11/10 masterpiece

11/10 masterpiece

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The best of Miyazaki's works in my opinion

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Too based. Nu Yea Forums wouldn't even be able to find this movie since it's not on netflixroll and it's more than 22 minutes.

The ending was kind of cheesy, though.
>"I know I'm real" :D
>goofy synthpop intensifies

Not as good as Dark Souls though

>if you don't only watch trash you're not allowed on Yea Forums

What do you have against good movies faggot?

Got to see it in a theatre in Gay Fagcisco last year. It took some effort to tune out the cheering and gasping weebs and to ignore the smell, but it was fucking worth it.

Trying too hard.

>others shouldn't like good anime because all my favorite anime are trash
sasuga nu/a/

Perfect Blue > Paprika > Millenium Actress > Tokyo Ghoulfathers

Haven't seen paranoia Agent yet

I got to see it in theaters last year as well. Somehow the copy my theater got had an incorrect aspect ratio, so the subtitles were cut off for the entire runtime, even after the theater tried to fix it. I had seen the film enough times to enjoy it without subtitles, but I felt bad for the people in the theater seeing it for the first time.

Where would you rank Jin-Roh?

agreeable ranking
well done user

Are they retarded? How could anyone sit through the movie not understanding the dialogue?

Millennium actress = perfect blue > paranoia agent > paprika > Tokyo Godfathers

Paranoia Agent is interesting, but I think it shows he worked better in more time constrained formats.
It would have been interesting to see an OVA series from him.

Probably last, I wasn't much of a fan. If I were serious about ranking it I'd have to rewatch. I don't think my opinion would change much but I can't really justify it right now. Also what was Kon's involvement in it? His only credit on ANN is composition cooperation.

I agree that millenium actress was really good, but a bit too straightforward for what I'm looking for from Kon. Probably his most cohesive film.

A man of culture.
Rip Satoshi kon.

Attached: perfect-blue.jpg (1000x607, 99K)

Perfect Blue = Tokyo Godfathers > Millennium Actress > Jin Roh > Paprika

Fight me

Why did the fish die? Were they her virginity?


So they sat down for 80 minutes watching something they couldn't even understand?

tokyo godfathers was great tho

80 minutes is a small price to pay for a rare glimpse of anime pubes.

Attached: [bxyh]_Perfect_Blue_v2_[BD_720p_AAC_Dual][A9ABDEE1].mkv_snapshot_00.48.07_[2019.07.21_09.29.01].jpg (1280x692, 139K)

I remember in the next scene they were alive.
So yeah I think it just resemble her losing her virginity.
She was mentally broken that she imagined them dead because they are connected to her pure self which was taken away from her after the rape scene.

Easy 1/10

80 minutes is a small price to pay for a rare glimpse of anime pubes.

Attached: [bxyh]_Perfect_Blue_v2_[BD_720p_AAC_Dual][A9ABDEE1].mkv_snapshot_00.48.07_[2019.07.21_09.29.01].jpg (1280x692, 139K)

It's funny, on a Kon list even the last one is still better than 90% of anime movies.

I don't think she actually copped dick during the rape, otherwise flashing her gash to the photographer wouldn't be such a tipping point for her.

Went to see it in theaters in Paris this year, the place was empty it was really worth it.

yeah, it's a shame he died so young and has so few works to his name as a result

On the other hand, few directors can really say that literally everything they've ever made was a smash hit

I was it in theaters too. Had to tell the two lesbos next to me to stop giggling during the rape scene. Who laughs at that?

Attached: perfect_blue_mirror.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Based psycho dykes

No, you dumb.

Maybe not losing her virginity in a Literal sense but Stil resemble her losing her pure, childlich side.
When we saw her with her fishes many times, we saw her act kind of childlike more than usual.

Nah you are wrong, their private parts meet like the Kohl needle entering the Kohl bottle.