So what is his personality?

So what is his personality?

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You posted wrong josuke

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probably the most "normal" jojo

A school boy scamp with a golden heart and a dark side for those who get on his wrong side by attacking him or his family/friendd. Not very complicated, the only type of people who wouldn't get this kind of 2.5 dimensional characters are auti... oh.

*young* is not a personality


>golden heart
>tried to scam Rohan
>threatened Shigechi
>never really tried to catch Kira
Well, maybe his personality is being a lazy piece of shit


young and rad

He doesn't really have one aside from
Sure he hangs around with his friends but doesn't really show any care for anything else.
There was a part in the rat fight where he was a bit cautious about his shoes and cared for them but that's about it.

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His toublemaking stems from having a poorly organized family structure, but he's sympathetic when he needs to be.
It's hard to describe a personality when you don't have a past or future reference point. Joseph and Jotaro are both easier to think about because they have roles in three parts each.

>anyone who criticize jojo is autistic
Got'em epic JoBro!


too subtle for Yea Forumsutists to understand

I don't hate Josuke at all but he's the worst Jojo

Josuke is a greaser or some shit. There's definitely a personality there. I really didn't like Giorno until about half way through part 5. Because he's kind of a generic good guy but his stand is cool so you ignore it.

Giorno felt like generic background smart guy till the end

He's a calm pussy, until he's not because his hair.

Attached: hair.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

Literal retard

Jolyne best JoJo

No one in part 5 is good. They are criminals.

I want to lick Jolyne's smelly armpits

Getting upset over hair is not a personality, it's a character's running gag at best

Sleazy with a heart of gold.
Too easy.

by good guy I mean protagonist. They are inherently more moral then most of the people they encounter, I.e the good guys. They are fighting for a noble cause yada yada.
I guess you can say a team of anti heros. Whatever.

>Bad ass
>Total dork

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Ah, so he is inconsistent. I see your point.

You forgot
>Wicked sense of humor

He's just like me, pretty much.

No, he's consistent with those traits.
Only shit media uses characters with a single xD trait.

Delete this

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He's characterized by how incompetently they animate him. I think the way his eyes consistently morph into his temples is very charming.

He was kinda just a selfish jerk
The Shigechi and alien guy parts reveal his true nature

Did you just call JoJo shit? Because it has a lot of single trait characters like Mista or Yukako

güd böi

May I know why is he treated as someone "greedy"? He has barely any money to spend on summer thanks to having only a mother.

When he made the deal with Shigechi, he even give him the half of what they earned despite that not being the original deal.

And then tried to get money from Rohan, a rich mangaka who has more than enough money to live for the rest of his life.

You're a fucking retard if you actually believe this.

He hardly is any of these.

Best JoJo according to the author of the manga himself.

Tumblr version of Josuke.

Rohan is a piece of shit that insulted Josuke on numerous occasions, pranking him is doing the world a favour
He threatened Shigechi after the kid literally tossed this Stand at him and Okuyasu because he wanted all that sweet ¥
And how could he even try to look for Kira when he knew jackshit about him, giving the button to Jotaro was a better way since, you know, one of them had to go to school and the other was doing fuck all

>He threatened Shigechi

Ch. 76 pp. 16-20

mobileposting so can't attach the page rn

Really the Shigechi thing was at least somewhat justifiable
Yeah Josuke was just using him but Shigechi agreed to the deal and Josuke tried to be fair to him but they were equally guilty of being petty and greedy in the end

The thing with Rohan though Josuke was actually just cheating him I mean it was basically stealing
Just because Rohan was kind of a dick doesn't really justify it
But if anything I think this was actually a bit out of character for Josuke he doesn't really do anything else this blatantly dickish throughout the rest of the series

I dunno but but both his friends are shitter jabronis that need to stop being the way they are.

>Josuke doesn't steal from anybody else
>Literally tears Joseph's wallet out of his hand when he was already on a moving ship

Yeah I loved Josuke's character all of DIU but his game with Rohan made me really dislike him in that arc. He didn't even bother to fix Rohan's house which he could have done easily.

To be fair. Like father like son. Both Josuke and Joseph are "cheaters"

He was just having a laugh they're family and he knew Joseph would find it funny too
It's different because he knew Rohan didn't like him and would get extremely mad if he found out but decided to steal from him anyway just because he was the richest guy in town
That's kind of the thing from the very beginning in part 1 the Joestars are characterized by not being corrupt even though they're rich nobles
I mean even Joseph didn't really do underhanded stuff like this unless it was for a greater cause not just to swindle some money
HOWEVER Josuke only exists because he cheated on his wife so I'm pretty sure the overall message Araki was trying to get across is that having illegitimate children ruins the bloodline forever

Yukako is a background character. Also Mista has many character traits.

lel, when did you get diagnosed?

Remember when Rohan was ready to kill Okuyasu and turn Koichi into a slave for the sake of his manga? He should consider himself lucky that the SWF didn’t have him disappeared.


Rohan is based

Shut up Rohan.

Punk with a heart of gold

What's your personality OP? Before judging others, we must first turn inward.

Shone protagonist

and a dumb one.

Found the Jotarofag

Pretty much.

Not gay, but I would probably do Josuke. Figures, considering who his dad is.

"muh hair"