Fanservice is ruining anime!
Fanservice is ruining anime!
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>inb4 virgin weeb tears
Aqua is a whore WHORE
Fuck you!
If she's feeling gassy, does the water she create become fizzy?
No, anime is ruining fan service
I member when that panty shot used to mean something but now that we have a million of them a day it feels like pantsu has lost its meaning
Shut up blue slut.
Now show me your butt.
Just means it's time for the nopan revolution.
Is a butt really all it takes to satisfy you?
You can't use the present participle when fanservice has existed since the 80s.
Butt it is the present fanservice that is going too far, everything mind as well be hentai at this point
Nah. If anything, everything has to be toned down now to prevent having people like you bitching in social media
shut up Aqua and show booben and vagene
Don't look at me like that!
fanservice is good as long as it stays in comedy and stays out of "serious" shows
Shut up whore
>unironically watching "serious" shows
I'm watching mostly romance comedy and sol
Aqua probably likes it in the butt desu
most of the serious parts of gintama sucked, especially the later bits
fuck off ex-gg dev
How can it be fanservice if every anime now features only girls.
Wouldn't that then come the norm and fanservice would have to come from something else?
truly mans greatest paradox
Anime IS fanservice (animated), read manga instead.
Then again, even manga is fanservice (visual), read books instead.
Actually, even books may contain fanservice (imaginary), just kill yourself.
Is there a version of this but with her butt popping out over and over instead?
Eww no
Get a job you dumb frog
Megumin >>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>> Darkness >>>>>>>> rest >>>> Aqua
So... Is S3 coming or not?
dumb frogposters
yes and no.
the nu-fanservice garbage is ruining anime.
eg: partial underwear shots, extreme censorship, blueballing.
true fanservice such as TLR, where it actually delivers is great for anime.
This is a real problem, nu-fanservice is the cancer killing anime
not that user, but let me clarify, it's not that hard: nu-fanservice = fanservice + jewtricks
>nu-fanservice = fanservice + jewtricks
I should stop replying or I have to read more of this shit
>sony censorship
I hate these fucks
>implying apple orgy girl didn't get jew tricked out of her apple orgy
Aqua is cute and special!
Only shitty fanservice is fucking up anime. Most anime is technically fanservice since it is mostly based upon LN and manga. Sequels and additional seasons often times are technically fanservice since it means fans want more.
Fanservice is fine as long as it is properly executed and as long as it does not cut too much from essential details. The fanservice in Sword Art Online cut too much from essential detail in the manga which is why manga fans of SOA absolutely despise the anime.
Only purpose of anime is service to fans.
What? Virtually every other anime 20 years ago had nipples in it.
fanservice = blu-ray sale booster
Reminder that Aqua bullies are the equivalent of the schizo who killed all those KyoAni people.
Aqua is not for bulli
yeah, good luck with that, pedro
not the TV series though, you're talking about OVAs and Tenchi Muyo! titles
>Fanservice is ruining anime!
Technically it's true. I mean there are some fanservice that do work, and some that don't
Konosuba is one of those few that fanservice do work because it fits, but when you do it on pretty much all animes then it'll just appear like it's being used to get attention and not have anything else. Other then the fact that it's used to get attention for a series with a bad plot, not great animations, and everything else
If you're a gigantic normalfag who shouldn't be watching it in first place.
Like this:
Yes and no, fanservice keeps fans engaged, so keeps the industry alive, but Fanservice disgusting non-anime fans that prevents the industry from having an appeal beyond horny teens and weirdos ...
If all the water aqua has is purified, then does aqua pee clean drinking water?
Yes. Kazuma can literally drink Aqua's tears, drool, pussy juice and pee, but only if he finds her arousing or attractive.