Dragon Ball

Cute convicts.

Attached: new dragon ball cuties.png (536x496, 361K)

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Trap Zamasu to the right.

all 3 belong to Gohan

why do I hate that middle girl's haircut normally, but because she's some sort of martial artist elf I think it's pretty great


Attached: cell1.png (801x447, 316K)


Attached: cell yell.gif (900x506, 2.24M)

Attached: 1527552202200.png (570x637, 1.04M)

choke on it

Attached: 1555033266322.png (1024x741, 371K)

Who is the cutie on the left

>jirenfag gets tired of losing and becomes a vegetafag again
I can't wait for you to schizopost

Attached: 1561639627652.jpg (720x880, 75K)


reminder that beneath geekdom's rough exterior, he's secretly a chad

Attached: 1537561866734.jpg (1280x704, 70K)

>no mention of Puar, Yamcha and Ox King
Fuck Reekdom, now I get why everyone hates him.

Attached: puar mad.png (640x478, 320K)

aw, that's a shame.

If i had this much potential, i would become just as insane as Cell.

Attached: Cell pill.png (1613x213, 58K)

The monthly format sucks. I never thought it would be bother me, but it does for DB.

Attached: 1527105098598.jpg (367x459, 41K)


Attached: odg615.jpg (768x1024, 84K)

Attached: 1557411363753.jpg (500x615, 39K)


Attached: 1521402363401.png (1070x725, 540K)

>it was him
Son of a bitch

Attached: source.gif (500x271, 442K)

Attached: Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.png (540x714, 143K)

so what's there to even talk about anymore?

How we can get Yajirobe to Goku's level

Attached: fat fuck.jpg (359x421, 33K)

it's a shame vegeta's widow's peak is far too iconic to ever be replaced with toei's filler bangs.

Just take out the peak altogether.

Attached: vegeta calvo.jpg (940x492, 71K)

Daily reminder that the vegetafag poster is a jobrenposter that constantly spams images with filenames about goku. Remember to not give (you)s to him and to report his posts. (he will do the same with you if you call him out) good luck anons!

Attached: 1563676888321.gif (500x281, 610K)