
>A Hate Sink is a character whose intended role in the story is to be so despicable that the audience wants him or her to fail just as much as they want the heroes to succeed.

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but i wanted Diavolo to win

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Why did David make him look like a tranny?

Go back to tvtropes.

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should i watch the anime or read the manga for this show? Have no knowledge of it at all

Will this play at the end of Stone Ocean?

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anime. they did a great job adapting it. Arc 1 is weak but given how the story was written in 1985 then it's allowed leeway in some of the cliches

arc 2 which is ep 9 of the show is when things really turn into a wild fun ride

For part 5 they add some (good) content that was not in the anime. Other than that pick whatever.

not in the manga.

They did such a good job with King Crimson and Epitaph.

Speak for yourself buddy, I was rooting for him over the holier than thou gangsters who would continue to run the mafia the same way except for muh selling drugs to kids

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Part 1 Dio and Ciocolatta are the only hate sinks so far

Part 1 Dio:
>Cooks innocent dog in stove and feeds it to its owner
>Steals waifu
>Poisons stepfather and kills him later
>Makes a mother eat her own baby
>Kills MC at the end of the season

>Made old people suicidal/commit suicide
>Became a doctor just to watch people die
>Brutally gores people while they're awake and constrained

TVTropes is written by teenagers, nothing there has any actual merit when it comes to criticism of writing.

No father producing this can be that despicable.

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Yeah Ciocolatta was way more hateable than Diavolo could ever hope to be

he wasn't interesting, just a boring generic evil dude
which is weird because i think dio is great but he's basically the same thing

Just think about what makes Dio likeable. Is it his plan, his motivations, or is it HOW MANY BREADS HAVE YOU EATEN, JOJOOOOO!? ROAD ROLLA DA!!!!
Diavolo has very little screentime and isn't a very animate dude. The beloved characters in Jojo are those who have a lot of depth, and those who are so clear cut and defined that you can get across their entire personality with one quote.

>what is Dio

>Diavolo has very little screentime and isn't a very animate dude.
Well in 90% of his appearances he communicates solely through a stand with two whole faces dedicated to making the goofiest expressions possible.

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>very little screen time

Except he's been in the anime for longer than Dio ever did in Stardust.

Don't forget even as a shadowed out figure, he's been in the anime since the 19th episode technically and adding to that he's had six straight episodes of exposure since being finally revealed.

>Mfw i love everything about Diavolo but everyone either despise him or like Doppio better
>Mfw my boy is probably still stuck where he is

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>goofiest expressions possible.
Yeah but the average viewer wont catch most of those

Diavolo screws himself over more than the gang does

Its to the point that even Diavolo was disturbed by him

No, this

The diavolo arrow memes were great best threads ive been on in weeks.

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>Yeah but the average viewer wont catch most of those
Really? I've seen normies memeing every wacky KC frame and generally praising how much more expressive he is than KQ or The World.

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If we count Doppio and KC appearances then how much total screentime has he had compared to every other villain?

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>Spice Girl will never look at you in an ARA ARA tone

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Read, finish part 3, watch the OVA of it (1993 ), then keep on reading, stop, watch part 5 anime, then continue reading.