New anime series confirmed for 2020. The end is near.
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Being well animated and not overly relying on cheap effects to pretend there's movement is more important than being "well written".
already confirmed being a DM remake
wait till december before you start shit
VR was a terrible gimmick.
They should do like, religious dueling. That'd be cool.
>More best girl Anzu
Wouldnt mind but, source?
Only patterns.
Zexal was DM 2.0, Arc-V was GX 2.0 and Vrains is 5Ds 2.0.
So the next series will be DM 3.0.
>DM remake
I swer if Atem cheats again i'm dropping this
At least Yusei and Yusaku are more convincing since their deck somewhat works
Would it kill to have at least one character where their deck gets more and more consistent and the combos become more and more synergetic as the series goes on?
Sod off. It's too early for shitposting like this, or ever.
good direction, music and storyboarding can elevate an anime when dealing with mediocre animation more than just upping the amount of frames
If it's an ugly looking dm remake it'll be the first yugioh series I'll never watch a full episode of. There's just no point
I wish they did that, do it a bit like Joey in battle city except instead of completely unsynergetic trump cards actually things that let the deck evolve.
>zexal apes DM by make it focus on a boy and his spirit buddy
>arc-v apes gx with its dueling school stuff and interdimension trip bullshit
>vrain apes 5ds with its unconventional hi-tech duels and cardboard edgy mc
That's it guys, we're going back to comfy school and locals duels...initially at least.
Yeah. You could still have those trump cards to preserve the feel of a cool asspull without the detriment by using an old trick from real competition: the crazy tech card that no one uses.
Maybe some fancy underground rules where a character gets to grab any card from the losers deck, and the portagonist is known for taking odd ones out of people's decks for his own crazy synergies instead of the obvious choice.
How is it confirmed?
Oh I would love that, Its one of the reasons I love Joey so much. Its fun seeing him use cards Like Jinzo and the legendary fisherman, which were all cards he got from other people.
Instead of a DM remake, maybe it would be fun to have a story set in the original series world like GX for a change? Like they can referance the original cast but the story would follow mostly new characters. Plus I really just want to see some good old magic and occult stuff again.
Nice. Time to watch YGO again.
DM remake where all the other games from the manga are changed into card game duels?
They won't remake DM because they won't have any new cards to shill.
please no DM characters boring as fuck beside yugi, kaiba, jounouchi
>more super wombo combo cardboard commercials
Just put it out of its misery already.
what misery?
the sales are great
>MFW the next series is about analog dueling with no holograms
the card game (tcg/ocg) is doing great and duel links is still a success Konami and shueisha aren't stopping any time soon
>DT storyline anime never ever
Did they already say which month it will start?
RIP Vrains
holy shit
You're an idiot.
It's always April, spring season.
Fuck. Vrains better bring that irl season soon.
>quads of four
>VR headset with player damage
>Solid Vision
>VR World + AI bullshit
How will the new dueling gimmick top these?
Analog card games without anything special.
Ai's cards are getting printed. I can't wait for them to announce more.
IGAS-JP044 Light Dragon @Ignister
Rank 4 LIGHT Cyberse Xyz Effect Monster
ATK 2300
DEF 1500
Materials: 2 Level 4 monsters
You can only use the 1st or 2nd effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) You can detach 1 material from this card: Destroy face-up monsters your opponent controls up to the number of “@Ignister” monsters you control.
(2) When another Cyberse monster you control inflicts battle damage to your opponent: You can Special Summon 1 Link monster from your GY.
(3) If a monster(s) you control would be destroyed by an effect, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card instead.
Is it much difference from its anime effect?
>non targeting
>additional protection
Already confirmed your ass. How the fucking would anyone think a remake of a legendary show would be a good idea? Get ready for new cast and new timeline.
The upside with this approach is that the friendship themes write themselves. Since MC isn't taking Ace cards he puts himself at a moral standard above every other duelist that plays with Ante rules, and the people that lose to him are thankful that they get to keep their partner cards.
All handtraps get banned
>the card game (tcg/ocg) is doing great
You mean sales or the actual meta? I haven't kept up in a long time.
Not that user but both pretty much.
>yfw bohman is the only season villain to not have a booster pack cover
can we blame revolver for this?
Yeah, the game has been killing it recently. Every major event gets more people than the last and the game just had a big ol' banlist that hit every deck (except one) in the meta
those are just neat little lore bits for card game players who want to know about them, not stories with the thought put into them to support an entire 3 year show
fucking yes, Duel Links anime soon.
Are you telling me links actually improved gameplay?
Somewhat ironically, acknowledging magic openly makes a world that depends on Yugioh dueling feel more grounded. After 5D's through Vrains I can't really think of any other future tech gimmick they could go for as a premise
At least at my locals they integrated pretty well.
he doesn't deserve one. i spit on his digital grave
Haven't met anyone in any of my locals who have screeched about them at any point. Anyone who are seething about Links (especially to this day) are just shitters
Unlikely. There's probably at least a few more new characters or threats to pad out the rest of Vrains' run, unless Ai and Yusaku will have a 25 episode duel
Links were trash in the beginning since players only had a small poll to chose from.It's pretty okay nowadays as far as playing casually goes,can't speak for the meta
>Gold font
Feels like we're getting DM Super. Can't wait to see how they fuck this up
Yeah there's whole different story lines you could have with a system like that, and a deck that's adapting over time with his wins is just going to be more interesting to watch. I think zexal sort of tried that with having access to all the new xyz monsters, but from what I remember he barely used any of them and there wasn't really much thought put into it.
>new show
>MC plays the regular card game in VR or something
>end of season 1 they discover dimension travel
>entire show becomes ARC-V but instead of going to bargain bin versions of the dimensions its the actual shows they go to
>get to see what Yugi, Jaden, Yusei, Yuma, Yuya and Yusaku have been up to since their shows ended
>7 vs 1 finale with all protags
I can feel myself falling asleep thinking about it. It's the one thing they could do that seems even more boring than Vrains to me
>acknowledging arc-v ever again if they don't have to
>people speculating over DM remake
It's like you guys don't know Kaz. He's not the kind of person who would allow remaking his own hardwork. He's retired and happy with his life. Enjoy your new cast and setting.
there's so much shit you could do with a flexible ante like that
>setting up antagonists
>gimping or buffing the protagonists
>moral dilemmas
>new takes on previously used cards
>mindgames in regards to not putting certain cards in your deck due to risk of losing them
>get to have emotional speeches about what this card meant to someone before
This (hopefully). Why would he let them make "DM again but uggo" after DSOD put the final bow on everything
I hope Ono return for this.
>new series
why? so he can abandon it in the middle again when symphogear calls him up again?
Was it Zappa Gou that burnt down Kyoani? Is he the true secret hero of anime?
don't know, don't care
Calling it now fellas, it's gonna be the gundam build fighters of yugioh. No new mechanics, just a meta anime celebrating the game of yugioh itself and mc will be a dude learning the game, joining tournaments and shit. theme about jap people balancing work and hobbies, trying to achieve dreams.
>the first ten episodes are precisely this
>and then it goes off the rails completely
just because he's an ecchi writer doesn't mean he's insane. seems like a random post
Based. How the fuck can we expect anything different at this point.
Unless if they made a season literally about an evil guy becoming gradually a better person through dueling.
vanguardfags out
Would be great to see Yuya getting NTR'd in the anime too!
man a meta yugioh anime would be that unreal, easy tournament arcs+awareness around deck building, side decks and strats. a supernatural element would fuck it
Isn't the new YGO manga already about that?
Good thing the manga already covers this shit so the anime doesnt have to.
It says new series
Yes, it's pretty much exactly that
Link spam is already hard enough to animate as it is. Just look at Vrains. Imagine the workload of animating lengthy real life card combos. It'd be too much for the resources they have on hand
It's time for a girl Yu to be MC
It'll probably be another 10 years before we get a Yuko.
YGO. Where going back in time to become your BF's mother is a more plausible outcome than reliably winning duels
I'd watch a redone Millenium World arc as a prequel to DSoD. Expand on the stuff Kaz didn't get to draw because of his illness.
Just make a tournament based anime with no world saving, but fun card games and tournament rivalries and intrigues.
How hard can it be?
I think it would be untrue to Kaz's vision, which if you'll remember, isn't actually about card games specifically
This kind of semi-sexual weird has always been a part of Yugioh.
Dragon waifu you can't get over after 5000 years
Hermaphrodite dragon heart waifu
A literal sex cult that screws the production of the show
That last one is a stretch but I can't remember much else off the top of my head.
vanguard has already cornered that niche
Well too bad. Season 0 is dead and you can't sell Yu-Gi-Oh! cards with it.
Vanguard has super powers and it has been shit for a long time now.
>Vanguard has super powers and it has been shit for a long time now.
Wasn't the first season of the reboot good? But yeah, Vanguard is card games with Newtypes.
What is it called?
>shit for a long time
Consistently better than Yu-Gi-Oh since Arc-Synchro
Does anyone have the announcement video? I think it shows all past series in a little montage. If that's the case I can't imagine them changing up the concept of the show having a plot
There is nothing to gain by doing this
No, it wasn't. Perhaps if you cared about character drama more than the card game. Matches were boring, rushed (even with skipped faces and not proper field state shown). And fights continued for only a single episode.
They should give use Earh Golem and AiLove Yousion next
shit's so good
yes there is
We didn't have an MC with 90% of their duels lost yet.
It's time for an isekai setting. Magic and dragons, all that shit. But with cards.
also make the protagonist the only one who can use a card type that doesn't exist in that world (Machines/Cyberse)
>yugio isekai is such a nuidea that hasn't been used yet!!
>a long filler about a virtual simulation
vrains is fucking awful
What is the new bullshit mechanic and rule change that will fuck everything over?
>You can only Special Summon from the Extra Deck once per turn
Literally who?
That sounds boring as fuck. There's YouTube if you want to see tournaments.
Are you 12?
Your expectations are too high.
> Oh god, this guy can use trap cards?
> Masaka! Where did this guy come from?
Ai is , along with vector, the best villain we've had since dm ended. Please, Yoshida, live up to the task and make his arc memorable.
What about that time they went to Ancient Egypt?
every series had an arc where they go to the monster world
Honestly there's potential for a whole roster of standalone movies for the franchise.
>Monster Lore spin off
>Some kid trying to win his regionals
>Shadi's travels
Endless possibilities
There's nothing stopping NAS/Konami from funding additional advertisements like a short web series as fanservice/more advertisement and finding a studio who happens to have an open schedule. Kind of like how they're funding the new manga that just started.
Other than the fact that despite their profits increasing, they don't feel like forking over any more money.
>no anime about Piggu's educational adventures
I feel cheated
>the worst season it's almost over
Nice. I'll only and exclusively miss Ai.
that feeling when both arc-v and vrains produced only one or two characters worth remembering with the combined timespan of 6 years
So, they are not even bothering on saying it'll be the "last one" anymore huh. I think the last time they said that was in 5ds.
already happened
> two characters
Ai and blue angel right?
>blue jobber
>even worth remembering
the sooner this shitty series ends the faster we can forget the filth that is aoi
yeah there's no pretense of this part of the franchise stopping anytime soon
Playmaker and Ai
VRAINS must be doing awful if they announced a new series this early usually that's a month before the end of the current series.
>worth remembering
You clearly know no shit about this franchise. Time to go back.
literally everyone's eager to get it over with and move past it before the anime disappoints everyone again. But until then at least it'll feel novel when the new series first starts
yikes, only half right
They always do this man
I want to ruffle Roboppy's hair.
>Pointless character wars AGAIN
I will be the Final Boss
Hopefully they replace Hikokubo for good
Needs bigger shoulders
VRAINS was announced a few months prior to Arc-V' ending. This new series won't air until next year and they're announcing it already.
by now I'm convinced the guy's going to be on Yugioh until he dies
Thanks for showing you know even less shit.
I believe that was Kaz who said that, referring to himself designing characters for new series. Even then he gave in and made characters for Zexal.
If there is a DM remake and I get more Kaiba I'm going to shit up these threads with my undying devotion like there is no tomorrow.
not a argument
As opposed to who else? Everyone else is boring as sin to watch duel on top of the jobbing. PM is the MC with the least amount of anime situational BS in his deck to date and his seiyuu does a bang up job despite being a newbie. Roboppi is cute for a spell but insufferable for the rest once the initial charm has worn off.
Chadburner, he isn't a jobber and he's fun
I still don't get how Takeuchi has a voice as low as he does considering his face and body structure
If you'd actually followed Arc V, you'd know production went completely off the rails halfway, dragging everything and everyone with it, including Vrains preproduction, leading to unprecedented production issues in S1. But you're an idiot talking about shit you don't know, so fuck off.
Do you ever feel like Zordon of the power rangers with your head shoved into the screen?
Just because everyone is shit it doesnt mean PM is good. Ai is the true star. PM is a literal drag to watch
No one? Ai and maybe S1 Revolver, before he turned into a infodump fujobait, are the only memorable characters from Vrains.
>s1 revolver
Lol no
Honestly, the franchise has gotten so tired that I would welcome this at this point
>someone who is literally only remembered because of mirror force amd literally carried by mirror force alone
I enjoyed watching him duel, which is more than I can say for any other character
People are just going to have different opinions about this shit. Frankly it's great when PM goes off on his wombo combo-ing. Watching the last turn of vs Bowman 4 was the funnest shit.
Now that Vrains is coming to an end.
Favorite character
Favorite duel
Favorite deck
Favorite moment
And name one interesting thing about Yusaku.
You seem angry
Not a chance.
They kind of did this with Arc-v. Yuya was the only person with pendulum cards until they started creating more for other players.
I'd rather wait til the very end before giving an opinion
>Favourite character
>Favorite duel
Spectre vs Lightning
>Favorite deck
Appliancer / Topologina
>Favorite moment
Mirror Force activation against Go
>name one interesting thing about Yusaku.
He is one of the only characters to not do the whole "I need to draw this specific card to win" and praying to get the card (Ai was handed that)
As anyone would be. Sucks that YGO lost good animators over Arc V's fuckups.
Go vs Earth/Spectre vs Aoi
I got nothing
Blue Angel v specter
Revolver beating and torturing windy
What does hope feel like?
A bullet in the head
Do you really give a shit if they announce it now? It's always on a three year cycle anyway.
Can I get a series about an older Mokuba dimension hopping to find his brother?
Ai, just for that military plane hijack move
uhhh revolver vs lightning maybe
honestly don't know about favorite moment
also it's been 100+ episodes and we don't even know anything about what yusaku likes to do in personal life other than hang out with hotdog
>Playmaker vs Bohman 3
>Ai being thrown out of the plane by Pandor.
>Yusaku will be the first protagonist that could be blamed for fake advertising since the first spoilers portrayed him dueling and firewall dragon. Yusaku never dueled in real life.
It's too soon but I guess my opinions won't change much.
>Favorite character
MC aside, GG probably
>Favorite duel
Revolver vs Lightning and PM vs Akira
>Favorite deck
Trickstar. Burn is fun to watch though not fun to play against.
>Favorite moment
Any time real life spy shit went down. Yusaku breaking into houses, meeting Akira in the warehouse etc.
>And name one interesting thing about Yusaku.
He and Ai have a good dynamic going on tb h. I can't wait for their confrontation soon.
Yuusaku &/or Ai
Playmaker vs Akira (18-20)
Darkfluid turn/summoning
Code-Talker/Cyberse Dragons
Least anime bullshit deck and combos of all MCs so far. It's pretty true to real life aside from a handful of instances.
Ai's going to crash and lose.
>Revolver vs Lightning
>his past
So since Ai likes slapping himself on his own cards, do you think we'll get Ai with the cauldron for his ritual spell on the card art?
>get it over and move past
>assuming they have anyone that can write or can come up with good design ideas as consistently or on the level yoshida does or maybe one point did
They don't.
Hopefully the fact they announced it now (even though there's no real promo material shown yet) means ygo7 has a more prepared production this time around, where it isn't threatening to fall apart at a moment's notice like how it was in early Vrians.
>Favorite character
I like most characters fine, don't have anyone specific as absolute favorite though.
>Favorite duel
I personally liked Go vs Earth the most, but I also liked Go vs Revolver, Aoi vs PM, Aoi vs Spectre, BS vs SB(and the flashback duel), Lightning vs Spectre, PM vs Akira, and Pandor vs Ai
>Favorite deck
From those that are printed? Dinowrestlers, Trickstars, Rokkets, Tindangles. Want Sunavalons, Dark Mummies, Motor Worms, Stormriders and Armatos Legio printed.
>Favorite moment
All moments related to BRAIN HACK
>And name one interesting thing about Yusaku.
I think his deck is interesting when it plays out at the very least
I wonder if any of the homo baiting Yoshida has done with Yugioh (in the past, anyway) is just because he knows how to tickle fujos for the sake of marketing, or if it's just how he is...
Go vs Earth
Don't really have a favorite vrains anime deck
Go revealing Brain Hack
Yusaku manages to make firewall dragon loos like a situational card
I don't think Akira deserves it, at least not from Ai.
BA vs Spectre and Lightning vs Revolver
Armatos Legio/Salamangreat
BRAIN HACK, the threads with skeleton Go and trascending human intellect memes were fun as fuck
I would but just thinking about his character makes me fall asleep
Akira is just that dude who's in over his head. If he never got promoted this season Ai wouldn't even need to fight him for the code key.
Indeed. I'll be really happy once Ai deletes him once and for all.
My opinion.
> 5Ds>DM>GX>Zexal>shit>>>>>>>>ArcV
Should I bother with Vrain?
Select duels are fun to watch. It's also better marathoned than watched while airing due to the slow pace of S2
idk, watch the first few episodes for yourself and decide. I wouldn't exactly call this series that compelling
>5Ds over DM
If you like cardboard characters that are literally Jesus so much, yeah.
It's closest in tone to 5D's, give it a try if you want.
Sounds KINO
First few episodes are arguably the worst introduction though, with the heavy production issues and LENGTHY Link Summon animations
>MC is that one guy at every local that says "MONARCHS SHALL RISE AGAIN!!"
I wouldnt mind a mini series about Yu-Gi-Oh R and a Millennium World/afterlife prequel of DSOD.
Finally, a literally me MC for YGO.
yeah, but you can't really skip past them either without losing context for the yusaku vs revolver at the end of that first cour. and it's an endurance test for boh-shit later on
>deserving of anything
>Favorite character
Emma Best-hoe
>Favorite duel
Specter Vs Lightning, super keikaku extra link duel between 2 bullshit deck.
>Favorite deck
>Favorite moment
Windy got raped by Revolver
>And name one interesting thing about Yusaku.
>Favorite character
>Favorite duel
Go vs Earth
>Favorite deck
>Favorite moment
>And name one interesting thing about Yusaku.
Nothing about him is interesting
>Favorite character
>Favorite duel
Lightning vs Specter, closely followed by any other Lightning duel
>Favorite Deck
>Favorite Moment
Either "set a card, pass" or "sink into despair"
>One interesting thing about Yusaku
He channeled his inner Char by coming to laugh at Go.
It has the worst rivals by far. I'd rather have saikyo card the animation over that nostalgia crap.
Are they gonna introduce another goddamn card type again for each new series
We still don't have Hot Pink cards.
Nothing that a few rewrites for an anime series cant fix. But i would be very hyped for more cardgames set in ancient Egypt.
[ Cyberse / Xyz / Effect ]
2 Level 4 monsters, including a LIGHT monster
You can detach 1 material from this card, then target monsters your opponent controls, up to the number of "@Ignister" monsters you control; destroy them. When another "@Ignister" monster inflicts battle damage to your opponent: You can target 1 "@Ignister" Link Monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You can only use each effect of "Light Dragon @Ignister" once per turn.
Here's the original anime effect and artwork
I want the full rainbow and I won't rest till they add red cards.
we can easily have a new series for that. Also, YGO's character design team always makes a great job. I can't wait to see what kind of new characters they come up with.
nothing's confirmed yet. maybe this will be the one time they don't since by now there's like half a dozen summon mechanics. Or it'll be a smaller scale mechanic
I didn't even realise the card art was different. Thanks for the side by side, user.
>Lightning Dragon also has four eyes like PM's Cyberse Clock and Quantum Dragon
Cute. Apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.
never ever.
Are we ever going to get rank ups back?
Literally who?
he is the best thing to happen to this show since the lost incident children are getting scraped. I really hope we do end up getting all ignis in human form.
So what's gonna be the new mechanic that'll kill Links?
XV is the last season so maybe he'll stay this time
>Favorite character
>Favorite duel
Revulva vs lightning/lightning vs spectre
>Favorite deck
none all the decks in vrains are souless
>Favorite moment
the day/moment Firewall got banned
>one interesting thing about Yusaku
i would if i cared about yusaku
>Favorite character: Go
Now that would be the unicorn of Yugioh fandom
We'll get this color as the new mechanic of YGO7
>What's the gimmick?
>They're Haibui cards. They allow you to duel at night.
Am I the only one that would rather have an anime following the duel terminal story lines instead?
Oh god, this reminds of the last jump festa before VRAINS was announced and fags couldn't stop shitting the thread with "DM Super", it was either that or FeMC fags
Based Chadnizuka
Could ono come back as director even if he wanted to (which I doubt)? Even if NAS don't hate him the whole arc-v fiasco was a shamefur dispray to have your name associated with
Yep, hope you're ready for more of those from now till December.
trap cards are pink
Grey hasn't been used yet
>Favorite character
>Favorite duel
Lightning vs Specter
>Favorite deck
>Favorite moment
>And name one interesting thing about Yusaku.
Yusaku's legit thrist for victory makes him rather unique compared to other protags.
>what are Tokens
Grey is used for tokens.
Grey is Tokens. Maybe they'll recycle colors like they did with Links and Rituals
We still don't have pure red cards
Watch them avoid red for whatever reason and use light blue/cyan instead.
Don't know why they haven't used red for a mechanic yet.
>the end is near
I'm not a fan of his voice.
Ritual blue again with stars a la XYZ
next mechanic will be deck masters or skills
>mfw they'll get a 18 year old twink to voice YGO7's MC
Vast improvement in art, in my opinion. Thanks for the side-by-side.
@Ignister has strangely grown on me. Maybe it's the DDD-ish feel of "fodder in every sense of the word builds up to The A-Team".
>Vast improvement in art
Maybe Dark Templar won't look garbage yee haw
>blue angel
No,my wife Aoi
>Favorite character
>Favorite duel
Spectre vs Lightning
>Favorite deck
>Favorite moment
When Akira tells Playmaker to have a normal life like any adolescent while he deals with everything related to the Lost Incident, with friends to talk about the future and all, but the latter rejects said helping hand while recognizing Zaizen as a good person. Felt powerful. And then Bohman promising to put him into "a special place" inside him to give him the life he should have had. Damn son.
>And name one interesting thing about Yusaku
How he treats his Deck. While he just treated it as a mean to achieve his objectives (got rid of the one he used at the Lost Incident for a better one), at the same time key moments show him to have a soft spot for certain cards (Decode Talker as his bond with Kusanagi, Linkuriboh as his bond with Ai, and Firewall Dragon Darkfluid as his bond with everyone).
>deck masters
Something along these lines is possible. It's technically already been done, but it would be an easy alternative to cramming even more into the Extra Deck.
Too linear to be in an anime sales pitch and they already exist.
Here's hoping. I actually am hoping Templar will get a pose that's reminiscent of Decode's original art pose. You know, poetry and such.
Probably yeah. Even better if it mirrors Decode Talker's.
Are we really ending this without a irl arc? Come on...
Beach episode never
>irl arc
why would they do that when the entire series is based on a ygo VR game
Tbf, we already had 2 irl Duels. Likely, the Final Boss will do something that threatens the real world directly too.
>If we make her forehead big enough, nobody will notice her squirrel feet
So when do we get the title + new protag?
Also remember to curb your enthusiasm, when Vrains was announced the poster looked like it was about a hoverboarding guy fighting these weird c'thulu tech aliens
Jump Festa at December like the past few installments.
>Duels this time are with Virtual Reality in high speed duels on Hoverboard/Skateboard like devices
>The show's theme is "一歩を踏み出し、トライしよう!" (Take a step forward, and try!), on the premise of kids should try things out instead of giving up at the first try due to being overwhelmed by information.
>Yusaku is a boy who doesn't like standing out, and particularly doesn't stand out at school. However, he gets drawn into encounters with people as he tries out Dueling for once.
I don't think that anyone here have enough attention span to stomach and interpret them to enjoy the story as a whole.
That premise sounds nothing like VRAINS
It's not technically false. But yeah, it's no secret they had to rework a bunch of stuff.
>Yusaku's final reference sheet is dated Feb 14th
>Playmaker's is March 6th
>Kusanagi is March 14th
>Emma's is April 4th
How good will the resolution be?
It's a DM reference you tard.
>knowing the rest of yugioh animes?
>knowing how Vrains is?
>rank 4
Rank 5 and higher must be too obscure for vrains.
>Favorite character
Imoutoman. He's a good person and, most of the time, doesn't bring in a lot of bullshit.
>Favorite duel
Lightning vs Revolver. It's one of the few duels VRAINS has given us where the character work and the actual duel compliment one another.
>Favorite deck
Brave Max's. It just goes with him so well.
>Favorite moment
>And name one interesting thing about Yusaku.
It's amazing how much better the series gets when he's absent.
I know that it is impossible, but my wish is that they don't shove any another new method/summon.
Just do a SOL with having a school that teaches all methods, and MC try to be the best with his signature monster.
But it's YGO, this will never happen.
This isn't the Xyz-focused show after all, there's already Zexal for that.
Brute Enforcer
DARK Cyberse Link Effect Monster
1600 ATK / Link-2 (Bottom-left, Bottom-right)
2 Effect Monsters
-You can only use this card name's effect once per turn.
(1) You can discard 1 card, then target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; your opponent can discard 1 card with the same card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap) as that card. Otherwise, destroy that face-up card.
>Just do a SOL with having a school that teaches all methods
they did that like twice already
They want GX without drama, it's maddening.
Jesus I'm glad noone of you here are responsible for the writing. Your ideas are terrible and bland.
It'll be fucking 2020 and you want vanilla "kid tries to win his locals" anime? Fuck off with that.
how about kid tries to win his locals, but with magic shenanigan, without world end story, like betting soul to the fucking devil
Yes, but no.
Arc-V tried to, but failed miserable and dropping it in the first season.
All I'm asking is to do a mix with GX, DM and Arc-V, and do a writing similar to Zexal part 2.
But the focus will be the school, and the rivals could be from another school. That's it. Could put something supernatural or tech, but only for subplot.
How about a setting in Europe? MC is female JK from a fallen noble family playing underground Yu-Gi-Oh with the purpose of getting revenge or something
Make even more situational cards to achieve the pre planned outcome.
I like how they did it in Standard.
>Most people just play plain effect monsters, bigger ones with Tribute Summoning or Ritual if you're Aoi Yuuki
>You can learn another method, but it takes training if you're not native to that Dimension
>If you focus on one method, you pick up other ways to use its mechanics with various cards and combos
YGO7 with an underwater or outer space setting.
This shit is why I'm glad they made that new manga. Finally somewhere to redirect all the people whining for this to.
Ai can't be redeemed and won't redeem anything.
I had no idea Merlin played children's care games
Sure, we see how the writing is competent in YGO. The Arc-V ending is the peak of it.
Having a simple plot is way more easy to expand and turn it unique. Especially with YGO, because Arc-V is the prime example of what you should not do in any history.
>or outer space setting
but user zexal totally did that already
>Having a simple plot is way more easy to expand and turn it unique.
Yugioh doesn't like simple plots but loves simple resolutions.
Can’t wait till 2020 April the Link mechanic should die or cool down eventually. Maybe near the end we see Link 6 at max.
Hopefully a new format makes Rituals accessible and other cards inaccessible of the players choice by restriction effects at luck of the coin flip and the Red Monsters cards get introduced with ignition coins placed on the sides of cards allows them to take a flip to either destroy monsters on opponents field or summon monsters from main deck without applying summoning conditions and these red colored background cards can’t be summoned by tokens or spells or traps and go in a special zone. These cards have no stars but coins as level and have no atk opposition to Link monsters.
If this new mechanic happens to come true than Yugioh creators will have to shift their strategy to promote the message or product.
YGO7 with Yakuza MC
that'd be better as a crossover
Fuck off, Master Piss
Soulburner's new ace.
>Hopefully a new format makes Rituals accessible
Stop reading right their. Yugioh is archetype based and Konami has made several Archetypes which focus on Ritual Summoning and Cards which help facilitate ritual summoning. Now please stop clambering on about making Rituals good they already are
God Phoenix Gearfried
Level 9 FIRE Warrior Effect Monster
3000 ATK / 2000 DEF
-You can only use each of this card name's (1), (2), and (3) effects once per turn.
(1) You can banish 1 Equip Spell from your field or GY; Special Summon this card from your hand.
(2) At the start of the Damage Step, if this card attacks: You can equip 1 other face-up monster on the field to this card as an Equip Spell that makes it gain 500 ATK (max. 1).
(3) When a monster effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can send 1 face-up Equip Card you control to the GY; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card.
I want YGO7 to have a cat
So what you mean to say is
-Red color background cards
-Random coins acting as markers with effects
-Defense points but no attack
-Can only be tribute summoned except tokens
-Can easily summon ritual monsters without any condition making Ritual broken
-Restricts summoning of other extra deck monsters depending on the card itself.
Sounds kino. Gearfried Turbo when
Tokens aren't a real physical card type, retards. You can use even a coin as a token.
Besides, Rituals are blue and so are Links.
Ratz right!
Wait for the other cards from the Gearfried SDR to be revealed.
>Tokens aren't a real physical card type
Sounds like you're the dumb one here. There's been tons of promo token cards with characters on them and they're grey.
Rituals aren’t as good as they are they are in main deck and don’t get special treatment like they have in anime. They require access to spells and can be summoned by monsters with right level in the hands. How many draws it takes to do it user? There are already over 9000 cards in the TCG.
Firing Hikokubo is the first step to make this new season good.
Yes, so? You don't need to use them, unlike every other card type. They are not real cards. They are just convenient stuff people can use as tokens.
Wow original Playmaker looked sick
considering they reused blue
they can also reuse gray
In those 9000 cards there's an Archetype called Impcantations please look them up
>retard that wants rituals in ED despite that ruining a lot of support
they completely shut down that shit idea
I want these posters.
If we're talking ""need"" then obviously you don't need every ED monster type if that's what your deck isn't focused on. Need doesn't come into this. Not that that's stopped Konami before, but point is it's already used as a color.
Yeah, they definitely could. I think the excuse was that rituals arent ED monsters, so it's not taken per se.
Is Hikokubo actually doing any form of writing on a medium that isn't Yugioh right now?
Build an extra zone for the Ritual cards to be placed, but that’s like saying complication is simple dickface.
One archetype doesn’t make a difference they need to innovate on Ritual focus and allow complete access.
I thought he was a duel writer, not just the usual scriptwriter? Can't be much other anime that needs that.
Imagine if the new cards had track markers placed so the cards can’t be stolen or picked up easily from deck and emit a sound if picked by cheaters in tournament.
why would they even need that though? just for them to add some special thing with new ones? just face the fact nekroz were too powerful and they want to stay away from doing rituals
Can specter come back to lose to another villain?
Yugioh Cards are valuable so in the market theft is common and cheating can happen if the opposing player is caught unaware by the underhand. Sound chips attached to card prevents them from being picked up.
>allow complete access.
what the fuck does that even mean? you want to go even more braindead with it despite having various tools to use?
Not even credit cards can do this, did you get your deck stolen or something to focus on this?
>CaC duels
VRAINS is so fucking bad
I remember him doing some screenplay for Naruto Shippuden
Are you angry that there's less pack filler?
My elementary school deck was stolen by someone in school playground. Reported and nothing happened since that day. We all can regret about things stolen but who knows what can happen in today’s era of Yugioh better if Konami innovates as the saying goes prevention is better than cure and waterproof their cards.
I'm sorry that happened to you man but you're expecting too much out of mass produced cardboard.
Water proof cards-Glow in the dark
Markers on card -Sound emitter-GPS
Expenses Expenses Expenses
>implying it would change anything when we get sets like fucking RIRA
VRAINS era has the absolute worst core sets of any era.
I expect none the less but we all take chances whether it’s for us or someone else. We are to be the ones to be rested or tested.
ITZ Yugioh channel idea. First one to claim say “stolen”
>the crazy tech card no one uses
fucking over your opponent with that will always be the best feeling possible in any card game
i can only hope they stop going futuristic, im tired of seeinf futuristic shit, give us a modern time yugioh show, one that cards play an important role and not some tool to advance a plot
What about the set where they printed all of arcana force?
Revolver, Zaizen, Kusanagi
Revolver vs Go, Revolver vs Windy,
Rokket, Yusaku's
When Yusaku let go of his anger and wanted to help Revolver, When he acknowledge Zaizen was a good person even if he didnt agree, Revolver BTFOing Windy, Spectre vs Aoi, Yusaku doing the Char, When they all came together.
I honestly disliked Yusaku's Ow the Edge attitude during S1. I liked it when he started to warm up, near the end of S1 when he banded together with BA and Go, and later in his duel with Revolver when he let go of his anger and revenge. His tsundere attitude with the people around him became kind of endearing.
Konami reprinting every card all over again but for a deck builder set every card archetype come in packs with track markers with sound emissions and waterproof feature and bend proof elasticity and cut proof feature.
Specter vs Aoi
He has a deck that tries to make sense half the time
>Not "finally managing to win with a card everybody told you was shit because it kept killing you"
They should make the breasts even bigger but only for avatars.
this gives some lewd vibes
EXPOSED! You are the evil of goodness. May god bless you.
Ygo7 will be about cops vs thieves
Your overthinking, go run like a hamster on her and she’ll give you a spank in the ass.
Officer Trudge approves! No stealing meme.
Does this feature a certain previously prominent character as the MC?
Oh baby she’s out of words. Mina if you’ll excuse me!
It'll have poor card game sales like LuPat's abysmal toy sales
I would give Aoi this treatment.
Miyu will use Jin as a distraction for rogue androids while she escapes.
Vrains' characters are really something else. Hopefully they can trully shine the rest of the season.
Go should have won. Neostorm access was dumb.
Anti skill was a fucking joke.
No, rock you was the joke.
Hoping the new protag and title leaks before december
Go Onizuka deserved to beat the shit out of Bohman and be the final boss of S2.
*is a better VRAINS girl than all of them*
I thought they cracked down on those leakers for manga and stuff.
they are bringing real life into the manga you fool
Aren't we out of gimmicks? We did hardlight dueling, augmented reality dueling, virtual reality dueling, and CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES
Where do we go from here? Nautical Dueling?
Worse than baira
Which means the anime airing in their world must be vrains. Any reason they could come up with will be much dumber.
Card games on horses.
/m/ dueling
WTF Go and Bohman have to do with each other if Earth is dissected?
>hurduring about bikes still
next you'll claim they went into space
>still no machine king archetype
Card games in a bank. JBR Robber approves.
Go would beat Bohman if Bohman doesn’t have the ability to strike peoples minds and use their voices to predict God stratagem.
It is perfect. Don't even have to animate space. Just a black background with a few lights.
Alternatively we could do card games on fighter jets.
Or perhaps it will be a step down and they will be on bicycles.
Aois Faith!
Holy shit. They pretty much changed the premise of this series. No wonder Celebrity duelist seemed so out of place in Vrains.
Time traveling. Like Kamen Rider.
It could have been Haru.
But they did duel on Motorcycles. And it was awesome for the first half
Wtf boys? I just found out about this. The madman actually went through with the mom shit.
>the only 2 series with a group of generic evil minions are the worst series in the franchise by far
Really makes you think.
I love her VA.
Evens are that Bohman would defeat GO with his Hydradrives.
Well, since there's no Ruris, I can just dismiss the manga as a fucking loopy timeline.
>VRAINS close to ending
>manga never
The absolute state
Blue Angel will go back in time and become PM's mother
Of card game commercialism?
Blue Angel will go back in time and also become Dr Kogami's former wife
>only 2
absolute state of fags who thought "i-it wasn't even hinted at!! only Yea Forums has creepy thoughts!!"
Yoshida is fucking weird lol
not again
What deck would Decade play?
I'll take anything over MC x Main Girl ship tyvm
Yeah but the way Yoshida hints at things throughout a series could only be deciphered by crazy mythfags. Besides that cliffhanger of course.
>Satantic Trips
nope, goukis
You pretty much have to think in the most basic and dehumanizing of cliches. Makes me wonder if Oda will pull that twist with Nami since she too loves money and One Piece is in love with destiny and family bloodlines
Don't forget the pop culture cliches like miyu having twintails and stuff.
So what's the plot significance of Miyu having twintails?
Mimicking little Aoi's hairstyle
Does that mean she's secretly avataring as Blue Angel, or would that make too much sense for this series with Spectre's FAKE BLUE ANGEL?
No it means spectre is wrong about who was a fake blue angel. Maybe they would have expanded on it if spectre's VA wasn't busy with non voice roles.
I mean all this Blue Angel lore and yet it doesn't seem to matter since she's only slightly above Ghost Girl in terms of usefulness, which is to say, not at all
She saves people, like Miyu.
I'm confused what makes you a fake Blue Angel and what makes you a real Blue Angel?
And if Miyu and Aoi both save people, then aren't they both real Blue Angels?
I was addressing the "usefulness" comment. But we will never know what was proper criteria for blue angel. Mostly because Spectre was just being a sadistic jerk.
based internet spies reading anything we write
It's okay that SOL wasn't the last enemy. They probably had no idea what to do with them like Darkness.
sooo new mechanic annoucment when, if we go from the timetable of the last one?
> we never gonna get OG/GX/5D level of paizuri doll perfection
why even watch?
When the hell am I getting my magical girls playing magical card games anime? Blue Angel was a step in the right direction.
Mid February next year
thx, friendly user
cant wait for the game being even faster!
Idols are cringe. God bless Yoshida for not letting that degeneracy into our show.
That would mean putting someone like maekawa in charge of writing. Which I don't think is a good idea.
Idols and magic girls have a lot of crossover but they don't have to be the same thing.
Silly user, idols and magical girls aren't the same thing I say in self-aware irony as I post one of the few magical girls that IS also an idol on the side
user, that's a sword.
>The show's theme is "一歩を踏み出し、トライしよう!" (Take a step forward, and try!), on the premise of kids should try things out instead of giving up at the first try due to being overwhelmed by information.
Wholesome and good life lesson desu
shut the fuck up about this shit already
Yes. And a wing too. But none of those things are mutually exclusive. She could play card games too if she wanted to.
Here's your perfection doll.
Video of the announcement. Not much to go on besides the streams of light at the end - is that a door opening? Light and Dark piano? Actual Time Traveling Rider Group?
Well too bad. No one's old enough to be busty outside VR.
please stop
When are they solving their differences.
hnhnhnhnhn mommy
When they agree to go back in time to become each other's fathers
ya know after arcV & all the past shilling that was happening then I would have been ok with it but now not so much
Time to resume VRAINS then, stopped after the first arc.
When you BTFO the Arc-V fags but then realize you just signed up for three years of Dark Magician and Blue Eyes White Dragon faggotry
Yeah Yoshida is something else. The Anime should have had crazy plot twists like this instead of a story about a guy with self esteem issues looking for his girl
How can swords play card games if their blades would just cut the cardboard to pieces?
if they can stop a gun I'm sure the same applies
Yoshida seems to have neat, if entirely nonsensical ideas, but they lack "punch." He's like the definition of mediocre, which admittedly is a few steps above how Arc-V was at the end.
In vrains artstyle.
Stopping a hammer from striking a firing pin is not the same as stopping a bullet.
Just came back from a trip and the first thing I find out is that VRAINS is finally ending? Praise the lord, how was the reaction? That faggot who insisted we were getting a season 4 must have killed himself. Vrainfags II, IRL Duelfags, Lost childrenfags, and S4 faggot completely and utterly BTFO. Although it was probably just one person so ehh
About damn time right? I wasn't the biggest fan of Zexal but after vrains I wouldn't mind a repeat of that season.
Well I congratulate you and him for having enough passion to care about the fate of Vrains either way
I tried watching Zexal and holy shit I should have used the guide. It does end well at least but man talk about an unlikable protag and friend group.
Well, I liked past Yugioh seasons so of course I'm gonna be eager to know when this bore fest is ending
Truly we were Vrains the whole time
absolutely SEETHING lmao, get BTFO
>bore fest
But it's not GX.
As long as we don't get Yoshida again I'm fine. I mean, is obvious the ARC-V Manga had all his soul pour into it but after VRAINS I don't know anymore.
>Being a bore fest
I hope this is bait
After seeing Vrains I think Yoshida is both capable of making a fun and ok story(Zexal) and a dull and insipid story(Vrains) so if we get another show by him is a 50/50 chance it will be good. Might as well have Ono for a third time
More than half of any given goon squad was forgettable, the zombie school was lame, anything with edo and kaiser was a waste of time.
Except yoshida played a major role in every series but arc-v.
I haven't seen 5D's but is mostly consider one of the best Yugioh seasons so suppose is good. ARC-V started well and then became shit. At the very least Ono can create something exciting and I prefer that over VRAINS.
>Might as well have Ono for a third time
They say the third time's the charm right?
Just because you didn't like it means it was boring. For something is consider the best Spin-off by many especially Japan and it keeps getting lots of fanart to this day.
This begs the question, if Ono were to direct another show would he give us another Yusei/Aki or Yuya/Yuzu? I hope is the latter except this time less obsessive
I can't find something boring because of fan art? And it's definitely not the best spin off. Not when it has to stack up against 5DS and ZEXAL.
Let's not forget Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links has been GX the game since some time now, leaving 5D's in the dust
Now that vrains is ending SOON, what are your final thoughts.
Again, your opinion against the majority. Is fine if you thought GX was boring but calling it a fact is retarded.
That's just because they still have GX cards left to shill.
Yusaku turned out to be a lame protagonist. He is boring as hell and barely has a personality.
Despite being small was for the most part irrelevant and full of jobbers.
>Main girl
No comment.
I guess he was better than Reiji but still mediocre as fuck compared to other rivals.
Same as Yusaku. At least Ai is fun to watch but his reasoning for becoming evil is stupid but whatever nothing is perfect.
Somehow worse than ARC-V. ARC-V animation was far from the best but at least had good looking episodes more regularly.
No comment
Zexal was better by a landslide, that's all I'm going to say.
>a fact
Who said anything anyone said about a particular series was a "fact"?
Will Shouma's older sister get to duel?
I really hope so.
They'll buff it by giving it the effect of not being able to be responded to.
more like they buff it by making earth golem generic (not require attribute) and ailove yousion is just a super poly like fusion of fire without needing earth
honestly it's about time that Yugioh manga just did its own thing. No one cares whether or not the manga recycles anime characters for a completely different story where they all act differently anyway
It'll be easy to forget it even happened soon as ygo7 starts up.
>Ai keeps winning against Pandor but Pandor can't really die and continuously improves and learns his strategy
He should really make more back-up besides the vacuum cleaner
>No new mechanics, just a meta anime celebrating the game of yugioh itself and mc will be a dude learning the game, joining tournaments and shit. theme about jap people balancing work and hobbies, trying to achieve dreams.
No if it isn't atleast as chuuni as going G-gundam super mode on a flying motorcycle I don't want none of it.
I watch Yu-Gi-Oh for that sweet ham and cheese.
>Favorite character
>Favorite duel
None of them realky stick in my kind.
>Favorite deck
>Favorite moment
Mirror force
>And name one interesting thing about Yusaku.
Someone storm Konami headquarters and get the info for the next series I don't want to spend the next 5 months arguing about a transexual vacuum cleaner
He could always utilize the playmaker AIs if those are still a thing. I'm sure they would be decently powerful.
Is is true Konami said big changes are coming to the game with the new series?
I'll check. I'd imagine we'd have to do some sort of rotation given the current state, and I'm not even a KANTOOOOOO motherfucker, I just think the power creep, searchers, flood gaters, and combos have become truly absurd.
You guys do realize that if the series is slated for 2020 then the animation(ha!) for Vrains is gonna get Synchro'd
C/C/C or D/D/D
>then the animation(ha!)
If DM and GX are animation so is vrains.
So far I haven't seen any claims that big changes are coming to the game, where did ya get that from?
A shitty fanpage on facebook, guess they were just blowing the new mechanic out of proportion.
They'll never make a character as good as brave max again.
Well I'm sure more solid info will come out. Sometimes shitty FB fanpages have the most relevant info, but they're not reliable
> cycle 3 incoming
Hope it has Zexal quality animation.
Are NAS and Gallup supposed to be magic now?
I know, that's why I wanted to be ask again, just to be sure. Being realistic more info will only come out on December's Jump Festa, right or is there another event lined up?
So if we're getting a new anime in 2020, does this make Vrains the shortest lived YGO or does that honor still belong to 5Ds?
zexal was only 146. Expect vrains to have around 142 episodes.
The series is coming out on April 2020, it is shorter than other series but not by much, mostly because it got delayed for like 4 weeks.
Does that mean they can't go back to pure magic? Because no magic feat looked quite as insane or fast as the technological ones.
They can use sleight of hand and just flat out cheat I suppose
Don't get me wrong the gods and exodia looked cool but they didn't get to really shine until millennium world. And that wasn't dueling for the most part.
>Favorite character
>Favorite duel
Yusaku VS Akira
>Favorite deck
Yusaku Cyberse Deck
>Favorite moment
Vrains as a whole was a bore so there aren't many. I guess Takeru and Flame trolling Windy or Ai's hilarious comments in the latest episodes.
>And name one interesting thing about Yusaku.
I don't know if it's interesting but Yusaku is super serious and the way he always wins duels and doesn't fall for the enemies bullshit is quite cool
>Yusaku vs Revolver at the end of S1, Specter's duels are great too.
>Ai leaving Yusaku back in S1
>His trauma always made his real life conversation with strangers really interesting, totally would have loved more scenes with him spending time with Aoi or Go.
The animation for VRAINS was nothing special anyway.
She just couldn't do robot voices well.
>~40+ weeks
It's more like 30+ weeks. But, yeah they seem to think time just goes fast.
Can I be hopeful?
You can. It's just that high hopes can lead to heavy disappointment and obnoxious call outs.
That swipe is peak vrains.
It does. VRAINS feels like it wasn't even that long ago and it's almost done.
>Does that mean they can't go back to pure magic? Because no magic feat looked quite as insane or fast as the technological ones.
What do you mean?
Zexal was 100% magic and it is peak yugioh chuuni ham.
>takes 1 full minute of autistic chuuni poses and chants to place his evolved ace on the field.
I love this show so much sometimes.
Sort of. Astral is an alien though so it might not be unexplainable like magic.
I guess we have different perceptions of time.
Astral is a being from another dimension and the entire show revolves around the split apart power of a creator dragon god that created their universe.
It's 100% magic.
Wasn't he artificial? so the line between magic and tech is kind of blurred.
The other dimension is the afterlife too.
>Wasn't he artificial
I don't remember that being a thing, but you say that artificial life is a science only thing.
Golems are a gray area.
He was made by Eliphas to be his ultimate weapon to destroy chaos and Don Thousand, but he ended up getting corrupted by Yuma's chaos.
Where are the covers with flame?
Finally. This garbage will get out out of its misery. Now it just needs to make sure it doesn’t shit itself on the way out like Arc-V did
At the least the development of the MC is alright. Unlike a lot of yugioh series.
There's literally no way for VRAINS to shit the bed as hard as ARC-V. VRAINS story doesn't have anything too complicated to fuck up. They just need to beat Ai or whoever is gonna be the final villain and done end of story
>MC is alright
Alright my ass. Yusaku chanced character from 1 episode to another. Rushed just to make him a more understanding character in season 3. Easily the worst MC development next to Yuya.
>go check out some DVD listings
>see some i've never seen posted before
>2D Borreload Savage
>thinking 2d is bad
2d done properly will always look better than 3d
lol wtf is up with Firewall over here
It couldn't be faster than yugi.
looks like fusion is the only one without a dvd cover
So 2D animation from the 80s?
I was just surprised that they drew a 2d drawing instead of using a 3D model like they do in the show.
he opened up really wide.