Saint Seya Netflix

Since the old thread was archived. Just finished watching ep3 and it’s so bland compared to the original. Also, the constant over explanations

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Other urls found in this thread:

I finished Ep3 as well. It feels watchable but still meh for the most part.

The military guys, the security manhole. Feels really american

Those are some bad tiaras no wonder they never wear them

>the constant over explanations
The joys of having 12 episodes covering everything that went in a manga of multiple volumes and 73 episodes of an anime.

The guy who wrote this schlock, also wrote Ben 10 and some other American cartoons.

What's seiya's problem?

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>Just finished watching ep3
Same. And everything is happening so fast, I can't imagine how somebody who hasn't seen the old series could feel attachment to those characters. They're going to be able to recognize the characters for sure, but nothing crazy besides that. When I watch it I feel disappointed all the time but I saw that coming

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But not every move, step, motivation, and look needs to be explained. These episodes feel 1 hour long with so much exposition

Basically this. The second episode adapted like 4 or 5 chapters from the manga.

So he is a girl now but this name still sounds male, what the hell is their point

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Nice belt.


Yep, also shun is a girl, which ruins a plot point later on, as well as shaina being unmasked since the beginning

No comment on the leg?

Not going to watch the netflix series, im just here to say my piece: The original series was okay up to the end of the 12 houses arc and after that it divebombed and got faggier and faggier with each season that passed
t. spic

Also the black saint being mostly randos instead of dark versions of the 4 main saints

what a fag

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Ep. 3, Enter the garbage name Long tale of America ruin Saint Seiya.

Hyoga doesn’t taste Saori lie.

Prove me wrong if you're so great

The galaxian wars was so rushed they took away all the emotions, character development and most importantly action out of this arc, just so we could see almost an entire episode of saints fighting tanks and helicopters

Attached: Seiya vs Geki.webm (1280x720, 1.78M)

I'm not so stupid to go against trips in the middle of the public, but next thread i'll get you

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How can Esmeralda compete?

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The big question is:
trump acolytes like this remake ?.
Are you excited for the second part of the first season?

Very soon from Pandora view.

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Dear lord in the heavens what is this thing

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>The original series was okay up to the end of the 12 houses arc and after that it divebombed and got faggier and faggier with each season that passed
I also liked Asgard, Poseidon felt rushed and everything got too predictable at this point - they fight some enemies, get to the main bad, take him down and that's it. Also I didn't like the fact that in the end Seiya was always the most important because it got boring as fuck, yep I know it's called Saint *Seiya* but please, they could change something for once to make it more interesting. I remember I had some thoughts like "maybe I'll be different this time, maybe" but it never happened. Then Hades, it had some interesting concepts and wasn't so linear compared to Asgard/Poseidon, but the ending hasn't impressed me.
After years passed I noticed those flaws but I still love SS, I grew up with this show and I could never openly hate on it.

Yeah, that's what I'm also curious to get a read on. If the burgers like it. But the thing is, the actual target audience won't be coming here, kids and all. They'll find a bunch of spics (one of them being me), won't understand jack shit of what's being discussed because they're about the history of a 30 year old franchise and they're going to go about their day instead of spending time on 4cheung

sister from another universe

It looks like Tom Cruise

Name any actress?

I want to fuck Shun

Guaraná Antarctica


cala a boca brasileiro puto

Vai cafungar peixe estragado moleque

I'm just glad that Shaka and Mu are confirmed to still be men.

Me respeita seu filho de uma egua cagada.

This but OG Shun.

>ITT: American watches/reads anime/manga that's popular worldwide for the first time, fails to grasp to most basic concepts behind its lore, makes a Netflix adaptation

And yet there're so many things unexplained. But hey the cringe with the storm drain was fun for sure, wasn't it?

>I can't imagine how somebody who hasn't seen the old series could feel attachment to those characters
And the people who has seen the old series probably won't feel attached to them either, Seiya is a complete dumbass and Hyoga is trying too hard to be edgy it isn't funny.

Hades was fine, Asgard was a piece of shit no argument, no matter how much people insist on muh best filler.

I wonder how they'll fuck up Mu though.

He'll be the gay rep.

It was Korea's fault actually.

Are they going to bring up how much Shun looks like Esmerelda or are they just going to let the audience draw their own conclusions?

>fem shun hades possesed body

this has the greatest potential.

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he probably will be indian like he is (supposedly) to look.

Poseidon is great fuck off

Quite an alpha move with the hand on the hip. Still his sister tho.

You think the fact she's his sister is going to stop an alpha like Ikki?

>ikki now has 2 options to incest
>neither of them are wrong

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Place your bets
Shun will be a lesbian with chameleon or they'll just make it het with hyouga

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She just showed up with the same 3d model as Shun but with blonde hair

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i'll go with the second one also this couple was very ambiguous maybe they will change it to "you are my bff forever shun! i want to put a dildo in you".

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>Implying this will get another season.

>implying it won't
Spics eat up anything Saint Seiya related. Even Omega did good here.

Someone please put fire at netflix Fuck

How will they handle Hades, turn him female like Shun?

Hades will be gender bendered as well.

Nah, Netflix is losing subcribers, and pretty much everybody hate this shit. They barely even prometed it at all.

Toei and Euguene Son are the culprits. Netflix has nothing to do.

I bet they'll probably just cut her from the adaptation

I mean, Poseidon was a woman once

>Since the old thread was archived. Just finished watching ep3 and it’s so bland compared to the original. Also, the constant over explanations

Netflix is an american company, every remake that they do they it is sanitzed and dumbed down for the american bible thumpers. And then expect the rest of the world to get down to their abject level. No wonder this new Saint Seiya is shit.
It captures nothing of the original manga let alone the original anime.

Her butt isn't even as good as guy Shun!

Bible thumpers haven't been a force in US media since the '00s

Hyoga is secretly a stronk wymin too and will go full dyke for Shun.

Hyoga is a transbian?

Is a cis lesbian transmale non binary fluid.

Is it gay if i want to stick my penis in Netflix Shun?

She was modeled by a beardy bald dude

Son is Korean-American.

Netflix is only losing subscribers at the States and it's no big deal. Companies go through this kind of thing sooner and later and Netflix is not alone in the streaming market no more so a dump was expected.

It would be gay if you didn't want to. Even with Shun (male)

The problem is burger economy is built around speculation, so the model needs endless growing for maintaining the stock at high price. This is why the burger economy has been into periodical crisis for decades

Netflix has zero quality control though. That's why 99% of Netflix originals are unwatchable garbage

Ha sido una gran decepción. El dibujo y la animación parece hecho con una PlayStation 2, los diálogos horrorosos, el diseño de adolescentes pajilleros es horrible, la profundidad nula... Lo único que se salva a mi gusto es el doblaje en castellano de Seiya que es el original, me cago en su puta madre.

all the useless explanations try to chase after the mythical wider audience.

fucking NA companies always dilute something original to the point of blandness.

NA company never cater to a niche, and they dont want to cater to a niche, because they want the "wider audience".

Some japanese studios or small publishers only sell a few hundred copies, but they stay in business for decades because they have a specialized niche. They cater to that niche and have a much better client to supplier relationship.

NA adoption of anything asia will never be good, or adoption of anything started with a smaller audience, will NEVER be good.

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Omega didn't do good in Latin America. Toei profited from the international licenses but it was such a blunder that nobody bother to erase the episodes from youtube. I guess it's better than Japan, that just didn't care at all. Hatred is a reaction

Leave my mother out of this

Just like with the videogames, it'll take a while until the anime industry understand this

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I would have liked this more if they stuck to the manga's art style instead of going with the classic look.


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La Hermana de Ikki

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Que te jodan

Soul of Gold was still better.

And it was glorious

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strangely many people outside most hardcore fans and people more familiar with the franchise seem to like or be ok with the new series, am I wrong? at least that's what see on twitter and FB.

lol who cares about female Hades, once his true body wakes up i'll get more Akio Ohtsuka!

Only parts of the burger economy work like this, like housing costs.

The joke makes itself

i unironically like female shun, fuck.

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Miho didn't get even a cameo

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She's what, a 28G?

wild guess, they took the time between the initial trailer and now to change and rewrite the scenes FemShun was in to not be a whiny cold girl like the trailer implied she might be and instead gave her more or less the real shun personality for the most part (wit a tiny bit of tiny quips tough), but the part of ''told ya'' was still left there, but the question is, ''told ya'' to WHAT?.

Pegasus Seiya is ___

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Seiya remind me more to Harry Potter and similar chosen ones than himself. I remember Alan Moore dislike modern pop culture heroes because they're passive, they're moved around by a big prophecy they have to fulfill regardless they want to or not. Moore believes it has a relation with the current generation's obsesion with fame and the narcissism promoted by late capitalism. Somehow this end in Harry Potter becoming a school shooter and killing Allan Quatermain with a thunder from his dick but I think Moore had a point.

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I seriously expected at least one genderswapped golden saint. Kinda disappointed and relieved at the same time.

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voiced by Tohru Furuya, famous for also voicing characters like Yamcha from Dragon Ball or Amuro from Mobile Suit Gundam, even though he has been replaced many still consider him to be the definitive voice of Seiya.

Hell, they could say she’s a male even now without changing the character model and there would be no difference. It’s probably to appeal to the still closeted homos sexually confused by Shun.

It could still be Aphro. We haven't seen him clearly yet.

Attached: Furuya vs Suzuoki.jpg (480x810, 88K)

The guy who replaced Bright in Unicorn and Shiryu in Omega did a really good job

Yoshi Ikezawa, producer from KoTZ, claims that they actually took in consideration the negative feedback of the trailer. Also he states that they wanted to keep Shun and Ikki's relationship the same. My conspiracy theory is that Shaun was re-edited right before the release. The animation is super cheap and by computer so it's not really that difficult


They all looked pretty masculine in the OP.

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>no jp version
i mean is not bad for a cover but god, eveeything isbso soulless

why so many fights end after just one/two punches/attacks?.

So i'm the only one that wants to murder people after reading those subs? Serious question.
So this remake is aimed at 4 years old right? That would explain the subs for literal mentally disabled people.

The Pisces cloth doesn't let you get a good read on if Aphrodite has tits or not.

so do they wear anything on their heads? i never get why they always wanted them to show having nothing on their heads. wheee they lazy?

>did good
You do know pretty much everyone in Latin America who watched did it illegally and never bought official merch, right? And the people that actually have a subscription to Netflix share one account with a bunch of people, and that said subscription rose in price pretty substantially considering the value of most of Latin America’s currency?

>Yoshi Ikezawa, producer from KoTZ, claims that they actually took in consideration the negative feedback of the trailer. Also he states that they wanted to keep Shun and Ikki's relationship the same. My conspiracy theory is that Shaun was re-edited right before the release. The animation is super cheap and by computer so it's not really that difficult

Mexibro here, saw the thing, here are my current thoughts

If that is true and can be verified, then color me surprised! THANKS Ikezawa. i couldn't have been the only one who tough that some scenes came off as rewrite but rather sloppily.

Sadly, Saori if anything came off as rather cold and unsympathetic on this one, i know the manga one was an oblivious smug bitch until she tells seiya that is ok to hate her but not to hate his grandpa because of what he did in the manga, probably why the anime completely changed her into a more supportive person and also change her to still not knowing she was Athena.

But even then, feels like some residuals of the possible original writing direction in some scenes remain, like when Saori first met a teenage seiya and before they went off from the soldiers she look like she clearly hated seiya, and not so much for his attitude, but more like she look at him like a freak....

this definitively does not do the series favors, but even with the impact-less the fights felt, i could at least enjoy it a little IF they at least used, or even re-arranged Yokoyama's old OST.

the new OST is pure garbage.

So far tough, even with the possible tweaks which i appreciate, this was not good.

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>Tien/Shiryu/Bright guy is dead
>Furuya's characters are treated like garbage No idea about Amuro to be honest, but I do know the slap Amuro meme exists
This is so fucking depressing.

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yes, please.

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And Toei rehired Kotono Mitsuishi, who sounds like an obaasan while Furuya got replaced and Crystal Mamoru is the mysterious masked man that Furuya always wanted to play rather than a comic relief/sidekick

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Being Furuya is suffering

>Sadly, Saori if anything came off as rather cold and unsympathetic on this one, i know the manga one was an oblivious smug bitch until she tells seiya that is ok to hate her but not to hate his grandpa because of what he did in the manga, probably why the anime completely changed her into a more supportive person and also change her to still not knowing she was Athena.

>But even then, feels like some residuals of the possible original writing direction in some scenes remain, like when Saori first met a teenage seiya and before they went off from the soldiers she look like she clearly hated seiya, and not so much for his attitude, but more like she look at him like a freak....
I'd prefer bitchy Saori that slowly learn to like the saints or maybe Saori that know she's Athena but expect too much from the saints and it's confused from her role because her past incarnations had a training of a lifetime while she got stuck with the position. The problem is there's only 12 episodes and the writers aren't good at pacing or character development so shit was fucked since the start

You're a retard

What does Shaina look like?


Attached: [Shaina].webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

So they literally ignore the mask rule in this shitty remake?

Emo or meth addict?

But Manga Mamoru is even more useless than Saori and spends almost every arc getting brainwashed.
Furuya dodged a bullet there.

Gay in the latino dub. Not sure about the other dubs but he sounds like a fruity hairdresser in Spanish

i like the one from spain

A cool hero.

She was always kind of an emo. She was the only female saint who painted their nails (black, of course). I think that if the mask rule was optional, she'd definitely be the type who would wear makeup into battle. I don't know if it would have been like Netflix's adaptation though.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Knights of the Zodiac - Saint Seiya - 02 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_12.12_[ (1920x1080, 255K)

Yeah. I think Shaina's crush on Seiya might have been nixed too.

Sounds pretty terrible in English too.

What the fuck. That was a huge aspect of her character and is literally the reason why she fights Seiya.

Ugh, I get what they were trying to go for and it is very cool in concept, but the application of her mask paint decals to her face just looks ass ugly here.

getting stabbed by a crazy chick

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Holy shit this, i couldn't believe my ears. 30 years of experience dubbing Saint Seiya, they even got some of the original voices and while they couldn't get the original Seiya for obvious reasons (dead) they should've been able to tell the guy was ultra shitty as a voice actor, holy fuck he's like a shitty youtuber that does top 10's and has 50 subscribers.

He will get a romance with Shaun instead.

I think it was okay, but I still find it dumb that id they want the series to be popular on USA they need to change the gender of a main character and the names of others. I can understand small changes like Jabu to Jab, whatever makes it better sounding to them, but what the fuck man, legendary heroes like Shiryu, Hyoga and Ikki are gonna be know as Long, Magnus and Nero? This will only confuse new viewers when they learn that there's lots of other stories and toys with these characters out there.

Terrible doesn't necesarilly mean gay though. Gael García Bernal's brother is terrible and gay

Jab and Sienna go all the way back to the manga translation from back in the day, so maybe they had some rights issues. No excuse for the other names, though.

>they want the series to be popular on USA they need to change the gender of a main character and the names of others
So I don't think these changes are to get the series 'popular in the USA'. I think these are intentional changes done by the writer to push some sort of political viewpoint. We can already see that with the completely removal of things like the masks on female saints.

>legendary heroes like Shiryu, Hyoga and Ikki are gonna be know as Long, Magnus and Nero?
Are you joking or is this really how they're called now? I only saw the first episode and couldn't take much more

Yeah, but the writer is korean-american, worked on Ben 10 and Marvel shit. They wouldn't have choosen him if they didn't want to appeal to US kids.

And before he left Twitter, one of his excuses was that a group of only guys would appear that they were sending a STATEMENT (just like that, all caps). And that's a load of bullshit for me.

Funny how they got backlash from every side of the political spectrum by changing Shun’s gender. Though the name changes were definitely to cater to burgers specifically.

In Japan and some countries dub, the names are unchanged. But the main language is English and yeah, if you watch like that, those are the new names.

It's a vicious circle. Writers want to push political agendas because they want to be relevant on the current year and their material tend to be bland and uninspired, a consequence of the running nepotism on the industry and the writers strike on 2007. Networks are run by out-of-touch senile old men that only understand numbers and like those agendas bring a lot of retweets, they think that must mean the audience like it. That's why TV sucks so much these days

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>and never bought official merch

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I forgot to mention in my post: I think another huge thing that is the reason behind a lot of these changes is 'changing problematic old series'. No doubt Saint Seiya is viewed as "problematic" and needs to be 'fixed' by these people in their minds because of how 'sexist and misogynistic' it is. Regardless of the justification used for in universe lore.

To be fair, Saint Seiya is sexist and misogynistic but that's why we love it. Also, when women make their own take in Saint Seiya, they end adding more sexism than Kurumada despite he's an autistic homosexual born in the early 50s.

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>one guy collects saint seiya merch
>that means everyone does

>To be fair, Saint Seiya is sexist and misogynistic
Yeah, but there's an in universe reason for that, a valid one.

Attached: [DragsterPS] SAINT SEIYA - Knights of the Zodiac S01E04 [720p] [HEVC] [Multi-Audio] [Multi-Subs] [77 (1280x720, 127K)

out of curiosity, has the japanese audio have been ripped? netflix US and LA dont have it

>Green short hair
>Cute face
>But is netflix

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I don't remember people getting this upset when they genderswapped Milo.

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Go to DDL.

Change your Netflix setting to Japan, go the video and it will be there. When you change back to whatever your language is, it will stay saved as the option on the video.

Just like the manga. The anime added nice breaks in between sagas where the characters could relax.

Last time Scorpio was a chick it was pretty cool so i was all in for it
t. Scorpio, we got 3 Chars!

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Milo's not a main character.

People are more apt to get upset if they can dig some sort of political agenda out of it. Since Japan is redpilled and all, there can't be any agenda behind swapping characters other than eye candy.

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Not really. The cosmos is about the willpower, it's not related to the muscles or the genitalia. Also the mask rule was added for setting the mystery of Seiya's missing sister. Again, I don't really bother because I like Saint Seiya for being about manly men doing manly things. I remind me to my childhood, I mean playing with other kids.

But SS isnt Shueishia anymore, its now Akita shoten, so there was no reason to still hold up to the silly Viz/Dic names if they wanna properly re-introduce this characters to american audiences

What if they were to have swapped Aphrodite but kept Shun male? People would probably still be seething.

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Netflix better adds more incest.

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I have a bad feeling that Son is going to turn Shaina into a lesbian for Marin/Seika. Kikeflix must be already piss-off for the Shaun fiasco and it's not hard to make minor alterations, arguably it wouldn't even be the first time, see

>Not really
Outside of Athena, female saints were not allowed, so women who became saints would put on masks and vilify their genders.

Misleading. She wants Seiya and Milo was always Camus waifu

if Shun is female now, where is her mask?

Americans like Japanese shit but they don't like Japan. For making it in the mainstream, a Japanese product must remove its Japanese identity as much as posible

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Kinda, it would also bring the whole changing the dude that looks like a girl discussion, but it would be far less than changing one of the main characters.

No, she's still obsessed with beating Seiya. It's to Seiya that she says "this isn't over." She barely interacts with Marin. There doesn't seem to be any romantic subtext though, and it just comes off as her wanting to get back at Seiya for beating her student and being undeserving of the armor.

Changing the name of characters to make it less japanese doesn't exactly fits the same puzzle that has your main character saying "ryuseiken" every 2 seconds

They've dropped the whole females need mask thing. Only Marin uses it for mystery purposes.

>Kill the only valid reason that she had to want to kill Seiya

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Me rehuso a tomar en serio comentarios como el tuyo cuando usualmente ensalsan a series como Soul of Gold.
>bother to erase the episodes from youtube
Bullshit, I have to surf the net looking for Omega's episodes 15 and forward.

The KotZ writers are retarded. More news at 11

I finished it yesterday and it's just 'okay'.
Roughly 5/10 (6/10 if I'm being generous).

Everything it's trying to do has been done better either by the original Saint Seiya anime (and manga) or another animated show. It's not unwatchable but theirs no real point to it.
Request the original from Netflix so we can at least get that in an easy to binge streaming format.
I also recommend suggesting the light novels to Seven Seas so they can get licensed.
>Saint Seiya: Gigantomachia
>Saint Seiya: Golden Age

That's why it'd be a retcon. Also KotZ is shipping Seiya/Saori harder than ever. They're almost starcrossed lovers with Seiya as her consort prince

Attached: kotz-shipping.png (640x334, 251K)

The most powerful women were created by Kurumada. Saintias have no purpose: they fail as servants, they are shitty spies, they are unchaste slutty vestals and, instead of doing their jobs, now Goldies need to care and babysitting them too, butting in all their jobs. no surprise if this is really a flop as everybody says it is.

Path of least resistance if they wanted another woman on the show would have been to genderbend Scorpio again since we were already used to it. And yet none of the Golds got genderbent... for what purpose?

Because Scorpio won't show up until much later so they couldn't show right away how cool they are for genderswapping a character

Destinied to be Saori's bitch for all eternity.

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People were angry af

Four (or five) Golds have already shown up and it's only been 6 episodes. They could have written in something for fem Milo to do early on.

An outrageous dude
He's totally in my face

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Well i was going to say they could get away with Shaka 'cause i believe he was the one supervising Ikki in the manga, but come to think of it i guess they could retell Scorpio attacking Andromeda's island when Shun was having the heart to heart with Shiryu and Seiya

>i guess they could retell Scorpio attacking Andromeda's island when Shun was having the heart to heart with Shiryu and Seiya
I think they're going to stick to the manga this time, considering that showing Milo attacked the Andromeda island kinda botched Shun's rivalry with Aphrodite and it needed a retcon that made Milo to look like a bigger bitch than he already is (Saga has so little trust on him that send Aphrodite to ensure the job was done)

Spics tend to get autistically enraged whenever theirs a female fighter who doesn't job immediately or fade into the background in a battle shonen. I remember all the drama over in Dragon Ball when they introduced female fighters, and some of the Spics I know still won't touch FighterZ because of Android 21. I can't imagine how much more enraging it is when a male is replaced with a female.

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Imagine if they have other more progressive changes in mind for the Goldies.

I'm mexican

I remember quite well when #18 kicked Vegeta's ass, the salt was amazing (even I was salty heh) but Android 21 was actually a well received character, at least among the people I know and the reactions I saw

>Aphrodite is the most beautiful woman in the world
>fights Shaun
>picks on all of her insecurities as a tomboy
>makes her feel utterly inadequate as a woman while beating the shit out of her

Yeah, I could see that happening.

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Considering Son can do whatever he want, like changing Shun's gender or turning the cosmos into a mutant power, I think he's planning to make Seiya/Saori endgame. It's a Hollywood tradition to stick to the boy-meet-girl formula and shipping faggotry is the hottest shit right now on western animation. Too bad Son can't write but in the other hand, this shit won't have more than one season anyway

If they didn't make Misty a chick, I can't see them genderbending Aphrodite.

Aphrodite is a transwoman
Milo is a transman in a relationship with Camus
Aioros was gay (incoming shitstorm for bury your gays)
Shura is bi

stop remaking that thread you shit eating netflix insect you only make this place more like Yea Forums. we don't need general threads for everything like "them"

If Misty was a chick Seiya would be staring directly at her boobs while she bathes

Aioros and Saga were in a relationship before the falling out over Athena.


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Wasn't LoS Milo already Camus lover in there? I remember rumours when they were a couple but it would be explored in a second LoS (which never happened)

Is this some kind of fetish for Kurumada?

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It would explain why the other Silvers are so hell bent on avenging her, though.

He was boy's love magazine fan, that's why he created June in its honor.

You just know

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To honor the boys love magazine he created the one character who confirms his girliest character is straight? The fuck was he smoking?

As expected from the master

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I see this as an attempt and, for the sake, good damage control, in the sense to try to prevent the damage to grow.

Fujoshi rumours. Never mentioned in the movie or any material.

Mi negro, my mom has a friend older of his age that has things form his old nieces and nephews like old spanish LPs of Heidi the anime, and even has an original 1994 Latin american release Gold cloth!


The magazine was called June too and he gave them an interview in 1978. he was so pleased that he promised them he would create a character in their honor. He allowed a yaoi dounjinshi involving Ikki/ Black Cygnus to be published in Champion Red. The same way the "strong " Camus/Milo friendship/ whatever you want to call it was made in purpose by him, etc...

It's a common enough hold in Saint Seiya. Seiya grabbed Shaina the same way before supplexing her into a cliff. Gallia also had her chest grabbed when Koga was piledriving her to death.

Attached: Gallia grabbed.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

True fujos don't like canon gay. They like things to be ambiguous enough to write doujins about to fill in the cracks.

>tfw Saga's the only one strong enough to make it actually look like a hold
Feels good being gemini
'cept i'm not
Kill me

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That's how Kanon killed Radamanthys in Hades too.

Why are green haired girls always so cute in SS?

Well i date a fujo for a long time and she was 100% convinced that Melo and that one guy who was introduced to be shiped in Death Note were a canon couple and she was all for it. Though the sight of real gay men kinda made her uncomfortable so there's that

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>caring about horoscope in the year of 2000+19
I bet you are a terraplanist too.

Those two things seems directly opposed of eachother

Women are more discriminative of gay men than men themselves. Same with paedophilia: they are more fans of it than men.

Koga really gave her a pounding.

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I'm only here for Shaun

What the fuck why are saints mutants now?

I think all the budget went to those cool ikki poses in the opening.

Oh and I thought Seiya hadn't trained but apparently there was a 6 year time-skip. They should've shown more of it

it's basically wrestling imagery. Seiya's move is a fancy suplex.

Americans don't like to be reminded that training is necessary to succeed. They want to be born special and powered by emotions.

>Esmerelda is just FemShun with Blonde hair
>FemShun can just dye her hair blonde to fuck her onii-chan

Delicious spic tears on this thread. Based Netflix.

Netflix is pure trash

KISS or other metal fan?

>Toei Animation
Wait what, so it was made by Toei, the same studio that created the classic Saint Seiya anime series? I thought it was going to be a different studio.
I can't believe, this is an abomination. Did somebody threaten them to make this or what? =kek

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Are you autistic blind? There's do have real purpose.

Originally they look similar.

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yes. It's not realistic to have medieval rules, they are knights worshipping greek gods after all, they MUST go with their time!

Saintia form Poland

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Watched it in english for the full shit experience, don't really understand why Toei decided to make a remake for american kids when the average american doesn't even know what Saint Seiya is. Would parents even allow kids to watch this? Given how most kids shows are these days I'd expect parents to complain about their kids watching anything remotely violent.

>what is Avengers

He’s Tibetan.

>Before Jewflix

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Point is they’ve don’t even bother to replicated Milo original appearance. Promoting Omega anime, I seen Sonia doppelgänger in Final Fantasy something to remembered.

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He's not Tibetan, he's Lemurian


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A fucking mary sue in this garbage version.

She's still cute! Might actually watch this if I get around to it.

Where is his sombrero?

Milo is one of the more masculine Gold Saints, why genderbend him of all people?

maybe the wind blew it away...

Shuns butt is actually better lmao.

This show is a joke.

>turn dude into a girl
>still have no butt

What is this face trying to convey?

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She has a pretty tight butt.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Knights of the Zodiac - Saint Seiya - 02 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_18.08_[ (214x423, 14K)

Yasuhiro Tanabe should be ashamed of himself.

It's a very cute heart shaped handful that suits her petite frame.

good size for a "she"

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>next season will made fem shun and hyoga more closer in relationship
>libra house scene will now be straight but also something live 2 lovers

i'm actually kinda okay with this, also want to see ikki oniichan get overprotective of shun.

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Who's going to get to grab that butt?

its Shaka who is poodian

>>next season
Good one, user.

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If he was a real life guy and looking at his hair, he would had very hairy legs and hairy chest. There nothing real graceful or feminine on him, so his genderbend could be related to someone's sexual fantasy

stop your shills Eugene

What the fuck is this shit lol, I'm so glad I've never watched anything past Hades. I don't tolerate any drastic changes to characters (such as gender, race etc.), no matter who they were originally. I wouldn't call something like this Saint Seiya anymore. Imagine if Lara Croft was turned into a guy, for example.
And I say it as a girl - when I was younger I remember I was kinda sad that there weren't more female Saints but it WASN'T actually a problem because I loved this series to death. Changes like this are laughable to me and I don't care what was their agenda behind this.

>Milo is one of the more masculine Gold Saints, why genderbend him of all people?
Just a guess, so the male fanbase can get more fap material? Because Milo was hot, so naturally female Milo would be hot too, they thought?

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Stockholm syndrome


it will get one easily, after that probably is cancelled but they will end at least the gold saint storyline.

Mu and his people could probably just teleport the poo away.

>What is this face trying to convey?

>"Fuck it all, fuck it all, don't give a shit anymore"

>only 10 gold saints appears in the opening
>aphro is not in there

he's now a she, isn't?

Attached: giornosmug.jpg (1080x1080, 63K)

>so the male fanbase can get more fap material
There are better genderbend candidates that you don't even really need to change the design much for.

Aphro was on the far left, weren't the missing two Aiolos and Dohko?

We'll see. At the moment we don't even know when the remaining six episodes will be released. In Ultraman's case, for example, which is another CGI series classified as a "Netflix Original Anime Series", they announced the second season practically a week after the series was released on Netflix. In Saint Seiya's case, they are barely promoting it at all.

Not only worshiping greek gods, they are greek gods.

> her

Sandor: What the fooks a Lemurian?

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thats Shina and Deathmask

Nope. The real pic of Ikki and his oneechan.

T h i c c

>Milo is one of the more masculine Gold Saints
no thats my bulky taurus

Attached: Taurus-Aldebaran-taurus-aldebaran-40137144-640-800.jpg (640x800, 99K)

That sounds terrible. Tomboys feeling shame for being the best kind of girl is the worst and they should call any woman who tries to make them feel bad about it an idiot

i am a toy

Milo is one of the more masculine goldies, with Aldebaran and Aioria. Or , at least, potentially hairier than the others.

When Japan does genderswap. It is for waifuing reasons. They just want a pretty girl there to give fanservice.

When western does genderswap. It is for feminism against the patriarchy.

imouto you mean, the onee-san is Pandora

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no he's not, Saga is part evil so is more than qualified

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>When western does genderswap. It is for feminism against the patriarchy.
Meanwhile they managed to piss of literally everyone. What a freaking miracle came out of this

Aldebaran > Dohko = Shion = Milo = Aiolos = Saga > Aiolia = Kanon = Shura > Deathmask > Camus > Mu > Shaka > Aphrodite


I was talking about body hair. Hmm... can't imagine saga with a hairy chest.
Shion? Not very manly, much less hairy.

Aldebaran > Dohko = Shion = Milo = Aiolos = Saga = Kanon > Shura > Deathmask > Aiolia = Camus = Mu = Shaka >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aphrodite

Shion has a manly personality that makes up for his smooth, boyish features.

japanese fujos dont like body hair and beard so we judge by the traditional "who is bigger"

Afro shaves it probably.

Aiolia is manlier than Shaka at least.

Aphro is Swedish so he should be able to grow a Viking beard.

Oh, you're talking about "D". Camus is french, probably is has a big one too.Since I'm not a japa fujo, I welcome body hair too.
Only in his D. Even so he must trim it.

This, not to mention the original spaniard dub DID make aphro a woman, and guess what? Kurumada didnt like that, at all!

But the guy was ok with female Milo?! Burn Kurumada down.

but Shura as "excalibur"

Who the fuck cares about Milo.

Kurumada dont give a fuck and i doubt he knows whats outside of Japan, Europe and USA

Question is: since Excalibur can be use in all his limbs, could be used in his...?! think about that!
People who are not lesbian.

I said, the original spaniard dub, as in, of the original series.

Maybe he likes "girly" boys =kek Was he okay with the new female Shun? I wonder.

Well, I do

i know what you meant and i think its because the french dub made it female first (even Shun the 1st time he appeared)so all others dub did the same at certain point

Shunette exists back in 2005. French new know it.

OG Saint Seiya was crap. This is also pretty much crap. Female Shun is cute though. The writer should've taken more liberties with the original script rather than just compressing it while keeping the same beats and adding pointless military.

People says he gives a F about whatever is done to SS now. He just cared about it years ago. Alcohol took the best of him.

Milo is boring and a bit of a bitch.

Kuramada only cares about his Baseball manga, apparently.

>bit of a bitch.
Childish maybe. That's why Camus babysits him time to time ( Mu too). In this part his personality is quite right since Scorpio can be very bitchy, sentimental and very aggressive too.
He is now doing Kojiro whatever manga.

OG Saint Seiya was great.

What was in 2005? In my country TV used the French dub version but I remember watching it around 2000, Shun's voice was female but only in the very beginning and was changed quickly to male.

Sounds legit, oh well

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not really. It's really boring and formulaic, battles are literally "MY ATTACK IS STRONGER THAN YOURS!" "NAH, NOW MY NEW ATTACK IS STRONGER THAN YOURS!"


It's only good in context, the context being it's the first anime you ever watched. Now ,Lost Canvas, that's at least decent.

Try Saintia Sho too.

and Muette

>Milo is boring and a bit of a bitch.
But his nonchalance and sarcasm is what makes him a great character and Scorpio, it totally suits him.
He was a badass there, I've always loved him. But I was mad at him for what he did to Hyoga, Milo was scaring me a little when I was a child, his attacks were torturous.
Also, look at the animation quality here. When I compare it to the Netflix adaptation I want to die

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Very understandable. Real men don't have lilac hair.

The only good thing from this disaster

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Athena's maids

Kurumada had a hard life. Pic related is complete horseshit, even Kurumada start the manga by stating this is a fictional story but it's very telling on how Kurumada see the industry and society in general. No wonder why he's so bitter

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and Warriors.

where is the mustache and poncho

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Lust for the Pegasus cock. See

They didn't execute their work correctly and they always get some Gold butting in their jobs, always saving them from this and that. hwen they are ALMOST doing something, a Gold boy appears and ruins their moments. is this a lie?they can't shine in their own manga and now Shoko is just a female version of Seiya, with all his attacks( and being sisters constellations isn't an acceptable excuse. Only Mayura shines and she is a simple amazon too.
Warriors just in name. If that was true, no Gold would be needeed .This is one of biggest problems manga/anime have: you just can't care for them.

i hope they don't expect to sell figurines or myth cloths of this shit

Why would you not want a Shaun figure?

too flat

It's still Shun!


My major gripe with it is that the pacing is so fast. Are other Netflix shows also has this pace?

Nope, on the opposite. Netflix loves dragging shit out to pad their series, Castlevania S2 and their Marvel capeshit being a prime example

>Just in name
Gold Saint are high rank of course. You don't even character development than dumb power level bullcrap.

They said 3D helps achieve more yet those attacks feel so underwhelming

At the end, they all are saints. The one who burns the cosmos the most and know to use it is the one who win. The cloth is just a protection. This was established at the beginning of the 12 houses, arguably earlier when Seiya defeated Misty

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They're using 3D because it's cheap but mainly because this is aimed to burgers and Shreck killed 2D animation

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Still Shun.

Bronze boys surpassed their problems alone. Gold let they shine when is needed
In this case, Gold Saints are very intrusive. they are just everywhere, instead of letting the girls shine. Arthemis gave them power to enter Eden and save Athena . When finally we thought they will claim their manga for themselves, whe already have Gold Seinto already penetrating Eden too and (then again) stealing their spotlight.
That's why SSHo fails since Chimaki can't just let Gold Seintos behind. She just can't.
Anyway I'm still waiting to know why Olivia gave up her oath and why saintias whoring themselves around men, when Kuori praises them as being superior to any men/saint alive.

Cosmos are different. if we really think about this, if this was true, hierarchy would be senseless. I Bronze boys situation, they are miraculous.

The point is the saintias should be able to fight their own battles. I know women have this fetish of useless heroines being constantly rescued by handsome Gary Stus despite we're told they're strong independent women but that might work for their shitty school romance, not for action/adventure

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the concept of cosmos is so fucked up like for each power up its a new sense (at the end it 8 sense)

It's taken straight up from Buddhism.

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SSHo > Netflix

>Light brown shit > Dark brown shit
You're still eating shit

Netflix fag

Chimaki was/is a Shojo author and she is not very versatile to get rid of her past. These are not simple school girls, these (according to Chimaki) the most pure girls in the Earth, Athena's Vestals.That's why they wear no mask, their cloth can only be revived with female's blood and Arthemis in person purified their minds. But at same time they need a guy always saving them , protecting them or just having them dragging and crying for some guy who never really paid attention to the 8 like Katja) or find the killer of all her friends a great guy ( like Erda). Chimaki turned Saintia into a mexican novel.
Sorry, I find both to be shit. It can be better but it isn't.

so Shaka and Mu are the strongest

Was this ever in doubt?

>These are not simple school girls, these (according to Chimaki) the most pure girls in the Earth, Athena's Vestals.That's why they wear no mask, their cloth can only be revived with female's blood and Arthemis in person purified their minds. But at same time they need a guy always saving them , protecting them or just having them dragging and crying for some guy who never really paid attention to the 8 like Katja) or find the killer of all her friends a great guy ( like Erda)
Yeah, typical shoujoshit.
>muh heroine is a strong female character but she always forget it when he's threatened with rape but fortunately the asshole that always harass her won't allow other man to touch his property. KYAAAA!!!!

Well the Web Anime is mixed bag but the Manga ain’t.

>find the killer of all her friends a great guy ( like Erda)
Never send a woman to do a man's job

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at this point they should be honest with the fanbase and release a r-18 dating sim so you can fuck the Golds (or any saint, for the matter)

>I sleep

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what the fuck

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Male bonding

Which one is going to be a girl?

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Unfortunately all the things I mentioned before come from manga. This manga was written to a japanese female demografic who ignores/hates it and only some western men and women like this. that's why Kouri admitted in her twitter her manga sells badly and , according to some here, the anime flopped.

The Japanese female demographic would prefer an AU about the golds getting into love triangles with each other.

None of their silhouettes look particularly feminine.

Hard to tell from that pic. They all look like guys but this is a very cheap production so probably use the same body model. Also they can easily ignored it. The thing is the gold saints are probably going to appear on S2 but this shitfest won't have a S2. Reminder that S1 was already completed by kikeflix like to divide a season by half

Marin still use it.

Why is Seiya new latin VA so shit?

Nah. There's just a ton of fujos and spics, and they all get pissed off if there's a powerful girl fighter. Like Omega got a ton of shit for Paradox and Sonia.

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>feminine female body

Like this and the DB fandom are the only ones I've seen that really complain about more girls.

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They already had and it was Soul of Gold: Camus is disputed by Milo and Surt while Shura has an eye on him too, saga and Aiorios make peace with each other, etc. Now they have Tencent too with a lot of romantic tension between Golds and so on.

Attached: [Lady_Heinstein]-Paradox-Integra-aX43xdVGXQ.jpg (1200x1600, 1.42M)

>Now they have Tencent too with a lot of romantic tension between Golds and so on.
How gay does it get?

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Is Omega worth watching? how long it is?

The chinks know the audience

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Currently watching the original series to wash away the horrible taste of the remake

>Is Omega worth watching?
No. Only Yea Forums likes it for waifu faggotry

what is the next big franchise outside of the US on Netflix list : City Hunter, Maison ikkoku, Ranma 1/2, Cobra or Hokuto no ken

Did they quit being saints and start a visual kei band?

First half wasn't too bad. Second half was horrible.

Who do they shiptease?

Dirty Pair

based ikki like a king getting serve by his maids

Watch up 'til episode 51, it's not on the level of the original but it's still pretty entertaining

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but its not unknown in the US

What about Cobra? But now Cobra is a male feminist that spend his free time as a videogame reviewer on youtube and Lady Armaroid is a sassy black lesbian who is more competent than Cobra. Both fight the evil Salamander who want to build a wall around the galaxy he's still Hitler. Cobra preach social justice through the galaxy

What kind of Camusfag did they have on the writing staff?

That could work

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>Posting best Omega Goldie

If you like the anime better than the manga it manages to capture the spirit of what they where doing pretty well. They even actually bother to introduce a new army actually developed with rank differences in season 2 since most SS stuff is always stuck rehashing Hades or underselling their new armies like LC Gaiden shoving one or two randos for a couple chapters and never actually developing said armies.

Season 1 has better artwork and character beats and season 2 feels a whole lot more like old school Saint Seiya as far as plot beats go and the designs are brought closer to the originals too, but character arcs (unless you're the gold saint of Taurus which was the producer's waifu and he pretty much mandated the writers give him attention) and artwork suffer in the process. Soundtrack for both seasons is top notch though.

>Like this and the DB fandom are the only ones I've seen that really complain about more girls.
There were a lot of people in the 12 Houses threads on Yea Forums and the SS manga dumps we had years back getting triggered over female characters being gold saints.

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In Tencent? I only see with my eyes Milo begging Camus to obey the Pope's order or Camus could be punished. They seem to have numerous missions together.
Now it seems Saga has his moments with Shura and Aiorios and some more, for what i got. must be almost the same as Soul of Gold.

Hey buddy i think you got the wrong temple, the best goldie is four blocks down

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this is what will happen if they touch Cobra

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>ikki's hands heart shape
he wets millions of female

there is also a tranny mafia boss in City Hunter

He's getting taken care of by his otouto as he should be.

No user, you're mistaken. That isnot a heart shape... That is a VAGINA shape! Ikki about to beat that pussy up

you know it's coming

based and with a big manspreading for the haters

Milo and Camus have always had that kind of relationship.

had you told me Aioria would have facial hair in LoS i'd had nervously laughed at such a bad decision...but then the actual flick came out and, damn

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As much Aphro or Camus. We don't know their VA yet. Already proven to be men are Saga, Aioria, Mu, Dohko and Shaka. Now DM seems to be male, Milo too, Aldebaran surely is, Shura and Aiorios are guys too. Camus and Aphro seem slightly smaller and thinner than the others.
I know. Most people seem to consider them canon, even if nothing was said about it.

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this series needs less fuyos and more waifus

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>Like Omega got a ton of shit for Paradox and Sonia.
I loved the amount of butthurt these two generated.

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LGBTQIA+ persons can't be evil or else it's homophobia

this nigga knows what's up

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I'll give you Aphro, but Camus looks taller than Mu and the Aquarius cloth has always had a slimmer profile than the others.

ever since the Jonathan Yaniv case came out, they've been oddly silent on the possibility that a rapist pedo tranny was real all along

You just need to pay attention to the thickness of their hair and imagine how they would be in real life. Pay attention to their brows too.

He also has chest hair iirc, kinda weird for a character that leans more to the bishounen side

>There were a lot of people in the 12 Houses threads on Yea Forums and the SS manga dumps we had years back getting triggered over female characters being gold saints.
I saw some autistic Spic rage on twitter over Ker a few months back.

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>netflix City Hunter
>no more Saeko (too sexy)
>Umibozu is black
>Kaori (tomboy) become a tranny
>Ryo is a gay feminist who take only contracts against patriarchy

>they wouldn't even Destroy the Sanctuary from the Inside Out with Evil Goddess Ker!
what a gays

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I'm a spic myself and I don't get it. To be fair, I love ND and despise LC so I'm an outsider on the SS fandom

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>Ranma 1/2
Would Ranma genderbending shenanigans be considered progresive or toxic?

Not so much, the "love ND but hate LC" faction is sizable.

Progressive if Ranma chose to stay as a girl and stay with Akane as a transbian

fuck off

Personally I find it disgusting but burger writers love that shit

>next episode he appears

just release the rest of the season already netflix!

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oh, sorry for the misunderstanding
"transbians" are a quick way for pseudo-progressives (the entire left) to still force dick on lesbians and get those sweet, sweet asspats from the autogynephilic crowd

Saint Seiya is for brotherly friendship not for waifu faggotry.

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It's more like a lot of them believe that a woman's place is in the background, with the anime occasionally flashing to them to remind the audience that females exist in this universe. There was a lot of rage over Mai becoming a major character in DBS too, if I remember.

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I can't wait for them to finally get together in the Netflix show.

Will the latino dub be accurate this time?

Japanese dub: There's nothing more beautiful than me, except for Athena
Latino dub: It's a shame that I killed Seiya. If only he listened to me. I liked him. We could make great things together. Nothing would stop us.

Arguably they changed the monologue because it was too gay but somehow they made it even gayer but Misty's gay ramblings is a small meme on Latin America

Hyoga is too cute for Shaun.

they should just straight up (lol) admit theyre likely closeted gays or sth because i cant fathom how they would only want dudes on the spotlight, specially the spics

Ker is good.

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>There was a lot of rage over Mai becoming a major character in DBS too, if I remember.
The rage wasn't about Mai, the rage was because the whole Goku Black arc was nonsensical bullshit. DBfags love the new saiyan girls, like half of the threads is wakey wakey shitposting.

In the way they're represented in Ranma? Toxic, I think. doesn't Ranma realize that he gest preferential treatment as a girl and exploits that? Can't show that females can be more privileged than men
Ranma tried to "cure" Tsubasa from lesbianism when he thought Tsubasa was a girl. Just a few things that came immediately to mind that could fly with the prog crew these days, I'm sure there are plenty more

It's about manlyness. That's why we still have 2 genders despite burgerland making so much pressure for introducing their insanity here

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If he doesn't get naked I will riot.

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Takahashi is very conservative. I guess that's one of the main reasons why she hated Oshii the socialist so much

two SEXES, "gender" is liberal bullshit

Nobody is getting naked in this.

Ikki would kick his ass anyways.

if you look into it, its insanity in paper but pretty much the same as ever: painting heterosexuals as "queer" and men in skirts and bad makeup as "lesbians"

Good because Shun is for Ikki.

Actually true. Tried to watch it earlier this year but it's worse than your average seasonal crap. Not even nostalgia could make me watch it. Also if you have sub 1k anime watched don't even bother replying to me.

worst part by far are the fights with the military and that stupid manhole also the fights are pretty underwhelming on the good side its pretty cool they added things from the manga that didn't appear in the anime.

But Ikki is for Shaka.

Fujos are fooking dumbass

But they buy Gold Myth Cloth of their favourite pairs, giving Bandai a lot of money. they were the reason why CLAMP magazine was made in the first place: Saint Seiya is the real reason why the word yaoi exists in the first place.

God you've just reminded me of CLAMP's Saint Seiya doujin.

Were those even that gay?

What do Saints text about?

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not to mention akane pretty much calling him a degenerate freak, while ironically both anime and manga ended up making a monster out of her character.

it was bad enough the original never gave her commopance., do you want WOKEFLIX, to make it worse?

Clamp had an original series based on SS called magic knight rayearth. I never saw/read about it but a lot of people sworn Saintia Sho is very much a copy of this series.

The Abel movie was great.

Eh, it was as gay as their Jojo doujins I think.

Saintia had isekai with mechas?

Murata should make a spin off
he's the only one who can draw sexy fit girl

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ehh more like creepy Stockholm syndrome romance for Esmeralda.

Not mechas. But it seems some other concepts have some familiarity, but you have to ask its fans.

Mild 80s level gay.

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This is really gay actually.

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>I wish I had as big an ass as Athena-sama

Lol, this is too funny. where's Milo monologue, please?

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not the first time they hide any gay innuendos, happened with that DB episode when they had a crossover with dr. slump

If you want real gay, you have to look at 00s and up doujin. 80s didn't really have much full penetration.

and sailor moon famous cousin

i never watched all sailor moon, but was the cousin also used in latin american dub or was an exclusive US dub?

>he's the only one who can draw sexy fit girl

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Meant for

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>The Abel movie was great.
My only problem with the movies was that they were predictable as hell, I've seen them all one after another last year (for the first time). Also the thing when Seiya gets the Sagittarius Cloth every time was beaten to death, it was getting so frustrating. I've never understood why they couldn't change some things for once or make some twist in the end. Other than that, they weren't so bad.

Wasn't Shaun's gender changed in this version?

all the dub i think,for the french dub but she was a dude when she was not transformed

Oh my god! Lol! Is this supposed to be hot?! Now I know where Okada finds his inspiration.
Thank you!

thats a tranny

That particular one was a gag doujin. I think they did a serious one with Shun too.

the original series they say cosmo is just acceleration of atoms

I just hope this will be the official OP

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does Seiya play a guitar in this new series?

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im surprised how sakura card captor got away with all of it and got no censoring in latam, from same sex relationships to age gap. no wonder faggots love that series

The 7th and 8th senses are Buddhist concepts. They're like levels of enlightment

>(at the end it 8 sense)
Isn't the kamuis a 9th sense?

no i cant listen to Bernard Minet anymore

Fuck you I watched this as legally as possible when I was a kid, I had cable to watch this on 2 Mexican suscriptor channels and had 3 original toys, Ikki, Shyriu and Shun, I even bought some overpriced sticker albums that required you to get shitty bubblegums to get every piece of the collection as random

Of course my parents paid for all that, but I was supporting and loving this shit on a legal form

This is the fucking national anthem of everything

It was the first movie I saw so it wasn't disappointing. But yeah then I watched the rest and I got frustrated.

They could have made someone else win, ikki or anyone else.

She grew increasingly more feminine as Leo stripped and beat her to death which is my fetish.

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What are you, gay?

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Where do you think you are?

Claude Lombard is more loved but made less the spotlight (maybe because she is belgian)

i'm sure she loved it

Right, I forget sometimes.

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maybe i will if you keep posting muscles

She did until he punched a hole through her and cooked her insides with his electricity.

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what a fag

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why are they wearing hijab

>They could have made someone else win, ikki or anyone else.
100% this, I would like it to be equal so every Bronze would get some time in the end. Same goes for the anime series. For instance: in Asgard it could have been Hyoga, or in Hades arc Shun and Ikki for obvious reasons, etc. It wouldn't be so boring anymore after watching so many episodes.

is it that woman who sang Dragonball Z?

no thats Ariane, Claude song most of girly anime like Lalabelle, vas y Julie, Candy, Vanessa, Lydie...(sorry dont know the original name)

Their fight was pretty lewd though.

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she's a big otokonoko

Netflix exclusive actor and Gael Garcia's brother...

In summary marketing for netflix actors

>Sagittarius is a pedo
>Leo is into /ss/

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where the fuck does the pedo claim comes from?? did i miss something???

Haha what the fuck, this is the opening that aired in my country, specifically this
I'm not French though, TV just used this version. My granny sometimes used to sing it to piss me off because she knew I loved Saint Seiya. Literally the anthem of my childhood.

She has the biggest breasts on the cast. Besides that, the idea behind her was that she'd start of masculine, and become increasingly feminine as she fought.

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why would you get pissed if you like the song

from Sisifus gaiden. He declares his love for Athena, saiyng he loves her in a way a Saint shouldn't do. He was 29 and she was only 14.

Yuzuriha was great. It was nice to finally see a female dot-brow. Was beginning to wonder about them.

...maybe like a daughter????

Taking into account gaidens are quite weird ashe is a Jose/shoujo writer.. There is a lot of children mixed with saints there.

>if you like the song
Out of sentiment yes, but she was doing it to tease me lol. Great times though. Obviously I would rather hear the original Pegasus Fantasy or Soldier Dream back then, but after those years I finally could thanks to the internet

She's plenty girlish when not putting on the whole tough warrior act.

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