Can react to sonic speed attacks as if they were in slomo

>can react to sonic speed attacks as if they were in slomo
>can't beat a normal dude in a fighting game

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He wins and loses based on what would be funnier. You know. Like a gag character.

>be a martial arts master with decades of training
>cant beat a 10 year old in a shooter

that's basically what you're saying

in all fairness, have super speed reactions doesn't mean shit if you're stuck in a combo or shit at footsies/neutral
>but muh reactions
reactions cant win 50/50s
saitama literally plays like a little brother

Saitama can't make the game go faster. It reads inputs at the same speed for both players, and what actually matters is the animation framedata and hitboxes. Saitama is shit at the game so even with godly reactions he loses every time.

I mean, reactions CAN win you neutral sometimes if your opponent decides to take a dumb risk and you catch them with the perfect counter. But it looks like King is too experienced and practiced to let that happen, so basically Saitama is just plain out of luck and stuck in shitterville

>i got beat by my little cosin (10) in fifa
i guess he is strongher, intelligent, faster and better than me in everything

And to do that you still need to know ranged, move priority, speed. And defense mechanism.
So just being better at range and using faster moves is enough to deck Saitama.

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reactions literally can win you 50/50s, especially when we're talking superhuman saitama level reactions

I'm extremely lethargic and probably even diabetic or anemic, but I'm very good at multiplayer games. It's something else other than reaction, I guess most video games are like a puzzle game where you have to memorize every possible outcome both you and your enemy can end up doing depending on the situation, which even with a slow reaction will give you the trump over someone who can't read the situation but can press buttons and come to the wrong conclusion faster than you while you choose the right conclusion and press a button slower.

>trying to find logic inconsistencies in a fucking gag manga of all things
Not the sharpest tool in the shed, eh

thinking fighting king in his element is a 50/50 match

Saitama doesn't use combos and keep spamming the same attack over and over again. No matter how good his reaction speed he'll always lose with that strategy.


Remember the fly he couldn't kill in season 1?

saitama plays games like he fights, uses no combos and tries to go for the strong looking moves without thinking about frame data or priority.

If Saitama uses slow moves
A hit stuns
And King uses fast jabs on top of better footsies.... What do you think happens? Because Saitama just gets bodied hard.
It doesn't really matter if its MVC, Tekken or Street Fighter, or anything else for that matter. Its even true for Dark Souls and a lot of online PVP where you can hitstun.

Saitama plays games as if he was playing himself as a character. He doesn't need to dodge or block and tries to finish the enemy in one move. In a game where everyone is balanced, he just doesn't understand.

Pressing buttons at light speed sounds like a great way to damage a controller. I don't think it would even register those inputs.

>reaction times means you know inputs
nigga he was literally just mashing low kick

His powers only work when fighting people, they don't work in daily life. This has been demonstrated many times in the manga.

For one saitama uses only one move when playing fighting games. Another is that in general he sucks usually in anything other than fighting. Plus the fact he has to be careful since he has a habit of messing up controllers when he's too heated.

Also the obvious fighting ain't the same as fighting in a video game. That's not how it works.

To be fair, King is the master of Mind game.

>my capeshit has shitty writing
no fucking way

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No matter how quick your reactions are, you can never react to true 50/50s in fighting games.
But the real issue here is the manual dexterity and finesse, we know that Saitama sucks at those, so he can't perform combos or press the right button at the right situation.

You still think within human limits. Saitama should be capable react within 1 frame - which completely ruins every fgs conventions: footsies, neutral, pressure, etc. With such reaction speed you can't lose

Its not like the game can catch up with his reactions. Some games have also input. Plus again all he does is spam one move to win he's not using anything else

In games just having your eyes react to something is not enough.
Remember his rock-paper-scisors game against Bang, he has bad eye-hand coordination and dexterity, even if he can move is arms at infinite speeds, he couldn't do it with the required precision to either grab the pot and place it on his head after losing or to pick up the hammer after winning.

Its not pure reaction, he needs to see the consequence of an action, like he did a standing fierce, then his brain needs to register what a standing fierce is and also give him the feedback on what his character's answer to that move is and at which range, and then he needs to remember which button he needs to press and then press it without breaking the controller.

It is not pure reaction.

if king can kill him off of one commit then there's nothing he can do, he can't put out moves any faster than his character can

garou was alwas a fag you plebs, also Fbk a qt

Just because he can react and perceive things faster than his opponent doesn't mean he knows HOW to react. Hence why he's bad at vidya. Not to mention, input lag.

What good is reaction if you don't have the knowledge to punish properly

he clearly wants to win, so why doesn't he just acquire the basic knowledge?

This is just a shitty power level thread In disguise.

Therein lies the actual problem. Saitama's reaction time is a non-factor, it's the fact that he doesn't give a shit.

saitama doesn't know about frames or combos, he's a button masher and doesn't know how to play the game

Saitama only uses, one punch, button. Get it? The joke.

Okay, input lag will give about 1-2 frame. And Saitama should be capable input commands after confirming within 1-2f. So reaction within 4-5f? It is still broken. What kind of mix can open such person? There shouldn't be options faster than 5f. Neutral will go out either - if use jab slower than 5f against such monster, you will get reversal in your face.

The only way to lose with such power is being completely retarded. Like mashing on wake up or walking into enemy hitbox. Which with such power should be as stupid as being hit by turtle.

I used to think the same as you but think about it, in real life a simple one punch has infinite power, speed and accuracy, he has no need for anything else, in the game he is predictable and his character has limitations unlike him.

Saitama is pretty dumb, yeah. He's just an average guy inside, after all.

The game still only plays at maybe 60 frames per second, and if king is frame and pixel perfect on every move he makes, saitama only needs to slip up once, and it's been shown he's rather clumsy as it is

If the game has significant input delay or slow startup on moves then reactions matter less and less.

>normal dude
Pretty disrespectful to call the strongest man alive just some "normal dude", user.

>Like mashing on wake up or walking into enemy hitbox
Saitama literally just mashes and tries to use janky combos that can be punished on block.

>people analyzing the jokes this hard
I bet you're mad about him not being able to catch the mosquito either. You're missing the point of the entire story. Saitama is ridiculously strong, but it's only actually within the paradigm of being a hero. Everything outside of that, he's actually just a normal schmuck. The consistent joke is all he wants any more is to have a real, tense fight, but he became so powerful that's impossible. It just didn't change anything else about him, so his whole perspective is all screwy because rather than changing any of his habits, he just continues to try to get into fights to feel some sort of conflict. Rather than mentally or spiritually reaching another level through his immense ability to shape the world around him or physically overpower anyone he wants, he's just a dude with unparalleled fighting power who still has trivial concerns. Which is why it's funny that he still has to walk down the street for groceries, or loses at fighting games (and gets furious about it), or can't even stop one mosquito from annoying him.

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King just has the maddest fucking reads.
He is the Kuroki Gensai of Video Games.
He's already reacting to Saitama's attacks before Saitama even inputs the buttons

You're kind of missing the entire point of these scenes.
He's one punch man. Let's make that clearer. He's one trick pony. King even points out how Saitama has basically no strategy, he doesn't learn the combos, he doesn't understand the mechanics, he's just bruteforcing his way.
And he's doing it because for a long time now, he's existed in every sphere of his life in a state where he doesn't really get invested. He doesn't plan out ways to exploit his enemies' weaknesses in fights, he doesn't even pay enough attention to his hero career to know he can get booted if he doesn't do hero work until Genos tells him. His mind is basically on permanent snooze mode because he's that apathetic.
Now with his reaction time, if he actually bothered to learn what attacks of the enemy can lead into combos and what frame one needs to press the appropriate block or counter or whatever applies for it to register as a successful block, he could easily win. But he doesn't.

Let's use the most basic fucking example: Dark Souls parrying. There you can nullify a lot of attacks by pressing parry in the correct 6-12-ish frame window depending on the weapon and shield.
Saitama is the kind of jackass that would spam the parry button. He doesn't sit back and experiment with the parry, he doesn't pay attention to when it is that the parry goes off and when it just flails in the air causing him to get hit. He isn't actually invested in learning because he's stuck in a mode where he's just incapable of adapting, as he didn't need to adapt for probably over a year now in any situation.
It's the same as why he doesn't go ballroom dancing. He just doesn't care enough to try new things, he just wants to keep doing the things he's always been doing and have them somehow magically get better results.

Assuming the game runs at 60fps and king is a literal multi-genre video game master, what's hard about this to believe? The game only runs so fast. If both players are above the threshold of where reaction time matters, of course the more experienced player will win every time.

>Normal dude
Pick one

fuck off

Games are mainly muscle memory, it's not the same as just having god reflexes while not knowing what to do.

It's a fucking gag.
Stop overthinking shit

It was a mosquito.

>Can't catch a mosquito
How does Saitard cope with being such a failure.

>power level fags comparing and contrasting a satarical take on typical tropes
That’s the whole point of OPM he can’t catch a fly because it’s for comedic effect.
Mob Psycho is better anyways

We saw how he fights though, his strategy is to spam weak low kicks. Sure he could probably use his super reflexes to input them frame perfectly but that's not gonna matter. Though even then he would have to be able to recognize on which frame the move's recovery is over.

How do frame-perfect inputs help with footsies if Saitama doesn't know things like the range of his and King's attacks?
What does this have to do with reaction time? This is something you're actively doing, not something that requires reacting
For some reason you're making the assumption that Saitama has a decent idea of how fighting games work and how they're played. He doesn't.

>arguing about fake fighting games bullshit inside a fake cartoon

jesus christ i know it's summer but this is some obscenely dumb shit.

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>reactions cant win 50/50s
The entire point of a 50/50 is to prey on your inability to react to it. Reaction speed can infact best 50/50sm inhuman reaction and good basic fundamentals utterly stomp 50/50s due to reacting to the 50/50.

This. Plus frames OP

It's not that he can't react, it's that he doesn't know what to do.

Do we know Saitama's powers work like that? Maybe in his daily normal life he functions in some sort of energy save mode.

>trying to fit in this fucking hard

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>can react to sonic speed attacks as if they were in slomo
>cant kill a mosquito

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Isnt the entire point of this is that he is a shitty fighter with no technique? Thats why he joined the martial arts tournament to get better.