Okaa-san Online

Is it wrong to love your mom as a woman?

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Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.es/books?id=b8J0AgAAQBAJ&pg=PA208&dq="I don't want you to get into trouble with a girl. Have sex with me instead."&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiHgZb6q8bjAhVqD2MBHbfIDDsQ6AEILDAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

Wise a shit. A SHIT.

Wise a best. Mom a shit.

induring THK

My dick doesn't care, it gets hard for both of them.


since they are in a virtual world, its not real if they have sex.

It's the lowest form of incest. Even Japan don't seem fond of it. Imouto incest is peak.

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No one asked you, motherfucker

I wish

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I rather a Wise.

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I love these threads because of how many people expect there to be incest. I wonder how far the anime will adapt.

They were sent with their physical bodies from what I understood.

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Ironically while this one is baiting people with MILFcest.
The father daughter show is baiting people with wholesome child rearing instead.

notLina is best girl.

That's one thing secondaries are good for: a lark when the ending comes.

I wanna hug her.

I mean, can you blame them? The incest bait fanservice is everywhere in the show.

>Comparing based Dragon Spooker to Wise

I mean if my mom looked like THAT...

Mamako is Gourry

I take what I can get until a new season of Slayers comes out.

How else do you love your mother?

THK sperging was a mistake.

I want to marry Pochi!

mamako > porter = shirase > wise

Momxson is the only sex where you can fuck the hole you came out of

2 seconds of Lina doesn't seem like enough for a Slayer's satisfaction

Wisetard samefagging was a mistake

TEAM Wise report in.

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>not first post
Nice samefag.

a shit


She has the potential to be tsundere of the season. I can feel it.

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How can momshit compete?

By not being a generic tsundere piece of shit

Obviously. That's why Wise is just surrogate for Lina until then.

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By being a likeable character with a way better body

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I like her because it's a different design from what Pochi usually does.

>likeable character with a way better body
Let's not kid ourselves.

She can't

Return to mamakoposting or we post Lina and her friends

Sure, pick your Mamako

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Based JC Staff saving anime

From now on I am a JC Staff fan

Can't you just make your own thread? I don't even care if you like or hate her, just let us have our comfy mamako thread

It's useless, threads like the ones in the first week will never happen again


Is Porta allowed tho?

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Porta > Wise > Old hag

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The harem apart from mom is nice so far. I don't know why LNfags were bitching about them.

Gotta agree with this

I'm bitching because it shouldn't be a harem


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Mamakofags are the anti-comfy. They brought the war and shitpost onto themselves.

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Im not even surprised if wise liker and hater turns out to be the same person, its like they desperate for attention

It wouldn't exist if it wasn't a harem.

Like or not the only reason you even get your incest isekai is because of Porter and Wise being there to keep people watching.

>ara ara ara ara ara ara

portable onahole

This show wouldn't be able to function if it wasn't harem. Do you seriously expect actual and real mom-con romance or something?

t.Sigmund Freud

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>because of Porter and Wise being there to keep people watching
I seriously doubt most people are watching this for them.

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Prove him wrong

Can elves join too?

I am.

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Easily best girl and a loli so that makes her special. She's allowed anywhere.

Yep, Porta is IMAGINE tier. Can't wait for the douijins.

I want a show about a mom and a son getting along, and that will be disturbed by some generic girls.

This. Don't start a fire if you can't handle the heat burning you too like a certain train maniac who burned down a building, people, and himself.

Who the fuck is Hahako and why does she want Ma-kun for herself? Spoilers please?

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Maybe, maybe not. But I, for one, an watching mainly for Wise.

Nice slut handlebars.

Her personality is a bit too cartoonishly tsundere, but her taste in clothes is top tier. 9/10 would have an adventure and a lot of children with.

This is why I hate you animeonly niggers. Every thread of the manga died because nobody cared about it, now that stuff is finally getting attention, you would rather have the same 5 webms posted every thread instead of appreciating the different designs Pochi puts out.
Hell I'm pretty sure translations got dropped for the manga got dropped.

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That woman is like no mom ever. It's disturbing enough as it is.

The manga doesn't have Pochi, and a thread dying is better than a thread with nothing but shitposting.

>Wise is a pathetic violent bitch
>Porta is an annoying Loli
>Mamako is dumber than Goku with alzheimer
Enter Gourry

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>An OVA episode will be bundled with the series' sixth Blu-ray volume on March 25, 2020
>Shirase is Satomi Arai
>Wise is Sayumi Suzushiro
my dick is gonna explode

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>That woman is like no mom ever
Obviously, have you ever seen a mother in her 40s with a body like this?

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Mamako Alter?

But Gourry loves Lina who is extreme on the destructive, violent, and borderline psychopath spectrum.

We can post Hei and his collarbones ?

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but it feels so right


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God I wish I were him.

You know upon reflection the Mamako lovers are right.

They NEVER get an anime where the Mom is a main character. Maybe we should give this one to them and let them enjoy it.

I don't understand how anyone can like Wise

>red head
>small breasts
Picked up.

If they want a hugbox, they can just go to reddit.

She's also a tsundere.

Even better.

Nobody is stopping Mamakofags from enjoying their girl. But some Mamakofags are trying to stop people from enjoying other girls like Wise. That's the problem here.

>tsundere of the season
So trash of the season?
Why would anyone be excited for that?

Wise = Lina
Porta = Amelia
Medhi = Zelgadis
Mamako = Gourry

Can we be sure it's not a false flag? Back in the day we used to start tons of shit in the first few weeks of every new harem show. After that it was virtually guaranteed that every thread thereafter would be shitflinging.

>tsundere of the season
not even close

ha ha ha

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I want to fuck Gourry

Who is then?

>tfw it's an actual crossover with Slayers

>generic tsundere is the main heroine
and this is why LN are thrash

Mamako is the main heroine
Wise is the love interest

DMPC need not apply

main heroine is porter are you high

That depends on the mom. I certainly would love his mom as a woman.

Maa Kun


That makes little sense, especially with a notorious anti-tsun autist in the mix.

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I would gladly have sex with Mamako

why does this slut keep showing her panties?

It's just an avatar. No reason to be embarrassed.

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I really wasn't expecting ep.2 to be like this. I guess isekai can work if it's not taking itself seriously.

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big if true

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Imoutos BTFO

imagine having shit taste like this faggot i would use my tonge as wise chans toilet paper

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The harsh truth of it all. No one here would ever actually fuck their mom. They just meme it because the female in question is hot and just happens to be someone's mom.

Is this fucking why that /ss/ is so prevalent while /ll/ is so shafted? Holy shit japan's shit taste is so ingrained that it's a croissant

why is wise chan the only one getting upskirts?

she's the only slut

The other girls are shit

It's episode 2. Give it another episode, we'll get more.

I assure you, this shit is way less fun than it sounds when it's done to you. Especially if your mother has BPD

nah the mother is a bigger slut

mamako is virgin
wise has sex with old men for money

Doesn't matter, we're here

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>Mamako licking Hei's collarbones

>mamako is virgin

Hullo, hwat?

Wise reminds me of Wagner

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Why do I look for a woman to mother me when I have really neutral relation with my mother (as I was pretty hostile to her when I was young and then indifferent (as in I share nothing with her)).

To fill the hole? Iunno.

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Imagine liking a character whose only character trait is that she's a big meanie to the MC (you)

Why are tsunderefags/wisefags so fucking weird

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Reminder that your mom is old. You have to choose a young wife so she could be beautiful and cute for much longer.

Because psychology is already mostly a pseudo-science anyway even in professional circles, and the stuff that trickles through to the public sphere is distilled pseudo-science.

or you can let your mom choose a loli wife for you

Does the son ever do anything?

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So I heard about this Mamako girl

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So, only the moms love Masato right?

I want to snuggle in between Mamako's mamaries

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>recruiting 12 years old to marry your son
Isn't that a crime?

Not in Japan.

isn't that how they do it in some 3rd world countries

>Japan doesn't have more actual incest than other countries
>but "emotional incest" is rampant
What a load of bullshit.

Porta is so cute. I need a doujin where Mommy helps her son and Porta to make out, including detailed sexual application with practice involving all 3.

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Looks like a shitty photoshop, but is a real thing.

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>when porta calls mamako, ms mama
porta a cute

Lina is cute, CUTE

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Lolis grooming their future husbands is a serious issue. Please report them.

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Any idea why porta is free to chill around without her mom? I understand wise's mom is pretty much an asshole, so they break off early in the game.

Marry a 12 year old or fuck your mom?

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I know one of you fuckers read the manga / novels full on spoil me I've been waiting for these threads so I can use it to catch up

Porta is not so pure.

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How is this even a choice

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What if Mamako is a vessel for Lord of Nightmare itself ?

in this anime's context, both, irl first choice

I want to make mamako into a single mother! Again

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All I know is threads like this are proving him right.

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marry mom keep 12 year old daughter

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I want to give her piggyback rides

Porta is pure and will be a perfect future okasan
Wise is a broken home manipulative bitch and soon to be crack addicted whore

Yes, as long as mother was looking like this before and she kept actually taking care of her body (exercising a lot, etc.), with a right genetics she can look as if she wasn't mum ever.

Here you go fags.It has a bit more stuff than the image posted before.

Not into mother-son incest so the loli.

freud wasn't wrong though.
i remember telling my mum i wanted to marry her when i was 4-5 and hating my father because he was already married to my mum.
that's all exactly as freud said down to the age range

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I remember being close with my sister and getting caught in awkward positions and situations with her that put my parents on edge.

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Wise wasn't even up as choice. Only shitposters want her.
Although the shimapan fanservice was good.

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Sex with Wise would be the best though.

What is this nonsense about them not being blood related?

wait is porta even wearing anything under that cloak?

Sports bra please

This should be investigated.

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Love this dumb tanuki thing, gonzo doing more gonzo when?

calm your tits, you sound like you're about to burn down a production studio or something

Wonderful legs, though.

Wait are those tits on the sphinx?

>Comparing Wise with Lina
So time use my flathrower now!

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Why not marry your mom and fuck the 12-year-old?

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>not having sphinx statues in your city
They do normally have tits senpai.

I don't think I ever had thoughts like that about my mom despite having mommy issues.

>ctrl+f webm POV of Wise stepping on us
>0 result

Mom a best
Wise a fun
Porter a shit

I wouldn't know bro, I don't fap to sphinxes.

Porter a IMAGINE

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how old is porter actually

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Based Darsch don't fuck my mom pls

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You are a good man. May your waifu be real and yours someday.

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You now realise Mamako actually has the personality of a babushka.

Does Mamako do anything with her feet?

Well, she seems to want grandchildren.

Kayano Ai doesn't make this show any easier for me, fuck

For me, it's Shirase.

t. Shirase

Laying in bed talking to each other and your dad coming in to complain that you are laughing too loud, then him thinking you were kissing because of the orientation of the bed, is very awkward user.

sounds cute and comfy desu

Thank you for informing us

they'd be her kids and grandkids

I want Mamako's feet in my mouth

Ahh user-kun, you can't, you are my son. No matter how much you love me..... user-kun, I'm wet, mommy is so wet, mommy is wearing a thong today. user-kun what is this sticky white... Th-there is too much. It keeps coming out! It won't stop! No user-kun, NOOOOOOO!!! Mo-mommy is covered in user-kun's slime. This is not good. user-kun, you must get off. No. user-kun please, this sort of love is forbidden. Oh nonononononono user-kun, what are you doing? Don't put that in there! If you do I'll... AHHHHHNNNNN ANOOOOON-KUUUUUUN

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Pretty comfy. Bedtime jokes and talking until you get sleepy enough to fall asleep is nice. Going through puberty made it a little uncomfortable to share a bed though but being poor you learn to deal with it.

Can someone just tell me what other lewd shit happens with Mamako in the novels?

I just want to say that I love pochi's art and I have probably wasted a liter of semen on his artwork

Daily reminder:
Chad Yuu-kun
>has compelling backstory
>has been dealing with evil horrors THINGS for years
>has horror movies' survivors tier nerves of steel
>fucks Shub Niggurath on a daily basic
>loves his family(blood-related or not)
>has insane high SAN stat, probably some Old Man Henderson badass in the future
>looks good in female clothes
>created from Pochi's wet dream

Virgin Ma-kun
>a literal virgin
>acts like a sack of shit to his mom
>bland personality
>Low stat as hell
>LN's author self-insert

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>not self inserting as the mom and getting fucked by adventurer dick every night

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user, that's gay.

Who's Yuu?

Mamako's Mamakos

Attached: [Erai-raws] Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 02 [1080p (1920x1080, 202K)

Who in the hell self inserts just to get screwed by the self insert?

Yes you despicable ill freak. This shit is what porn has done to your feeble easily influenced developing teen brain. Go on, record yourself going to your mother saying you want to fuck her and upload it, or just fuck off with your generic larp fetish faggotry thread. I'm so tired of you underage hormonal ill faggots drowning every board with your fetish faggotry devoid of discussion besides fantasies and exact how hard your microdicks are

it turns out theyre the only actual humans in the world. everyone are just elves that look human.

it is their duty to reproduce and establish the human race.

you sound upset


Just got around this anime somehow. Despite the upfront mother lewding it gave me an urge to hug my mom non-sexually. Anyway, the loli is 10/10. The red-head annoys me sometimes but isn't worst like Ginko

>incest with mom
You guys are pathetic

Just me and my mommy, hanging out I got pretty hungry so I started to pout She asked if I was down for something yummy and I asked what and she said she'd give me her milkies! Yeah! Yeah! I drink them! I slurp them! I swallow them whole It makes mommy happy that her breasts are sore... More mommy! More!! 1 milkies, 2 milkies, 3 milkies, 4 I'm mommy's little baby and she's my candy store! She is so squishy!She makes me feel good! She fills me up like a mommy should!

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earth rules dont apply

are you a poet?

Just get rid of the MC and let it be an anime with more fanservice of mom and other girls.

Future Persona protag

have you heard of freud?

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That's hot.

repressed trannies

so are there uncensored versions of these episodes are all of them come pre-censored by the studio?

BDs aren't even uncensored anymore.

same for me, I want a motherly and affectionate gf but my relationship with my mom is pretty normal

Be sure to reply to pochi mommy

>wise appears
>hate her
>enter slimes
>voice sounds awfully familiar
>she's pankeki
now i'm conflicted best and worst girls share the same voice

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Wise is best though, so there is no conflict.

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Is there no incest? it is literally the only reason I am watching

Just wait until you see Wise's mum.

Literally a sex demon.

>they cut the thong ladder scene

It's kinda rare to say this but the show's moving far faster than it should be. Are they aiming to do 4 volumes in a single cour?

>thong ladder scene
I'm pissed that they would cut something that sounds this good

Hell no nigga the last time someone used that formula they got their studio burned down :^)

Also wasnt there a line about "At least turn off the lights", it wouldve been great to have there

It doesn't show anything it's just funny and there's a call back to it in the slime scene. It basically goes like this:

>"ok I'll go down the ladder first"
>"eh? But then if you look up you'll see mommy's thong!"
>"Why would I look up? Fine, you'll go first"
>"Eh? But mommy bought that thong especially for this trip...."
>Wise: "hang on, there's no issue with you seeing my panties?"

Wise isn't wise

I hope it isn't a sign that they're cutting the more direct innuendo in their exchanges.

She wants Mamako to adopt her, so she is indeed wise.

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However Mamako is probably the most apt name possible

The last time we had an anime character with Wise on his name before this, pic related killed him easily

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Mamako trying to pamper Amelia would be pretty cute

Post her mom.

Is this a joke, I've been out of the game since 2016.

Because only those with neutral relation with their mothers would look for a woman to mother and fuck. Those with bad relationship with their mothers won't develop a mother fetish, and those who fuck their mothers don't need to look for another mother figure outside

it's an asian thing, they basically don't age at all until they hit 60, then they metamorph over night the second their clock hits over 60.

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Nips don't go around bragging about having incestuous sex like the w*st do

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because like me youre a manchild and you know it.

im a typical asian salaryman. outside my home all i do is business. recently ive gotten to a point at work where i sit down at my desk, start typing, not talk to a single other human being in my office and quietly go home.

and when im home im an absolute slob.i toss my clothes and i never clean my room as dr lobster peterson always demands. i just eat whatevers there. which mostly means instant and canned food. i yearn to be with someone that can be the responsible one in the relationship

it's completely normal to kiss your daughter on the lips, only a retard would look at it like something degenerate

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do we even know how old okaa-san is? i mean obviously the guy is a teenager, probably 15 or 16, but the mom I would think is likely mid to late 30s, if she's in her 40s it's like 40-42 at most.

Early 20s

It's her granddaughter and I don't even know where the fuck do you live for that to be normal

anywhere that is not a puritan shithole
same goes for mothers/grandmas kissing their sons/grandsons

I can't imagine anyone outclassing Mamako

its fine if you love her, but just make sure she doesnt get pregnant, because thats wrong

>yurifag saying anyone else has shit taste

On the left, I'm sure there's better pochi art of her around.

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Me too, Goury.


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That's what Mamako's anal virginity is for

Are you fucking retarded you secondary scum? that's not even her mother, is one of the girls introduced after vol 3 you nigger.

Kazuno, wise's mother is this one.

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Just woke up from a dream of my mother fucking me.
Shit was cash.

I like Shirase.

I'd likely feel awkward as hell watching this show given my history with mothers. They do look attractive though m.

My mom got up early to make me breakfast and said it sucks that I have to work on sunday.

but thats where poop comes from

Parent-child incest is the worst kind.

Oh and if there is a grandparent-grandchild pervert anime, LN, or manga that gets released; send in an arsonist.

More like ugly young and ugly forever. It is like a petrified turd. It may not look like it is aging but it looks ugly.

Plastic surgery is also a reason to help Mongoloids look better. Stick with Europid.

What happened to her legs in the middle one?

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>loli mamako


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Ma-kun is far from being a shota though

No, if my mom were as hot as that with that ara ara personality I would too.
Look at that beautiful abdomen, natural childbirth.

The mothers get into a psychological condition where they're aware that sexual urges can stop their children from studying and feel that they are the best option for countering the craving.

Some mothers will do anything to make sure their junior high school sons pass the all determining entrance exams.

They want to get their boys into a good school and then go on to a top company. That's why the women will do absolutely anything to combat something that interferes with their boys studies.

However the truth is much deeper ingrained into the society.

Studies show that almost 80% of Japanese men report they have had some form of sexual contact with their mothers with most of the sexual contact between mother and son beginning at a very early age.

A boys childhood in contemporary Japan, although somewhat more Western than that of other Eastern nations, still includes masturbation by mothers "to put them to sleep." Parents often have intercourse with their children in the same bed with them, and "co-sleeping," with mothers physically embracing the child, routinely continues until the boy is ten or fifteen. One recent Japanese study found sons sleeping with their mothers over 20 percent of the time after age 16. A recent sex survey reported "hot lines" of sexual abuse saying that mother-son incest in almost a third of the calls, the mother saying to her teenage son, "It's not good to do it alone. Your IQ becomes lower. I will help you, " or "You cannot study if you cannot have sex. You may use my body," or "I don't want you to get into trouble with a girl. Have sex with me instead."

Source: books.google.es/books?id=b8J0AgAAQBAJ&pg=PA208&dq="I don't want you to get into trouble with a girl. Have sex with me instead."&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiHgZb6q8bjAhVqD2MBHbfIDDsQ6AEILDAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

Kazuno, Medhimama and Shirase actually look older, Mamako is basically a teenager.

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fucking based, Rin copycat can fuck herself in another thread

I wish

>mamako didn't pop a hot sister for her son too
fucking WASTED

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>literally means controlling mama

Love the puns in this series, guess the writer gave up with Kazuno though...

That's just a stereotype because all the old people you see now are the ones who grew up starving, that's why they are so short and look so wrinkled

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Get out frog poster! GET OUT.

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gimme your honest opinion on whats the hottest/most arousing scenario

>neighbor or friends mom
>neighbor or friends wife

Don't forget dark Mamako : Hahako

>Mother = light
>childless housewife = darkness.

> "You cannot study if you cannot have sex. You may use my body," or "I don't want you to get into trouble with a girl. Have sex with me instead."

Attached: lh.jpg (437x431, 15K)

>I don't want you to get into trouble with a girl. Have sex with me instead."
is this the only benefit of #metoo culture?

That was my first thought too.

bro...you just posted cringe bro...

Absolutely degenerate

I saw this Japanese documentary once where a strict mother got upset with her boy for failing Physical Education and decided that the best way of him passing it in the future would be for him to impregnate her.

Kinda true for America as well. I remember getting yelled at by my dad for taking showers and sleeping with my mother as a kid. It feels pretty awkward remembering it now.

What's degenerate about marrying your mother?

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It's wrong not to love your mom as a woman

Is Mamako a PS?

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their genetic relationship doesn't interest me that much as long as she's hot

It's probably the thigh high boots, cape and drills.

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>mamako organises a date night
>she's the only person not to have anyone sit down with her
>she tries to remain cheerful but starts welling up

Would you take the seat opposite her?

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My mom isn't that hot or young

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Sorry mom, mom is my new mom now.

Nah your house was just fucked.


Same. Also not that alive.

Is it only a matter of time before we get an adaptation of the Chinese LN with the guy who has a yandere elf mum and a tsundere human mum?

>elf mum gets into a hotsprings with her son, rubs her tits on his back, grabs his dick, makes it erect then shows it to his fiance so she knows what she's getting.

China manages to out-Japan Japan.

Is Porta a man pretending.to.be a little grill?

What if Mamako is the real villain all along, using her lustful body to lure countless shotas to her harem

if my mom looked like that i would never betray her

Attached: 9e2aee58862e5a9e113ab2ffcc66a757.jpg (6394x4095, 3.92M)

Please tell me more, user.

Someone needs to draw Mamako in one of thee shirts.

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I heard medhi is yandere, what kind of stuff she done to ma-kun's dick in the ln?

Friendship has ended with mom. Now Mamako is my best mom

Actually let him use it.

recommend me some good MTR bros
ill start

Mamako is adorable

Attached: Ah Count.webm (960x540, 1.17M)

id be ok with it, if my mom didnt have herpes

Possibly but that's subjective, I stopped before 10 I'm pretty sure so I wasn't doing it at an older age. My dad was trying to explain it but I kinda doubled down because of the yelling and me being a dumb kid, was a bit of a momma's boy for a bit but nothing damaging.

That's not how digital world works.

Yes, but I'd bore her to death most likely

Imagine having Chiyo-nee as your onee-chan and Mamako as your mother, literal heaven.

Attached: __chiyo_and_oosuki_mamako_tsuujou_kougeki_ga_zentai_kougeki_de_ni_kai_kougeki_no_okaasan_wa_suki_des (1068x2000, 963K)

Those should be tears of disappointment.

If you sat and listened to her talking about Ma-kun with only the occasional nod and smile she'd probably find you the best date ever

Whos more powerful Chiyo or Mamako?

Mamako is only powerful in the game world

I can do that I guess. I'd be jealous of Ma-kun though


He gonna pussy out or mamako saved him?

i don't understand this
what the fuck is she doing


>literal heaven
yeah because you will get an heart attack in your first session

worth it

She doesn't know what an account is

So she suggests counting 'ah's

I want to fuck moms, not my own mother

AOL = Alabama Online

what a dork

Give me some VNs that are revolved around Momcest.

>Understanding Japan Through the Eyes of Christian Faith Third Edition
That sure doesn't look biased

Whether or not there will be explicit incest...
>The incest bait fanservice is everywhere in the show.
It's so fucking creepy that they didn't play this as a straight comedy. I mean, the basic premise is hilarious: take your standard isekai scenario of leaving your mundane life in this world behind and going to an exciting magical world with some overwhelming advantage so you get to play the hero, but your mother tags along, ruining everything. There's plenty to work with there, without adding, "Oh, BTW, the mother is extremely sexy, looks 24 years old, and is apparently DTF with the son."

Give me the innocent comedy this could have been!

its not really. especially if you die before cumming

why is mamako acting so childish

You sure that was a documentary and not a JAV?


>in her 40s
Eh... if the son's 14-16, she could be 30-34 easily. I mean, she could be 27, though that implies a pretty fucked up history.

That abbreviation just means documentary.

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mamako what are you doing?

>A weeb
Sorry i don't post emojis on twitch all day.

Throwing that condom away.

I just want a Pochi gf.

but you shouldnt have unprotected sex with your mom!

>NES generation
She's like 35 max. Of course I have.

>ywn impregnate Wise as an already bred Mamako gently holds her during the various rounds of lovemaking
Why does this universe suck so goddamn much?

J - apanese
A - dult
V - ideo


But Mamako wants more children!

Attached: 2562675721.png (1280x720, 1.2M)

Even after how the first one turned out?


Is there even any reason to pay attention to this trash until motherfucking is confirmed?

she sounds like a sexual predator


Alright, that's pretty cute.

>mom is racist against elf
Worst mom

>elf Mamako

Attached: NO.png (1280x720, 810K)

hard to believe such a cutie could be such a racist. I was enjoying the show up until that point, but now it just feels wrong to like Mamako now

Around elves, watch yourselves.

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>sympathizing with the filthy knife-ears

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She's the kind of person who would reject suitor from different race
And its a GOOD thing

lost daughter of mamako

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My condolences

You mean best mom. If you weren’t convinced before, then putting those filthy knife-eared tree huggers in their place confirms it.


don't believe the mum
she played nes rpgs
there is noway she doesn't know about elves
she knows what she is doing completely

I'm "NES generation" and I'm over 40, plus Famicom came out years earlier in Japan. I played Atari and Intellivision too, but certainly NES was a big part of my childhood. I think you could be as old as 50 and be Famicom generation (13 years old when the Famicom came out, 17 when Dragon Quest did).

Literally "true-treatment video" or "video of genuine subject matter", these are videos depicting daily life in Japan, often using hidden cameras, which Japanese laws allow to be installed without consent almost anywhere by companies with the proper licenses for the purpose of preserving contemporary Japanese culture.

What you see in JAVs is a representative sample of life in Japan.

She will just cheat on his own son.


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Is Chiyo tall or is Mamako just short?



LN fags, how shit is Y+'s translation for the LN?

yeah it's me

Suddenly I'm remembering that video where a bunch of parents pranked their kids by making out with them. Don't look up, it's sick as hell because some of them really got into it

Post Mamakos Mamakos.

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A slime that makes her clothes disappear.

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Mamako's Mamakos look so soft

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goddammit sony

I think it's both, Japanese women are pretty short in average and Chiyo is an evil demon or something so she must be pretty tall.

>That tummy

Porta > Wise >>>>>>>>>>> mamashit

So, where's her husband? The son had to come from somewhere,right?

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>where's her husband?
Bussines trip accoring to Masato.

Why does Mamako have a thong? Do mother's wear thongs?

This mama does

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left her after he found out that she's diddling their son

name some good mom artists I can look up on sadpanda

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What's the certificate of eligibility?

Only the best mothers

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blessed mom jeans

She is, just ask her son. she just mind wipes their sexual encounters and acts all innocent and kind of dumb outside of them to keep up appearances

>Mamako and Chiyo are actually Mother and daughter
>something happened during the first stages of MMMMORPG and sent Chiyo to an alternate dimension, and became a demon in the process
>Mamako utterly heartbroken, husband/father leaves her blaming Mamako for Chiyo's death (what he thinks)
>months later
>Mamako doesn't feel good, throws up
>wondering whats happening
>finds out she's pregnant with Masato

-------Alternate timeline-------------
>Chiyo and Yuu have sex for the first time
>Chiyo funnels the semen to an alternate dimension

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i want to sucky mommys milkys

forgot pic

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>tfw not much of mamako h on pixiv and twitter
Is it over?


It's not exactly that popular

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Loli is the obvious option here.

God I hope this is the birth of more mommy anime or at least Christmas cake anime. It's such a dead genre.

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>mom walks in on you hotglueing it

Wouldn't that basically be MTR.

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Porta > Mamako >>> Wiseshit

Whats Abe's reaction to watching Okka-san Online

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mori mori a cute

"Whatever helps. A baby is a baby"

Attached: abe.jpg (623x531, 87K)

An easily manipulated tsundere? Sign me the hell UP!
Mamako still best tho. MILFs ftw

It's baited but never comes to anything

It's easier for young males to "interact" with their own mothers than with strangers.

>Lolis grooming their future husbands demonstrates clear thinking and purehearted dedication. Please praise them.


Instant regret for calling his animation studios "motherfuckers"

Please tell me this will be uncensored on the BD's. Only reason I haven't picked this up yet and haven't fapped hard to it.

I want to be reborn as a horse so she can ride on my back

>mommy anime
>a dead genre
For good reasons.

Pure lies. They're 100% BR in the LN, if the faggots in this thread would bother to read


Pochi is a woman and the model of all true onee-sans. Please never make this mistake again, user.

Attached: WTF Anon.jpg (800x450, 50K)

Ah, my seasonal dosage of bullyable twintails tsundere is here. Thank you, based Japan.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Okaa-san Online - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.47_[2019.07.21_11.05.48].jpg (1280x720, 541K)

"Maybe all of these barren perverts will start sleeping with women who are already mothers, making them baby factories who have eight children each!"

Tried to find the manga for this, got something completely different yet exactly the same.

Attached: Untitled.png (1125x1600, 739K)

>sweater puppies
>mommy armpit

Don't ask, don't tell. Just supply the babies

Thanks for letting me know this exists

Are all the LNs translated? I know japanese but I'm super slow so I rather read them in english if possible.

No, only the first two. The third should be out this month though.

The show is an appeal to Cory Chase fans.

it says "my hometown's shaved ice. this really is summer."

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I assume she had Ma-Kun at a young age.
But isn't she right on edge of her expiration date?

She's around 40.

i have some old screencap story of someone fucking their mother whithout him ever knowing it was his mother, i could spend some minutes trying to find it

They never say her actual age but I don't remember them mentioning she had Ma-kun at a young age

>But isn't she right on edge of her expiration date?
It's a sci-fi fantasy where people get pulled bodily into a video game, so I guess they just didn't bother mentioning the cure for aging.

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Is Shirase a mom too?
This is important to know

Someone in these threads said she is

She says she has a 5 years old in the manga

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>Is Shirase a mom too?
Yes. She has a daughter. 5 years old if I remember correctly.


"emotional incest"
This is ridiculous.
What about the neglecting husbands? Aren't they the biggest part in this "problem"?

Best girl

Attached: porta.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

I just Mamako as my wife

Much better than Wiseshit too.

>literally used goods
What the fuck has Yea Forums turned into?

If it was good once it's good a second time

I want to carry her on my shoulders

>some of them really got into it
Gonna need a link bro....

love mommies

Attached: 6e5287f70c137651b277f3eec7280f3c.jpg (1414x1000, 1.07M)

Delete this before I get fired!

Is this show incesty. I’ll only watch if it is

How's C96 looking for Mamako?

Really cute bush

It’s incest bait only, sadly

Attached: na.png (454x622, 313K)

It's becoming more popular

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>What about the neglecting husbands? Aren't they the biggest part in this "problem"?
The absence of the father from home life is a problem, but it's no excuse for incest.

>"emotional incest"
There's a shocking amount of the real thing, too. There's a Japanese saying, "the son is not competition for the father" meaning "it's not cheating if it's with your son", and the incest starts with playing with the infant son's penis and sometimes just never stops. Japan lacks a strong tradition of sexual morality.

it's gotten quite active once the anime started, there'll be plenty of lewds by the final episode

the more muff, the better

why is she doing this?


it's amazing that japan continues to come up with weird flavor of the month stuff for anime. First it was about if race horses were girls, and now we have a mom and son online adventure.

> have you ever seen a mother in her 40s with a body like this?
Actually yes, very close to it at 45 ish. A few more wrinkles at the eyes and blonde, but basically that.

You say that but the more Asian lineage in my family looks old at the age of 40-50 whereas the more Euro lineage looks 25 years younger even between 50-80.

They aren't who I was talking about though, problem is none of them had a boob job to get to anywhere near that size and they mostly do a bit less sports than required.

She's not doing anything in particular, just nagging at him after doing the washing.

Plot is the MC is having uncontrollable flashbacks where he experiences dating his mother through his dead father's eyes, causing him to fall in love with his mum.

Isn't really a flavour of the month, it's moderately popular LN that won an amateur writers competition to get published.

It has Pochi doing the art and had a brilliant promotional campaign:

If you brought your mother with you when buying it you got some bonus artwork.

would you fuck an user's mom?

I thought this was Mysterious Girlfriend X where they do the spit sharing thing

tell me more

Imagine all the money you could save on groceries if she was your son's wife.

>If you brought your mother with you when buying it you got some bonus artwork.
Did they make that artwork lewd?

Nope, it's his new even more cockteasing series.

The mum is a popular manga artist writing the hit series Mysterious Girlfriend Y who carries a wrench in her panties (he tries to keep it from his friends in his manga club as they're all super fans of it).

It's fairly comfy, the mum is cute and actually feels like a real mother. You just have to accept that if the MC ends up with anyone, it'll be the manga club member (and the worst manga club member at that).

well i went through about 20k images and couldn't find it, sad.

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Attached: 29.png (1114x1600, 724K)

How the fuck does something like this get on television, anyway? Are nips really so dense or do they not care?

They're just drawings dude

Ask yourself about your own country's TV, fucking retard.

only if she's hot and 2D.

I'm not taking an issue with it, I just don't understand how they pass this off to normalfags.

That's japan's attitude. "It's just drawings"

Normalfags aren't the ones watching series like this, user.

anime airs on paid channel after midnight, who's going to care?

Great, now I have even more mom shit to satisfy my stupid fetish. This seems to be a new thing.

Know any with a dominant mom while we're at it?

Mamako is too lewd.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka - 02 [720p] (1280x720, 86K)

this looks like facebook garbage

What does prevent one from fucking their mom? You mother is probably the closest female to you. Maybe the only female who's truly capable of loving you unconditionally.
Is it some physiological barrier?

Attached: 1563444686367.png (610x720, 357K)

There's that roman series where Nero's mum fucks him. Can't remember the name.

Also there's "Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!". Both the mothers are dominant

Attached: ee7bb9fe-888f-48f8-b5b4-6eafecde4c13.jpg (368x460, 101K)

This is also a thing in Hispanic families as well

Allegedly there's some biological mechanism or instinct that makes family less attracted to each other to prevent mutated offspring.

>What does prevent one from fucking
>closest female to you



I was fapping to this a few hours ago, great pic

Nothing. It's just because the gubbermint claims it's taboo and the NPCs just follow it blindly.

Funny how less than 1,000 years ago, all lineages were blood-related. People fucked their sisters/brothers to keep the bloodline "pure". Now it's taboo just because some people think it's gross, when we've been doing blood-related lineages for literally thousands of years

You're missing out the parts where such things end horribly

1,000 years ago we didn't have toilets. Just because it was fine then doesn't mean it wasn't better/good

I think it takes a generation or two for it to become actually dangerous

>1,000 years ago we didn't have toilets.
India still doesn't.

So if you and your mother were to be separated soon after your birth and reunited 15-18 years later, would you be able to feel sexual attraction towards her?


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If these moms do anything with their feet I think my dick might just explode

It's frowned upon by society for some reason

I've always wondered IF and only IF I had a hot mom I would be into her. Like ma-kuns move looks like 30s at most so if your mom had you as a teenager and was hot like could you really deny you would have sexual thoughts? Who knows, these things are probably best left forgotten.

Last for Wise a shit

Wise a best.

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Why one does that by preferring Wise.

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This show sucks

So does Mamako, if Ma-kun asks nicely.

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Mamako's favorite position is ________

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