Shingetsu is going to pay for taking away Anna's smile.
Luddites like Shingetsu deserve to be eaten by wolves.
Eaten by pink hair girls**
Best mech
Just like tell your onee-san to learn to chill. Being always so fucking mad that not even a cold bath does anything seems kinda silly.
Do you think this is a motherfucking game
Listen, I'm just saying here.
What the fuck is her problem?
I want to lick this JC
Fuck Anna
Was any of this necessary? Particularly the frames where they drew that little line there
Needs a webm
why is this show show lackluster
it feels like everything is pointless
also anyone noticed how the light from the stones gradually dims in the ed?
> for taking away Anna's smile
And her sister virginities.
I'm going to sleep
I kinda feel the same. I am not sure if I can express myself, but I think this show is just the story we are being told and there is no "what the show is really about".
Anna is a good example, she could be a personification of pure anger and seething, but she should be the mc and the story should be about female revenge.
It's a bit like buta shoujo, it's like a nice empty box.
Butai shoujo was a not so thinly veiled critique and tribute to Takarazuka.
Eh, it was a literal takarazuka piece mroe than a tribute.
The critique aspect did not work for me, the ending should have been about how winning was pointless and they had to start all over and fighting younger and fiercer competition. Or Banana should have been the real final villain.
Though my main complaint about Starlight is that the seconday cast (Banana, Maya and Claudine) were so more interesting that the mcs that they made them disappear. Granbelm is better about that, Akuma is interesting.
Because mecha is a dead genre. When will Japan realize that and stop making mecha?
Eh I liked it. Anna sperging out is great.
what episode will they "merge"
>it was a literal takarazuka piece
Baffled as to what you mean by this. It's not a genre, it's a stylistic subset of theatre. There's no way to do a "literal Takarazuka piece." That would just be a production by the actual theatre company. Anything that is not that is a tribute or homage to it.
As for the rest (besides about the cast), I do not want to derail the thread but respectfully I think you missed the point.
I mean that the source material are stage plays.
Look out Kaos, stranger danger!
this show
I hope she continues groping and smelling little girls.
She already found her armanox, so unfortunately I think she'll stop.
More importantly, Kuon said that Kaos is not of the mage descent yet her sister can use magic. I bet she's adopted or some shit.
I hope the police stops her.
I'm just saying, maybe the Chinese are on to something with their cute magician exports.
I think it's because there's little reason to care for any of the characters motivations at this point. Like Shinge wants to end magic because it's "evil", but why is it so bad, and why should it be erased? The magic shown in the show so far can be used for good too. And Mange wants to feel special and that's it, but why should I root for her instead of Nene for example who wants to protect her sisters, I'm only doing so so far because she's the mc and because she's a fun character, not because I think her reason to fight is compelling.
This show is gay
A couple of concept arts.
There's not much investment in the conflict because there's no just-one-wish condition that we've seen yet. You just get to be a super-mage, so unless a complete asshole wins there no reason to think she wouldn't just fix up any of the other competitors' cursed sisters or ill mothers or whatever. Sure, if you want to prove that you're the very best like no-one ever was, or to erase all magic, those are mutually exclusive with other people winning, but all of the other motivations come off as more "well, they may as well try to win, but also things would probably work out even if they don't".
Also, no real-world consequences beyond being disqualified. I'm more interested in the real world with magic making flowers bloom and floating matchsticks, and exploring the history of magic in that world, than the silly, pointless mecha fights.
Reminder that Armanox literally means weapon-night.
I saw a tweet of Jimmy Stone saying it's armor of the night
>edgelord Suishou
>OL Kuon
>Precure Nene
Not sure if I should be sad or glad this didn't happen.
He lives again!
I want to pilot one. It looks cool as fuck.
I want to pilot a loli.
The redundant arms inside the mecha bother more than they should.
I think it's just so you can tell exactly what you're doing, since you can't see all of the outer arms.
Which poses another question: why aren't the displays more panoramic for an increased field of view?
I wish there was like, character sheets with pictures of the mechs. I like how cute they are but screenshots of them dont often look that good.
Yeah that would make more sense, then you wouldn't need the inner arms.
this, you don't see many anime where the girl go full autism
No FOV slider. They should have waited for the PC port.
They don't need to see, they can IMEGI everything.
Yes it was. Why wouldn't it be?
How does it even move without jamming? It has all those spikes everywhere.
ah yeah that's the good stuff
The bolice also little girls.
I guess I'm just a slowpoke for not noticing that Shingetsu is crying in the OP, dunno how I missed that.
Most probably the last or second to last one. At least Nene is going out next week so based on the preview we should get an scene with Nene and Mangetsu where she tells what happens when you lose. I seriously hope Mangetsu goes apeshit in the finale and try to win everything.
Shinko will sacrifice herself to stop all mages before they're born
Imagine having legs this nice
all the mechs have really cool names i feel
Let me consult my dick.
Dumb 2hu hat
Shingetsu should just kiss Anna to shut her up.
Hopefully the anime goes crazy and Anna becomes a Khorne cultist/Alecto
She would overheat.
Three episodes in, the production values remain pretty good.
Why does her face look so pudgy and soft?
Because loli
The pace is too slow, and they're info dumping to prolong the episodes. You could easily cut half of the exposition because a significant amount of it are obvious things. And at the core this is just another BR type anime.
whos dicks are ready for evil aoi next week?
That's pretty gay.
Everyone in this show is too grabby.
Everyone is gay in this show.
So anyone else think Mangetsu isn't actually a descendant?
I think she's Shingetsu's lost sister or something. It's hard to believe their matching names are just a coincidence and Shingetsu's real family is still a mystery.
So this is like Madoka x Fate + Mechs, right?
My favorite kind of show.
It's possible she's not related to magic at all and because she was "pure", as Shingetsu put it, the Magiaconatus it self picked her to fulfill whatever evil ambition it has that will justify Shingetsu right about wanting to get rid of all magic in addition to her personal reasons.
The animators knew what they were doing.
False, there hasn't even been any chest-groping yet.
That's because only the villain team has chests worth groping.
Then they should have been groping each other. Also the Getsus should dock.
>Also the Getsus should dock.
With their ketsus.
Shingetsu is going to let Anna beat her to soothe Anna's heart once she trusts that Mangetsu will beat Anna and delete magic for her anyway
Mecha can have points, blame the writers, not the genre. Most of the time, mecha is just a mix of genres like comedy, drama, fantasy, SoL, shoujo or shounen.
Normie stuff like Eva don’t even make fun of mecha, it loves it. Same with Gurren and Gridman.
Yeah, I agree. The only consequence is that pendant rock breaking and losing the ability to do magic, aside from that, it doesn't matter.
No one's presented as outright evil, or wanting something that would alter the world in a significant way, so it's hard to care about who would win.
I know nothing good can come out of winning.
Isn't that the one that wants to lift her sisters curse? She could be evil, but we don't know enough yet.
Also, the show really should have tried to explain a few minor things between episode 2 and 3. Like the limits on magic in the real world, why exactly does Anna work with two other people (was it a pact until they fought each other to the death at the end, or what, why did they even join her since they both disliked Anna, etc..)
You can read their character profiles which state that they are her pupils.
Guess I'll have to, but they could have just said this in a throwaway line during episode 2.
Supposedly next episode we should know what'll happen with the losers considering Nene is pretty much fucked given her backstory and the preview. I wouldn't put it past the show to actually give consequences for losing, like your entry to the battle is putting something on the line, but then again that sound awfully like Wixoss.
Yeah, no. My bet is on Anna getting backstabbed by the blue cunt.
>Isn't that the one that wants to lift her sisters curse?
No, you're thinking of Kuon, that's
Why hasn't someone made a version that cuts back and forth between this and Kyouko?
Just wait.
someone please add anna slapping shingetsu into the lesbian domestic violence collage
Until Anna reveals some true deredere to Shingetsu that doesn't really count.
Skimming through this thread. I only watched episode 1 but i guess i should just drop it now. Damn
From that clip of them as lolis, it's a matter of time.
Why? It's good.
It feels like we're going to get a zinger episode that is going to a "the fuck." However, what episode that zinger is will determine how the show goes forward.
I like the pitch so far, Magical Girl Mecha Battle Royale sounds interesting enough, but I'm just worried they'll spend a lot of time building everything up and crafting side-plots that go nowhere.
Episode 2 and 3 are way better though.
Ill keep on going then. Hope this doesnt become a let down like egao no daika
>Built for SRW
Don't be so sure, the last sd show took YEARS to get in.
I can't believe Shingetsu stripped and ravaged Mangetsu's unconscious body.
Shingetsu seems like she's had a lot of practice with her fingers
she can literally molest any cute girl she sees then wipe their memories after
her fingering stat is quite possible the highest on the planet
Is that the real reason why Anna thinks her family must love Shingetsu more than her?
That's a rhombus not a triangle.
Post mecha names
>Don't worry, I'm just invading your most personal privacy without permission.
Really lends credence to the idea of Shingetsu touching girls inappropriately.
Don't listen to hate culture retards who must dislike things to act "smart" and "objective". They've convinced themselves shitting on stuff and being bored most of the time means they're masters of objectivity, taste, and standards
They're retards not worth listening to
Can she peek into Mango's memories from when she showers?
Probably but there is no need when she can strip her everytime she is unconscious
Why would she do that when she could just check her own memories of Mangetsu showering?
Its just not the same.
>And at the core this is just another BR type anime.
Agreed, I'm hoping there's more story than the BR type. This might be the next Mai Hime if this furthers goes on.
the coolest ones are VIOLA KATZE and DROSELA NOCTURNE imo
>with 4 angles
You're not the smartest, aren't you?
Egao no daika was doomed from episode 2, this still has a chance to be okay
On the contrary, Daika had potential all the way through, if only writers weren't such dumb cowards. This just looks pretty generic from the get go.
Fucked up
daika was actually looking like a damn good show by episode 4
it was when they started to focus more on the empireniggers' squad is when things started to go to shit
The empire squad was the only interesting thing about it. Nothing interesting ever happend in the princess storyline.