Kajiwara-san and the Shopper
Daily Sketchbook Chapter
That's all for today. Keito doesn't really explain much, but she's still more helpful than the average shop assistant.
Inner Kate
a sketchbook for the Sketchbook
Thanks, user. It was quite forseeable that his sister would be one of the main girls though.
someone draw in a sketchbook, a Sketchbook drawing in a sketchbook a Sketchbook drawing in a sketchbook
and drawing a sketchbook
Inner Kate a cute
And in this page I started suspecting that he was a certain sketchbook's older brother.
Thanks as always, Kate is really more helpful than your average shop assistant.
In a Sketchbook branded sketchbook.
what if the 3D person drawing is a Sketchbook's seiyou
3D poeple can't draw, user!
goods amount of yarn in this chapter
what if it's one of the animators?
Animators are just a meme. There are no animators. Only anime.
we could break a Sketchbook out of the 2nd dimension and challenge her to draw, Kuga could do it
If I could do that, I'd already have done so for my waifu. (She doesn't really draw much, though.)
I feel like the Suzukaze would be more likely to answer the summoning. And then only to mess with you.
>answer the summoning.
>And then only to mess with you.
Sounds like a succubus.
If we could break someone out of the 2D, then we should consider working on the way of getting into the 2D.
>we should consider working on the way of getting into the 2D.
If we were 2D, would we then also be able to draw?
Thanks OP. Does Kamiya even paint or draw? All I remember is her making sculptures. But as Kate says, it's the thought that counts.
They all draw. Who could forget this moment of genius?
being pres is hard
I kind of want to try the desert lemon now.
>desert lemon
Didn't even know that lemons grow in the dessert!
It's not about where it comes from, it's where you eat it! The heat makes it taste extra refreshing.
What about a snowstorm lemon? That'd be great!
That's just kakigori!
Great. Now I want some gory ice (cream) too ...
The hand crank ones are cheap, so why not get one?
Wouldn't know where to get them. Online?
And where do you get an ice block? Make one yourself? How?
That all seems quite a lot of work. Then again, it might be worth it.
Online or an asian grocery. Most of them come with a mold to freeze your own ice block.
>Most of them come with a mold
But why would you want moldy ice?
For flavor, like those cheeses.
Ah, okay. That makes sense.
But, honestly, I prefer Buddha to Cheeses, as far as prophets go.
Me too. I'm lactose intolerant, so cheeses can resurrect in surprising ways.
But always within three days!
Guaranteed, or your order is free.
Thanks OP!
This is one way to play the pimp.
Finally read the (incomplete) new chapters dump and I think the title of strongest Sketchbook doesn't belong to Kamiya anymore
Although strongest here is taken in a much different sense. Perhaps there might be a different word that I could use.
and now we post lewd.
That's not really "lewd", user.