Bokuben chapter 120

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine reading We Cant Into Good Writing

i like it a lot

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Uruka a best. A BEST.

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Do you think Uruka has imagined their wedding night?

no, she's busy studying english

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Finally an Ikeda chapter!

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>absolutely nothing happen: the chapter
I can't wait for the next serious arc to begin.

I don't think we'll have another sensei arc just so oon user

I'm not even talking about a sensei arc yet, I just want anything that would make the story progress, like Fumino realising she has romantic feelings towards Yuiga or a fast forward to the end of the year so Uruka can fuck off to Australia already

none of those really sound serious

It seemed like a fine romantic gesture - especially from the swim club's reaction - but from Nariyuki's jovial reaction, it just seems like Uruka has been firmly seated into the friendzone.

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How is she getting fucking tan when swimming in an indoor pool?

Uruka getting engrossedc in her cleaning.
Only focus on me
everything else

Showing your tan lines while wearing your wedding dress.

Wow fucking trash.

UV lighting.

fug why do I love this supposedly shit manga so much.


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if the world is ever in need of unlimited homosexuality, we now know who to call

Reminder this manga has gone downhill since Fumino's arc.

Thanks to sensei keeping this manga alive.

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The quality of the chapters depends on the amount of sensei in it

Define serious.

If it was another character it would be "acting naturally and having good chemistry"

Damn she's so cute.

i want to marry uruka and raise a swimming team

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I sleep.


>implying Hayasaka wouldn't like tiddies the chapter


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>Uruka chapter
Who cares?

Uruka, obviously.

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Fumino's dirty mind

Should I start reading this?

So if Uruka got a kiss, does that mean we can assume the others will get their smooch at some point too?

No? Too hopeful? Okay.

Finally a Ikeda chapter

Unironically the best chapter in a while.

>best anything

>not best girl, best wife and best chapters

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At least dump it, without double pages.

It's dumped in the other thread

Yada yada thing replaced.

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I said without double pages.

No one is stopping you from doing it.

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But Uruka isn't a tomboy why are you using her image with the based tomboy text

I love Rizu

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Uruka is a cute waifu and good mother

>Sensei's voice actor is a cutie too

Literally the other girls can not compete

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They can't, thus the slaughter that was the poll.
Based Lynn.

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"Hello everyone! Bokuben second popularity poll's winner is Mafuyu-sensei taking first place!"

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Sensei chapters are the only thing I care about in this series. Please don't make threads unless is a Sensei chapter.

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dead manga. 5toubun better

Don't worry, Sensei has been carrying this for a while now.

>5toubun better

All the girls in that series suck and the fact that they're sisters doesn't work in a harem end scenario so he can only pick one while the others pretend to be happy for her while dying inside.

Oh boy, this is not going to end well. Ch 129.95 when?

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>her trackpants or skirt are always stuck in between her buttcheeks

I love this new trope

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fumino's manwhore sensor is reactive as always

I want your rizu folder


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The Fumino one is the ugliest.

But I have just 210 pics

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I contributed a bit

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I do

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>Time traveling to warp reality and make her into your childhood friend and a legal love interest
>a fucking pool cleaning
Is that even a contest?

still better that flatmino

Cute and comfy chapter. As Kawase said, just marry already. Also for all the complaining faggots no feet were shot this time.

Uhhhh urukafags? I thought you guys were gonna keep us seething for 2 weeks in a row because of the Uruka chapter following the sensei chapter. However all I see here is a dying fanbase desperately trying to keep the thread off page 10. Pathetic.
An arc wouldnt help Uruka get anywhere above third place and it shows. Nobody cares about this chapter. People care more about Ikeda than the nth iteration of cute things by Uruka. She even managed to reference kareego, even if it's not at all relevant because sensei isn't there.

Good thing next week is a Fumino chapter, I can finally be awake.

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Sensei is so good she can bend fucking time and space

>yfw is later revealed that Sensei was in a quantum leap all along where she lives as her future self while trying to learn more about her childhood love Nariyuki

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Let's bite I guess. There's 2 threads going on simultaneously, the spoiler thread had plenty shitposting with above average end post count, with Fuminofags crying victim as usual. "People" caring about Ikeda being The Ikedafag and the two Urukahaters that have to push that because that's the form of shitpost and seething they have to manifest to shit on Uruka "kek Based Ikeda who cares about Uruka". The fact that you come out of your way to write the post to underline that means that you're seething and rent free about Uruka and Urukafags. I guess you want to contribute to the thread life with some shitpost since it's the only way Bokuben threads are ever alive. Guess what, that's also being seething about Uruka and Urukafags existing.

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And next chapter the only good part will be Reiji shenanigans.
That's what Fumino chapters have been reduced to. She's not worth even 1/4 of sensei's votes and it shows.

>An arc wouldnt help Uruka get anywhere above third place
Sounds like you needed to hear that more than I did

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>stock Fumino picture
>bait shitpost
Hello shitposter-kun.

>Cringe Senseifag with his Reiji meme
I guess forcing stuff in order to make it real is how you fags cope

>how you fags cope
Using buzzwords are fine, but at least allow them to make sense in this context. Senseifags are the least of all the waifufags in Bokuben "who need to cope". Foomfags have been doing so for weeks now.

This. Uruka was even going to ask for a date. Looking forward to that.

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>I-it's just haters! Everyone loves Uruka! Nobody actually likes Ikeda!
>T-there's two threads (both of which are practically dead, the other one also has discussion of other rom coms to "boost" it)
>You're just seething!
Pathetic as always, keep projecting
>alternating green and black text
>Vendetta against a boogeyman
Two can play at this game shitposter-kun

Sorry, guess I need to underline the obvious contest. The whole shitposting about Fumino and the sensationalism of the poll is a massive form of cope by fags who feel they will lose this race. The sole reason Fumino is attacked is fanbase jealousy.

>Two can play at this game shitposter-kun
Poor attempt at backward logic. You'd do the thread a favor by making your own containment thread and staying there. It's not like your unfamiliar with those, right?

Well I already told you that the only way Bokuben threads are alive is by means of shitpost. You posting what I say in stutters and greentext barely constitutes argument. Also I didn't even say everybody hates Uruka, what happens with Bokuben is basically only Sensei threads and Arc threads are alive by proper virtue while everything else is alive by means of shitpost. Which is what you're doing right now I guess. It's just matter of biting the bait.

Why do you reply, m8? He's only fishing for responses.

>ESL Fuminofag thinks he and Fumino are the center of the world
Guess you are seething in fact. You should have played game of faking being unfazed but I guess keeping the cope juice from spilling for so much time is impossible for you fags.

>The sole reason Fumino is attacked is fanbase jealousy.
>victim complex
That's false though, the whole reason why foomfags are dislikes is that they are a bunch of shitposting retards and are unironically also the fags who have been massively coping for weeks now.
>>The whole shitposting about Fumino and the sensationalism of the poll is a massive form of cope by fags who feel they will lose this race.
seeth harder

Maybe some development for Uruka finally? What if the whole Australia thing is just a red herring?

>wrong pic

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Guess we're back to repeating mantras to make them true. Shitposting back to provocation is a normal reaction you fags should expect.
>exaggerating mistyping
>ESL boogeyman
The usual Fuminohater argument, sounds like you're seething.

>The whole shitposting about Fumino and the sensationalism of the poll is a massive form of cope by fags who feel they will lose this race
seeand also this one

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>it's the retarded Senseifag posting his samefag replied convenient screenshots
Imagine thinking you can fool anyone

>Guess we're back to repeating mantras to make them true. Shitposting back to provocation is a normal reaction you fags should expect.
seeOh, please, keep digging your own grave deeper and depper. I'll keep it at this. Keep coping turbo-autist.

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Oh I know you'll keep doing this. You even samefag bait post to find an excuse to post it. You're too obvious.

>it's the retarded Senseifag posting his samefag replied convenient screenshots
My samefag?? user, I think you're misunderstanding something here. These are all from a foomfag(s) who have been coping for weeks now, not from senseifags. I know you lack reading comprehension, but this is too much.

The girls need changed or improved dynamics with Nariyuki. As a harem the popularity should be more even than the current state of things.

>You even samefag bait post to find an excuse to post it. You're too obvious.
My post is this one . But of course that won't convince you otherwise, so why do I even bother, right?

>Even Fuminofag can't help calling Uruka cute

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>posting the minute right after
Try to make it less obvious

I saw the post and replied to it with that screenshot because I believed that user was in actuality referring to "precisely" that post when he said: "What do you think when you see pic related?" I literally had the thread open next to me. Apart from seething, coping and applying boogyman, you are also pretty fucking paranoid. Want a screenshot?
>inb4 edit

Uruka was a mistake

this. uruquisha is still a mistake now.

Why is she still sticking around? Didn't she basically lose already while the romance with the other girls are still up in the air?

A mistake to make so cute, it's too much.

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I'm still mad Ai Kayano didn't voice Sensei

I like you, guys.

Oh no, fumino is getting suspicious of things that aren't her business!

Get back to me once you move out from your trailer park.

What do you mean?

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It's a comfy read. The worst thing about it are the threads.

Sure. Doesn't help that you fags have a story of samefagging. Your stern defense over it makes it more suspicious. The fact that you're pointing at the possibility of the screenshot while defensively putting the edit response ahead is icing on the top. Just take it as an advice for the next time to shitpost, make it less obvious because honestly BTFOing you is not even good sport.

Based, Fuminohaters BTFO.

repeating things won't make them real

>Doesn't help that you fags have a story of same fagging
That's literally (you) though you braindead retard.
see and you are called out hereand banned right here>foomshits cry out falseflag
Not only hypocrites also straight-up liars.
>Your stern defense over it makes it more suspicious
>calls me samefag
>call out the fact that I am not
>w-why are you defending yourself?
Apply yourself.
>The fact that you're pointing at the possibility of the screenshot while defensively putting the edit response ahead is icing on the top
It's because you fags also cry out edit at every screenshot, so I predicted the reply and didn't even bother posting it.
>Just take it as an advice for the next time to shitpost, make it less obvious because honestly BTFOing you is not even good sport.
Pot calling the kettle black. Go make your containment thread and stay there inbred. You foomshits are the only fags here who continue to cry and btfo every single time.

seelet me post more of that same retard who got banned just to drive it in harderShould have made a fucking screenshot out of him.

My bad, the first post is the wrong one, this is the correct retard.

Sensei raises flags even when she's not appearing in the chapter.

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Based one minute reply self upvote. I see that you don't like to act like you preach foomfaggot.

Just drop it user, I already showed him foomshits are disgusting samefaggers even though they cry "samefag" the most.

>it's another fuminoautist seethes at Urukabros and Senseichads episode
I'm tired of this episode

Cope hard
>Mafuyu time travel chapter was ridiculous
>Uruka chapter was boring but better than Sensei *more realistic *

A boring chapter for the most boring girl.


Don't you have a toubun thread to spam in, subhuman chink?

At least she isn’t Asumi. I question her purpose and why she still gets treated as a side character despite apparently being in the harem.

>over 10 hours
>only 130 replies
We sleep.

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with sensei

She's still Nariyuki's childhood friend and they're still studying for exams.

I can't believe how bad this chapter was. It's almost like the author has no idea what to do with Uruka. Honestly she should just fuck off already.

This but for senpai rizu and fumino

fumino can stay but only under the condition that Reiji will double her screentime

He doesn't know what to do with ANY of the girls.
Hell, if he had decided on one it should be smooth sailing, there are some really staple developments he could be cramming each chapter but all we get is basically worthless filler.
At least with sensei they went house hunting which was nice I guess? But seriously, the whole thing is a mess of stalling.

>all characters more developed and interesting than Uruka should fuck off
Yeah, no thanks. Uruka has to go. Same for Asumi.

Bokuben right now

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>Hell, if he had decided on one it should be smooth sailing, there are some really staple developments he could be cramming each chapter but all we get is basically worthless filler.
I mean, this does look like smooth sailing of you ask me.

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Can Fumino and Rizu go too? As their arcs showed, they are worthless with boring as shit and/or completely asspulled and retarded issues.

let's go back to shitting on Uruka so maybe the hate and mockery my foom gets can cool down in preparation for her upcoming chapter

>It's almost like the author has no idea what to do with Uruka
He doesn't know what to do with any of the girls,because all of them still stuck in fillerzone even after their """"""""arc"""""""""""
Fumino chapter is still her being jealous cunt,Rizu chapter is still her in petzone,Asumi chapter still her being cocktease,Uruka chapter still her shooting her foot and Sensei chapter is still "I visit this slob house for the 100th time"
Rinse and repeat.

I'm sure at this point 22i could have her fail the incapables on purpouse and go full villain and she'd still have those many votes.

>and Sensei chapter is still "I visit this slob house for the 100th time"
Not her last three (paying respects, ghost and JK), he's actually moved on from this a bit. I mean, last one was a bit of that but then went full on time travel date.

seriously fuck this chapter

Another reminder that she chose her swimming career instead of the dick (which is a good thing btw)
She even goes say goodbye to the pool, reminding herself she won't swim in it again
Uruka's delusions
semi romantic moment that destroys the entire swimming club just used as a joke, though that shouldn't be surprising only when she stopped chasing the dick she is able to do that without stopping herself in the middle

>once the exams are over...
so the madman is doing it she will say goodbye to Nariyuki with a confession, this won't make their goodbye awkward at all

She looks so cute and hot

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>He doesn't know what to do with any of the girls,because all of them still stuck in fillerzone even after their """"""""arc"""""""""""
>and Sensei chapter is still "I visit this slob house for the 100th time"
Hey, that's not true.
And what does the messiness of Sensei's home have anything to do with her progression?

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those are some serious gal cleaning vibes here

>paying respects, ghost and JK
All of these are fillers just the same.And 22i treading into supernatural shenanigans just show he has no idea how to write an actual plot.

But a DIFFERENT kind of filler, stop moving goalposts because the whole manga is a bunch of filler.
You know what you're reading, it's a plotless SoL.

I guess Ikeda isn't shipping him Mafuyu after all, just has the typical obsession with romance all of the side girls in this manga have (shoujo manga seems to have a bad influence)

what, Ikeda doesn't even know about their relationship

>At the end of the year (...)
So Rizu's arc was actually during Christmas and thats it.

If it was on a saturday, then Nariyuki went with Asumi and finally had the time travelling at sensei's, then yes, Rizu had christmas.

Of course she doesn't, but that manga she reads has some questionable relationship between a female teacher and a male student that pretty much are analogues for Mafuyu and Nariyuki.
Moreover her comment seems to indicate that in that manga the character actually do something. Even in a fictional manga inside this one the characters have more romantic progress. This is deliberate at this point.

>All of these are fillers just the same
>filler in Bokuben
We never learn. Ghost-Loli was not a filler though since it actually teased some things about Mafuyu.

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Kareego is a shoujo, those always have some form of development for the sake of drama.

>Of course she doesn't, but that manga she reads has some questionable relationship between a female teacher and a male student that pretty much are analogues for Mafuyu and Nariyuki.
Why would she ship Mafuyu with Nariyuki just because she read that manga. She doesn't know anything about their relationship. Why she suddenly start shipping two random people out of the blue. Can you start making sense?

these fags seething now will be calling Fumino's filler chapter cute, development, muh chemistry, relevant, etc, next week

rent free

Here's the first alluded fag, so easy

but look at this chapter's romantic moment if this was any other girl (maybe except Asumi, because she will turn it in a teasing moment) that isn't going to Australia you would think more of it, wouldn't you? especially when the chapter even alludes to her leaving a couple of times in it.

Maybe if Uruka hadn't been denying herself of progress the WHOLE fucking manga people would think more of it.
I don't dislike her, but she should just confess, fuck off to Australia and become the plot device that lets Nariyuki figuren out who he loves. because everyone knows that's her role in the story.

>All of these are fillers just the same
seeYou calling a literal epilogue to Sensei's arc where she displays her development and changes after her arc, a filler? Idiot.

>what does the messiness of Sensei's home have anything to do with her progression?
It's a metaphor for the state of her heart and how Nariyuki's presence is required for it to become clear and open to others?

>Maybe if Uruka hadn't been denying herself of progress the WHOLE fucking manga people would think more of it.
Then the manga would en in a couple of chapters after her introduction though, because he obviously is attracted to her and even if he tried to turn her down he would do it in a way she could try again after exams are over.
Though I got tired of her character traits somewhere around the cultural festival as well.

She could have been rejected but still try to get his affection, like Marika for example.
FAR better than her right now.

I like that she finally got another personal time alone chapter. It would be wrong if she wasn't given a better shot at him now that they're about to break up. Her attempts to play if off haven't worked so far and maybe now she can have the drive to ask him out at least once.

Having read this and the Quints back to back it's interesting to see the development of the tutor/student story from two different way. Nariyuki is so concerned for the others and has really helped develop them into more rounded people while transforming himself. On the other side the Quints did more of a transformation that Fuu ever could as even now he's not as likable as he could be for the reader. Fuu's journey is more believable, but Nariyuki's is far more enjoyable. I'm curious how much longer each series will try to continue on once the school year ends.

It feels like he has no idea what to do with any girl that isn't sensei.

the biggest problem for me is Tsutsui playing the studying abroad card way to early, maybe it's for realism, but it still makes chapters like this fell so pointless

and even so, sensei's development can be rendered pointless in the end if he just asspulls a Fumino end and either neglects her or uses her to shill Fumino

>It's a metaphor for the state of her heart and how Nariyuki's presence is required for it to become clear and open to others?
While I don't deny that it does hold some sort of symbolism to something. She always sucked at cleaning.

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Let's predict the next chapters
>girls get a round of filler
>Nariyuki meets sensei's parents
>girls get a round of filler
>sensei's birthday
>girls get a round of filler
>he goes with sensei and his family to visit moedad's grave

Nah, I'll be content knowing Sensei was the best in regards to her character and development. Her smile was restored. The only thing that would piss me off is shilling Fumino with Mafuyu or pulling a bait and switch.

I'll be sad knowing Sensei will probably stay single her entire life cause she's never gonna be able to connect to someone like she did to Nariyuki. Can't have everything I guess.

Exams by chapter 125. Mafuyu finds out about his no romance until after exams rule and drags him home with her after the last day of exams.

I am wondering, how much down-time is there in between the exam and the results? Cause once those exams are over, they are kinda "free", right? Except frot studying for entrance exams.

When's he gonna screw Rizu?

enough to make it an arc with turning down every single girl

There's so much potential for Mafuyu's future chapters and I hope Tsutsui seizes it

IIRC it's about a month between exam and result

>She always sucked at cleaning.
That represents the part of her that needs support from others to live up to the expectations of others and if left to her own devices she will only slide back into her shell piling up pointless regrets. Seriously, what exactly is young girl doing carrying a magic hand in her bag?

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in the doujinshi

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You're running out of your stock weak ad hominem counterarguments Urukashitter.
Pointing at boogeyman posts won't help you fag. Falseflags getting deleted are just jannies doing their work. Most of those are Urukashitters anyway and you're just in denial since Fuminofags posts don't get deleted. That's precisely because we don't have a story for shitposting.

Unironically the best way they have to get everyone to shit on her chapter in retaliation. It's almost like they wish for it.

>That's precisely because we don't have a story for shitposting.
Oh god the levels of delusion in this sentence.

I'm not sure if you're an actual fuminofag or just a baiter repeating their stock responses

These ARE the entrance exams. Japan does them in January.

exams are through january results february

>Pointing at boogeyman posts won't help you fag.
You are doing that
>Falseflags getting deleted are just jannies doing their work. Most of those are Urukashitters anyway
>cries falseflag at Urukafags (again)
(You) need to stop contradicting yourself.
>and you're just in denial since Fuminofags posts don't get deleted.
seeThey did, he got banned right here. Funny how you completely ignored that post, huh?
>That's precisely because we don't have a story for shitposting.
I am done

>These ARE the entrance exams. Japan does them in January
What? I am talking about the exams to graduate for high-school.

They don't really have any, once you take entrance exams you don't even need to come to school anymore until graduation.
Normal students don't even come Christmas onwards since they focus on their own exams.

oh, thanks for the info.

I haven't read the series but based on the threads and on my dick I surmise Uruka is best girl

you know that the chapter where she visits his house to pay respect is the chapter where he discusses his future with his mom, right? and who's by his side at that moment while the rest of the girls are hidden like cleaning appliances in a closet?
apartment hunting shows that she wouldn't change her home to a place that makes him feel uncomfortable and that they are so used to each other than a ghost girl mistook them for a couple and the landlord didn't question his presence when she was about to sign the contract, not to mention that she isn't against the idea if it's after graduation
time travel was a bonus chapter so it gets a pass, but still, we see that she treats and cares for him more than just as a regular student, coupled with some banter and he even teases her meaning that the barrier doesn't exist anymore when in private

>that she wouldn't change her home to a place that makes him feel uncomfortable
she was about to though, before the happenings become a little less clear

based satan

well, from her perspective Yuiga was being unusually irrational, then the ghost girl "clears" the misunderstanding so everything is fine until the landlord makes the situation dubious again

>apartment hunting shows that she wouldn't change her home to a place that makes him feel uncomfortable
I wonder how more people don't realize that she declined the offer in the end because Nariyuki felt really uncomfortable about it. She literally declined it because of him.
>not to mention that she isn't against the idea if it's after graduation
True, she did "imply" that. Instead of stopping his confession short and berating him for it, so just told him that he has to wait at least until he graduates before he wants to confess (she thought he was going to confess) to her. She wasn't telling him to wait in general before can confess to "anyone". No, the context there he has to wait until he graduates before he wants to confess to "her", that was the context there. And that's very telling. She literally admitted that she's fine with his confession after graduation, which should not be the case for a teacher.

He’s already baited things pretty hard. None of the others had something like her arc. It overshadowed Fumino and Rizu’s arcs and they’re the poster heroines.

Based quints confirming

good taste

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Sensei is better, but Uruka is a strong second.

Foom did it first

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>Reiji meme
Hate to break it to you but it's not a meme. Reiji is unironically the best part of Fumino chapters

Hey guys, how many chapters do you see this series reaching?
From where it is in time right now I say around 200, but that is just my guess.

180 or so. We're nearing end game.

the school year starts april in japan, right? so they're 3/4 through the series. he could drag it with another round of arcs for each character, but i think there's just gonna be an arc for each one at the end. hard to say if uruka gets one before then, since she's probably had the most chapters out of all the girls. i'm hoping hers is the last arc and she wins the bowl

if we're 3/4 through, it should have about 160. maybe a bit more since he might add more stuff near the end. i think between 160-180 tops

i wonder how early/late the girls will start dropping from the bowl

Tbh there's a lot of potential for all of the future heroine chapters and I'm kind of sad that this series might end soon. This is a series that would benefit from being stretched out a little

>a cute animal has come to Fumino's House! Nyan!!
I hope they'll keep the cat.

Attached: 1560679265464.png (405x378, 206K)

It's Sawako in cat ears.

I hope it's Reiji being autistic over the cat, would unironically make for a fun chapter even if it's about Fumino.
That said, if she named the cat Nariyuki I'd die happy because there's no bigger loser flag

father and daughter bonding over being utterly useless at taking care of a pet
Nariyuki has to step in to help the poor little fellow

>Tbh there's a lot of potential for all of the future heroine chapters and I'm kind of sad that this series might end soon
Heavily disagree with this one. Benefit how? It already feels incredibly dragged out with a few characters. Most of the girl have nothing looking up for them other than their end game roles, this is the case with Uruka, Fumino, and Asumi. Rizu just realized her feelings for Nariyuki at the end of her arc and it'll be cute to see a few cute chapters for Rizu throwing spaghetti around. With Mafuyu we could still get to see her parents or an eventual grave-visit to Nariyuki's dad, a chapter featuring her parents or even confirming her age with a birthday.

It's just bad overall this out so much.

>With Mafuyu we could still get to see her parents or an eventual grave-visit to Nariyuki's dad, a chapter featuring her parents or even confirming her age with a birthday.
I said parents two times
>It's just bad overall this out so much.
It's just bad overall to drag this out so much.

>It's just bad overall to drag this out so much.
To some extent it's the fault of the setting: 3rd year right before exams: Nariyuki wanting to prioritize studying

I see that you also like reading comprehension. I'm obviously implying those are that one /pol/ Urukashitter falseflagging as he is the only one whose posts get regularly deleted by jannies.

fat sawako a shit

Tsutsui already screwed her over in her arc

>Reiji comes home
>"Now Fumino, i know we've patched things up but you know how i am with your academics. IF you don't meet my standards then i'm going to blow this cat's brains out. Now let's see that report card!"

I swear there was a bulge edit of this

*a best

Attached: The_Architect.png (720x603, 407K)

Uruka was the one who convinced him to talk with his mother.

This series is episodic and about the cute shenanigans of the girls rather than focusing on any kind of plot. There's tons of things you could do ranging from fluff to development


Attached: c103_08.png (1568x1145, 654K)

Yeah, so? He took Sensei's example here and found more courage to address the matter.

Attached: Gnge.jpg (395x585, 90K)

>O MY LAPTOP and retconned character setting
>completely pointless
>Fumino shilling and zero good scenes with NAriyuki
Who got screwed the hardest in her arc?

Fumino, because -1k fans.

Fumino at least had the "I will support you scene" and the wifey chapter. Not saying those were anything good, but still. The Laptop just fucked with the entire arc but Fumino got more out if it for romance then Rizu did.

He was ready to talk with his mother no mather what, the next chapter was unnecessary, I don't like that yoy downplay other girls just to shill sensei chapters.

SeeI take this back. At least Rizu confirmed her feelings for Nariyuki after her arc. Fumino is still cluelesa after I AM AWAKE. I think Tsutsui realized that making Fumino confirm her feelings then and there would basically be the same as taking away "the only thing" Fumino has been struggeling with internally and turn her into a literal Uruka. She wouldn't have anything to look forward to after that, instead of she became a backstabber.

>make both an epilogue to sensei's arc as well as the conclusion to Nariyuki's in one swift move that almost looks like decent writing
>stick the other girls in the cuckshed

well, they both had a role in that, Uruka gave him a push and sensei was by his side supporting him in the process

Never tells mom he is going after the ViP recommendation in the first place
when she learns about it He drops from the very thing he was after from the very beginning
starts overworking himself with 3 part-time jobs at the same time
It turns out father did in fact leave them some emergency money
though now he is using said money for his own selfish goal, that probably won't give them a comfortable life he wanted to provide

Rizu got fucked there's no arguing about it. Fumino got the longest arc and the laptop thing barely matters in the optic of a bowl win.
Rizu has yet to make an appearence so she might just be unprogressive as well

>retconned character setting
>Fumino shilling and zero good scenes with NAriyuki
I know you're mad, but don't be ridiculous now.

The chapter was very necessary for Sensei's development as a character and with Nariyuki. Tsutsui himself downplayed the other girls by forcing them in the chapter as harem fodder while Sensei stays by Nariyuki's side with his mom for most of it.

Yes, unnecessary, Uryka already solved that and it was better because Uruka acted as soon as she knew that Nariyuki dropped the scholarship while Mafuyu who knew since the beginning only acted after he solved her problem.

>the next chapter was unnecessary
The chapter was an epilogue to Sensei's arc and it wasn't unnecesary. She sat beside him to show moral support to confront his mother with his dilemma to follow his selfish desire, which is something Mafuyu would normally be against. It served to show a clear contrast between the Mafuyu at the start of the series and the present Mafuyu who is supporting Nariyuki in his request to follow a study in education instead of taking the VIP. So again, it wasn't an unnecessary chapter you speedreader.

Where did I downplay Uruka in my post idiot? I just showed facts.

It doesn't count because everyone hates Uruka.

fuminofags hate Uruka*

>Yes, unnecessary, Uryka already solved that and it was better because Uruka acted as soon as she knew that Nariyuki dropped the scholarship while Mafuyu who knew since the beginning only acted after he solved her problem.
SeeCry harder. I have a hard time believing you are an actual Urukafag. I call falseflag


>"o my laptop"/
It's you again.
Now that is new bait from you.

And some Asumifags, some Rizufags, some Senseifags. Not him, by the way.

But only Urukafags hate Fumino, am I right?

>Yes, unnecessary, Uryka already solved that and it was better because Uruka acted as soon as she knew that Nariyuki dropped the scholarship while Mafuyu who knew since the beginning only acted after he solved her
>whole chapter is unecessary because U-Uruka already s-solved it.
>never mind the fact that it also serves as an epilogue to Sensei's arc
>shows clearly how she's been trying to move forward
>came to pay her respects to his father.
>sat beside him to support him in an attempt to tell his mother on a decision she would normally be against
Yeah, totally unecesarry chapter. (You) were right.



I don't hate any of the girls. I think they're all good but Uruka has a special place in my heart as best girl

The only thing unecessarry in that chapter are all the girls in that cuck closet
>Tsutsui: It was a group chapter!

He probably is. Sudden Urukafag comes and shits on chapter 106 that a certain fanbase isn't particularly fond of. Makes me think.

Post one good scene with Rizu and Nariyuki in her arc

He is not wrong though.

At this point there are probably a lot more people who hate Fumino though.

make it one good scene with only Rizu and Nariyuki

Yeah because nobody can defend Uruka and chapter 105.


Many Senseifags definetely do as well.

Yes, of that what you want to hear? You know the answer to that.

You weren't around ch.30-70 threads to know better.

You can, but going full retard by calling 106 unnecessary gives yourself away

No one said shit about chapter 105.

Next you'll say Uruka is more popular than Fumino everywhere too.

And also some Rizufags and Asumifags.

But no one did. At best he said Sensei had a role in it as well.

yeah, uruka hate is so last year, she's better now

That's not true by virtue of numbers but Fumino's active hate today is undeniably bigger. Mainly because Fuminofags made their lives about pissing people off.

Unless you count the same 8-9 autists who are responsible for the overwhelming majority of the waifu and fanbase war as a measure of a lot more, not really.

That's irrelevant, they're approximately on the same league as far as popularity goes.

>wearing a swimsuit that looks exactly like being naked, but with swimsuit tanlines
A rather specific fetish has been acquired.

Attached: 1465192059590.gif (540x304, 1.93M)

Bigger than Uruka hate is still doubtful.

To be fair I hated Uruka back then for all the hogging, not because of the characters. But after rotation got introduced and became the norm I can enjoy all the chapters equally for all the girls and I don't have a problem with Uruka and her chapters at all. Wish her plot was a bit faster as she's the only one with a plot to develop right now.

>it is irrelevant because I say so

Not saying for sure but saying it is not far off the spectrum at all.

Since the last poll results came out, it became rather obvious that fuminofags are absolutely terrible at guessing numbers distribution.

Fumino is considerably more popular than Uruka just about everywhere. This is especially true in western communities.

Rizu I'd say. Fumino and Asumi's arc were a mess plotwise but at least they were cute and had some good romantic moments. Rizu had none of that, it was just boring and felt like an opportunity to shill Fumino, best she got was a headpat. And don't even get me started on how stupid the "I hate you" shit was

It is irrelevant because they're not that far from each other in popularity and also in hatedom
Not in Japan or Yea Forums

Manga poll is irrelevant. You're talking about size of hate here

Well take pride in your 10% higher popularity.

Yes Yea Forums. Japan too because anime fans prefer Fumino over Uruka.

And fuminofags have done a magnificent job at earning as much of it as possible for the longest time.

>not far
Prove it. inb4 cherrypicking the latest poll at your entire basis for everywhere, which doesn't show hatedom either.

Nah, at best Fuminofags are more vocal and active than Urukafags, but their numbers aren't much bigger.

Upsetting a small group of autists still doesn't account for most or more.

I see a lot of people shittint on Fumino. The popularity poll thread was a good example of just how much Fumino and her fanbase are disliked

>aren't much bigger
Twitter disagrees.

Fumino's arc and recent chapters have had a reception as terrible as Uruka's worst chapters.

Urukafags painted a target on their backs and made themselves hated for far longer. The second shitstorm we are in was created by Urukafags.

I'm talking about Yea Forums.

Fumino lost the biggest amount of votes. People can tell that how poorly written she is.

Who mentioned twitter?

>isolated incident because Senseifags were sensitive and warmongering and most hated Urukafags using Sensei as a proxy
Uruka is still certainly less liked regardless of how you spin it.

Why do you say it's a small group? I could say the same about the people who hate Uruka then.

a toast to uruka, brown, tanned girls and tomboys everywhere

Attached: toast.jpg (681x1015, 181K)


Attached: 1562720091516.png (350x500, 73K)

>user talked about everywhere
>has to change it to Yea Forums, which is still doubtful considering Urukafags' history

Most Senseifags hate Fumino tho

Attached: v.png (374x827, 205K)

Asumi's arc wasn't cute.

>Not in Japan or Yea Forums
Also going by Twitter, Fumino would be almost as popular as Mafuyu. It's not reliable by any standard.

>isolated incident
Oh sure, like literally the latest 5 months worth of threads after chapter 100 in which Fuminofags have been on a rabid shitpost machinegun
>Urukafags using Sensei as a proxy
In times like these I read and laugh at your stock interchangeable shitpost baits

All shitstorms involve Fuminofags for some reason.
Really makes me think.

There are several possible explanations for that. And most of them does inquire hating her. You are grasping at straws.

It's usually the same arguments and posters and brand of autism. You pick up on these things once you have lurk long enough.

Bitter and jealous fans always try to take down the popular girl.

Fumino is definitly more disliked or actually her fags are.

Kek. Fuminofags are truly the most pathetic fanbase. Literally changing boogeyman at an eye glance.

Prove it


Prove Uruka is more hated today

>Fumino is considerably more popular than Uruka just about everywhere.
Back it up

Yeah, that's exactly what Fuminofags did when the poll results came out.

the popular girl is mafuyu

Attached: mafuyu wonderful.png (441x475, 133K)

anybody else just hate all fuminofags and urukafags along with the tripfag and italian pissfags

Twitter is easily accessible and free to all. The manga poll requires money to participate and to physically mail in the votes. Which of the two you think is more reliable and has a bigger population without an entry barrier?

I literally hate everyone in this fanbase.

I hate french as well. Niggers who speak a faggot language.

Sounds like what fuminofags have been doing since sensei won the first poll and after she won the second.

Lurk moar. Your move.

She's my 2nd favorite

Her fanbase is fucking unbearable though

are there any french here? I agree they should be hated too but I haven't seen any posting

people hating Fumino doesn't involve her losing votes, the poll only amounts for most popular character, not most hated, less people hate Asumi but you would be completely delusional to think that she is as popular as Fumino, Fumino lost fans, but those lost fans don't necessarily hate her

Not all fans post in Twitter.
All true fans read the manga, and in order to read the manga you have to buy the magazine.

>>isolated incident because Senseifags were sensitive and warmongering and most hated Urukafags using Sensei as a proxy
Bullshit, not only Urukafags hate you retard. I am a senseifag and I hate foomshits too.

>he doesn't know Fumino was most popular on Yea Forums first
Hello 1st shitstorm Senseifags started shortly after the first poll.

And yet we're talking about what Senseifags and Urukafags did last year.

Your logic doesn't make sense since Fumino got less popular and more people are bashing her as result.

Bullshit. Online readers and raws scans are available online.

>what Fuminofags did last year*

So basically you're telling me look at the threads. Which is what I told you the other day when you made the exact same point. And you said show me. And I showed you. And your argument was "that doesn't count". I guess it's your move.

Considering the number of followers and tweets that adds up, the number is a few times greater than 25k.

At this point fuminofag have alienated both senseifags and urukafags. Then you can bet that rizufags are fed up with them as well. No matter how you look at it, fumino has managed to get most of the fanbase against her.

>tfw no doujin where uruka, mafuyu and sawako are futas taking turn shagging nariyuki
>instead the most likely to get a futa doujin is fumino, who looks like a boy

Attached: dead rizu.png (146x160, 26K)

>>isolated incident because Senseifags were sensitive and warmongering and most hated Urukafags using Sensei as a proxy
>>>isolated incident because Senseifags were sensitive and warmongering
Kek, this bullshit

Attached: 5c28f99.jpg (289x175, 14K)

This is the Japanese we're talking about, not you, someone who only consumes pirated stuff.

I don't necessarily hate them, but these little scuffles are getting annoying, but as long as they don't try to involve sensei in their bullshit then I don't particularly care that much

Attached: sensei glare.png (392x416, 158K)

I hate everybody. Especially you.

The Foomshitter's post upvoter is a frog

>Urukafags defense force is at Full Throttle

Senseifags did it first. It checks out.

>Foomshitter feels cornered because his resident base upvoter is sleeping

Literally what foomshits have been trying for months

So? You'd have a point if they had an official Twitter poll, but judging popularity by likes and retweets is literally quint-tier retardation.

Most of our raw sources come from Japanese or Chinks, newfag.

I got your back, bro.

Attached: I bet you're into that, you deviant.png (524x1264, 283K)

Wasn’t Fumino always much closer to Uruka in popularity than Sensei? Even in the first poll the gap between them was smaller.

You were refuted and wrong. Don't be coy.

>followers, tweets, fanart, likes aren't valid in this context because it hurts my narrative
Ka ka.

It's like they don't even realize Fumino is not special at all and nowhere close to most popular girl. The current argument with Urukafags about being "popular" is laughable. Is like a cockroach telling a smaller cockroach he's bigger. Sensei is popular. The rest have a small dedicated fanbase.

It's true though?

That has nothing to do with my point.
Nope. The official twits can barely get more than 1k likes, it's an invalid way of measuring popularity.

Yes, popularity-wise it'ws
Sensei>>>>>>>>>>>>>who gives a shit>>>Fumino>=Uruka>>Rizu>=Asumi.

I will say this. I'm neither an Urukafag or a Fuminofag but both of them have obsessed autistic proxyfags in their fanbase and whatever rival strawpoll there is, whoever wins is about which of them is sleeping right now.

Yeah, they mean nothing next to an official manga poll.

>Senseifags did it first.
Pathetic, apply yourself

ikedaCHADS rise up

Attached: ikeda cheer.png (128x153, 23K)

>That pic again

Attached: Rizu_gun.jpg (398x494, 139K)

No. You all stay down until you fix her hair.

His whole argument is
>this happened a year ago so whatever shitposting we still do is justified
>we are the victims here!

unless you have something concrete then you are wrong there too, not that it matters much anyway

Attached: random Twitter poll.png (704x574, 67K)

No, it really isn't you basement dweller.

The only thing you can say for sure is Mafuyu became more popular a short time after they started the first shitstorm out of the blue to take down Fumino. Urukafags took up the mantle to start up the next shitfling war a few weeks after the first shitstorm was dying down. Urukafags were out for blood and bitter as hell. They decided to target Fumino only because they try to rewrite history where only Fuminofags hated Uruka despite the fact she was hated by general consensus.

Man, it's always so accurate.

I know, it's really fucking sad

>OH MY narrative

Fucking confirmed

Now this is pathetic.

It's fucking green. How will you ever recover?

Attached: 1562402715265.gif (300x160, 1.88M)

Not that it matters since you're the one saying things are different in Twitter, likes, followers, etc, yet aren't providing any evidence for it.

Despite making up just 20% of the heroines, Mafuyu carries 57% of the fanbase.

>trust me bro, I'm a normalfag

her hair is perfect, as well as her eyes

Attached: Ikeda_greatest_moment.png (1280x720, 493K)

I will be over the moon if Uruka wins but let's be real here, tomboys almost always loses.

>bringing up stuff that happened a year ago as a justification for rampant, thread ruining shitposting
Pathetic what?

(You), try again shitposter

I don't think you know what your point is anymore.

Mafuyu was already just as popular as Fumino when that shit started. And just like hating Uruka was the general consensus back then, hating Fumino now thanks to shit like her arc is the general consensus now.

Shut the fuck up your stupid fucking inbred faggot!
IKEDA having green hair is a perfect representation of her repressed envy at not being able to succeed like her idol Uruka and being destined to just be on the sidelines.
but of course a god damn nigger monkey like you would never understand, go back to jerking off to your permaflat you cunt.

>hating Fumino now thanks to shit like her arc is the general consensus now.
Not just that, it's the enormous amount of shitposting they've been doing for months now which is also a factor there.

>22i twitter
>publisher twitter for Bokuben
>anime twitter
>literally has a tons more people than mere 25k
> it doesn't count! The poll represents all everywhere cuz I want it to

Most Japanese manga readers don't pirate stuff, they buy the magazine and support the author. That's the point.

The manga sells over 100k you mouth breather. A manga poll trumps whatever narrative you want to push using Twitter, even harder when you aren't even providing evidence for it.

>it's the same recycled narrative each and every time with this faggot
Fuminofags are the biggest shitposters and most hated now. Get over your retarded "back in the day" narrative you can never proof.

>tomboys almost always loses
Fucking ouch. I hate this gay-ass timeline

>Urukafags: we did nothing wrong! U-Uruka isn't the most hated anymore, it's Fumino. Trust us, we shatpost hard enough to make it believable.
The double standard is real.

>>anime twitter
You literally answered your own question

1k votes.

>1/4th of the sales
Dumb Urukashitter destroying his own argument. Nice.

To be fair, whenever tomboys or reverse traps win, people always prefer other characters.

Protip, people hate both Fuminofags and Urukafags, but's it's a lot funnier to laugh at the former, like last week's seething threads.

That's true for about every popularity poll in any series you retard. You will never get 100% of the total readers to vote. Now go find something else to grasp at because you can't even show anything from Twitter pushing Fumino above Uruka and close to Sensei.

Considering there are millions of manga readers versus the number of average sales in the manga industry, most fans definitely do not buy. They read inside a store or get them online. But you digress as that wasn't the original argument.

From the thumbnail it looked like she was flashing her naked lower body and showing off her tanlines. This may have been intentional.

Attached: out of control.png (692x416, 195K)

If they don't buy the magazine or the tanks, they're most likely casuals and not fans. The point is to try to make Twitter seem like a more reliable source for popularity than an official manga poll, which is utterly dumb because you aren't showing any numbers or stats from Twitter to support your claims.

>pushing Fumino above Uruka and close to Sensei.
>close to sensei
Does anyone legit think this? I doubt foomshits are that retarded.

I alternate between being an Ikedafag and make fun of her.

Attached: Drinkeda.png (97x84, 15K)

>JUMP polls mean everything. Stop saying they don't actually represent fan bases for all everywhere. REEEEEEEEE
Lmao. Naruto polls sure are accurate. Yep, Nips love Sasuke to high heaven, so that mean that's true here and there and everywhere.

The poll you swear by as your bible already shows Fumino > Uruka though.

Once again you're deflecting by strawmanning instead of providing any evidence to show the opposite. Nice going, Foomshitter.

Same, I guess we'll just enjoy her being cute til the very end.

Attached: 1563892930128.png (204x403, 77K)

Asa was truly the prime exception.
>Green hair, best girl AND Tomboy (prime traits that guaranteed to make any girl in the harem lose)

Attached: 8cb6f08b1b15e694eabaa45bcf5d77c5986ce5c9_hq.jpg (500x375, 41K)

>this user is argueing that twitter polls are a reliable source over manga polls
Time to make some new screenshots. It's almost been a weekly accurance where I save retarded because foomfags can't help but be retarded everytime they speak.

a lot of people actually like Sasuke, as ridiculous as it sounds

Too bad what I said is
>they're not that far from each other in popularity and also in hatedom
Try again.

>so that mean that's true here and there and everywhere.
Well, Sasuke was widely the most popular character pretty much everywhere, except Yea Forums used toi hate the shit out of Naruto and spammed every single thread with copypasta.

How surprising

How does that logic support your own argument that foom is popular? Also, you never heard of twitterbots?

Sorry but that's retarded. You can be a true fan and still not buy.
>more reliable
When you consider all the variables, Twitter it's quite reliable. Even professional companies use them as a way to measure trends, hype, popularity, and connect with fans all over the world, unrestrained by geographical limitations. It is obvious most readers don't and didn't participate in the poll, but you disagree when Twitter shows a lot more people in terms of followers. Isn't that kind of backwards?

>This may have been intentional

For fuck's sake, 22i has been drawing stealth slits at the first occasion.

I wanted to thank Fuminofags for making the thread alive with the only thing that makes a Bokuben thread such. Shitpost.

Attached: 1562973114233.png (249x386, 114K)

But Fumino is still more popular. That's a fact.

You do understand how polling works, right?
That 25k people is well beyond what's representative for most things.

I really hate when a character is defined by their swimsuit and tanline.

Based Fuminochads are bros.

Fuck no

Attached: 1560648121486.png (186x391, 77K)

If there's a third poll and JKfuyu was an option, I bet she would rank higher than Fumino as well.

unless you have something like this you're arguing over a moot point, stop

>all of this started because Urukafags can't accept that Fumino is literally more popular than Uruka to varying degrees both in the west and in the east
>they also damage control to claim Uruka isn't most hated
Why are you lying and strawmanning?

Nope, it's not retarded, especially regarding series for waifufags like Bokuben.
Companies can even pay dedicated Twitter users or run bots to shill and post shit for their convenience as well. See, you're trying to legitimize Twitter without legitimizing your own claims first. It's like you can't show actual numbers or stats showing that things in Twitter are different than the official manga poll.

The argument about the Uruka hate being greater is "trust me bro, your sources are irrelevant".

Not by much, the difference is negligible, Fumino is losing popularity at a worse rate. Facts.

>T-Those facts are not relevant!

anyone have a problem with green hair?

Attached: ikeda sword.png (339x498, 173K)

Uruka isn't the most hated anymore, Fumino proudly took her spot with her mother's laptop under her arm

>When you consider all the variables, Twitter it's quite reliable.
user, no, twitter is not a fucking reliable source in terms of pupularity to series such as Bokuben. Get that retarded idea out of your head. And between twitter and the manga pol, the latter is obviously the most reliable source. You need to stop pushing for your twiter meme to validate your narrative.

I do, but I don't think you get that Twitter itself is a measurement and representation of its own. In a way Pixiv is its own community and represents popularity as well, so do Twitter. In terms of size, Twitter has more. But like the poll, not every follower likes and regularly tweets either.

You don't even get the point.

>1st - 2nd = 11k
>2nd - 5th = 1.7k
The difference in poparity between Fumino and Uruka is really fucking insignificant. It's basically fucking nothing.

Based Urucute making foomers seethe and be in denial

Attached: 1550148081870.png (912x1150, 1.05M)

>trust ME BrO

winning girl confirmed

Just like your "Uruka was the most hated back then" narrative

Yeah, but what is that representation? Where are those measurements?

>sensei down to 9k votes
>JKfuyu up to 4k
Now he just needs to make lolifuyu part of the main series and we can have a Mafuyu top 3.

More like his "right now" narrative.

I only hate fuminofags
Urukafags are bros

Attached: 1549218435066.jpg (764x1200, 239K)

You're being stupid. Twitter is primarily a social platform. People tweeting and creating contents are tangible data. in this case fans. I'm going to assume you know how Twitter works. There is a thing called hashtag and groups beyond official accounts. One of the easiest way to dig up tweets for a character is to search their name, which if popular enough enough will have their own hastags (off the main different kinds). As the argument here was being a lot more popular than Uruka, you can search Fumino and Uruka see who has more tweets and hashtags and likes, and so on. The difference should be noticeable.


but you aren't giving any evidence, by all accounts Fumino is nowhere near close as popular as sensei, and the manga poll takes the priority because they are the ones buying the tanks, and unless you have something to prove otherwise sensei is the one singlehandedly carrying this manga

Except for delusional Urukashitters, is there anyone retarded or new enough to deny that Uruka was most hated in 2017-2018? Hilariously, your shitposts hinges on turning Fumino into the next Uruka.

Speaking of lolifuyu, translations never

Attached: 1553107150250.jpg (978x1536, 216K)

>Jump would probably accept a timeskip victory of THIS over sensei's
Makes my blood boil.

You're forgetting the last Mafuyu to rule them all Yuiga Mafuyu

I guess you could compare them to someone retarded enough to deny Fumino is the most hated in 2019.

See two posts above. It is Twitter, it is not like you're going to find a total count option lying around. Mafuyu wasn't even part of the argument. I don't deny that she is most popular, although I do think her numbers in the poll are abnormally suspicious.

>not citing 2019
He understands at least

Fumino is best girl.

Attached: 1533333700926.png (362x854, 207K)

The only hate Uruka was getting early on (and still is) was from self entitled fuminofags that couldn't deal with the fact that her existence would reduce fumino's screentime and only managed to cope by spamming a narrative where "everyone hated uruka".

All I know is that you are trying to seel twitter as a reliable source for Bokuben popularity and are trying to argue that Fumino is close to Sensei in popularity
seeThat's enough to dismiss you as mentally handicapped for me.

reminder that Kenshin is 11 years older than Kaoru

>implying 2019 wouldn't still count for being par for the course just nothing has really changed for Uruka
Nice try, Urukashitters.

This greatly improves the pairing.


Weak recover. Even you know deep down that Fumino is hated, a lot.

i want to fuck uruka in that clothes uruka bear my child

>although I do think her numbers in the poll are abnormally suspicious.
Sensei is depicted the most popular on basically every platform she's by far the most popular overall. The poll reflects exactly just that. Don't you dare start another retarded Y-san debate based on nothing but
>I don't like the results

Uruka hogging screentime and being out of place where are valid criticisms used by every fan at the time though. Uruka took almost, if not at least 50% of the chapters from 1 to 60.

Should I dump the Viz chapter here on in a new thread?

It's true. I did the research and this is the first thread in which shit starts and guess what is Yea Forumsfags starting shit. Truly the original shitposters.

It's incredibly transparent. Even more so when you see the reactions to sensei's fast rise in popularity ending in complete supremacy.

dump it in the trash where it belongs

New. This thread is fire.

we're on the sinking ship brother
desu I want anyone but fumino to win but we all know it's not gonna happen

Weak denial. No matter how much you guys shitpost, scream, and samefag, it won't change the truth deep down. That's why you only do it on here of all places because doing it anywhere else will get you mocked, laughed at, and shit on.

>out of place
>valid criticism
That was always retarded since the start.

Do not waste your time dumping in threads that have gone full shitpost argument.

Never give up

Attached: Rizu53.jpg (636x900, 103K)

>some Yea Forumsfags hating must mean only they can and will hit ever
Nice proof.

Just like when first poll came out and both Fuminofags and Senseifags were fine with the outcome, and Uruka was still consider the worst girl by general consensus. Oh wait.

>we're on the sinking ship

Attached: picorizu.png (420x420, 56K)

By this place you mean Yea Forums? Because I'll have to ask you to go back wherever else you mean. Also
>shitpost screaming and samefagging

>and Uruka was still consider the worst girl by general consensus
By the time of the first poll, only vocal Fuminiggers were considering that.

This is my favourite Rizufag
This is my least favourite Rizufag

>Senseifags were fine with the outcome



Were already scratching their heads at how it happened. It's at that point that they started to have real issues with sensei as well, which lead to all the rubbish surrounding the second poll.

goddamn rizu is so cute
i really do want her to win

>which lead to all the rubbish surrounding the second poll.

Twitter is reliable. If it isn't reliable than why would companies even use them at all? It's obvious you can't accept that it is a different kind of representation.
>close to Sensei
That's your sham argument, not mine. But many communities are different and we had different gathering of fans. In some places she might be close, or half way there, or not even close. If you are worried then you be at ease since Sensei is most popular at Twitter too

Fuck I forgot to switch back to wifi while samefagging on my mobile phone and used all my mobile data on Youtube.

>more weak denial
I'm sure I've been here for a longer time than your neo ass. Go back to where you come from first.

I don't follow this series but this girl is too powerful

>JKfuyu was an option
People have to write who they want to vote for. That's how you get those joke results.

>Twitter is reliable
It isn't and we can keep going with this but you ain't fooling anyone

You wish. Good job confirming you weren't there that week and the following several weeks after.

>Deflecting the fact Uruka was still worst girl but general consensus

The only denial I saw is (You) saying threads where people hated Fumino do not count as proof of people hating Fumino. Cope.

How can Fuminofags be BTFO everytime?

You're hopeless. Fans typically use Twitter and Pixiv when there is no official poll for a reason.

It's what they always do, it's what they do best. Since the manga polls can't validate their retarded opinion no longer in regards to popularity in front of Uruka, they have switched to using twitter as a "reliable source". It's beyond pathetic.

>Urukafags BTFO

I'm 80% it's someone trolling at this point.
Whether or not that's another way to cope, I don't know.

Where? I see people conceding that Uruka isn't more popular. Uruka still being most hated is at least debatable.

>You're hopeless.
seeAnon, go to Reddit to push your twitter bullshit or better yet, stay on twitter. Nobody is buying your shit here.


I hope for them it is because they just put so much shit on themselves it's getting too easy.

Poll shows Fumino > Uruka. Even you guys can't be this retarded, right?

That's not an argument. If you're gonna slip into shitpost mode and drink your own Kool-Aid, there's no point in replying to you anymore.

>I see people conceding that Uruka isn't more popular. Uruka still being most hated is at least debatable.
seeUrurka and Fumino are basically at the same level of popularity.
>Fumino = 12,6%
>Uruka = 11,6%
1% difference, but if you want to keep beating your dick to it, then, by all means, go right the fucking ahead.


You guys made Nariyuki cry.
I hope you're proud.

Attached: crying nariyuki.jpg (290x380, 35K)

>That's not an argument. If you're gonna slip into shitpost mode and drink your own Kool-Aid, there's no point in replying to you anymore.

That's just a fact. Even with Uruka's supposed Y-san.

Everyone has a Y-san.
Fumino is confirmed to be the one with 1000 votes since she lost them all.

>That's not an argument
You mean like the entirety of all your posts combined in this thread, which have yet show anything concrete for anything you are claiming? You are the one trying to meme twitter into being reliable for Bokuben since the manga polls don't suit your narrative user.
It's high time you realized you're being retarded.

>claims he voted for someone unknown
>no proof of the guy actually doing it
>strange rumors of coincidentally losing 1k votes
>gotta deflect to Uruka

Attached: Ur a fucking faggot.png (238x297, 73K)

>Fumino lost her Y-san
>Uruka still has her Y-san

Go back to

>Twitter likes
Jesus, is this really the level you guess have gotten to? This is just desperate

I'm talking about the Nipfag not providing any proof. Which I said 5 times and you ignored everytime because that's basically what it is. Some fag making proofless claims on a nip forum. And not saying anything about who he voted. I could go and type that I voted 1k for Foom right now and it would have the same credibility as that guy.

It's an insignificant amount because of the enormous gap between 1st - the rest. There is hardly any difference to between being 2nd or 5th, when the amount of votes spread between 2n-5th is roughly 6% of the total amount of votes and the difference between 1st en 2nd is roughly 43% of the total amount.
You're trying to gloat over having a little bit more salt if you think about it.

Oh, it's the guy that couldn't show the message that said the Y-san was an Urukafag and got BTFO'd that thread.
I shouldn't have bothered in the first place.

rly hope fumino gets 3rd place in the last poll

Didn't you get it by
>Y-you're the one denying and coping!

Yeah, I should've known better.

She did in the first poll.

the manga poll has been a hard pill to swallow to some people so they look for any kind of validation

I already said you can search #武元うるか, #古橋文乃 and see for yourself. Twitter has always been a reliable source. It's in fact you who are trying to make Twitter into a meme when people generally have always considered Twitter as one reliable source, in the same way as Pixiv since forever. The only thing you have done so far is to act extremely upset and frustrated at the notion Fumino is a lot more popular at Twitter. Entirely conceivable considering the anime helped Fumino a lot more and manga readers have easier access to Twitter for free, and it's a place for artists to upload their creations too.

Yeah she got something along the lines of 3100 votes

Attached: 00a.jpg (784x1145, 374K)

She has extra 1000 votes there.

Litner, I know you're reading. You are a Nigger.

Attached: de1d1fc32068eb524bd45efc1d49b2be.gif (538x302, 474K)

>I'm talking about the Nipfag not providing any proof. Which has been said countless and you ignored everytime because that's basically what it is. Some fag making proofless claims on a nip forum. And not saying anything about who he voted. I could go and type that I voted 1k for Uruka right now and it would have the same credibility as that guy.
Pot calls the kettle black.

>"If I had tried my best she would have gone up a place"
>spoonfeed more
Salty af, Urukashitter.

>Twitter has always been a reliable source
No, that's fucking false. Twitter has never been a fucking reliable source.
>It's in fact you who are trying to make Twitter into a meme when people generally have always considered Twitter as one reliable source, in the same way as Pixiv since forever
You only do this in conjunction with each other and even then it's mostly about the amount of fan-art, posts, etc and not fucking polls on twitter you goddamn inbred. The only think those sources serve was show a general view on how the popularity is shared over the series and not anything close to a confirmation as you're selling it to be.
> The only thing you have done so far is to act extremely upset and frustrated at the notion Fumino is a lot more popular at Twitter
see, this is where it's done. Get the fuck out with your twitter bullshit.

Cope. Pathetic.

>literally no mention of Uruka in the quote
Here's your (you).
He's clearly talking about Mizuki.

Standard conceding post. I accept it.

>He's clearly talking about Mizuki.
Urukafags on damage control.

>n-no u

He's just throwing shit in for people to bite. He probably didn't even do it. Some fag said the week before that he voted 5k for Uruka and everyone bit. He then apologized on twitter after the poll showed that it clearly didn't happen. This things happen on Nip forums because people bite and start shit like these that fags like who you're replying live for.

>Twitter has never been a fucking reliable source.
Because and since when?
>You only do this in conjunction with each other and even then it's mostly about the amount of fan-art
Not always. Tweets far outnumber fanart.
>posts, etc
What exactly do you think Twitter is mainly for?
>not fucking polls on twitter
Polls are seldom in Twitter, and even then it faces the same problem with manga poll, albeit to a less degree considering its accessibility. So what's your point? Twitter is its own community, just like how Yea Forums is its own community, but unlike Yea Forums, Twitter generally has a vastly larger following and does have its official channels outside of fans accounts and tweets. You can't invalidate just because you don't like a fact.


Yeah, because her getting 1000 votes totally makes sense.

She's better than Asumi and Rizu

Asumi is second worst girl after Mizuki.
Imouto fans happened.

last for Uruka and best girl

Last for Fumino.

Fuminofags still pretend that Fumino is near Sensei after this.

Last for the most hated character and the worst fanbase

Last for Uruka a shit.

Attached: When the studying gets intense.jpg (264x298, 36K)

Where? Nobody said that.

last for sensei a shit and plebbit girl

Last for least worst girls.

Attached: 1080° smug.jpg (890x1300, 1.33M)

Asumi is second worst.

>fumino a shit and plebbit girl


If anything I appreciate your uniqueness

I see Asumi, Uruka, Rizu and Mafuyu there


Dat cope.


Attached: 1553109711595.png (1141x999, 1.55M)

>Fumino nowhere to be seen
Fumino a shit

Neither are Uruka and Mafuyu.

Seethe harder Foomshitter, Uruka without an arc is already closer to Fumino who will become the new Houki

t. seething and delusional Urukashitter

They are there tho

>says with an arc is harmful and made her lose votes, therefore Fumino without an arc would have gotten even more votes
Imagine Uruka getting an arc where she gets BTFO and leaves.

Attached: here.jpg (344x397, 37K)

Denial. 2019 is a terrible year for the foom and her 1k drop speaks for itself. Tsutsui shilling her will only make her more hated.

Only Asumi and Rizu are there and skiing. Cope harder.