Would rei be a good mother and wife?

Would rei be a good mother and wife?

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>Yui clone

No because she's a whore for black dicks

According to Shinji, yeah.

>>Yui clone
When will this meme end?

Imagine growing up with a mother with autism like her, good thing she's sterile.

Better than that dumb bitch Asuka

Even fucking Kaworu would be a better mom

Rei would be good for trying to see if she could become a mother.

Kaworu would probably be a pretty good mom, actually. Although I'd see him more as the father and Shinji as the mother

She keeps her apartment filthy and is terrible at dealing with the emotions of herself and others, she would be a terrible mother.

better than asuka getting post-partum depression and killing you

Because Gendo didn't instruct her to keep it clean. All you gotta do is ask.

She seems like the type that would yell at you at the top of her lungs for being a pervert when she caught you masterbating then the next day would be wearing loose clothing and end up asking to help

Somehow I doubt that she would even care.

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OP posted Rei, not Asska

Rei II, yeah, not so sure for Rei III tho


Imagine getting slapped by Rei

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thanks, I just came

I just watched that episode like 10 minutes ago.

Rei wouldn't have any reaction to you masturbating, besides disappointment or a mild revulsion.

Shinji was right to be angry. His father basically cares more about her than his own son.

Shinji is prime house-husband material while his amazing wife Asuka is the breadwinner.

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>good thing she's sterile.

Actually...Know what? fuck it. I don't want to discuss it.

"A woman who does not bleed"...
This statement refers to Rei, and she's perfectly capable of being injured like any other person.

She scolded Shinji several times, like a mother would when she sees her son going astray.

But really, do you need any more proof that she can love and be loved after she gives Shinji the pilot's seat because he cared about her?

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Imagine Asuka coming home from a long day at work, and deciding to relax by using Shinji's body as she pleases until she fucks every ounce of frustration and stress out of her system. What a lewd household theirs would be!

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So you could rawdog her all the time without a worry? Nice!

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Imagine rei being a mother figure to shinji

Why would that be enough stop anyone if there was a chance? Just eliminate any new at fields that might occur.

let her piss in peace

That's literally Armisael mocking Rei by menstruating when Rei cannot. This is why Rei floats above the LCL (at least I assume that's what it's meant to be) in this scene - she's not "part" of the world of motherhood and Armisael knows this causes her some distress (no doubt because of Lilith's motherly instincts).

That's Rei in OP. Not Asuka.

>clock showing they've been at it for over six hours
Shinji is a fucking champ.

Despite what he looks like, it appears that he inherited daddy's Chad genes.

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Sauce please.

long arms

She has no style
She has no grace
This pilot has a funny face

I don't think I'd feel comfrotable letting Rei watch the kids.

(COMIC16) [Saigado] C-FREAK. (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (ENG) =LWB=


Can't be worse than Yui.

Why aren't they all naked?

Are there any other doujins with good stories?

she's shinji's pseudo mother, not yours.

It's just some wholesome cuddling, user. Aren't they cute?

When Anthy has slapped one of the Nanami's girls, they were genuinely shocked and frightened.
Though irl they would probably go from slaps to the real beating

Implying Rei would ever be extroverted enough to do anything besides stare at you with slight discomfort. That's why Asuka is prime wife material, she would do exactly that.

Haha yeah imagine th-... wait one second

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Rei also wouldn't mind if you stayed in her room while she wasn't dressed.

As a proper wife should.

>This is why Rei floats above the LCL (at least I assume that's what it's meant to be)
Yup, it's her awayness from being Lilith whilst she's trapped in the form of Rei, incapable of creating life and knowing instead that all she can do is wait for death. She's death, and Asuka's rebirth.

>She's death and Asuka's rebirth

Damn I never made that connection

Poor girl just wants to be loved and have kids.

But you also don't need to be married to her to benefit from that. Shinji just doesn't get the best use out of it.


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The finale opens with Shinji's hand covered in male reproductive fluid over Asuka's body. Is there an equivalent on the other side, the first episode, for Rei's body?

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holy shit user

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Everyone have sekushi already

Imitation < Original

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Fuck it.

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Man, that image wasn't worth it.

Anno think than she doesn't have the right to be happy.
So probably no.

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Since Rei is infertile, she and Shinji instead use Asuka as their baby maker.

And who is responsible for Rei's circumstances, as well as bringing Shinji into the world?

Meh. I like the one with dialogue more.

>I think

How soon?

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It's not a meme.

Fuck Misato
Marry Rei
Kill Asuka


That would be a better remake.

Based af

Angelic days Rei would

Kill Misato 3 times.

She really only would get in the way of living alone with Asuka, Rei, or both.

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Replace best girl with Kaworu

Well, Ikuhara thought she should have become a mother and wife.

>Iku-chan said [to me], "in the last episode, please have Rei Ayanami get married and become pregnant. Just please betray the Ayanami fans. The Rei Ayanami they are thinking of is not real. The real Rei Ayanami gets married, and her belly...
>He told me something like, "please, make them realize that, If she were real, she would get married, become pregnant, have a child, and grow older." I was thinking, "we don't have to go that far..." (laughs).

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>Marry autostoc dead fish
Yeah no

Why did you pussy out, Anno?
This is why Ikuhara doesn't love you.

It's pretty much confirmed she will become a mother in 3.0+1.0

Probably because the real Rei literally can't have a kid and is a 4 billion year old space god who instead becomes some kind of ghostly existence beyond death.

Best grill

Definitely. Despite being a vegetarian, she would never force her personal tastes onto other and catch fish for others to eat.

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How much R&D went into making a giant fishing rod for an Eva?


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Why do they wear the rectangles

>Tragic ending leaves a huge pop culture footprint

Fuck you

Really, the ending didn't impact as much as the rest of the series did. The ending is remembered, but it;s remembered in isolation. The rest of the series is what got copied and laid inspiration for what followed

Can a doll experience anger?


She's a clone she can't have babies.