This is Violet changing her clothes
This is Violet changing her clothes
saved, thanks
She's dead bro
Violet is fireproof.
Too bad she can't change the fact that her studio doesn't exist anymore
Her arm prosthetics are impossible for the technological era depicted in VEG.
A child super-soldier isn't either, let alone a little girl.
A season 2 was planned?
Her movie is fine still and I don't think it was likely to get a s2 in the first place.
But rip hyouka s2
Where's the garden?
Oh wow somebody actually remembered to include the scars. Sweet.
covered by her dress.
>Hyouka 2
Come on, they broke up with Kafokawa 7 years ago
She is not like Star Wars robot
Her secret garden.
Stop talking about her garden damn it.
why not?
Based KyoAni
She's in mourning right now for fucks sake.
since Violet didnt even know how to do her hair she def has a bush down there
Zero chance of a s2
The director is safe.
I just watched this for the first time this week in one sitting. I don't think any show has made me this sad before.
But Kigami, user.
It's gonna be hell for Ishidate.
I just want this waking nightmare to end.
Leon and Violets wedding night when?
He's gonna have to shoulder that burden user, his mentor wouldn't want him to quit over this.
Im fine with delayed release though. As long as its good like the first
It might not even be delayed.
cant believe you almost let your daughter die
The director, and lead animator/ designer for VEG are both fine so VEG will become kyoanis flagship
>If we play with dof in post it will totally hide that it's a single flat background
Shit like this is how I'll remember you kyoani.
Why was this show so sappy and melodramatic? Do you think with the first hand experience Kyoani just acquired in regards to tragic events, that they'll be able to write better drama now? If they manage to survive past this of course.
Because not every anime needs to be happy go lucky all the time. Also VEG is good so fuck off, vocal minority
It already was before this fucking attack.