Aoba「mah barisaku」Shinji

>came all the way from saitama and then specifically chose the production studio instead of HQ
>knew exactly the worse time, and exact place to hit for effect
>somehow knew NHK will show up that day and all the top staff will probably be there
>Light up the place in 15 seconds flat, no hesitation.
>Even has hammer and knife and more spare fuel as backup

Is this kind of planning and execution too well though out for one schizo NEET?
this guy must either be the most lucky or smartest solo arsonist in history

more over
>motivation vague as fuck
>NHK which park shinji kun been staying before the police, found evidence faster than the police

Attached: kyouani20.png (377x206, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I was waiting for it. Here come the tinfoil hats.

Well, the man obviously knew what he was doing. Every time when this kind of shit happens you always hear the news outlets comment on how well planned the whole thing was, but people often underestimate how easily accessible information is nowadays, also the man obviously was looking for attention, not just vengeance, so being as prepared as possible was a must.

(((they))) are already making their moves to influence anime.

Who? Kadokawa?

mossad did it


Are Japanese buildings this shit at handling fires?

Like the concept of fire exits don't exist?

The guy spread gasoline in a three story building and lit it. Plus he was so ill prepared that he damn near burned his legs off doing it.

Not the criminal mastermind you're painting.

ebin observation, Yea Forumsnon kun


reminder /ourguy/ already btfo you guys


(((NHK))) Nihon Hikikomori Kyoukai
It's a conspiracy! Ongyaaaa

burn him alive. it really doesn't matter that it won't bring anyone back. what's important is that his last thoughts should be "i dun goofed".

>guy lit a building on fire
>this is too complicated, nobody could have planned this, he must have had help

Yeah, man thank god all our buildings here are fireproof and terrorist proof.
They have a 3 story building in Kyoto.

Attached: 1562183554877.jpg (768x509, 65K)

Yes, Disney, they want it

I'm not familiar with nip laws but are they still able to send him to death row if a psychiatrist is able to identity mental illness?

9/11 was an inside job though


He didn't plan shit and he didn't know shit. It was coincidence - synchronicity. I give him credit for filling the gasoline into a bucket, though, he realized that using the gas cans with their small openings would take way too long and give people time to stop or attack him or to flee. Also shows he's not mentally ill enough to avoid the deserved death penalty, he clearly planned ahead.

I wasn't aware that the a in Yea Forums stands for fire safety.

Also you are wrong. The building has two exits and an escape route to the roof.
But such smallish buildings are designed for hazards, not terrorist attacks, so there isn't much you can do.

>He thinks the US govt is competent enough to pull the greatest ruse in human history

They did it once with the moon landing though!

greentext no.1 is the most mystifying
doesnt seems like the most obvious place to do arson, unless he knew more damage can done inside

Henceforth, every user who suggests some retarded shit has outed themself as a crossboarding Q/pizzagate /x/ /pol/ faggot.

kys leftist cunt

>implying Yea Forumsnons haven't been made paranoid by decades of ridiculous anime plots
No, John, you are the demons.

>random 5chan shitpost is where the "barisaku" theory came from that's been thoroughly debunked
>ACTUAL JOURNALISTS AND MEDIA reporting that the motivation was he was delusionally thought they stole his novel
Why do people actually believe the former still?

The man that killed the source of moe

Guy thinks someone stole his LN

reminds me of this

Hipster Gets Furious About His Photo Being Used For An Article About All Hipsters Looking The Same, Turns Out It’s A Different Person

It's not hard to kill innocent people, just wrong. What's so hard to comprehend about this /pol/frens?

Because BariSaku theory is so goddamn bizarrely dumb that they wish it to be true.


Well at the very least, barisaku have us one of the best Carlos posts to ever grace this website

Fake news exists you know?

my vote's for necklacing as long as he also gets medical attention to keep him alive. then also ban him from seeing a train again

>he was delusionally thought they stole his novel
But what if they did? Where's the proof that it's a delusion?


Attached: 1563672395787.gif (360x270, 3.79M)

post it

It's absurd how Americans are trying to tell the word about functional bulding codes.

no he's meant to die in that initial explosion
how hes a loose end

yeah, it's pretty suspicious how easily a greasy, fat otaku loser crippled Japan's best animation studio with 4 gallons of petrol.

either he was incredibly lucky he didn't got found out before entering the building or he was extremely careful with his plan.

Wasn’t there others too?

KyoAni president clearly said they never had any contact let alone submissions or communications with the arsonist. There is no way anything was plagiarized. He was a sociopathic schizo who was delusional.

Barusamikosu did nothing wrong!

In the 70s this guy would b part of the Japanese Red Army, in the 90s the Aum Shinkyo, the Jap politicians and elite must be happy that the dangerous unstable people of today Japan are all caught up in the Otaku culture and aren’t a threat to them.

hope to God that he hangs

It's definitely something a schizo could do
A lot of schizos are full of energy and motivation and can spend hours doing the most menial shit, like planning an attack
The problem is they tend to focus on really weird shit that doesn't make sense to sane people, like this attack



How is that NHK investigation going? Or did (((they))) hide the evidence?

no not the gov
the (((real))) us govt

>lit his pants on fire like an idiot
>got chased away by a burning man
Planning and initial execution are perfect, but the finale was lacking. 8.5/10.

Just because he's a nutjob, doesn't mean he can't plan for shit.

Are you referring to the lizard people, the illuminati, the masons, or the jews?

Yea Forums

is there?
on the day that it happened I heard there was 1 more person involved, but we haven't heard anything else ever since.

and the arsonist is still in intensive care, the cops haven't interrogated him.

why are you assumng it has to be one or the other?

I prefer the hibike virginity story more


Attached: 1557581196056.png (956x532, 789K)

>I heard there was 1 more person involved
If you mean that time that user posted a picture of "the accomplice" he was talking about the platform trolley the perpetrator used to roll in the gas

Yeah, it could be real and setting 30+ people on fire is totally justified.

Lesson learned. Don't steal from others.

Japan is not the US.


will (((they))) kill anime just like they killed comics?

Rent free. Gas yourself leftist tranny.

But they didn't even steal anything you dumbass

parachute all neet otakus to china

Lurk more for a decade


Considering how quickly after the incident people pulled up the plans to the building, how readily available photos of the inside were, and how obvious it is to someone with knowledge of fire hazards what an issue the open stairwells posed, it's really not that hard to imagine someone this far gone would decide the most damage could be done here.

americans are fucking retarded holy shit.

Gee I wonder why...

Comics in the USA have been dead for a long time, today they’re only worth as IP farms for Disney and WB to make movies, tv shows, toys and games.

Not that user but thanks.
It was indeed excellent on multiple layer

they burned KyoAni because of the Olympics???

For all we know the arsonist could be a radical BariSaku sympathizer. He didn't say anything about it being a novel they stole.

When you have nothing else to do these things really are not hard to figure out

NHK literally reported that he said "they stole my novel".

Option A:
Fatass loser hikikomori plans and executes a mass murder of 35 people, including acquiring and transporting 40 L of gasoline (weight: 66 lbs not counting containers) to the site, gaining inside information on the nature of the security system and details of when and how it would be disabled, gaining inside information on when and at which of the many locations the top personnel would be present, and developing means to disperse and ignite the gasoline quickly, without interference, and in such a way that escape from the upper floors is completely blocked (requiring knowledge of the floor plan and fire countermeasures), and then nearly flawlessly executes the plan, including acquiring the funding to travel from near Tokyo to Kyoto, acquiring knives and axes, buying containers for the fuel, and buying and transporting the 66 lbs of fuel (costing ~6000Y).

Option B:
Fatass loser hikikomori goes to the location in Kyoto that's closest to a train station, buys and drags 66 lbs of gasoline down the street to the office, lucks into the fact that the door is open and the top talent is there, and starts shrieking like a retard dumping gas everywhere and lighting it, catching himself on fire in the process, and gets helped out by shitty Japanese building standards.



fuck I laughed

Yes, he absolutely said that. In English.


>trusting the MSM

I have a feeling more will happen in 2020 during the olympics.

Kill yourselves. I'm done with you.

Its obvious he was a retarded yurifag and the media is trying to cover it up

NHK is trying not to be murdered in the elections.

Train autists, not even once.

I mean, I wouldn't totally write off him knowing about the date of the important meeting ahead of time and planning his strike to coincide with it to wipe out as many executives as possible, but he probably didn't know that they'd disable the security system on that day.

He's right in this case but applying this to all 'conspiracies' will lead you to simply brushing off the truth and remaining ignorant.

It's not him on this picture for fuck's sake.

But why?

he's not wrong,
NHK funded that french anime where they had an arc with MUH refugees.

Attached: 5c7a356c691668a4ca3ff4dc94bb29c97ab94c87r1-679-878v2_uhq.jpg (679x878, 78K)

This is all part of Abe's plan to clean up Japan's image before the 2020 Olympics. Expect a crackdown on extremist message boards and creepy otaku. Probably pass a red flag law where if you buy the kind of anime that KyoAni produced you will be put on a watch list.


dude blocked windows and fire escapes beforehand


yeah it's pretty suspicious how very little info has been released to the public.

I don't get it. OP only states that he was either smart, lucky or both and that his motivation is vague.

I mean have you seen subreddit chapo traphouse posters, the red pill shills on youtube, andsome /r9k/ generals around 2017 and kiwifarms? They all have capable autists who can carry out more terrorism than any arab groups if given the chance.

He had a hammer with him, so he expected he might need to break glass doors

He had a knife, so he expected that someone might fight him

No need for a conspiracy here, and any moron can figure out where to set fires for maximum effect

Attached: Radiant.jpg (293x519, 76K)

Because generally first info has more truth to it before journalists apply their spin to it. The first info was that he said they ripped someone/something off, not a word about a novel. Then somehow "unnamed source" said about the novel, despite the culprit being in coma.

>incredibly lucky he didn't got found
Not just that. The location, placement, timing and circumstance are were basically perfect for maximum damage.

People forgot that this was not a bunker that was prepared for some serious shit. Especially the fire safety fags.
They also seriously underestimated the speed of 40l gasoline fire and smoke.

Lurk more. It's some retard who tried to rob a store with scissors.

'American' comics were always theirs, sure the quality has gone down but they were always rootless cosmopolitan propaganda.

He slept on a park bench for two nights while stalking the building. He just got lucky

>walk in
>go past some people with a trolley that don't think too much of you
>empty one tank and lite it up near the stairwell
>empty the other when you walk out

Shit is beyond easy if all you intend to do is burn it down and have no care if you're caught or not.

Yeah, the same fucking guy.

Attached: 1537397489400.jpg (898x720, 248K)

true, but it the past years the progressive propaganda went into overdrive and buried the industry.

They allow bums to sleep in a public park for two days without being harassed? I thought Japan was vigilant on that kind of shit?

Yeah, he totally wore the same shirt 7 years after robbing the store and serving time in prison.

Every nip news source is reporting that the arsonist was released from jail after going in for robbing a store, thats how people found his photo, from the earlier story.

>They allow bums to sleep in a public park for two days without being harassed?
I nojuku'd my way through Japan for half a year, and I'm a filthy hakujin.

Yeah, deal with it.

Apparently that user is so woke he knows more about him that the Nip media.

>motivation vague as fuck
Bystanders said his words before setting KyoAni ablaze were, "Ore no kachi da!!!!"

Attached: maria is cool.jpg (757x720, 96K)

Not him but comparing this with the nutjob with the flammable liquid is retarded.
One can fuck up almost anything by crashing the passenger plane into it.

That image was circulating before anything was known about him and people just went by the looks and his T-shirt.

“京アニ火災”青葉真司容疑者 20代には「下着泥棒で連行」「家族が家賃補填」も

How Yea Forums thinks every building should be built.

Attached: st--pauli-bunker.jpg (690x518, 153K)


If you look at the floor layout. 1500C gasoline fire was started at the base of spiral stair case.
This denied all 3 exit routes in the east section while spreading fire and smoke upward as fast as possible.

>Trainfag theory
>People shoot it down quickly
>Yurifag theory

Attached: 1560774720493.jpg (701x715, 49K)

Just like my dystopian cyberpunk anime.

>When confronted with the truth, (((They))) double down and put their fingers in their ears like a child

Piss of Sylph of Doom, you're so transparent I could walk through you going backwards - which is why you have such a persistent hatecrush on my bloodline, bitch.

Attached: miko.jpg (150x150, 10K)

>actually linking to newsweek
Oh my god

Fudo, I will fuck your sakimori daughter.

Attached: 1560692818595.jpg (1476x1240, 1.06M)

>no emergency stairs!!!

What were the nazis thinking?

OH GOD, you actually don't know who I am from moment to moment, damn.


They aren't.
Mossad is, though. the government just has to look the other way.

It was inside job, jews did this. OP is right.

If the jews wanted to cancel garbage like Maiddragon they're alright.

I bet ablestein & co. fapped to this

>motivation vague as fuck

>*bzzzzzzt* *bzzzzzzzt* *bzzzzt*
>(Sound of ringing telephone stops)
>-"Bogdanoff, he bought the Kyoani Stock"
>-"Whot hi'z doin?"
>-"He is asleep, he dreams about making it. Should I dump it? Crash it?"'
>-"No, burn it"
>-"All of it?"
>-"Send ze 'Train Nerd' and burn ze studio, find a way to destroi everything, every cel, every hard drive, leave noting behind."
>(Conversation stops)

Attached: BOG.jpg (500x500, 30K)

maybe they copying disney caracter (C3PO)
and they got flaming lul

Attached: 3vvX9lh.jpg (640x922, 144K)

Uncontrolled burning of gasoline produces large quantities of soot and carbon monoxide.

You are not designing a mere office building around a gasoline attack.

hes literally the 5ch version of sam hyde, eats all the blame and is an autistic fuck, move along.

Now how am I suppose to watch Evangelion without thinking of this psycho virgin fatass?

Watch Perfect Blue first?

Remember to vote Protect the Nation from NHK.

But Kyoani was making shows for (((them)))

(i'm assuming you mean netflix are the jews, i don't completely follow /pol/speak)

Pizzagate is completly real.

>so this is...spiral staircase....not bad

Attached: 1546607622499.gif (500x273, 1011K)

But they aren't using OP pic unless it's pointing out how it's デマ that started before anyone knew anything and just because they both had a red shirt. Furthermore the articles which mention his criminal past state that he used a kitchen knife in the robbery while OP pic used scissors.

>soon enough some idiots will not just spew memes like this but actually believe this

>What were the nazis thinking?

Attached: bakithegrapplerlivaaction.jpg (336x475, 36K)

Yes, clearly the US was scared of Japanese swimmers so they had to burn down Free.

Anti immigration is a shit tier ideology, it only causes such immense problems in Europe because police incentivise it by turning a deliberate blind eye to crimes.

Imagine being this gullible.

so it begins

Just another thread to spread even more rumors.

we know who you work for user

>believing literal shitposts
Imagine being this gullible.

Oh you do? That's funny, cause I don't. Care to share that with me?

He's a yurifag. NHK is covering it up since they're fucking degenerates that encourages degeneracy.

This. Barisaku theory is peak clownworld.

no more tricks

>thief said that he didn't stole anything so that means that he is completely innocent

Consider me a wacky conspiracy theorist on this one. This guy knew exactly when and where to attack KyoAni to do as much damage to them as humanly possible, even down to exactly where to start the fire. And people think it was just a coincidence? I call bullshit.

People always act like guys like this are some kind of mastermind when anyone with enough anger could fuel the motivation to research and prepare to do a lot of damage. Killing and destruction are easy. Morals and wanting to avoid getting into trouble hold most people in check.
You'd be surprised how lax safety and security measures are in a lot of public places. It's just most normal people aren't thinking of burning the place down. Just because some psycho has no reservations doesn't make him intelligent.

not to mention that this day it just so happens that the security was disabled for a meeting

>The police investigation has revealed that the arsonist arrived in Kyoto a few days before the event and investigated around the studio, waiting for that day.

I only like him because he defended loli.
But he's still a faggot.

yeah better just keep dem borders open

Looks unironically better than most modern western buildings desu.

Why is ultimatemegax such an attention whore?

Yeah, lighting the stairs so that people couldn't escape requires a genius mastermind.

He was sleeping in the park nearby for a couple days. Probably watching the building.

minus the windows

Don't give them more attack vectors!

>no security that day when they have VIP guest
I smell foul play.

New to the thread. What's BariSaku?

He cased the area for a couple days according to recent news. Then threw a large amount of accelerant in the entryway and the bottom of the stairs and lit it. This isn't genius level shit and many other deadly arsons played out in similar ways.

Nigger the small ass office on the floor below mine has 3 exits, not even counting the emergency ones, and two balconies. Kyoani has no excuse to have ONE fucking exit.


lurk more

Catchphrase of some train autist on 5ch who shitposted about Euphonium using the same to mean baritone sax. They guy went silent around the time of the attack, so people made an associateion.

Totally this.
People keep talk how he shouldn't be able to do this so quickly, or how lax the security was, or about the shoddy fire code.
Unless these people work in the military or some government building, I doubt their buildings would fare much better in an attack aimed at mass casualty.

NHK may have just announced when they were going to Kyoani to do their thing.

But Studio 1 didn't have just one exit.

Attached: 1563658126851.jpg (960x796, 157K)

do we know which peoples died yet

Fucking half the tech places I live by would let you in if you say you forgot your id or some shit to the next person who comes by. I'm sure if one of those places got memed on people would be saying insane shit about how it must've been an inside job about how a random citizen could enter that building

Except for the part that kyoani has done more damage to anime as a medium with moe faggotry then almost any other studio.


Kigami is confirmed died based on the police's victim lists based on their ages.

lefties already celebrate getting critical KyoAni voices out of social networks!

Attached: Screenshot_20190721-061219_Twitter.jpg (319x655, 23K)

First of all
Fuck off we are more likely to learn the actual truth from some nigger in a polinesian weaving board than those faggots.
Second muh barisaku story sounds japanese as fuck. I mean, what the fuck man? Just read that shit and it makes a shitload of sense. Does it sound fucking stupid? Hell yeah but the perp is japanese so that pretty much seals the deal.

>with MUH refugees
That kinda storyline is not anything new.

The fire was set at the bottom of the spiral staircase. That blocked both ground-floor exits from the other stairs.

Justified no, provoked yes.

Yet somehow a couple of people managed to leave the building through the main exit unharmed.

I don't speak Nazi.

Yes, and?

They broke windows on the first floor to get out, nobody went through the main exit, it would've had the biggest flames

Japanese offices are loaded with shit tonnes of paper and plastic utensils (I know, I work in one) everyone has like 60 pens, pencils, files, notes etc. It really is a miracle that so far no more schizos have figured out that causing major fires in office spaces in Japan is really not that difficult, desu. Except for really important buildings most places in Japan are a conflagration death trap when shit hits the fan

I don't get why leftists like KyoAni despite having only Free as their fujo show. Do they consider Violet a tranny?

Like, literally placing the flame almost anywhere else will make some immediately exit accessible and slower smoke will buy people upstairs a little more time.

Attached: kyo-coffin.jpg (1488x1254, 321K)

>I don't get why leftists like KyoAni

Wait, that's a thing that happens? I figured most leftists just thought anime was for alt-right MRA incels neckbeard Nazis or whatever.

I’m East African myself but you can’t have social cohesion and a safe safety in a multicultural country for long.
It just doesn’t work like that.
People are tribal.
Most people don’t even meet or know of more then 100-150 people in their lifetime.
At the end of the day it is impossible to truly connect with different groups of people.
It isn’t just skin color but culturally heritage,world views,religious beliefs.
I find it strange how afraid most westerners and modernized countries are of facing this truth.
I guess having prosperity and a easy life dulls you to reality.

Having so many exits won't help saving their asses either, the fire spreads rapidly to the third floor, causing an explosion and CO smokes were spread throughout the floors. They were already dead before they could even make it to the emergency exits.

What does left/right have to do with any of this?
Go away /pol/

I've seen a video on Japanese TV showing people leaving. Fuck the live stream is dead now, so I can't find it.

Uncontrolled burning of gasoline produces large quantities of soot and carbon monoxide.

You are not designing a mere office building around a gasoline attack.

>Dude it's a conspiracy, just run away from the gasoline explosion lol

You're talking about a recording of the building right when the attack started? I don't think such footage exists man

African telling other people how a functional society works

Attached: a31.png (510x405, 205K)

That's what I thought too. And apparently they also tried to preach about their cult of degeneracy during some anime convention leading up to #animegate. It was the same time when the community was vidicated and was proved right all along about Crunchyroll not contributing anything to the community.

>Most people don’t even meet or know of more then 100-150 people in their lifetime
You'll do that in one grade of schooling.

Now you gonna explain our African friend what a school is.

Did you read the post that I replied to?

Found it
From 01:06:20

I've traveled the breadth of Africa on google maps, there are lots of things labeled schools there.

I’m using a phone here can barely even type crap without autocorrect ducking me up

I'll admit though it may be not the main exit as I originally thought, so nevermind.

No, I can't read it. Nor have you explained its significance. Who is this? Why should I care?

Phoneposting isn't allowed here.

>he says this while it's all but confirmed that Osama is still alive and a literal CIA op.
>he says this while america has countless of times getting exposed to have been spying every single being on earth
Your government doesn't have a problem with incompetency, but they simply don't care enough of the people and only sees them as cogs and slaves for corporations.

That have any actual influence or worth in their lives.
Meeting say several hundred randos or strangers isn’t a connection.
Whether from a social gathering/event.

Everything is Kyoanus fault for not having fucking fire extinguishers

>fire extinguishers vs raging gasoline fires that have ignited everything

Attached: tooru.jpg (840x625, 73K)

No, their mistake is that they didn't hire you as their security guard, because an expert like you would've shot the guy dead, put out the fire, and carried everyone to safety.

Give all animators assault rifles. Problem solved.

That's right. If you shot the gasoline dead, it can not burn.

No, it's because KyoAni had some of the best working conditions in the industry. And with any industry, actually caring about your fellow workers makes you a lefty in eyes of capitalists.
Japan's animation industry is unabashedly rooted in the failures of its new left movements in the 1960s and 70s. When revolution became impossible due to a mixture of labor bureaucracy and government crackdown, many become animators instead. That image of the greasy-faced otaku pedophile who occasionally spouts right wing talking points wouldn't surface until the Tsuotomu Miyzaki case in 1989, where Japan collectively gasped at the rape and murder of little girls and proceeded to have discussions over otaku similar to what the United States would have over gamers a decade later in the wake of Columbine. These discussions drastically affected the once idealistic image of otaku who belonged to the so-called "newtype" generation. Then Japan's economic bubble popped; one lost decade later (and then some and we have a nation of hikikomori who're so vastly detached from anime's revolutionary roots, many seemingly just don't care. So the negative stereotype of otaku lingers still.

>have two exits
>one is right next to the other
>meaning that if one is not accessible, the other is also 100% out
not really helping their case.

>Audio recording room
Oh fuck, the Hibiki seiyuu might have been there

Maybe they were recording when the screams started.

Attached: 1505449977987.jpg (456x434, 100K)

>1 front entrance, 1 back entrance
>one is right next to the other
Boy you sure are committed to "win" the argument.

>set the entire floor on fire

Another exit would have saved them!

What's his Stand's name?

We are discussing here

The Great Kyoto Fire Arc

Attached: bf1slhecyaaxhos.jpg-large-723x1024.jpg (723x1024, 272K)

Moe has always been a big part of anime before Kyoani and it will be a part of anime after Kyoani too.

Voice recording is done at dedicated studios. And most seiyuu live in Tokyo and don't travel to Kyoto to do voice acting.

This is more about sound effects and stuff.

>lmao just don't wear flammable clothes. Don't breathe the smoke. Jump out a window before you pass out it's so easy man!

Get outta here ya communist faggot

more like reception girl getting doused in gasoline

Will we ever going to see a fire scene in a Kyoani series again?

nah I think I'll stay, user

You can even see that the fire extinguishers were unused.
What a shameful display!

I admire your persistence. I'd buy you a drink if I could.

majority of Yea Forums are retards to be honest. They think fucking untrained civilians would react calmly and maybe even attack the arsonist like it's some action movie. What they don't realize is that most people are going to panic and common sense goes out the window when actual shit goes down.

Pethaps the spirits of capitalism guided him, punishing KyoAni fior treating their animators too well.

It would have saved a bunch of them yes, that's how fire exits are supposed to work

The structure of the building held up remarkably well for such an attack. Most building/house fires in Japan are isolated events. They have to be considering neighboring buildings are barely even 10 feet away, which is a testament to how well Japanese buildings actually hold up to fires.
When fire break out in, say, California the whole neighborhood is gone.

>I don't get why leftists like KyoAni
>has a reputation for treating their employees well and paying them decent salaries
>hires women
>Sensitively-portrayed representation of queer characters
>generally preaches messages of tolerance and understanding
Gee, I don't know.

Attached: 1488313832186.jpg (3150x4085, 1.31M)

Imagine being the most hated Otaku NEET in the world right now.

wtf i hate kyoani now

Not for so long user. If Japan doesn't kill him, I will.

>When fire break out in, say, California the whole neighborhood is gone.

Are you comparing a building burning down to a bushfire?

What happened to his family?

Okay, but there's no residential or light buildings in the world that are designed with the idea in mind that someone will pour gasoline on the first floor and light it on fire.

Here's what happens when you light gasoline on fire in case you forgot.

Yeah, they sure would have helped against 40 liters of fucking gasoline and toxic smoke filling the whole building.

Well, because American building code is a joke.

A strong wind and the first buildings are collapsing.

Attached: Download.jpg (876x565, 93K)

Honestly that us the safest place for citizens under siege.

This didn't take longer than a few seconds for the mockup.

Attached: 1215511515.jpg (1000x1150, 569K)

I doubt he would care.
The sad thing is, it's his relatives are going to be on the receiving end of that hate. While their law don't condemn people for being relatives to the perpetrator, their society does. All of his relatives will from now on be known as relatives of the evil murderer. All of their social standing, reputation, respect, gone.

>implying I'll hate you

Is it because its cheaper to rebuild than to make a tornado proof house?

Yeah, but you don't build offices based on the potential threat of air raids.

A lot of people can't comprehend just how ridiculous 40 litres of gasoline actually is,

Sounds like you need an Otoya Yamaguchi in your life

>generally preaches messages of tolerance and understanding
Modern feminism has nothing to do with this. It's egalitarian.

Can you pieces of shit just fuck off already please.

Sucks for the people living there.

There's no such thing as a tornado-proof house. The wind breaks windows or the garage, enters the building, rips your roof off and the walls collapse. You'd need an aerodynamic, windowless, concrete dome or something if you want it to survive a major tornado.

>Modern feminism has nothing to do with this. It's egalitarian.

No it's not. Modern feminism is about degradation. Degradation of the male. Hate of the male. There is nothing egalitarian in a feminist.

>the building held up
>just everyone inside is dead partly due to poor planning
>the building is going to be demolished anyway

How the fuck can anyone humanly carry that much gasoline?
I'm pretty strong myself (260 lbs) and i struggle holding a couple gallons of diet coke whenever i'm sorting lunch out

Only that most buildings aren't collapsing by the tornado but by strong winds.

>Most modern Japanese homes are made mostly with concrete
>Most modern American homes are made with wood beams, sheet rock, and particle board
I wonder which one burns down faster

He had it on a trolley, in buckets so it wouldn't have taken very long to tip that shit over either.

This is Yea Forums so stupid shit like this thread is to be expected. I just don't know why the mod allow it.

What houses have you seen that have collapsed due to strong winds? I live in the asshole of the country and not even I have ever seen that happen.

Forgive your enemies.

The majority of the people that died were because the roof exit was locked, because complaints of the staff tossing cigarettes from the roof. It has nothing to do with poor planning.

Also they have the power of hindsight. People on the Internet, in general, are fucking retarded and see themselves as superheroes that would often approach and take out perps in mass killings before things ever got started. The fact of the matter is that most of these things start and finish before you even realise what is going on.

Or how easy it is to ignire it all. People have it in their head that the perp was splashing it on everything like they do in Hollywood movies and that he was around for a few minutes covering everything. When the reality was probably that the building was on fire no more than 30 seconds after him entering. Nobody would have realised he was in the building until maybe 10-15 seconds in and even at that point, it was probably just an argument that would pique your curiosity, not a full blown hero reaction.

Do you even lift, bro?

kys shonenfag beaner

>Is this kind of planning and execution too well though out for one schizo NEET?
No. He just gave a shit.

>motivation vague as fuck
I have another theory, maybe not original, though, and definitely incorrect. What if he blamed anime for being a neet and when he was screaming about they ripped him off he meant that they stole his future/potential or something.

>What is innocent until proven guilty

Ok but only if he lives together with you.

US suburbs are mass built trash buildings.

40 liters is like 10 gallons. I think you can get those red gas cans in 10 gallons.

Yes. But Japan's housing market is very cheap as well. Tokyo's urban landscape itself is ever-changing; entire neighborhoods can look completely different from how they did a decade ago. For ex-pats looking to live or settle in Japan, you'll often hear them complain about how Japanese houses aren't insulated, like at all. This is because you're not expected to buy a house or office space for life, but rather for the mere utility. The chances of these spaces being torn down and replaced by something new on numerous occasions is is incredibly high in a buyer/renter's lifetime.

The roof exit wasn't locked. I don't know why people keep saying this.

should be skinned

If you wish him to die, then you'll be just like him.

Well, yes, that's my point? There is literay nothing degradational in KyoAni shows which means it's not feminist, it's egalitarian.

The dude is some ESL faggot just ignore him

It wasn't locked. Firefighters opened it just fine. They just couldn't reach it before the smoke killed them.
There were no separating walls or doors inside the building. Whole floor were just 1 giant rooms so the fire and smoke spread immediately. More than that fire climbed up the spiral staircase to 2 and 3 floors and they started burning very fast filling the whole building with smoke in 1 minute.

It was very early speculation that the roof was locked, but then that was debunked later by firefighters. That user is probably just a moron who hasn't kept up with the news cycle

Urusei Yatsura was made in 81.

>the roof exit was locked
Where did you get that? The report I heard was that the firefighters found the roof exit wasn't locked.
I don't know why none of them made it to the roof, but I know carbon monoxide kills extremely fast.

The kosmos is chaos or some say Kosm

likely what happened was the people near the top of the staircase passed out from the smoke and ended up blocking the door. one or two bodies might not be a problem for people to move normally, but its hard when you can barely breathe

as each person passed out it got harder and harder and eventually you had a mountain of bodies blocking the exit

He is going to become the bull in NTR isn't he?

why anyone named shinji is always fucked up?

That french flag is backwards


Attached: Jewpanese.jpg (778x1036, 273K)

>260lbs without context
That's how much you weigh, isn't it?

Not even the relatives, just having the same surname will be enough. There was a thread where people figured out how many Aoba live in each part of the country

Isn't that the bulding that's slowly sinking over time because it's too heavy?

Wew this incident is so fast that they couldn't use this.
They had, pict related.

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holy shit

But muh Kyoanus wars! They started moe I started watching anime in 2017 so I know this REEEE

There better be a sticky when this little retard drops.

not until you understand the importance of intellectual property and architecture design

from what we've heard from anons in the area, there was a small amount of people cornering a family with the same surname but wasn't related to the arsonist

eventually the family had to leave the home and were "chased" but eventually returned when the misunderstanding was cleared up

You are thinking about that one cube in Berlin. I think.

Pretty sure they said it eventually collapsed from the weight too.

I wouldn't count on Yea Forums existing 20 years from now.

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he said something along the lines of "fucking thieves", in Japanese

Oh the irony of this election tourist pretending he isn 't one

their mistake is not having a working fire exit on every floor.

I'll post this in every thread until you retards learn. Indoor gasoline fires are almost impossible to do anything about without a sprinkler system. And even then the smoke can still be deadly.

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The misunderstanding will never be fully cleared.
In the future, whenever they meet people, or apply for a job...etc, people will think "I wonder if this person is related to THAT guy". And any kid with the same family name, will get picked on by other kids in school. It will have an long lasting impact on their careers and social relationships.

No, it's "they ripped me off"

No their mistake was the stupid spiral staircase and turning off security.

You guys ever just shitpost for a bit and then suddenly realize it's 5 am

Elon Musk just called Abe and told him if he bans gas he'll send everyone a Tesla.

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>knew exactly the worse time
Should be "worst" you dumb nigger.

Oh yeah, because Aoba is such a unique and identifiable family name in Japan.

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Do we have confirmation he is a train otaku? If so, they are infamous as one of the most autistic and sperg otakubase in Japan

Other than just taking photos of Trains they learn railroad maps and timings at the back of their heads

If he really wanted to kill people he would have known the building at the back of his mind

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Oh right now I remember. They built a mockup of that giant ass nazi dome project but found out it couldn't work because Berlin is built on a swamp.

German engineering is pretty overrated

wtf guys how come this building that passed a fire hazard inspection couldn't survive a terrorist attack.

go to bed, yank

It could be either of them, guys. Japanese is a highly ambiguous language that depends heavily on context. Who knows what the motherfucker actually meant? He could have been bitching about the cops confiscating his knife collection for all we know.



Clearly their mistake is that they didn't hire Yea Forumsnons like you to design their building, and train the employees, and protect them from bad guys.
Japan needs you, Yea Forumsnons. If only you have been there, this never would've happened.

This is why the train autist explanation made the most sense.

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It's fucking nature you brainlet.
Why do you think the Middle East has so many fucking wars you dipshit.

No, the barisaku thing was the only lead and that tured out to be wrong.
He's still a LN writing delusional neet creep though.

Actually they built it to actually test how much the ground can carry. It was pretty smart before you could do that with computer simulation.

my god that looks like hell on earth. what a horrible way to die

Can the building you work or live in survive a terrorist attack?

>working conditions
>that building
Maybe for communist standards.

I disagree, 40L of gasoline is not a lot. It's the tank of your average small car and no more than two jerry cans. It's easy to comprehend 40L of liquid.

What people can't comprehend is how much damage 40L of gasoline can do. There's that video of a guy using no more than 1-2L to set a hospital ward alight. Even if he decanted it into like a 5L bucket or whatever, all you need to do is have something start the fire that is hotter than normal and then the flammable materials will hit flashpoint and everything else will be up in smoke and flame within seconds.

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Why didn't they just shoot the flames to kill them?

Experts are saying that, you know.

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I obviously meant a 40 litre gasoline (fire), user.

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A jerrycan in each hand is possible but difficult and conspicuous.

>Greatest ruse in history
But that was the Holocaust

Uhh dude, all I am saying is that they should lock the door when I mention security. And staircase is stupid no matter how you look at it but this would be fine if they just lock the fucking door. Sure he can break in but people would notice. I know my own capacity and unless I know of this ahead, otherwise chnaces are high I won’t make it.

he looks like Corean

>It's the tank of your average small car

Ever seen a car fire?

Attached: 1-s2.0-S2214157X17301053-gr4.jpg (716x542, 136K)

This is the 20 year old office I worked in a few years ago. Exterior fire escapes, both wings separated by fire doors and a separate isolated staircase at back. A gasoline fire in the atrium would have taken a little longer to fill the building.

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Imagine 20 times this

>Sensitively-portrayed representation of queer characters
Gaybaiting is mostly just that. Japan isn't really that LGBTQ+ friendly and the gaybaiting is for fetishism. It's only liberal anitwitter types that see it as affirmation of their sexual tendencies since they have no friends and family support IRL, so they go reaching and act as if KyoAni, or any other production studio is speaking to them.

It's like with the game, Granblue Fantasy. There is a character that transmutes from an adult male body into that of a little girl. Living old Yea Forums's dream of becoming the little girl. While you could say that he's technically MtF, they made it because of the kink factor and because the idea of a man's knowledge in a loli's body is hot. But people in the west have taken the character as a LGBTQ+ icon and validation of Japan's supposedly pro-trans stance.

Is he the Branton Tarrant of Japan?

>that nurse that books it and leaves the other people in the room to their fate.

Look at those time stamps. If the KyoAni fire had taken that long to go anywhere, everyone would have been safely out of the building.

Pretty much 0 chance of preventing it once he made it in the building. The bucket, too was extremely effective in dumping all that fuel in seconds. The attack was well planned and he picked a day when security was lax. The perp will not get his insanity plea.

>Other than just taking photos of Trains they learn railroad maps and timings at the back of their heads
Why don't they just get jobs working with trains then?

I wonder how the guy who designed the building, especially the spiral staircase is feeling right now.

>i don't get paid enough for this

No israelis died in 9/11 except for only 1 guy that was in one of the planes.

>Ever seen a car
Yes, these things have a 35L tank.

Doesn't really disprove anything I said. Did you not read my post? I said that 40L can cause a massive amount of damage. But 40L in liquid is not a lot. I literally said:

>I disagree, 40L of gasoline is not a lot.
>What people can't comprehend is how much damage 40L of gasoline can do.

He had it all on a flatbed, easy to transport.

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It's worse than this since 40 litres of gasoline spilled all over a floor is going to ignite and fill the room with smoke in seconds and not minutes.

ALL FEMINISM preaches women superiority and demonetization of males, with the explict goal of undermining traditional values. Stop pretending that there is a difference between old feminists and modern one, any deep examination will show, there is no difference.

Are you saying this was fetishism? Because if you are I think that might be saying more about you than Kyoani, user.

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Depends on the kind of otaku, the most dangerous ones are the train photo taking ones, they want to take photos of moving trains in dangerous angles to get the photo have perfect lighting or whatever.
There have been train photo otaku dying because they were in front of the tracks as the train is moving.

Well no shit, an attack specifically designed for KyoAni building probably wouldn't work quite as well on another much bigger building.

And the studio 1 building doesn't even have half of that size.

You can jump him and prevent him from lighting a fire, even if the bucket spill.

thats pretty fuckin arbitrary dude

Is that ....thing still alive? you'd think that waste of flesh would have offed himself by now

Gasoline is nearly 10 times more potent than wood, so it was like burning half a ton of the wood.

>Takemoto is kill

lets say 40L is 40kg.
must be some fit neet to lift all that.

That's a Kyoani fanboy for you.

40l gas is actually like 30kg

Make sure all the escape routes are unobstructed and clear of flamables and that fire doors are in good condition and not held open (they MUST close in the event of a fire); if you see something, don't just ignore it as someone else's job. You can't do anything about offices being stuck in the 20th century, but you can ensure you have a way out for when it does go up. Don't rely on your bosses to keep you safe, it's your life so YOU look after it. When you hear that alarm, don't hesitate, you've literally got a matter of seconds to get to safety. If you were ever concerned before, now is the time to bring up fire safety to your superiors while it's still fresh in everybody's minds.
t. maintenance tech in charge of fire safety

He didn't lift it. He put it into buckets and pushes it on a trolley.

Second Amendment needs to be introduced to Japan.

And they all died EXCEPT the guy whom the retard tried to burn.

>You're safe.
>You die with them.
Chose one.

>waaaah you're just like him
>comparing killing 30+ people with lives and families to putting down a schizo autist neet that torched it all up and should never be back in society anyways

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You'd think they'd have learned from the tokyo firebombings

Ironically, if Japan had the second amendment, there probably would've been less deaths since the guy would have used guns instead of gasoline.

I wonder how the guys who built the twin towers felt. You're an idiot user they feel no guilt over this kind of shit, it's really out of their hands as architects after a point. In hindsight sure maybe less people would have died if they had a water slide that went out of the windows and into a fountain. Though what if the attacker replaced with water with yet even more gas! The idea is to build shit to code, and hope that insane people don't try to fuck it up.

People on the internet always want to play detective.
Can't do that without a conspiracy. So the internet Sherlock Holmes think up conspiracies for themselves to solve.

Using a gun indoor with a bucket of 40l of gasoline? Ok good luck user.

Carlos, you crazy motherfucker.

>must be some fit neet to lift all that.
You don't need to be fit at all. You just need the capability to walk since he loaded them onto a flatbed, as stated. My 8-year-old nephew can lift bags weighing around 10kg very briefly, without a problem. Ignoring that he probably filled the jerry cans when they were already on top of the flatbed, it doesn't take much fitness or strength to lift one of them about 15cm off the ground and onto the trolley. Like any functional adult should be able to do it.

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He had one of those matches you light with a switch Iirc (not sure what those are called). It'd be really difficult to get to him in time, someone tried to but it was after he caught on fire and the reason he was badly injured as well.

>I don't know how guns work

>taking the jokes seriously
Fuck off back to your board.

I just realise that because of threads like this my recent searches include

>20L gasoline jerry cans
>flat bed trolley
>fire lighters

For fuck's sake.

I don't know everyone's health situation and how well they could really move. If they were imobile then they're just fucked. If they could walk then there was no reason they couldn't have yanked out their IV and tried to escape. He could have at least saved that person in the end bed if they could walk.

Go back to being a shonen manga protag, faggot

From what I understood. This fucking guy then killed all those people just becase: Kyoani was doing something that "resembled" some dogshit he was writing. And proceded to ask for money by phone which was obviously denied.

>extremely sorry about the deaths of innocent people
>glad that the studio which supported most negative tendencies of modern anime went under
It's a weird feeling.

That's like a silver lining to the arson

Illuminati,Freemasons and Jews are basically the same group anyway.

Think how long it takes to get to your front door, if you're not already some fat fuck that barely moves. By the time you've gotten there, even in a small house, the arsonist could have set the floor alight. And that's with you knowing someone is coming.

Nearly everyone apart from maybe a receptionist would not have noticed or cared about Aoba entering the building until some commotion started, which at best was probably someone shouting something along the lines of "what are you doing?", and by the time you're looking up from your desk and across to the entrance, it's already a fireball.


If that's the case, he must be the worst piece of shit to ever put a foot in this fucking planet, and deserves to be tortured 24/7 while drugged to be unable to faint.

Where did you hear that?
All Hatta had said about this was that KyoAni never received anything from that guy, so he had no idea what this plagiarism thing was even referring to. Beyond that, nothing much is known, the guy is currently in coma.

>Anti immigration is a shit tier ideology
The only advantage immigrants bring is to employers. For everyone else they are needless competition for jobs, living space, the dating market etc.
>it only causes such immense problems in Europe because police incentivise it by turning a deliberate blind eye to crimes.
That implies that immigrants are more likely to become criminals.

It's not arbitrary, it's based on a study done by Robin Dunbar wherein it was concluded that the maximum contacts a person can have is around 100-150. Anything past that and your brain just starts auto filtering it out.

Reminds me of the time the FBI went to a family's home and interrogated them just because they were researching pressure cookers to purchase for cooking, where the FBI thought they were terrorists plotting to make a pressure cooker bomb

Look at this, you're basically fucked once the gas is spread around. No way you can jump the guy in time when all it takes is a flick of his fingers to start the fire.

Most passed out long before flames got to them. Some anons were saying that few breaths of that black crap and it's lights out, which I find believable.

I believe that they knew about it well in advance, and were prepared to arrest the suspects, but didn't think that they were going to kamikaze into buildings. Bush was even doing his president act in reading to kids on TV when he got word. The plane that came down in summerset I'm 100% sure was shot down by our own military to avoid further death, and they used a faked blackbox to make the passengers out as heroes. I don't think America planned all this shit, but they did play the cards they were dealt the best they could.

I'm just quoting what the other guy posted in japanese. Sadly my translation skills are not as good as I'd like so it might be possible that I didn't get the message right. But hey, I don't care, I fucking hate the fatass.

Dunbar-Number is about close social friends.

Both better than Jew York Times thinking this had to do with him being an incel because Kyoanus staff has a lot more women than the usual studio

I wonder what Yea Forums would be talking about in an alternate universe where the guy was caught before he managed to ignite the gasoline.
This thread would probably be just jokes about burning Kyoani.

What is 'most negative tendency of modern anime' ?

Did kyoani steal his shit?

Slice of life lesbian moe

Real answer? Fujobaiting. Yea Forums answer? Moeshit and yurishit.

>Heh, Anons... I'd just use my clairvoyance ability, teleport behind the perpetrator and stop this from ever happening.

I was going with the scenario of someone being near him to show that it is not 0% in stopping him even if he manage to enter the building.

BariSaku was in prison before. Once a criminal always a criminal.

Endless stream of low-quality LN adaptations

Trying to pay actual wages to the animators.

Yea they really thought they could get away with it too.

>tons of gasoline that instantly erupted into a fireball? simple... i grab the fire extinguisher and put it out, then puff away the smoke with my breath. easy. everyone gets on their knees and claps, and the female animators all start lining up to suck me off.

Treating their employees like human beings.

Right now, noone can even figure out just exactly what he was referring to when he said "they stole my work". He is in a coma so the police can't ask him.

So is murdering other people for resources but most people don't do that in modern society.

sounenshit is far worse than any of these

Fuck off and take your fucking idiotic amendments and guns with you. Nobody wants your mass shootings and paranoid cops who put a full magazine on you if you happen to blink your eye at the wrong time.

Some do
The whole Train otaku-dom started from groups of train conductors
But many of them lack work ethics/intelligence/etc

Wow typical car contains this much potential. Its an engineering marvel motorist didn't get BTFO everyday.

Japan is historically cheap on what materials they use to build; I'm honestly surprised the studio is still standing. It's not just that working conditions themselves are better (Kyoto is far enough away from Tokyo, and the studio itself actually looks pretty spacious compared to the coffin-like conditions experienced by other animators), but the pay was better too. If that's truly a communist standard then sign me the fuck up.

Wasn't it the americans or was it europeans that stripped down the samurais. Man if japs have kept and can use the katanas in case of emergency, that'll be dope as fuck.

He was an ex-employee, perhaps?

STFU, machetefag.

So a lot like why you wouldn't hire "rainman" to do your taxes. He's good at math, but at the end of the day he's a halfwit that can do only one thing.

Every country should be like America.
America is united. America is unstoppable.

No shounenshit had as much of an impact on the industry of the last decade as K-on

No he wasn't. Just a schizo with a prior criminal history.

Seriously, people underestimate how dangerous cars are. Not only are they 1 ton death machines with the ability to go 70MPG+, they're also massive fuel containers. And if you think about it, that much fuel can get you around 300 miles (depending on engine efficiency) away. There's a lot of potential energy in cars and we're so blase about what they are.

that's a good thing

No, they are equally awful.

Speaking of employees, why can't they confirm the dead people by checking the parking lot. Whoever's car is there is either at the hospital or burned. What's taking long? I want names so I can finally sleep. It's been 3 days.

America is full of niggers

Not really. More like a brief moment of respite.

This. I only watch works such as Tatami Galaxy and Ergo Proxy.

He was not.
Nobody knows what the fuck he was talking about. And he is in a coma now so he can't explain. All other stories that people "hear" about this are just rumors.

How long until NTR Doujins of Shinji fucking KyoAni sluts?

Its weird but I do hope that asshole does plan all or almost of this. If he's just lucky, I dont know anymore. Imagine the feeling of totally helpless, that the whole world forces you to die today. Just think about it make me tear up. If fate does exist, then it really sucks

When are they gonna release the list of vicitms? next week?

your mother's basement is not safe either

There are unidentifiable (i.e. charred beyond recognition) bodies. DNA tests will confirm, then they can release a complete list.

because being wrong about deaths is a bad thing


Attached: 0299F0C0-745F-4B0D-BDEC-9C0463632ADA.jpg (704x396, 29K)

>Working in the fire death trap that is Kyoanus building with no fire escapes or alternate exits

That's a YIKES from me

He did, he spent 2days scouting out the place.
That is the reason why the police checked out the bench. Kyoani didn't stand a chance

According to CNN they do hire more women than most studios, so I can see there being some doujins of women being raped before the smoke and fire takes them. However I doubt it, because Japanese tend to have more reverence for dead industry folk. Zero no Tsukaima doujins went extinct the moment everyone found out that the mangaka was dying.

>private transport


It's common for arsonists to burn the stairs, like in the Happy Land fire, it really doesn't take a genius to figure out that this would be the most effective way to hinder people to use said stairs to escape. He didn't know shit about how devastating it would be in this case. People really need to stop fantasizing.

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Sauce? Did he wore the same underwear and shirt for 2 days?

Ababa ababa ababa ababa aka-chan ningen nyeeeee

America is far from united.
They're deeply racially, ideologically divided.
The only thing stopping civil war II right now right now is unlimited supplies of burgers and chicken wings.

Furthermore, the spiral staircase was right next to the entrance.

Kyoani has released official statement which is basically
>thank for suppoet
>no details will be given by Kyoani
>police will give details
>media talk to lawyers
>close shop both online and physical

Thanks user. Make me feel a bit better

>According to CNN
Wow you must be really fucking new. Kyoani was always known for hiring a fair number of women.

He slept on a fucking park bench so yes most likely

You'd hope food would be a more uniting force amongst people culturally.

That would be entering dangerous waters. Better not try, because Japan might strenght the laws about it, and all the rest of the authors who does this kind of shit (even fictional), could be banned.

>close shop both online and physical
Welp. There goes buying Free avatars to support them.

To be fair its the best they can do. Let police do their job

A few years at least, any doujin circle that dares this close to the incident is fucked and their name tarnished forever.

Read Toriko.

Concrete girl got made though

I dont think anyone has the balls to do that or even if they do then they must be fucked up in the head. I know doujins are full of degenerate thing but fictions are still fictions. Sth based on or refers to real life people is entirely different situation

Disasters almost always are a result of a bunch of events or mini mistakes lining up all at once to create the perfect storm.

But we know the source material for all their anime. It's not from him.
An user theorized that one of the winning authors copied his work and used it to take part in the contest. But firstly that would require this mentally ill felon to actually be in literary circles for anybody to actually know his super-creative plot, and secondly there's no way KyoAni would know that their winner stole his story, so it'd make more sense to attack the author.
It's absolutely retarded to push this narrative, but I expected nothing less from a bunch of m/a/nchildren.

Puuuuuru purupuru
Puuuuuru purupuru

Puru puru puuuuru~rin

Attached: 795FA90D-06F0-415F-896C-76D4BD28C43F.jpg (600x525, 60K)

There’s no air in space

Aoba "moeblob shishkebab" Shinji
Aoba "splash the trash" Shinji
Aoba "pain train" Shinji
Aoba "welcome to the NHK" Shinji
Aoba "gas gas gas" Shinji
Aoba "kyoto deanimation" Shinji
Aoba "block the exits" Shinji
Aoba "the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya" Shinji
Aoba "fujo bbq" Shinji

help me out here lads

Attached: 1522403091506.jpg (750x710, 75K)

I really want to the kill the culprit and his mother in that case

>but most people don't do that in modern society.
Yeah lets just ignore what the US is doing in the middle east for the past like 3 decades.
Just because you dont seeit,or you are ignorant to it doesnt mean it doesnt exist weeb-kun.

Years after the fact. It's like 9/11 jokes and such, only the biggest shitbags would celebrate and joke about it immediately afterwards. Give it a couple of years and it's been nothing but humor since then.

Yeah, I can also imagine that it also strikes very close to the bone, so people may be more sensitive to it.

Imagine how many nurses fainted from his shit stained underwear by trying to change him into clean ones. Unless the clothes absorbed the smoke odor. Hopefully no one is feeding him.

You can get air in a can now

>It's all about America
I don't see the average man walking over to his neighbour's house and stabbing hik for sugar. How do you know people turn a blind eye to these things out of pure malice anyway?

Nah, this guy planned everything.

Saying hi couple of times a month is not knowing.

Well according to user you're a summerfag that can't tell when someone is making a joke, because all CNN cared about were gender politics rather than people fucking dying in a fire.

Isn't that just bara and food porn? What are you getting at?

>what is murdering a building full of people just for shits and giggles

nah, it's just a (((coincidence))) user

Attached: cia.webm (320x218, 314K)

If the arsonist was a cute Japanese girl with idol-tier beauty, would anyone still be mad about it?


Oh I know that all too well, but I'm an autistic child that has seen too many redditors shit up the place. I think I need a break.



I'm not even mad when he's so fat and ugly.

They will also have to explain why they didn't stop him, why they didn't realize what was going on in his head etc. In the the end, the only responsible person is the fat pig himself, but people tend to extend blame.


He probably got rejected by some employees. That's probably the motive.

Aoba “Punish the Sinners for Stealing my Swimmers” Shinji
Aoba “Copyright to Set Alight” Shinji
Aoba “No Suing for me, just Atsui for thee” Shinji
Aoba “Animation Conflagration” Shinji
Aoba “Flame Mammoth.swf” Shinji

Also inheritance/estate taxes are very high in Japan. So when someone dies, it makes more sense to demolish his property and build a new one than pass the old property to his heirs.

It's really not nearly as bad as you make it out to be.

Attached: Your guide to paying inheritance tax in Japan - TransferWise 7-21-2019 12-40-20 PM.png (866x630, 69K)

>almost half the money is gone
>not that bad

Why are you guys making up nicknames for him?
Don't make him famous. Not even infamous.
His atrocity should be remembered. His name should not.

Are you retarded? 45% homes are Roppongi-tier houses for elite who can afford those taxes. Normal houses are falling into 10-20%.

Nigger, 99.99% of people will never see $3M in their life. Median wealth per adult in Japan is $100k.

Those two seem to have gone off the rails.

Attached: carlos.png (600x600, 378K)

It's just /pol/ kiddies.

Why will they have lawyers to do the communication? Aren't they the victims?

It's even funnier when you see how they see themselves.

Attached: 1556537690381.png (2233x895, 248K)

Come on, dude, making up stupid nicknames is /pol/ now? Give me a break.

Certainly isn't Yea Forums that has "happenings" and making up names for the culprits.


Probably to prepare for wrongful death lawsuits that are going to inevitably filed against them.

"Everything is /pol/" - average Yea Forums newfag

maybe that's what the knives were for?

POL exists everywhere the human mind does.
In every congregation of people, in every organization, every cultures.
Short of lobotomy you can't eradicate unregulated though.
/pol/ just put that on a spotlight, in concentrate form.

>they should lock the door when I mention security
No shit, user. Only if you read the fucking news.

Fuck, I had to laugh hard there.

everything doesn't have to follow a meme template. get real humor or be labelled basic (note pol is the new b, understand?)

Naw, that's Yea Forums.