Episode 4 preview
Vinland Saga
Now this is a badass anime.
Fucking Thorfinn letting himself get caught.
Exactly what for?
First for Ylva(my wife).
Why do the sword in this anime look like blocky roman gladius? Swords in that time period weren't that short. Even the manga got it right.
/his/autists are one of the most annoying fuckers.
That's how the swords looked like in the manga though.
If you mean the one in the OP picture, that's just a knife
What does she smell like?
I think it was stated that vikings only bathed once a week, so you can imagine.
pure fem hormone. imagine the spicy armpits, smelly feets.
Imagine the whole smell
>ywn wake up next to Ylva on Saturday morning before her bath when her smells are the most pungent
>her arm around you in bed, your nose shoved in her armpit, you make sure she never works a day so all it smells of is PURE female hormone
i could go on but i gotta go take care of some uhhhhhh business
>one more week until it starts airing regularly
Almost there
Disgusting. I am hard
what's with westerners and their weird fetish for scandinavians
>spicy armpits
I actually don't like most scandie women despite being mostly Norwegian. Both of my gf's have been of Dutch decent and I noticed dutch women look the cutest
they are "cuck" the race, they were sure to take only women who loves cuckoldry for hundreds of years so now they are a race of cucks.
>spicy armpit girl is blonde
what did they mean by this, are blonde women this repugnant?
any women is when they work on a farm and only bathe once a week and have no concept of everyday personal hygiene
I'm pretty sure those people are not westerners.
When does the next episode air?
they are mostly americans
americans love scandinavians for some reason
Please answer
>Yui is dead
Look at the post above yours
Will we get three more eps or is it just one per week from now on.
sour milk
Based WIT
Oh shit i'm soffy
Next week