Why did Yorimoi fade into obscurity while Violet Evergarden became a timeless classic? Is it KyoAni's magic touch?
Why did Yorimoi fade into obscurity while Violet Evergarden became a timeless classic? Is it KyoAni's magic touch?
Bro, check the news.
The saddest part about the kyoani fire is that now the veg meme is truly never going to die.
>Violet Evergarden became a timeless classic
current events aside this never happened
You guys joke but with the recent happenings, Violet Evergarden has already gotten more exposure and now it's guaranteed that it will always be remembered in some capacity
If the arsonists motives just so happen to have something to do with it, then it will never be forgotten
I don't know, but Violet is basically immortalized forever now especially when the movie comes out with a eulogy for the dead
VEG is and always will be the beset anime ever created
VEGetable is still a flop,, kyoani exploding changes nothing.
>one year later
user..I...Kyoani..they are all...
Trips confirm. Violet Evergarden is a timeless classic on the same level as Neon Genesis Evangelion and Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
>it will always be remembered in some capacity
I don't want my animus to be remembered every time fire is involved though
Would VEG be better-received on Yea Forums if the VEGtard didn't insist on shitposting other shows and studios?
VEG is a time hit.
Please done user. Don't make me be glad that KyoAni is gone so I never have to deal with this autism again.
Are you saying VEG will be remembered as the show that destroyed an studio? now THAT'S a flop
thats a cult classic dummy
>remembered out of pity
whatever works to avoid obscurity, huh.
Violet Evergarden was already highly regarded out there and I refuse to engage in this shitposting right now.
Despite being one of my favorites I sincerely hope it won't become their last major production.
>Violet Evergarden
pretty hot right now, not gonna lie
VEGshitters got what they deserved.
Fucking kek
The real question is why is Sora no Woto forgotten when it's objectively the best of the cute girls playing cute music genre?
Just stop, user.
You're just asking for it this time.
Not even a week has passed.
God damnit this is just timeflopfag. How did I not realize sooner. /thread, no more feeding pls
looks like an extremely discount and shameless k-on to me
so I never watched
Really hoped he would kill himself after the fire. Still holding out for the VEG movie cancellation.
K-on is a pile of manure compared to SnW.
VEG single-handedly carried them through 2018 the same way Koe no Katachi did in 2016.
Flopfags utterly BTFO.
The face of vocal minority kyoani hater.
Well sucks to be you. It's the only cute girls music show with an actual story. And it has a Rei.
one sad scene
many sad scene
the point of watching a drama is for the high emotion and the second show delivered it far more frequently than the first and also it's easier for broken otaku to understand the trials and tribulations of an autistic retard unable to understand their own place in the world than it is for them to understand what it's like to be a cute schoolgirl
Its shit only shilled on Yea Forums
Your waifu a shit
VEG is lit
did it really fall into obscurity
I mean you're talking about it right now
He probably did honestly, this OP is just some falseflagger.
because VEG is kino
it's K-On but in military settings, making it pantsu on head retarded
Don't you mean Free?
Violent Everboring got btfo by Yorimoi, just like A Silent Box-office got btfo by Kimi no Na wa. Those are just facts.
Give it a rest faggot, your shit melodrama is dead just like the poor people who worked on it.