KyoAni arsonist was a fat unkempt neet and angry gamer who would tell at neighbors when disturbed

Confirmed what we knew all along.

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Other urls found in this thread:アニメ会社放火

Good. I hope people learn not to disturb gamers or they'll rise up.

>guy who kills 30+ people is not an upstanding member of society
Can't say I'm shocked.

>anti-moefag is mentally ill
Can't say I'm shocked.

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Typical Yea Forums mentality, we all know where the term moeshit came from

The fire rises.

Obviously the solution is government provided girlfriends.

Unfortunately logic is forgotten witchcraft for way too many people on this world.

Time to hang gamers from the light posts.

which novel did they plagiarize

>His next-door neighbor recalled Aoba as pudgy and unkempt, with blemished skin. He kept odd hours and barely spoke to anyone.

>Music from video games blared from Aoba’s apartment at all hours, the neighbour said, adding that there had been complaints from residents about the noise in the last year.

>When the neighbour went to Aoba’s front door to tell him the noise was coming from another unit, he heard a loud wail inside the apartment and then the door opened.

>“When he came out of his apartment, his eyes were bloodshot, and he started yelling at me to my face to shut up,” the neighbour said. “He grabbed me by the collar and started pulling my hair. It was terrifying.”


So this is the true face of Yea Forumsermin

Based gamers

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only perp knows

Antisocial people should be rounded up and put into forced education camps. This is just fucking disgusting.

Sounds like you.

Yea Forumsirgin genocide when?

Thanks Trumpbama.

back to Yea Forums fag


beta uprising incoming, le ironic weeb are the first target

Good, maybe now they'll start making something other than moetrash.

Moefags are mentally ill too, but the good kind of mental illness.


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no u

they don't tend to breed so naturally remove themselves from the gene pool

So idiots posting all the 'RISE UP' Joker macros might actually mean business?
Shit's scary.

Hes just like me

Is it any surprise?
One watches anime that heal your soul, the other mostly play games where you murder each other

>mental illness

Illness is always bad you fucking sped. If it was good it wouldn't be an illness

fucking moefags

And yet every generation has them. I wonder what could this possibly mean

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>fujos and Hibike retards screaming how it was an angry /u/fag
>turns out it was a Yea Forumstard LN author

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are you saying that the whole thing was just a heated gamer moment?

Why does Hiromoot just delete Yea Forums, /pol/ and /r9k/ all the boards that cause issues and are full of retards that don't belong here.

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>pudgy and unkempt, with blemished skin. He kept odd hours and barely spoke to anyone
literally me

>Aoba had lived in the Omiya apartment for about three years, the neighbor said. Japanese media said he had moved into it at some point following his release from his prison for robbing a convenience store east of Tokyo in 2012. He had also received care for mental illness, NHK said.
He's nuts.
Japanese mental healthcare at its finest.


Moot tried it and regretted it. They're called containment boards for a reason.

Whoa, the MC of this anime is literally me!

>the other mostly play games where you murder each other
So that's why mentally ill Yea Forumsedditors are always so angry and spiteful, see

Another proof that all criminals should be executed or put in concentration camps. Fuck human rights.

Oh yeah well we already have a plan to use Yea Forums as a backup. We'll just have to make everything also about anime all of the time instead of most of the time.

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So will this generate enough political will for Abe to genocide all hikkineets?

Because hiroshima is a fucking jew who obviously doesn't care about this website in the least bit.
Fuck that fucking faggot. He was the one who ruined Yea Forums in the first place.

Because those boards are multiple times more active than Yea Forums

I bet he was writing isekai.

Wow me too.
>for robbing a convenience store
Oh. Forget it he's way more socially capable than I am.

Every generation has bad parents. In fact a lot of people having frequent sex right now and therefore likely to procreate will likely end up being awful or absent parents, resulting in more failed children growing up into dysfunctional adults who are prone to such anti-social behaviour.

The only way to breed people like this out would be to only allow people who have proven themselves to be competent and capable adults in a stable relationship to procreate and raise a child.

Name a country where mental health care actually works

And your threads will get deleted just like normal the shitstorm would blow over in a week and you'd be forced to find somewhere else to go.

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>delete boards full of mentally ill people
>they flood other boards on the same site
If you deleted Yea Forums all of the shonen spics and fujo generalposters would just move to Yea Forums or one of the other tumblrtranny friendly boards until the mods there couldn't handle them anymore


So, the NHK is to blame after all. Prepare your tinfoil hats.

This. Don't have sex.

Moot brought back r9k because of some bullshit about deciding he couldn't decide what direction board cultures would trend towards, inspired by criticism he leveled at Sherrod DeGrippo regarding her taking down ED because it became something she didn't like.

>If you deleted Yea Forums all of the shonen spics and fujo generalposters would just move to Yea Forums
Sounds like a plan, those are the cancer killing Yea Forums anyway.

I wonder what will the government and society will focus on

>His mental illness, and start actually investing in mental health for youth so Japan can fix it's gigantic suicide and mental problem rates

>The fact that he was a gaymer and a hikkineet, sparking a second societal persecution of Otaku much like in the 80's when they arrested the otaku serial killer

Then explain why he brought back /pol/. And why he created /pol/ in the first place after deleting /new/

Then just ban all Yea Forums posters from posting on other boards.

If Yea Forums was deleted, we'd go to /jp/.

Normalfags deserve to be shot for demanding everyone to conform to them.

Or just make a shounen containment board, while banning shouennshit on Yea Forums and, if not outright solved, you just greatly alleviated the Yea Forumseddit spillover.

Video games are a mistake

>The fact that he was a gaymer and a hikkineet
>sparking a second societal persecution of Otaku much like in the 80's when they arrested the otaku serial killer
w-what happened?

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I fear becoming such person

It's so unfair. An otaku kills other otaku, but the media demonise all otaku as menaces to society. It's victim shaming in a way.

Tr/a/nnies here are already bashing gamers so you know the US media will go the Oprah/soccer mom route just like they did in the 80s.

You're right about that one. /pol/ was always intended as containment. The ED thing was the reason moot gave for bringing back r9k, but maybe he was trying to curb "no GF feels" greentext threads on other boards.

>a single stairwell leading to the rooftop in the event of an emergency
>how are they going to get down when the entire building is ablaze

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>mfw I knew some mad autist was going to point this out

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Yea Forums - manga are japanese comics right?
Yea Forums - anime is television right?
Yea Forums instead of /jp/ for light novels
Abe-posting on /pol/
Yea Forumsorts anime/manga
mobage spamming on /biz/


Cherry-picked case, Sweden doesn't have nutjobs of this kind in the first place
You're fixing something that wasn't that broken in the first place and lauding the system's effectiveness

Let's hope they don't shut down 4channel

This. This is stupid. Weebs and gamers are natural allies.

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LOL, no. They'll hide the problem, like Japanese society always does.

>No fire escapes built
>No offsite backups of important work
>No balls to kick worthless NEETs out of the house until they can get a job and start being productive members of society
Why are we supposed to feel bad about this again? So much of this could have been prevented

>hikkineets will breed and become productive members of society or they will be eliminated

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Yea Forumstards should be burnt alive

Talk to the landlord and get him evicted...?

otaku are degenerates, isn't it? if you love anime it doesn't mean that you need to be an asocial loser and live with a pillow

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Anybody who is 18+ and still haven't had sex should be immediately executed or at least shamed into suicide

They were before leftists started pushing idpol into every subculture they could.

Aba-sama n-no pls we're not all made for that.

Why do people always go for the easy, wrong answers that only serve to jeopardize harmless people close to them?

>tfw asocial loser but no pillow

Nigger everyone makes fun of gamers because eceleb streamers are this decades cultural equivalent of reality TV stars

>g-get out of my safe space!!!
How about you kill yourself first you degenerate weeb

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>No offsite backups of important work
I found this completely baffling. How could a company that derives its revenue from media production not have off-site backups, in Japan in 2019 no less? I would have thought this would have been longstanding standard protocol in the industry. I mean, I know even small local organisations that make sure they have an off-site backup of important data.

Ironic weeb spotted. Fuck off back to Facebook.

What's wrong with dakis?

>Why are we supposed to feel bad about this again?
I don't know, honestly. Something about 34 people working for a japanese cartoons studio dying a horrible death. Can't tell, since visiting Yea Forums has rotted my brain to the point where I'm totally free of any empathy or abstract thinking.

Moot brought them back because he's spineless. When shit started to hit the fan because of those boards, he got rid of the website.

riaju bakuhatsushiro

Yea Forums finally killed Yea Forums.

If Yea Forums was just for comics/manga it would unironically be one of the best boards, like Yea Forums or peak Yea Forums tier


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Speaking from bitter experience, you have no idea how difficult it is to get antisocial people evicted

So he was mentally ill, why did his family let him on the loose. It seems they simply gave him money to rent a drity apartment and tried to forget about their deranged son and then innocents had to paid the price of a society where mental illness is frowned upon and kept under the rug


All I can feel is rage over what they did to Tifa's boobs.

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Don't forget, you're here forever

Have sex and cope you seething incel virgin moeshitter!

Cheer up, pillow adoption is like cellphone, the later you enter into the market the more advanced one you can get.

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Some of the survivors have had to amputate limbs and burn wounds are already plenty horrific.

I mean you give them the notice and call the cops if they give you trouble, right? I've had people in the unit below mine get evicted just for not keeping their young kids quiet.

/jp/ here. You're not welcome on our board.

Because if you can't get a partner you're probably a mentally ill failed human being who will lash out at innocents like this guy.

>and yet they're not only interacting with society but making money, unlike hikki weebs

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Would they have had better chances if they had gas masks? What about oxygen masks? Plastic bags over their heads?

Try and stop us. You only have a board because we didn't want your shit on here.

Do incel dads exist?

Stop telling me how to live nigger

You mean even everyone here, too?

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The only way to be a virgin dad would be somehow marrying a woman with a kid while she still refuses to have sex with you, so I'm guessing is not very likely

Duck and cover.

They probably would have had a better chance if they weren't women desu.
It's not that hard to get out of a burning building. Even if you have to jump. Breaking a few bones isn't as bad as burning but women can't make decisions so they just burn and then jump when they don't like burning.

You know the thing is, if she's wearing a sports bra that means her knockers are gigantic. They do a lot of compression in restricting them.

Why is nighttime Yea Forums full of normalfags now?

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Yes Yea Forums is my education camp.

Some of the victims were men, granted they were geriatric compared to the average age of the girls I heard

Your board is dead anyway.

What? They still have some back ups. It's not just a complete back up since it's not really cheap.

Hilarious is the fact that preachy fucks like you are usually insecure losers themselves. Yes, I know, you're self-assured no one will notice through your ironic weeb facade. How's the failed normalfag life going for you?

Vidya succumbed to normalfaggotry before animu, what's so hard to understand here?

I think women are just more flammable than men.

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it happens
there was a rather well known guy who died of cancer, who had married a woman with a kid, he never had sex with her

Ah yes I'll decide to jump from the 3rd floor within 30 seconds not knowing the seriousness of the incident and claim that most of the victims are women despite not statistics to back it up.

I mean, you can try it out yourself and see.

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If this user was there, he will probably die first

Could be the long hair

No one knew who I was till I put on the gasoline.

lol incels

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Generation Z was a mistake

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We used to put people like this in homes where they couldn't get out. It's was far more humane for society.

I can see where you're going, but why 18 exactly?
Why not 13, 16, 21, 30?
I don't see your fixation with 18 being valid, except it being legal age.

>otaku are degenerates, isn't it? if you love anime it doesn't mean that you need to be an asocial loser and live with a pillow
Yeah, but we're not "LGBT kissing kids in a pride parade" tier like majority of western degenerate culture either.

Most anime weebs are gamers though. Picking on gaymers doesn't really solve anything.

World War III is necessary to undo the damage.

Yeah you're right, maybe 21 is a better cut off for point of no return

something tells me he was a gigalomaniac

That's completely fine and normal as long as you are an ally and have your pronouns updated on your twitter account.

because europe is a bunch of normalfags.

Does the arsonist frequently visit 4channel?

Legalise the prostitution first.

What's his favorite eroge?

Is the dude still in a coma?

Thanks but no thanks. You're right, but I trust the government only as far as I can throw it.

I couldn’t get any sleep because I keep thinking about how my skin is looking poor but seeing this kid persevere through the scars reminds me that it could always be worse. I really hope the survivors can at least live a relatively normal life after this.

There was someone who blew up a chinese factory.

>tfw fallout ghoul

If he hires a big-titted hooker cosplaying as Tifa it may have as opposite effect.

You need more buzzwords in your sentence Yea Forumsermin.

Flower arrangement

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just go to meguca then

So he wasn't a trainfag after all?

>falling for memes

looks like nothing's really changed after all these years

Any updates friends?


I still don't see the reason why. If it's his console, the he could've sold it, no?

And what about people who don't want to?
Because most of those nutjobs seem to be people who REALLY want to fuck a woman, but can't, because they're all around horrible.
Then they make up some stupid bullshit about how the world works, which often is so retarded that reading it destroys grey matter.
I have seen shit from incels that would melt a Flat Earther brain.

Alright do we know what games he played?

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Otaku NEET hikkis sent to battle royale island when?

>I've had people in the unit below mine get evicted just for not keeping their young kids quiet
This is a bit too much. I would not trust this landlord if I were you.

>would tell at neighbors when disturbed
This is how you recognize crazy fuckers. Not the exessive gaming, not anything else, it's this. I my whole life I have never met a single person who does this that wasn't a psychopath or someone with a bunch of serious disorders or aggression problems. Avoid these people at all costs.

This is hot.

Dammit now I need to update my mashup.

I have heard like a million stories on this guy now
I don't believe anything anymore

Is it true? I always thought that they mostly fix everything in place and not much else.

Haha no. The waiting times here are over a year even for those who are batshit insane and has tried to harm themselves and others.

Wasn't he living with the parents? How else could he afford that?
Why did the parents tolerate that loud music if that was the case?

>The apartment block is typical of the prefab apartments that crowd Japanese commuter suburbs: small, identical units, built with thin walls. Single air conditioners rest on narrow balconies outside each unit.
Not surprising that living conditions like these would allow a nutjob to fester and slowly go insane.

how fucking delusional can you get
there's a difference between total social conformity and conformity to a bare-minimum degree of human decency. how can you even argue the latter shouldn't be enforced?

>It started when Aoba began pounding on the wall to complain about noise, the neighbor said.
Wait a second. I thought the Japanese were really, REALLY uptight about courteous behavior, yet his neighbor was literally driving this guy crazy with all the noise? Seems like the neighbor would have been in the wrong here.

I don't really want to commit sudoku since I support my old mom, so thanks but no thanks.

Her tits are still big, just more realistically big. Looks like a D cup to me, though I am no expert of women's bra sizes.

Of course he wasn't, it's a tiny apartment for singles. He probably got an allowance from his relatives so they could just forget he exists.

Based and redpilled.

Kyoani roasties literally on life support.

Yea Forums FujoThots on suicide watch.

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It's not about money, it's about sending a message

>>His mental illness, and start actually investing in mental health for youth so Japan can fix it's gigantic suicide and mental problem rates
We can hope, but addressing that issue would mean addressing the horrible work culture -- something the capitalist class would never let happen.

Just more comment from friends of victims. Play the video for her words directly.アニメ会社放火

Ok, you first.

Are you an idiot? Don't believe anything posted on 4channel unless there are trustworthy sources to back it up.

I know people just like that. Some crazy fucker who hates everybody and believes that everyone is involved in some conspiracy against him because he is so fucking important the whole state is at war with him. He is 32 now and never worked, does nothing but watching BestGore and Youtube from 4PM when he wakes up till 4AM or something, calls the police all the fucking time when one of his neighbours takes a shit or makes ANY noise at all even normal stuff like the sound of vacuum cleaners and he has like 20 phobias and cumpulsive disorders but his stupid ass relatives not only PAY him but believe he was studying. They never questioned why ne needs 8 years to study or don't care. He gets money from his mother, his father, his grandma and randomly 1000€ or so from an aunt living in another country that has only ever seen him once 20 years ago and he spends most of this with endless orders of boots, jackets and model figures so that he has debts by the end of the month but he will attack you if you complain that your father has died or about money problems because he seriously believes that nobody is suffering as much as him.
I don't think he will murder anyone but it's these types of people society should be more aware of. They don't know what's real anymore.

Canada or literally any other developed country other than the US, Korea, and Japan
You're simply wrong, I'll never get how you faggots unironically try to argue against a rapidly growing field of science as though you have any authority or knowledge of anything. Mental health directly correlates with lower crime rates (especially extreme crimes like this one) and shockingly, mental health correlates directly with accessibility of health care (and various other social services and measures of quality of life). You're so fucking dumb.

>how can you even argue the latter shouldn't be enforced?
Easily. Who draws the line? (You)?

>Music from video games blared from Aoba’s apartment at all hours, the neighbor said, adding that there had been complaints from residents about the noise in the last year.
Sure user, totally the neighbors fault.

>implying the neighbor isn't just slandering him

>Easily. Who draws the line? (You)?
Obviously. There is no reason to allow antisocial behavior that directly takes away from the safety and comfort of others -- by doing so, the only thing that is maintained is the comfort of the antisocial individual, which should not be held as more valuable than those who are not antisocial, i.e, those who are contributing to society and are the majority.
How do you dispute that?

Wait is it not?
That dude in spec ops asuka was adamant about not hiring underage prostitutes so I assumed that japs had legal prostitution


shit bait

Neither the jap government or jap news are trustworthy sources either.

High quality Yamakan:


Prostitution is illegal in Japan.


Getty is asking me money for it.
This is almost the same price of 3 series of anime in blurays or 1 Nintendo Switch.

Attached: Screenshot_20190721-190958_Chrome.jpg (720x1280, 497K)

Of course there are countries who handle it better but every country has their fair share of deranges individuals, antisocial shitheads that turn the life of all relatives and neighbours to hell and amok runners, abusive parents and so on. The best mental health system doesn't help if the crazy ones believe to be healthy and normal and if other people are afraid of acting because it will only end with them getting attacked even more by the shitheads.

Sounds like a good plan to me! Once you're done, contact me, I have a followup.

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Only if it involves penetrative sex though right? You can still pay for lewd hand holding.

There's a /pol/ on meguca.

sounds like they should be paying for his spot in a mental hospital instead, jeez

>that much money for HQ Yamakan
>None of these proceeds will go towards the victims

Yes, because embracing degeneracy has worked out great in the west.

Thats' terrifying. He sounds just like the kind of person who would murder masses if something where to make him snap or he inevitably would crumble from his delusions. Please consider doing something.

Fuck you, then. I don't trust your judgment. Not one bit.
>antisocial behavior that directly takes away from the safety and comfort of others
I'm learning to roller skate in the courtyard. There is a small chance that I will crash into a child and kill him because I yet to master the t-stop.
Should I be jailed? I don't trust you to decide.
>those who are contributing to society
I go to work, I live alone and I pay my taxes.
>How do you dispute that?
Easily. There is no unbiased judge, so the proposed cure is far worse than the plague. (You) are turning the government into your personal club to bash people you don't like.
Someone(most likely ironically, but I can't say for sure) suggested to imprison or kill me because I'm a virgin.
The only difference between him and you are the groups which you want to target.

Another smaller tragedy is the fact that despite everything you've been up to and your connections with the victims, you're just some man. Not recognised by any photographers or overseas film crews and the person who finds out your name calls you "Hiroshi"

Yea Forums should be removed from Yea Forums and all its users banned. They pose more threat then /pol/ roleplayers and poison the chan culture

not even once

Isn't it illegal in the US?
It isn't. I think that openly advertising cosplaying hookers would've reduced the probability of such incidents.

Antisocial is not the same thing as asocial, fucking retards.

We live in a (house of) mouse utopia.

TF2 Pyro.

Anime is harmful. KyoAni was the only studio that actually made family friendly, peaceful and high culture anime works aimed at making a better people - while all other studios without exceptions are exploiting otaku moving them deeper in the abyss of dispair and addiction.

>It's elections night in Japan so all the news about KyoAni will be buried by the press and TV tonight and tomorrow

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The message is that his father has no self-control?

Not talking about US.

>KyoAni was the only studio that actually made family friendly, peaceful and high culture anime works aimed at making a better people - while all other studios without exceptions are exploiting otaku moving them deeper in the abyss of dispair and addiction.

Meanwhile, in reality:

Look for Yamazaki.

I am probably what you consider antisocial, but at the same time I'm certain it's me who is more considerate of my neighbors than that normalfag whore who likes to run through her apartment in high heels at 4 in the morning.

I'm just curious about plagirizing. Since even though the perp is exactly what we'd think he'd be, and even though the crime is heinous and evil, I still would totally buy that an anime studio stole someone's novel. Happens all the time

and that's fine if your behavior isn't directly threatening other's safety or sense of security.

Truly the 燃え燃え studio.

If they close, other studios will burn out soon.
politicians and those who consume anime should think about this
Kyoani should live even under external control

>I have seen shit from incels that would melt a Flat Earther brain.

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You're taking the piss. Kyoani was fine but don't pretend its major selling point wasn't cute girls who generated like a horde of doujin porn books

Is it so crazy to say I don't want to have sex just to have a notch on my belt?

Except, every KyoAni show and published novels are known and so are their authors and none ever complained about Kyoani and benefited greatly from it. There simply is nothing KyoAni could have "stolen" - all their works are in the open.

Possibility its deranged madman aside (which he is), worst case scenario they could have done is rejecting his novel in their KA Bunko awards - but even so, participation in no way restricts ownership rights uness its won in which case contract is signed for publishing.

I know a guy who believes everything that Alex Jones types people tell him. Everything's a conspiracy. Food is filled with toxins, but when you ask why he still smokes it turns out smoking being bad is a conspiracy too. The strangest part is that all this guy does is charity work. 7 days a week growing vegetables for poor people. This word has some crazy ass people.

Fuck off with your epic meme, retard.

t. another deranged and clueless KyoAni hated like the one who burned the studio

Police knows your IP

>Food is filled with toxins, but when you ask why he still smokes it turns out smoking being bad is a conspiracy too.
How retarded can one be?

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this is why muslims invented rape

what does he think of flat earth

Most people don't want to pay to stay in a place where they have to listen to people being noisy at all hours of the night.

More like
>politicians talk about the fire for brownie points
Have the mass shootings in america taught you nothing.

>Food is filled with toxins
American food sure is

Still, I'm curious about the novel he claims was stolen. We had all this BS about barisaku that turned out to be an elaborate troll against train otaku for whatever reason

Poor damage control is poor.

but train otaku are fucking insane thou

>This is a bit too much
I try not to use the treadmill if it's past 9 pm, and it's only twenty minutes tops.
It's perfectly justified. Just silence the fuckers or move in your own apartment.

It doesn't exist, police already raided his home and found nothing except a smashed up laptop.

Stop coercing me into hiring a hooker, Yea Forums

I hope they at least torture the scum before killing him. Nothing is worth the loss of life at Kyoani during this attack.

I love how japan plays it real,
While here it is always "he was such a nice quiet boy, helped with carrying things, I had no idea"

after his near death experience he's probably happy that he still has most of his arms intact plus a thumb to work with

I've read memoirs of one of the successful fantasy/sci-fi writers who worked as the editor at some point and he said that the probability of that happening is extremely low since most the works which are being sent to them are utter garbage.

Depends on the sports bra, but since she's going into battles it'd be a high impact one.

You can see a before and after here at 4m27s:

I mean, they still aren't like in the PS1 game, but it's not as bad as people think. The real test will be when she wears a dress for the Don Corneo scenario

Criticizing (i.e. "hating") the general uselessness and even destructive influences of women and "minorities" just means a person is sane, it doesn't make them a gamer.

I'm glad I live in a apartment complex where you are evicted if you have children.

So which studio are you going to light on fire?

I'm deeply sorry for the kyoani employees that have died an horrible death in this tradegy but I'll be damned if I don't admit these kind of threads are ripe with the worst kind of moralfaggots/normalfags-tier of posts.
Is the face of nu-Yea Forums?

Those people are not necessarily lying.

The whole country has gone insane, save a small percentage, so no.

>torching studios
hmm, there is a possibility this could become a tend

Let the Trigger burn and Yea Forums will be filled with jokes and celebration. Meanwhile, people actually care about KyoAni and love their works.

What do you expect #pantsuoutforkyoani

Oh no you don't. You go to Yea Forums where you belong!

KyoAni is the only, and I mean only, studio that'd make Yea Forums act this way. Guaranteed we would not be this sympathetic for any other studio

Ok, that's a decent difference.

I'm just here in this thread to add some fuel to the fire.

Yet here in the US this shit happens all the time. Michael Swaim is currently suing a producer who stole a script that he had previously "rejected", and Amy Schumer stole jokes all the time.

It's probably true that most LNs submitted are trash, but have you seen what they're airing these days?

I hear gasoline works wonders.

And what's your contribution thus far? This better be good

Because people always need a goatscape they can shift the blame to whenever something goes wrong.
Since it's the 21st century and people are tired of blaming ethnic and religious minorities, gamers and far right/far left ideologies became the new goatscapes.

How come we still don't have a good facial shot of the guy? The ones from his school days don't count.

It doesn't work super well in any country, but Japan is one of the worst 1st world countries in that regard.

It doesn't matter if she """actually""" has gigantic knockers. What you see is what you get. If the players can't see their real size, then what's the fucking point?

Heavily burned supposedly, it's why they put him in a coma

Big tits and a ditz but it has to be both at the same time.

>Plastic bags over their heads?
Not such a bad idea. Gives you some air reserves and enables you to keep your eyes open. You'd still have greatly reduced visibility due to the smoke, but might be able to find your way to a window.

I'd like to specify I'm definitely not glad this happened nor am I celebrating the tremendous loss of talent the anime industry has suffered with this act of arson. I'm just saying I can't fathom where the fuck all the normalfags and/or moralfags crawled from. I hope they'll slither away once their interest in this tragedy wanes

You mean all of Yea Forums?

gamers rise up

If I virtuesignal as a good guy in this thread, then the forces of karma will reward me with real waifus and paradise and make me the bestestestestestestest being ever.

>removing containment boards will fix it
you're moron

I suppose it varies greatly from country to country. Fucking impossible in Russia unless the landlord is sympathetic.

>not an argument

>ree women and minorities
Found the next terrorist.

Yeah its quite troublesome. I know at least in parts of the U.K., landlords put bounty's on troublesome tenants, and pay to have them removed by bounty hunters.

Being sympathetic to the victims isn't being a normalfag. People acted like this because what was lost was their favorite studio of what's possibly the center of their lives, anime. I couldn't care less if some murrican or chinese died in a fire on some factories. But, for example, if my favorite actors died in accident when they shoot Kamen Rider episode, I wouldn't be edgy enough to diss them because that's the thing I like and relate a lot.

People *actually* think that?

Attached: 1559809088643.png (270x486, 68K)

Its world news and a HAPPENING which attracts all the crossboarders. Even disregarding those people Yea Forums has been terrible outside of select threads for years now.

found the child molester

I agree and it just baffles me how such parents not only never do anything, because let's be real, you can most likely see the signs when these people were still teens, but they even pay them endlessly without asking even though guys like him shits on them all the time, so you just pay someone that hates you.
The only logical explanation would be that they fear him going into full insanity mode if they would stop but this can't be a solution. The problem is that he always had the privilege of living a sheltered life, people like him never learned to adjust and deal with other people like everbody else does who has a job and actually wants to keep it. Fuckers like him are the reason for why I am happy that guns are so hard to get in my country. I know he would have them if he knew how to get them because as said, he feels threatened all the time. And I don't even know as many people as others do, there are probably tons of individuals like him everywhere.

It's always the gamers

>KyoAni is the only, and I mean only, studio that'd make Yea Forums act this way. Guaranteed we would not be this sympathetic for any other studio
I know this is awful bait but in the off chance you actually believe this, the complete fucking opposite is actually true. "Yea Forums" or at least the spammers that the mods allow to lurk here are just irrationally and unjustly biased against Kyoani, this has been proven time and time again. Compare these to last funeral thread Yea Forums for a dead animator and there was virtually no trolling. Way more fucking sympathy than this. It's actually horrifying how little Kyoani get and how people saying they deserved it for having their own style as well as making "moeshit"

I would actually think those normalfags/moralfags are just originally lurkers.
Just casually browsing Yea Forums without posting and shit.
And when some big event happens that's when they are triggered to post.

gamers rose up

You don't evict crazy people in Russia, you become even crazier one so it's them who has to suffer. Ибо нехуй.

Attached: 1538194652644.jpg (768x768, 88K)

Ahahaha, thanks for brightening my day a little bit, Getty.

This is a fucking plague and it got like a million times worse with the rise of the internet. Actually a big part of old people in my country are exactly like that even without Alex Jones. They usually hate or mistrust the youth (= people younger than 45 or so), scientists and basically every group they don't belong to and will believe everything that seems to confirm their resentment as well as anything that soudns nice. So all you have to do is creating a website with stupid conspiracy theories and call you a "critical thinker" and pretend that only smart people will realise you are telling the truth and those people are all over you because they want to feel smart and there is nothing you can ever use to argue against them because they will never see obvious contradictions and even if they would they would get triggered and offended and attack you, maybe even physically, if you tell them.

This. I fucking knew their names, followed their work. They're like an extended family to me. Kyoani were my fucking life and now, as of this tragedy, i will never get to the visions of Takemoto, Kigami or the other young animators. I have no fucking life left. These fucking people with no empathy, saying good riddance or they deserved it make me want to go to japan and torch their favourite anime studio and staff, I mean what else am i going to do with my fucking time now?

Those two options aren't mutually exclusive.

Yea Forums once again ruins everything

>Way more fucking sympathy than this
For the first 24 hours or so after this fire Yea Forums was uniformly 100% shocked and sympathetic. I've actually seen nothing like it on Yea Forums immediately after a disaster. I didn't see a single person trolling or shitting on KyoAni (besides me) until the next day. And we STILL don't have an on-fire edit of the office exercise webm.

People are being extra mean about it today (and it warms my heart) but I think that's a rebound effect from the initial reaction and doesn't reflect it at all.

It's because of the shame culture of Japan. If he were to starve to death on the streets, neighbours would point fingers at his parents. Remember this case when a girl with mental issues was starved to death being locked at home? Her parents were too ashamed to seek help and show the world that they have a 'deficient' daughter.
>19kg Japanese woman, starved and confined by parents in tiny room for 15 years, found frozen to death


>me want to go to japan and torch their favourite anime studio and staff, I mean what else am i going to do with my fucking time
Kyoanifags, everyone.

I probably would've been sad too if Togashi, Oda or Miura kicked the bucket.

he didn't say he would actually do it

>For the first 24 hours or so after this fire Yea Forums was uniformly 100% shocked and sympathetic.
Really? Please link me the thread. I'll be totally honest i
arrived right after that so i must have missed it. I saw half the posts shitting on them and the usual kyoani hate spammer tying his hardest to destroy the threads. It has sickening.

>McMichael claimed this post was a joke.

No. That was a fact.

Full of shit the first 24hours had plenty of your usual idiotic edgy trolls running around everywhere.

>Yea Forums was right all along

>Food is filled with toxins, but when you ask why he still smokes it turns out smoking being bad is a conspiracy too.
Fucking hilarious.

The internet has been so disappointing. When it was new, I hoped uncensored communication between people of all countries would change the world to the better, because it'd facilitate global understanding and working around the toxic media. But look what happened: idiots spend their time on big corp echo chambers, who feed them the fake news they want.

>made family friendly

Attached: 34718-Phantom5.jpg (1100x620, 114K)

which game studio would hit Yea Forums where it hurts

I highly doubt there is one. I might be wrong but people like him are usually uncreative as fuck. I know someone who sounds almost exactly like this guy including a smashed laptop and he always talks about his great story he will write one day. I am not shitting you, but he actually pretends it will be as symbolic as the Divine Comedy (which he never read), have more action than "Matrix", interactions like Tarantino movies and a few other things I forgot and will be a very complicated, passionate, philosophical, fast paced, superdrama you know like those fuckers with the shitty kickstarter OVA that claimed it to be better than GitS, Berserk, DMC and so on. That fucker never even read a single book but he will attack you if you doubt that his nonwritten novel will be the book of the decade.
Such people are just sick in their head. That guy probably had a few ideas that were all stolen from other LNs and he hated Kyoani for being popular or because people trolled him with a Haruhipic when he posted about his "ideas" or whatever and thinks Kyoani "stole" from his imaginary novel.

Fuck off with your forced meme tranny shithead. You'll be dead in 10 years anyway.

Do you have something against people with big chest? Phantom world was 12+ show

it was the whole board acting that way actually, literally 50% of threads were about the fire for at least half a day.
i was browsing/posting for hours after it happened and commented to myself repeatedly how weird it was that i didn't see so much as user calling them trash, let alone true edge

you musta been reading a different board from me or a different time zone because it was uncanny


> person who murdered 20+ people wasn't an upstanding charming /fit/ citizen with model looks
Shockingly good insight from, considering it's Yea Forums we're talking about.

>believes everything that Alex Jones types people tell him. Everything's a conspiracy. Food is filled with toxins

Attached: alexglare.gif (171x172, 962K)

no way. with the amount of virtue signalling going around, they definitely would have started their moralniggery much before this event


>high culture

Attached: giphy-1.gif (416x468, 1.81M)

If even a retard like the animator immolator could do such a feat, then everyone can.

EA Games
Square Enix

Americans are uncomfortable with their bodies and believe that their children exist in some deep state of "innocence" that must be protected from the "corruption" of things like tit physics. It's very sad.

Are you from Saudi Arabia?

who said it was? absolutely no one

Man that's fucked up. But I agree. The crazy guy I talked about above is like this too despite being German. His parents are two conservative academics that only ever care about what others think of them so they pay their son to keep him quiet because him doing a job could make others realise he is kinda fucked in the head or if he fails they might know he's their son so paying is the better solution but it actually makes everything worse because these people only become crazier and it gets worse once they hit the 40s or so.

So 30+ people died for nothing? Wow... just wow...

based. Get fucked normalfags. Day of the neet is here!

Anime kills

Must be Californian.

>family fiendly

Attached: 8ed5ef2022cf654df1be2a80ef52035aefd8600br1-878-910v2_hq.jpg (878x910, 48K)

hahaha what

honk honk

Sony California
Naughty Dog

Breivik was good looking and he also killed a bunch of people.

The tits don't even jiggle.

They seem to fellate CD Projekt Red alot so yeah I'd go with that

So the posters who said "they deserved it", what were they? Just trolls who found this the most effective way to bait for reply? Retards from Yea Forums? Retard crossboarders?

CD Projekt Red

>Remove containment boards

You do that, you know what happens?

You're not closing a portal, trapping the bad people on the other side.
You're knocking down a prison wall, letting the bad people escape into your neighborhood.

Smarten up.


And that's a good thing. Imagine dying for something and never living to see the result. It's better to die a meaningless death.

Attached: 1558206551449.jpg (500x507, 67K)

and never come back.

Definitely Fromsoft

>actually made family friendly, peaceful and high culture anime works

Attached: [Elysium][7B56A43F].mkv-0191.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Yes it's really fucked. The internet actually showed one thing: it amplifies whatever you are. This can be good if you are actually interested in the truth, communication with different people and broadening your horizon but it also means that everybody else fully dives into his favorite bubble and refuses to believe anything he doesn't want to believe and the circlejerk they are in will comfort them and tell them they are right and it's just everybody else that's stupid. And the rest of the internet is the same bullshit real life is plagued with, mundane celebrity bullshit and attention whoring.

KyoAni turned soft porn manga into THE Family show. Obvious you did not even watch it. It is a family friendly show, about family and familial love and care.


I'll go back when I see all Resetera tranny-shit deleted from all boards.

Yea Forumsemins

You don't belong here neither redditor

Attached: 1563493216220.jpg (600x601, 275K)

I'm pretty sure that the ratio of "moralfags"/people whose rl society instincts break le jaded anonymous persona, edgelords who think they are defending the local culture by pooping on the parade with topically appropriate variations on "nigger faggot"x50 posts and the rare good edge post like yesterday's "enemies cannot open doors" is roughly the same as it has been during Boxxy and Chanology. Of course, the posters philosophising on how everything used to be better and we're experiencing a terminal crisis of normies/children/redditors/crossboarders were around back then too.

I always dreamed about more shows like Maldragon and Phantom. Or Amagi. LN adaptations with fancervice and hot girls were their hidden gold. True potential of Kyoani. But the probably will not recover in 2 years.

Attached: 1563181534460.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

This is what you Yea Forums kikes do to blacks and Muslims every day lmao

doesn't make it any less pedo trash

He was an outliner. Also he was an exceptionally good planner by any standards imaginable.

Show a 5 year old that shit and I guarantee they'll either not give a shit, just be minorly confused or even amused. It's the adults that can't stop themselves from feeling all weird about it then going on a crusade to make sure everyone knows how virtuous they are.

I'm sure with their combined salaries they could afford a good therapy for him.

I think this incident proves that important members of management and creative directors should work in a separate (safer) building from the worthless grunts.

If there's one thing China ever did right, it's that they kept gamers in concentration camps until they become proper human beings

I think Fromsoft is too "pretentious" for them, many would be happy if that happens. I would also either say CD Projekt Red or Nintendo. Just look at the endless hype Smash Bros causes.

I'd guess they were all of the above. A balanced mixture of trolls, retards and crossboarders


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Maybe by your standards, user. I imagine most of us are actually capable of taking a train, sleeping in the park for a few days, doing a routine transaction at a gas stand and operating a lighter, sometimes even in sequence.

That could unironically be true depending on what they were wearing or how they styled their hair. Hairspray and perfume are very flammable and women’s clothing usually have a mix of fabric types.

Are the rumors that he was zainichi korean true?

yep, he's covered in moles which is a sure sign of tainted Zainichi blood

Kill all NEETs

They read about epic edgy Yea Forums on encyclopedia dramatica. But not like you can change anything since they're in majority even in Yea Forums. Except abandoning rotten corpse of Yea Forums or endure and ignore

>there's a /pol/ in meguca

what's your problem with paper crafts?

>people are tired of blaming ethnic and religious minorities
you'd be wrong, they just added more things to the list.

CD-Projekt and Nintendo have as many haters as fans. They only thing that would trigger an emotional reaction would be Gaben dying.

This makes me smile, the truth is that the neighbors know absolutely nothing about him, but now they have to come up with any excuse to say that they always suspected that he was an horrible monster

You don't belong here, elevens.

I would unironically be down for something like this, it would have helped me so much during my later teen years to be forced to be social and actually give a shit

this looks like some Russian bot forum to attract clicks

Looks like he has plenty of self control to me. Calm measured blows of a sledge to the PS after calmly shoving his loser ungrateful son aside.

You'd have to force him that's the problem. It would trigger endless drama and you never know what these people do once they snap. This is why so many murderers were long known to be crazy but nobody ever did anything. You can only force someone into therapy once they commited a crime, never before. But it's always too late by then.

>only an adult can discern sexual innuendo
>AAAAH how is this possible

Attached: 85151116.jpg (1537x1141, 449K)

If there were any substance to it, they'd be plastering it everywhere by now.

It's just a routine net-uyo thing: to them, (((zainichi))) are like /pol/'s conception of jews and niggers rolled into one, simultaneously dumb hypermasculine turbocriminals and rich masterminds who control everything and lurk behind every corner of high society in disguise.

There are many ways of manipulating people into doing what you want, they just need to do some research and training. For family matters, subtle emotional manipulation works the best.

>mental health care works in a country where literally everybody is insane and the only sane people are the ones being treated as insane people

>only an adult can discern sexual innuendo
Adults keep telling me that children are pure little innocent souls who know nothing of such things. A-Are you telling me that they're lying?

>but also masterminds
>and control everything
Does not compute.

Completely different you absolute niggerr. Otakus don't kill each other en mass while niggers do. Otakus are also not statistically more violent than other groups, niggers are. I think I spot the nigger.

Attached: 1561233512188.png (843x903, 39K)

Fuck off normalshits

Aside from all the other reasons anons already mentioned one thing that makes me relate too is that I am a drawfag myself and I always wanted to animate cartoons as kid and teen. I only gave up on this dream because my country simply doesn't produce anything at all and I didn't want to move for a few reasons, so I just draw fanart now and own shit from time to time but I can totally feel how it would be finally being accepted as an animator and how happy I would be and how I would keep drawing fanart of the series I work for and now the people who did this are charred and this is just so fucked up.

He's talking about Anders Breivik you dork.

Well, tbf anything worth reading on ED predates either of Boxxy and Chanology, but that was back in an age where your median internet-using youth didn't have to worry that the Twitter-NSA complex will find out about their involvement in an autist getting catfished and destroy their life for it in one way or another.

>thread full of Yea Forums
Hold on.This is not US hours. What the fuck? AU?

This why asylums and workhouses need to be brought back, to keep this scum away from regular people.

>5yr old can make sense of it
sure thing, kid

It's an equivalent of breaking one't keyboard in frustration when one was noscoped four times in the row.
Now his son thinks that he is crazy and any form of negotiation are out of the question.
He got his catharsis, but this dude is as much of a loser as his son.
Now that I think about it, it is fitting.

Look at your calendar. Today is a day wagies get to post their dumb uninformed opinions in the middle of the day

You don't belong on Yea Forums if you don't have this

Attached: file.png (796x291, 29K)

The old man made the right decision. Sony consoles are cancer and should be all destroyed.

>that's the point
Just look at the denko saga, or read the barisaku guy's posts and realise that he's only being noticed for being very mildly more obnoxious and deranged than the rest of the board he posts to. These people are not usually doing a lot of computing.

Some anons donated $6k

>falling for the GFM scam
Kill yourself retard

we live in a society

>Yea Forums kills Yea Forums

>You don't belong on Yea Forums if you don't donate to KyoAnus
Are kyoanus lickers this delusional? Get fucked with your failed fucking studio.

they should round up beta incels all over the world and massacre them. shoot them, drown them, strangle them, i don't care. nothing good comes from this scum.

Hoping shonenfags don't get shat on by moecucks by proxy. Most of them are gamers too.

To be honest since 2019 I rarely visit Yea Forums. Anyone else? It seems like last year before true death of board

And here is an illustration of the said thesis.

bottom left girl is insanely high culture

It's often impossible in Germany too. The worst is that the terrible people are almost always kids of rich people so they usually bought and own the apartments and it's impossible chasing these people out no matter how crazy they are. I have two in the house. One is a crazy shithead that attacks others and threatens to sue you all the time, the other one is a compulsive hoarder and his whole apartment is a stinky mess you can even smell being 5m away. This guy can barely walk because the apartment is so cluttered with boxes he can never stand in there and he has to eat with his hands and has no water either. Well at least he isn't evil or anything but it's really depressing how you can be surrounded by nice people and one idiot is enough to annoy the shit out everybody else and many houses have this one shithead like the neighbour I mentioned first.

See you in the mass executions user.

Depends on what's airing, to be honest.

>Yea Forums was the real Yea Forums all along

Yea Forums, the natural enemy of Yea Forums

>beta incels
It's you who will decide who belongs to that group, I suppose?

Are the social services doing anything about the hoarder? His habits pose infection risks.

Well yeah. Despite all shit you still can find good threads.

>i will see you through my fucking scope, you clown.
Yeah, sure, see you then.

>hurrdurr mental illness hurr
He was an evil shithead, no amount of healthcare was going to stop him from becoming a mass-murderer. They should have locked him up on his first offence.

>which should not be held as more valuable than those who are not antisocial, i.e, those who are contributing to society and are the majority
No, I'm the only one and I won't be opressed by your idols and spooks. Why would One put faith in something outside Himself when One already has Himself? Have fun working for my NEETbux, slave scum.

Yea Forums is also the natural enemy of /vg/

True. Canada even has a Prime Minister that is accepted even though he is mentally ill.

Attached: Konc_DS-Trudeau.jpg (727x485, 110K)


So it's you who decides.
Get fucked, power-hungry murderclown.

Yea Forums's the natural enemy of Yea Forums

Does western style treatment of mental illness really work?
Is there any proof that Japan would do better by investing in this?

Getting progressively worse without anything stopping it makes people this bad, dumbass.

I hate women and minorities but don't play video games

Isn't that about his old apartment? Or did they already raided his current one as well?

I already told them but it's always a mess like with everything. They try to reason with him but he has anxiety problems so he never opens the door and then they tell you something like "well we noted this down for now" and go and never appear again.
It's the same if people abuse their children, they will look, the parents will of course say they love their kids and the bruises are kids being kids, they "note" something down and go and the parents will probably kill you afterwards if they find out it was you who called them. Strangely, on the other side I know a few single parents (men and women) who are the best and they get constantly threatened by the child protective services to lose their kids because single parents are evil. And then there is another case of a guy killing his kids and it always turns out it was known for ages that he or both parents were crazy but no service/institution did anything about it.

You hate your mom, then.
That's cool.

I wish the world took mental health more seriously and offered quality care and services to those who need it.
East or West, it seems like no country gives a shit, but when people inevitably snap and commit arson or shootings or stabbings everyone acts all clueless like, "Why did this happen?"

not everything in Yea Forums is good tho
like /xivg/ threads. best xiv threads are in Yea Forums
generals are cursed by circlejerk, ritual posting and namefaggatory

Probably isn't good enough for your argument. Either prove that it's physically impossible not to, or nah.

Some people are simply beyond help and would be dangerous to others around them, instead of trying to waste time and money "helping" them, it would be more efficient to accept facts as facts and remove them from society.

Point being that KyoAni isn't any different than other animation studios, retard

>all this guy does is charity work. 7 days a week growing vegetables for poor people.

I seriously respect that.

Israel I know that from experience.

Seize the means of reproduction

How does Singapore compare to Japan when it comes to security?

why this fuckin arson could match the timing of this off security for nhk interview


Added that for you.

>the studio that made K-ON and popularized the genre of CGDCT does not exploit otaku

Singapore is more chill.

>wanting Yea Forumsnons to die
Kill yourself Yea Forums

So what? Look at Ted Bundy and BTK.

Singapore’s crime rate is so low that many shops don’t even lock up


I completely agree, you first.

>let's genocide what i don't like
This is the exact same line of thinking the arsonist had in the first place. You're quite literally fighting fire with fire.

Attached: darin.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>if you kill your enemies, you become them
Oh my god, we're in a shounen manga!

Go away libtard

Your worst enemy is (You).

It's always a combination not one thing. It's more about how people ACT rather than what people like.
Warning signs are sheltered people who actively provoke neighbours and show signs of aggression. Like Or people without jobs and barely any social contacts that are infatuated with snuff movies/real life gore, weapons and walk around like some soldiers or some shit despite never having been part of the army. Plus point is when the army even kicked them, which is often the case with such people. I do not mean guys who are just like military stuff or love war games and figures and such. Those things seem similar but are wastly different and the latter people are usually normal and social guys, not anti-social LARPers.

t. fat unkempt neet with anger issues

There's a difference between killing your specific personal enemy, and genociding a broad chunk of population just incase.

What? Nobody thought otherwise, retard

>You're quite literally fighting fire with fire.
There is literally nothing wrong with that.

It's also the cleanest city isn't it?

Can we conclude this event with that neets are superior? I mean he got 33 kills with fucking fire! American normalfags cant compare.

Sadly, it doesn't have winter season.

Canadian here, our mental health agencies are incompetent and let mentally ill killers loose all the time.

Jim Sterling

How do we destroy video games once and for all?

Speaking of which, what are some examples of anime characters of Singaporean nationality?

So it's official, the main element of Yea Forums is fire.
Yea Forums is water.

Your actual post is right, the problem is it's a false equivalent here. This is a single guy who wants to murder as many innocent people as possible, whereas the others want to kill or jail people like him that show clear signs of being potential killers and aggressive bahaviors and only need a trigger to finally snap to prevent them killing tons of others.

'Clean or 'clean'?
>Oil, bribes, politicians: what happened to ‘clean’ Singapore?

this exemplifies exactly why you should NOT fuck with a gamer

Fuck, I'm going to Canada this fall for study and I was initially planning on getting a career there after graduating. Looks like I'd better cancel my plans, then.

To be psycho you don't be NEET. Just google serial killers.

Faye Valentine

You underestimate how incompetent German rightwingers are when they try killing somebody.

If you're going by overall kill count it should be reversed.

It's really sad to think that this cancer of society did so much damage.

>the main element of Yea Forums is fire
As shitty as this situation is, it should be.

Attached: E255B249-065E-42B1-BB0D-F3258A0B84C8.png (959x1400, 608K)

Only past '45...

stop projecting and i wont ban you anymore

Add convinced felons. We would lose some decent people but would only be a small percentage.

>KyoAni arsonist was a fat unkempt neet and angry gamer who would tell at neighbors when disturbed
Sounds like Yea Forums

>I hate women and minorities but don't play video games
Me too. That's why I'm a gamer, fellow gamer.

Wait, what? Which episode provides this information?

Attached: Faye.jpg (790x445, 59K)

Regarding professionality and/or victims I would say

ISIS > Murrican amok runners > Japanese insane guys > muslims who aren't ISIS > my cat taking a shit > European rightwingers post 2000 that aren't Breivik

Are gamers the new jews?
Everything gets blamed on us. This time it's not true though

>i wont ban you anymore
So he was right...
Good to know, become part of the 35%.

He's right tho. Not killing them but keeping them away from society would benefit both parties. Some NEETs here are a lost cause and a potential danger.

user most people generally don't like their parents... They will rarely admit it but come on

>have proven themselves to be competent and capable adults in a stable relationship to procreate and raise a child.

Shut up you mongrel.
You exist because people dgaf.

Just say virgins and you won't get banned newfag

Don't forget Area 51 raiders.

if you seperate neets from society you would cause world war 3.

Because boomers don't understand games and are afraid of everything they don't understand and it's boomers who rule the world.

Isn't announcing a ban a bannable offence? I screencapped this post just in case you want to ban me too to cover up your offense.

>this studio stole my novel
>i'll burn these fuckers down
>these guys are yelling really loud and bothering my sleep
>let's shoot these fuckers down
This isn't the same action, isn't the same motivation, but it's the same line of thinking. The idea of dealing in extremes never pays off well.
>clear signs of being potential killers and aggressive bahaviors
This, too, is a falce equivalent, by the way.
There's thousands of town freaks all over the globe, how many ofthem actually go out and carry out a crime? And how many mass murderers never displayed any deviant behavior until they made history? The collateral would be insane and you'd still miss someone who'd run people with the truck the other day.

They never work as containment though. If anything, they work as incubators.

hey kino did you knwow that you dont have to announce your bans

Posting shit like "Fuck kyoani I'm glad all these insects burned" ad naseum is fucking obnoxious. It's not dark humor, it's not edgy, it's just annoying. The SZS arsonist thread was hilarious, THAT was how "old Yea Forums" made fun of tragedy. This cancerous /pol/ tier garbage doesn't belong here, and no amount of bitching about "moralfaggotry" will change that. The ones calling people newfags are newfags, newfag.

Separating NEETs from society is what NEETs crave to begin with.

Stop being (Dead) baka tourist

It's never confirmed, but she grew up in Singapore, so she probably had the citizenship.

If real life was a Kyoani story we could unlock the true route and safe them.

Really? Do you come from a dysfunctional family or what? Or are you underage?

>looks chink
Is she adopted?


Singapore has a significant non-citizen population, most of them Malaysians.


Attached: 1386137981829.jpg (620x350, 27K)

>people generally don't like their parents
Maybe if they are 12 and their parents are stopping them from wasting their lives on video games.
Seriously, stop projecting.

Fire is so evil, even firefighters die in it.

But she had a wealthy family, and foreign maids and construction workers can't bring in their kids anyway.

Well of course firefighters die of fire, freedomfighters die of freedom.

>Do you come from a dysfunctional family
Yes, don't you? I mean why are you here?

You lost me as soon as you invoked /pol/ for no reason. Find a way to criticise people without resorting to irrelevant identity politics if you don't want to undermine yourself instantly by being a cartoonish example of the antithesis of the thing you're trying to caricature.

It's literally the same thing as randomly associating people with nazis and thinking that's going to get people to side with you.

She is an anime character.

>all this guy does is charity work. 7 days a week growing vegetables for poor people
wholesome schizo

Yeah, every shitter using that kind of reasoning shits himself when it turns out he's also on the turn-his-brain-off-with-a-crowbar-for-greater-good-of-whole-humanity list.

You're a fucking ignorant moron.

>heal your soul
What do you first world weebs even have to "heal" from?
>mom and dad don't like me
>girls don't like me
>I have no friends cause I'm a weirdo
>I hate myself causs I'm fat/virgin
Fuck all of you.

Yea Forums is a christian board

"they" aren't wrong though

Attached: 1563456189366.gif (360x276, 3.81M)

>>girls don't like me
Yep, that one.

Not him, but your post is just inverted identity politics. You also used a single term as an excuse to bail out from having to answer his point, which is intellectually cowardly.

>Food is filled with toxins
This is literally true, just like the water we drink is filled with microplastics
He just has a smoking addiction he can't quit and he tries telling himself it's not that bad

>Yea Forumsermin killing Yea Forums
I knew it, video games were for faggots.

Faye Valentine is the name she received after waking up for cryostasis. We've never got to know her birth name.
Faye Vang? Fang Vang?

In recent years, sure. In the Lee Kuan Yew days, hell naw.

>Moeshitters and kyoanus fans are murderous incels in the making

we need to get rid of them and make Yea Forums a better place

fair enough, though you can argue that the subset of Malaysians who do get to bring and raise their families there would be the wealthy ones.

Yea Forumstards should have been all genocided long time ago.

What are you gonna do about it, burn a game studio? Didn't think so pussy

BASED gamers. Don't fuck with us

Have you seen the site-wide donation announcement? Shitposters from the whole Yea Forums are gatherting here, it seems.

Those wealthy ones have no problem with becoming Singaporean citizens though.

My post got deleted or something.
> have proven themselves to be competent and capable adults in a stable relationship to procreate and raise a child.
Shut up you mongrel.
You exist because people dgaf about that.

Just purge all of Yea Forums, everyone of value is already at /m/

this, opressing gamers is some reaganomic-tier cringe, how long until we level up on tel aviv?

user please, it quacks like a duck. So stop trying to pretend it ain't a duck. He wouldn't have brought up /pol/ if it weren't for the fact it's the sort of shit /pol/ keeps doing and why most boards hate them. And then they start to play the victim card.


Otaku should be persecuted more severely. Anime is for normal people ONLY.

I like your duck comparison.

Geographic-wise, is it better to live in a country with snowy season or a country with only summer season and rainy season?

They were already gathering even before the announcement was made. If anything, things have calmed down a lot as most shitposters have probably gotten bored.

unsuccessful samefag gambit

It depends on your phenotype.

This. it's time to destroy Yea Forums. Only then will you be forced to stop letting your soul be weighed down by all these autism. Destroy Yea Forums, let yourself move beyond Yea Forums and become a being worthy of the future! And at the same time as we move on from the place, it will have the time to slowly recover!

You're missing
>all of the above
but otherwise you're spot on.

acting edgy is being nu-Yea Forums, acting like a 12yr old

Agree. Yea Forums is fucking trash. Burn it to the ground.

IIRC Malaysian passport is actually more powerful than Singaporean, combined with sentimental value it might still be worth it to just get Singaporean PR on a Malaysian passport instead of making the effort to renounce Malaysian citizenship to become a Singaporean. Also being Malaysian instead of Singaporean means your male children won't be Singaporean so they don't get called up for NS so that's another benefit. This is all just speculation anyway but it's interesting to think about.

Ask me how I know you migrated here last summer 'oldfag'.

It depends. Are you mentally ill?

He's paid by Russia and right wing groups to allow those boards to exist and spread propaganda and conspiracies

>IIRC Malaysian passport is actually more powerful than Singaporean
I don't believe you.

Singapore now has the most powerful passport in the world


Don't fuck with us fagots.

What do you mean more powerful?
S'pore's rank much, much higher.

The Gamer/Weeb War has begun

Depression and schizoid. I often lose color vision and begin to hear voices. I don't feel others worthy of hurting and I'll probably kill myself after JoJo 7 anime, so yes?

>Malaysian passport is actually more powerful than Singaporean
You fucking wish.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.34_[2019.07.18_06.17.28].jpg (352x318, 39K)

I feel like that fat fuck firebombed this board too.

This might be a jap thing. A relative of mine jokingly said the arsonist is probably a korean. I think theyre just saying stereotypes because they did not interact with him. I also had a roommate who would go to game cafes at night. However my older roommate thought he was going out and getting involved with gangs.

Plus Malaysians can't even visit Israel like ever, cause their country is retarded.

>I'll probably kill myself after JoJo 7 anime
Enjoy living forever.

Attached: 1549974415216.gif (250x250, 755K)

Yes, seek mental help before you set fire to a studio

Imagine believing mental healthcare is not far worse in the US than in Japan.

Which studio are you burning? Go to a fucking therapist.

>Malaysian passport is actually more powerful than Singaporean
lol delusional malaysian spotted

Apples and oranges user

I stand corrected, I was only going off half remembered stuff.
On thinking about it some more, having Singaporean citizenship would also let their kids to go to Singaporean university more easily, since Valentines are not mudslime race they wouldn't get fast track access to Malaysian universities.
But on the other hand, having an easy way to get out back to Malaysia in the future and live the slow and easy life spending SGD to buy big land estate and shit is also a reason why Malaysians with Singapore PR might choose to stay Malaysian.

boy I wonder what the crazy conservative historical revisionist president will focus on.


Malaysians can visit Israel, they just have to go via Jordan. My church organised some trips to Jerusalem in the past. Israelis can't enter Malaysia though.

>The most esteemed game studios are from Europe or Japan
How did Murika fuck things up THIS bad?

So there is an exemption for pilgrims?

Yes, the only exemption you can get to go to Israel is if you are a Christian visiting for religious reason.

>Officially, the Malaysian government allows Christians to visit Israel for religious purposes. In 2009, the government imposed a ban on visits to Israel, ostensibly due to heightened security risks posed by the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.[15] The ban was lifted in 2011, albeit with restrictions such as a quota of 700 pilgrims per year with not more than 40 pilgrims per church group, and pilgrims must be at least 18 years old and not visiting Israel more than once every three years with each stay a maximum of 10 days.[16] On 20 December 2013, the government announced a relaxation of the ban, which lifted most of the restrictions while increasing the maximum duration of stay to 21 days, subject to the security situation in Israel.[16]

>However, the restrictions imposed by the Malaysian government do not prevent Israel from issuing visa on a separate sheet of paper to Malaysian citizens for entering Israel, and Malaysians are known to have visited Israel with or without permission from the Malaysian government.


Being a trolling cunt isn't a uniquely /pol/ trait.

He's not wrong, there is a thriving sex industry that just doesn't call itself that way. You have bath houses, love hotels, "companionship" clubs etc. There's more than enough school girls/students going around looking for sugardaddies as well.

More like because the country is being run by an unelected deep state of Saudi-funded extremists, which actually successfully cockblocked the new government's attempts to sign some international convention on racial equality because it threatened Malay-Muslim supremacy, and also controls the police force Special Branch to disappear undesirable people who challenge the Muslim supremacy. I wish I was joking

>Yea Forums
>liking video games

>not posting the improved version

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Same thing applies in Indonesia.

Who is this nikhuy guy? is he a famous Russian philosopher?

Apparently the first floor was gone under 20s and the whole building was a death zone under 60s.
So basically "muh fire escape" wouldn't do much cos most people would not have the time?

aren't there guards armed with automatic rifles in their airports

Yeah. An employee ran to one of the balconies immediately after he heard yelling and the gas being lit, and he said by the time he got there and jumped out the smoke was everywhere. That probably took place within a minute or two.

Still, the country is almost uneventful when it comes to security issues.

God, that bitch is insufferable. Is this how people become gamers? I want to punch her.

Isn't everyone in Russia crazy anyway

Would a board full of circle-jerking AI be an interesting read?

Yeah, even Putin himself is an otaku

The complete opposite is true, the first hours were almost even worse, as people weren't really grasping how many people died and how serious this actually was. It just became more vile over time as their continuing glee was put more into perspective.


Looks like some people want to take control of this attack.

Just attention seekers being attention seekers.

>He didn't seem like the sort of person who would be into anime, but he did love gaming
>I could hear the same game music playing and booming on repeat
>It sounded like game background music being played at a very loud volume

Arsonist confirmed Yea Forums faggot

Attached: gamerconflagrate.jpg (724x1213, 263K)

Wait so in Japan are which are looked down on more gamers or weebs? I'd assume watching anime would be the norm there.

not him, FUCK YOU, YOU SOULLESS ANIME HATING NIGGER. If i have to i'll fly over there and rebuild their fucking studio myself.