DanMachi - Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

Admit it.

DanMachi is good.

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I like it

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Of course it is. My Wiafu is in it afterall.

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DanMachi is good.

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At least post the 1080p version.

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I swear to god the show would be ten times better without the useless annoying cunt that is hestia

is there a spin off with a "punished" bell? I remember some people from a previous thread talking about it

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This is one of the cutest Expressions I've seen Hestia make yet.

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fuck on out of the thread m8.

Not a spin-off, but in the actual FM LN.

is this nigga serious

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And this is the cutest.

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Tiona is cute.

I liked the visuals for the season 1 ED more...


>Faggot Bell
>Dumb generic girl as main """"girl""""
No, damnachi is actually trash that's focused on retards with low standards.

Danmachi is good. But please ban Hestia from the threads.

it seems like the anime staff know that blonde is shit because she's always shot so boring (just like her) while hestia gets all these sexualized shots

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>aiz hater
>uses some shitty re;zero meme
honestly not surprised

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the LN is already very shonen-y and then the anime 4kids-cucks it even further for absolutely no reason

honestly ais is really a cardboard cutout with one word lines all of the time.

>...if a monster makes someone cry, i will kill it

there that's all of her characterization


not an argument

You didn't watch Sword Oratoria, I take it?

very observant of you!

it was so boring, how was i gonna get past the first 10 minutes?
watching that was like dying a thousand deaths

I don't remember the last few episodes of season 1. Or anything that happened in season 1 actually.

I wouldn't call it "trash", because it has enough things done well, speaking purely from an execution standpoint by the production committee, directing, sound, acting, animation, etc., that it doesn't belong in the same bin as, say, Arifureta, OPM2, or Marchen Madchen. So from a pure production standpoint, it's pretty good!

Story isn't great, characters aren't great, but eventually when you're only left quibbling about nothing but components based on personal taste, there's little point. Just recognize that it isn't for you and move on.

a shitty promo? why would i? i'm talking about the LN

honestly hestia is really a cardboard cutout with one word lines all of the time.

>...I love bell-kun!
>...if anyone makes bell-kun cry, i will kill it

there that's all of her characterization

That's everyone in the anime I think.

>Interesting premise and world
>Not isekai
>Everything else

I remember up to the minotaur fight and thats about it. The recap didnt even really go over the important stuff of what happened in the last few episodes of season 1 that much.

2 epsiodes into season 2 and I still dont remember how the sword chick mikoto ended up hanging out with them so much

Yeah, that's every single character.

everyone except aiz ;^)

I don't care knowing that vol13-14 won't get animated and even if does -- it will look shit anyway

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Getting an attention span longer than a goldfish's would be a good place to start. The Loki Familia was up to a fair bit while the rabbit was busy getting in over his head.

nah, she wants his dick too. even spares a monster because of him.

Familia Myth I assume. The title the author wanted and maybe the WN has.

Her party kinda left Belle and crew to die to save themselves and most of her familia was injured fighting the giant, so her helping them was her way of apologizing.

No, Danmachi is great

she only does it because she was being a monster and she never wants to become one

I'm certainly enjoying it for what it is.

Why do people like this garbage so much?

>implying any amount of pleading would have saved her if bell hadn't been there

It's got scantily clad brown girls and it's one of the few fantasy anime in recent memory.

Would I need to watch the spin-off season to understand S2? I only saw S1.


One man's trash is another's treasure. Why do people watch dogshit like Overlord or One Piece? Because they like it, apparently.

unfortunately the season about Aiz's team is total shit.. they forced some useless uguu elf girl as the main character and destroyed any chance at making something similar and interesting like the first season

Hey, now, overlord LN is unquestionably better than danmachi, don’t get ahead of yourself.

Not really. It covers what they were doing behind the scenes and does show how powerful the Loli Familia are, but it doesn't cover much about Belle and crew that wasn't already shown.

I admit it's good for a native isekai.
I still prefer Berserk though.

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>native isekai
Please leave.

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I liken it to SAO but kind of worse

Bell is native in that world.
I'm pretty sure that is a native isekai.

No, but there's Punished Bell in a later arc and also in the mobage prequel story one of Bell's past incarnations has his own punished phase.

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I don't think I've seen a dumber meme pushed so hard by anyone without pink hair and daddy issues.

what do you think isekai is

Isekai means "other world." You can not be a native of another world.

still no argument whatsoever to support your non existent point
come on, at least sling some memes if you can't argue for shit

My wife Tiona is pretty!

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I don't know the exact translation but "isekai" is basically "from one world to another" and that is that. If the person is a "native" there then it's just a fantasy anime. Stop believing every retarded meme you see on here.

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Careful, that's my wife you're talking about big guy.

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I love it. many call him out as garystu with "spam to win" abilities (which is true to an extent), but to me he is a kid who is genuinely trying to be a greek hero, go on kickass adventures and save girls like granddad told him to.

that minotaur fight in first season really drove everything in what I loved about the series.

I wonder who's behind this post.

I know you're trying to be helpful, but you're just helping to derail the thread.

Isekai means another world.
It got nothing to do with transport, going to another, or anything else.
As long as it's not our world, it's isekai.
In literal meaning, he's right.

I really liked the whole atomsphere this episode had, Bell's desperate struggle was portrayed very well.
Just wish they hadn't set up another fucking Lili arc.

so avengers is isekai. LOTR is isekai. GOT is isekai. No, it's from one world to another, fuck you and your forced memes.

imagine sex with aiz where her eyes roll back and she starts drooling but doesn't make any sounds

let's be honest these threads are pretty slow and it's only on episode 2

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It did seem a bit sudden, I'll admit, especially since I thought her relationship with the Soma Familia was resolved already.

I read through the existing manga of DanMachi after searching out more of my secret favorite - D&D-style world with adventurer's guilds and stuff. DanMachi, Konosuba, Goblin Slayer, Shield Hero, love that shit. DanMachi was better than many, but it also felt like there weren't really any stakes? Obviously the protagonist of every series wins every battle, but it didn't feel like the battles meant anything in DanMachi. The hero is too overpowered from the get-go with his "I level up overnight" bullshit.

Your wife fucked minotaur behind your back

>You can not be a native of another world
Well I mean, this series can.
So does berserk.
I don't understand what you mean.

>flat chest has better personality
is it a coincidence?

Bell isn't particularly powerful, and his level up ability is on the lower end of the broken abilities in the series, since there's a hard limit on how many you can have.
For example Lefiya can cast any spell and is a walking nuke, compared to most Wizards who can only pick 3, Riveria and Ais get essentially unlimited Mana, and whatever the fuck Ottar does.
Also Bell loses a lot.

what is it with shonenshitters and the stakes meme? it's like they aren't happy unless the main character isn't losing and crying every volume. if a scene is well written even something completely pointless can seem exciting.

>For example Lefiya can cast any spell and is a walking nuke, compared to most Wizards who can only pick 3, Riveria and Ais get essentially unlimited Mana, and whatever the fuck Ottar does.
Jesus fuck, are they actually that op?
And howcome Ais get mana buff? I thought she was a through and through melee build

Bell is a fucking jobber and the show has lazy as LN writing.
He has better stats than what is his face and still lost to him twice.
His argonaut skill didn't activate.
Freya didn't kill that faggot after saying he wanted Bell.

Hestia and Takemikazuchi are pretty close since both are poor and both sell potato snacks, so they talk regularly (remember dogeza? Hestia got that from Takemikazuchi).

Mikoto and Bell were named on the same day - Eternal † Shadow and Little Rookie.

Then - they also protected Hestia (with Ryuu and Asfi) on her quest to save Bell and they did fight (with Welf and Ryuu) against Mord's group when Hestia was kidnapped.

I do agree. Here's hoping I see a scene that's written well...

>No, it's from one world to another
It was never that you dumbass.
As long as the MC's native, it's native isekai.
How fucking dumb a person can be if you can't comprehensive something that's so simple?

Ais is a spellsword, she has wind manipulation, infinite mana, and something else. Bell's xp bonus skill is essentially just a greater base stat modifier, but doesn't actually help all that much in a fight compared to the OP bullshit in the series. He has his charge shot but it takes ages to charge.

Is this show all comedy? I never picked it up but with the new season airing I'm actually interested.

>native isekai
Stop calling everything isekai you zoomer.


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By your definition every single non-fiction story is isekai.

Lets be fair, while Bell got OP growth perk, he always did get into fights which were way over his capacity at the time.

I think his growth perk is great, since it is not there to show "aw man, now he is steamrolling these Lv 1 monsters! how cool!" but "Aw man, I got strong! Now I got to go fight STRONGER foes!"

I think you mean every single fiction story. But you're right that he's retarded.

>whatever the fuck Ottar does.
Complete Protection
He tanks Aria without even needing to block with his sword

He has currently BETTER stats than the other faggot. His perk DIDN'T activate 7 times over him getting his shit kicked in. Fuck are you on about nigger?

dumb ESL poster

oh god im retarded too

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I guess being a spellsword is reasonable.
Its just that you would expect infinite mana to be reserved for those who are minmaxed to magic.

Not sure what is the right word, over-deserving?

Not really.. big boob hestia is like sort of the straight man/slapstick but every other character is pretty straight forward

>non-fiction story is isekai.
That's it, you're all dumb motherfucker.
You don't know what isekai means, you can't comprehend a native in isekai means, I just can't helped you.
I guess isekaifag really are too retarded to understand a simple thing like being native in the isekai world.
Berserk, claymore, this, stravganza, goblin slayer, ubelblatt, fuck even fairytail is native isekai (well maybe on the hard shonen side, but it's still native isekai).

I think I totally butchered those terms but whatever

Skills gained are based on what a user wants, not their style. That's why Bell can cast fire magic. Ais wanted to be able to fight more and more and more, so she got mana regen, Lefiya wanted to know more magic, so she can cast anything so long as she chants an extra verse etc.
Ottar is Berserker from FSN if he spawned as Saber instead. Complete immunity from low rank attacks, impossibly strong, basically unkillable.

It is, the fact it took this fucking long to get a S2 isn't. All that fucking garbage they were feeding us inbetween was all terrible too.

>Berserk, claymore, this, stravganza, goblin slayer, ubelblatt, fuck even fairytail is native isekai
>hard shonen
What the fuck are you smoking? Who even says hard shonen? How old are you 12?

Ottar can't be fucking damaged.

Hm, I guess I gotta check out S1 again then. I forgot shit ton of setting.

is anything "not this world" isekai to you? is House of Cards an isekai?

You're the one who can't understand something so simple like native isekai.
Even an elementary retard can understand that, but you can't.

Why are you even responding to such blatantly obvious trolling you retard?

No its not. The entire concept is dumb. Why the fuck does this loser Bell get so many fucking handouts? Its not like he was the most hard working adventurer in the city or anything, there were people who tried way harder than him but got stuck at some level, meanwhile he got to level 2 in like a year or some shit.

Literally anything about his situation makes me rage.

>gets to sleep with an oppai loli goddess for convenient reasons
>a supporter falls in love with him because she conveniently turned out to be a good girl at heart
>the most popular girl in the city literally falls in love with him after meeting him like 3 times or less
>another goddess falls in love with him even though they have never even met
>he gets a super unique op skill that not even the gods have heard of

etc, etc...literally a mary sue.

Good night my fellow Hestiabros!

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there are mal/r*ddit fags that are actually this retarded

what skill would you get if you wanted to womb fuck freya until she foams at the mouth?

That's the grandson of Zeus for you.

So the retard is retarded, but what IS the appropriate term for the series he listed? Stuff like this or Goblin Slayer, fantasy worlds where the dynamic is gamified very much like the worlds that isekai protagonists like in Konosuba or Log Horizon end up in? Is there a catch-all term for the game-style fantasy setting?

I dunno, I don't watch netflix

wounded rabbit hopped over the moon and swallowed the sun.

what did she mean by this?

The really OP thing about Bell's perk is that because of his crazy growth he's almost always leveling up with all S class stats.
That carries over.
His stats starting level two are what most characters start with at level three.
If he keeps going as he is, he'll probably have stats comparable to a level seven when he hits level five.

It's just fantasy, the game elements in DanMachi are created by the gods because it is literally just them fucking around because they're bored. If you want to be really autistic about your labelling you could call it LitRPG, which is unfortunately a thing.

bell winning war game and apollo familia falling / him getting exiled.

Bell is canonically a qt bishounen with a cute lithe butt with a rabbit-like aura that makes you want to fuck him.

Seriously, most of his love interest are older than him and he's like 14

she sees you wallet [spoiler/]

Depends. log horizon and konosuba is a definitely isekai.
Goblin slayer just using dnd term in place of real life situation, so it's closer to berserk in that kind of regard. So that and Danmachi is obviously, a native isekai.
Like Berserk.

He's going to dab on Soma and send Apollo to heaven.

now that's just ridiculous. clearly it implies apollo-sama is gonna jam his sun rod deep into bells throat. there's no way bell could win.

Oh wait, I remember I saved the actual official guide image that actually confirmed by nips about what is considered as native isekai.
Lemme search for it.

IIRC hes not even blood related.

Which just makes it worse, a 14 year old should have zero chance of doing something as dangerous as adventurer work. Not fully devleoped either mentally or physically.

he does

oh yeah
that's what I need

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And it's gonna be glorious.

what are these boys doing?

i wish that tiona join Hestia family...

Well, it's called Mind here - both Riveria and Aiz can regenerate it at a low rate, but Riveria also has a skill that let her absorb the spent magical energy from all elves within her magic circle (including herself) as mind, ready to be used again. Yeah, Riveria is the strongest mage.

>I thought she was a through and through melee build
No, Aiz's best stat is magic since she uses it all the time in order to not kill herself when attacking monsters like a berserker (small fry like orcs and minotaurs don't count).

>Riveria is the strongest mage
i think you're forgetting about one boney boi

Fels is only like level 3 or 4 if I remember right, and is incapable of having status updates due to a lack of skin. Mr Sketl is mostly just the most accomplished magic item creator

Fels? He's a healer. And after hundreds of year, he's still only level 4.

yeah it's the items that make him powerful, though he is the only one to ever have resurrection hack spell as far as i know

>Punished Bell never
God I wan the adventurers, Gods, and Familia bullying to be animated. The payoff was great

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Is Punished Bell strong enough to beat Ais?

Punished Bell couldn't even put up a serious fight against Ais.

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idk he'd at least hold his own after he fought the juggernigger

Does Bell still get lap pillows, at least?

>when you save a monster girl so hard to the point it would sacrifice itself by killing itself
Poor Aiz wanted to be saved so hard like Wiene that she was literally "God I wish that was me" was great

Meanwhile best brown girl, my wife, just says “yeah nah not feelin it, go away”


The 2 main fight songs from the season 1 OST are great.

Nobody dies, so there is no fucking sense of danger, so adventuring is practically a well paid hobby. The MC is so uninteresting that you need to read like 10 times how badass he is to actually give a fuck. I gave this shit 10 volumes of doubt and regretted the read slightly less than fucking Gringar.

It's stale as shit until you get past vol 10 where the ante got dialed up to eleven. vol 13 and 14 is best volume so far.

Punished Bell is vol 10 and further on where the darker parts of the dungeons are finally introduced to Bell finally.

Chapter 46 of Oratoria mango.

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oh, you didn't read the last volumes... and forgot about Lili's tormenters (karma is a bitch), Ryuu's rampage, and going with SO, Ganesha's Hashana and the survivors of Evilus.

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I think I need to catch up with both manga and LN. Lefiya is too cute.

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>no one has said it yet
kill yourself passfag

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I feel very inconsistent with the artist of the manga. Looking at Bell's face here make me think he looks like shit but then you have the occasional Loki rape face and I go holy fuck that looks great

Womanizing rabbit strikes again.

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kill it with kindness

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Its where all JC staff's frames have been going apparently. It is good. They actually seem to have put effort into their OP as well.

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Why doesn't he just fuck Hestia?

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>shalllow harem shit
You only like this if it's your preferred harem shit. They're all the same so you pick one and ignore the others

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Bell has a thing for dungeon dates with elves with malfunctioning wardrobe.

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Wow a special male MC gets a yuri girl who is in love with another girl flustered for his dick and of course he deals the final blow showing the girl is weaker than him, what a story.
Throw it to the trash it belongs.

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Based Bell shitting on knife ears

No it's not. It like the epitome of mediocre.

>Organization declares "war" on two persons
>They attack anyway
>Antagonist now is Edgy McEdge
Nice plot

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I'm GAR for Bell

AHEM... native isekai

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Elves are for hugging while almost naked, telling them how small and soft they are and making them barely able to control their urges.

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Just make sure to remind them it's okay if they touch it just a little.

>Ryu will never hug you and hold your hand,hoping that you'd still be alive when she wakes up
fuck m

They really can't find that portal in area 51 to the fantasy world fast enough.

thanks for the dump

BellxLefiya is OTP

I'm a hopeless BellxLili fag myself.

Probably not gonna be endgame but the author seems to like the ship to.

Lucky Bell, hugging Ryu while naked, and she asks for it.

she hasn't even appeared once in the main novels.

Fuck that gay elf.

I know it's not gonna happen in the main novels but they have some cute moment in SO and the gacha games pushes them quite a bit which the author has a hand in.
lili was sister zoned

i watched the first season when it aired. what should i watch before starting season 2?

Why do you think I described myself as hopeless?

People who deny the factual existence of native isekai are just looking for a reason to say their favorite anime isn't a part of the isekai craze we've seen in the past few years because they're fucking hipsters.

DanMachi has a lot in common with your average trash isekai: main character is a little bitch, with some kind of overpowered trait, everyone wants his dick because he's a nice guy, RPG system with levels and skills, etc...
There's simply not the "came from another/our world" part, because it's fucking boring, redundant, and once an MC get's isekai'd, they generally don't remember/give a fuck about their life in their original world. Native isekai is just your average isekai with the boring part cut out. You could take the intro of any other trash isekai, like Kenja no Maggot, and prepend it to DanMachi, and it would still work. If you pick up any isekai manga and start after a few chapters, and think it's just fantasy, then it's really just a trash isekai.

The reality is, DanMachi wouldn't even have got an adaptation if SAO didn't exist.


>when they kept calling it native isekai
why do you faggots have never heard of the litrpg genre?

Danmachi is clear one of the worst native isekai, maybe ever. Convoluted. Mexican. Soap. Drivel.

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5 years old Russian term... nope. Not using it.

Nothing. You can and should skip oratoria.

Full Metal Alchemist is my favorite native isekai

No one said it because it's not funny you dumb unoriginal fuck.

Important question: Can mortals impregnate gods? This is very important.


I’d fuck the dyke’s brains out until she could only make a retarded ahegao face and her womb is filled with so much of my baby batter it shoots out of her pussy like a geyser

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Find. a. Flaw.

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Autism (high functioning). Formerly known as asspergers.

Not Hestia

no knife ears

I watched enough of S1 to know the cast of characters is pretty lackluster, and characters pretty much make these kinds of shows.

Tiona a cute.

What a fucking garbage character.

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Her eyes are not blue and she doesn't have big hooters.

yes I also like this show
thank you JC staff for drawing the house


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>thinking it's meant to be funny
you are a retard

>literally sleep with Hestia
>don't fuck her

Bell is gay as fuck

Bell loves Ais.

>i dont understand the character motivation here
>even though the ambiguity is intentional as a hook and plot driver and will make sense as the situation is explored in future episodes
>but since i lack two brain cells to rub together, i need it to be spelled out word by word immediately in order to understand
>therefore this character is garbage
please leave

She already has a arc that solved this problem, it's fucking a side note at this point which it's treated hilariously as such. Stop being a waifu faggot and understand she's worthless to the story.

Bell doesn't want Hestia to suffer a 10k years of love
also Ais>Hestia

she's literally the non-brainlet of the hestia family.
even Finn wants her cunny

How can people like a sheet of blank white paper?

lili's existing issues with soma familia weren't 'solved' at all by faking her disappearance and perpetually using a disguise in public to avoid them
im sorry you think soma is a side note considering the under-table dealings between the soma and apollo familias with regard to the wargame

The twin amazon doujin is God tier I'll give you that. Praise shindol for that.

>How can people like a sheet of blank white paper?
>sheet of blank white paper
Because the only people who think this are anime-only fags.

yellow eyes

they should be blue

they don't know the glory of defrosting the ice queen trope

that was asanagi though

The actual piece of white paper is Bell, who when seen from the PoV of another story, really stands out like sore thumb.

tbf he's basically shining because of white hair and his Rubellite eyes. Not to mention he's described as a cute bunny that amazons wants to rape because they are inherently mommies that wants to snu snu a little strong boy like Bell

t. anime-only fags.

Grand Day/Argonaut movies when? It'd be a really big loss for those stories to be mobage exclusive and then be lost when the mobage shuts down.

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>wanting to fuck Hestia
>wanting to fuck a short god with ugly tits

Does anyone else think this is fucking disgusting?

Why does everyone in Orario look below thirty? Why don't gods have elderly children?

So... when does Lefiya make her appearance?

This show is worthless without gay high-level elves.

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>the only lgbt character is a rapist

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She's censored in the main series. Bell doesn't even know her name.

>the only lgbt character is a rapist

ummm... honey Lefiya would never rape anyone.

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Filvis' character design was great.

Netflix did it again.

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Finn is over 40. Riveria is ~100. Gareth is almost 60. Ottarl is over 30. Mia is over 50. Mord is over 30. Tsubaki and Shakti are almost 40. Fels is over 800.
The more Falna you have the slower you age.

Did she say suki or aishiteru?

You should relax with your fourth bowl of ice cream for the day.

>Soma Familia

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How can someone who started from a no-name thug became the second best bro in this series next to Welf?

Suki, but it clearly was a confession of love. They were both red.

I haven't read the DanMachi LNs to compare, but the DanMachi anime is definitely superior to the Overlord anime, especially compared to the ruin which was Overlord S3.

She's one of the virgin goddesses.

Do gods even have sex in this LN?

Dropped halfway through episode 2 desu. Has none of the comfy charm of the first season.

Hermes is going to get snu snu'd by Ishtar this season

You have my attention.

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native isekai

>Godly art
>Hot girls, delicious looking food
>Fuck it all up with the Azami arc
So much for this golden goose

>be bell
>these two brown sluts want your dick
>you just want the pure white maiden

What would you do?

Hermes tries to be smug but got raped by Ishtar instead. Also, red light district where Amazons try to get rabbit meat

It's rabbit bullying season.
If they rush things again then we'd be getting Punished Bell

Maybe it was explained in season 1, but if so I forgot. But why the hell does the city tolerate blatant gang warfare in the middle of the street where one attacks another without warning? I thought the whole familia system had strict rules.

And then El Hermano arc made it awesome.

He has to take a moment and ask himself "what would grandpa do?" Since gramps was Zeus the obvious answer is that the best thing to do is all 3, preferably at the same time.

They can issue sanctions, but it seems the most they can do is ban individuals from having dealings with the guild or levy fines against the familia causing problems.

can this be confirmed? just skip straight into season 2 without any other shit?

"another world" implies OUR (or something designed to represent our) world exists in relation to it. if its JUST that fantasy world, then it isnt "another" to anything, its just "the" world. its not an isekai, its an original fantasy.

>solved this problem
No, she wanted to leave the shitty Soma familia.
Her whole life savings and magic weapon got stolen. She was left to die, she got saved by Bell, but guess what?
She's still in the shitty Soma familia. She can't update her status anymore. She can't join Hestia.
Her familia thinks that she died, so she needs to disguise herself. She gained a little money with Bell but lost her whole gear in the descent to level 18 and had to replace it.

And right when they wanted to start dungeon crawling again, Apollo attacked with Soma and the shithead of her familia discovered that she faked her death and is still alive, and she's fighting with their target, Bell.

But I guess her problems are solved, right?, so we can just skip ahead with the story.
>Lili went with Zanis. She was never seen again.

Yes, it's a side story. It does show off how powerful other characters are and does add a bit more personality to Ais, but it's not exactly what I'd call required viewing.

Isn't that kinda bullshit? How is a single goddess stronger than an entire battalion of them? Including gods of war and all

Attached: [U3-Web] Gekijouban Danmachi - Orion no Ya (2019) [NFLX WEB-DL 1080p AVC E-AC-3] [Multi-Subs] [CF076 (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Also what about this? I know that gods return to heaven if they're killed in the lower world, but are they actually allowed to return after a certain amount of time has passed?

Attached: [U3-Web] Gekijouban Danmachi - Orion no Ya (2019) [NFLX WEB-DL 1080p AVC E-AC-3] [Multi-Subs] [CF076 (1920x1080, 1.83M)

Why is he punished?

ponytail looks like a cutie, who tis?

The movie is not canon and doesn't make much sense. In the novels, some evil god planned to use his divine powers to destroy the city but gave up since other gods would just restore the city if he did that.

That's Loki.

>no one likes Hestia in her own show


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It's a just fuck already chapter.
Is this pairing supposed to be popular or something? I feel liked they are always getting paired up, mostly in the game.

Who is Lefiya again

Too much like me in outward mannerisms.

Lefiya is the Elf everyone WANTS to be with.

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>native isekai
There's no fucking end to these faggots

Its fun trash, and its okay to admit it
Im actually speed watchid this, i just skip all the cringe dialoges
So the episodes are just 10 min long, and actually decent

>native isekai

what the fuck is this new meme word?

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Probably needs Zeus approval by giving him blowjobs.

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This is the only way you can watch this without losing interest at the plain plot and characters, just have fun watching the action and the 7/10 production quality

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>walk down the street
>see this boy assaulting this cute elf girl

how do you respond?


So shamefuru, got em mixed up

He's probably somewhere around a low-tier level 5, so the fight would still be completely one-sided, he just wouldn't get instantly demolished like during their last battle.
However if Hestia decided to let Bell level up, he would be a high-tier level 5, maybe even a top-tier if he got some exp from killing Nignog in the last SO volume. With his stupidly high AGI, he should be able to put some fight against Aiz.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to their next training session. With effective power gap of only 1-1.5 levels, Aiz shouldn't be completely unreachable anymore.

A better protagonist than Bell.


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Reminder that Bell is probably the one who has (accidentally) felt her up more than any other. They even engaged in the lewd act of holding hands when they first met. The degenerates.

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No. We don't talk about that doujin.

It's not degenerate if they are endgame.

I'm actually kind of suspicious that this is the direction SO will be heading towards. Not in the "endgame girl" sense, but actually having Lefiya be a part of the Bellbowl. Since he did mention that the next arc was going to be about Lefiya, Filvis is dead and gone, and he was clearly trying to steer their relationship to be more positive before editor-kun made him edit some scenes out. Not to mention how much the mobile game loves to push the two.

Would make the true threesome endgame all the better if that's the case.

I can understand why you got them mixed which makes it worse. Apology not accepted.

So... do we actually LIKE this show or not?

I need to decide if it's worth watching season 1, but can't tell if Yea Forums hates it.

Oh are non cancer subs out?

Whether or not some faggots on Yea Forums likes or hates a thing shouldn't really contribute to whether or not you should watch a show user. If you want anecdotal opinions, it's worth a watch and is a fun show by itself. But it doesn't quite do the source material justice in a lot of areas.

So give the first season a try, and if you end up liking it. Feel free to read the original novels, or check out the manga. Since this is one of those odd cases where people do enjoy the anime, but think the manga adaptation does a better job in some departments.

I feel like with the SO thing they are not going to count that much. Probably excuse it the same way they did with the Irregular Goliath, since everyone else was fighting hard to let him land the killing blow and all that. Especially since he seems to avoid letting spin-off Bell actions have any influence in the mainline stuff.

Though that might change, I'm still hoping he will have the two intersect more naturally after he's done with his SO break.

Is Freya the endgame for Bell?

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>hes not even blood related
We don't know that for sure.

>a 14 year old should have zero chance of doing something as dangerous as adventurer work
Ais disagrees.

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No, but it seems he may be her endgame.

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Can you love a goddess?

When the gods came down from heaven they had most of their powers sealed away. The Monster that had Artemis was bypassing that restricting and bringing out her full power to use for itself. So even if all the god united and bring what little power each had together, it still wouldn't have been enough to stop that giant arrow.


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Bell tries to save a monster girl and in the process - he starts hurting other adventurer who wants said monster girl dead. He's pretty much ostracized for doing so and EVERYONE bullied him for it. Even after the whole fiasco, his reputation never recovered fully. At least he doesn't get bullied by everyone

> every other familia is kinda ok with this is
> still it takes several dozen people to corner a single level 2 guy who is princess carrying a pair of useless tits around..
Glorious plot. My suspension of disbelief wants extra payment for working overtime.

Can't rape the dead.

Ais is still completely and utterly unreachable simply thanks to Ariel.

this. Her Ariel is OP as shit. Fuck, don't even get me started about Ottar who is training her

that explains everything

But that's exacly that mate. Gods of Orario do whatever they want, and they want simple fun. What's more fun than crazy fella randomly decaring war on already superfamous level 2?

It was mention a few times in LN, that oridinary citizens think of gods as at least slighly crazy if not outright madmans who love chaos.

And besides it;s not like eveyone was ok with it.

Funny thing is, Bell remarks that he was lucky to have met the Miach, Hermes, and Take family since they are fairly sane compared to the other scheming Gods. Heck, the reveal that they are just bored madmen and women are horrendous

I'm pretty sure there was something about gods having to avoid turning the city into war zone. And then we had: whatever fine we charge him, he'll pay it, so let his whole familia chase a single guy. And all other gods were like: it's fine.

I'm talking about normal sparring, not throwing nukes like Ariel or Argonaut at each other. Before she was beating him black and blue without any effort and his greatest achievement was scratching her breastplate once, after throwing absolutely everything he had at her. Now he should be able to at least force her to fight seriously.

Did he give everyone a big FUCK YOU for trying to hurt cute monster girls?

Left or Right?

It honestly turned out to be rather good in the later volumes compared to your run-of-the-mill shitty isekai from from nowadays

When he scratched her she was still completely playing around with him and not even remotely serious. After the scratch she beat him up almost instantly.
Also, Ariel isn't a nuke and is instant and can't be compared to Argonaut at all which is why I mentioned it. If these two were to fight seriously at the same level, Argonaut would be completely useless and she would destroy him.
But, after the recent SO volume, I have kind of lost all hope that the author even remotely cares about the powers he established. And the power levels.

And get crushed faster than he could blink or think

Not ALL are crazy, there are normal ones as well. AFAIK not too many gods had started their own familia in the first place, so I assume that - from mortals perspective - those who did are quite "normal" (more or less) even if have some quirks on their own. I mean, if you want to start your own "bussiness" (famila) you must be at least a little sane.

It just most of gods roam randomly in the lower world to piss off other gods and mortals, just for fun.

And wasn't Miach and Take friends of Hestia since before she even descended to moral world?

I assume he's going to pay fine for it. Don't really remember it since I was reading LN some quite time ago. Apollo seems to be fairly rich tho, so probably that's what he was thinking - press Hestia to the point she accept war game. And the fine? He can live with it.

When Freya anihillated that other godness she was also forced to pay for it later.

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>But, after the recent SO volume, I have kind of lost all hope that the author even remotely cares about the powers he established. And the power levels.
Dunno why people are so pissed at Bell killing Nidhogg. A full-charge Argonaut is still undefeated in the novel.

That's not the part I think doesn't make sense. At least partially since his full-charge Firebolt didn't even manage to kill the irregular moss huge (sure, it was wearing fire protection gear but still). I can still accept that his full charge killed it because of the weapon he received.
But those scrubs holding it back? No.
Also, the whole fight against the spirits in general. From the first 11 novels of setup, the spirits were definitely far above Loki Familia's current level.
In the end, their Familia should have suffered far, far more causalities and at least some level 6 deaths.

This cunt.

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still not convinced that isnt trap ass

>In the end, their Familia should have suffered far, far more causalities and at least some level 6 deaths.
Thre's no way Omori is going to kill off relevant Loki Familia characters in a spin-off. Heck, Omori likes Loki Familia so much, that they most likely have more plot-armor than Hestia Familia.

Animefag shouldn't open this one.

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Firebolt for everyone. He got his ass kicked by a Minotaur in the end though

Healing in this series is OP as fuck
But what do I know when you have someone who barely takes damage like fucking Ottar or Aiz with her infi-mana bullshit with Ariel

This was terrible. Such a let down, I wish he'd lost his arm for good, that be MUCH more interesting. How would he overcome it?

Kind of lame really.

If he lost the arm then he would have to own a prosthetic arm. He'd be truly Punished

I don't see how having Bell being crippled for the rest of the series would be interesting

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Good contribution to the thread sperg. Now fuck off

It was almost good but then Ais appeared.

Which would be imo more interesing. Artificial hand and all, getting to use to it etc. Another obstacle to overcome.

Besides, he'd first had to do something with that badass he was dueling back then. Kill it.. or run from it.

>Ryu rampage never
>no down the dungeon with Bell and Ryu
>No Bell and Ryu being burnt to shit with legs facing unnatural direction, eyelids melted, and bones showing in full animated glory
>no naked hugs to comfort each other on the enviable death that might come
Kinda sad now

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People need to stop with that chuuni crap. Losing an arm isn't cool. It fucks up your sense of balance and it would a nightmare for Bell's fighting style.

>Another obstacle to overcome.
But Bell barely took a step to where the dungeon horrors and he was convulsing, dying, and was cauterizing himself with firebolt with crystals inside his stomach. At least save it when he goes down the rabbit hole further then more delicious suffering

>more delicious suffering

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It's a fucking tragedy what happened to Oratoria anime.

Seriously, it was probably the worst JC adaptation in a decade.

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This guy got some kinda minotaur curse on him

Folks are getting choped and slided and burned. It's normal in the dungeon.

And MC getting his severed hand fucking glued back is just awful writing, just saying.



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and DanMachi is a good contribution to anime

>Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Bell in a City?

>DanMachi is good.
You only look at the best parts and ignore the rest of the bad parts. Go back to Boku no Pico. Good for nothing like a miscreant? If you could make a plot of its "quality" level, you'd see the line was not flat (denoting continually even quality) but moves up and down a lot.

Previous seasons had a lot of filler in some episodes and made the pacing vary. DanMachi doesn't have silly 10-ton hammers bonking the MC on the head, but lots of chars ignore common sense and do things if only to advance or support emotions in the show. But I find those departures to be jarring like biting down on food and having teeth clash on a tiny hard pebble. Ouch.

Unhurt chars may lie there while being chased not because they gave up, but the director didn't want to deal with anything else before switching to allies running up. But such a lapse is terrible when those being chased didn't know allies were coming. Or while being chased, it's time to stop and chat. These types of "superchats" like in other anime shows where during the battlefield, superchats of up to 5 minutes have been done during battle. Of course nothing happens during the superchat as if time stopped.

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To be fair SO's first few LN were rather boring.


Kek that's werewolf dude said as well.

Hell, Miach's familia is pretty much perpetually in debt because of the one they got for Nazha. And it isn't all that great. Getting a prosthetic for Bell would have just made Hestia's debt get even bigger, and just be another weight on Bell's shoulder to blame himself for, rather than a source of growth. I do think there's opportunity for him to expand his toolkit a bit more. But a prosthetic isn't the way to go about it.

>spin-off centered around Aiz and her perspective
>being properly adapted by people who are outspoken about their bias for Hestia
Yeah, it isn't really surprising at this point they would put so little effort into it. The manga is far better at visualizing it anyways. And the manga original scenes do a better job of adding to the original than that disaster of an anime did.

A shame we'll probably never see a continuation of it animated though. Since it gets really good later on too, and the foreshadowing for the main story stuff was neat.

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Nah, for real. I made it through, but felt disappointed. Last ones are superb tho, on pair with main series.

>Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
This shit is so misleading
>>Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Monster Girls in a Dungeon?

feels like i woulkd need to watch the spin off for this

SO 12 english when??

Danmachi is great. The anime is shit tho.

Um, sir, monster girls are still girls.


It's more like one of those "fated relationships" or whatever they call it in-universe. Argonaut never got to have a serious end to his battle with the Minotaur, but promised to make it up to him in his next life. Which is what Bell, who is implied to be him reincarnated or some shit, is doing in the present.

Though on the split side of things, it means he is pretty overspecialized in fighting Minotaurs. Even getting a skill that's really only useful in combating them. But him and Asterius seem to be going to have a longstanding rivalry because of it. Which is also hilarious considering this means Lefiya is getting cucked by a bull in the rival department.

While I wouldn't say they were boring per say. I do think it was a bit of a slow buildup. Which was kind of needed since you needed to establish how Loki familia and the world of higher tier adventurers worked. Before plunging into the larger scale conflict going on. While at the same time showing the interactions with Bell from Aiz' perspective.

Bell is pretty much carrying the Hestial Familia so hard. Even with Haruhime or Welf's magic swords that can't be broken. They are still way off the mark. Though I think Author is going with Bell joining Loki Familia expeditions to further develop Bell and Ais's relationship.

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Aight. Help a brainlet out real quick.
Does the dungeon DIVE INTO the earth, down below the tower.
Is the dungeon the tower itself, and ASCEND UPWARDS to the heavens?



>Gods of Orario do whatever they want, and they want simple fun.
Basically, MMO gamers IRL.

is the main love interest in this season the blonde knight or the tiny goddess?

Humans are overrated anyway.

Very good points. And it's honestly getting a bit of a problem. Though I think Bell might be better off working with other people from Loki Familia instead of Aiz. Even though I do want more developments in their relationship. Since even the scrubs of Loki Familia are recognizing Aiz' influence on his fighting style, training with someone else might do him some good.

Hell, maybe having him and Lefiya be actual rivals Grand Day style, than just the one-sided animosity might do both some good. Since they are at the same level now.

To be fair, Aiz isn't exactly human either. And Bell is a guy with an obvious elf-fetish. So I don't think he has even have any human girls in his love interest box, except for maybe Syr. And obviously that may very well be a case of "not fully human" too.

Next best thing would maybe be Amid, but that was only one scene of them flirting(?) in the mobile game.


The first, the Dungeon goes into the ground, while the tower acts as a cap for it, and some Gods live in the tower. With Freya at (or at least near) the top.

The tower is a cap to the Dungeon. The Dungeon is below it.

>Bell joining Loki Familia expeditions to further develop Bell and Ais's relationship.
This is pretty much what's going to happen. Ais is comfortable enough with being by Bell and they need their moments as well. Not to mention that massive tragedy flag when Ais internally screaming to be saved needs to be done already

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The blonde is the main love interest. Tiny goddess is mostly around for the sake of plot advancement, and to cockblock.

Anime does a bad job of making it obvious she's the main heroine though. They exaggerate the "doll" part of her, and make her more braindead than she is supposed to be. Check out the manga for a more accurate portrayal for her.

>hestia is literally under 5ft

how can she even COMPETE?

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>DanMachi is good.
It's a waifu show. So it's really good for that kind of audience.

>honestly ais is really a cardboard cutout with one word lines all of the time.

This makes the character easy to animate as she has no personality features to worry about plot wise. This makes it a convenient char to use, but also means the audience needs to have low standards.. She can appear only when needed to further the plot or as an emergency Deus ex Machina.

WHERE'S THE BLUE RIBBON GIMMICK? It is physically there, but no longer seems to be holding anything up. It's even "limp" in some scenes and is drawn as if just painted on top of an existing surface.

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So do you think that Ottar training Aiz in return for a favor from Freya going be to something that would put a wedge on Bell and Ais's relationship?

I mean Bell is too blinded with his skill to realize that Ais is doing the same thing at this point since she knows that Bell might surpass her

It's pretty possible that Freya would use the favor to drive a wedge between them. She is concerned about how intimate the two are with each other. And messing with Loki's favorite would be killing two birds with one stone. But Aiz seems to be somewhat aware something is up with Freya Familia and Bell. So she would probably take that into account when the favor is cashed in.

>somewhat aware
I mean, her whole Familia blocking Loki Familia from disturbing Bell and Mino-tan was kind of a giveaway.

Kill YOUR self, poorfag off topic poster

>This makes the character easy to animate as she has no personality features to worry about plot wise.
There was plenty in the original works asshole. Just JC staff decided not to animate any of her emotive moments, because they love the shortstack more.

And she doesn't exist to further the plot or as a Deus ex Machina. Don't use literary terms you obviously don't understand. It just makes your retardation all the more obvious when you post.

>Why do people like this garbage so much?
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Why do people enjoy dogshit like Spice and Wolf or Princess Mononoke? Those were boring because none of the dogs in those shows did anything interesting like shitting.

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>No Harem
No it fucking isn't.

>Though I think Author is going with Bell joining Loki Familia expeditions to further develop Bell and Ais's relationship.
He is going to bring Hestia Familia too.

30% of posters use a Yea Forums pass.

Most people toggle off the Yea Forums Pass tag, however.

They know that Freya familia is targeting Bell for some reason, but they don't know the reasoning behind it. From their perspective it probably looks like they are trying to get rid of a promising rival adventurer. When in reality they are trying to help him grow more. Loki is the only one that knows the real reason, but she can't say anything because of the deal she made with Freya. Aiz specifically was a bit more aware of it, connecting some of the dots when Ottar stopped her from reaching Bell in the original Minotaur encounter. But because of the lack of context, and her own autism, she couldn't fathom the intent.

Sometimes, I forget Loki is a woman.

Sooooo for the fortunate ppl who read SO12.

What's with her? I know she's that masked psycho, but was she evil afterall?

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That moment when you realize you left the oven on.

Basically, she's actually been dead the entire time we've known her. Having died in the infamous massacre awhile back, but was revived and turned into a monster hybrid. She had a third magic that allowed her to duplicate herself. Which is why she and "Ein" were able to appear at the same place at the same time. And how she was able to fake her death in volume 11. Went kind of nuts due to the whole "I'm a monster now" thing, so the original and the duplicates are super self-deprecating. And she basically went along with her God's plan because he accepted her despite being a monster. So not so much evil, but just broken and being heavily manipulated.

But now that I type this out it does make me wonder. Does anyone know if Lefiya was able to copy this magic at all? Seemed like it would be pretty OP when combined with her usual repertoire.


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She looks like kindergartener with huge rack.

Because that fan art is wrong. She not that small.

4'7" in burger units if I remember correctly.

Well I don't complain, ok?

She should be.

She need to know the chant for it, right? In that case, if she heard it...

Though she's already OP as she is. Riveria retirement soon?

Probably going to die soon.

And btw how the heck is Raul of all ppl designated for capitan seat after Braver?

Who else in that Familia would be it? Tiona is too dumb. Tione is way too temperamental. Ais is autistic. Lefiya doesn't have enough experience. Bete, just nope. Raul has been commanding the other squads on Finn's orders and has at least some training and experience.

The first time Raul appears in SO, it's been stated he pretty much manages the lower-rank members of the familia.

I don't think so, I group them by pantheon (so Hestia knows the Greek gods, especially those that share myths with her). They are all poor because of debts, lack of members, or because they send most of the earnings away, so they are pretty close in that regard. Also

Co-worker and rival in sales

But they will grow closer with the war-game.

Soma, who helped Apollo, also got a heavy penality by the guild (it was I think more severe since he already got fined because of the ordeal with Lili).

>Tiona is too dumb
Tiona not dumb, just has too much energy!

>Who else in that Familia would be it
Aki? That black cat.Or Alicia. There were several other lvl 4 who seem to be much more trustworthy than Raul. Idk, he just doesn't seem to be leader type.

Why did nobody tell me that we're actually getting this?



>author is making vol 15 a SOL side story
Oh man, the elevens just know that there would be another round of rabbit bullying soon.

Also, they can't shut up about vol 14 for fucks sake.

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It's been a long time since I watched the first season. I thought he was OP mode. Wtf is he getting slapped around like a little bitch?

didn't guts replace it with a canon arm on the following arc ?

Bell always get slapped around.

That's why every doujin is Hestia pegging Bell's anus.

He's only lvl 2,and fresh one as well, and some of his opponents are lvl 2 or 3 lvl so...

Most of Bell's battles are Pyrrhic victory nowadays

I'm pretty sure it's already been mentioned in the thread that this cour is taking time out to reinforce the concept of the huge power gap between levels.

>I thought he was OP mode.
Well, that's why you get a friendly reminder that Bell is still near the bottom of the power ranking.


LOKI a CUTE and needs more screentime

hello garak

WTF is wrong with Lili in this pic?

Ready to cockblock any whores and prepare a line to reject Finn again

her belt is closed

Ah makes sense. Thanks.

Welf just got through dicking her up the ass, so she's having a painful time walking.

magical 100 years - perhaps she made a deal with Loki that she will leave once she turns 100, in order to be the queen of the high elves.

There is also Anakitty (who actually did put Raul back on track) - I hope that she didn't die.

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As far as I know she survived. Only a bunch of no-names and glasses girl died.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] DanMachi Gaiden - Sword Oratoria - 01v2 [720p].mkv_00:07:52.347.jpg (1280x720, 206K)

Who knew that Haruhime would be the most useful of them all?

Please tell me that Hestia finally should recruit more people to her familia. I mean I know she's picky as shit but if this shit continues then the only one who would have to carry the burden would be Bell.

post it

>liking Firebolt: The anime

post what?

Attached: DanMachi_Volume_14_464.jpg (1434x2048, 180K)

pics of the scenes you were describing

>Rivals are probably a good thing.
>Maybe the term “worthy opponents” is a little too cool for what they are, but thanks to their mere existence, new goals seem to spring up one after the next. It wouldn’t be quite accurate to say the minotaur—who is both a hero and a worthy opponent for Bell—was the only reason for the Xenos storyline that began in Volume 9…but I certainly wanted to create a rival for him.
>After I completed these three volumes, I made up my mind that there could be no other rival for my main character than the minotaur. I hope that he will agree to join Bell in this game of tag as the series proceeds.

Huh, so Lefiya really was cucked by Asterios. I really want to see the look on her face when she realizes that Bell sees a big black bull as his rival rather than her.

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I wish the naked hug inside Ryu's cape was drawn, but sadly, it's too good for this world

Why is the author pushing Bell and Lefiya together so much holy shit. Does he have a boner for these 2? This endgame meme might become true

She's broken, so Nb want to join now


Attached: Loki20.png (650x983, 654K)

Not really, Author just has so much love for the knife ears

She's very cute. Also a huge bitch. The more they show her the less you'll end up liking her. Tabun.

Author loves lesbian conversion.

its not even close to good but I still like it

and the "burnt to shit with legs facing unnatural direction, eyelids melted, and bones showing" part?

Oh, yeah, daphne and cassandra actually wanted to join but when they heard about Hestias debt they run away lol

A small price to pay.

Plenty of people have said this already, but their main problem is that they both want to fuck Aiz. As much as Lefifya makes fun of him for turning into mush when he talks to her, she tends to do the same when she forgets that she's supposed to hate him.

Which is why the threesome endgame is something some people unironically push for. Since the opportunity of them both fucking Aiz, would get rid of the only barrier between them wanting to fuck each other.

I'm honestly fine with this endgame.


Is the mobage still censored?


The poking feature is still not in the game. So yeah, still censored. Which wouldn't be nearly as infuriating as it is, if it wasn't for the fact that we didn't get it because one retard in Crunchyroll whined about it.

It isn't too much of a loss, since there's it's relatively minor compared to the other things. But its still annoying that we're missing out on some character interactions because of it.

I really want to know what happens when you poke Lefiya as Bell, or vice versa.

Will the anime even reach Finn and Lili's chapter?

Don't be a cunt, Loki is fun and cute

Attached: Loki5.png (540x403, 254K)

Who doesn't?

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Dropped it after s1. No thanks I'm done with cliche ecchi

>Lefiya hasn't shown up or even been mentioned in the main story yet
>but arguably has more ship-teasing interactions with him than any of the main-line girls bar Aiz or Ryu
>to the point where people unironically want the two to get together now
I still don't think it's going to happen. But if Omori really wanted to push this (which the mobile game seems to do quite a bit), you'd think he would have introduced her into the main story by this point. Hell, she was pretty much one of the only people in Loki Familia (or in general) who didn't freak out at him during the Xenos thing. So you'd think having a little mention of her there would have been a good opportunity.

That was a good doujin

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What's up with syr

I'm just being honest. Loki didn't get the strongest familia by being a nice girl.
She's jealous, manipulative and can be vindictive.
Thankfully she's rarely actively malicious.
I'm not saying I don't like her, but she has her bad side.

Fucking Loki would literally be like fucking a boy.

Loki is a trickster and cute boy(female)

I've got more problems with her personality than her body

I feel like Zeus will have his revenge against Loki.

Zeus was involved with Ais according to Hermes before Hermes suddenly shut up.

Loki will end up being sent back to Heaven and Zeus will have the last laugh.

We don't know. Other than her having an obvious connection to Freya somehow (her name is an alternate name to her, she has the same "eyes", Freya familia keeps an eye on her constantly, etc.). But she's definitely not a normal person. But 14 volumes in, and there has only been a few hints here and there about what she might be.

Tell me all you know about fucking boys

Attached: Loki12.webm (386x600, 260K)

Based reference

post the pic from the scene you nerd


This outcome would displease me. I'd rather it all turn out to be 5d chess and she was a down-ass bitch all along.

And yet they still have the nerve to list pic related in the help section. They could at least have the decency to subtitle the voice lines in the interact section (like the daily talk, or the things they say when you change outfits), but they won't even do that. Not to mention all the mistakes they make in the actual translation itself. As much as I enjoyed the Argonaut event, there were so many retarded gender mixups or nonsensical sentences in it.

Crunchyroll handling it was a mistake.

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so what is your pic related from?

Was CR responsible for handling the Argonaut event? I thought they dropped CR.

They did mention that Loki calmed down a lot from how she acted in Heaven since coming down to the Lower World. She's still herself, but she probably cares too much about her kids to be actively malicious like she once was.

I'm really curious if Odin or Thor are a thing in Danmachi's world though. There hasn't been any mention of them so far (from what I recall), but if they do exist I'm pretty sure she would get a bit more bitter.

>"Sounds good. The hero who will bear the Era of Promise...It's best to raise the odds as much as possible, even if it's only a bit."
Aiz definately seems like she is involved in Hermes/Zeus' schemes in some fashion. Whatever it may be. So I wouldn't put the idea out of the question.

Wait did I forget something from last season or why exactly is that Samura girl hanging around with them all the time? Or was that in the movie?

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I want to eat her snatch like Fenrir ate Tyr's hand.

Why a god dress like a SLUT.


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She's partying with them because she still feels like shit for almost killing them.
Pretty straightforward.


Holy fuck what a spineless faggot hahahaha, why do people like this MC?

They all dress like sluts, except based Heph.

Attached: Goddesses.jpg (6140x4077, 2.81M)

Loki>Heph>Hestia>Freya for me.
Loki'd just be fun and maybe a little scary in the sack, Heph is a fucking sweetheart, Hestia's a cute retard and I wouldn't fuck Freya with a dragon dildo on a ten meter stick.

I can agree with all of this.

based and heavenpilled

I want to read the manga but I’ve already watched S1. What chapter does the manga start after there or is it worth it to just read the whole thing as is?


who /freya/ here?

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Just start with the LN vol 6

Do I need to refer you to the hot/crazy graph?

>this guy slaps your gfs ass and calls you a faggot
What do you do?

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movie where

what would sex with her be like? would she let you feel good or be completely selfish?

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Not a fan of LN’s or fiction books desu. I know it’s weird.

To attract followers

Im good with manga but cant really feel it with light novels
Guess we/I are/am stupid

Lili and Hestia keep rejecting everybody, especially Lili.

Lili won't even hire a regular maid to clean the entire mansion.

Fuck Lili.

Fight it until glorious triumph of the will

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>except based Heph.
I beg to differ on that one.

Attached: DanMachi_Volume_15_214.jpg (1434x2048, 155K)

I just prefer nonfiction books lol.

Most LNs are honestly shit writing. Part of this is bad translation and missing cultural nuance, but the prose actually tends to be generally bad.
I'm an avid reader and I've been forced to drop LNs before and just wait for the manga/anime adaption.

I have only seen the first season. Do I need to see the spin-off and movie to get into S2?

Try the spin off and see if you like it (most of people dont but maybe you'll enjoy it) and movie isnt important to the plot so you can watch it when you want

Bete aside, Lefiya is the only tsundere in this series, gotta meet the anta baka quota.