How come none of the characters ask what LCL stands for, or what it's made out of?

How come none of the characters ask what LCL stands for, or what it's made out of?

More generally, they never seem to question what they're doing. Shinji briefly asks why their enemies are called "angels", but Asuka dismisses it. They never ask what the Evangelions really are.

Attached: plug.jpg (1440x1080, 316K)

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LCL stands for link connect liquid.

Asuka doesn't care. Rei isn't ordered to care. And Shinji has other problems.

Their personal issues kinda get in the way of that.

who cares

Attached: did.png (742x561, 945K)

>it's Lilith's period blood and the primordial soup
Is a pretty bad thing to say someone, so the
>breathable liquid that helps piloting the EVA
is a good lie.

Lilith Creation Liquid.

maybe they did it just wasn't recorded


I mean, the second isn't a lie.

>Lilith's period blood
[Citation needed]

damn, I want to pilot an Eva now

who cares, robots good, thinking bad


It's a joke, but damn, look how suggestive the pic is.

Attached: Lilith_NGE.png (333x395, 208K)

>They never ask what the Evangelions really are.
Shinji sees firsthand, and they slowly elaborate on it in dialogue as the series progresses.

>it's a joke
It's... it's not. She's the mother of humanity. Rei doesn't menstruate but Asuka does. This is... actual stuff, in the show.

The LCL is clearing coming from her chest wound, you simpleton.

What part of
is going over your head?

Rei also doesn't sulk in a tub full of her own poo...but Asuka does.

Attached: 1535336313103.jpg (1249x934, 570K)

I miss this kind of clean lighting in anime. Look at that saturation and contrast. I can fucking taste it.

>be Gendo
>create the perfect teenage waifu clone
>make it so she can't get pregnant
>literally improve upon perfection
>make sure everyone knows you're fucking it anyway
Is there anyone more based than Gendo?

Attached: 543921456.jpg (800x1090, 84K)


Not true:

I'd agree that one of the L stands for Lilith, but unsure about the rest.

It's Lilith's blood, part from being impaled by the lance of longinus and part due to some piping done on the back of the body - i believe that's speculated in the manga.

Hmm yeah I think you're right.

contrast kino

I think LCL stands for either Lilith Circulatory Liquid or Lilith Cardiovascular Liquid.

Attached: lcl.jpg (1440x1080, 206K)