third world shithole and almost all establishments here that earn a certain amount thats not even that much hire guards at the door. even small mall kiosks hire their own guards at top of regular mall guards just for safety

i am amazed how may places there are where they just dont bother with security

How do you think he's holding up?

Attached: yotsuba c.jpg (607x686, 37K)

It doesn't lessen the guilt of the arsonist murderer - this wasn't even an unintended consequence.

It just additionally may place guilt on the people allowing/designing death trap offices and hopefully result in better inspections/regulations with all death traps getting renovated or torn down.

Harakiri is the only way out of this.

Good post

You mean Komeiji? He abandoned anime

>whose negligence
Did the building not meat the fire safety standards?
Because that is the only way one could reasonably accuse him of negligence.

>bad judgment
Not a crime, and blaming him for not expecting a shizo arsonist, is kinda stupid.

he hesitated to hire some gurads because he couldnt trust the guard itself

So this murderous loony autist who spent all his days taking pictures of trains and being weird just happened to have a BFF in the NHK who tipped him off to how Kyoani studios were completely insecure for the day due to big-wig media visitors meeting with the big-wig studio directors, and he was just crazy enough to drop everything he was doing to go buy a gas can, fill up on gasoline and smoke the place with as much speed and efficiency as one of Al Capone's veteran pyros?
Lemme ask you one thing, to see if I got that straight: can I see the aurora borealis in your kitchen?

Several people jumped from the windows and some were helped with a ladder, so it's not a problem of fire exits. The problem was the smoke spreading incredibly fast engulfing the whole building in seconds and killing people before they even had a chance to escape.

No one's deflecting blame but he's not the only responsable for all this, the fat fuck set ONLY some part of the FIRST floor on fire and the major part of the deaths took place in the second/third floor

Do you really understand how stupid this situation is?
How EASY was to save all those people's lives? it's beyond ridiculous, 1 emergency door+ 1 fire drill day per year to teach people how to act AND that's it, everyone would be safe now

wouldnt you post MORE security when something big is happening?

>Not a crime
The perpetual whining of a bitch who knows nothing else but to cover from responsibility.
At least the guy admitted he fucked up.

>shizo arsonist
Doesn't have to be that specific, you have multiple death threats all the time

>even Komeiji got a life and I'm still here

Because third world shitholes expect to have bad stuff happen all the time, especially if there's anything of value involved.

>How EASY was to save all those people's lives?
To not sell 40L of gasoline to this fat crazy NEET.
Guy who sold 40L of gasoline is literally responsible for the deaths of 34 people

This was arson, not accidental fires, fire drills and fire precautions are for accidental fires, no amount of safety measures could have predicted this happening, most of the victims died of smoke inhalation, it's not a problem of emergency exits.

That's because you live in a third world shithole where everybody steals. Water is wet

40l of gasoline is not enough to fill your average econobox like a VW Golf.

Do you? Negligence has zero to do with your job.
Go watch 'Law's Broken: Jurassic Park'

Well in that case it's also the police fault for never investigating the numerous death threats Kyoani received, because there is a big change that the arsonist more than likely sent in death threats before burning the place up.

They died of smoke inhalation because they tried to get out the only exit up a stairwell that had no protection to stop it filling with smoke.

lets not go down the path of "the knife salesman is the real mastermind" route

Are there no security guards in the building?

>animation studio
>theres paper everywhere

are you kidding me? fire safety SHOULD have been top priority right from the start

fire precautions would have made the upper floors not fill up with smoke within 30s.
I agree, the first floor was fucked no matter what, but rudimentary fire safety would have helped people in the upper floors

Here's a reproduction of what happened :

Attached: file.png (1374x765, 1.03M)

Fire precautions work fine.
> smoke and heat doesn't just travel up to the next floor and gets stopped at every of multiple fire obstacles
> fire extinguishers limit or kill the spread of fire
> nobody is easily trapped, multiple smoke-free not too hot escape routes from just about anywhere
And so on. Yes, if you manage to place fuel air bombs in every floor without anyone noticing that's different then, but you wouldn't be able to do nearly as much damage with starting a fire in one or two rooms on one floor.

tons of papers around there in an anime producing office and the flammable surface area necessarily gets so massive and 40l gasoline directly put into such a place so no one assumes such a badly overlapping terrible situation,
so every prevention hindsight is meaningless

>it's also the police fault for never investigating the numerous death threats
Do these count as a criminal offence in Japan?
Did Kyoani even brought it up to police?

Would protection have helped there with ~70 people trying to get out at once? Doors have to open.

Which could have made the death toll 3 instead of over 30.

emergency exits will not save you from 40l of gasoline arson
nothing can protect you from 40l of gasoline
this is 0.5

Fire drills help with that so they're calm enough to negotiate the door.

I see OP is trying way too hard. I guess this faggot couldn't stand getting destroyed in the previous thread.

Why are kyoani haters so psychotic? What is it about this studio that attracts the craziest haters?

>This was arson, not accidental fires
And? doesn't have anything to do, yes it was gasoline but it wasn't a fucking explosion, it was a fire, yes the smoke was intense but it doesn't kill you in an instant.

>no amount of safety measures could have predicted this happening

>most of the victims died of smoke inhalation, it's not a problem of emergency exits.
People who were in the second floor had enough time to go to the third one, if they had been trained they would have knew how to escape with an emergency exit.

It was so fucking simple to prevent all this, so fucking simple yet no "Japan is safe"!

OP you're a piece of shit, that's a man blaming himself for not having additional measures that could have saved them on top of the regulation he followed. That the security was off has NOTHING to do with liability for fire too.

>This man is literally responsible for the deaths of 34 people
No, I think that was the nigger with the gasoline.


Stick a metal spike up his ass and slow roast him like a kebab.

>To not sell 40L of gasoline to this fat crazy NEET
You think gas station worker with their minimum wage would give a shit?
Hell, 'No question asked" is one of the most common slogan for customer service.

It's even worse, the building was a death trap:


Attached: bad door no biscuit.png (633x329, 29K)

>nothing can protect you from 40l of gasoline
Same room fully engulfed in fire vs. rest of the building.

That's the important thing. Inside one room, MAYBE active fire safety can help someone, but that's surely not guaranteed for 40l of gasoline. Everyone else should have time to escape though.

>accident waiting to happen
Ah yes, fat weebs pouring 40 litres of gasoline inside buildings and smoking everyone is just every day occurrence in Japan.

>Did Kyoani even brought it up to police?

That certainly didn't help. If the first person even reached the door they wouldn't have been able to solve a damn puzzle they can't see while panicking. Once the first person is down their body blocks everyone else and it quickly dominoes to an impassable wall of death.

Why aren't Gigguk and The Anime Man, the pillars of anime community, making videos on this? They just keep uploading videos about Attack on Titan and some cringy VN. Don't they care about the anime industry? What the fuck

>debating how to execute the guy
he was an absolute worse than chris chan level of autist

the only way to hurt him is to hurt the only thing he cares about. his stupid trains. cover them with #pray4kyoani shit. make him suffer mentally. emotionally. im not even going full edgelord here im just saying this kind of person is too far gone to care about what happens to himself and is only focused on his hobby.

This. The security is to keep out thieves. It has nothing to do with fire safety and NO ONE IS EXPECTED TO HAVE ANTI-TERRORISM MEASURES.

>What is it about this studio that attracts the craziest haters?
They produce shitty anime

>This man is literally responsible for the deaths of 34 people.
Uh, I'm pretty sure the CRIMINAL who brought GASOLINE INTO THE BUILDING is chief responsible for their deaths.

And in times of peace it's a very human thing to slack off on security measures against things you cannot predict will happen. Now the tragedy has occured, so from now and a few years into the future, there'll probably be greater care put into security practices against this type of threat in addition to the other shit japan has to deal with (earthquakes and tsunamis mostly), but it'll go lax again eventually just in time for the next horrific act of terrorism.

Why do you feel the need to defend someone who killed an entire studio with his negligence?

No, but they do have 1400 or so yearly lethal fire casualties or something like that anyhow. Shitty fire safety that apparently was still legal just claimed more victims than average here.

Attached: fire.png (927x402, 75K)

All of that gasoline was burning on the ground floor. The people in the upper floors were suffocated to death due to rapid spread of the smoke and subsequent poisoning with the fire catching up to their unconscious bodies later. Fire safety would have saved them from 40l of gasoline burning 1-2 floors below by containing the spread of smoke for a few minutes. If the gasoline was spread over all 3 floors, all 3 floors would have been in trouble but that was not the case. 1 of the dead bodies was found on the stairs between floors 2-3 that just tells you how quickly the smoke had an effect on people.

Nothing can protect the ground floor from 40l of gasoline. The three deaths there were inevitable once the guy got in. Some if nlt all the other 31 deaths could potentially have been avoided with a few simple fire safety measures like smoke stop doors and fire exits.

>doors suddenly stop working if the criminal isn’t a thief.
>the sound of breaking and entering is magically masked if the criminal is not a thief.

>emergency exits are literally built so that panicked people can just run through them
>these retards put some fucking incomprehensible iron wall with two levers there instead

all the building owners need anti-arson consultant?

I love this thread because it shows the difference between people who grew up in a dangerous community and people who didn't.

Like you guys, not saying he's at fault all seem crazy to me, he had a clear hand in not following proper safety procedures and not trying to be prepared in case, but I guess that's only to me who grew up in constant fear of getting robbed or murdered because of living in the ghetto. Shit like this is natural and it's really strange to think there are people who actually don't lock their doors.

Since this is scaled down. But if smoke travels more slowly I doubt you gonna make it anyway. Unless you was paranoid like guy in nightclub video

Attached: D__2nu6VUAIKuI6.jpg (2480x3507, 388K)

0 fire exits

How is he not responsible?

>this meme again
Train austist is just 5ch's version of our madoka schizo. He wasn't involved with the attack.

They'd have to send him to China for that to work. Well, I suppose Japan could "gift" him.

If you start doing mental gymanstics blame game like OP you can end up convicting the entire country of negligence. The only one at fault was the perp. Authorities confirmed the fire code was up to standard. It was meant to prevent accidental fires not intentional arson.

don't forget that one bully that said a mean thing to perp-kun when he was 5 that with certainty turned him into a loonie, or the one girl who turned him down in middle school, or the employer who turned down his application, or KyoAni who stole his novel, etc. etc. etc.

Do you faggots even know how fucking fast the fire and smoke here is?
The building was a death zone full of smoke under 60s. Fire escape will do jack shit if the people can't reach it.
The survivors jumped asap. And a shit load died trying to jumped but couldn't even make the attempt.

No, but arson like actual fires should be largely an ineffective method of killing people because they can escape everywhere. You'd have to set all of many compartments and escape routes alight to change this much.

Sane fire codes, eh.

He's probably liable for negligence, clearly. If that's to say if criminally liable, I can't say. But civilly liable, absolutely. The KyoAni employees are gonna sue KyoAni to bankruptcy

t. lawyer, but not in Japan though, in flipland

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>dangerous community and people who didn't

I didn't grow up in a "dangerous community" yet im not retarded and know a building has to have basic safety measures. All business places have BASIC security too, denying this is just stupid.

>it's really strange to think there are people who actually don't lock their doors.

Country bumpkin opinions should be immediately discarded, they don't even qualify as humans anyway

If the building had adequate segregation measures the upper floors wouldn't be instantly filled with smoke as they could find the exit.

>it doesn't kill you in an instant.
It actually does.

See , stricter building fire safety regulations basically work fine and most people make it if they have multiple escapes and many minutes of time.

>glass shatters
If you were close enough to see what you happened you now have an extra few seconds to react before the firebomb goes off. If you're on a different floor like most of the victims you continue to be fucked.

Do we even know how fast smoke was from 40l of shit? Like there is spiral stairs and stairwell. Two giant holes for smoke. Look how fast smoke spreads here as example

Majority of those who died were trying to reach the roof via the stairs.

Why are Yea Forumsnons so spiteful and petty? They've been seething about this fund for days.

Didn't realize there was a better source video than the low res one on their site.

Attached: KyoAniFrodo.webm (640x360, 2.94M)


then if its in highrise? wheres the exit? dive from like 50F?

Yes user, keep adding more and more to a building, that will totally work on blaming a dude

>Fire escape will do jack shit if the people can't reach it
Are you stupid or what? The building isn't 1km square wide. Of course emergency door will help them greatly.


>Fire escape will do jack shit if the people can't reach it.

According to what we know the smoke reached first and trained people would have known where to go in case of something like this, they even had time to move to a floor above them, if there was an emergency exit in each floor that leaded outside everybody would be fine now

1st floor is fucked, no objection.
But what if there were stairways at the sides of the building will there be more survivor?

yep, everybody is dead, Jim.

We have a witness account of a jumper I think. It was literally blink and smoke.

So even if Hatta isnt jailed KyoAni is screwed?

I'd be concerned if he's suicidal after that

From the side which got less burn, yes. And really helpful for the people on the third floor because the smoke took 2 minutes to go there in heavy quantitites.

user, he did not spread gasoline around and set up shop in the stairwell in “a few seconds”. There’s also these funny things called “alarms” that let you know when someone bashed in a security door.

It's one of the largest mass-casualty incidents in post-war Japan. I'd give a damn even if it were some insurance company.

As an ex gas station employee, correct I don't give a shit, do you know how many people fill up more cans than they should? More than it's worth arguing with.

so the spiral staircase made it way worse?

We have several. Some old guy saw some women jump from the second flaw burned to their underwear.

Clearly, we must ban assault gasoline.

>1st floor is fucked, no objection
The people that were in the first floor survived


No shit


Attached: did we start the fire.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

>user, he did not spread gasoline around and set up shop in the stairwell in “a few seconds”
Yes, he really did.

he is responsible, sure. but the culprit obvioulsy also shares that responsibility.

They probably ran out when they heard the commotion and saw the guy. The three that didn't run out would still have died.

>3 story building

the whole building was a recipe for disaster

He killed billions...

Attached: Hideaki-Hatta-385x330.jpg (385x330, 34K)

Okay, if those things are true then he fucked up and made some horrendous mistakes. No need to be such a fucking cunt about it though OP because it's not like he intentionally set the place on fire. Honestly I shouldn't even reply to you. You're probably another one of these mentally ill no empathy or compassion having edge lord wankers who place no value on life and should fuck off back to their own board or website or take their fucking ritalin and go back to watching battle shonen.

before accusing hatta, how about accusing god

Wouldn't help 2nd floor imo. It might actually kill the would be survivors if they tried to reach it instead of jumping

Next these shizos will argue that arsonist dindu nuffing and it was all kyoani fault for forcing his hand.

Yes. Definitely.

Everyone with sane fire regulations / going with our many, many experiences with fires knows that you don't have air ducts or unenclosed staircases like that.

Can someone post photo of survivor? He was absolutely fucked.

Yeah, like the guy who died on the stairs leading to the 3rd floor which had so much time before the smoke got him.

If he has good lawyers, then no. And I mean REALLY good lawyers. Most likely, KyoAni will settle for billions of yen.
I like KyoAni man. I do. But in a independent legal assessment this situation is "lose lose" for Hatta. The best thing to do is minimize it. Or, if youre a scumbag lawyer, pretend ot has a chance so you collect more legal fees.

Because there's an admission on his part of negligence. If I were the lawyer for the poor employees I wouldnt accept any settlement.

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There was also this other guy who set the place in fire. Dont know if you heard about that guy

It takes more than a few seconds to just traverse an entire floor and you’re saying he did so while lugging a bucket, spreading gasoline, and finally occupying the stairwell.

All of this would be with a shrieking alarm going off if he broke in.

what was his keikaku?

Attached: Shinjo-Aoba.jpg (1200x675, 29K)

Kyoani's building is basically 3 store oven.

Attached: uuni-pro-review.jpg (600x400, 13K)

and? you place one push door in the end of each floor that interconnects to some stairs and that's all, can you belive it? something that stupid could have saved them all


Run from one end of a room to another holding a bucket at an angle. It's not an olympic event.

He wanted to force reforms in fire management and security for office buildings.

KyoAni were tragic, but necessary sacrifices.

Regardless of whether Hatta will be sued for this or not, you can't deny that a more honest and courageous man would have committed sudoku to atone for his sins.

The combo actually. 40l of gasoline fire and that go nicely. The people had like a minute.

>if there was an emergency exit in each floor that leaded outside everybody would be fine now
Set emergency exit stairwell on fire, proceed the rest as planned.


>I'd give a damn even if it were some insurance company.
Then that makes you pretty unique I guess.
I can't imagine that 99% of people here wouldn't have gone "oh, that sucks" when reading the news and moved on, never thinking about it again.

That would explain his verbose retardation

No, Kyoani isn't going to die from this, the victim's family aren't going to sue, they understand a freak did this, not the negligence of the company.

So the building wasn't up to safety standards?
How do you even get away with something like that, that has to be checked, right?

Yeah but in same time you basically abandon studio and betray everyone who survived. Doubt people who died wanted to die with studio either.

employees must train themselves to dive from low level floor breaking the windows?

>Meanwhile in those thirty seconds to a minute everyone is out of their seats and already leaving.
>but this wouldn’t help at all.

First he needs to deal with victims and sort out the company. I expect the sudoku to happen in 3 to 6 months.

Yeah, instead of that he could have just run straight to a push door that leaded to fucking fresh air and some fucking stairs but sadly, Japan firecode is shit so that doesn't exist.

It seems more like the safety standards are insanely low, they let this absolute shit pass.

but the suspect didnt set your hypothetical exit on fire.

you seem to be adjusting your hypothesis as if it is also adjusted by the suspect

Whatever retard. Keep being an edgy prick. You'll win eventually.

The official position of the state is that negligence of building and safety codes leading to the deaths of 34 people is not possible.

Pretty sure its pretty much confirmed now that the perpetrator entered with a container of petrol on a trolley, dumped it at the foot of the spiral staircase and, set fire to it and ran out (with his feet on fire)

Honestly I did that until the possibility of the Hibike seiyuus being in it came to light. Makes me feel like shit to only have only cared about them and not the other 70 staff, but the eyewitness testimonies and general investment in the case have led me to feel for all of them, they didn't deserve this.


>Pay employees' families
>Pay Lawyers
>Lose assets
>Lose manpower
>Delayed projects
They're screwed no matter what. It depends on how deep is their pocket.

So why did the arsonist do it

What do you mean?


Dude, the guy was a fucking idiot, he bought 40L and splashed in the floor and burned himself alive, he wasn't a mastermind that disabled security cams and locked emergency doors, honestly he was fucking lucky that so much negligence was taking place there.

Did you go pray, user?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-21.jpg (1196x842, 274K)

See now if only the government locked up neets in a mental asylum, none of this would happen.

But how then was he negligent?
To be negligent you "should have known better", but how could he when that is what everyone else does and is deemed safe by the government.

It's really shitty event.
>everything gone wrong for studio
>the faggot had ridiculous luck

forgot my picture

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Why on earth people are acting like humans will be alright and running inside that smoke?

The building was fine. Safety standards are made for when the water cooker short circuits, not when a lunatic with a 40L gasoline bomb walks into the building.
A lot of people would have survived 9/11 if the whole building was outfitted with thousands of ziplines to neighbouring buildings. Did they get sued for that? Do you see any new buildings with those ziplines? Of course not because nobody prepares for a once-a-century freak event.

Because this is the difference between premeditated attack and accidental fire.
If there really would be an exit, chances of him working his way around it are pretty high.
If there would be accidental fire, the kyoanis would probably all be safe and well right now.
The safety measures for their building were seemingly accounting for the fire starting locally and slowly spreading. Not for a whole floor being set ablaze in an instant. Intentionally or not, he did exactly what ensured the biggest death toll.

We should do same with all teenagers and white man. Potential school shooters and serial killers

It would be like suing your parent because your child died by accident in their care when grandma forgot to turn off the stove

yup, and that day there was a big meeting too, and i highy doubt this guy even knew about that

Yes. There are many ways to prove negligence. The building was outside standards, the company president/authorized rep of the company did things to allow the arsonist to enter the building, lack of security etc.

And it'll be way easier on civil cases, since it does not require guilt beyond resonable doubt. It doesnt even require it to be intentional. If a person screws up or didnt exercise due diligence and you get hurt for it you can sue that person regardless

And in Japan, the criminal conviction rate for guilt beyond reasonable dobt caes (criminal) is like 95%, what more for civil cases

tl dr If KyoAni grts sued, its game over

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wasnt there any psychic who did predict this tragedy

This meme seems in very poor taste now.

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God the modern world is so pussified. They'll keep giving this irrelevant fatso more power to ruin others lives while he sits in a cell.
The west is worse, it gives special privileges to illegal immigrant muslims because they commit terrorist attacks.
Drag fatass out to town square and set him on fire. Have everyone watch him burn to death.

Crashing this studio. WITH NO SURVIVORS!

Attached: bane.jpg (1920x1080, 133K)

Youre confusing negligence with malpractice.

>ignores death threats
>disables the security system
>fails to ensure his building has adequate fire escape routes
>openly admits to being negligent in regards to employee safety

its over for kyoshits, their favorite studio is not going to recover from this. Hope they get sued into oblivion by the survivors families and have to shut down as a regard. Hopefully this will be a wake up call to other japanese companies who disregard building safety standards so tragedies such as this will never happen again.

People tend to forget that natural fire incidents (electrical fire etc) and arson attacks (like spilling gasoline all over the lobby) are two entirely different metrics. Fire emergency protocols are almost always meant for non-arsonist fire, because (daylight) arson attacks are often intended to spread fire as quickly as possible. On top of that arson is just more rare than accidental fires.

Demanding to reform fire emergency protocols to incorporate anti-arson protocols would be like demanding buildings to become 9/11 proof: impractical, costly and simply impossible.

Attached: electrical-fire-640x427.jpg (640x427, 31K)

To be fair some of it (smoke-stop door segregated stairwells, including the spiral one if you even have it at all) is common sense if you put even the slightest bit of thought into "what if the building catches fire?".

Fucking weebs.


I knew Kyoanus couldn't get away with making bland moetrash forever. Score 1 for the good guys.

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I myself would probably primarily say that the government was negligent in this case.

I bet a third or more of the structures in Kyoto are utter shit.

The world had multiple cases where smoke being pushed through air ducts killed people (because even that happens fast) and they somehow still allow basically optimized ovens with no protection and few escapes. Terrible negligence.

Because they are fat losers like the attacker. They hate the world indiscriminately.

So how was it negligence then?
You can only be negligent of something any reasonable person would expect.

>N-no fire escape! This thing is a death trap it's not up to code!
>T-They should have expected a fire like this!
>Expecting a fire on an office type building with potentially only experiencing electrical fire
t.Fire expert

I think demanding that building stovepipe unenclosed stairwells in any building housing more than four people is a good start for fixing Japa fire code.

Feature that I believe would have saved the majority of the 31 people who died on the 2nd and 3rd floors

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>And in Japan, the criminal conviction rate for guilt beyond reasonable dobt caes (criminal) is like 95%, what more for civil cases
The ugly truth behind this is the lawyers there won't file the cases they aren't 99% sure that they will win, hence the super high conviction rate.

>using ANN

Attached: 1560481396443.gif (264x240, 2.64M)

Every serial killer or mass murdered with a high bodycount has always had a ridiculous amount of luck on his side. This is like a mandatory requirement.

Attached: kira v1.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Ah yes, suing the teacher because he/she didn't shoot back with a gun in a school shooting

They reported the death threats to the police.

I wasn't aware that Yea Forums is full with civil engineers. And the kind which is absolutely shit at it.

The lobby might not have been something that could be saved but all the other rooms and floors that should have been sectioned off and equipped with multiple escapes should not have been affected in an attack like this.

If a terrorist puts fuel air bombs in EVERY damn room and people still go inside, okay, you can't blame fire codes for not stopping anything then. But this? No, it's shitty fire codes, even a paper fire downstairs might have smoked the upper floors lethally for some people.

>complete lack of fire escape
This shit is the true culprit.

ive always wondered this, especially when im taking good ol' dump in my office's toilets.

assuming the whole building doesnt collapse of course, can i make do being trapped in the restroom if i open the window and just open up all the fauces?

I really like "The House that Jack Built" movie because MC is retard with giant luck. Not often you see lucky reatarded serial killers in movies

Fire exit and isolated compartment aren't expensive tho.

>hospital with probably over 100 patients and staff
>only 3 people die and 4 are injured
>hospital units are contained for multiple reasons (disease, fire safety)
>KyoAni, 3 people are known to have died were in the vicinity (i.e. first floor). The rest don't die because of burns but because of smoke inhalation.
>reason for this is because the building has no features at all to contain the spread of smoke and in fact make it worse (spiral staircase)

One guy left flowers with the message "KyoAni finds a way". No kidding.

It might have saved most or all if additionally the stairwell was enclosed with doors on every floor, or the floors themselves sectioned off with multiple of these escapes on either side of a section.

Without that... not all. See, with a killing design like that building had, you nearly instantly have hot lethal sight obstructing smoke upstairs. Barely after the moment you notice you might already have your eyesight impaired.

Even in America, he would have been arrested for being the building owner.

Thankfully Japan legit executes loonies rather than coddles them. There was a lot of planning involved so he is very likely to hang.

imagine dying and people remember you by shitty image board memes

Without other things, chances are that they die in front of it

>physical AND digital stores shut down

>statement with bits obviously written by lawyers, cannot confirm or deny anything.

Kyoani is probably done.

In the US they would likely layoff most of their staff, but in the Japanese labour laws I don't think this is possible without bankruptcy (and outside the US and Canada, bankruptcy usually means liquidation, not restructuring).

Will their investors want to shell out for a multiyear rebuilding period (including having to make payroll without money coming in) instead of liquidating whatever's left and walking away?

We will probably know by the end of this week.

IMO best case is they restructure to end as many ongoing obligations as possible, stop production for a while and become essentially a maildrop with a skeleton staff that manages existing IP.

Attached: 1563713763981.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

This. How can you do this to people and not suffer equally as much? What kind of justice system is that.

You're picuring a building with firewalls and enclosed stairwells.
KyoAni studio 1 was essentially one large space with a couple of floors. Everyone could hear the commotion immediately, through the open stairwells. By the same token that the stairwells filled with smoke immediately.

They knew.

Attached: Musashino building Shrobako.jpg (1440x810, 132K)

There's virtually zero chance of this guy not hanging. There's more chance of the Hibike VAs actually being in there and being 4 of the 5 that burned alive than there is of this guy not hanging.

You mean Gridman

Attached: Takada Gridka.jpg (671x1199, 162K)

THERE'S NOT SUCH A THING AS "ARSONIST FIRE", it was a fucking fire, bigger or not it, it was not a fucking bomb that blew the entire building. if there were emergency exits like even if they couldn't see shit, they just had to run and push a bar and they will get outside.

Maybe not all of them would have survived but at least they had a chance like that

>He's an animator, not a fire safety expert
He isn't an animator, he's a company president. Fire safety responsibility is usually on them.

>2-3L vs ~10L
Sure retard.

so what exactly IS worse getting executed or life in prison?

because personally, i take prison as a comparative mercy. especially if i was already a hardened criminal with nowhere to go. i get presumably free meal and lodging indefinitely. although i do agree what certain crimes that are quite heinous, a quick chop or drop really wont compare to the things theyve inflicted on the victims

Why would the guy be at fault?
Wouldn't it be the fucking engineer and architect fault? He just contracted them to build the building and if it isnt safe the fault lie on the developer no? The subcontractors are the one that need to make sure the fucking floorplan pass the safety regulation and specification. That guy is just an investor trying to make a studio for his wife to pass time.

There is no particularly wrong with this building.

I rather die than be locked in an small room for the rest of my life

>Comparing a hospital to a small office building
Trying way too hard.

Better than dying and only being remembered by people fapping to fictional depictions of the torture of your last 6 months of life.

Attached: junko-furuta-split-og.jpg (800x422, 34K)

But what about their other studios? As far as I know Animation Do in Osaka was working on Free!, and the distributors have it still scheduled, same goes for VEG

I really don't get the reasoning they would actually lax the security when more people and important personages gathered, something that should be tighten up instead. Even during my middle school days, regardless of the events we students would triple, or at least double the security and checked every in and out the gates despite the hassle. I guess being too peaceful is a mistake, but didn't they just had a wake-up call from that school slasher months ago?

Depends. You can live fairly well in some prisons, and if your hobby is writing for example, you could still live a rather OK life given they allow you to have paper and pencils.

Nono you don't understand, that's not how it works in first world JAPAN

Most of them would die trying to get to that staircase and then blocking in panic i.e. what happened on 3rd floor stairwell to roof. Also, fat fuck could have set it on fire as well. What then?

Flip anything are shit at what they do.

Them not hanging was bullshit. Either change the law so they can hang or withhold sentence until they're old enough to hang.

Fire started on the other side of the building on the main/visitor entrance, on pic relatedwhat you see is the rear/staff entrance
20 people died on stairs. If they had an easy way out and access to fresh air through the fire escapes and down the external stairs instead of having to climb through a building that was rapidly filling with smoke i'm pretty sure those guys and girls would have survived

Attached: file.png (884x849, 688K)

Gasoline fire is not a type of fire office buildings are designed for. It's the worst kind of fire.

Uncontrolled burning of gasoline produces large quantities of soot and carbon monoxide. gasoline vapor rapidly mixes and spreads with air, making unconstrained gasoline quickly flammable.

There is a reason why youtube is full with gasoline fire videos

Yeah, just don't let other prisoners know what you've done.

It could happen and it could succeed, but sue both the school and teacher to be extra sure.

That's part of it. But its mostly their system that forgoes basic constitutional rights that America has for example, like Miranda and Escobedo, making Japan's prosecution prone to abuse

Again, I am a Filipino lawyer so I cant be fully sure of this.

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reminder that some japanese guy murdered and cannibalized some girl in canada or france or somewhere and he eventually got released and became a celebrity for the /x/-dwelling crowd

if i remember he even makes money on the books where he recounts the murder and subsequent cannibalization

It would be interesting to see the results of a simulation using the fancy NIST fire modelling software.

This could also test counterfactuals (no spiral staircase, sprinklers, etc).

You don't really know what you are talking about, especially the fire and smoke. Like hell they could run in that shit.

Some people can't really seem to comprehend it.

>tfw anime is safer than reality

Google translated

gasoline vapor rapidly mixes and spreads with air, making unconstrained gasoline quickly flammable.

The kind where brenton tarrant gets everything he wants by gunning up a place more so than if he worked his ass off being a public figure.

Sentai is notoriously shady with money, even though it's getting a lot of attention. At worst, KyoAni refuses the money and everyone gets a refund.

Not enough time, smoke was already on them by the time they realized

The building did pass the safety regulations. The fire escape would have been extra, and of course the customer is the one responsible for any extra additions to the building.
If there's anyone to blame, japan fire safety code for not forcing the extra stuff.

Based crossboarding armchair lawyer.

When you die, you just die. Life in prison varies heavily, inmates can fuck you up in anyway imaginable, and solitary confiment is a bitch that will completely warp your brain in several years. There were some cases of lifers just balling on their bed and dying in a span of a week, because they literally gave up on living once the gravity of the situation kicked in.

engineerfags ive got this idea for anti smoke ducts in buildings. when an alarm goes off, special ducts would open up and suck the smoke out and pump it outside while also trying to pump clean air from a different source

Wrong shit in the cache
In Japan, evacuation stairs are required on the 5th floor and above 2nd basement floors of buildings, and special evacuation stairs are required on the 15th floor and above 3rd basement floors [4 ] [5] [6] In addition, it is required to install stairs (direct stairs) leading to the ground directly on the third floor and above of the building that meets the regulations such as floor area [7] [8] .

The second floor people presumably died from smoke inhalation trying to find a way out. If adequate smoke-stop measures were in place they would have had time to find the exit, same with the third floor.

They needed fire/glassdoor for the spiral staircase.
That said I have no idea if the glass/door can take the sudden pressurization and heat of 40L gasoline.

>Have monthly fire drill where everyone gets up from their desk and files to a pushbar door on a stairwell on each floor
>Some people panic and pile on the door but at least a number more get out.

I don't know why people are defending the death trap oven construction with a Resident Evil puzzle to open the roof door.

>pump clean air into a fire
good idea

The fuck? The staircases aren't closed off by fireproof doors on all floors.

Within floors, there are no multiple fireproof sections with both horizontal (so, across the floor) and vertical (off the building) escapes on either side.

No active fire extinguishing systems etc. in addition (or rarely allowed instead) of some of that either. And so on.

Complete violation of modern sensible (... apparently not Japanese) building fireproofing regulations for structures of this size and people count, absolutely prohibited here.

Can't he abandon his wives ashes, leave everything and move away from his town? He can escape before it's too late. Unless he wants to be hang with the pig that ruined his life.

According to you then they should have just died in their places but they DID have enough time to move, at least from one floor to the other, that's enough to reach an emergency exit or at least fucking try to, im sure at least ONE person could have survived if given more safety measures

Hatta designed
People died

fatfuck didn't set a multiple fires though did he? Yeah if you lace the whole building with gasoline, at that point you have a fuel-air bomb. Fire precautions are designed to save people from fires originating in one place which is what happened here.
They had enough time to get to the stairwell. If they had access to outside at that point my guess is they would have had a higher chance of surviving

Yeah man, the President of KyoAni and his poor decision making skills when building the studio over 10 years ago when they probably had little money, is totally to blame for a mentally deranged man just buying gasoline and burning it to the ground.

Attached: 1546045898164.jpg (1179x1080, 348K)

Most buildings were not prepared for gasoline eruption, they were far from the best but the building still had some standard.
His fault is that he stupidly agreed to cut the minimum security they already had. It's not like the arsonist only carrying a pet bottle, he carried 40l, something he needed to use a trolley for. With proper security, the explosion might still happen depending on how desperate the arsonist when caught early, but it won't be inside the building, saving a lot more lives. Both NHK and he need to share the blame honestly. Maybe not to the jail sure, but paying a lot for the victims.

The building was so small that those things weren't required in the Japanese fire codes.

It's sometimes hard to grasp just how small Japanese buildings can be.

Wrong. When you die, everyone who depends on you is left without a leg to stand on. Imagine being one of these employee's children. Prison is coddled in the name of being humanitarian. I completely disagree. People avoid that which is difficult. Barriers to entry can establish monopolies. Public torture sessions that end in the arsonists' death will make selfish people like him think twice.

>fatfuck didn't set a multiple fires though did he?
No, because he simply didn't need to.

The building was 5 years old

>no more news because of elections

Attached: untitled.jpg (1221x685, 85K)

Attached: BURNING KYOANI.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

sudoku when?

Isn't japan a dictatorship state?

>Public torture sessions that end in the arsonists' death will make selfish people like him think twice.
it won't

Yep, fireproof (double?) enclosures have to take explosive bursts up to a certain pressure too.

And even if it burst people should still have been able to rely on on-floor internal fire obstacles with their own escape routes behind them. (They need to exist not mainly because you expect the staircase to explode but because it's equally problematic if on the same floor a smokey fire starts and you maybe need to go as far as to a stairwell "somewhere in the smoke" that might even seem to come from that direction anyhow - there need to be compartments closer nearby.

>Maybe not to the jail sure
He would probably commit sudoku if his wife perished as well. He is already starting to show sign of survivor in the interview
>"I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."
This sound like someone that is on the verge of committing sudoku.

Yes, he fucked up but saying he is the reason those people died is retarded. If someone were to commit a knife attack, is the person who sold the knife to the attacker to blame?

Lol if you don’t have money for basic employee safety you shouldn’t be running a business in the first place. Or you know, do the proper thing and get a loan. This is a case of cost cutting that backfired.

What happened on 3rd floor would have most likely happened at the exits to fire escape. Do you think they would just all orderly escape through the exit when the entire room is filled with deadly smoke blocking their vision, choking them and making them panic? Heck, maybe even more would have died because everyone would be rushing for the fire escape instead of jumping through the windows and balcony which is how some many people survived.

Pay attention to the question i was answering.
>so what exactly IS worse getting executed or life in prison?
Which is virtually the same for the ones who depends on this person.
>Public torture sessions that end in the arsonists' death will make selfish people like him think twice.
Some islamic countries do that. Look how well it's working for them.

>but they DID have enough time to move, at least from one floor to the other,
Where do you people get that? I thought that everyone died on the floor they were or at best on the stairs leading to another floor.

You're assuming the security system would have held back a determined man with weapons and a cart to ram with.
Delayed, sure

Nothing to report on at the moment to be honest. Only thing that's left to know on this tragedy is the police's statements on the names of the victims
I don't think this dumb autist was clever enough to that. All the recreations suggest he just strolled in, dumped the container, lit it and ran out with his feet on fire

> they DID have enough time to move, at least from one floor to the other

You only get rid of smokes eith smoke vents. Which are not common for office buildings of that size

he was the pillar that kept [clown world] in check
humanity thinks it knew chaos before this. no.
etika did not die. he merely shed the mortal coil to release his true self

Attached: d5b.jpg (750x630, 106K)

>What kind of justice system is that.
A modern, scientific justice system with focus on lowering crime rates and keeping the social peace.

Justice systems built around the ideas of vengeance and atonement are characteristic for primitive tribal clan societies. Like those where your "biblical values" and "common sense" come from.

He might very well die before that.

BTW: Likewise it's of course simply an arsepain for firefighters if no matter how relatively small a fire, a whole floor goes up in flames instantly because it's not compartmentalized for shit.

This just means you typically get to extinguish more or less a whole structure rather than maybe only some room(s) even if you arrive fairly quickly. If the compartment stopped the fire for now, you can cool down the other ones and get the fire extinguished at the source - much easier.

nintendo attack when

They are like the UK where the sitting government can use the media/police to screw with elections however they want. Combined with Jap culture makes a one party state.

The only thing really left to report are the names of the victims, and maybe anything concrete as to the future of the company.

absolute smooth brain logic the reason for punishment is to remind everyone else that if they commit similar acts they will be punished accordingly.

>lose your company just for some building insurance bucks

Well, i don't know how legal it is to sell 40L of gasoline to a guy, here in my country you can't do that shit, they will give you max like 5L or something

>yfw Japanese fall for the 'Japan is a safe country' meme

It will.

Attached: 1502748679190.png (429x509, 408K)

He's going to be hanging himself within the next year so you'll get your wish I bet.

i thought the arsonist's reasons are still unclear

autism: the post

still, waiting for seppuku

Must suck only be able to fill your car with 5l gas.

>what is 9/11?

>All the recreations suggest he just strolled in, dumped the container, lit it and ran out with his feet on fire
Exactly. Because he didn't have to do any more than that. Doing that in a way that burned him ensured that the fire spread as quickly as possible and nobody had time to interfere. It may look and sound dumb, but he did it the most efficient way with no hesitation.

>only allowed to tank 5L per visit to the gas station
What kind of ant cars does your country drive?

That's what I am saying. Some anons seem to think smoke is just like a black screen inside games. Like they could run, think or find their way inside this

>KyoAni haters have now resorted to edgy trolling
Who would have thunk?

The fatty planned this for 2days. Even with the additional emergency staircase it would be coated with gasoline. Did people forget he actually brought along 5samurai swords and a hammer. This shit was plan well in advance and he probably got wind of the NHK people coming somehow with disabled security.
This wasn't some random arson prank, it was a well planned out attack to burn Kyoani down. Kyoani has no chance after they decided not to pay him and hang up on him after he demanded $$$ on the phone. They just had the misfortune of having a similar story with that fatass.

Attached: 1548731228521.jpg (413x414, 101K)

>some idol just got attacked by an obsessed neet
>suing the local government for lack of security

based nippon truly is a safe country because americans go shooty shooty bang bang and nippon do not have shooty shooty bang bangs

Attached: 1561302352392.jpg (551x560, 42K)

You tell me

Attached: [Dramatization].jpg (1440x1080, 307K)

General consensus is that it was a conspiracy involving NHK.

The fucking fat neet didn't take a car to the gasoline place, in normal countries you can't just tell them to fill a 40L pail because "durr car's at home"

To add, if the perpetrator is clever enough, you can't do anything, just look at Breivik who planted a bomb to divert the police before he shot up the island youth camp. But I don't think he was trying to do anything clever. Either way, you can keep adding more and more examples... "what if he laced each floor with gasoline" but the point still stands, multiple fire escapes are safer then no fire escapes

People act more rationally when they can breathe fresh air and see the way they are going because they have sunlight vs in a pitch dark stairwell filling with poisonous smoke

It would take him a while to break down the door and the cops would have arrived sooner, maybe even before he had a chance to lit up anything. Remember, cops in Japan are everywhere. The police box system makes Japan into a police state.

>spoonfeed me
Lurk moar

I see you're a retard.


>KyoAni haters
please stop saying "haters" only unironic normie vlog channels and their fans use that word to describe anyone saying anything they dont like

It's okay when Kyoani does it, even when sending people to their death

>brought along 5samurai swords

Car isn't the only thing that requires gasoline. Plenty of garden tools works on it, off the top of my head.

Emergency exits are push-type exactly because of that, you don't need to calmly open them, you don't even need to open them just run straight and it will open

Yeah, cause you never run out of fuel in the road or run an electric generator.

I hope not, at least not before he takes care for the funerals and the deal with the bleak future of the traumatized survivors now left without proper arms and legs.

>watch japanese tv
>all those ads with the new Makoto Shinkai film
jesus christ, he sold out hard with Your Name success

I'm not a /pol/dditor so I'm not familiar with your memes

He's duty bound to put the company back on track before he dies.
Nigga runs the only animation studio outside of Tokyo, he's not a quitter.

In normal countries you stick your card or banknotes to POS terminal and tank just as much you wish, no human interaction required.

other things use gasoline besides cars
and what if your car at home is out of gas? then what you can just never ever use it again?
>need to bring a car to get gas
>can't bring car without gas
your country is clown country not normal country


You just described a crematorium



This, I have seen news videos interviewing a guy in the gas station, and they have an insert card machine at his side.

all the articles on the net are vague on who the arsonist was and his motives

what are the current accepted details about him?

>when your architect played too much Resident Evil

He should be made to give compensation for the survivors, and cover costs in relation to those dead for funerals and the like, if he did in deed fuck up. Otherwise, there's no reason to act like he's on the same level as the Arsonist.

That's like saying a guy who ran over a dude that jumped over his car, is the same level as someone who stabbed people to death.

Yeah, plus it's pretty toxic once all the electronic devices and the plastics are burning. It burns like tear gas in the eyes and lungs, it's not only near zero visibility, it's hurting in your eyes like hell, so they couldn't look anyway. Add to that all the colleagues stumbling around just as blind and you have absolute chaos. As so often with such disasters, one or two people would have a much better chance at survival than a large group, especially in small spaces.

I filled 5 gallon gas cans all the time which are a little less than 20l. Fill another one and you have your 40l.

Aoba, but this incident should be used as an impetus to update the Japanese fire safety regulations and not shoved under the carpet.

There is no law requiring your building to be locked and I haven't seen any evidence that the building wasn't up to code. It passed an inspection in may I believe.

If the nips public are like Yea Forums blaming him and saying how kyoani is dead, it is over. They can only bounce back if the nips and kyoto public massively support them morally and financially to come back. For one there is no way they will meet the deadline for electric catalog or maid dragon, just this 2projects would put them in the red.

>This man is literally responsible
So the man who poured gasoline is not?


The point is they won't escape from the smoke

Doesn't matter. All it takes is for one person to collapse at the exit and everyone else is fucked. And wouldn't opening the door in this case create a chimney effect and basically kill everyone trying to get to the exit?

It's a retarded troll thread after all, and I'm greatly disappointed in Yea Forums not being able to ignore the obvious bait.

>and what if your car at home is out of gas?
5 or 10L is more than enough to reach another gas station or to use some electric tool, and in gas stations there is always someone watching wether you fill it yourself or not, you can't just go and fill 20 bottles of gasoil without looking suspicious

The building had yearly inspections and they passed last time, so unless the authorities establish that it wasn't actually up to fire code, then an investigation will be opened into it and determine if the inspectors didn't do their job properly or there were bribes. Only then will he be liable for anything.
What said.

It's nothing if he followed local fire codes. It doesn't sound like fire sprinklers or extinguishers were required in a building this size (which I actually find very surprising). If you want to try and blame third parties, blame those in charge of building codes (codes that I'm betting are being amended as we speak...).

Having spent 20+ years involved with engineering in the US, this kind of thing happening in a building this size is unfathomable. Fire safety is probably the number one design constraint on any site or building here. There are always multiple points of egress from a building in case one is blocked off and there are typically handheld extinguishers located in various places throughout.

At least with the presence of security guards guarding the doors, they could prevent him from locking the doors below. And since he was pushing the cart, we could assume he didn't wield any weapon yet. If he were stopped for inspection and tried to take some knives from his bag and caused a commotion, more people could get out of the building.

Not sure if true, I heard someone said he called kyoani and demanded $$$ from them because kyoani made something similar to his story.

You need to be able to run straight first

at what point does one not get away with it just because his brain dont work good

Yes. I think the failure is much more evident on the government regulator's side anyhow. The ones that certified this death trap building meets local regulations.

Can't entirely blame a guy for thinking these are probably up to modern standards and reasonable enough.

>codes that I'm betting are being amended as we speak
Doubtful, but you never know. This is a country that has buildings the size of shoeboxes don't forget.

>5 or 10L is more than enough
>use 4 different stations
>gather 40L

Cope harder, he is 50% responsible for this

It's an anime studio. I believe these are no good.

Yes they would, they are not in the building at that point. There will be some smoke in their path, depending on the wind direction, but the density will be far less then what is inside the building and they would be able to see where they are going either way.


So he poured the gasoline and dropped the matches?

This might change now, as building codes are usually written in blood. Just remember how much the staircase and structural requirements have changed since 9/11.

well yeah but the point is that you can't just sell 40L of gasoline to a disgusting smelly fat NEET as if it was nothing

japan yu so faani

Yea, even the USA has much stricter fire codes and that's while they're still not always great.

(See - maybe they got better after 2007. But 1/3 less casualties is already very signifcant)

>not being able to ignore
The only thing you can do now is help the thread die.
This post bewilders me.

>At least with the presence of security guards...
What the fuck? This isn't a bank or government embassy my dude- it's an animation studio. Why the hell would you hire security guards?

Read the thread

Remember to ignore shitters who do nothing but try and rile up people.

kind of stupid with how as time goes the creative pool for stories become exponentially smaller

multiple people can and have had similar thoughts/inventions/stories at the same time purely because all other ideas have been made before.

or the dude was just a massive nutball. i watch conspiracy theorist videos, on the more "this person is actually insane" side there are quite a lot who see things in media and retroactively think they were the original creators. yes. someone can be an obsessed fan of star trek their whole lives and somehow think the idea was stolen from them

>I like KyoAni man. I do
What's good about KyoAni? All they make is moe stuff

Is just a simple question I'm trying to ask him, surely he can answer if Hatta poured the gasoline on people and then lit it on fire or not.

I dont know how it is in the country.
But I just filled up my car with 40L of gas with ease. Petrol stations are self service here, just drive there, bring up 2jerry cans and then just fill them up.
What kind of crazy police state are you living in that you need an ID card to buy fucking gas?

>and in gas stations there is always someone watching wether you fill it yourself or not
Where the fuck do you live? Here maybe 3 of 10 gas stations are in any way manned, others are just pumps with payment terminals.

They don't want to profit off people's death probably.

>Just remember how much the staircase and structural requirements have changed since 9/11.
Haven't followed up on that.

Last I heard was that probably surely not all that much was wrong with the WTC's design or other skyscrapers nearby. Did they ultimately revise it all on a national level?

He's not responsible for the arson, but his building design does have a degree of responsibility for why the death toll was so high.

reminder that people who genuinely think a corporate suit is just as if not more responsible for an arson, for whatever personal reason they have against him, are on the same mental bandwidth as the arsonist

He could of bought the gasoline from different stores.

The smoke already caught up to them before they reach the stair. The nearest one will be saved but that's it.

im pretty sure ive seen some youtubers who put up vids complete with cringy crying anime character as the thumbnail

Likewise. And of course tractors and the like also don't all drive to the gas station, farmers quite often just transport the fuel to their tractors instead.

>>Since the studio is completed in 2007 and there are spiral staircases, Kyoto City has instructed installation of a smoke barrier in the completion inspection. In response to this, they installed a 50 cm long smoke-proof wall that hangs from the ceiling.

Barrier in question

Attached: Smoke barrier.jpg (1253x699, 236K)

Its the American mentality. I joke about it sometimes but its chilling to see it so deeply internalised.

Why didn't the fat fuck livestream the whole ordeal for maximum edgy?

That white guy with AR-15 shoots up muzzies can do it easily.

I doubt his building design could have ever anticipated a man burning down the place with gasoline.

The only thing I would like to know is, why are you so desperate for attention? Are you just bored with your life, and/or feel so lonely that you have to try to get into internet discussions with the least amount of effort? Maybe you, too, should seek professional help before you snap one day and ruin the lives of actually valuable members of society.

Yes basically that guy is your stereotypical Yea Forumsermin
>game 24/7
>hate kyoani and probably moeshit
>called them to demand $$$
>travel 300km away to take revenge after they ignore him
>stake out the place for 2days before buring them in a fit rage due to not getting $$$

Post some KyoAni crying/sad art here, anons.

I should add that even if 1 life would have been saved by the presence of an external staircase fire-exit on all floors it would have been worth the investment, 20 were found on the stairs. Their only option was to go up along with the smoke to go to one exit on the roof instead of straight outside and down.

nice argument, cope harder

Had a great soundtrack, too.

Normal fire safety regulations are for your average accidental fires. They arent there to prevent a gust of fireball caused by 40 litres of gasoline litted inside the building. If the same thing happened in other countries, it would have resulted in the same devastating damage.

No matter how people sugar coat it, relaxing the security when there is a gathering is stupid. Maybe for modern nips when peaceful neighborhoods are the standard it's not really strange, but regardless he had his share of fault now it came to this. And people want to support Kyoani, that's why there is so much money gathered by now. People are not really criticizing him so much it's hoping to make other decision-making higher-ups be more careful in the future.

I'd be willing to bet a vast majority of those deaths are in residences or vehicle-related incidents, not office buildings. Any building that can have large concentrations of bodies is going to be heavily regulated in terms of both maximum occupancy of any given room as well as measures to protect those occupants while they escape.

What do you mean? Unless the purpose of the building is to test how quickly interiors can burn or have the potential to have oil fires break out, sprinklers will be good.

I know, but he already knows the answer and he knows Hatta is barely responsible if at all and only an investigation would bring any involvement he might have had to light and all he can do is call you retarded if you disagree with him. Like I said, ignore.


fire academics pls respond

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

Not taking security seriously is tantamount to murder.

Attached: american school.jpg (900x1200, 136K)

> Their only option was to go up along with the smoke to go to one exit on the roof instead of straight outside and down.
Do you think they actually tried the other route?

I was guessing it must have happened so fast that they just tried to escape together (together mainly because sight was very bad) and this was even the first attempt.

Like I said in my other post to either you or someone else posting similarly to you, the only thing you can do is help the thread die now. And we're almost there at 500 posts.

Fuck the barrier- how about using modern construction materials instead of making your floors and doors out of kindling?

This isn't a fucking movie, gasoline fires spread quickly and it just takes a tiny amount splashed for a huge amount of damage. You don't go around slowly spreading it

Pretty sure no one saw what happend to become reality, it's really a chance one to billion for such thing to happend.
>inb4 muh death treats
Death treats are common thing in japan, so much that barely anyone pays attention to it.

Stop that fucking meme.

This. Anyone remember the retard that went camping and started a wild fire?

>Meanwhile, in Mrs. Eru Oreki's kitchen--

Attached: 35072210_p18.jpg (544x700, 322K)

no it wouldnt have, stop spouting bullshit
I don't know of one western country where that staircase design would be considered ok in a commerical structure, and the smoke from those is what caused the death toll to be so high

If you don't get out, unlikely. You can prolong your survival, though, if you close all gaps in the doorframe with wet towels so the smoke doesn't kill you. If you don't get out, all water will just evaporate and the door burns down eventually.

Yes, highlights are requiring more staircases, more distance between them, thicker walls for them and requiring steel framing to have higher fire resistance to avoid a total collapse.


It's not a bank or government embassy sure, but it's still an office with dozens and sometimes up to a hundred people went there at a time. Putting aside mental arsonist aside, You don't think they should worry about thievery considering how much data and materials they stored there? Was it really that much to get additional pay for guards?

>You can go and fill gallons and gallons with highly flamable substance without anybody asking you anything

Is this supposed to be normal?

pretty much this too

everyone thinks nips are extremly diciprined warriors of honor when neets there are way more vicious and constant with death threats or just general asshole-ishness towards content creators

>I'd be willing to bet a vast majority of those deaths are in residences or vehicle-related incidents, not office buildings.
If you're right that office and community buildings are generally much safer and better regulated, it might still beg the question why residences would be allowed to be death traps

> vehicle-related incidents
To make up for that large difference on just these, the Swiss and Austrians and Italians would have to be far better drivers or just have far less flammable cars, but I think they are not. [Italy almost certainly drives a lot worse though, they're some of the more infamous ones in Europe as far as I can tell.]

have sex

Sounds like a great oven.

The repercussion is huge though, think about it this way, would youngsters still want to be an animator after this knowing that you can just be killed by a crazed lunatic just for drawing that something that might be considered offensive/plagiarism.

The risk simply doesn't justify the expense. At certain vulnerable and sensitive facilities, sure hire security. But at an office with less than 100 employees? In Japan?

All my time working in office buildings, the most I've seen our "security" guards do is watch over a person having a seizure or keep a drunk homeless person busy while they wait for the police to arrive.

>Demanding to reform fire emergency protocols to incorporate anti-arson protocols would be like demanding buildings to become 9/11 proof: impractical, costly and simply impossible.

Great post, user, but... what do 9/11 and kyoAni's tragedy have in common? People trying to escape and couldn't. Speaking of which, what do they solve for in planes? People trying to escape too. That's why you have to train some of your workers in fire safety, so they can tell the others: "hey, cover your mouth with clothes, crouch walk and go to the emergency exit while I use the extinguisher/fire hose and shoot water either towards the fire or outside the window to guide the smoke, here's the axe, destroy the obstacles?"...

But they couldn't because:
> fire spread too quickly through a staircase chimney,
> there were no ceiling sprinklers,
> no fire hoses,
> no axes,
> no trained personnel,
> no fireproof clothes,
> no fire extinguishers,
> the emergency stairs were unattached,
> the emergency exit towards the roof was closed
> and it used a weird mechanism, instead of a panic handle

It's called negligence

Petrol stations are unmanned. You just need a credit card, everything else is self service.
You living in some 3rd world country m8?

Interesting, but I read
> recommendations
Not legal requirements for all high-rise structures.

An everyday occurrence.

I've worked a couple office buildings. Security guards were literally nothing more than reception. And now the current building I work at only has a reception, not even a security guard working as reception. Then you have office buildings which rent out suites and don't have security besides locking doors because they operate with the public (dentist, doctor)

Best thing is to not get attached to an anime.

I know right? After 9/11 all skyscrapers were torn down and the entire aviation industry collapsed because nobody wanted anything to do with them anymore.

The more neurotic ones will think that and the less so will make use of the opening staff positions.

>Just run to the top exit bro everything will be alright bro.
>Its not like inhaling smoke wont make you cough like crazy

The fireball only affect the first floor if we look at the scale model version
The building filled with smoke extremely quickly primarily due to the lack of fire safety regulations and factors that made it worse (the spiral staircase). Fire regulations wouldn't have helped the first floor, but it would have vs the 2nd and 3rd.
Once you were there that was the only option to go. The other 30 people either jumped through windows or climbed down drain pipes as per eyewitness statements. Nobody who tried to reach the roof via the stairs survived due to the smoke (vision impairment and toxicity). I'm saying if there was the option to go outside straight away and down an external staircase, more would have survived.

>Do you think they actually tried the other route?
Nobody went down, the first floor was an inferno at this point, the only possible escapes were out the windows or up the stairs. Going up stairs is bad in a fire situation because the smoke travels up at a faster rate then you can go up. If they didn't have to climb stairs and had the option to go outside and down via an external set of stairs they wouldn't have inhaled as much smoke.

>fire escapes
>sprinkler system
>unlocking the roof in emergencies
>better emergency training
>having a rental guard on site at the entrance for open door days

I'm somewhat inclined to agree with this. This man had a moral obligation to see the minimum amount of safety measures and contingencies were in place to prevent a worst case scenario. No one expects or can really plan for a maniac with a gas can, but had the bare minimum amount of oversight and caution been exercised this tragedy could have been far less damaging than it played out.

There's no other route.
But not smart enough to not get himself burned. He just had very dumb luck.

Multiple routes are ideal, but panicked people tend to bunch up even though better options are available. You see it happen in crushes where there are plenty of options but once the crowd stays to move, most follow.

>fire hoses
>trained personnel
>fireproof clothes
What the fuck office do you work at that has these things?

Good. Japan doesnt need a left wing government especially when China is flexing their shit.

This, the only real security I've seen on an office building was at this giant insurance company compound, they had a box with two people at the gate and a car with two others circling the place constantly

Your office isn't in a perfect vacuum user? Never have to worry about fires.

> no fire extinguishers,
Stop spreading lies, you can see fire extinguishers in the photos inside the studio

The spiral stairwell was a killzone. Whoever designed that and OK'd that per fire regulations is incompetent.

>that a more honest and courageous man would have committed sudoku to atone for his sins.
And leave the ones that survived and the rest of the people that worked in his company behind just like that? I think it's more courageous for him to stay and sort out things.

Most city codes are based on the IFC, and I'm sure plenty got updated based on them. In fact, New York updated its code way before this report was complete.

Yes, people do it all the time. Do you not drive?
Whenever there's fears of a fuel crisis you'll see it almost daily, which might be soon if Iran steps up being shitbags in the shipping lanes.

In fairness the American issue is the near complete de-institutionalization. In Japan dangerous mental cases are in mental institutions aside from the rare ones who slipped through the cracks. In America the dangerous mental cases are out on the streets or in prison if they already harmed someone. They really do have good reason to be paranoid about random crazies roaming around, though it is a reason they deliberately created for themselves.

Don't the nips have constant earthquake/firedrill due to their earthquake? I really find it hard to believe that they were all in panic.

I'm living in a third world shithole, but no legal offices, be it small or big didn't have at least a security guard outside the door.

I can't tell if these posters are sincere or not, their posts are not based in reality at all. Next thing they'll say is that a fucking fire truck should be on standby 24/7 hired by the company and because it wasn't they're going to get sued to oblivion.

Pretty much. One party has been in power since the system was established barring a small few years period.

>Its the American mentality
What the fuck no it isn't.

>Once you were there that was the only option to go.
"There"? I really would have guessed this was the first thing they even tried and they died doing this because the smoke came so fast.

> Nobody went down, the first floor was an inferno at this point, the only possible escapes were out the windows or up the stairs.
I know, but my point was that I guessed this happened so quickly that they probably didn't even try (to get to) the windows and that they got killed on that first attempt going up the stairwell?

>There's no other route.
Balconies/windows were obstructed?

>it might still beg the question why residences would be allowed to be death traps
They're not- you just can't regulate what people do inside their homes as much as you can in a building shared by dozens of people.

This is incredibly easy to say in hindsight. Fact of the matter is that security guards that could have stopped this attack are very expensive. Garden variety guards likely wouldn't have even gone hands-on with the assailant. They could have spent a fraction of that cost on other measures that could easily mitigate threats, should they arise.

Hatta founded the studio.

By emergency alarm was rang in 30s and the witness from inside the studio said there were already people on fire and it was barely possible to see anything. People had 1 minute at best to survive

Most burgers leave in constant fear, they don't realize that japanese routinely leave their house unlock and they can walk to the conbini at 12am without the fear of being mug.

It wouldn't be so bad if the fire wasn't started right under it or if it wasn't a fire started with 40L of gas

Go outside, retard.

>Implying he didnt katana'd the people trying to run away on the first floor
Might have been the reason why everyone trying to escape to the rooftop

Since the building was in compliance with the fire code that stuff should be covered by liability insurance.

Doubtful, he could have done nothing to make this building safe in this scenario. Only way would be to have a big building with segregated rooms and stairs, pressurized fire escapes, less people and god knows what else.

Just from looking at that building you can tell that first floor is critical and as soon as it's on fire, there's no chance.

you never seen a fire hose cabinet inside a building? they're pretty common

Attached: firec.jpg (348x299, 33K)

Retards thinking all fires are the same and that gasoline is like in the movies are really getting old now

I'd like to know where he lives that that isn't normal. Maybe some city like NYC? How the fuck do you fill up your lawnmower if you cannot fill up a gas can?

the building was a deathtrap with a single exit. There should have been emergency stairs on the other side of the building, and I'd bet anything there will be a reform in japan for fire safety after this.

Probably a teen fire safety expert from his mom's basement.


Attached: 75c56e7b84a935a98de1788144e50a24e38b3a53.jpg (640x615, 108K)

>Petrol stations are unmanned.
I know that but isn't there always someone watching anyway?, maybe im paranoid but it's suspicious for someone to just carry bottles and fill it like that, it shouldn't really be allowed

Wait do people really not have their entire offices underwater while wearing a diving suit that connects air to the surface?
Seriously it's like you're just asking to burned alive if you don't go that far!

Oh that thing! I have seen this at one office building I've worked at. I have seen it at a couple of the buildings that lease out their spaces for dental practices and the such.

He ran away because he burned himself from the initial ignition. He also got 3rd degree burn at this leg. That why I said that fucker is just dumb.

Ban assault buckets around gas stations

t. Hatta

You are going to jail buddy

And if they had the option to open to the outside immediately and go down an external staircase like here instead of going up the internal staircase to the roof.
What do you think the people would have done?
There is a reason why external staircases are a thing

>it shouldn't be allowed
Fuck me I guess.

Attached: lawnmower.jpg (450x450, 19K)

>They're not- you just can't regulate what people do inside their homes as much as you can in a building shared by dozens of people.
You still can pretty much completely regulate the structure and layout of private structures, even if arguably you can't really stop people from slowly stashing everything with fuel and oxygen.

Still, guess who from here does it: ?

Stairs would have helped get a few more out, though for a gasoline fire and with how quick everything was I think there would have had to be a bit more than that. Everything heats up too fast and smoke is brutal

>two nukes
>fire strikes
why hasnt nippon learned that their shit is susceptible to fire?

Rin chan just wants to remind everyone that fire in an enclosed space spreads fast. Fire with a fuel source spreads faster, and fire with a volatile fuel source will fuck you in the ass before you can even blink.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.42_[2018.01.11_16.53.38].jpg (1280x720, 148K)

This wasn't a typical fire like it can happen like if some papers was set on fire or a cable ignited.

This was an entire floor was filled with gas vapor and basically set the entire building on fire.

Not in small offices.

he probably would have spread some gasoline in there too

> What do you think the people would have done?
Hm, with poor visibility nearly instantly and some misidentifying that the smoke came from downstairs, people might have gone almost half-half.

Only if you can stop hot smoke from rushing on people and blinding / disorienting them, they'll definitely more clearly pick the better escape within a bunch of seconds.

I think he might get away with a hefty fine.

He only sloshed it a little near the door. That was all he needed to do.
You know why open containers of fuel are generally not permitted? Because the vapor that forms over the top after a few seconds is a bomb, and if a spark catches it the resulting blast sprays the liquid in the base of the container, now on fire, over a large area.
The act of lighting what was still in the bucket will have hosed down most of the first floor with fire in a couple of seconds.

>They really do have good reason to be paranoid about random crazies roaming around

American working in a major US city. Never really felt the least bit concerned about a crazy actually doing anything even with our almost non-existent security.

are some of you aware that people regularly go to gas stations with only cans and even plastic bags to fuel up their non-car shit, even cars that broke down in the middle of the road.

i aint even a car guy and i know this is a basic thing

>diving suit that connects air to the surface
It's 2019 you really should have moved on to LCL by now.

What if the arsonist pours fire down your oxygen line?

Would it really? Backdraft from the second door would have made the fire even stronger with a sudden burst. Current building design saved the one that went for the windows instead of the stair.

Democracy is just a meme

There are anons here who think it should be illegal to fill up anything but a car so no, they clearly don't know. Guess I'm not cutting my grass ever again.

Yeah, you basically break the thin glass with your elbow or whatever, then you throw the fire hose so it extends, then you open the valve and water must come out at high pressure, sometimes you need another dude to hold it behind you, usually you train your personnel to use these, because there are a few extra steps to follow before simply grabbing the hose and opening the valve

is your grass worth 34 lives

It's worth 300.

>Not in small offices.
That was not a small office, it had like 80 people inside

Not if I burn down everything before that.

They had safety measures for the spiral staircase. Some kind of barrier to stop smoke from going up, but only from the sides. Those measures weren't mean to stop smoke going up right from under the staircase, which would obviously never happen in non-intentional fire accident.

>it's okay to criticize KyoAni for not backing their shit up on cloud
>it's not okay to apply the same logic to base level security that any employer literally has a legal obligation to follow

You think 80 people in an office is a large office? My office has 60 people and we're a small office.

>Fact of the matter is that security guards that could have stopped this attack are very expensive.
True, and the recent slasher made me think that nips really lose their marbles somewhere after losing the world war that they just stopped thinking in front of malice. But it was also like that for the arsonist, he was not stupid enough to do it on normal days when there was a better security system was a point that he might just get deterred or perhaps set the thing ablaze early in panic and not ended up smoking the entire 70 people for just doing their things in the office.

Fair enough point. Either way they needed a ton more in safety if they were going to survive a gasoline based fire which normally doesn't happen, and things like the death chimney stairs didn't help either. They were really out of luck

>even plastic bags
What the fuck

he was right

peace time really does make a country weak

Attached: Shepherd_infobox_MW2.png (594x750, 712K)

See This is a joke and Japan should fix its fire safety standards. Staircases need to be enclosed, floors segmented (all with highly fire / smoke resistant doors and walls), horizontal and vertical escape possible on either side of the segments.

if we only used clean energies and had gotten rid of fossil fuels this wouldn't have happened

>he would've
judging how he set his feet on fire and started running away no.
Anyway, at that point you are approaching Breivik tier masterminding of covering all your spots. Even if the base of the stairwell was on fire, people could have the option of jumping over the railings. It is likely only the base would of been on fire
That's why you have 6 monthly fire drills, so it becomes routine to employees
And an emergency exit should have a light to tell people where it is (and switches to an internal battery when mains power fails) and a push bar so that their is no fiddling and simple body weight opens the door.

I don't even know what you are trying to argue? Do you really think that an external escape staircase would not have saved at least 1 life?

Attached: Emergency exit.jpg (380x380, 12K)

In thirdworld shitholes, most houses dont have a lawn.

Japan is going to have a hard time fixing fire safety standards when this is a common building. The car parked next door is almost as wide as it is.

Attached: Japan tiny building.jpg (679x447, 40K)

God, this case pissed me off so much...

well, that just makes you oblivious of many aspects of business, 60 people are a lot of lives, and a 3-story building is not a small office

In larger buildings all this stuff is required. Kyoani was small enough (The studio was smaller than a lot of American houses) to slip through the cracks.

>well, that just makes you oblivious
My office is considered a small office, so if anything you're the oblivious one.

They regulate things like firewalls, setbacks between buildings, and construction materials but requiring sprinkler systems in all homes can be cost-prohibitive. It's not even really about the material cost- it's more the certifications that are required as well as the additional water pressure that is often required.

Or you can just install $30 smoke / CO alarms and have the residents put out the fire or leave. Or, if it's a trailer, just let them burn.

Yes, it's a small office

God fucking damn now Im mad as shit. That place looks so comfy to work in

I'm not sure what Japan's work health safety is like but In my country, he has a 'duty of care' to ensure the safety and wellbeing of his employees.
If this has happened in my country, he'd been charged for negligence.

More importantly, even with a fire under the spiral stairs, unless you had someone chuck gasoline there the size of fire and resulting amount of smoke that would be able to go straight up would be minor enough that you would have enough time to get to the other stairs and leave. It sounds like better crash bars instead of the lever handles on the roof door could have saved some lives, but that's a regulatory problem, not a design one. The design would just have called for a generic fire door. This all assumes the blockage there wasn't from people collapsing before anyone even reached the door, which is the kind of insane near-miss tragedy that seems to define every bad fire.

Welcome to Japan. Their buildings are clown car equivalents. Everything is tiny and cramped. Over here an office of this size would house two dozen people at most, probably less. Then again, it's probably just because it's an animation studio that you have so many people cramped in one place. You need a lot of people to draw anime but revenue isn't high enough to afford renting a big office in downtown districts.

Ex Post Facto

> fire drills
In bongsland, firealarm just go off at least once a week. Guess it's a good thing then.


>I know that but isn't there always someone watching anyway?
Yes, in the sense that there's some minimum wage clerk bored to fucking tears sat in the same room as the camera monitor. They might even glance in the direction of the thing once every seventh shift.

Might want to change it to acid drills.

He wouldn't. Terrorist attacks are acts of god. And buildings aren't designed for it.

I'm pretty sure they never even reached the roof door

There are probably cameras but they are there so that just in case something happens, there is a record of it to show the insurance company. To my knowledge, there usually aren't people actively monitoring them.

This isn't the standard, dumbass. They had that staircase to create a comfier, more homely environment at the studio. Who the fuck could have predicted that some nutjob would exploit the biggest weakness in the building in the worst way possible? They had all the measures in place to stop non-intentional fire accidents.

>it's 9am on friday at my office
>pretty much everyone comes in at 9:30 am
>mfw I have worked there for five years and have only taken part twice

Attached: aqua.jpg (1454x1454, 214K)

At the end of the day, nips current safety standard only take into account accidental fire started by ciggy, electrical wiring or sparks.
The regulators themselves probably never thought that someone would use assault gasoline as a tool of murder

Wouldn't carpet catch fire and spread more easily than wooden paneling?

There's a reason why we use it in fires - it burns slowly.

How serious are Aoba's injuries?

BTW doors on staircases and the like should remain closed, fire resistant segments within a floor can generally be closed by people if needed.

>I don't even know what you are trying to argue?
Only that this isn't enough.

First requirement is that the fire and smoke must not simply spread unhindered within a floor. Never mind to the floor above where it will come REALLY so fast that even trained offices might loose people because people's sight can be disabled almost the moment they notice - people need their 10-20 seconds to start to act.

It's certainly very helpful to have clearly signed escapes on either side of the segmentation of the same floor after that.

Yes, a small office with 70 people inside.

Burnt his feet, probably not walking for a while

>acts of god
That applies in burgerland.

I think there is potential case for negligence regarding the disabling of the security swipe in.

> They regulate things like firewalls, setbacks between buildings, and construction materials
Good enough if done right. I know Swiss/Austrian homes don't nearly all have sprinklers either.

They still come with a lot of regulations how exactly the house is designed, and it seems to work if that's the difference between these places and the USA?

There have been claims in the thread that security was disabled for guests that were supposed to be there.

Needs to be the standard, even for not liquid flame accelerant fuel powered fires.

This isn't a new thing, people even died because of small vertical ventilation shafts blasting smoke and heat into floors so quickly, you just can't have these things without full anti fire measures.

In my third world country, we said a small office small when there were only ten or so people working at a time. My sister workplace is like that and there were fire extinguishers on every floor and sprinklers in every room. It's not even some big business office, it's only around half Kyoani size.

A lot of carpeting actually is fire-resistant. I don't know what level of resistant carpet is required in modern homes though. But I think wood paneling would more easily and violently burn- it is generally going to be higher up which is where the heat and flames go.

I dunno, I think we need an actual fire expert. I'm just grasping at straws.

That's actually on the verge of happening right now user, not even joking.


And as far as I am aware, proper procedure for this (in the West at least) is to give the guests visitor passes.

He would have said gallons instead of liters if he was a NYer

You're a britbong I assume. Your mind is already worse than the one of a slave

And that's stupid. At a minimum, there should be people checking these guests' identification tags. And it's not really guests as it was supposed to be crews from NHK.

NHK asked and he agreed to lower the guard, it's stupid negligence nothing but for turning a potentially worse situation to the worst.

yeah so small kyoani is a fucking house, right? aahh, tomorrow I'll start my business, I'll start with a small office, where can I find a 3 story building to fit the two people I need?

Attached: yq-kyotoanimation-18072019.jpg (780x520, 81K)

And no, the measures are obviously not enough for non-intentional fires either.

You think most other places had their stricter fire regulations and less casualties every year because of people spreading fuel on the ground floor? Lel no. It's just clearly too dangerous to build crap like that.

>it shouldn't really be allowed
You're a fucking joke

This is only one floor taller than my home

The footprint of the building is like 20m*10m

Nope, I worked at the PNC building in Philly. Guests didn't get passes except to individual suites that had security enabled.

You're retarded my dude.

Quite serious, they need to transfer him to Osaka hospital by helicopter. Maybe terribly burned from the point blank ignition.

There are apartment buildings larger than this being built down the road from me.

Sounds like an inside job to me.