What race is she?

What race is she?

Attached: thumb-1920-160112.jpg (1920x1200, 124K)

he's malaysian or indonesian but probably philapino


Maria is from the Philippines, so South-East Asian.

Attached: xZHIy7J.jpg (1280x738, 103K)


The niggerest one

Delicious brown.

Arabian gold.

Negrito who's driven out by communist rebels from their ancestral domain

I came here to post these


She's clearly Japanese you racists. Illegal immigrants don't really exist.


Sorry to rain on your racist parade. But she is from Asia. Her skin colour is not dark but rather tanned.


She's a Mexican, just like nagatoro

Attached: 1554964124475.png (1015x946, 819K)


Is that why she's so flirty and spicy?


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Who let Yea Forums out?

>doesn't watch or read szs
Why are you here?

>Her skin colour is not dark but rather tanned
It's called brown

Asian wetback


Just like average Asian

Hilldog no!

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Shes a flip. Not sure why there are any doubts. Her and Shirley from fate zero are the only filipinas in anime that I'm aware of. I'm surprise there isnt more since they are the third largest minority in Japan.

>delicious brown
>poor af
>Spanish name

She's obviously a Flip.

Attached: mariaGITSSAC.gif (250x141, 861K)

sucy from little witch academia is also a filipina

Attached: 1544763434033.png (1080x1080, 416K)

Maria is a Christian name and given the only Christian country in SEAshit is flip there's no doubt she's a flip.

Wouldn't make sense for her to be brazilian? Brazilians in Japan are the most common of things.

Im a spic and Maria always reminded me of my mom. Similar personalities, same skin color, and heck they even shared a name.

are you a brown skinned girl


>Sucy Manbavaran
>Sucy Witch
Such a sad name for an orphan


>flips come to the country and stay without paperwork like squatting savages
why are poor brown countries always like this?

>why are poor brown countries always like this?

The kind you deport


Her last name makes it sound like she was adopted by poos.

Chinese redneck

my mistake. all brown countries are shitholes.

What flavor is most delicious, Yea Forums?

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Yeah, I wish I wasn't though.

>all brown countries are shitholes.
America isn't that bad

>implying it's not that bad

human. there are no races you racists!
reported everyone for racism!

middle and top row are all good

>What race is she?

Dunno why, i always thought of her as Brazilian.

she's clearly from one of the former spanish east indies

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That's because the brown inner cities depend on the white "fly over states" to exist. A civil war here wouldn't last long. Just cut off food and electricity to those cities for a couple weeks and watch them devour each other.


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When in doubt, assume they’re shitting on Okinawans

fuck of to /pol/ faggot

that island



You know that actually a fair point, how did the illegals get the money for a transplant for her
And what happened to the real Maria lol, did she fall into the sea or what