Please remember Megumu Ohno, she was only 21 years old.
>Her name was only starting to appear in ending credits.
>She took part-time jobs in high school to save up money for the KyoAni animator school
>Trained for a year, where the homework was so tough at times that she pulled all-nighters trying to draw satisfactorily
>Landed her dream job with KyoAni.
>She worked on the third floor of studio 1.
>Her grandparents went out for shaved ice and shopping with her in the week prior.
>When they asked her about giving them a great-grandchild, she said, "I can't get married yet," and devoted herself to work.
>Never transported to a hospital
>Listed among the missing
>Her parents visited where the bodies are being kept but they couldn't identify her
>ID is now pending DNA results
>Her grandma: "I still can't fathom it. If she can come back, I want her to come home to us."