I wish you loonies would stop shitting /fit/ with this bad flavour of the month anime

I wish you loonies would stop shitting /fit/ with this bad flavour of the month anime.

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And I wish you fags would stop posting selfies in danberu threads

Because you made this thread, I'm going to make sure to post many more threads over there over the season.

Come on, /fit, we finally have something in common. Don't push us away.

And I wish you /fit/tards would stop shitting up our threads with blogposting.

i feel like /fit/ needs to know about this anime now! i need to ask them if the information is correct!

Stop watching shitty normalfag anime then
or how about stopping visiting normalfag websites all together?

Shut the fuck up manlet
Go back to your brap worship board

/fit/'s just upset it isn't an anime about faggot twink bottoms getting in shape

Where do you think you are?

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Yea Forums was happy when doga kobo was announced as the studio. go be miserable somewhere else.

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>live in japan
>workout and take care of self
>can get basic girls
>often see cuties walking around with breakstick armed otaku manlets

you should feel lucky to be graced by Hibike's presence every day

Not what he asked dumbass

I watch the superior /fit/ anime of the season
Because you're not japanese

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I don't care.


What is this?


dumb bell-kun

Maybe those girls have a brain and aren't interested in retards, did that occur to you incel-kun?

>thinking women that lift are healthy
Literally one of the biggest memes the merchant has sold to the masses.

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Kill yourself fitcuck, Yea Forums is an anime website.

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My bad user, I forgot /fit/ is only interested in locker room fantasies.

Having a sturdy musculature system is perhaps the best thing any person can do for their health.

Maybe some of us just like the aesthetic.

I'd argue diet. You don't see people who weigh a tonne because they aren't working out enough. That's part of it but its probably the 4 liters of cola a day.

Tell that to your mod in /fit/.

As another inhabitant of /fit/, fuck OP. We were talking about this series before Yea Forums was anyway. It's /fit/ content.

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>better fit segments than the fit anime itself
How did they do it?

This. I read about the manga on /fit/ when I picked it up.

compensated dating

Nazi Germany was flooded with pictures and statues of strong, fit, and in shape men and women since it pushed a philosophy of disciplined bodies. Ancient Sparta was known as the land of beautiful women because of how often women would practice physical training.

A healthy body is a key component to a healthy population and mind, and therefore a healthy nation. The merchant is the last person who wants your waifu to lift.

Fuck off nigger anime is sitewide.

Terrible form.


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how come /n/ never throws autistic fits over board relevant anime

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3DPD but this is how much of a faggot you are.

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They have trains, which attract more autism than anime

Because they’re near dead, the a/n/ime thread is still up after months.

>get swole
>still can't get a real gril
>settle for 2d waifu

Why even get swole?

Pursuit of strength, knowledge, and perfection in general is a fine goal in itself.

Did it ever occur to you that he got swole for his waifu? You fucking bigot

Reminder that the only people unironically mad at this are fat

Besides a girl with a hobby besides makeup tutorials these days is a rare sight

In a way this is an elaborate makeup tutorial

>lifting for 3dpd
not gonna make it brah

No. You faggots just make shitty spam threads with a thin layer of fit content
>I lift for X thread
>thread is a bunch of faggots spamming pics of fapbait cancer characters
>How do I get Y's body
>thread devolves into the aforementioned
Why even bother posting that garbage on /fit/? Just stay here where you belong.

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With the way she lifts her elbow, I have to wonder if she is even engaging her biceps. I'm worried that she'll hurt her shoulder.

It's normalfags, not us.

Not until you deliver a /fit/ sings of ONEGAI MUSCLE.

Why bother posting in threads that aren't relevant to your interests, or is whinging like a bitch your interest?

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Complaining about anime on Yea Forums should be a bannable offence.

A weeb personal trainer has already done the Machio bit for an english cover of the song

I heard they don't post anime at /r/fitness
Maybe you should go there you triggered bitch

Post more danberu girls, less arguing!


Alright,weeb here asking some /fit/fags for advice.So I started doing calistenics and shit so that I wont die like an old men when I hit the gym for the first time.
Should I do warmup and stretching before exercises?
I am a skinnyfat dude so is less cardio and more lifting better for me?
Just some baic questions.
Curently doing 5 sets x40 pushups
5sets x 50 situps
5sets x 60 squats
10ponds light dumbells exercises.

it reduces fertility, you're literally a homo if you prefer women with muscle over fertile women

Lurk /fit/ you cunt. It literally has a sticky.

To fight the jews

Why would a healthy amount of muscle reduce fertility?

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have sex, IT sperg

>We were talking about this series before Yea Forums was anyway. It's /fit/ content.
Then stay there

Testosterone disturbs their menstrual cycle.

You do realize that it is possible for a woman to have muscle and a healthy bf% ... right?

because it increases testosterone production retard

Always stretch before any exercise
There's no real "better" when it comes to cardio or lifting. You do both and you'll naturally get into a rhythm that you can handle.

Fuck off,if weebs can bring anime to my homeboard,so can I bring blogposts to your weeb board.

Shut the fuck up /fit/. Stop being lusting for cocks for a moment and watch some cute goddamn cartoons, you niggers.

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Why don't athletic girls have any problems with popping out a kid or two, then? And women have so little test anyways, exercise would barely increase their already low numbers.

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Because those anons are full of shit
Women suffer from lowered fertility when their body fat levels get too low; having low body fat essentially informs the uterus that there aren't enough available resources and therefore conception is a bad move.
Athletic women maintain a reasonable amount of bodyfat, because it's good for maintaining energy. They're making the mistake of conflating athleticism with freak bodybuilding culture. The later of which involves (for men and women) getting to extremely low body fat percentages in order to better show off their muscles.

Gains are made in the kitchen, and this series doesn’t show that desu

Yeah, I was thinking of athletic girls instead of the roided out bodybuilders, but I thought that was obvious because female bodybuilders are not really appealing to most men save for a few fetishists.

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Except the main character's eating habits have been something that has been called attention to multiple times
Hell they point out the calories of every little thing she eats

Athletic girls are healthier, fuck better, and look better. There's no real downside.

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That's only a start. The /fit/izens themselves need to get involved.

It's not an uncommon conflation.
You see this in the show too. Hibiki expresses the (unfounded) fear that she'll suddenly get all macho from working out. It takes a lot of time and effort (even when using shortcuts like roids) to reach the freakish level of musculature associated with contemporary bodybuilding. People erroneously associate going to the gym with that physique, not realizing that it's something that has to be deliberately cultivated. People naturally leap towards extremes: all poets are depressed womanizers, all lawyers are corrupt status chasers, and so on.

At least lifting makes you live longer acording with a rece t study.

strength on a blue dot in the infinity of space
knowledge, when facts last 5 years and you hear them from other people anyway.
when we're mperfect anyway

It's a narcissistic goal at most. Do you make people happy except your own vain self by going to the gym ? Do you even use your strength to help people ? Probably no because you're to obsessed with yourself to stop taking selfies of yourself.


Shut up boomer. I love tasting the butthurt in those threads.

What a cuck mindset to have. Just lay down and die then, you nihilistic faggot. Men are meant to achieve greatness or die trying.

this. but unironically.

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>almost never train back
>do some back excercise for 40 mins
>Immediately sore after, have massive DOMS for 2 days
Will it get better if I train them more often?

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Obesity also reduces fertility and is FAR more common here. On top of that, lifting reduces the chance of her snapping like a twig from osteoporosis later.
Preferring a strong, capable, energetic mate, will always be preferable to a weak, lazy one.

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And you did achieve greatness by posting here right ?
I guess the strength part got you right ?
Or the imperfection part ?
What do you use your muscles that bench press so much for ? except take selfies ?
Such a stupid thing to pursue, the typical dead end jobber that think his life will turn around when he lifts while still sleeping alone with his waifu pillow.
Better you die trying I guess.

Who here has a sore ass and hams due to a squat session ?

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Yes, and if you sit for much of the day you should perhaps emphasize your back training more.

will based Reinhold appear in the anime?

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I did 50 half squats to see if works compared to full squats and yes I felt my ass getting sore at the end.

more than half of these threads arent even about the show/series

>life will turn around
You can just lift as a hobby, you know. I don't understand people like you that get angry that people are doing something you don't. Is it insecurity?

I use these tvreads to show my love for cosplay cake sensei ?

Will someon ever take her ?

180cm and less than 55 kilos with some abs, no need to get fit


i dont even visit /fit/ but i feel the same

You don't belong in /fit/ or Yea Forums.

Not really. you just get used to it

Reminder Doga Kobo wil be the next to be fired!

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Lower your voice when you talk to me, you pudgy faggot. If you don't know why would someone pursue stremgth and aesthetics for its own sake then your balls are yet to drop.

Send your GF over to me if you have one, I could fuck her brains out like your staminaless ass never could.

I remember when the show first aired there were fatties coming here to cope and rage at people who wanted to improve their lives after watching the show.

Jokes on that user, I eat chicken because I'm poor.

Do any person that does not enjoy or have fun lifting still gets gold results ?

I dont underdtand how someone csn go to the gym and lift if he does not enjoy it ? Is freaking fun and relaxing

>coping fatty

Dicklet confirmed, as expected from fit roiders and their tiny dicks.

Post dick and body.

> I don't understand people like you that get angry that people are doing something you don't
Yes I am very angry, furiously typing even.
So you lift as a hobby ? That's great. It's not the point I responded though. Per chance have you started lifting as a hobby in the last 9 years ?
But then there's this
I rest my case.

>i rest my case
You rest too much as it is, I forbid it.

>talk shit
>people point out that you're a faggot


goddamn it user

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Anime is /fit/ again

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god she has such an awesome body. between this and the girls on yuri survival island constantly walking around in their underwear and mamako my daily anime watches are turning into regular forearm building sessions

why is that shot so hot?