Kyoto Animation tweets official statement

I believe it just says they are sad, they hired a law firm, and they can't say anything else.

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Other urls found in this thread:

so do we finally know who's dead yet?

what happened in 2007? what will happen to young people in the future?

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KyoAni said only police knows the details and police is still silent.

It's beyond fucked, closure of the studio is imminent.

>they hired a law firm
It's over, enjoy hearing about legal suits for years over this, there will be no more animes.

>According to the president Hatta, the front door usually closes the shutter, and the employees are coming and going from the employee entrance on the other side. However, there was a visitor on the morning of the 18th when the fire started, and the shutter was open.
>In preparation for suspicious persons, a security camera with an entrance was also installed.
>Since the studio is completed in 2007 and there are spiral staircases, Kyoto City has instructed installation of a smoke barrier in the completion inspection. In response to this, they installed a 50 cm long smoke-proof wall that hangs from the ceiling.
>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design, shook his voice, saying, "I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."

Police can only announce names when the victims are officially declared dead and that takes time if they can't identify them easily.

Google Translate bug. The original just says July 18.

What a fucking retard. And this is why certain things are enforced by law even if it feels like bootlicking by some retards

don't project american legal culture onto other countries. it's ignorant and uninformed.

they hired a law firm to represent them, in particular towards the media. they will serve as the single contact point for kyoani, so the staff can concentrate on dealing with this tragedy internally without getting swarmed by literally hundreds of media queries.

>"I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."

Fucking kek.

seppuku imminent, stay tuned

>Sued for locking the only fire exit
>Sued for lack of security
>Sued to pay the injured employees loss of wages
>Sued to pay for the deceased funerals and other related costs
>Sued to pay for therapists and oncoming suicides related from the fire
>Sued for breaking any laws and regulations involving fire safety
What else can they be sued for?

damn, too bad. ah well, unless there was actually a meeting with seiyuus present i'm not really that beat up about anyone dying.

Hired a law firm to protect the CEO from getting hanged for literally disabling his own security and having no fire exists, I hope

Fucking knew it.

Fuck the Japanese legal culture, the company is guilty of criminal negligence and the victims and families deserve everything they can get from KyoAni. The CEO already admitted responsibility, it's over.

This isn't America.


CEO is pretty much fucked and gonna commit suicide in near future.

Stop making assumptions, EOPs. All it says their hired a lawyer as a contact point.

Amazing, is this a point of pride for you? America makes Japan look like a third world shithole in terms of fire safety regulations.

Original says 令和元 which is 2019 but apparently Google Translate doesn't understand it.

>whatever is left of Kyoani is going to be sued into oblivion by the families of the deceased
>there might even get charged with criminal negligence

Oh this is going to be great

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>yfw you're responsible for the deaths of 34 people (and counting), literally killing your own employees, literally killing your own company, and literally killing one of the biggest animation studios

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too bad america makes japan look like eden with its demographics

Didn't his wife also die in the blaze?

Implying Yea Forums actually knows anything about Japan.

Yep, Kyoani is incredibly dead, that building was a death trap and and it's their fault after all.

>yfw you have known about death threats
>didn't give a shit
>this happens
He had ONE JOB.

It's not an eden if one of the allegedly greatest companies to work for still puts its employees in literal firetraps and weebs somehow cheer it as a good thing that the victims and families can't sue them.

pic unrelated.

The one responsible is the murderer you fucking idiot. Fucking Americans.

>in terms of fire safety regulations.
what about everything else?
usa has constant shootings, rapes, shit on the streets, etc

Attached: usa poo.png (700x520, 261K)

Really? That's so fucked up.

t. spiral staircase slave

OP here, I should have been more clear. They hired law firm for "media contact," which essentially means they wanted a media liaison. Not a criminal defense lawyer, although they may need that in the near future.

He doesn't sound too broken up about this happening (probably doesnt feel responsible) so unless he's a complete sociopath, she didn't die

A normal jap wouldn't even dare show his face if he knew he killed 34 people through gross negligence, he'd Sudoku IMMEDIATELY

They reported to the police but apparently there was no lead.

>you have known about death threats
and what exactly he could do? he sent them to police. it's not like they will send him swat team to protect the buildings

Make sure the building is safe and up to standards? Maybe?

I imagine anime studios receive death threads etc so often that they usually ignore them.

Now I wonder if the other studios are going to start looking at their own fire exits after this colossal fuck up

generally, two separate staircases suffice for a three-storey building. the kyoto municipality equivalent of the fire code (again, don't project american regulation systems on other countries) did not require more than that.

you can cover for 99+% of eventualities. you can't cover for all eventualities. it is literally impossible.

most tohoku ports and seaside towns had tsunami walls up to the standard, which was some 4 meters of height. some extra cautios municipalities and port authorities had walls with a height of up to 7 meters, for the off chance some extreme tsunami hits them. in march 2011, they were hit by waves of 8 meters and up. completely unprecedented. you can't cover for all eventualities.

i will not waste my time trying to educate you. stay american.

Not to mention the fact that they hired Koreans at substandard wages (1 South Korean national already confirmed as a victim). All of this will come out in the trials.

Hiring a lawfirm to handle your media business means you are already preparing for the lawsuits and want to prevent any statements going on the air that could harm you.

Probably Kigami, not her.

Just parcel and part of living in a big city

The building was up to fire standards and gets yearly checks from what I understand.

Will they sue the makers of FireForce? Will FireForce get a "don't try this at home"? When will FireForce be back on air?

That would probably mean firing everyone so unlikely.

The lawsuits will bankrupt them.

Moeshit has officially died.

Stop giving shit to the president. It's true he might not have taken necessary measures to prevent this kind of catastrophe, but the one responsible is still the arsonist in any case.

Then the Japanese fire codes and standards need to be completely revised after this incident. Perhaps that's one good thing that can come out of this tragedy.

Man, FF author must be fucking livid because his manga/anime debiut is dead basically.

>fire safety regulation
>against a terrorist attack
ok retard.

You expect entire fire standards to be revised to account for 40L of gasoline? I highly doubt that's going to happen.

This, how do they handle it? Delay it to the next season?

Remember how long the last episodes of Madoka got delayed.

How would you react if they said "they have been isekai'd to a better place now"?

Well, it was never going to take off, good animation can only take you so far and it's fucking dead in japan compared to soul eater.

Didn't they just postpone it for a week?

no codes and safety standards will help you when a crazed motherfucker wheels in 40 liters of gasoline and sets you and everything around you on fire.

you people are either insane or dumb.

>What else can they be sued for?
Making shit anime.

They didn't announce a date.

Fire escapes on the upper levels would have certainly helped.

Good point, I forgot being a target of a terrorist attack absolves a corporation from any responsibility to have even the bare minimum of fail safe measures in place to contain as best it can the damage from such a known possibility.

It's not like autistic Jap anime otaku couldn't just build bombs with OTC chemicals and shit.

There's really nothing you can do if someone wants you dead outside of being lucky; they have all the advantages.

He was aware that he didn't build the stairs, it's just that his actions has bit him in the ass in the worst way possible.

So many assumptions and projecting in this thread, do you guys even know what you're talking about? Or are you talking out of your ass?

True. Fire regulations are not meant to protect you from a crazy murderer dowsing you in 40l of gasoline and setting you on fire, they're meant to deal with smaller/accidental fires.

>t.poo in the loo-SA

Isolated section for fire escape staircase would help some of them, if not all.

>no codes and safety standards will help you
Based on your subject matter opinion, of course.


This is all on him. The arsonist chose the most vulnerable building. Negligence is also a crime and you can't blame everything on arsonist. This could have been easily preventable. It was just one retard with cans, not an armed terrorist group.

How does it make you feel that H1B code monkeys still have better working conditions than animators employed by the "best" studio?

It would have fucking helped
>autist locked only the emergency exits
>no way for him to block the emergency stairs
Most people died from trying to get to the top while having choking from the smoke

Fire regulations can make the difference between five dead people and thirty dead people though.

>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design, shook his voice, saying, "I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."

If he actually said this then is a foregone conclusion that they will be sued out the ass and bankrupted by damage payments

Don't let a suspicious guy inside the building with 40 liters of gasoline.KyoAni had to die because of this sheer incompetence.

The money they saved on hiring a normal security guy just checking that no unauthorized person enters the building was at least well spent on marginally better salaries for the animators, so that they wouldn't die from overwork.
Instead, they died from suffocating.

>Fire regulations are not meant to protect you from a crazy murderer dowsing you in 40l of gasoline and setting you on fire, they're meant to deal with smaller/accidental fires.
Please cite the relevant sub-sections of Japanese local and national fire regulations that specify dealing with "smaller/accidental fires".

Isn't someone from another country pretty bad? What can happen?

Having the only exit for 2nd and 3rd floors be up multiple flights of stairs which don't have smoke-stop doors segregating them from the main floor spaces is just poor design. Sure, in a normal non-crazy-faggot-induced gasoline fire there won't be as much smoke, but what smoke there was would still end up in that stairwell.

Imagine being this delusional and desperate to defend a CEO that is going to spend his life in prison because the law doesn't give a shit about your damage control

So is Kyoani dead or what? Their remaining employees get absorbed by another studio?

Exactly, shills on full damage control are delusional if they don't realize the company's fate has already been decided by the CEO's own words.

yeah and next time an attacker will have a drone drop a molotov from above and grill them from below

>durr why didn't they think of this

you can't think of everything. you literally can't. are you thinking of the possibility of a plane crashing into your house right now? it happens a couple of times per year around the globe. it happened just the other day in germany. where are your protective shields against planes crashing into your house? are they correctly dimensioned to withstand an antonov an-225? that could happen too, you know. does your town have ordinances preparing you for that? why not? damn gotta sue someone.

Do you think someone will be edgy enough to make Isekai about this?

I don't see how you can come back from this

You literally can't defend this level of incompetence when you let one unarmed mouth-breathing retard to completely destroy the building and kill half of its workers.
This is some 3rd world shithole tier security standards. Stupid fucking nips.

Maybe building them would have been stepping on someone else's toes?

Did anyone survive the fire? Or like was off sick? Imagine how that must feel.

>they will be sued out the ass and bankrupted by damage payments
this cannot and will not happen. you literally have no idea about the japanese legal system.

Their remaining employees are either crippled or suffering with PTSD, you're lucky if any studio are willing to take them over their wings

Go watch Fire Force opening, that's where these people got isekaid to.

Based on the responses ITT, shills will defend criminal negligence and refuse the right of victims to sue on those grounds as long as they get more moeshit out of it. These people are deranged.

This is a stupid line of thinking - because you cannot protect yourself from every eventuality, therefore it is pointless to even try? Utterly stupid.

Kadokawa love skilled, controllable people.

>he doesn't sound
What do you expect him to do? Write a sob story in these reports? Of course he would try to maintain a calm and straight forward tone in these reports.

>CEO admits they didn't build a second staircase
>days later the company hires a lawfirm to do their media

Yes, these are the telltale signs that everything is ok and nobody is panicking

Reiwa Gannen 7gatsu 18nichi means 18th July of the 1st Reiwa Year (2019).

Oh yea, its ageing, dying demographic of incredibly high strung people, wanting to kill them self so bad that companies have to lock fire exits to try and stop them
Truly, japan must be the best

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you must be either mentally deficient or intellectually lazy to assume that is my line of thinking.

America is united. America is unstoppable.

>Their remaining employees get absorbed by another studio?
SHAFT is opening their hiring applications. The burnt animators who couldn't draw won't have to do anything anyway as most of their shows are slideshows, so it's ideal.

the Kiss nightclub fire of anime at this point, sues and more sues.

The building was up to code. If anyone is to be held accountable for negligence, it's the government.

Singapore >>>> America > Japan

Leave the future of anime and the remaining Kyoani employees to US.

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>What do you expect him to do?

I expect him to fucking commit sudoku like any other jap in his situation would. But he's a sociopath who doesn't care

Nothing new after 10 years of killing anime

U.S. is the best.

>survivors absorbed by Ufotable
>forced to work on super gory new anime about vigilante using flame powers called FLAME FATALE BY Gen Urobutcher

I can taste the despair.

It's not about fire standards you mongoloids, it's about the question of how did they let an unarmed lunatic into the building with 40 gallons of gass.

He'll commit sudoku after he gets barraged by victim families with lawsuits for criminal negligence.

Not at all. You are arguing the pointlessness of improving regulations because, to your 'expert' perspective, nothing could be done to improve the survivability of the studio's occupants and structure.

If you think the guy took his time to enter the premise and nonchalantly pouring the gasoline until it covered the entire first floor, then you are retarded.

Why do people claim KyoAni is responsible for the prevalence of moeshit? They weren't even the first studio to popularize it and they aren't the only one doing it today.

It's both. That building won't survive even an accident fire.

...which it was?

Also, how do you figure his thought process should be, "someone sent a death threat, better make sure someone doesn't sneak in and pour gasoline around"?

Someone edit his face with the "Yeah, Sorry..."

Wonder if the dicksuckers on Yea Forums will still go "he dindunuffin!" when that happens

>forget about criminal negligence because there was a terrorist attack

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Indeed. If that fat son of a bitch did that pussy ass shit here in the states he would get shot the moment he enters the building.

Wow retard, it's been fucking answered for days now, how about you spend 2 fucking minutes reading a news article before you post your retarded questions?

It's not the fire that brought the company down, but the lawsuits from the relatives of the deceased. Ironic.

Attached: uguu-`1.jpg (800x450, 45K)

better that than niggers

More like
>make sure the people in our building can escape a fucking fire
Which they obviously couldn't.

You guys think the park they are going to build will be haunted?

lucky i never watched hibike euphonium then lol

then please indulge me in what else could be inferred from that

its not terrorism

The building won't survive the fire but the people inside it should have enough time to evacuate the premise. Accidental fire won't spread as rapidly as ignited 40 litre of gasoline would.

>tfw your boss is a jew that doesn't want to spend on your safety
So much for "best working conditions in anime industry".

This is the firm and lawyer in question. They mainly handle IP cases, not criminal stuff.

>Daisuke Okeda is a lawyer and a leading management member of the professional organisation, the ‘Japan Animation Creators Association’ (JAniCA), which comprises both animators and animation directors. He is also currently working as project manager on a personnel training project for animators and as a project coordinator of a consortium for promoting the animation industry, both of which are projects led by the Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japan.

K-On was patient zero of new wave of „anime about nothing, cute girls doing cute things”.

>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design, shook his voice, saying, "I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."
Why was the company president designing his building instead of leaving it to an architect?

>you can't blame everything on arsonist.
Yes. Yes you can.

So that's the savior of anime. President Hatta

True, but there should have been an escape route other than literally running up the same stairs that the smoke is being fed into.

>they weren't even the first studio to popularize it
K-on was the highest selling late night anime of all time when it came out.

No, that was Azumanga Daioh

If you think about, it wasn't the arsonist who killed them, it was KyoAni's management.

tell that to the diet

Stop ascribing another country's laws to the one in question.

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i have from the beginning be arguing that no improvement of regulations can cover all eventualities. it is completely impossible.

take another look at your own personal living situation. i am assuming the house you live in was built according to all building regulations and fire code applicable in your municipality. you may have also invested in extra locks, burglar-proof windows, and maybe own a gun or two. you have fire detectors and additional alarm equipment.

have you really covered all eventualities? your gun could malfunction. do you have a second gun? your second gun could malfunction. do you have a third gun? do you check your fire detectors' batteries regularly, even before they beep? they could malfunction. do you have redundant fire detectors in that case? your doors will withstand gunshots and battering rams. will they withstand a semi?

at some point, you draw lines. you have to draw the lines. it is not possible to cover all eventualities, as you can't foresee all eventualities.

And way behind compared to the show that created the timeslot in the first place (EVA),

autopsy reports of dead person of around that age

You could say KyoAni treats their employees well done

Shhh. Don't spoil the dreams of the summer baby. They believe anime was invented in 2007.

>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design
user pls. People have a say on building design as long as it's within standards. Apparently, emergency stairs are optional.

>They mainly handle IP cases, not criminal stuff.
Sounds like they're closing down, if you ask me.

Negligence is the cause, arson is the effect.

all building owners always have a say. have you never built a house?

What if the president was on it? He had enough of moeshit and went nuclear.

not to mention
>killing your own wife

No. Normal people suck it up and live with it.

Then he saved anime and we should praise him for his sacrifice

>your country slowly dying is worse then having black people in your county
to bad for japan, black people live in japen
so I guess they have both, you dumb fucking cuck

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Even if they had an escape route, they are still fucked. The fire travels up to the third floor in an instant due to straight airflow leading upwards. They tried to use the stairs, but ultimately lost to the CO smokes, thus dead bodies found piled up near the staircase.

A single security guard with a baton would have prevented this.

Quick and dirty.

Attached: gomenasorry .jpg (348x433, 57K)

>no cloud storage
>no data backup
>no security guards
>no surveillance
>closed windows and rooftop
>a fucking spiral case
>all that wood
KyoAni was unironically the best anime studio but holy fuck were they bad as a company. So sad for the animators and directors, their talented was wasted on shitty managers.

Yes, clearly they should have expected a deranged person to get in and pour gasoline everywhere. They would have made it out fine if it was a regular fire, you retard. No one could have predicted this.

I think he made a big fucking mistake by admitting to something he most likely had nothing to do with in a vulnerable moment of sentimentality

In the States you'd straight up go to jail if you said that

>Accidental fire won't spread as rapidly as ignited 40 litre of gasoline would.
It depends, we have to remember that the fire was not the most lethal part of this disaster. It was the smoke from the lower level being funneled by the building's design.

So even if the fire had not burnt almost the entirety of the building - it certainly could have killed everyone above the fire from smoke / CO2 inhalation.

Nobody has suggested regulations can cover all eventualities.

However, arson is well within the scope of unlikely, but possible things that can happen. Clearly, now that this event has happened it can be deemed a credible threat to other studios and other similar types of offices.

Once again, you're arguing the pointlessness of improving regulations because, to your 'expert' perspective, nothing could be done to improve the survivability of the studio's occupants and structure.

you need to pay those union leaders afterall

Let me get this straight. SOME of these deaths could have been prevented, but the president fucked up, and now they might get sued out of existance??
Haha holy fuck, what a fucking timeline. RIP KyoAni I guess.

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Those emergency stairs would not have helped much. Time before zero visibility and choking black smoke was literally seconds. Can't get out if you can't even see the emergency exit.

spiral stairs*

>Japan’s ageing society has contributed to a labour shortage – in response, more relaxed employment regulations have opened the doors to foreigners
>The newcomers are mostly from other parts of Asia: China accounts for the single largest immigrant population, followed by South Korea and Vietnam
At least they're taking in mostly other Sinosphere immigrants who are culturally compatible.

But wouldn't an architect have told him "you need to attach the goddamn emergency stairs"?

>I have no understanding of Japan, and I must scream


i'm done with you. stay american.

So you're saying they did commit IP theft.

>get death-threats
>no one could have predicted this

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Based on your expert opinion, of course?

america is slowly dying thanks to niggers and spics, a demographic contraction is much easier to deal with

In any eventuality people on the upper floors need to be able to get out safely. Even ignoring the spiral stairs the smoke is still going to end up in the main stairwell if it doesn't have smoke-stop doors segregating it from the main floorspace, which it didn't, so even in a normal fire they would still end up running into smoke when using the stairwell. Fire escapes leading to stairs on the side of the building would probably have helped at least one person, as would the stairwell not filling with smoke because no airtight door.

Defend this.

Arsonist being a deranged lunatic is the cause.

I am not American. I just understand that improvements in regulations, laws, and rules only come from "unforeseen eventualities".

Implying Yea Forums actually knows anything

I assume it's a regular state of affairs for studios, directors, seiyuu, etc. to get death threats in Japan. They probably doubt anyone is going to act on them, though.

the architect would have told them what regulations and city ordinances apply for this type of building. if the national building regulations and kyoto fire code do not require a third set of stairs for a three-storey commercial building, that is what they work with.

Yes, unfortunately.

>Hire an IP lawyer

So arsonst-kun was right and they did steal his idea

>no cloud storage
>no data backup


>no security guards
>no surveillance
why would you need them when you normally have a security system active and only disabled it for a fucking PR meeting?

>closed windows and rooftop
the rooftop wasn't fucking locked and you should kill yourself for spouting retarded memes you read on Yea Forums without checking on them

That's right.

No, user. He was just crazy.

death threats are common in Japan. They just couldn't give any fuck about some nasty nerds until they actually get attacked by those nerds.

>they hired a law firm
They hired an attorney for dealing with the media.
They are not supposed to directly go to the relatives or the injured employees themselves, but go to him. I guess he'll also sue them, if they try anything "funny", but saying "they hired a law firm" misses the point.

you might as well be american with your obstinate ignorance.

improve regulations, laws, and rules. something can, and will, happen that is not covered by them.

>contracts and deadlines to companies all around the industry
Maybe they genuinely just don't want to deal with all that shit themselves now and leave it to the professionals?

Presumably the death threats didn't state "I will dous you in gasoline and burn you down".

For all it worth, they did comply with the local fire code for the size of the building so they can't be sued for negligence. Probably will get the regulation updated though.

you can call america garbage on a lot of things if you wanted to but it one of if not the best law system on earth.

>no cloud storage
>no data backup
This is very common for SME businesses.

Imagine the PR nightmare of going to court with the families of the people that burned to death while working for you.

Either way this is definitely the end for Kyoani

Sue the local authorities then.

Post quotes from Kyoani employees during the fire. I'll start.


You're a retard that doesn't understand what a gasoline fire can do, so in that case, yes, I am an expert.

my sides

Attached: Horo.png (554x463, 389K)

>All amerifats can think of in a time of tragedy is who to sue and who's going to get sued

>one of if not the best law system on earth.
get some education, bub

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Since it seems like it costs a lot to keep them around and it's becoming severe, how come the U.S. hasn't built one big rehab/containment center town and shipped out as much homeless as they can to it? A lot of them are mentally ill to the degree they're better off in some kind of insane asylum facility.

Sure it would seem a lot like the prawn camp from District 9 and wouldn't be a popular move, but what else can they do with those who are too mentally gone to take care of themselves

>nigger and spics are hard to deal with
I like how easy it is to spot a /pol/tard, not only for there retarded racism but because they are so willing to show how shelter they are from the real world when they say stupid bullshit like
>Brown people are hard to deal with

Maybe try leaving your fucking house once in a while you fucking faggot and try talking to people. I know your autism makes it hard but i believe in you faggot-kun

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Looks like insurance was only fir accidental fire as usual

Rest of the world just doesn't work like your suing circus.

i'd like to think it's their way to cope, but in all honesty they're just conditioned rats in a skinner box


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>NHK is fucked up for letting this happen
>kyoAni is fucked up for not having emergency stairs
>Japanese government is fucked up for having shit fire codes
So who will be the black sheep for this?

>Apparently, emergency stairs are optional.
If it's not part of their fire standards why would the architect say anything?

>why would you need them when you normally have a security system active and only disabled it for a fucking PR meeting?

Not even fucking colleges do shit like this for open house. You're lead around by someone with access. You're given guest passes. You don't TURN OFF SECURITY.

I swear, you people seem more happy someone else can be blamed, be it the president or Nip culture in general, other than the arsonist himself.

It's like when a teen kills someone, people are all too happy to tear the parents to shreds over their "lack of responsibility" than the actual criminal. It's a very weird reaction.

>Either way this is definitely the end for Kyoani

No, that was Free (and VEG), but that's another story that's probably better not discussed in this context, and we can be glad the attacker wasn't a madman being annoyed about that, but a fucking copyright arsonist.

i want a pogrom of incel betas. enough is enough.

>Not even fucking colleges do shit like this for open house.
In your shithole country maybe, my college didn't even have a security system.

>makes look like

Meanwhile America is an actual third world shithole lmao

Otaku, the government will use this as a pretext for cleaning up the streets from such undesirables before the 2020 Olympics.

That's literally what was implied by his post.

We're going in circles now. You are a ridiculous person and a ridiculous idea that because you cannot cover every possible event - it is pointless to cover any.

I have given no opinion on what gasoline can do, only questioned your ability to assess if emergency stairs (a standard feature in western countries) "would have not helped much".

Everybody knows that the arsonist was at fault. Disasters are meant to be analysed so you can work out what could be done to mitigate them in the future. Humans just like blaming people in general, so that's what ends up happening during the search for things that could have helped reduce casualties.

>black people live in japen
What? 0.001% of the population?

>Not even fucking colleges do shit like this for open house. You're lead around by someone with access. You're given guest passes. You don't TURN OFF SECURITY.

This is Japan, not the US where people are shooting up schools with assault rifles every day. Things like this very rarely happen in Japan, and that is why they're much more lax about security matters. They probably didn't give a second thought to turning off security because there's never been any attack like this perpetrated. It's not like they're a school in the US with news stories of 50 kids being shot dead fresh in their minds.

Yeah, have fun burning in your glorious country then

Even if the fire codes are no good, Kyoani is still ultimately responsible for the safety of their employees.

>all the Chinese in the twitter replies commenting 加油
>a Japanese/Chinese bilingual stepping in every time to quickly clarify to Japanese readers that the Chinese are not calling to add more petroleum to the Kyoani fire

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We don't know that yet, all we can know at the moment is that they passed the last inspection but whether they let standards lapse since then, kept escapes clear, replaced any damaged fire safety equipment etc. will have to wait for an investigation first.

If it's according to code, doesn't mean you can't improve it, retards.

>peoples "argument" to defend the shitbag CEO is literall:y "its LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to survive fires so you dont need emergency exists or fire extinguishers"

Holy fuck just accept that your precious angelic animation studio did something wrong, this is pathetic.

He never said what amount of black people were bad, just that having black people was bad
so thanks for making my point, that japan has black people

No can't do. The government can't be guilty.

imagine being able to live in a country where you don't need to arm yourself to the teeth to be routinely secure from the people around you

And NHK is ultimately responsible for letting this happened since they forced kyoAni to lower the security level to zero. Now what?

>fat retard armed with a fucking hammer walks into your building, sets it on fire and kills 35 people
>there was no way to prevent or account for this eventuality
>oh the death-threats we don't take those seriously

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Fucking hell no wonder relations are still so bad lel

Exactly and from that recommendations will probably be given - politically the government will have to seen doing something "so that something like this can never happen again."

Did NHK specifically tell them to turn it off for the whole day? Or KyoAni decided that themselves?

if it wasnt legally required then it doesnt matter

They won't be sued (or if they do, they won't be found liable).

>It's a very weird reaction.
subconsciously, they feel complicit. so they deflect.

you have to realize that a good portion, and i mean a GOOD portion, of all people you talk with on 4chinz has the potential to either turn into a monster like aoba or enable a culture that breeds monsters like aoba. and they know that. they don't want to admit it, not even before themselves, but deep inside, they know it. so they deflect. they play the blame game.

Up to a certain size of building regulations do not concern themselves with massive firebombing attacks.
It's a little different with high rise buildings, but there's still nothing against a tanker truck detonating in the basement, or airplanes further up.
What would such a system look like anyway? Mandatory freon fire suppression?

The mistakes they made were poor design choices and not going beyond the letter of the law, but that's it.
The building would have needed fire proof compartmentalization and fire escape ladders, but those were not mandatory.

>all the money retards pumped into the kyoani fundraiser and merchandise sales is going to go into legal defense of the company against employee lawsuits.

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What does it mean then? Looks like more fuel to me.

Yes, they did that to every studio they were going to visit.


>They probably didn't give a second thought to turning off security because there's never been any attack like this perpetrated.
But there are thieves and robbers in Japan, so disabling security for that one day is stupid. Oh well, KyoAni paid the price for it. And the workers there as well.

They reported the death threats to police and lawyers.

Whether they win the case or not, the company will not survive the lawsuits. KyoAni is already dead, you just don’t realize it yet.

What does it mean in JP/CN?

you mean the ones they reported to the police? death threats are essentially a meme, do you expect them to have armed security 24/7 whenever some autist sends a mean tweet?

Did this studio even make anything good?


Yeah the idea of turning off your security when you don't have a guard is fucking stupid regardless of your country. There isn't a single country where fucked up people don't exist.

God no. I don't want any more 2 cours of nothing shows.

Literally everyone gets death threats. Even you posting on Yea Forums.

Those emergency stairs wouldn't have done shit, they couldn't even get to the roof top in time.

no they made dogshit trash, but their animation quality was very good.

every season I waited for them to do a show that isn't bad but they never managed

In Mandarin the literal meaning is "add more oil", but the actual meaning is "keep fighting on" or "hang in there" or "we're rooting for you". For example, it's commonly chanted to athletes at sports events.
In Japanese that meaning doesn't exist, so the kanji would only read literally as "add more oil".

>over 30 staff dead, more than that injured
its been dead before any hypothetical lawsuit is even put together
no thats why nobody cares about it
must be terrible going through life afraid of everyone around you

This is the biggest attack of this kind to happen in Japan after WW2.

People screaming about safety regulations are fucking idiots. Emergency exit wouldn't help shit if building filled with smoke in 20 seconds.

Safety regulations sure helped on 9/11.

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There needed to be two fire exits on each floor that led directly to the outside and one that led to the roof. Participating in fire drills should have been mandatory and annual. This is just common sense.

He didn't kill anyone, just set a fire (including to people, but apparently those survived)
Wasn't armed either. His weapons were in his backpack and unused.

nobody was gonng steal shit in a buidling filled wtih 70 people.

the arsonist dumbed 40l of gasoline into the lobby and then got the fuck out, and somehow still ended up burned

I've asked for citations, you have failed to provide them. You've also continued the stupid and ridiculous thinking that because you cannot cover everything - it is pointless to cover anything.

>hey, this user on Yea Forums said we should have emergency stairs, so we built some
>whoops, gasoline fire going, better open that door to the emergency stars
>whoops, now fresh oxygen is being sucked into the building, feeding the fire even more
>whoops the backdraft killed us even faster than the original fire could have

really should've listened to Yea Forums anons desu

Because of the smoke that was spreading instantly, yeah. But a fire door would have helped.

Oh God, this is top tier comedy.

Attached: seki laugh.png (537x537, 51K)

And guess what you can't enter into my building unless I buzz you in.

So I guess my security standards trump Kyoani

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Why wasn't there any security? You'd think with a bunch of high-profile individuals meeting in one spot they'd at least leave it as it normally is.

I go to a top ranking college in the States, and it's literally an open campus (like most unis here). That means anyone can walk up to the front of any building they want, they just won't be able to get in without an ID swipe at night BUT many campus buildings are open during the day
I'm surprised the homeless haven't exploited this to take shits and naps in-doors

I'm gonna kill youwu

Homeless people congregate where they can get services. A significant percentage are veterans who are entitled to free treatment at a VA hospital. They just don't have anywhere to go to sleep afterwards.

My sides are in orbit

Small buildings don't have this kind of regulations.

And almost all victims were killed by smoke.

*sees gun in your pocket*
OwO what's this

Get out of your american bubble. The world doesn’t revolve around you and your culture.

>one of if not the best law system on earth

There are without a doubt many things that are great and top notch in the US, but its law system is most certainly not.
Instead of trying to prevent tragedy, you simply make it expensive to not have prevented tragedy in case one occurs.
If KyoAni have done everything that was demanded by the building laws, they have nothing to fear from a juristic point of view.
If they had not abode by the law, they would have faced charges without any tragedy.

The US way may seem more appropriate in case tragedy strikes, but the overseas way usually prevents tragedy from happening in the first place.
The law simply wasn't prepared for an arsonist, and that seems unreasonable to protect against to begin with. I don't think I have ever been in a building that was protected against someone like that.
Are buildings in the US built with people like that in mind?

I know japs are much less violent than the rest of the planet but even then they should have realised their strategy of messing with yurifags who are almost always severely mentally ill might backfire.

>Emergency exit wouldn't help shit if building filled with smoke in 20 seconds.
And how did the smoke travel that fast to the second and third floors? Try thinking about this a little harder, you colossal retard.

Nips must be detached from reality if they think you can live with 0 security in current year full of mentally ill people.

Which is what you do when you're going out of business.

Why do retarded Americans insist that every staff must immediately tweet about their well-being and tell everyone how sad they are, then after that proceed to sue everything and anyone that can be sued.

They cant sue the fat deranged fuck so the injured and relatives of the deceased are going to sue the studio for lack of fire measures and security at the entrance. Cant really blame them

>People screaming about safety regulations are fucking idiots. Emergency exit wouldn't help shit if building filled with smoke in 20 seconds.
You do understand for example regulations dictate how long material it needs to resist combustion? Which would help prevent the smoke & fire from spreading.
>Safety regulations sure helped on 9/11.
It did, otherwise the building would have straight up collapsed when the plane hit it.

Japan is the safest country in the w-

Not that user but it really would have not helped much. Most people inside the building were already collapsed due to CO poisoning. They were already dead even before they had time to think and run towards the emergency exits. Yes, they should have those emergency stairs installed but the point is now, it was meaningless from the get go since this is a sudden attack, not just some accidental fire which can still be controlled over. The fire was big, it took less than 5 minutes for the building to be covered in black smokes.

And escalating the paranoia and turning everyone against each other like you is a better alternative?

Model simulation of the fire.

*gets shot*

Fire safety regulation was why 9/11 killed ~3k out of the ~18k in a 110 story building rather than ~30 out of ~70 in a 3 story building.

Well i am alive and they are not so i win.

>1 South Korean national already confirmed as a victim
That is a fact.
>Not to mention the fact that they hired Koreans at substandard wages
That is just you bullshitting. You should stop living your life on /pol/ and see that in the real world companies employ people from other countries sometimes.

I know their animation is good (at least in the last 5 years) since I've seen a few scenes, but yeah I also never heard if there's anything worth watching.

Because of the spiral staircase you dumb shit.

Most buildings in japan are made for easy escape in case of earthquakes not terrorist attacks. This is the first accident like this in like 60 years that clearly shows their regulations work fine when it's not crazy retards with 40l of gasoline.

>best law system on earth
>supreme court exists purely to further the will of the oligarchs against the people

Exactly. A wooden spiral staircase with no doors anywhere to block smoke in a significant way was what caused the most damage, not the lack of an emergency staircase.

that's American "culture" for you.

13k people are murdered with guns in USA every year.

Burgers are the last people on the planet who should talk about this crap.

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I'm not talking about regulations, I'm talking about common sense. I'm sure having too many fire exits isn't against the Japanese fire code.

Even if they ever recover, you can't expect their productions to be the same as before.

Why didn't' the building have anti air missiles to shoot down the plane before it crashed into it? Why isn't anyone suing for that?

Let's hope his party got votes today.

So, like, all those people at the upper floor that died near the door all suffocated like those bunnies in that one scene in Watership Down.

Only know this
and the fact that they removed mentioning that they had interview with kyoAni in their news.


Now imagine if the plane hit on the first floor. You would have 15k dead.

yep. smoke rises, after all

Hibikek was decent if you didn't fall for the memes and yuribait.

Are you telling me that jet fuel can melt steel?

The building is Designed like a literal death trap. The arsonist did their homework on how to inflict maximum damage


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"Everything I don't like is /pol/"

You had me until that, user.

I would say some 3rd world countries have better security standards, maybe because they expect this kind of shit to happen.

Holy kek I read it in that voice

You make a good case, I'll agree with you.

>reductio ad absurdum

>one of if not the best law system on earth.
the anglo-american law system, derived from the roman-dutch law system, is the miscarried asshole baby of an inherently flawed legal system. no law system lends itself to more gross injustice than yours. you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. american exceptionalism is a fucking sham and you mouthbreathers are too insular and incestuously infatuated with navelgazing to realize.


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That was fucking fast holy shit. Also 2nd and 3rd floors are more charred than 1st floor because of the heat and smoke travel upward.

Similar number of people in Japan are murdered with work exhaustion every year.

Yeah man, Japan literally never had mass murderers before in their entire history, nobody could have expected this.


>Because of the spiral staircase you dumb shit.
Not sure why you think this damages my point. If they had the kinds of regulations governing fire-safe stairwells in American commercial buildings the second and third floors never would have filled up with smoke. That spiral staircase should have never been there, and the actual stairwell should have been enclosed and not completely open to spew smoke to every floor simultaneously.

Based Hideaki he knew KyoAni was only producing otaku pandering garbage so he engineered the building to be a crematorium

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Maybe the chinks should use some other synonym that won't cause these misunderstandings. I mean I'm sure most of them can at least understand that commenting "add oil" to a oil fire disaster looks bad

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literally everyone in japan knows that meaning though, the chinks don't know they know it

I'm against victim blaming but if you let all your doors unlocked in your house for a full month and them complain that you got robbed, sure the fault is on the criminals, but you locking the doors would have reduced the probability of you getting robbed by orders of magnitude.

Everybody needs to see this and stop talking about retarded shit. They were fucked emergency exits or not.

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What's wrong with that? You're 1) letting your fans know your safe, 2) expressing condolences after a tragedy, and 3) ensuring the ones complicit in enabling the tragedy get punished and compensate the victims.

it's been 72 hours.
The time for pretending to be sad is over.

>Speaking to Reuters, a fire official said that the was no indoor fire hydrant or sprinkler system inside the building, which is not part of Japan’s fire code.
wew. You think the people that liked building their homes out of straw mats and paper would have thought this stuff through.

That's brutal. I wonder how much gas the guy had with him, it's not like you're going to be lugging around 40 liters in buckets. Or maybe he did.

Wait there were two stairs and people died on the non spiral one? Damn what the fuck so the smoke from the spiral stairs traveled to the other set and killed them there?

They were fucked by the fundamentally unsafe design of the building, which the CEO personally supervised the design of, yes. KyoAni is dead, moeshitter.


This, are you people retarded? The windows weren't that high, nobody died from the fucking fall.

It was designed for earthquakes not nutjobs with gasoline.

>it's not like you're going to be lugging around 40 liters in buckets.
He wheeled it in a trolley thing.

That is scaled down x times but even in the real building it probably only added less than a minute.

All that money won't bring the dead back to life anyway.

>better than anything except the shitholes around it
Even among the first worlds, chinkapore is on the bottom rank.

How will this impact my favorite fire themed anime?

Everyone involved in accepting that building design should face consequences. Mass firings no pun intenteded soon?

As for me, I'm not interested in finding people to blame, I'm interested in finding solutions to prevent shit like this in the future. No matter how harshly you punish the arsonist, it's not going to resurrect the people who died, at most it's only going to add one more person to the death count. If that's all the government does, similar things will keep happening because you're not doing anything to address the problem, you're just taking revenge and pretending that it's useful.

Even if the guy's parents or KyoAni or the government could have done something better (and they probably all could have) to prevent this from happening, I will immediately forgive all of them as long as they're working towards solutions.

Japan is one of the most peaceful countries regarding crime. No one in their craziest delusions would've imagined that loosening the security for a while at fucking 10am would've been a chance for a fucking lunatic to suddenly come and lit your employees on fire.

No, not everything I don't like is /pol/.
Just the idea than any worker from another (a little bit poorer) country must automatically be an underpaid slave imported en masse to take the Japanese people's jerbs.
That's very specifically /pol/.

It's 7:30 AM EST lad. The country is asleep.

Yes, this is the problem if you don't seal staircases with doors as said.

No doubt an area from regulations to be reviewed.

Yes, because the other set had no smoke stop doors. It was also literally the only exit from the 2nd and 3rd floors apart from the spiral staircase, which was already on fire. Because the ground floor conflagrated due to gas people on those floors had no choice but to either jump out windows or go up those stairs, which filled with rising smoke because there was no doors segregating the stairwell from the main floorspace.

Because you can't stop an evil man from trying to do evil, but you can stop him from succeeding (or alternately, becoming evil in the first place).

It's not hard to understand. Random schizos in particular are like a force of nature.

Nobody said anything about importing Koreans en masse to take Japanese people's jobs. That's very specifically putting words in that user's mouth.

Water sprinklers would make the situation worse vs a gasoline fire. Gas and Foam dispensers would have killed people anyway (those are only use in industrial areas and aircraft hangers)

>Everybody knows that the arsonist was at fault.
You haven't read this thread, have you.

>humans were the monsters all along

You'd be surprised what 40l of gasoline can do. The whole first floor was on fire in less than a minute.
By that point you either left to building or you passed out from smoke inhalation.

Will he commit sudoku?

Blame the government. KyoAni's building was actually up to code for Japan's standards.
Also KyoAni normally has security, they disabled it that morning because they were expecting reporters from NHK to come for a PR meeting. NHK were actually on their way before the attacker even attacked. It's just a really, really bad coincidence that the attacker attacked in the short timeframe (probably 30 minutes to 1 hour) that security was lowered.

Most buildings in Japanese cities that aren't in the heart of the city are fire hazards.

As an engineer and my father as an Engie too, you have to deal with some stuations with fire, and yes fire regulations CAN do a BIG diference between 5 deaths and 30 deaths, is important to be regulated in those cases, is so dumb for the company to be that negligent

>cancer is to blame, not the smoker

This is literally one of the worst mass murders in recent times in Japan and probably the worst tragedy in the history of the anime industry. The worst attack I can think of is some Otaku doing some scribbles outside of Gainax in the 90s. This is a whole new level. This has appeared on news all over the world, even my mom knows. Everyone in Japan knows about it and this will spur a lot of conversation and hatred regarding otaku, the industry, work conditions, etc.

I was joking about it at first but then I realized it's actually pretty bad.

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>to prevent shit like this in the future.
help daddy gobernment, make everything illegal!

Unless you're in the police or the military, you're delusional if you believe your place of work is equipped to fend off any and every possible plan a deranged killer may set into motion.

in accidents, yes. when a whole floor nearly exploded from the fire ignition, no.

>is so dumb for the company to be that negligent
For the 30th time in this thread, they were up to the fire regulations and standards.


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>any and every possible plan

Clearly no amount of security could have stopped him and his backpack hammer

>yes corporate master, berate and use your workers as an expandable material more!

>Everyone in Japan knows about it and this will spur a lot of conversation and hatred regarding otaku, the industry, work conditions, etc.
not really. otaku are already considered retards. You are projecting your hate on foreigners knowing nothing about their culture. shut up.

Why would you care about actors more than creatives?

No, of course they don't protect you from the murderer dousing you in gasoline directly. And few blame a fuel filled floor from actually burning.

It is however -not just after this event- obvious that you don't want neither the heat nor the smoke to raise into adjacent rooms never mind the upper floors barely or unobstructed. You got doors (some of which close-able, some of which always closed), safety measures on air ducts, and so on.

This isn't a new thing, lots of nations had fire regulations from antiquitiy and certainly it is well-known what works and what is dangerous. This is an absolutely reckless construction and even some slightly less extreme fire could have killed people on the upper floors.

>muh fire regulations
Japan has different fire regulations than most Western countries do. Apparently KyoAni was up to standard so I don't expect any law suits. The government is partially to blame for the building being a death trap, but people need to stop deflecting and focus on the fucking arsonist.

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No place is equipped to do such a thing. Recall the two autists that walked into a police station open carrying their rifles with go pros attached to their heads. They thought they were being smart by trying to talk to the police about being pulled over. They're lucky they weren't shot.

>It's just a really, really bad coincidence that the attacker attacked in the short timeframe (probably 30 minutes to 1 hour) that security was lowered.
How the FUCK can anyone believe this bullshit? Why aren't alarm bells ringing full force in your thick heads? Do you even know how ridiculously low the probability of something like this "accidentally" happening at such an opportune time is?
It's almost a 100% that Shinji had learned this info from somewhere

>work for a place you love
>some fucking autistic loser burns you and your coworkers alive
>the public outraged that this happens sues your workplace to a oblivion making sure all you worked could never recover.

There's no justice in this world if Kyoani gets sued for this.

if she didn't want to get raped, maybe she shouldn't have worn a mini skirt, you know. just saying.

There were guards in place to stop smoke from blowing to the upper levels. You can't fireproof normal buildings against a 40L gasoline death inferno.

Attached: 1542504397310.webm (1280x720, 2.31M)

I honesty just hope that they'll upgrade the code so this won't happen in the future.

Look at that building and think again.

yeah its pretty obvious someone leaked him info.

I just don't understand how any pissed of employee for example, would get in contact with a literal who turbo nerd.

How quickly that gasoline must have spread on that polished floor.

>what is pepper spray

>Decided to not install emergency stairs
>Turning off security system WHEN there is a visitor
What the fuck was he thinking?

Look at these soulless robots.

Refrain from lying to us
Kyoanus' incompetency has no ends

Who's the one pretending? Like you know more than others here.

The building was up to Standards for Japan's fire regulations.
KyoAni shouldn't be sued. The Government is to blame on that regard.

Forced to turn off the security system by NHK so they could operate easily*

Allegedly, he was staking out the place for a couple of days beforehand but that could just be Japanese media bullshit.

according to this video
they were fucked either way thanks to the gas filling the air. that's what caused the fire explosion.

>He didn't kill anyone, just set a fire
>He didn't kill anyone, just fired a bullet
>He didn't kill anyone, just dropped a bomb
>He didn't kill anyone, just planted a mine
>He didn't kill anyone, just cut the breaks

if they didn't want to get burned alive, maybe they shouldn't have had such delicious burnable skin, you know. just saying.

>He says as he posts here

Insurance money perhaps.

I think it's because it's easier to think about safer building regulations than fixing a deranged mentally unstable man.

The former just needs new regulation. There are many "armchair lawyers" on the internet.
The latter, well we really don't know how to fix a broken man.

Honestly every building in Japan looks like this or worse.

>Turning off security system WHEN there is a visitor
>when you have no guards to check visitors
Like how are they supposed to know if they are real journalists from NHK? Some guy just casually walks in with 2 cans and nobody blinks an eye. It's like they asked for this to happen.

There are things the government can do besides making things illegal. Gun restrictions obviously didn't do shit to prevent this so Japan should look into removing the existing restrictions since demonstrably they aren't having the desired effect on preventing mass murders.

Instead of restrictions, a pretty big thing to do would be making mental health services more accessible.

Why do you copy post that in every thread? It means nothing, he followed code and installed a smoke screen. You ack like he could have stoped the bomb. (Yes that much petrol is a bomb) from going off. Shut up, you don’t know anything.

I hate that twitter is considered an acceptable place to put such a thing now

No fansub pls

> Japan has different fire regulations than most Western countries do
Get rid of the officials and politicians responsible for that situation, probably sue them on suitable charges.

"The west's" -actually the worlds scientific and engineering understanding- of fire safety is known and well-published, if you're an expert tasked with your nation's fire safety you too should know.

This, honestly.

>For some tiny office
You what? Where the fuck are you from?

NHK conveniently removed the part where they made Kyoani loosen security on the arsoned studio.

What the fuck are you even going on about retard? This is being reported all over Japanese mass media and Japanese Twitter is already having a shitfest because a lot of people are blaming Democratic Party for fighting against a law proposed by the LDP to implement state mandated cultural conservation of creative works. This is way beyond past otaku circles already.

Unless your killer happens to enter your building that one day the door is left open for the maintenance guys.

They already said the fire exit wasn’t locked.
There was security, they can’t really stop someone fast enough from using a lighter or match.
They didn’t break any fire safety codes
Everything else you said is retarded

you'd be surprised how much of europe doesn't have fire escapes either.

I know, it was more about that you can build a 3 story office, shove 70 people in there and not have any fire hydrants or sprinklers, or gas or foam like you said, no stairs, no roof access. Legally and correctly following code.
Very different from over here where they would slap the shit out of you, close your business and probably burn the building to the ground just to prove a point if you tried to get away with bullshit like that.

> You can't fireproof normal buildings against a 40L gasoline death inferno.
Not in that room, but every other room should have a chance and all other floors should have probably minutes to react and evacuate.

You can and must fireproof that, yes. Never mind on structures created after WW2.

>For some tiny office
It's 3 stories building, retard.

That translation is incorrect, he didn't say that.

The irony

Mostly because Japan doesn't need it

>broken man
Is that a new word for a flaming faggot?

Automatic closing doors weren't a requirement, so RIP.

You'd be sued if you had this attitude

It is just a fire, yes. Still needs oxygen, still can't magically melt fireproof doors and concrete in seconds, all fire / smoke prevention measures outside the immediately affected areas (where yes, you may be fucked because you were splashed with gasoline and set alight - no shit) should have given people elsewhere a lot of time or even stopped the fire from spreading there.

Absolutely normal fire security.

Yes? That is literally tiny. Where are you from, answer the question. No company can afford to hire guards for an office that small.

>fixing a deranged mentally unstable man
He just came out of jail.


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Shinji "The Animator Immolater" Aoba is responsible. You don’t know anything about a gasoline fire, apart from having a different building design (not his department) with more doors nothing could have stopped this. It reached flashover in under a minute

I fucking hate americans who don't understand the rest of the world doesn't function like their shithole country

They did have (at least a) hydrant from a photo I've seen. It's charred and stood upright so I guess no one used it, not that I expect anyone to.

Tell me that when Dreamworks and Disney hired guards for their tiny substudios.


because pretty much any of the ones who died/would have died in this accident were ones i didn't need to care about because they only worked on stuff i didn't care for or on things that are already long finished with no sequels in sight.

well, copycat crime attempts aren't out of the question

No, my office has 60 people, we have a receptionist. We are two stories. T. American.
No, I'm American. This is why I want to know where he's from. He's asking for the impossible.

Goddamn it Toei.

>"The Animator Immolater"

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>American legal system
>best on earth
Jesus Christ

Even if one person would've been added by fire escape stairs it would have been money well spent.

retarded weeb

>Speaking to Reuters, a fire official said that the was no indoor fire hydrant or sprinkler system inside the building, which is not part of Japan’s fire code.
maybe it was just a decorative fire hydrant? :^)

What is even the purpose for those palm trees? Just chop that shit down, they're pathetic.

I don't think any sort of active fire protection would have achieved much in this setting. It was an office setting with a lot of flammable materials in it (paper, wooden paneling) to add as fuel and create smog. The best bet would of been to not have that spiral staircase. Then at least the fire and smoke would have been contained to the lower floor for a few minutes rather then fill the building up immediately.
Also IIRC the roof door was open according to fire fighters (and it opened outwards. Clearly the 19 souls passed out from the smoke in trying to reach it on the stairs.

My wife works in a small Korean studio of about 25 people. There's mostly girls too. They're very docile and follow regulation to the tee. They probably would have no reaction to a something like this scenario except to go to the nearest exit. Although her building has several other offices and some security, but you only need a key card to get into your specific suite and not the building itself.

>be murrikan
>get sued

Everyone would have been alive if CEO wasn't a jew and hired at least 1 guard each building.

Their fire safety passed the inspection and KyoAni still employs over a hundred people.
I have no desire to see them go under.
And neither should you, even if you don't like the CEO.

It never had a chance. It came out in the midst of trigger's popular movie and now kyoani arson. Japan was never going to pay much attention especially when the manga already wasn't popular.

The weeb 9/11

>I'm not talking about regulations, I'm talking about common sense.
No, you're talking with 20/20 hindsight. I don't remember anyone talking about what a horrible fire hazard KyoAni was before this incident, and it's not like people didn't know the building.

>Shinji "The Animator Immolater" Aoba is responsible.

Shinji-kun was just defending himself from KyoAni's idea stealing rays so the real fault lies on whoever decided to steal ideas from his brains.

Even if they could sue the company, no one would because it would be seen as disrespectful.

Same thing if the alternative doesn't work, get rid of those responsible for that situation.

OTOH if you alternatively give people an additional 20 or so minutes per room / floor of easily gained distance and let helicopters and fire truck's ladders evacuate people, that's okay enough I guess.

A little bit of greenery on that plain looking building gives it a bit "fresh" feel contrasted to that literal block for a building. Like a garnish.
But yeah it looks useless if it doesn't suit the building.

It would only take one or two to succumb before reaching it to block the path for everyone else. They wouldn't have time to negotiate getting around the dead bodies when A. they couldn't see shit and B. they're literally seconds away from dying themselves.

I doubt the lack of guards was a money issue and more of a things are usually safe issue.
Do every company in your country have guards?

I hate these threads because no one has proper information and goes off on mistranslated shit from where ever. I really should've learned Japanese when I had the chance.

But one escape stairs would have reduced all the meager salaries for the KyoAni employees so much that they would all starve again. And remember, KyoAni paid the most among all studios to its employees, so that they can afford 2 coups of noodles every every day instead of only 1 coup of ramen sauce every week like in other anime studios.
Ya gotta compromise and gamble around. Death from overworking, or death from suffocating.

Do they let any random civilians in?

I have no desire to see Kyoani blamed for Japan's poor codes. I have a great desire to see the code improved in the coming months/years.

American posters are so annoying, what makes you think you have the right to come here and spill your shit like that? fuck off.

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They even had some very disastrous fires like the 1973 Taiyo Department Store fire and quite a few smaller fires. Of course they also need it.

Obviously. I'm not arguing otherwise.

You should let your wife learn taekwando or jujitsuu or some self defense martial arts.
Just for emergencies m8.

fire bunch of useless directors then

>Improve code
Good fucking luck. Tiny island where everyone has to build up and space is already limited? It's be like asking Europe to retrofit all their ancient buildings over night.

They'll probably start hiring westerners as guards now as no beta otaku neet's would have the balls to get close to one, now's our chance.

>Hibike VA main cast didn't tweet yet after 4 days

Yes but fires don't happen often and this was due to a series of unfortunate events.

You really cant unless you are making a special bomb proof building.
This all seems like internet detectives bullshit. I haven’t seen this confirmed anywhere except repeated here. Anyways, unless you have a primeater fence and stop everyone before they cross the parking lot nothing would have changed, he would still walk in the lobby and the gas would go up before the secerity would have stoped anything.
You sound like a middle age house wife complaing about something she saw on the news "well why didn’t they...."

Only on TV interview days.

But then the existing directors would have had to work a lot more.

It's true that peace breeds weak men.
They've been enjoying peace for so long they forget the world is full of shitheads ready to massacre everyone.

These are only a must-have near stairwells where hot air will fucking blast upwards - you're otherwise usually okay enough if you can go "oh shit, smoke let's do the obvious and close the door and then move away" as people pretty much always do automatically.

Pic related

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kyoani directors don't have to work much anyway, they don't make anything original

Fuck this gay Earth

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I have just thought of an idea on how to make it worse.

Have one of the victims be coming from a very, very wealthy or influential family. The lawsuit would be more severe

I'm not playing internet fireman expert because I've seen Backdraft 7 times. I barely know anything about fire safety, I'm just baffled that it was all legal according to their fire code. The arson itself is just a perfect shitstorm of everything being and going wrong extremely quickly. Top to bottom.

You people keep saying fire doors and emergency stairs wouldn't have prevented the event well no fucking shit, you can't just save everyone from a fire like that. Thing is though, even if an additional person was saved It would have been worth it.

Union could have prevented this. Fuck corporations.

That would only alleviate the burden on the writer.

Oh shit

Well he didn't use the fucking hammer, did he? He used gasoline. Fuck off.

Sprinklers may have dampened and slowed the smoke by 5-10 seconds.


This post comes across as being made by an autistic 12 year old.


The only reason so many people died is that damn spiral staircase.

Anyone has that video of someone entering an office/public service building, poured some gas and ignited it, himself catching fire in the process?

>Sprinklers may have dampened and slowed the smoke by 5-10 seconds.

My Man Sugita retweeted something about a mobile tennis game so I'm happy he's alive

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>hiring westerners as guards now
>as no beta otaku neet
>now's our chance
I'm sorry user you're also a beta otaku neet.

>also captcha

Attached: damnitgoogle.png (468x598, 220K)

We are barely awake lad. He has to be from Europe.
I would say people died because a psycho poured gasoline all over the place.

Gaijin fatass >>>>> neet otaku.

i have an idea on how to make it worse too

have a bunch of teenage edgelords spam the internet with their chuuni fanfictions

Interesting that all cases of arson with gasoline end up with arsonist catching himself on fire.

The law doesn't suddenly work differently just because you're in a different country.

Brainlets. Name a better country The variation of the English system that the US employed is superior than the UKs. The US system is obviously not without problems. One off the top of my head I can think of is the jury system. But that's mostly cause people here in the US are brain dead retards. I'm not sure but I think u can also waive your right to a jury to be tried by a single judge? Japan has probably one of the worst law systems. inb4 you lads start listing Scandinavian countries.

The criminal is at fault, obviously, but other people and factors also have some responsibility in why the tragedy got as bad as it did.
Just putting the blame solely on the criminal and not making any other critiques or improvements risks the same kind of event happening again, just getting the criminal to hang and calling it a day would be irresponsible.

Wow great insight! Didn't think of that one first.

That and the main stairwell not being segregated by fire doors. that too.

Why didn't US teach Japan about safety after WW2? I thought they are controlling them?

Well they're going to destroy the building and create a park and monument. I hope they add a mural of their characters to the park too.

>2 days before the incident, P.A. Works released a video for their animator school
What did they mean by this?

>The law doesn't suddenly work differently just because you're in a different country.
how nauseatingly insular does one have to be to presume that the only legal system one knows is somehow "the law" and applies in all almost 200 countries across the globe.

you americans are the fucking bane of the planet.

Why are there only two windows?


Well you're being so retarded you can't understand that an intentional gas fire is not like an accidental fire. It goes up and it spreads fast. Gasoline is very dangerous. This is why it is advised that you don't transport it anywhere but your fuel tank in cars for example. It's extremely volatile

There is a difference between "reason so many people died" and "people died".
I think it is safe to say people would have died/horrifically maimed regardless of any safety features in this attack. But if the building had some rudimentary fire safety features, the death toll would not have been as high as it is.

Is Singapore even a first-world country.

Lucky Star was THE anime of my childhood even if it's no masterpiece.

You're contradicting yourself. The fact that Japan has been so peaceful for so long proves that it isn't full of shitheads waiting to massacre everyone, or at least that it has so tiny a fraction compared to what your dumpster fire of a country has that they can be lax and only get one incident every few decades instead of hundreds of incidents a year that the non-lax countries have.

>Name a better country
Japan, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands...
There are many.
>But that's mostly cause people here in the US are brain dead retards.
Every single human individual on this planet is a brain dead retard, so no shit.

>Alright, the video is finished. Now we got to make sure nobody else do the thing like we do. Now who is on the list...

CEO is silent because everything he says will be used against him in court.

Guards really don’t do much, unless their is a premeter fence and they check everyone there. Waste of money.
What happens is they just take the guard out first "hello sir, do you have a appointme-“
>Gets hit with a pipe wrench
Or he just kicks the gas over at the lobby entrance and lights it right there.

You dense motherfucker.

Singapore is the most unironically the most advanced city in the world.

It is a developed country for sure. Dunno what metrics define what first world is.

americans literally believe japanese courtrooms are like american courtrooms except it's all asians in there.

wow thanks for reminding me I can enjoy cunny legally

>20 fucking seconds to decide whether you throw a chair through a window, damaging company property and seriously injuring yourself for possibly no good reason or taking the stairs up to the roof to safety
By the time you finish reading this you're already dead btw.

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>Lucky Star was THE anime of my childhood
bloody hell, I'm old

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They were too busy fighting commies.

>Yes but fires don't happen often and this was due to a series of unfortunate events.
Tokyo alone has like 5000 fires per year

Seems like ~1.4k people die to fires every year:

EOP don't know Japanese year system.

Yes, by GDP per capita, human development index, happiness, infrastructure, quality of life, it absolutely is a first world country. Though they do have thousands of migrant workers who cross from Malaysia every day to do the shit low wage jobs that none of them want to do.

By what metric is it at the bottom of first world countries? It's much happier, has lower crime rate and better safety, and better healthcare than the USA for example.

Who the fuck takes 20 seconds to read that? Can you even read subtitles?

It'd take you a good 30 seconds to grasp what the fuck is going on or just follow whichever person who first makes a move. I guess in this case the first person to make a move wanted to go up the stairs which did not end well.

It is full of shitheads.
But instead of dealing with the problem, they'd rather keep the "peace" by acting like nothing is wrong, a peaceful country just ends up forgetting how fragile peace is, all it takes is one evil guy with some gasoline.

why didn't it add the link


People would have still died on the first floor and likely the second, but doors and no fancy staircase would have let them actually take a second to think of what to do. Those 19 bodies at the top of the staircase wouldn't have happened if they had an extra 15 seconds of air. Even the second floor might have had a bit more of a chance if there was fire doors segregating the airflow between the floors.

for architectural aesthetics of course :^)

Slow down and actually read what I said you fucking idiot

Director =/= screenwriter

>open windows
>animation studio
Does not mix.

>Not only is he a speed reader he's also a speed poster

Why the fuck would I need niggers in my country?
What the fuck do they bring to the table?
I'd take a single countryman of mine over a billion spooks.
It's all ogre. Say goodbye to KyoAni, I will remember Violet naruto-running fondly.

It's not far off. He says something to the effect of "I lament how emergency stairs were not installed."

Now watch Japan learn nothing from this and wait for copycat. They are too proud to admit their lack of security and they ignore gaijin practices because muh conservative values.

The u.s. system has been currputed because the D.A.s are all friends with the police, and the judges are all friends with the police and D.A.s who are also friends with defense lawyers they seen eachothed everyday.
It’s not like you see on t.v., unless you are famous you are fucked over in court. They literary do things like "well you won last case so he gets this case"
T. Former private P.I.
They no longer work as separate powers, don’t think you are actually going to get a fair trial, my advice to you is avoid ending up in the legal system at all costs.
There is a reason most cases are settled with plea bargains now.
Guess what D.A.s do? They offer you 2 years. And threaten you with 10 if you don’t take it, even if you are innocent. Well likes say you are not a cuck and try to fight it, they take it as a personal insult and they do everything in their current power to convict you for 20 years on any charges they can make up.

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>Wow great insight! Didn't think of that one
Read it.

But it's a boring country because it has no winter season.

Does no one find odd these buildings have very little windows? Most of here have tons of them

Whether you belong to the western faction as opposed to the soviet faction or neutrals.

Some of the best nations as well as some of the worst were third world countries:

... but like many, user confuses it with some tiered quality of life / economic capability rating, there is no really meaningful definition for that wrong use though.

I'm noot saving anything related to this.

Japanese office buildings are basically prisons.

There is the webm of the building smoking and engulfing the roof with smoke, which I thought would mean that even if the guys and girls would have escaped in the roof they would have been suffocated. But look at the railings. On the left of the picture they are charred and bent from the heat. On the right, the paint hasn't even been affected. They would of been fine on that side of the building. Fuck

Americans are retarde, nothing news.

japan has a population of 127 million. their yearly fire death rate is 1.3k

USA has a population of 328 million, and their yearly fire death rate is 3.4k

Wew lad, that multi decade list is shorter than the clapland 2019 list alone. The USA only has three times the population, and yet it has hundreds of times the massacres when with everyone on CONSTANT VIGILANCE and the right to be carrying their own guns. Maybe not every country has a population of lead brain damaged violent monkeys like yours.

>1.4k what is that on a per cap basis? Seems really low based on Tokyo’s huge population. There are tons of fire deaths in American too, just most don’t make the news

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I never said anyone needed black people in there country
maybe learn how to read english before posting on an english website faggot

That's because USA has more wild fires.

>best law system on earth
you don't believe this yourself, you asshole.

Whoops, sorry. I forgot that animators are subhumans that don't deserve sunlight.

Useless if you don't compare it to the percentages of other countries.

maybe they should update their regulations.

How do Australia and New Zealand compare to USA and Japan when it comes to mental health care system and security?

Yeah there was a mild draft just enough so there was a safe spot on the roof from the smoke. Hopefully Japan changes their fire safety standards and at least compartmentalizes their fire staircase.

List is inflated thanks to monkeys and their gang wars.

That's because California exists.

> someone else is worse
But the goal is being as good or in fact better than the best because the best still usually have to acknowledge there were preventable fires or insufficient security that might have been realistically easy to establish.

Attached: fire.png (927x402, 75K)

See for one per capita graph.

There might be a newer one somewhere, but it's not good.

Still the result of American retardation, fucking with an ecosystem that relies on regular fires to clear away dead material by stubbornly stamping out fires, forcing all that fuel to build up over decades, and then building their houses in the middle of it. Then acting surprised when it catches fire and kills them.

>Implement fire security measures
>A mad man with a lighter and gasoline ignores them
I'm not saying don't implement them but you people seem to be forgetting that this was a fucking gas fire in a paper office.

user those statistics are 12 years old...

I didn't realize Finland was this bad.

Monkeys and gangs are also part of the populace, just like yakuza and whatnot are part of the populace in Japan.
The USA is just fucked up with their violence. Must be the "american dream", which puts individuality over everything else, fuck the others as long as I make it big.

>this was a fucking gas fire in a paper office.
So fucking what? Fire safety doesn't mean only stopping the fire, but also ability to escape the fire.

New Zealand used to have mental institutions to keep basketcases locked away from the public, but some stupid government decided to shut them all down promising community support for them, which of course never came, but the asylums were shut anyway. Christchurch (tjem again) has a great big fat lady that routinely goes to jail for short stints because she can't stop harassing children and there's a loophole that stops her being permanently locked up or some bullshit like that.

Our welfare offices have armed security since some dickhead tried to shoot up one of them, and plenty of places have key-card access requirements. After the mosque shooting there were plenty of armed officers around with assault rifles.

No they're quite literally not part of the populace.

Again, it *only* shouldn't easily get anyone outside that room, certainly not everyone on other floors.

You should have to put gasoline into EACH room to even get this result.

Australia have a minescule fraction of the American crime and massacre rate, and their healthcare expenditure per capita is much smaller with comparable outcomes. They have Medicare for all for one thing.

>that video.
Do you see how the ceiling fills with black smoke... !in seconds! Now compare with the station night club fire. Now read about flashover.
No doubt they reached flash over in less than 30 seconds! The hot smoke melts everything plastic till the temp reaches 500 degrees, then everything in the room ignites at once, not just stuff near the flames, everything.
That meaning is outdated.
That list is Patric and proves nothing except how calm and safe japan is.
Housewifes need to go to bed. You sound like the type to ban steak knifes becuase one person out of 300 million stabed someone once

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The US Constitution says they are.

And? Look, I'd prefer statistics from last or this year, but they don't seem easily available.

Maybe Switzerland and Singapore is even better now, but it stands to reason that if Japan was still constructing KyoAni studios in 20... 15 or what it was, it wouldn't be anywhere near where it should be.

When you're poor in a country like south korea or japan, you're just poor. There's still crime but it's somewhat more buried or covered, especially in broad daylight.
If you're poor in america then chances are good that you're also living in a violent, high crimerate ghetto.

Well it was in 2007. Maybe muh overburdening EU regulations or Finland realizing things themselves improved something.

Current international numbers on a chart would be nice to have, don't have them though.

>You should have to put gasoline into each room to even get this result
I don't think you understand how quickly fire can spread even without something like gasoline speeding it up.

You have less brown and black people. Sort American crime by race and it is a sad story.
Psychology is a meme science. It hardly makes anyone better anywhere in the world. It claims it makes people better after 15 years, but really just growing 15 years older is what makes people calmer.

That's exactly the point, it can't if you got fireproofing but it can if you have stupid features like air ducts or staircases transporting super hot gas everywhere upstairs, and it also can on the same floor if can if you can't close doors and be safe against them breaking down for a good moment.

We're not dealing with an antimatter explosion here though, so fireproof doors and walls that don't immediately burn inside or heat up the other side to paper and wood burning temperatures aren't magic or super difficult.

You can also employ active systems like water sprinklers, oxygen removers (or maybe hypothetically starlite wall cover sprayers soon now that they found out what that is, heh) if you have areas of elevated risk.

Hey, at least they have separated sections.

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But user, they did

South Korea still has 3rd world shanty towns and mud getthos. They build the skyscrapers to block views of them. You can’t really compare that to japan. Not the same at all

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and some more security measures.

Attached: toei_oizumi_1f_015-768x512.jpg (768x512, 49K)

>Sort American crime by race and it is a sad story.
sort it by socioeconomic backgrounds and it is a sad story. you can't change anyone's race, but you can change socioeconomic conditions. america's consequent unwillingness to do so is criminally negligent and a moral abominations. but it goes unquestioned because dumb fucks like you are happier with some superficial "Sort American crime by race and it is a sad story." narrative.

>It can't if you have fireproofing
What I'm trying to say is. This was not an ordinary fire. Saying
>We should have implemented fire proofing to have stopped this (specific) incident!
Is retarded and is like trying to say they should have implemented security measures to stop bombs. Fireproofing would have helped in general and should be implemented? Of course, against a pyro maniac out to kill? No.

In other words, that it can't "quickly spread" because there are no good paths for the fire and smoke plus hot gases on each floor and that is one primary features of fireproof building design, even more important than having multiple good escape routes.

At least no burnable substances there but unless the glass is very heat resistant rather than some cheap crap as I expect it is, it'll break in contact with fiery hot gases.

still less gun violence to be afraid of, though

Wait they don't have water sprinklers in KyoAni? Also you're saying the spiral staircase is a cause of spreading the fire? That's ridiculous.

>What I'm trying to say is. This was not an ordinary fire.
Yes, that's only valid with regards to exactly the room where the gasoline was in, nothing else.

Every other room/area's safety measures should have worked unless also specifically sabotaged.

I live in Korea but these people are essentially homeless.

You can easily afford a small studio here on 33% minimum wage.

>sort it by socioeconomic backgrounds and it is a sad story. y
Race apologist, you are wrong, this is the liberal line and it has been proven wrong. Poor white nighberhoods have much less crime. In fact rich black nighberhoods have higher crime then poor white nigherhoods. Let that sink in for awhile.
I am not going to go on becuase this is Yea Forums but just know you have been lied to by people who want to displace you to keep wages low

Attached: BURNING KOYANI.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

Are there any gibs for the unemployed? Enough to live on?

>No good paths
Literally impossible in an enclosed space such as an office building. Would have to make everything concrete walls and forbid them from having paper, in an animation studio of all things. You have drop ceilings with insulation? Those are gonna catch.
Fire doesn't just hang out on the floor and walk up the staircase.

>Also you're saying the spiral staircase is a cause of spreading the fire? That's ridiculous.
No it's not. The spiral staircase allowed smoke and flames to funnel up to the upper floors unimpeded and fill the whole building within 30s. Had that staircase not been there, the upper floors would have had the chance of reaching the roof as it would of delayed the smoke by 1-2 minutes.

>Wait they don't have water sprinklers in KyoAni?
They did not, no.

> Also you're saying the spiral staircase is a cause of spreading the fire?
A primary cause of it spreading and also of people upstairs just not having enough time to run.

It wasn't that their floor burned through and they all died instantly, they got hit by hot as fuck smoke and most couldn't make it anywhere in time.

>it has been proven wrong.
it has not been proven wrong. look into the real studies and stop basing your belief system on /pol/ jpegs with shoddy or no sources.

Did you see Paris?

It's a model, but you can see the staircase basically instantly let the smoke hit the third floor.

Even assuming scaled up it took *X scale longer it wouldn't have been by much and the smoke is what really killed people.

Toei anime are shit but damn that building is so much better.

I'm not sure if they get housing money or food stamps as I don't deal with them. Healthcare is a lot more accessible here though even for myself a foreigner.

And neither do they just instantly spread everywhere.

>Literally impossible in an enclosed space such as an office building
Literally typical fire safety that anyone should have, each area/room should be a compartmentalized zone and closing its doors should mostly cut off smoke and obstruct the spread of fire by MINUTES.

> Fire doesn't just hang out on the floor and walk up the staircase.
Staircases and air vents and the like going up need to be particularly protected (so, fireproofing on each floor) because smoke and hot air goes up there very quickly. And you can't put obstacles or anything that might catch fire in there (well, not more than like a poster) .

No shit, also absolutely basic fire safety.

I mean what can you even do at the 3rd floor though, the roof is locked unfortunately. They can't jump either. The flames would engulfed them either way.

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This is common in large offices, not small ones and who the fuck knows about Japan.

Where in San Francisco is this?

it wasn't and it opened outwards. people died from smoke on the staircase, that's how quickly it happened.

Paris is a shithole, like Los Angeles.
I was only directly comparing japan and Korea in that post, that was in a response to a post about japan and Korea.
Japan also has a lot of homeless. You see their dirty carts in the park. My cheap hotel was also near a small covered shopping mall in japan that would be full of homeless at light.
They also have a growing young person homeless problem in japan, there is a reason sleeping overnight in manga/internet cafes is a thing, some do that every night.

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This kuso thread is dying, but here's a webm for all the retards.

Attached: KyoAniFrodo.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

>I mean what can you even do at the 3rd floor though
With reasonable fireproofing? Have at least 30 or so minutes and the option to get to the roof in the worst case, more time if the firefighters reduce the efficacy of the fire below.

Because that fire started in one-two rooms on the ground floor, it should take something like that long to become lethal up there. Time for someone to rescue them.

Obviously better if they have a few already open escape paths on their own, but yea more time will probably save people either way.

>30 minutes
>In an office that tiny
You're a fool to think this.

Any word on her seiyuu?

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As someone who goes inside a lot of small offices/apartments in where I live at in burgerland it's very common around where I am at least to have buildings like that. A vast majority of multi-story buildings have some sort of door that's supposed to stay closed to the stairwell.

It wouldn't be 30 minutes but you don't need 30 minutes to walk up some steps and open a door. Just an extra 30 seconds or a minute would have been enough to save 10-20 lives at least.