July 20th is Misao Kusakabe's birthday

July 20th is Misao Kusakabe's birthday.

Attached: Misao_Kusakabe.pic.png (266x309, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

exhentai.org/?f_search=kusakabe misao

She's the background scenery

I hated her voice.

Kagami pls.

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aren't we all

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She was the pinnacle of 2007


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What if Misao was isekaied?

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gdgd Fairies was pure kino

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cute feet

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Fuck misao

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Best side character in the history of side characters.

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I have never watched Lucky Star but she looks like a big dummy.

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She is a cute dummy

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It's also my birthday.
And no one has said happy birthday to me ;_;

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Happy birthday user, you share a birthday with a beautiful angel like misao.

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I wish I was that teddy bear.

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You and me both

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I'd feed her my meatball.

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You've waifued her hard, and I respect that.


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Misaoposter is based and his love for his waifu is admirable, and he is nothing if not dedicated.


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>Having a misao thread both in Yea Forums and /c/

Absolute madman.

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I wish her VA did more things, her voice was very unique and would be perfect for tomboy voices

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You have no idea how much i agree with you, i wish Kaoru Mizuhara did more of her cute Misao voice in the industry.

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I seriously hope you've watched Gdgd Fairies.

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>2011 was 8 years ago

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I should mention the pink one is voiced by the seiyuu who does pinkhaired Jizz Jockeys, Spunk Monks, Sperm Worms and Fluid Druids. Even in dubbing roles for gaijin cartoons.


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holy moly, roly poly, why did you post this image?

for reals, what kind of person seeks out, downloads, and reposts an image (a hand drawn image) of a school girl dropping a meatball?

like I get the whole "moe" thing, and i get the appeal of a ditsy, klutzy girl, but this, thats just a waste of food and a total shame. waste of a good meatball if you ask me.

the fact that somebody thought this was just hilarious to draw that level of... tragedy, and then you think everyone else wanted to see that just rattles my noggin. a perfectly good meatball gone to waste? nothing to joke about buddy. my grandma would paddle me over that, and i don't blame her. especially with how good her cooking is. she was a full blooded Italian, born and raised there, and lets just say it runs in the family. when i see a good meatball getting whacked like that... oh my kokoro. it's like, if i was watching someone play hacky sack in the Sistine Chapel and they kicked up too hard.

and the worst part of all is that in about 30 posts this will morph into a /ck/ thread with almost a hundred webms of similar situations depicting food being mutilated, mostly by Americans and Mexicans who don't know any better. My grandmother would have a heart attack if she saw some of the stuff you guys post here.

I know this is how the internet works but really guys?

(by the way, please don't call me out on forgetting to capitalize, my shift key is sticky and I didn't notice until I was pretty much done writing this)

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Meatball lives matter.

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Happy birthday Misao.

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Why didn't she get more roles guys?

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Didn't suck enough producer dick.

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Misao calling herself and the forehead girl background characters is probably the funniest scene in the show.

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I'll contribute


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In a universe where everyone has pink, blue, green, purple, etc colored hair, Misao is the one with the danger hair.

forehead girl is a redhead.

She’s not a person

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Also Patty is all american blonde and there's also the autistic glasses girl who draws lesbians.

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Best girl; best voice; best fang
Perfect waifu

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This post speaks the absolute truth.

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The bestest Lucky Star.

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The best indeed.


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Her head is bigger than her chest

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She's like a prototype Ikazuchi.

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Ikazuchi is top cute boat because she reminds me of misao so much

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Yeah and neither of those are people

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Do you think her original sketches are lost to time and the flames?

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Most likely, which is a shame.

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Do animation studios not have museums?
And shouldn't this be on /c/?

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My /c/ thread already hit image limit.

By myself.

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>not a single doujin

>He doesn't know

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exhentai.org/?f_search=kusakabe misao

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I'd this misao

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>tfw no nurse misao


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Her voice, her fang, her hair, her eyes, her boyish and lazy attitude, i could go on all day but those are the ones that made fall in love with her, she is always so happy, and playful. Her cheerful and always airy personality or her slight childishness which I absolutely adore.

Once I fell in love with her, however, I became absolutely captivated by every facet of her, physical and mental traits, and so on, that she encompasses in her personality.

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Attached: 1.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

Regardless of how naughty or tomboyish she might look, Misao is actually the most innocent, open, well-meaning, radiant and positive character in the series.

Unlike all the other characters, she never even once hides anything or pretends to be something she's not, not even as a joke. She does not know how to bear grudges or to be truly upset or angry at somebody. More importantly, she does not have the capability to be anything other than herself.

All of which makes her absolutely awesome.

Attached: 20110720163636376.jpg (1260x912, 960K)

bye misao thread


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