If Togashi wants to release 10 chapters this year, the latest he could return is mid october.
Since Togashi wouldn't want to leave us a whole year without HxH, and announcements are always made two months before the manga's return, that means we'll have an announcement in less than a month, bros!
Okay I give up, I actually want to give this a shot now. I hear It's been on an infinite hiatus, did they stop at an cliffhanger or was it a proper ending for the parts before it? I'll watch depending on that answer
Caleb Walker
HxH winter is gonna be comfy as fuck
>yfw Hisoka, Leorio, and more Morena all in the same batch of chapters
>Using photo Gon where he was naively optimistic and had his hopes and dreams dashed
Wyatt Gonzalez
Kind of a cliffhanger.
Anthony Peterson
>I'll watch I'll assume you're talking about the anime then. The MC achieves his goal in Ep.1 by the end of the anime so there's a satisfying conclusion but there's more to explore in their world which is continued by the manga.
Gavin Cooper
Manga = middle of new arc after anime so cliffhanger Anime = There's an ending of sorts. Togashi himself said the series could have ended at this point.
Brayden Jenkins
That's the point
Mason Parker
Many people felt closure with the ending of Chapter 339 and Togashi has said that he could have changed some things and ended it there, the story after that also no longer follows the original protag, but the ending is obviously rushed in some plotlines, while clearly barely accomodating things that seemed to foreshadow other stuff, and there are some pending plot threads not closed there.
Basically, imagine that Game of Thrones/aSoIaF ended in S4/A Storm of Swords, except that it is written to imply that the WW threat is stopped with Stannis taking the Wildlings south and Daenerys is content with nothing more than ruling Meereen.