>cried about the news yesterday
>watch this video and cry even fucking more today
Other urls found in this thread:
can't believe such a tragedy occurred and to such a beautiful studio like kyoani too
Stop shilling your shitty channel.
Fuck you, heartless shiteater.
Stop making these threads and stop acting like a pussy
Cool blog faggot, just post in the existing threads.
>stop acting like a pussy
It's the truth. Sorry that you're incapable of human emotion.
>look mommy, i'm an edgy teenager
Stop making comments. End your life.
You kyofags used to act so cool and shit on anyone else for the last 10 years so I don't feel bad for you.
He's right you fucking KyoAnus-licker. There are already multiple threads.
OP is just trying to advertise his Youtube channel and you are either OP shilling or unable to read why he's being called out.
dark days for anime
God, you kyoAni fans are pathetic
>people can't post a fucking video now without mental ill retards sperging out
Not true. Kyoani finally stopped killing anime as a medium.
Look if you've had bad experiences with supposed Kyoani fans in the past then i'm sorry to hear that but i don't do any of that shit.
>e-celeb nigger trying to capitalize on the tragedy
Zoomers will be the death of the civilization
The day anime YouTubers are commonly accepted on Yea Forums is the die I commit neck rope
>mental ill retards
Nice damage control attempt OP. I would give you 5 stars but Youtube is now voting with thumbs, and yours hands are already full of them.
On that topic, I once saw a nice video/tribute to Hibike Euphonium by some guy who first wasn't impressed but later found it heavily influencing his life:
>clickbaiting this hard
Go shill your channel somewhere else