Just started watching Heavy Object and goddamn this is stupidest mech design I have ever seen
Just started watching Heavy Object and goddamn this is stupidest mech design I have ever seen
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I'm a /m/anchild and I think its stupid as shit too
Superior ball mechanism.
Supid for sure, but compared to humanoid robots it makes more sense.
Somebody hasn't seen G Gundam or Getter Shin vs Neo.
It's more practical than human-shaped mechs.
Who is this cute maid?
it's actually pretty consistent with the tech presented in the novels.
The mech design isn't even the stupidest part of the show
The only problem is the mass of weapons on the front plate.
She's clearly designed to minimize attack surface and protect her armament from incoming fire (That's very clear on how her main cannons are tucked away behind her body.
The large sponsons in her blind spot make sense, the mass of sub guns along her front don't. They're clearly AI/AA guns, which means they should be mounted on her belt or dorsally. Her entire main strike plate should be free of any gaps or routing for these sub weapons (Which would give her a better silhouette too: I've always liked how her main armament look like coyly hiding her guns behind her back, and it would add to the effect if she wasn't covered in secondaries, rather having them tucked away as well.
i guess they wanted to make a more realistic mecha, but a realistic mecha is basically modern day armor
they tried to make a tank/landship thing and stopped halfway through
If their mecha design is built along some super-effective but not scalable down and fragile energy source, it makes quite a lot of sense. IRL the chassis design would be a nightmare though.
Did nothing wrong
mecha make sense thematically and can express more dramatic and emotional battles through the human form.
having a giant, stupid tank is the worst of both worlds.
With such body it's not possible to do anything wrong
I am monitoring this thread
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear?
do the novels separate from real world physics in any significant way?
super heavy tanks and battleships went out of fashion for good reason. despite being heavily romanticized.
>not inherently stupid
Pick one.
It's very ninja turtles
What even is? Names? There's so much to pick from
something like this almost existed
look up chrysler tv-8
>there is but one way comrade, and that is forward.
It's relatively simple: Armor and Powerplants outran weapons.
Super Heavies would return to the field if you could make them actually invincible. That was the idea behind tanks in the first place. The problem is that IRL, weapons have outstripped armor to the point of making armor less effective than intelligence and maneuverability when it comes to avoiding injury.
Thats bulcrap. If you want to express war thematically that way, just have humans and other humanoids doing fighting, give them power armor instead if you must.
The front is for low flying planes and kamikaze prevention.
It’s always better to have more ammo.
not thematic of war in general. I mean the theming you get when you put angel wings or whatever on the mechs. and people in relatively small power suits can't get the same scale of spectacle when they tear through fleets of battleships.
they're massive tanks that go fast and tank damage I thought it was fucking awesome. Right up until the show became about the guys running around and killing them instead of cool battles.
>Hating on the technodrome
Power armor doesn't sell as many toys.
Humanoid huge robots are the actual worst
fuck you
Humanoid mecha just turns a series into shonenshit with big people.
The Baby Magnum is tame as fuck compared to shit like Rat Tail or the 000 Manhattan Island.
Respect the hardware user. You take care of her, and she'll take care of you.
First time seeing an OGRE?
Did someone say tank?
Retarded mechs, great show though.
If GW shifted as much product as Bandai, they wouldn't need to sell at 8000% markup (not hyperbole)
Shigeto Koyama and Gundam fuckers are literally the one ones capable of designing mecha anymore
Behead those who insult the technodrome.
The LN attempts to make everything seem plausible but it all falls apart when you actually think about it
It's very specifically stated in the novels that Objects are completely impractical and most are just for a show of power.
Not the humanoid mechas?
Have another (You), you seem starved as all fuck to write something so idiotic.
IIRC they have sufficiently advanced power source that can't be made miniaturized, and sufficiently advanced armour that can withstand anything save attacks made using energy of said sufficiently advanced power source.
With that magic-I meant science-this almost makes sense.
Is this older than Bolo!
>disgusting western art
At least contact a Nip if you have money to waste.
My heart has never been so broken before
When's the next LN coming out?
Have hope. I'm sure she will grow up to look like that. They had to base those projections on something.
I can't wait that long
That's all we can do. Wait.
I like it better than gunda/m/ bullcrap
It hurts
>dangerous enough to cause OHOHO to fear her power
Just how cute is this mystery meido?
>watches a show called Heavy Object
>gets triggered over a heavy fucking object
I was entertained. I stopped watching it around the time HoHoHo showed up.
It's dumb but it's fun. It's also the only anime I've seen with non-gay subtext bromance.
What’s the List?
You're a tremendous faggot.
This guys gets it. The novels double down on it too, great reading.
Can anyone explain how this ball is superior in design to a normal humanoid mecha? The ball can't dodge anything using acrobatics like normal mechs.
>mech is built
>square cube law exists
>mech collapses
They were supposed to feel like alien monstrosities, the LN illustrations never properly show them for that reason
The more moving parts an object has the less structurally stable it is. Also it dramatically increases the repair cost and upkeep.
a tremendous number of armor layers (they call it "onion armor" in the novels) allow it to shrug off effectively all conventional weaponry, and the mode of locomotion for most of them is heavily specialized for certain types of terrain and takes advantage of the onboard fusion reactor's power output to do some crazy shit
energy transmission layers sandwiched between the armor let them stick any number of weapons anywhere on the surface of the thing as well
I want Ohhoho to step on my dick.
For starters having rounded surfaces offers the best protection from attacksthat arent goddamn laser beams but I digress by cause them to glance offat an angle instead of going straight through. Look at old tanks vs new tanks and it is obvious to see boxy/vertical vs angles. It doesn't matter too much here because our weapons are just so goddamn strong compared to armor. So lets back up to peopople wearing armor, you see curves and angles all over armor because that is what worked, besides people not working with box shapes.
Now mecha is stupid for many reasons; one of them is if you have magical bullshit technology why not stick it in tanks and airplanes and mass produce those fuckers instead? The tanks and aeros would all be smaller and more numerous. Another reason is bipedal mechs would be unusable on land, square-cubed law is a bitch.
>What if they dont have to walk on the ground?
Use a goddamn airplane. In space there could be actually some merit to mecha.
HO gets around this by having a non-scalable power source and hilarious armor, so they go and build a tank/mech around it and it is supported by hovering over the ground with many wide footprints. The only thing to crack these fuckers is another one of them equally armed and powered by their energy source.
>can't dodge anything using acrobatics
Lolwut. Highspeed you run into blacking out since G forces are a real thing. Going human speed and it is pointless, go dodge a tank shell, or better yet a crossbow bolt.
The ball actually shits all over humanoid mechs in maneuverability because it is a tank and works like a tank with omni-directional movement, and tank fights are about positiong and terrain, you minimize your vehicles exposure using terrain and max your weapons field of view on your targets, now being a giant death ball makes that hard but the anime does go into that. What fun with this design is being able to spread incoming damage evenly instead of concentrated.
They're not laser beams, they're railguns
It has been awhile since I have seen the show, thanks for reminding me why I enjoyed it. But my point still stands.
It's a smarter design than any bipedal mech though
The system of objects is a giant dog and pony show really. Our bungling duo aren't dangerous simply because they can destroy an object, but they become a symbol of the fall of the prevailing order and other factions got the confidence to try and crush the system.
It's such a shame the recent volumes have been taking Hevia out of the picture. I mean he's even the bad guy in volume 15 for sperging out on Wraith who the audience knows did nothing wrong. And volume 16 is also a Solo Quenser volume.
Looks more like a mobile gun platform, or an amphibious battleship, is it really a mech?
But the women are nice.
Does Power Rangers, Space Marines and other power armors not count?
3 is also nice.
Heavy Object is a fucking strange anime, it was really fun to watch though. It's like those shitty Sunrise shows like Cross Ange where it's worth watching for the insane plot that just keeps going and the girls.
God I want to get raped by her.
Where the hell is next volume? It's the only non shit ongoing Kamachi series.
Ruined it
There's enough tit monsters out there.
No there isn't.
Why dangle perfection in front of us only to rip it away?
It's like a huge onion with guns
I rather quite like Charlotte and would like to see her in various states of skimpy outfits, provocative situations and undress.
What color/type is her lingerie?
Something black and Lacey I'd imagine.
Shame she was just shelved, even when black uniforms come back to the story I don't think she was involved.
The filler ending episodes gave her some stuff to do but it's just weird to drop her entirely after how well she and Q got on.
>The ball can't dodge anything using acrobatics like normal mechs.
Neither should normal mech. Giant humanoid frame is a bad idea for reasons like ground pressure.
Both were great I wish there were more of it but alas
S2 when bros?
>stupidest mech design
not sure if its stated on LN or anime by I've read that its already stated in the series that "objescts" prioritizes armaments over design.
Too bad those are fake.
makes more sense for ground fighting than humanoid mechs
This is why I liked this shit.
Legendary Maid Quensete is even more dangerous than Quenser
Pretty much this, his militar friend is pretty based
HO is literally just a bunch of old action movies in novel form, anyone who expects more from the books is just asking to be dissapointed.
The Manhattan doesn't give one iota of a fuck about any ranged weapon that's not a super-sized Rod From God as everything else will just get blasted to hell by its bullshit barrier.
It's Metal Gear tier super science, why the fuck would you take any of it seriously?
She'll grow into it, minus the tits of course.
That's actually less stupid than all those humanoid mechs.
Pretty sure even Putana got like one guest mention after her volume.
I'm sure it does give a fuck about fuel consumption though
Nah, it just fucking makes its own fuel, because bullshit super science. The only way for it to stop is for the Elite running it to just give up on their own.
>still no Milinda pole dance animation
How about some poison clouds?
Most of it's defenses are meant against explosives and kinetic charges
I'm not gonna act like the thing is unkillable considering it's a world with a bunch of crazy scientists running around but I'm pretty sure soft methods like poison won't work if the Elite is unwilling to leave the cockpit, nuking the thing from orbit is a completely feasible option, you just have to build a big enough stick in space while also not letting the thing catch wind of it.
umm...most, if not all ICBMs today travel into orbit to locate their target then accelerate at 21x the speed of sound or 7km/s
Not gonna do shit to the Manhattan, you need something way dumber than a couple ICBMs to kill it.
two idiots and one elite
Two Idiots, an elite and enough C4 and duct tape to blow up the world.
Quenser is good at explosives that just by being inside a warehouse of explosive powder made enemies shit himself.
Also Hevia is literally a big boss tier without Quenser
you watch the anime for this
not this
Shut the fuck up
I watch it for the Bromance
i dropped it halfway episode 1 because of the way they explained how the mechs where needed, i am not sure what the explanation was but it was beyond retarded.
kinda sad i didnt get that it was a comedy at the time. now i see a lot of stuff posted from it now and then.
It is a really fun series tbhq.
That's dumb
Everyone knows that you only need one grenade to drop on the unsealed reactor.
You know you could still go an watch it now and not be stupid.
I mean it only took 1 idiot who went to find the actual mastermind.
Well keep on keeping on.
Season 2 when? I need more buddy-soldier shenanigans. Also maybe animated Quensette
How would they handle it though? Would they skip Mariydi and make OVAs of volume 5 instead?
Nah, the girls are nice but you watch it for Quenser and Heivia being retarded and bumbling their way through every fight. Also Ace Combat Loli Cunny but that hasn't gotten animated yet.
I also watch it for Quenser and heivia, I think we need more war bros in anime.
most likely. Or they won't bother with Mariydi and the Technopics at all
Has Quenser won a battle by rolling that giant ball of death yet?
Heavy Object was a shit ton of fun, and I wish season 2 would hurry up.
next year
yes he caused a non-elite object pilot to splatter themselves across the cockpit by accelerating/maneuvering faster than a normal human body is capable of withstanding, which is more or less what you're saying
/m/en here
holy shit this is pure dogshit
Not surprised HO triggers /m/fags. As it presents more realistic use of technology than bipedal humanoid robots.
Nothing about any of the Objects is more realistic than the average gundamn, unless you're the sort of person that thinks Metal Gear is rooted in real science.
their crowning achievement is a trashy toy commercial what do you expect
Maids are best
This drove me fucking nuts while reading the novels. Why bother having illustration pages if you're only going to provide a silhouette for these convoluted designs? I know they're withholding them since the artist has posted the full versions for a few of them on his website.
This. Humanoid mechs are for fags that like playing with dolls.
The entire point of the design is that it is not human, that it is not emotional, that it is not dramatic.
It's a death ball that can destroy entire countries only limited by the logistics of maintaining it.
It's practical and makes sense in universe.
I hope Miki stop being a faggot and greenlight a second season now that most Index-related anime are now on air or coming very soon.
Basically, there's a super power plant which is really big and vaguely sphere-shaped and really powerful armor that can only be damaged by weapons that use a power plant like that.
If you accept the two premises, super power plants and super armor, then it works.
Pretty much, the overarching conflict of HO is the world adapting to the idea that you can actually destroy one of these things without one of your own. Things get exceedingly out of hand as the story progresses.
Kamachi is a hack. His other series Index is even worse with its tryhard pseudoscience bullshit.
You'll never fondle Froy like this.
You'll never watch Froy pole dance like this... why even live?
Welp that sure is a fucking Technodrome
t-there's nothing wrong with bionicles
>The ball can't dodge anything using acrobatics like normal mechs.
It can, these things are crazy fast, the entire concept of Object vs Object battles is based on mobility or negating mobility. Or cheating.
Some day
No because there is no in-universe explanation for super cooling. At the stupidly high speeds the Objects are supposed to move at compensating for the drag alone requires an insane amount of energy to the point where you can start approximating it in hiroshima nukes per second.
The whole thing would get fried from the inside instantly and there is no attempt to explain why that doesn't happen.
Heavy Ice when?
I remember when this was airing, threads very rarely reached cap and it got very tepid attention from Yea Forums.
I knew nothing about Kamachi (wasn't very interested in Index), but this show was a blast to watch every week.
Shonenshit? The loctus is moe.
>approximating it in hiroshima nukes per second
user, firing a giant plasma cannon on powering a space elevator requires about that much energy.
>because there is no in-universe explanation for super cooling.
But there is. The Onion armor acts as super cooling as well
Don't shit up our threads anymore, Objectcucks.
We don't want you shills.
Never. Retarded marketing doomed it forever.
I blame the indexfags. I don't even read that shit.
yeah Objects are about as impractical as mechs.
Mechs are hard because of principally two reasons. One is the physics and engineering of human bipedalism is extremely complicated and hard to replicate and two the Materials that are conventionally used for mechs in fiction are bad at moving in the way human locomotion requires.
Objects on the other hand would be scarcely able to move themselves let alone fire weapons at the same time from the utterly incredulous energy requirements requited to move a something of that mass not to mention they have numerous flaws to be exploited by literal infantry, in both cases tanks are more practical cheaper and a much better force projector than mechs or objects
>from the utterly incredulous energy requirements
The reactor provides that much energy and then some to spare. Energy requirements are not a concern.
>they have numerous flaws to be exploited by literal infantry
They do not, Objects see and can kill everything around them. Literal infantry can't even get close to it.
>The reactor provides that much energy and then some to spare. Energy requirements are not a concern.
Thermodynamics.A reactor that could produce that kind of energy would radiate heat on insane levels. The bigger danger there is dispersing radiant heat .so the thing doesn't literally melt itself from the inside out.
>They do not, Objects see and can kill everything around them. Literal infantry can't even get close to it.
Yet two complete fucking idiots time and again find a way to disable or destroy them in universe
>A reactor that could produce that kind of energy would radiate heat on insane levels
So if you transferred the heat in a specific, you could utilize it as a weapon system?
That happened.
>Yet two complete fucking idiots time and again find a way to disable or destroy them in universe
Except Quenser is highly educated on how these things function and their weapon systems, he also can think on his feet and figure out how they operate. He's the opposite of "a complete fucking idiot" when it comes to Objects and blowing shit up.
The big thing is that they also never fight Objects head on and that the Objects are not even aware that the two of them are even there, because they stay out of sensor range. People have also become complacent, because the ruling elite explicitly curbs the idea of special forces.
Same shit could be said about all mecha shows and especially space battles.
If you are trying to disprove something by the fact that it doesn't have an encyclopedia that explains everything, when the same could be said about what you are trying to defend while the other guys points still hold. You lost the argument admit it.
>my particle beam isn't strong enough to penetrate his magic shielding
>I'm gonna need my sword for this!
there. much better.
Wasn't there an Object that had a sword?
There's a Object that shoots Rods from God.
>So if you transferred the heat in a specific, you could utilize it as a weapon system?
That happened. Were talking heat on the levels of nuclear reactors, in the thousands of degrees Celsius. Mixed with all that high explosive ammo what your building isn't a weapons platform its an extremely expensive manned suicide bomb.
What explosives, these things primarily shoot hot gas, light and big pieces of super fast solid metal.
There's basically no explosive ammo anywhere on the Object.
The objects are basically bolo tanks without the AIs.
Well, the Rush is basically a Bolo
>Still thinking Raildex threads are just for Raildex and not a Kamachiland threads.
Come on.
>What explosives, these things primarily shoot hot gas, light and big pieces of super fast solid metal. There's basically no explosive ammo anywhere on the Object.
fair point on on that I misinterpreted the coil-guns. But my point still stands on radiant heat. there is only so much you can displace with an on board cooling system before going to overheat to the point the general environment around the object is so hot it becomes ineffective
Raildex generals are infested with some really stubborn shitposters that have been posting in them for literal years, just ignore them.
First off, it is rather hot inside the Object, the conditions are extreme, hence the need for extremely modified and hyper-specialized pilots.
It is probably also rather hot in the immediate proximity, but much of the heat is used directly in the weapon systems.
Again, there was an Object that just directly expelled the reactor heat as a weapon and it was more or less what you were describing "the general environment around the object is so hot it becomes ineffective", because basically no sensors and other things would work around it anymore and everything just melted.
well, the one thing i liked is that the focus i not on the waifu pilots and robots but in the 2 guys doing all the job nobody else wants, to give support and sabotage those metal monsters.
>Again, there was an Object that just directly expelled the reactor heat as a weapon and it was more or less what you were describing "the general environment around the object is so hot it becomes ineffective", because basically no sensors and other things would work around it anymore and everything just melted.
the melting point of rock is 1200C, if you vent enough heat to melt everything around you it would have to be significantly higher and the melting point of steel is only 300 C more than rock at that point venting heat as a weapon will melt the hull of the object itself.
>The Road to El Dorado
I really need to get around to rewatching it. That movie is the fucking shit.
i think Krangs technodrome would like to speak to you
tungsten carbide, one of the most resilient materials currently known melts at around 2700 °C.
It is not far fetched to assume that with science fiction material sciences they could come up with something as resilient, but lighter.
except its outright stated the Objects are made of steel in an "onion layered" arrangement
Which ill add makes the claim they can withstand a direct nuclear strike all the more laughable
There's a Object made out of fucking paper. Throw your sense of logic and reason out of the window, you're dealing with bullshit super science here.
in that case there no less bullshit then mechs
I'm not on either side of the fence because I'm not part of the retarded muh realism debate when one side is giant humanoid robots and the other is kooky super weapons that would make WW2 weapons R&D teams blush.
>is actually the biggest fangirl of Quenser and Hevia because she thought that the 'Dragonslayers' were mature and rambo-like
Like I said, advanced material sciences, surely you can make steel (i.e. FeC) that is highly resilient. We have materials that are like that, surely they can come up with something.
Poor girl.
Well, her illusion was broken, but she still raises a pint when they explode objects.
>objects overturn conventional war tactics through sheer unkillability by non-object weapons
>war turns into a supply/maneuverability game
>if your side has an object and their doesn't, you already won
>if your object hits their object before it hits yours, you won
>this has been going on for long enough that footsoldier is considered more or less a "peaceful/safe" occupation
>two normal dudes show up and take out one of these invincible god-machines by hand
>nobody believes it so they deploy them somewhere else and the crazy motherfuckers do it again
>vicious cycle established
>they keep getting sent somewhere new and taking out the enemy object, pissing off military leaders and political leaders on all sides
>neither of them want to be doing this, one is just racking up brownie points to succeed as head of his family, the other is in school
it's fucking great, read the novels
Don't forget that they are known as object slayers and the only reason they aren't dismissing them is because they fear that might go to another country and when they did make them stay the fuck inside a base - they somehow found themselves on a duel between objects - blow up helicopters and cause so much chaos that anyone refuses to have them out of their sheer madman tendencies.
>Hevia is literally soldier of fortune tier
>Quenser and alter persona is so dangerous that if he ever desires an object. He'd skip generations
And let us not forget Ace Pilot Marydi
Is the whole havia/princess thing only in the anime?
The real conflict however is that some people see what Q&H are doing and they decide "those are just some kids, we can do this too".
And things start off small with an antagonist deciding to just take his Object and disassemble it to defeat a much stronger force. Another one decides "well, really the idea of having a big object is more than enough, so let's just build a bunch of discount AI controlled objects and have then ride into battle with me".
This whole weaponizing Objects beyond "big murderball" culminates in the CIA constructing a 100% invincible super Object that reflects most attacks.
and the fact that their involvement keeps the pilot of an old 1st gen object hyper enough that she consistently knocks out next-generation objects, in their preferred terrain no less
they're an absurd force multiplier
No, she's his fiancé and there's a whole Romeo and Juliet thing going on where their families hate each other.
Heivia's sister also really, really likes Heivia.
Not forgetting that they can't afford to just kill either of them as well, because one is "old blood" in a country that obsesses over lineage, the other's death would quite likely trigger a new world war for various reasons (including more than one object pilot from more than one country going berserk), and both are famous beyond compare.
It's absurd and ridiculous and I fucking love it.
>Not forgetting that they can't afford to just kill either of them
The last time someone tried to kill them. They were shitting their pants just because they realized that one of them were hiding in a warehouse filled with gunpowder
looks like something out of tmnt
No, it's a shame the anime will never get to this part though.
I want to see that dynamic entry animated
I wish Heivia got more focus, dude's great. Too bad he can't destroy Objects
Yeah, but he's Rambo-tier when alone
What about Quenser and the pilot? Are they a thing too?
Who knows? Quenser is objectsexual and when he did say he likes the pilot; it was for a plan
Quenser has a bunch of blondes chasing him, the closest one came to being in any sort of relationship with him is the one he adopted as his little sister.
Quenser is objectsexual to the point he gets a hard on when he watches others Objects. A lot of girls are interested in him but he doesn't care because if its not an Object, is not worth his time.
Less that he doesn't care so much as he's too much of an Object autist to notice when they're into him.
Or that every single one of them has a loose screw and even one wants to hate fuck him to death.
The locust is as humanoid as a chicken.
I hope they actually do something with those two's dynamic. They've almost met in a way that jogs their memory several times now, so I want to see what happens when they figure out they know each other from before.
Yeah, that was heartwarming as fuck. Heivia is a boss.
>when they figure out they know each other from before.
They always know, Quenser just makes sure to avoid her when possible since she ojou-tsun'd too hard when they were in high school
You mean Broad Sky Saber? That one basically launches a battery pack to a companion orbital laser.
user, an orbital laser is not a sword.
It's the only sword themed object I can recall, at least with LK naming conventions.
>not referring to your weapon/ship/tank/plane as a woman...
you some kind of fag?
he's probably information alliance scum
>not watching the show for HANDAXE
this. and because bro mc's
>Another reason is bipedal mechs would be unusable on land
Like humans.
Humans don't weigh hundreds of tons. Well outside your mom anyways.
i saw a test screening when i was a kid, so the official release doesnt match with my memories of it
...so, it still has all the flaws, but it doesn't look as cool as a big-ass humanoid machine. Got it.
All tall mech designs are stupid tanks are superior so you can choose any shape you like it doesn't matter.
06 in December
16 and 18 for the summer
01, 02 08 and 11 for all year
>says it works due to skin contact
>is wearing tights
Her thighs are that strong
Best girl to ever exit in this series
You watch Heavy Object to see objects get destroyed by two bros, not for mechas.
So fat.
Obese as hell.
Just going to take a moment to post best girl bleeding out.
I think you might be gay
I think you might be into pigs.
She has a BMI of 18.1
Post a girl you think is appropriate weight then
See, she's fine in this pic but this is just fat.
You have a very odd perception of obesity
When they're so fat they start looking 3D, it's too fat, even for an American
>No belly rolls or saggy arms
When their limbs are ballooned out to twice their normal diameter, it's fat. Not even 2D can change that. Canon Froleytia is perfectly filled out and fit, fatfags keep trying to ruin her.
Thicker is better
>fair point on on that I misinterpreted the coil-guns. But my point still stands on radiant heat. there is only so much you can displace with an on board cooling system before going to overheat to the point the general environment around the object is so hot it becomes ineffective
I was under the impression that Object vs. Object battle is usually resolved long before radiating excess heat becomes a problem. Their internal heat sinks are probably more than sufficient given the duration of the average battle.
Ohoho a cutie.
more like Nonono
No wonder she only produces sons, she is higher test than every man in the show put together
I think this is the only time I'd ever say that I am disappointed a girl will become a Christmas Cake
What's the point of having a son if you won't even give him a little sister?
I bet Carissa wouldn't be happy about Misaki rocking that stupid crown-hat thingy better than she ever could while dabbing on her country and family.
Well you just keep trying and trying and trying
I would think that anyway but this doubly so
Dunno man only boys from my house but as puts it, just gotta keep trying.
Didn't the novels say at some point that even the Object pilot training is literally nonsense that has no bearing on piloting ability?
>how a three stage ICBM works
>6 stages
>"women of this family only birth sons"
>is a female
>mother was presumably a female also
A three stage ICBM refers to the number of engines/boosters utilized, not the entire delivery process.
Mother married into family, duh.
It's amazing how so many people don't understand this shit. Those sons all marry woman who can have a daughter or a son. This isn't complicated.
You're stupidest OP.