Such a nasty woman.
ITT: Worst characters of the year
I hate this faggot so fucking much.
I haven't disliked a girl like this in a long time.
it is not her fault if she's a chaos goddess
that said, she's one of the most enigmatic characters of the manga
Best character on the show. The show is irredeemable garbage without her.
How fucking dare you!
She's a truly horrible person. Fuck off waifutards.
T. Anime only.
>Calling Miyuki's mother a nasty woman.
Terrible post.
Literally a daughter of Slaneesh
The chaos god of lewdness
Lmao, has Fuji even been in the Kaguya manga in 3 months?
The way she treats Ishigami is honestly repulsive. How can anyone like her?
Why does she have a one piece tan line if she's a mermaid literally wtf
Could be from a tank top, I guess
Finish your HS and you can talk to me
Ignore everyone who says otherwise. The show was a mess without her.
The funniest and most fuckable character on the show makes her naturally the best
OP is correct.
Fujiwara is a cheater in the blood
She descends from politicians
Particularly one politician known for his extra-marital affairs and support of communism
Fuji makes Kaguya seem like a good person
I like Chika because she taught me how to properly eat ramen
ariel is blaq
Liking Gayno means you have redditcancer taste.
his actual mother is a nasty skank though
Such a sweetheart.
This memegirl brought over so many tourists from plebbit. Now they're here to stay in their general for their memeshow.
I'd do the nasty with that woman.
>the guy that animated this could be dead now
based on what?
I hate her types the most, the extremely socially adept. You have to watch out for those in real life.
What's her personality like? Why is she 'nasty'?
True but still cute
on how retarded you are
She is extremely abusive towards Ishigami. To the point where it makes her genuinely evil.
Her seiyuu is pretty fucking based though. She makes the main character in Machikado Mazoku sound so damned adorable! Mina from Takagi-san as well! Her laughing about her friends bangs was too freaking cute.
Ishigami barely even cares, he just bullies her back.
You just can't handle the banter.
Nope, with her it borders of psychopathic bullying actually. "banter" is just an excuse waifufags use to make her seem less of a disgusting person. She's horrendous.
Ishigami is the psychopath. Why is he so quiet all the time? Weirdo. Look at those blank fish eyes.
Nah she's great
Nope, she's the actual evil one. Not even in the meme sense, she is actually disgusting.
user... it's fine, you're safe now.
Would you mind showing the jury where the defendant touched you?
Concession accepted.
she isn't even worst girl in that series
miko is way worse
she's Tzeentch incarnate
The victim is visibly shaken, but you can clearly imagine from the only two words that he managed to mutter ( ) the horrifing cruelty he had to experience: the defendant initiated the fight with this poor young man and forced into submision, further humiliating and emasculating him by making him "accept his defeat" before following with the traumatizing act.
I'll present further proof: it should be noted that while the male muscle points average is 60, the defandant has a power of 54MP. However!
Despite this value being smaller than the male average, it still surpasses in magnitude a statistically significant portion of male population's values.
You'll see that the victim falls into this latter category.
Now of course let me clarify: in NO WAY this is to be considered "shameful" or "unmanly", despite the wicked abusing words huttered by the defendant. She is simply a very strong woman, and the victim is simply a completely natural statistic occurrence: it would be an oxymoron and complete nonsense to expect every man to reach the average masculine power, because in that case that clearly wouldn't be the average anymore... would it?
The victim's living environment just doesn't create the necessity nor the conditions to develop non-low MP, as the entirety of his day is forcefully taken by his hard, ungrateful job of elaborating and voicing strong opinions on bidimensional girls on shadow-puppetry of interpretative dances' vietnamite forums.
I plead the capital sentence on the defendant for so cruelly taking advantage of someone so much unfairily weaker and challenged than her and for making him live through such unspeakable horrors, traumatizing him for life.
I rest my case.
Why are Kaguya fans so autistic?
why would someone watch a romcom anime with a mostly female cast if they don't like waifus?
I disagree. With her randomness she's clearly a greater daemon of Tzeentch
Do you really want the truth?
It's mostly me: I'm behind most of the high-effort autism.
It's all my fault.
because it's an anime/manga