New "Y￶u-Gi-Oh!" Anime Announced for 2020

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I'm hyped. Vrains fucking garbage. Even worse than zexal and arc-v.
Nothing can be worse than a yugioh show where nobody likes card games.

Imagine caring about Yugioh in 2019.
What else, you still watch Pokemon and Dragonball too?
Grow up already.

Only watched the original YGO and GX. Are the other YGO entries worth diving in to?

5d's episodes 1-64 is the most newcomer friendly due to how it's paced somewhat more tightly. It's hard to know what someone wants or expects out of a yugioh and each spin offf is pretty different.

arc-v is not worth the investment of time in the end though, it's hot garbage even if you like the better parts early on

I know this is bait but Yugioh is literally the biggest card game in the world and tournament attendance increases every year.

People still have any hope in this franchise after Arc-Turd and DRAINS?

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>even worse than Zexal
but Zexal was actually good, faggit.

VRAINS was fucked from the start. Remember how the initial announcement was made only weeks before Arc-V ended and the plot was supposed to be about a guy who dislikes standing out taking a step forward and "try". Maybe the next series will be better now that they had 3 years to recover.

I hope the new protag is cute!

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