Lost all appetite

>lost all appetite
>done almost no work
>sleeping all day
>can't feel any emotion other than sadness
Is anyone else still a train wreck after the fire? Like fuck, man. I didn't think it was going to hit me this hard.

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I blinked once and went back to what I was doing before

Nobody cares if you masturbate all day user

Yeah I'm having a rough time too. I just wish I could turn back time and warn them.


>not doing nofap

Weirdly ya, Well it's not weird to mourn for 70 people who influenced your life no matter how small.

I didn't even like any recent shows of theirs but all it takes is a second of silence and I start thinking about them, How awful it must have been ect.


And people say this board is callous and didn't care about what happened...

Imagine actually being that upset by a bunch of nips getting killed.

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The best thing you can do is for yoursefl. Don't let it eat at you. Get it out somehow, express the grief to someone who cares maybe, it could help, but holding onto it will only burn you up too.

Hurts me too, man. They were such a good example too, and to be snuffed out like that over fucking nothing...

Imagine being a nigger...

It is getting to me, and I don't really feel emotion at all in general
It's just so fucked up

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I don't need to, guys. Sure, I'm pathetic. I could have been there on holiday or something and stopped that guy.


Yea Forums is being fucking hysterical about this

like you are doing productive in the first place

/r/anime invaded and decided to overstay their visit

this desu

A bunch of talented nips that created cherished works of art

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It was a rough first 24 hours. Could not even watch anime period. Having to go to my job helped but I was completely unproductive.

Cried during the end of the K-On! Movie on day too and have been getting better since.

Hope you feel better user.

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>train wreck

>works of art

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I wish I could turn back time and talk with the culprit. It would definitely be a better ending for all (he may have chosen this path, but who knows if he recognized ALL the options besides murder?).




go read some manga you idiot

How long has it been since you were castrated?