New "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Anime Announced for 2020
I'm hyped. Vrains fucking garbage. Even worse than zexal and arc-v.
Nothing can be worse than a yugioh show where nobody likes card games.
Imagine caring about Yugioh in 2019.
What else, you still watch Pokemon and Dragonball too?
Grow up already.
Only watched the original YGO and GX. Are the other YGO entries worth diving in to?
5d's episodes 1-64 is the most newcomer friendly due to how it's paced somewhat more tightly. It's hard to know what someone wants or expects out of a yugioh and each spin offf is pretty different.
arc-v is not worth the investment of time in the end though, it's hot garbage even if you like the better parts early on
I know this is bait but Yugioh is literally the biggest card game in the world and tournament attendance increases every year.
People still have any hope in this franchise after Arc-Turd and DRAINS?
>even worse than Zexal
but Zexal was actually good, faggit.
VRAINS was fucked from the start. Remember how the initial announcement was made only weeks before Arc-V ended and the plot was supposed to be about a guy who dislikes standing out taking a step forward and "try". Maybe the next series will be better now that they had 3 years to recover.
I hope the new protag is cute!
unlike Yuya
Is Yugioh worth watching if I don't care about the actual card game?
But he's the cutest Yugioh protag next to Yuma
You can treat it like a Monster Summoning anime I guess. Its pretty decent still, the anime changes rules all the time anyway.
I didn't even realize vrains ended.
I was thinking of getting into yugioh again, are links as retarded as they seem?
Would not be surprised if the next main "Yu" is female.
just try the game out in Ygopro percy
You would think the game going to shit would have killed the popurality of the anime.
but the game is at the most popular it has ever been and duel links is extremely successful.
Definitely recommend 5Ds.
>It's been irredeemable garbage for two series therefore it means it will be good now!
you shounenkiddies are pathetic
I feel like if we count digital magic is probably bigger now.
>the game going to shit
In what way?
yugioh sells more than magic in asia and pokemon sells more that magic in europe for whatever reason. i'd look up the source but its probably outdated by now.
It works the other way around
The anime is what keeps the game popular despite it being by far the worst card game, even with the heavy damage planeswalkers did to the quality of mtg.
If only the anime was anything like the card game. Yu-Gi-Oh anime has always been trash with ridiculous plotlines to sell cards to dumb Jap kids, instead of being about the actual game.
>Yu-Gi-Oh is on like it's 15th season meanwhile that moderately successful manga you like was canceled after having 1 season adapted
why live
There are people still hype for new DBS
What do you think?
character model sheets showed that yusaku's design was finalized only 2 months before the first episode aired. for reference, each yugioh episode takes 2 to 2 1/2 months to make in the production cycle
the newest manga is about the card game.
Well the anime isn't self sustaining. It's like how a car company would pay for a car advertisement on tv, and their money comes from selling the merchandise
the deck he used in elementary school isn't viable now, not that it was viable back then.
Yugioh peaked at Synchros
>he actually believe this
How is it in "So bad it's entertaining" terms? Cause that's how I got through dub YGO and GX.
I'd say caring about the actual card game can hinder your enjoyment in some instances
TCGfags, what's the new gimmick? Deck masters? Since the anime is scheduled for 2020, it's bound to come up soon.
>pokemon sells more that magic in europe
No fucking way. The pokemon card game?
the pokemon card game is extremely popular
5DS sub is pretty good from episodes 1-64 Even the dub is kinda watchable afterwards due to some IRL drama involving sex cults they had to rewrite the plot of the second half to try and avoid backlash or something like that. It's also the reason why the occult elements are gone from zexal onwards
Peak solitaire Yugioh was when Zoodiacs came out. OTKs and 2TKs up the ass and late game didn't exist.
Links killed the speed until everyone and their grandma and their dog god link support then suddenly the game is fast again. But it's not "vomit over 9000 synchros/xyz" anymore so it's dead to me.
I hope the new gimmick undoes what links did and comes out with yet another monster type.
Arc-V just gets genuinely bad later on and not in an entertaining way. The "final boss" is every supporting character jobbing to him in teams of two until he gets asspulled to death.
something the world was in the dire need for
That's gonna be a nope from me. Anime has been taking a nosedive after OG ygo finished. I'm talking U.S. wise.
Ygo stays strong because of the OCG/TCG. It's definitely not the Anime.
Is this new series actually going to revolve around YUGI? If not, then it's guaranteed garbage, just like all the rest. I don't care if the original manga ended and it's all OC fan fiction. I'd take that over yet another spinoff show any day.
Zexal was actually good. Arc-V went to shit. Vrains is somewhere in the middle but it is very boring. It's probably the typical example of "children's card game anime" there ever has been in the franchise when the other series had something more to them
Arc-V turns into a complete shitshow as it goes on. It hurts more than usual because the first third of the series has some of the best writing in the entire franchise but it goes up in smoke hard
Pokemon and beyblade and sometimes some literally who kids anime I have to watch raw because nobody cares about it.
Calling Vrains the typical example of "children's card game anime" is giving it way too much credit. There's not a wacky and zany cast of characters you follow while they do episodic, slice of life shit like early GX and Zexal. It's below average in everything it does
This. Vrains is boring as fuck. Zexal was dogshit in the first 50 episodes so I'd say it's still worse than vrains, and arc-v is top tier as a whole despite being rushed.
>and arc-v is top tier as a whole despite being rushed
1st and 2nd season of 5ds.
Skip zexal.
Arc-V was good.
Skip vrains.
Never watch dubs.
Season 0/Manga Volumes 1-7
>yugioh card games are at its all time high
Maybe Konami will put actual effort into anime this time r-right bros?
How about re-releasing Season 0 on Blu-ray?
That's all I care about.
Compared to others, yes.
>skipping the most fun one
>tfw german and really like the dub of YGO and GX
Just a shame we got the 4kids treatment as well
>the most cheater of all YGO MCs getting another anime
nah fuck off
let me have 5Ds 2
People still care about the games.
5Ds is hype as fuck, watch it fag
Imagine caring about Moe in 2019
What else, you still watch Slice of Life too?
Grow up already
That shit is overrated. Zexal is the one greatest serie in the franchise.
I'd compare it to more like pulling out fingernails because almost none of the characters introduced after episode 50 are entertaining in that 'so bad it's good' way. In fact they tend to be unlikable and grating, or unlikable and snooze inducing, more often than not
Imagine voluntarily limiting what you watch because of meme opinions
nah, this thing has been and always will be on autopilot. If not a single soul tuned in for ygo7 I'm not even sure NAS would notice
Millennial detected
Yusei is a boring gary stu and the only good character in 5Ds was Kiryu.
Am I the only one who really likes ALL of the series equally? This franchise is pure gold. The fan base is kinda toxic, though. Like, everyone choose their favourite one and will viciously attack the rest. That's why I avoid their threads .
I remember so much hype for vrains just by aoi's design alone.
Oh well the link summoning mechanic was better than pendulum shit at least.
each series is so different I have to assume dishonesty with that claim
So what will be the new powercreep summoning mechanic?
I bet on Rituals like monsters but they are in the extra deck and don't need any ritual spell
>Links better than anything
Forced gatekeeping for all the previous summoning methods is ridiculous
Was planning on catching up with everything that came after 5Ds but I just kind of stopped. Will probably just watch this new one with Yea Forums and one day return to the previous ones. /blog
That being said is there anything I need to know except for how they had their way with the game mechanic?
nah, DM, GX and 5D's was dope as fuck. Zexal was boring and was a massive disappointment, Arc-V is great except its later half and V-rains is mediocre.
>acting like they would ever stop making yugioh
what are you, retarded
tbqh they could probably keep to links for another 3 years and be fine
maybe there will only be rule changes
There'll probably be some short tutorial segment in the new series if there's any new stuff to know about the game
>Arc-V is great
Look at this shit taste.
Is this the single childhood franchise that isn't burning or has faded into obscurity? (Pokemon and Digimon respectively).
is this his new "eye" in his forehead? very 2.0
So whats next after link summons?
Dragon Ball?
well definitely the game (card + mobile game) side has been doing pretty well
New Evangelion movie (and the anime on Netflix), Fruits Basket remake, FF 7 remake, new Lupin movie in December, now this. It's like I'm still living in my teen years.
>Ah, my son, who's that cute girl?
>D-dad, it's my childhood friend!
>I see.. Would you mind if I showed you a certain magic trick?
Why does this series has so many fujos, it's a fucking card game
People complained about Zexal era Yu-Gi-Oh being solitaire but Vrains takes it to a whole new fucking level with Link summoning.
Alright sounds good. Looking forward to whatever this is going to be.
>zoodiacs peak solitaire
Did you forget about fucking Infernities?
How could you powercreep links anyway?
Have monsters which are already summoned when the duel starts?
God the horror won't end will it? I fully gave up on YGO after 5Ds. The Dark Signer arc was the last decent thing.
Good times.
Who fucking knows at this point.
It must fucking suck being an actual player who started with the originals and watch the game become more on an unbalanced and overly complicated mess
Yes, zexal is so boring that everyone with a functioning brain dropped it after s1. It's the worst ygo. I literally don't give a fuck about what happens later and don't know who this vector is. Zexaltards keep saying it gets better but no matter how """good""" it gets, s1 is shit enough to warrant a complete show drop since all episodes, except the first few, are a must skip.
This. First 2 seasons of 5Ds haven't been topped yet.
fujos flock to shounen like moths because by its nature shounen will have a lot of male characters shouting passionate things at each other
Lots of people still enjoy it, including me. Go back to your naruto threads if you dislike it so much.
it sucks ass.
I'm sorry user but not even vector could save that shit show.
Large cast of bisho boys and no relevant girls to get in the way.
Not him but Zexal was gold from episode one. Only the edgy teens think it is bad. Whereas 5ds early first season sucks.
Watch the first 2 seasons and the very end. The writing is terrific (For Yugioh) in the first major arc and the duels are badass on motorcycles. Yusei has the personality of a piece of wood but he is Yugioh jesus and his syncho summoning will win your heart.
Quickly read through a summary of Zexal 1 and watch all of Zexal 2. Zexal 2 is tons of fun and has the "big boy" duels (High stakes, actual matchups, great boss monsters, high attack powers, crazy scenarios) that most fans crave. Yuma solos everyone and the supporting cast are merely cheerleaders. Tolerate Yuma for the kid he is though, as he gets annoying.
>Arc V
Watch the first season and the last episode. It is garbage with great potential and you'll be so angry and disappointed when it slowly lets you down after taking your time. Read what happens to Yuzu in the manga for major mind fuckage
Is a complete waste of time. Just look over the designs of the characters and maybe youtube the major duels (They aren't even good). Yusaku is an awful character and is utterly boring to watch.
but it didnt fade into obscurity
>please be female protag
>please be qt female protag
Let's not get ahead of ourselves shall we, Xyz as a mechanic is great but the show is irredeemable. I'd rather take Arc-V or even V-rains rather than to touch Zexal/Zexal II.
We haven't had good female designs since 5Ds
I can't even name a shounen that managed to hit it off well with a female MC at front and center outside of slayers and that one .hack ova. Anime of other genres outside of shounen? Then I could name many.
It's just you being a tastelet.
>edgy faggot
A man of taste.
Compared to the others Arc-V dips further down in terms of quality.
It only goes downhill from gx
>Yusaku is an awful character and is utterly boring to watch.
>Yusei is so amazing11!11!
They are equally Gary stu but at least Yusaku has a reason to back up his behavior. You complete bias is showing.
Soul Eater? Promised Neverland? Granted, Yu-gi-oh has a successful business model selling cards to what I assume are overwhelmingly boys and men. No way they are fucking that up even if the anime sucks.
I actually really enjoy VRAINS and watch it every week. I'm not sure why people say it's boring or a complete waste of time. I'm pretty interested in it and find all of its concepts to be refreshing ground.
People weren't joking when they said 5ds was overrated, holy shit.
Soul eater was popular, but maka herself was unremarkable overall and useless without soul. She wasn't an active detractor I guess.
Never read Promised Neverland but from threads it seems like people like the MC so I can believe it can be counted among the other rare occurrences like slayers.
Considering the track record Yugioh anime has, it's just better to not throw them anything that might be too challenging like a female mc
>history, am I right?
>school, with some edge later on
No idea where zexel went since I was bored quite early other than the guy literally cheated in the last duel making a new card in thin air.
Why should I care now? The actual card game has gone hard down the shitter with these "50 cards in 1 turn to fill your board and one shot you" discard/resummon/rediscard dragon deck.
>Why should I care now?
no one's saying you should, the hide thread button is one click away
what YGO media is enjoyable?
I miss the comfy times of the first 100 episodes of Arc-V.
Old vidya and the animes are always great if you are not following it week by week. The mangas are fun too but it requires more knowledge of the game.
the DM manga would be the first on the list
>Episode 34's high octane action
Brilliant time to be on Yea Forums
The new series better bring pendulums back.
MR5 when?
they will. with a one-off gag character who appears in 1 episode
Pendulums are tied to the arcV story. How will they bring them back without referencing it?
I can believe that. The card game was never particularly good but the gimmicks are getting super retarded.
uh they don't have to reference anything? it's just another mechanic in the end that theoretically any character can use in the anime if their deck is built around it.
whether or not the anime ever wants to acknowledge pendulums ever again is another thing
All of it.
>Implying anyone can touch Yuma's card changing/generation ability
His bias is probably because 5Ds world and plot are at least interesting, which makes the mc flaws less noticeable.
Yeah, his name is Yuya Sakaki
Yugioh is the only series I watched as a kid that I still respect.
Or, nostlagia goggles.
An announcement to announcement video with no mention of date.
I hate when they do that.
It is still way too early to do that
>for 5Ds
Only if he's underage.
Kill the extra monster Zone, please.
Un-nerf Pendulums.
Yu Gi Oh
on airplanes
>Un-nerf Pendulums.
No, pendulum is garbage.
Only Season 0 was dope.
The rest was trash for children.
Tell me the reason why different season is trash?
>First 2 seasons of 5Ds haven't been topped yet
Wild West arc >>>> those 2 turds
It was the only good part of 5Ds
Fuck you, Scout is back at 3.
With the extra monster zone dead, they'll be a great tier 2 deck.
Zexal was fine once the second half started
Arc-V went to shit because it failed to deliver on its attempts to be ambitious and instead chose to burst into flames. Vrains never had any fucking ambition.
>wild west garbage
Nobody gives a fuck about cowboys
Season 0/Manga Volumes 1-7
Don't bother with the rest, it's kiddie trash
>Twitter screencap thread
They're glorified commercials to get stupid kids to spend money on the gay-ass card game.
Kiryu was the only good character in 5Ds.
Artist name?
ARC-V is the best YGO because it had Shun.
It's also the worst because of what they did to Shun.
I'd rather have EGAO than fucking shun. chuuni edgelord is emabrassing and worst part of ARC-V.
Why haven't they done a full old fantasy yugioh or heavens forbid isekai? It is always modern garbage
using buzzword does not mean its your reason
tell it again, this time with actually reason
>once the second half
dumb meme. Zexal I was just as amazing.
>'member playing YGO back in school in like 2006-7 and before that
>decide to check what the game's like now
>literally no idea what the fuck's going on
Try Duel Link
we still on Synchro level