
fuck smokers!

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Totally underrated series.

Boku no Pico

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Smoking is fun, you should try it.

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worth watching?

not really, but it's a fun watch.

I've seen clips of this show before, but never learned what it's called.

Nice try retard

Lucky for you, you can find the name from the contents of this thread.

It's a silly fun show with a garbage ending.

now fuck off.

wait wtf I guess I'm retarded because I still don't know what it's called

nvm found it

The girls all had such wonderful costumes. Especially the doctor/mechanic/whatever she was. Naked cape, low rise side-tie panties, and a hat is all one needs.


I know it's not boku no pico

I'm joking.
Here you go: tiny (dot) cc (slash) vrj09y

That narrows it down for you, then.

Bouryaku no zveda
thank me later

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not really. she never fucks

Great character designs, terrible plot.

Fuck Kate.

t. Big Tobacco

Is this by Type-Moon or it just happens to have most of TM's staff involved in it?

It was shit
Porn is great though

It's produced under TYPE-MOON but is not a Nasuverse thing.


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Those character designs and premise deserved a better story.

She has one of the best loli designs I've ever seen.

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Kate rhymes with ____

But she is almost naked

>smell awful
>get cancer
>be a public nuisance
>all for a shitty buzz
No fucking thanks. I'll just drink like a normal degenerate.

after the first 5 or so cigarettes, you don't even get the buzz anymore.
most people who smoke are addicted purely to the ritual of smoking.

Smoke weed everyday.

That's the best part

Fuck lolis

>Womb tattoo
Why the fuck is this so hot? Holy shit.

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>5 years ago
This shit had a good thing and did absolutely fuck all with it. Unless it was some Abe agenda I don't know about. It made the entire experience feel pretty fucking pointless afterward and deserved at least another month of air time.

That's the idea.

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Smokers killed KyoAni. KyoAni closed the door to the upper floor because smokers would flick their cigarettes everywhere every time.
Only Smokey can prevent forest fire.

Fuck lolis


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and fuck niggers

>Have her teddy While sex

I'd rather she also have her cute little feeties on display as well.

I will stop smoking if I can inhale Kate's cute c___y's fresh pissy smell every day instead

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>she never fucks

What are you talking about? I've seen her fuck many times in doujins

Venera-sama is my eternal leader!

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B-but smoking is hot!

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God I want to lick the lipstick off this

sick fuck

Her entire anti-smoking rant was 10/10

I want to do this with Kate.

I mean literally.

The kind of show that you watch for 5 episodes before the quality drops and then you drop it with no regrets

>not really
>but it is

It's an alright show, but kinda forgettable.

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Good designs, great start but the last few episodes were a bit iffy. Good ideas with questionable execution. I'd say it's worth it but don't expect anything noteworthy from the overall story.

She's the only good thing in that show.

I spent some time in Japan and saw just how many people cough every few seconds and can barely even fucking speak from how much they've smoked. I've thought about watching this show solely to spite those Japanese smokers who dropped it.

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Kate converted me into loli

>Constantly think about what others are thinking of you
>Probably uses this as an excuse to not be social
>Doesn't see how this is a massive internal contradiction.

Dad did nothing wrong

damn you almost owned the libs epic style

Who might you be quoting?

Who would dress their daughter like this?


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Public decency is apparently really difficult for smokers.
As anti-social as I am, I'm not going to go out of my way to make others choke on ash clouds. Fuck off with your cancer sticks.

why is there so little art of roboko?

Please teach me how to become a loli.

Everyone's focused on Kate

That's a good thing, by the way

why hasn't she conquered the world yet?

I hate this anti smoking propaganda.
Fucking sheep, the lot of you.

smoking tobacco is the most degenerate, discourteous, and disgusting think you can ever do.

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found another fucking addict

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quit being a slave to the tobacco industry

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You're the slave who believes tobacco is actually bad for you.


Oh boy, this ought to be good. Do you have anything to back that claim up?



You're damn right.

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Says the guy who gets all bent out of shape and fidgety if he doesn't get his hit every few hours.

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Black lungs are spooks

I don't care if your smoking gives me cancer, but it smells really bad and troubles my breathing so stop smoking in public.

you can easily grow your own tobacco. it grows like a weed

anything is good in small doses. the oldest person to have lived was a life-long smoker

Shit taste lolicons. Natasha, Roboko and Itsuka are all better than Kate. And it's bullshit they didn't get the porn they deserved.

>Shit taste
Pick one, normalfag.

You think you're immune to getting called out on your shit taste because you're on Yea Forums, fag ?

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It would be if it didn't only tell a fraction of the story it promised.

>good taste

Literally abby

Joke's on you, that's from my caffeine and amphetamine dependencies, not my tobacco addiction.

>Literally abby
Nigga Natasha came first

>anything is good in small doses
I advise a 9mm into your cranium then.

if you made the bullets small enough, it probably would be good for you
only a sith deals in absolutes

Ok, bend over

I still don't get the yakuza sidebit

Gays of WAR 5

>American are Evil Smokers
Nice one!

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>go all out on setting up season 2
>never make season 2

this show had it's moments but fuck you

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Renge best girl

They were probably planning a season 2 at some point with the opposing kateclone being voiced by Aoi Yuuki

I like the reeee part, made me laugh