I hope, beyond all hopes, if there is a place of eternal punishment, that this hideous subhuman in condemned there...

I hope, beyond all hopes, if there is a place of eternal punishment, that this hideous subhuman in condemned there, gets impaled by a spit up the ass and out through his mouth, then rotisseried over a gasoline fire, forever. There is no curse or insult truly fitting for him. There is no pain too intense for him to suffer. We share the world with these freaks and we can't eradicate enough of them. These vermin are defective, misbegotten feces. Torture and kill them all.

May those who fell rest in peace.

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this fire's really brought out the weird autistic edgy moralfags

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I hope they livestream his hanging for everyone to see. None of the shootings in the US have ever made me sad or mad but I'm furious at this worthless piece of shit.

ah shut up fagg

I wonder if anyone will fap to that. It's not even a serious consideration, because we know that someone will.

>None of the shootings in the US have ever made me sad or mad
That's because they're a weekly occurrence. Also 1 nip > 1000 burgers, therefore KyoAni fire was more than 10 times worse than 9/11.

Both sides of the coin are actually ruthless when you read what they post.
The difference here is that now has been demonstrated that KyoAni haters will actually carry their threats.

9/11 pissed me flat off.

KyoAni's arson was a touch of that seething, odious rage. The kind that eats you alive inside.

sounds gay


9/11 was gay, alright. Those big phallic symbols smashing into eachother was obscene.

The man will be hailed a hero who saved us from KyoAnus 10 years down the line

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Get lost dude.
Aoba is a criminal and should spend the rest of his days in prison after what he did. The State should never ever have the power of death over its citizens (even those that commit heinous crimes). Revenge shouldn't be a component of the judicial system in any civilized country.

>eternal punishment
I have to be that guy who will burst your bubble and tell you that there is no hell, and there is no way to make this exact revenge equal to what he did.
You can conjure about ways to torture him but nothing will bring back 34 lives he took.

I'll also add that this is not any sort of monster subhuman either but a human being. Regular human beings are capable of killing other humans creating carnage, as military drafts wouldn't exist if that wasn't true. One man literally has the power to take dozens, destroy hundres and upset millions of lives, as demonstrated.

And as much as you'd like to, nothing you can do about it but accept what happened, just pretend that him getting life in prison is "justice", and move on despite it not feeling like justice, cause it never will.

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>The difference here is that now has been demonstrated that KyoAni haters will actually carry their threats
It must be hard to live at the edge like that

Moot point, it's Japan, they will kill him if he's not declared clinically insane.

Which honestly he sounds like. All in all this is some serious shit for the nips's system - he WAS already in jail, had mental issues and they didn't stop him.

More importantly, there's no point in wishing this guy suffering. Rather, Japan should start to take better care of themselves so tragedies like this don't happen again.

Would anyone choose for their life to go this way?

Yes the tragedy happened in Japan.
Killing the man won't bring back the people that die.
Killing the man won't heal those that survived or the families of the dead.
Killing the man accomplishes nothing not even as a deterrent to future crimes of this magnitude.

He is the true hero that the anime needed

People still use this terminology in [current year]?

>Killing the man won't bring back the people that die.
He should die anyway.

>Killing the man won't heal those that survived or the families of the dead.
Revenge does help.

>Killing the man accomplishes nothing not even as a deterrent to future crimes of this magnitude.
Literally nothing does so why bring this point up?

Well tell us what the terminology is in 2978

Even if getting revenge isn't the best morally speaking and the gov does nothing, someone's going to kill him for what he did.
Can you blame another lunatic for taking revenge in his hands?

Isn't japanese hell just getting reincarnated?

>Killing the man accomplishes nothing not even as a deterrent to future crimes of this magnitude
that’s true
However, putting him on a new 24/7 tv channel where his his asshole is slowly and continuously stretched by a gimbaled hydraulic machine over the course of 30 years while he is fed intravenously, and his pelvis is periodically broken to accommodate the stretching, and at the end of 30 years he is turned inside out like a glove and fed to a roomfull of spiders on the other hand, this might be a good deterrent

We just neurosuggest our disapproval.

He chose to write his name into the history books as a scumbag. I hope that counts.

Not all heroes wear capes some wear dirty red shit carrying a bucket of gasoline


>when you are this butmad you won't be getting any more Kyoani SoL garbage

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Even if fear of death prevents the 1% of crazy assholes out there from carrying on their deranged fantasies, I do think making him an example would help.
Plus, it's either offing him or letting him siphon precious resources in jail. That man is not a first offender, and to be able to carry such a scheme in cold blood, there's no redeeming him either. He's a waste of space and should be treated as such.

My sides. My sides. My hat's off to you, good sir. My rotisserie shit doesn't hold a match to what you suggested.

>Even if fear of death prevents the 1% of crazy assholes out there from carrying on their deranged fantasies, I do think making him an example would help.
And it never does

It's just their how they express their impotent rage, user. Don't be mean. Just kidding, bully those nerds.

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That man deserves a medal, not an execution.

The guy partially set himself on fire with his little escapade, and you think he the prospect of death would have stopped him?

We scare them so badly with even more insane shit than even they within their morbid psyches could conjure up. This is twisted brilliance.

Why couldn't you post the guro fantasy thread earlier while I was fapping?

Not really. Buddhist hell isn't technically eternal but it's easily geological or even cosmological times of suffering. Aside from that it's pretty close to Dante, as punishments go.

That being said the real difference conceptually is the buddhist karma.

based pyro chink destroying degeneracy. He saved fags from marrying digital waifus and going hikikomori. weeboos on suicide watch.

I have no doubt some yakuza otaku is thinking of a way of getting to him at this very moment.

Didn't even know. Sorry, bro. I guess.

Tiptoes away from the weirdo.

t. mr. obvious

He's just a punk. A ratty little punk living in a septic tank.


I just want him to elaborate on his motive. What did they copy? I need to hear what crazyman mental gymnastics he was running on.

>t. Fox News viewer

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so uh how often do these vigilante killings happen in japan because everyone involved in junko furuta is still walking around free so i don't think your fantasies of someone waiting to get themselves in trouble by killing him is going to come true

Ow the edge

>if there is a place of eternal punishment
there isn't

I heard some schizophrenics can believe themselves to have had collaborated with some famous authors/musicians (despite having never met them and possessing no skills to do so) and that the authors/musician then stole the work from them.

I've never met a schizo but that sounds plausible.

No one cares about some random woman. No matter how cruel her story is, it's just like all the African kids starving. It just doesn't affect us in any way.

Burn studio and it's occupants with gasoline while running around like a madman screaming the word die in Japanese. It was very meticulously crafted.

I hope he goes to heaven and receives unlimited bliss for removing a shitty studio and erasing degeneracy.

False. There is Yea Forums.

Sounds pretty gay dude, are you sure you're on the right board?

How does one end up like that?
What life experiences will make a person in a civilized country go to that state?

Didn't some schizo kill the guitarist of pantera for "stealing his music"?

That's because you don't live in the US subhuman. Idoubt you cared about Fukushima either.

He sounds pretty much crazy alright.

Wasn't he arrested for some shit like going buttmad at a combini?

Schizo's can believe literally anything. Terry Davis thought god talked to him through his chat bot and that he was being hunted by FBI niggers that glow in the dark.

9/11 was back when Americans were the stepping stone for humanity. Now Japan is all humanity has left in the way of decency and a future.

posts pics of yourself soiboy i bet this guy looks 1000x better.

Be careful with that edge son.

don't blame him blame denpa

It's hard to give a shit about random citizens in a country that has done everything in their power to fuck you over

Pish. He managed to remove only a small portion of "degeneracy" and I'm sure that lofty bunghole of a servile paradise for doormats has a welcoming mat out for him. He's getting smeared on a newspaper and tossed into the trash like the shit-eating fly he is. And nignogs will eagerly await his anus in the netherworld for some gratuitous stretching.

this post is so epic, truly shows how epic Yea Forums is, badass dude, 5/5 star post, nice!

This thread is several degrees of pathetic.

Clever use of spoiler tagging. For a newfag. Kek

Kill yourself OP, i bet you are 1000x uglier

I don't agree.

Certainly, whatever punishment he will receive in this life is less than he deserves, but we should never desire damnation for a person. For all the evils a person can do in this life, none of it is proportionate to eternal punishment. Only final impenitence can deserve that. We ought to hope for people to be truly sorry for their crimes and receive mercy when they go to their eternal reward, because none of us is perfect, and so every one of us is going to have things that we need to ask mercy for.

I'm all for severe punishments in this life, even the death penalty, but I can't wish hellfire on anyone.

Same. Simple death is way too merciful for this bastard motherfucker. How are he do something so horrific to innocent people and a studio who bought joy into our lives. I'm still struggling to grasp that i now live in a world where we may never see another Kyoani series. This is unforgivable. This piece of subhuman garbage needs fucking nails stuck into every inch of his body after having his skin dissolved first with acid. Then let the heathen recover and repeat this 1000 times.

THIS thread has me like

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Thank god I moved on to Doga Kobo years ago.

I'm fucking beautiful. The Anime Man is jealous of me.

Couldn't he do better than Akidearest? Fucking Ausfags are useless.

Hurry up and kill yourself spammer.

it's been 3 days and we still don't know most of the victims names, why is it taking so long?

and was the motive of the arsonist really only that he's a crazy aspie? seems like a pretty random/stupid way to go.

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>Falling for easy bait

what if the justice system fails and he gets to walk free because of "insanity"? Does he deserve to walk free and enjoy life? because I guarantee you this psycho would be gloating about destroying kyoani all over the internet.

Kill yourself.

You try identifying charred remains.

You don't get to "walk free" if you are found insane you dumb fucker, you get institutionalised for life

The guy is probably going to die from his injuries in the hospital

>unironically giving a shit about anything

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I hope that happens just so the yakuza or some other vigilante gets him.

I heard the guy is still in ICas well, so they can't interrogate him.

>You can conjure about ways to torture him but nothing will bring back 34 lives he took.
True but to honour them it needs to be done.

Did you seriously claim "none of us is perfect" after this guy *killed* 34 people?
No. This isn't some "Hey, I know I was an asshole guys. I'm sorry." where we can just say "It's okay bro. None of us are perfect."
There is no redemption for this guy and he needs to burn.

Hello Yea Forums

Well fuck, many of them were burnt to a crisp. They have to sift through more ashes than Auschwitz to find the teeth for identification through dental records. This bullshit takes a slogging labor through a very depressing scene to pull it all together.

sup faggot

>Revenge shouldn't be a component of the judicial system in any civilised country.
But justice should be and he brutally murdered 34 people.

Imagine being the doctor tasked with keeping this guy alive

>Did you seriously claim "none of us is perfect" after this guy *killed* 34 people?

Hey now don't be to harsh on the guy he couldn't get all 70, but 34 is still a decent number

wow you ok kiddo

looks like you got a bit bootyflustered there lmao

Protip: Doctors don't give a single fuck.

It's a job and you do it

I'd piss in his IV bag, that cunt of all cunts.

we're being invaded by r/anime pussies