ITT: faces you want to punch

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I would be happy to see them get isekai'd to a lava pit.

Attached: 1539958091857.jpg (1200x854, 83K)

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>hating a chad

Attached: fEAVYq1.jpg (3783x2127, 555K)

Fuck SHITren (Jiren) and also fuck the other SHITren (Eren).

Attached: DUMBren.png (211x239, 6K)

Attached: ugly.jpg (811x934, 607K)

eReNCHaD, you have to be at least 18 to post here.

Attached: 519841-har_hey2.jpg (556x603, 96K)

Attached: usaka.jpg (200x250, 12K)

t. Armin

Attached: 1534535537.png (874x890, 738K)

>says the retard who write lIkE tHiS


Attached: Hyouka.jpg (1435x809, 181K)

Attached: Ep215OrihimeProfile.png (250x172, 50K)

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Attached: YHKyaCr.png (469x415, 157K)

Fuck you, op

Attached: 0004590_hand-held-mirror-black.jpg (1000x1000, 36K)

oh wait...

Attached: double_trouble.png (1920x1080, 921K)

dont be so hard on yourself user

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Attached: latest.jpg (358x463, 47K)

t. gabipedo

Attached: 1149266-george.jpg (320x320, 14K)

Attached: Lin_(adult).jpg (634x492, 123K)

Attached: i want you to punch me.jpg (715x755, 192K)

what did poor Lin ever do to you?

Attached: eren walking garbage.jpg (566x401, 108K)

the pink meme from Kaguya-sama


go back

Did nothing wrong
The only thing you can fault him with is potentially hiding battler's letter to Shannon, which was never confirmed

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