I still can't believe this actually happened. I still think I'm in some long dream/nightmare. This is just too crazy

I still can't believe this actually happened. I still think I'm in some long dream/nightmare. This is just too crazy

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Other urls found in this thread:


What is a nigthmare for one may be a dream come true for another.
Also, stop spamming these cringey reddit tier threads and acting like a pussy.

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Holy shit, condense your threads KyoAnus drones

Burn yourself, kudasai

Get cancer you fucking insensitive faggots

stop making kyoani fire threads.

No one cares about you earning good boy points on Yea Forums.

The worst part of this: Studios are now going to change their stories to be as popular as possible to avoid outrage. We are no longer going to see hard hitting endings that make us mourn

Fucking what?
I don't remember any mediums changing their stories like that after any tragic events IRL. Why should they?

I'm literally taking a shit right now

Bye bye KyoAnus! So sad! Low energy!

I've been watching their anime since 2018!
Thr world will never be the same!

I'm gonna make another thread in a few minutes so I can kill you one of your shounenshit threads.

>i didn't like kyoaniggers anyway
please off the board forever

Huh, wierd...

Attached: burndownkyoani.png (1800x2324, 1.51M)

Keep going, brave user! You sure will help them to raise their dead by making more threads in the Internet and insulting other people to feel superior after it!

KusoAnus burning down is probably the best thing that has happened to the industry this decade.

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You not remembering doesn't mean they don't happen. Certain Japanese games were edited or went unpublished in America after 9/11. Metal Wolf Chaos was one case of getting a release cancelled and Metal Gear Solid 2 got rewritten. There was also an arc in one Precure series that they decided to soften up after the major earthquakes several years back because they thought people should see a more hopeful message in the wake of it.

OP, you're not alone. I feel the same.

That said, 's framing of "as popular as possible" is a stupid way to put it.

>all these try hard special snowflakes
No wonder why kyoani got the worst turn of events.

But you still watch moe/sol/adventure anime right? just look at the image you posted

It's just unfair. It should have happened to Pixar fuckers instead.

hi re_ddit :)

That's from a supernatural romcom

doesn't matter they all look moe to me. deal with it

Attached: shrugs.gif (500x578, 2M)

saved your moe image there

>he never saw biyori
literal newfag only saves image reactions

>I still can't believe this actually happened.
Why not? That's what anime otaku do. They masturbate to little girls, support Donald Trump, and burn people alive.
Just remember this tragedy next time you meet an anime otaku. If you want to make the world a better place, then you know what you have to do.

I know it's the wrong broad to say this but I honestly dont care, am I in the wrong here?

Seto no Hanayome: 2007
Nyanpassu spammer: 2013

who's the newfag again ?

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the majority of reactions is virtue signalling, I'm not personally related to the matter, naturally, never bought something from any studio, but nonetheless from an objective perspective we lost a lot of potential. It's not just about the studio's past works, imagine all the future outcomes that changed due to people dying, being disabled, and the affect on others now.

and japanese loves to create taboos, no more shows showing people dying from fire, etc

>Literally had a nightmare about my backyard being on fire last night

I'm literally said in seto no hanayome they all look moe which is still a point that you cannot counter

This is the reason I'm upset. So many new shows and additional seasons of existing shows that can never see the light of day. The "what could have been?" question will linger forever.

Me too. I'm still in shock. I can't believe we're finally free from these fuckers

What I don't get is how much gasoline did he have to poor ? Looks like the entire building burnt down so I imagine it was a good amount but then it must have taken him some time, what were other people doing during that time ?

Dont use Seto to say shit like that

At least put Kyoani into your garbage OP, so that your shitty post gets caught by my filter, user.
You're being rude and I hope you burn.

40L of gasoline, set the exits on fire, then set the staircase that ran from the 1st to the 3rd floor on fire so it spread quickly, poured gasoline on people as they escaped, threatened employees with knives.

Oh ok.

He did not throw gasoline on people as they escaped, that's fanfiction.

"Why didn't they escape from the roof?"
- They tried. The smoke filled up their lungs and they passed out in the staircase. All the bodies started to pile up and nobody could get out.

"Why didn't they jump out the windows?"
- Some did. They suffered severe cuts and burns anyways. The rest who tied didn't make it. Bodies were piled up at the windows as well.

"Why didn't they notice the fire sooner?"
- Because 40 fucking liters of gasoline were used. By the time they smelled the smoke they'd be fucked.

Kyoani was shit anyway.

>Bodies were piled up at the windows as well.
God. The firemen must have witnessed some scene out of a horror movie.

Kyoani doesn't make good stuff anyway. Just look at their recent shit. Others studio would had done better.

We literally have an anime about fire right fucking now.

So uhm, there wasn't such thing as closed windows and roof door to prevent suicide right ?

It got pushed back.


The fucked up thing is the guy who murdered 33 people will probably only get 3 years in jail because Japanese have no sense of justice

It's been 2 days already. It happened OP now move on.

I haven't watched anything since that happened I just haven't been in the mood for it.

"pick me" headass

Really? It'd be the opposite, they'd put him on death row and torture him for a billion years before hanging him, while the UN cries about how inhumane they are to the mentally ill

It's morning in Nippon, tune your television sets and prepare for news

That statement leads me to believe that you never watched Violet Evergarden which is easily one the best TV anime series released in the last 10 years from both an artistic and storytelling perspective.

I think what fucks with people's brains so much is the horrific discrepancy between the studio basically being known for the most "innocent" fluffy shows with cute girls and boys in existence and the nightmare stuff that is this , the bloody footprints, the report of the eyewitnesses, the amputated body parts, knowledge about how fire survivors look like and other shit.
It's like some horrible metaphor of our world that shows how much our fantasy and wishes are just that while we pretend to live in a not good but acceptable world that is somehow meritocratic when in reality everything can turn to hell every fucking minute for purely random bullshit and there is no higher justice or anything that happens that can make us feel good about it again.
What has happened here is the diametral opposite of anything Kyoani ever produced and stood for. Sure, it happens all the time in the world, but that doesn't make it less fucked.

Par for the course for the firemen, though, they knew what job they signed up for.

Red shirt man did a really good job with the original script after all

Woah, too fucking soon...

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Firemen is the single most based profession

I marathoned Endless Eight a month early, not sure if it was more or less surreal.


This. Every time anything happens these days people who deep down either only care as a result of lost entertainment value or are simply virtue signaling/good boy/girl/tranny point farming act all sad when they're not sad about any loss of life. I know that there are people who really are, but 90% of the people who are u_u ing are fucking full of shit.

Is it another high school drama shit?



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Aaaand they moved on to the comedians again. Nothing new

stop spamming you big homo

There are "burn down" comments for literally every studio. Like just type in some key words for Trigger and Toei

It's not which is why it refreshing and felt like a risky show for that studio in particular but I'm glad they did it because I'm not sure any other studio could have made it have as much impact as it did.

>Mako travel to Bolivia and Peru
lol what a random thing to show. Yes I know Peru has japanese heritage population

So, Yea Forums is full of ready to go arsonists, and a Jap weeb that no doubt posted on 2/5ch burnt it down too.


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Moeshit BTFO

Why would people virtue signal on a fucking anonymous board you fucking retard, stop projecting, understand that not everyone is like you. I am fucking tired of every tragedy where people are reasonably bothered having one of you fags making the discussion all about how much better, genuine and woke you are.

Yes I am really not an emotional guy but I would never take that job. I talked to a ambulancewoman once and the shit she had seen on motorways and stuff sounded like out of some exaggerated gore movie. Sure you get used to it, but I am not sure I want to. And it always does things to the mind even when people deal with it in a professional way.

Only newfags are impressed by VEG, especially by its, ahem, storytelling

I guess I should preface this that it is still drama though they sprinkle some action here and there but at no point does it feel forced or unrealistic when you consider the situation, circumstances and characters which is the one thing Kyoani is able to get right.

Same here. Even if I did not like Kyoani that much the fact that so many good talented people died because of one crazy faggot still completely killed my mood

You can congratulate the mods on removing the sticky before the list of casualties was made available, this board will be utterly flooded when they release it.

And only autists wouldn't be able to appreciate the storytelling.

To be honest it is more of a social media thing though. I am not sure if I suffer because of this or how much I suffer, whatever it is I will only ever talk about this here. I hate the thought of posting these whiny shit on social media because it feels wrong. It feels like people want to play the victims too and that's shit because those suffering are those affected by this shit and not some weeb in England who might be said over another catastrophe happening or getting less cute girls shows from now on.
It's why I always hated these damn "pray for" posts so much. I didn't even realised why I hated them until recently.

I actually muted pray for kyoani shit

Man the moment I heard about his motive in the video "stealing the plot of his novel" felt so out of place, almost comical compared to what happened.

This, I knew this was happen. I knew it all.
Next sticky gonna be when Takemoto is officially dead, so until then threads everywhere.

>bugman so braindead he can't even imagine someone actually caring about something

yeah , the story isn't that great honestly , i only like the art , the story was a trainwreck compared to how good the art was.

I get you user, I can't believe it either. I didn't think the Yea Forums and /pol/ infestation ran this deep, but the threads made me come to terms with it.

Well yeah, I'm already getting to burn down the server buildings hosting Yea Forums

Well, at least KyoAni now has a limited excuse for why it won't produce anything decent ever again.
Wouldn't have happened either way, but this way it doesn't look like it was their fault.

I'd rather be honest about it, I don't know the people who were attacked nor anyone who knows them so saying I'm sad about people I have no personal connection with would just be disingenuous but I AM upset because of the lost entertainment value. There were Kyoani shows that I was looking forward to maybe getting another season down the road and those hopes are gone, and that depresses me.

I'm sort of glad this happened, just to show soibois how god awful their board is.
>dey raiding us!
No one is raiding you, faggots. Check the catalog on any other no board. No one gives about this at all.

it's one of those things where when people are alive nobody cares to give a positive word, but then they die and the entire world decides to express it.

I guarantee that show is cancelled now.

"Barisaku" has already been debunked. Stop spreading false news.

You mean the stack of mac minis?

Fuck man it still pains me to think about it.

there are literally nihilistic wicked sense of humor discord teenagers spamming these threads

VEG is one of these series I 100% know I would have loved to dead if I had seen them 5 or 10 years ago. Not sure when, doesn't matter, but at some earlier point of my anime enthusiasm.
Now I "only" enjoyed it. The looks are beyond good and it has a lot of nice motifs and problems but I couldn't really connect with it and cannot ignore certain characterization or writing issues anymore I wouldn't even have noticed 5+ years back.

I remember co when Stan Lee died and Yea Forums when Iwata died, and I can imagine how it would be like if had not perished of sickness but had been murdered.
You are a faggot.

I'm not part of your discussion, but seriously look up what the word means before using it.
It doesn't mean what you think it means.

>Be Soul Eater Mangaka
>Your manga gets an anime with filler ending
>Your spin-off gets an anime which nobody liked it
>your new manga gets an anime
>you cry that TRIGGER plagiarized you with the movie PROMARE, about firefighters too
>This happens
man, he can't catch a break

Yes this. It especially pisses me off when better known people do it. Twitter is already full of those celebrities who suddently post the most generic anime meme shit to pretend they are weebs but it's especially bad when it's about a tragedy.

What is the saying? You don't care about it until you lose it or something?

who's projecting now? Of course by any common sense I would chose to not have this happen, what's good about destroying things that are not born yet? But this is not the first tragedy, or last, that will happen on this world, why don't you take your time to at least make the people directly related to you less miserable instead of judging on an anonymous board ?

I BTFO'd your mom last night


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No he talks about others, virtue-signalers.

>they don't have images of the arson's house inside so they put them the clothes lines again

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Ah yes, nobody cared about KyoAni on Yea Forums, never saw a thread about any of their shows until today

That's PR and I hate it too.
My country has a saying, "why should someone die to be noticed"?

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The only thing more annoying than a gatekeeper is a gravekeeper

Yes, that's a good saying, but I suppose that it's not that they don't care, it's just a peer-pressure that subtly converge genuine feelings into a reactionary tendency. Usually we really have to lose something to appreciate that it existed.

>wants other people to suffer a incurable and horrible disease
>calls other insensitive

Yep it still means exactly what I've always known it to mean. Why are you talking to me? Did you just watch your first intro to philosophy on youtube and feel the need to enlighten someone?

Kyoanifaggots are retarded. I saw people send death threats to kyoani haters on social medias.

I don't disagree with you there. It would have been nice to have it, but it was within the requirements of what was expected to happen. The establishment does not deal with highly flammable material. I highly doubt the thing even has a kitchen for there be a gas pipe. This is an attack not an act of God.

That's a nice saying.
It also shows that media and people are always more likely to share something when some horrible shit has happened. All of my country's tv programs showed the catastrophe but all of them would rather burn themselves down than ever showing a single anime episode. 99,8% of the people seeing these reports had no idea what that studio even was.

Two large off-site groups have already been found to be performing raids on Yea Forums, I don't see the reasoning for the denial of their existence

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A reminder that it's in your best interest to take fire safety courses and research fire safety information online. Note the escape routes, report unsafe practices. Install smoke detectors in your home.

mate, it's not about Yea Forums, holy shit, this is Yea Forums and at least you should expect subverted reactions and trolling, of course it's a bad thing, but you are wasting time trying to banter to every anonymous poster that don't type the text that you expect to read. This is not reddit, we don't have karma to worry about.

So it's like that huh... I understand everything now

Everyone gets death threats these days, even Kyoani itself got them.

No there aren't seriously, this isn't Reddit.

Attached: 1549385798037.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

>Install smoke detectors in your home.

I check mine every three months.

Holy fuck, they are reporting Megumi Ohno drawings, she's gonna became a martyr of this because she was cute

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Can someone post the picture of the burnt corpse?

Japan struggling with social worker shortage to help recluses

A government estimate released in March showed that the number of socially withdrawn people between the ages of 40 and 64 stood at 613,000, eclipsing that of those aged 15 to 39 at 541,000.


You can't afford to protect against all fires.

There's no reason to design a studio for a 40 liter gasoline fire, just like there's no reason to design a parking garage for a paper fire.

Even their decision not to have a fire escape on a three story building is entirely reasonable: The safety considerations for a building of this size are minimal; It's just no one expected someone to walk in and torch the bottom floor.

For context: the US Military M2 Flamethrower only puts out 4 gallons of fuel before running dry.

This man used 10 gal: Try to consider the level of absurdity putting together a fire plan that is literally proof against 2 flamethrowers.

They're not even using completed words user. It's written very simplisticly.

>Install smoke detectors in your home
They are a necessity in Germany. At best you will get into trouble if anything should happen and it turns out you didn't have them. Guess it's the same for most Europe.

I more or less ignore the overarching story because I know that's not what it's about. It's about a young girl who was used as a weapon by the military discovering her humanity by being forced into a position where she has to acknowledge others humanity in order to perform her job. You start to catch feelings when you see her have a breakthrough even if it was only a small step. For me, THAT was what the storytelling was all about and why I appreciated it.

Kill yourself KHK.

The whole event shows that Kyoani haters are just plain inhuman trash

>grandfather saying how much she loved pancakes
jesus fucking christ, more pics incoming this was hard and keeps going

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>Why are you talking to me?
Since that word has been used towards me in the past, and it pissed me off, since when you are using slurs, you should at least make sure they somewhat fit.
>Nihilism is the philosophical viewpoint that suggests the denial of, or lack of belief in, the reputedly meaningful aspects of life.
That doesn't seem to apply to those faggots spamming these threads.
("Faggots" fits here, since OP is always a fag.)

do we know what novel was "stolen" from the guy yet?

Set yourself on fire.

TRIGGER better be prepared. I'm just saying.

>but it was within the requirements of what was expected to happen
Building to those requirements got 34 people killed. And for what? The aesthetic of having a spiral staircase instead of a firewalled stairwell?

>There's no reason to design a studio for a 40 liter gasoline fire
Considering the risk of copycats now there sure as fuck is.

>they're covering Megumi Ohno
I can't take this.

Grandfather with the pic of Megumi on his phone

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I feel like it will be really hard to watch the VEG movie when it comes out.
It will also 100% have some text or even video epilogue commemoration thing about the people who have worked on this that are dead or disabled now.

You're such a newfag you didn't even recognize the meme phrase I used. Fuck off

Can we get a downvote system on Yea Forums already? I'm sure downvotting any bigot fascist poster that don't type right now how sad they are and how eager they are to check who died in order to be even more sad, I hope that my favorite director died too so I can be hyper sad.

Grandfather interviewed (He had a Minions t-shirt and a book with her drawings, couldn't make a pic of that shoot sadly).
holy fuck right now the baseball book she gift him dammit this is so fucking sad

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Fucking hell. Can you people stop with your studio war whinging for five fucking minutes?

You even think what this is going to do for your studios? The shows you fucking like?

I won't be surprised if a couple of people just fuck off out of the industry: The death threats they constantly get can no longer be ignored as bluster.

Even if you don't like a god damn thing Kyoto Animation did; they were good for the industry, and now they're fucking gone. They're not recovering from this.

no, guy is still sedated or in coma.

bro.. the feels are hitting me hard.

>all these children
>in my Yea Forums

of course

Given his mental illness, it's probably similar case to Dimebag Darrell.

who's she? Worked with which titles?

Who would win the fight between Truck-kun, AK47-kun and Fire-kun and why?
And what will be the next mass-murder weapon, e-scooters?

You can't just retrofit a building like that. The best defense they can manage in time is to hire security.

Just a qt, nobody important.

Endless eight had far reaching consequences the likes have never even before

Captcha: bicycles

That's like saying every home should have a protection against fire bombing. Don't be retarded

They were BAD for the industry.

Cosplaying a strawman already user? Quite desperate...

Grandpa talking about her love for pancakes, asking him to have ones when she was with him

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Most likely a trainee. She just started working at KyoAni about a year ago.

Steel chairs.

this is the point, I expect to read some trolling, but it will only get worse when we start to notice the implications of this shit that one single guy pulled. Japan has some wicked social anomalies that are scary when they happen.

kek, saved!

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The baseball book from his favorite team that she gifted him with her first paycheck (goddami this was so sad when I was watching it)

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It's best to ignore their comments. More than likely its some stupid discord groups doing this for their own entertainment.

Firekun beats AK47kun who beats truck kun who beats Firekun

Why are his arms covered in wounds?

And the people on the tv studio sad while one of her drawings on the back (drawing from granpa's book, not from her instagram).
Guys, she's gonna be all the news instead of Takemoto when she's found deceased ;_;

Attached: untitled.jpg (1228x693, 93K)

damn, qt3.14 and potential talent, fuck this gay earth

>"She would often drop by to visit us you see."
>"She'd be near us and cling onto us."

>"To me and her grandma : I made this and brought it, come on eat!" she would say."

why do you have an iq of 3?

Sounds like Pokemon or elements

They paid salary. That alone made them one of the best studios in the god damn nation.

No, tell me more about how they're supposed to make shows to your tastes, that you won't pay them for.

Honestly speaking now, do you think that the piece of shit will just claim insanity and so be it ?

>You can't just retrofit a building like that.
You can, you just build the fire escape on the outside.

>The best defense they can manage in time is to hire security.
A security guard wouldn't have done shit here. He'd have had gasoline poured on him while he was lit on fire like the OL that tragically died on the first floor. You could make an argument about proper physical security, like having a security vestibule, but security comes in layers because as you can see here it failed (they disabled their keycard reader for their guests) so they should have a proper fucking fire escape.

Attached: enclosed-fire-escape-stairs.jpg (426x568, 30K)

It's the bad quality of the stream, some channels looks like that now. Yesterday they were completely fine.

She is the first 100% confirmed dead one right? Fuck that makes me so sad.

>The aesthetic of having a spiral staircase instead of a firewalled stairwell?
I fucking hate spiral staicases as much as the next guy, they're ridiculously difficult to climb in the first place. But they simply take up less space than a normal staircase. Considering the size of their building, it probably was an utilitarian choise rather a stylistic one.

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this reminds of that movie "shield of straw"

fuck lord FUCK.

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Kyoani has more autistic haters than any other studio

There was no space dumbass.

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He will hang, claiming to be mad won't so shit, it never has in Japan when it comes to murder.

Nobody is "confirmed"... but well, you know. 99,9%

You sound like a Yea Forums poster talking about game development.

See attached image. It's in retaliation to vile shit like this. Moe haters are actual killers now. There's a difference between not liking something, as opposed to being intolerant and going out of your way to hate on it.

I heard the death threats may not have been from this arsonist either. Kyoani may need fucking state protection.

Attached: Untitled.png (960x615, 49K)

>Asians caring about mental health/illness
If he doesn't die in hospital, they will probably hang him

You missed entirely "In time."

If we get a copycat, it's going to be within a month. They don't even have time for planning permission.

Man imagine how it feels to read that book. Whenever he tries to read it he will think of her and be reminded of this shit. I wonder if I could even do it. One the one side I would feel obliged to do it because it was her last gift but on the other side every paragraph must hurt like hell.

yes, and that building has only that one side, retard...

They had two staircases, a spiral one and one that was normal and led to the roof. Both were set on fire

i think i'm only now starting to slowly grasp the extent of this tragedy. it was just too unreal for me.

my fucking goodness.

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Stop crying about it already.

Everything that can be sent death threats gets death threats

Even if the keycard was not disabled it wouldn't have mattered, doors were glass and he brought a hammer to smash his way through. Maybe it'd give people on the first floor a quicker heads up that there was an intruder but it wouldn't have been much

There's plenty of space you muppet.

Attached: studio1.jpg (1400x1400, 177K)

Release the death list and I'll stop


>He didn't seem like the sort of person who would be into anime, but he did love gaming
>I could hear the same game music playing and booming on repeat
>It sounded like game background music being played at a very loud volume

Arsonist confirmed Yea Forums faggot

Attached: gamerconflagrate.jpg (724x1213, 263K)

Sometimes I feel like stalking one of these shits and giving them a scare.

Imagine if she dedicated her some little drawing, a message and her signature inside. Fuck me that would be devastating

And neither were firewalled so all the smoke from the first floor just went up to the second and third, killing everyone via carbon monoxide poisoning.

Fuck you.

That's assuming they own the adjacent lots which they most likely don't. Fucking idiot.

Space that doesn't belong to another property, you asshat. Those are clearly adjoining properties that don't belong to Kyoani.

Those are 2 days old news, so sounds like you're the Yea Forums faggot here

>I heard the death threats may not have been from this arsonist either. Kyoani may need fucking state protection.
Yes they were from other people. It's terrible but death threats are ubiquitous these days. Instead of dealing with it or stop watching something asshole will always threat you now and there are literally people getting killed afterwards.

How about you suck my dick faggot?

I'm gonna continue spreading this until you go back to your own board.

>his mom didn't abort him
Sad. Also stop posting here.

What do you think fire escape even looks like? It can be as simple as the iron ladder wielded to the side of a bulding and still do its job.

Attached: stairs.jpg (600x800, 107K)

Yo, fuck that guy.

there is nothing else to say about this

I hope we all apologized to /n/, they were cleary clean and we jumped to them so hard.
It's Yea Forums every single time, goddamit.

looks like a prison

I still believe that if they had to say it personally to another human being they would refrain, it's probably a social outcast with easy access to social network and no real sense of consequence. At least I hope that we are not on an age where people are so desensitized that we have things like this associated to a real person's account.

stop making baseless assumptions you fuckin retard


It felt a lot more like it was Yea Forumsfags using early speculation as an excuse to raid yet another board, everything wrong with the world is Yea Forums

imagine being an edgy faggot and criticizing the creators of the images that you use to masturbate

>not go to university
>be given dream position over people who probably went to animation school and did unpaid internships/work for years because youre young cute faced girl
Don't wish death on anyone but the people at Kyoani can get (nonlethally) fucked

If you don't have the space for a proper fire escape or can't secure an easement to do so using neighboring land, then you shouldn't be building whatever it is you're building. That said, I suspect the parking lot does belong to KyoAni because the president claimed that normally employees enter from the back, it's the largest building in that vicinity, and you need somewhere for the 74 goddamn people in the building to park.

Going by people I know irl these faggots are almost always self-isolated fags. Be it due to being lazy NEETs, insufferable fags nobody likes to talk to or old retired people that spend their days attacking people on the net now.


Attached: KyoAni Fire.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Take your (You) and never reply to me again.

That's the catch, it's incredibly difficult to plan against premeditated assault. What if he'd buy 4000L of gasoline, load it in a truck, and ram the building ISIS-style? No amount of safety measures would save against that. You do need a proper security personnel to manually keep your surroundings in check.

Attached: 1531617749981.png (640x360, 326K)

He was right all along

Attached: jt.jpg (225x240, 12K)

It's more like a crematorium.

>and you need somewhere for the 74 goddamn people in the building to park.
It's japan, they don't have a car for every single individual citizen. A lot of people just commute or walk.

It's just underage kids. Same one who trying to push this
>old Yea Forums was edgy like a Yea Forums go aways moralfags

Attached: 1563552906955.png (1886x872, 1019K)

No way the adjustment lot in Japan is smaller than 1-2 meters if you own the entire bulding.

right? And knowing that their consumers are unstable shit human beings that send death threats if their waifu is not cute enough, how nobody is even worried about safety nowadays ? Even idols know that some fucker could stab them in the first contact personally.

employees entrance is from the left side of the building and there would be also enough space for fire escape.

They may not have a car for every citizen but I'm sure that KyoAni probably has a fucking parking lot for when NHK or whatever comes by with news equipment unless you think they make them drag it on the subway.

Please fuck off. You're going on like a broken record.

japan i swear always puts way too much on the screen no matter what it is. commercials, item pages on online stores, news, etc

Attached: japan advertising strategy.jpg (468x670, 109K)

How about you fuck off with your excusing someone building a death trap that killed a bunch of people because he wanted a spiral staircase.

go die in fire stupid f/a/ggott

>Install smoke detectors in your home
I took the one in my apartment down. The little shit would trigger every time I cook anything.

Actually I wish the world was rather like this. That you could just start a job and those good at it would stay there and the others get fired no matter how good they were at school or how many connections they have. I know so many people with university degrees who are the most incompetent idiots on earth and just cheated they way through and others that are talented as fuck working some shitty worker class jobs because they failed getting good enough school grades for different reasons.

must be a jew

I'm almost thinking it's a good idea to give value to human lives: they consume creation from other people and aren't even descent enough to recognize the hypocrisy in saying shit like that. Who should have lived? A fucking anime picture user pirating effort from others on twitter or any staff from kyoani?


Attached: untitled.jpg (1230x692, 91K)

>enter kyoani thread
>wageslaves screeching about NEETs

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Your argument has been blown significantly and you still go on about such. It's a nice thing to have but you can't fault for not expecting an extreme scenario where a fire engulfed a building within 3 minutes with the help of a compound that should not exist in the premise. So yeah. Just fuck off.

It's so strange looking at someone's picture when you know that the person died.

No, they'd put him on death row but never tell him the date of execution so everyday he wakes up he wonders "Will I live another day?".

>grind fundies for years
>finally good at drawing
>living the dream drawing people's waifus/husbandos
>it makes you happy to make others happy
>one day you're at your desk painstakingly getting the timing right
>it took months from the writing to storyboard and sound work and finally things are coming together
>but you love what you do and love that others love it
>you can't wait to finish up this part tomorrow with your peers
>suddenly some rando rocks up
>you have never felt something so instantly engulfing in it's acute pain
>by the time you register what's happening, all you can hear ia the crackle of flames and the screams of your peers
>it's too late but you all try to find some sort of salvation from the flames, scrambling every sort of way
>if you had a train of thought, you don't remember as your flesh chars from the heat, layer by layer
>you just want it to stop
>you just wanted to make people happy

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It's very theatrical to complain about people who go to school and work but aren't competent, but such people are far less in number than people who do the same are very capable/competent BECAUSE of said study/experience.

Just because you can think of fun/interesting/dramatic story to tell doesn't mean it matches the facts of life. So fucking tired of people defaulting to what sounds interesting over what sounds dramatic like this.

>put Kyoanus in twitter search
So this is your average zoomer shitposter?

Where i can find full victim list?

user, as said there was space for a fire escape by the employee entrance. There is no excuse for not having a proper fire escape in a commercial building. This has nothing to do with the type of fire. Their entire office was wood an paper. If any fire started they were fucked because they couldn't get out.

I hope your house is a fucking all in one fortress for all scenarios. I look forward to seeing you withstand all sort of calamities and attacks.

They haven't release it yet.

They'll be released in a week or so

Google Translate:
>According to the president Hatta, the front door usually closes the shutter, and the employees are coming and going from the employee entrance on the other side. However, there was a visitor on the morning of the 18th when the fire started, and the shutter was open.
>In preparation for suspicious persons, a security camera with an entrance was also installed.
>Since the studio is completed in 2007 and there are spiral staircases, Kyoto City has instructed installation of a smoke barrier in the completion inspection. In response to this, they installed a 50 cm long smoke-proof wall that hangs from the ceiling.
>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design, shook his voice, saying, "I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."

It's over, KyoAni CEO admitted responsibility for the fire. They aren't resuming production on anything.

Or face burnt beyond recognition and unable to speak.

Not him but I agree only because of the building being probably 70-80% made of wood. The fire engulfed the building. No shit, it's almost all wooden.

In the future.

Yeah retard. I'm done with this shit.

Actually no, the whole burn down thing is very much Kyoani centered. There barely one or two posts for other studios ever. Be my guest and use the search engines for yourself, you'll see what I mean.

>grow up watches tons of anime
>study and practice for years
>go to animation school
>write many stories and do unpaid work
>apply to multiple studios every year with increasingly large portfolio
>company takes one of your stories and adapts it as their own without crediting you
>meanwhile old dudes hire a bunch of young 20-22 year old girls who didnt go to college or have much training and only tangentially interested in the medium because they are cute
>everyone just views you as a fat loser otaku
>you just wanted to do what you love and make people happy

this is neat as fuck

Truth. 4chins ISN'T a place of goodness and forgiveness. There is NO loving kindness here. There is NOT morality. If anyone comes here, they will their salad tossed if they ask for it.

With every new info things are getting more terrible.

>Not him
Yeah and I'm Takemoto.

Will he take hisl responsibilities, if accused of neglicence, or will he commit sudoku?

Is there any chance that the perp was Jewish or paid by Jews to snuff out influential media run by gentiles?

>so everyday he wakes up he wonders "Will I live another day?".
Considering that executions can literally take decades to happen (see the saren terrorists) it's basically the same as any human life. We just believe we will live for ages so we never ask us these questions.

His wife died in the fire

studio 1 was a reinforced concrete building, wood was only used for the furniture and interior finishing.

even if it was a timber building, that would not have made any difference. people don't really understand how timber elements behave in the case of fire.

>we don't have a list of victims yet because it takes some time to get the DNA out of every corpses teeth
>people are burned so much its impossible to even see if they are male or female

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once the relatives gives consent


Sure thing, it doesn't disprove or refute what I said. All of this could have been prevented.

Source? Fucking brutal if true.


You need to open windows when you cook.

Some insider told me death itself was invented by jews too.

He relaxed.

But why aren't they confirming the identities of the people in ICU or those with minor injuries?

It wouldn't have been prevented. But at least the more life would probably be saved. And that is down to the higher ups incompetence.

She was a producer and is still among the missing.

Utterly tragic. This all feels so shitty.

I prefer information dense to modern web "design".

having one in the kitchen is retarded. in the next room makes sense

the culprit deserve something way beyond death penalty, there are people dead and permanently injured or suffering that did not have ANYTHING to do with his motivation, and now families are also affected. It's unfathomable how sick a person has to be to do this.

>being this retarded to think that wood and paper alone will help an electrical fire escalate within 3 minutes.

The guy wasn't a fanboy. He alleged that they had stolen ideas from him.

I'm not sure why that was significant to him. Ideas are irrelevant unless executed. More than one person can have the same idea.

>they still trying to believe in miracles
>after all happened
Look arsonist was blessed with 999 luck stat. Everything that can go wrong gone wrong for everyone others. If anything "miracles" happens - that will be innocence of arsonist.

Attached: YHVH_Shin_Megami_Tensei.png (300x348, 27K)

No, it's not. Cooking poses tremendous fire risk.

I think I will just ignore this timeline. Everything that has happened after 2013 in the world, on the internet and even my private life is just fucking shit and I hate it. I will finally watch Blue Bird now for the first time and pretend everything to be okay.

He deserves nothing short of scaphism.

Miracle-denier be silent.

Apparently this guy walked in with a pressure soaker and 11 gallons of gas, just spraying people at their desks, and the walls, before lighting that shit up

I know, simplicity, totally not in japan's culture or anything.

You are prime weaboo.

hear hear

Why are you making shit up? He knocked over a bucket of gasoline, everyone else has reported this version of events.

Not harsh enough. They need to torture and rob the faggot everything he took for granted. Cut off his arms, legs, eyes, teeth, and tongue. Force him to live in a CIA blackout box 24/7 with the baby cry audio set to loud. The only food he gets is his own piss and shit. Let the guards beat him randomly. Do this for as long as possible until he's on the verge of death, that's when they execute him by burning him alive.

Wanna hear a funny story?
A grandfather, Kazuo Okada, told broadcaster NHK he was looking for Megumi Ono, his granddaughter.

Now look who Kazuo Okada is

The Mayans were right

Their shows made me unhappy by shitting up the medium and creating awful trends. I'm glad they're fucking ruined.

his family lives in hong kong

>Bulgarian flag

Yes there's only one Kazuo Okada in the whole of Japan.

Are you sure it's this Okada?

i will miss nishiya futoshi a lot

That's the tv studio colors at back dude

I'm not going to believe some lunatic dragged 40L of gasoline, poured it, ignite it, and no one tried to stop him.

>everyone behaves like on old Yea Forums in these threads
>thinking Yea Forums is 24/7 edge
Jokes are ok desu, I mean that was always part of this place.
but the baiting is pretty bad. You can see that most people are crossboarders only coming here to stirr up shit.
It still is one major hit to the an Anime studio and should be considered as such by most people that are not edge mc lords.

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Well he is getting hanged for sure.
Japan still has the death penalty and thats how they do it.

>already was in prison once for robbery
>got three years
>but they let him get out sometimes
>and thats the result of it

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Where the fuck is the victim list?

Don't undertand a lick of Japanese and I could figure it out.

Protip: the 17 or 18 is the date, the thing after it is the time.

Thats why I said its funny.
Imagine if it was the billionaire's granddaughter that was caught in the fire...

It won't be released. We'll only know about the most high profile deaths and one or two whose families talk to the press.

Look at him

Attached: Shinjo-Aoba.jpg (1200x675, 29K)

then you shouldn't be cooking the first place

It'll be better in the coming weeks when the people who truly don't care get bored.Yea Forums will feel this forever though.

Remember Concrete Girl? This guy deserves a literal eternity of that.

It'll be interesting to see if KyoAni ever recovers and it would be a definite loss if they didn't.

Super fucking brain dead.

It's not that hard to pour some gasoline, throw the containers down and light it. Even if someone tried to stop you, you would most likely be able to light it

Another article said she was 21 and had been working there a year. This was her first "real" job.

She would not have been in this pic, but these would be her coworkers.

Attached: Grab (3).jpg (1256x2888, 662K)

I'll cook the second.

>skip university
>get hired over people with education because your a cute girl

Go watch the Albania hospital attack so you can keep not believing what you want.

You cannot stop one who wants to start a fire with gasoline

Before you realize it you are already soaked in it and after that all he needs is to get a lighter out of his pocket and you are done for.

Setting places or people on fire with gasoline is very easy. The only way to avoid is knowing that its coming and getting the fuck away from it.

the stupid spiral staircase is near the entrance
and he puts the gasoline in a bucket which he push around on a cart
he probably push the cart the moment he sees an opening, kick the bucket near the staircase and lit it on fire
also security was lacking cause NHK was coming or something

user you don't need education for drawing...

Maybe she attended a technical college for animators? Aren't the courses 2-year?

It's not that hard until you consider its 40L, not your typical mountain dew bottle.

her drawings were nice for a low tier animator

The worst part is the constant metaposting by far. Whether the reaction is sympathy, edginess, joking, I can take or leave. Everyone debating what Yea Forums's proper reaction should be and what it was back in the day can go fuck itself.

Yeah same. That's why I've only been checking in a couple of hours for any significant updates.

They all got isekaid to a different world. :')


Just noticed the crapton of mini-splits in the back. Central Air would've worked a lot better.

Nice for a 21 yrs old with talent and who was actually having a good opportunity in a place where she could become more skilled.

My 5 Favorite Anime Works by Kyoto Animation


I just see it as people who are hopelessly attempting to rationalize the situation. Something really shitty happened and people wonder what could have been done to stop it.

Why was he sleeping on a bench?

>hanged for sure
If he only gets hanged that'll be a fucking injustice, 1 life doesn't make up for over 30 talented people. This shitbag needs to be tortured for a long long time.

I can't imagine what's happened to the receptionist at the front desk. Did they have one in the studio? The first floor is basically where the fire started and kinda “exploded”.



This is result of japan not deal with hikkimoris and other peoples with mental problem
Japan dont have a proper politics to control suicides.
This is the result no only the family but the fucking cultural bullshit.
See the cases of jbullied jap kids prefer suicide and the fucking govern dont give a shit. God bless for the japs dont having guns like the burger.
The guy will be Hnaged good made justice but japan dont prevent

Planning the attack

Attached: Shh, he's sleeping and he's dangerous.jpg (1221x691, 83K)

>low-tier animator
say what you will about KyoAni but I mean, their production values were pretty damn high for broadcast anime. Certainly a lot higher than most studios.

He needs to be hung after 20-30 years of being treated like a prisoner of war.

Who the fuck dies in a fire from a building that small?

>someone sees fire
>hits fire alarm
>everyone hits the nearest exit because small building

There was either a receptionist or somebody close to the entrance that did notice him, because survivors from the second floor said they heard arguing before the fire erupted.

>there are people dead and permanently injured or suffering that did not have ANYTHING to do with his motivation, and now families are also affected.
but user they all stole his idea or let it be stolen

>gasoline fires spread slowly

>Since the studio is completed in 2007 and there are spiral staircases, Kyoto City has instructed installation of a smoke barrier in the completion inspection. In response to this, they installed a 50 cm long smoke-proof wall that hangs from the ceiling.

Pic related

Attached: Smoke barrier.jpg (1253x699, 236K)

Justice doesn't exist.

All we can do is remove him from this world to minimize further damage.
They will probably keep him in the cell alone for years without telling him when he is going to die and then one day just storm the cell and hang him when he doesn't expect it.

The only way the next-of-kin know is when they get a call from the prison saying come pick up the body

they all died after less than 3 minutes

>no arm pillow
Truly a deranged individual.

It's only 60 pounds of liquid. He had a dolly and only needed hand to carry it a few yards. Even an out of shape shut-in can do that.

He also splashed it all over himself as well.

go back reddit faggot or better yet kill yourself

Go look up how quickly gasoline lights up. Remember gasoline has an energy density of 45 MJ/kg. For comparison: TNT has an energy density of 4 MJ/kg.

Well that didn't do fuckall for them

Spiral staircases are the devil

Emergency stairs wouldn't have helped in this case. The spiral staircase lead to quick spread of smoke which is what killed most people. Of course nobody could have imagined that something like this could ever happen but if they didn't have that staircase there then fire and smoke would have been detained on first floor long enough for most people on 2nd and 3rd floor to escape through windows or balcony. Although the people on first floor would still die from explosion and fire.

Whoa, calm down herkz.

Oldfag here. Yea Forums is worse than reddit now because of people like you.

Find me a negative or joke-making thread about this on reddit. None? I guess that's where you belong if that's what you are looking for.

Eliot Rodger had his family's support and had been placed in the care of a professional therapist.
You can blame society all you like, and it might even hold some water to it, but it's more likely that an individual will be able to wrestle with and control their own demons than it is that society will find a way to identify and support each and every one of of those individuals. Society can prevent mass perversions like Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, or Mao's China, but these individual people with terrible infections are nearly impossible to find until they actually do something, especially if they're hiding it.

We closed down Asylums because most crazy people are harmless and aren't done any favors by being locked up and abused by subhuman, low skill medical staffers. Do you think first world countries need to start bringing them back?

Damn, this really is like the anime version of that incident

I thought he lived nearby?

>Shinji Aoba
>Dead Sea Scroll
>Jewish manuscript

That might have prevented smoke from going up in a much smaller fire (think that pic is second floor). Also doesn't help the gasoline fire was under the staircase itself.

from what I remember reading, the stairwell was not enclosed, so that would've been almost as bad.

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Give me my favorite studio back.

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Wasn't it Yoshiji Kigami? I know only two of them match 60's age, but I heard most people suspected Kigami to be there, not her.

At the end (because he wasn't barisaku), he was from Saitama and went to Kyoto 1 day in advance, that's why he was on that bench

First day reading about president's wife being there. It was Kigami the one who died, he's 61.

>gasoline has an energy density of 45 MJ/kg. For comparison: TNT has an energy density of 4 MJ/kg
Can we ban gasoline now? It's literally more dangerous than a fucking bomb.

A majority of these deaths could have been prevented with just a simple fire escape...

And he/she’s the one that got..well burned first. Damn. That's just. Damn. Fuck.

heh. should've just wrote an isekai

>gas fire? that's like when I lit a match that one time, right

9 gallons of gas is basically some anime bullshit. The room is just COMPLETELY on fucking fire all of a sudden. I think someone said it made a small explosion? I don't know. I'm not stupid enough to see what 9 gallons of gas looks like when it gets lit up.
It's a small building that was densely packed and multistory.


Less people died in the Great Fire of London than the KyoAni arson attack. How does that even happen?

stop larping newfag and kill yourself

Not really, barely anything could have actually helped against a gasoline fire

Not that packed. Or people have easier access to large areas that are not in flames. Like the streets or something.

Not so fast Karen en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grenfell_Tower_fire

>The death toll is unknown but was traditionally thought to have been small, as only six verified deaths were recorded
>This reasoning has recently been challenged on the grounds that the deaths of poor and middle-class people were not recorded; moreover, the heat of the fire may have cremated many victims, leaving no recognisable remains

has the psycho woke up yet?

What difference would an emergency staircase make when those poor bastards didn't even have enough time to reach the roof door.

The arsonist set the fire right below the spiral staircase, which circumvented the 50cm smoke protection installed in the ceiling and sent the toxic fumes right up to the second and third floor. The fact that 11 people died scattered on the second floor shows how fast the carbon monoxide poisoning was.

>tfw actual Yea Forums denizens making light of a tragedy get their posts deleted but this pussy ass leddit faggot doesn't
So in order to be a jannie do you have to say you came from leddit or something? I mean it's normal for us to make fun of tragic shit. It's not that we don't care but it's just the way we deal with bad shit here.

Yes really, you fucking retard. The building was built like a fucking chimney. Those two staircases funneled fire and smoke and the only exit that wasn't at the bottom floor was a door at the top of a staircase which is literally the worst place to be. If they had a fire escape i.e. a staircase on the outside of the building that was accessible from large windows or side doors, most of them could have left the building. Instead, they were unable to go down to the first floor exist and trying to reach the roof put them in the chimney of fire and smoke. The building itself killed them just as much as the fire did.

Attached: WTF_KiniroMosaic.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Old Yea Forums is basically what reddit is today. In fact, a lot of oldfags moved to reddit because Yea Forums is too right-wing and unironically bigoted for them.

>Yea Forums
>making light of kyoani going through this

Attached: grenfell-tower-fire-1491660.jpg (620x958, 76K)

It's actually in the dining area, but the problem has to do with the range hood not doing its work properly. My apartment isn't too big either so it's easy for it to get pretty hot with a couple of burners on.
And I cook pretty much every day at least once.

so you only need to some inhaling of that smoke to pass out? This appears to be a most effective suicide method.

yikes cope seething have sex

>a lot of oldfags moved to reddit because Yea Forums is too right-wing and unironically bigoted for them

I never thought I would read this on Yea Forums.

Correct. People have been committing suicide inside of garages with their cars left on for decades user.

Actual oldfag here (2006). The majority of Yea Forums was neither as hugbox as reddit nor as edgy as /pol/ and Yea Forums. Something like this would get maybe a few jokes but also serious discussion. It wasn't just 24/7 shitposting. Redditards literally come here to shitpost like fucking lunatics because they feel so suppressed on reddit and they think Yea Forums is just "that shitposting place". The wave of tourists from the fappening and 2016 election was the final nail in the coffin of this place.

The problem was less about the exits and more about the chimney staircases, as you mentioned. They'd need to get rid of the fast passages for the smoke and fire first, otherwise they'd still have died in minutes fucking idiot

Why is everything japanese so fucking cluttered with shit all the time. It's in their TV shows but also their normal websites. It's fucking distracting as fuck, how can anybody even read all that shit before they post new information. And everything is always blinking and in completely distasteful color combination. It's beyond me how this horrific taste nation is able to produce such quality animation.

Pls go set your basement in gasoline to show us how easy and unharmed you would get out from it.

There's a reason people kill themselves by routing their cars exhaust inside the car. Works pretty quickly and you probably don't even suffer

yeah, but I never realized how easy it is since you basically sleep and don't feel any pain.

You fucking retard. If they had actual fire escapes, at least one person would have opened it and a lot of the smoke would have left the building. And
>died in minutes
You can get to a proper fire escape in a few seconds. A majority of their lives would have been saved with an actual fire escape. Instead, they were trapped in a goddamn chimney of a building.

That is why a lot of people choose to check out by using their car's exhaust.

Breathing the mix of burning petrol, plastics, wood lamination glue, electronic, and acetate cells would probably clog up the lungs tout suite

Yes. We all make fun of tragic shit. Deal with it soi boi.

The smoke would've been hot as fuck and very painful to inhale, but I suppose you'd be unconscious pretty quick after that

If you honestly think proper safety measures wouldn't have saved at least some lives in that situation, then you need to blow your brains out with a gun immediately.

Are you genuinely retarded or that imagination bereft that you can't even visualize what that user is trying to say?

Apprenticeship? Maybe even no higher education if she showed talent while applying.

go back newfag >>>/reddit/

they are moderns for one things, and really late in others...

You need to get checked for ADHD.

did they announce who died and motive

Yea Forums deteriorated along with the rest of society

I do want to go back to desu spamming and tipping over cardstands, though

Do they show architects cases like this to prevent stuff like that from happening in newer buildings?
That 'staircase chimney' seems awefully common.

It would have definitely helped, but with how much smoke there was and how quick everything happened they were really out of luck in this case. They needed a lot more than just fire exits, way too many things in the building were dangerous for them

The aggressive defense on here of the poor fire safety standards in the building is really bizarre, especially since the CEO is now on record saying he fucked up by designing the building poorly and not having an emergency exit. I don't know what they're problem is.

Attached: Grab (1).jpg (640x606, 115K)

He's also crazy. He's robbed a store at knifepoint before and got 3 years for it.

Shame they didn't execute him then.

+1 from the first floor to make it 34.
If they know from where are the victims they at least could say the names of the survivors dammit

>The studio that ruined anime with moe shit and slice of life garbage
And nothing of value was lost

This diagram tells the tale.
>on the third floor, they tried to reach the rooftop
Bad place to be because the staircase itself funneled smoke
>on the second floor, they tried to get as far away from the staircase as possible
With a fire escape, they could have exited the building.

Didn't that shit start in a big way with Azumanga Daioh? KyoAni didn't make that one.

For what reason is there a spiral staircase in the middle...?

Kyoto Anime had one large problem; they didn't have Skin in the Game.


Respect for the dead is a HUGE deal in Japan, they probably want to do the full autopsy and 100% identify someone before releasing the body; and will not announce until every single person has been ID'ed

So far Yea Forums seems to be filling in the negative space by deducing who survived based on their social media presence (or lack thereof) since the fire

Maximum comfort.

I would say Azumanga Daioh help fuel that. I forget who made it though.
>J.C. Staff

The only good thing about all of this is that it shows how many leftist kyoanigger faggots dominate Yea Forums these days when you feminist sjw fags would have been hounded away in the old days of 2013 and earlier.

Fucking cuck gookmoot ruining everything. True anime fans should be celebrating the spiritual death of moecancer. Deaths of 3DPD are irrelevant. The only good thing is if the piggies smelled like bacon.

No idea how many doors their studio had but I'd imagine the heat would build up pretty quickly in a gas fire. Open the wrong door in that case and you're instantly fried by a back draft

>With a fire escape, they could have exited the building.
They also managed to exit it by jumping out. A normal fire escape might have saved a few but I fear the mayority would still get stuck and trapped. A really really huge door and a fire ecape slide might work best.

Because modern architecture is retarded

Better to risk a backdraft than be stuck in a burning building.

Who's actually getting the money from that fundraiser?

It looks nice.

People died, user. We're allowed to grief.

If you look at its a mix of open office and cubicles

If the ground floor looked like pic related, then it was game over from the start

Attached: Shirobako-Featured-Image.jpg (1280x660, 269K)

Hatta work in the design of the building, no kidding.
sudoku soon

>A normal fire escape might have saved a few
It probably would have saved about 11~30 people, given the diagram that shows where they ended up dying. Even the CEO is admitting that he royally fucked up by not putting a fire escape. THESE THINGS EXIST FOR A REASON.

Grieving for what? People you’ve never even met and wouldn’t grieve for you? Beta soiboi tier.

They're both good at using soft power.
Jewjitsu vs 柔術

I haven't watched anime since it happened, because everytime I do I get the image of kyoani staff, the people who brought me so much entertainment meant, especially during my high school days and made them bearable, slowly burning to death in the most painful manner possible.

>女性「建物に取り残された人が窓か 助けを求めていた。それが女の人なのか男の人なのかもわからなかった。顔からまで全身が煤(スス)で真っ黒になり真っ赤な口が開いた。『タ!ス!ケ!テ!』って何度も繰り返しているのがわかった。やがてそれが窓にもたれたまま動かなくなって影のように焼き付いた。救急車のサイレンが聞こえ、ヘリコプターが飛び交い騒然としていた」と泣きながら話した。

>[An eyewitness] lady said between sobs, "Someone left in the building was begging for help from a window. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. Their mouth was bright red against their blackened body covered completely in soot, even their face. All I could tell was that they were crying out "HELP! HELP" again and again. Soon they stopped moving against the window and burned into it like a shadow. Then I heard the din of ambulance sirens and helicopters flying by."

Attached: 1503544997.jpg (889x500, 80K)

There are plenty of japs speculating on twitter

What's his masterplan?

Attached: yamamoto.jpg (600x315, 30K)

architect here: it saves a lot of space, just that

1. What said.
2. Moeshit puts me to sleep fast but I do appreciate the nice sceneries and qt character designs their shows had. Also the lucky star opening.
3. I fucking love Nichijou

did they forget to add the fire exit/back door or was there really none?

There's already stairs though.

I would genuinely subscribe CrunchyRoll or any other of the simulcast programs if they got one following Shinji's prison sentence and his POW-grade torture regime.

Give me a (You) when we know who died

But there is another staircase, I'm sure that's only there for aesthetic reasons.

Not on the upper floors. Most of the people on the ground floor did get out.

If it's any consolation, only 5 burned to death, the rest suffocated from the fumes, likely painlessly.

If they lined up and moved coordnated and fast. Try fitting 3 to 4 people at once through a normal door without one tripping, fire escapes are made for normal fires that give you a minute to retreat.

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That guy's a retard, what do you expect on this board these days?

The lack of exits on the upper floors should honestly be illegal. They died because of this.

Morticians report doesn't come for another week.

More valuable than your life will ever be.

Attached: Stationvictims.png (1434x1006, 452K)

Are you fucking retarded? 11 of them died right against the far wall of the building. 19 died on the third floor staircase trying to get to the roof. It's beyond obvious that they had enough time to try to escape somewhere. Unfortunately, there was no escape because there was no direct exits on the upperfloors. This is fire safety one-oh-fucking-one.

To make sure Shinji Aoba gets what's coming.

find me irl when it's out

check your messages ;)

The idea was for them to exit to the roof and wait for rescue. As you can see it was a pisspoor idea and everyone suffered for it.

If you think about it the Shirobako girls basically died in this fire because they lost all the work for the movie. They're gone forever too.

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This, not as much as an oldfag since I started posting around 2009 but I recall Yea Forumstards doxing people who pulled shit like animal cruelty. There was at least some bit of morality. Newfags would probably laugh if some dude uploaded some video of them skinning a dog alive or some shit

If you want a better paradigm, look up the Upstairs Bar fire in New Orleans, or the Happyland Social Club fire.

KyoAni staff *wished* they had that much time to get out.

Nobody of value or contribution to society.

>It's beyond obvious that they had enough time to try to escape somewhere
Carbon Monoxide can kill you in less than 30 seconds if the concentration is high enough. Chances are they only had one shot at getting out of there.

>people think Kyoani is the moe studio

Kyoani got into moe with K-ON which was the time when moe peaked. They didn't start anything. By that point we already h things like Hidamari Sketch, Ichigo Mashimaro and Paniponi Dash

If you think Kyoani started moe you might as well think Madoka started magical girls and suffering.

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Architects just draw, its the engineers that should tell them whether its a good idea or not.

Attached: 1563666720485.jpg (640x640, 146K)

Different studio


Pic semi-related, KyoAni paid better than this

Attached: shirobako.jpg (1023x750, 329K)

Back then people didn't shitpost to get (You)s

>It probably would have saved about 30 people
If you actually read the reports from the people that survived you'd know that within a minute of the fire going off you couldn't see anything and neither breath thanks to the thick smoke that was coming from the ground floor.


Attached: gasoline.webm (320x240, 2.44M)

We would have doxxed you for being a beta faggot leftist too.

Is that the actual cart in the lower left of the window?

Attached: Uhhh.jpg (600x533, 50K)

but madoka did

Same way how no one will laugh at Aniki death. But you can see in Yea Forums anons tried hard to derail threads with
>Literally who
>e-celeb died

Just read japanese idiot, haha

Thanks for sharing the video, this fucking killed me LMAO

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Except that at least one person would have opened the escape door, drastically changing the interior conditions and concentration of smoke. The smoke would have been funneled straight to the open the exit and many of them would have been able to leave. I really don't know why you're arguing against fire escapes. It would have saved a majority of them. No question about it. Even the CEO is regretting that it wasn't installed because anyone who isn't a goddamn idiot knows how effective they are.

>"train" of thought
Damn it I laughed

Sally the Witch would like to speak with you

is Sally cute? I haven't spoken to a female for almost a decade

Probably not, it would be weird for it to be in that position


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>32 and 87 casualties
Fuck, and they got better chances than KyoAny staff? That’s depressing.
Also, that Green Fire nightclub is another example.

I am stupid what is this thing even supposed to do? How does it prevent anything I don't get it.

Can someone explain the meme with this guy?

Stop smoke getting in because smoke goes straight for the ceiling. The problem was that the fire was underneath it, so the smoke went straight up it instead of approaching along the ceiling and being blocked.

Stop the smoke from reaching the upper floors for a few minutes. The true disaster is that the arsonist dumped the gasoline right below that, essentially making the barrier useless.

Fire sucks. Why didn't the cavemen kill it when they first discovered it?

Smoke raises so it's less likely to go upstairs with that barrier there. Doesn't help when the fire is right below the stairs though

cause of the law

I can't believe the amount of retards (why didn't they just jump, this wouldn't have happened if I had been at the site), and the amount of poopposters who seemed to take past kyoani shitposting serious.

College doesn't guarantee talent in anything you dumb fuck. Passion and obsession will always yield higher results than a formal education, especially in the internet age.

>It's over, KyoAni CEO admitted responsibility for the fire. They aren't resuming production on anything.
Is this actually that big of a deal?

yeah those stairs were not really needed and they helped spread the fire more easily, maybe someone just wanted to have them anyway

Attached: 2b4.png (640x606, 330K)

I posted this a couple days ago, but it's worth a repost here:

One reason why the KyoAni fire was so deadly was that the Japanese are fucking retarded with fire safety. True story: When I was on JET, the second story in my school had a glass door that simply opened into nothing: a two-story drop onto gravel. Finally curiosity got the best of me, and I asked what it was for. I was told it was a fire exit. But, I protested, it was always locked. I was told that the vice-principal had the key, and that he'd unlock it if there was ever a need. But, I protested, his desk was on the first floor, in a different wing of the building. I got that look the Japanese give you if you start complaining too much about the way they do things - it was the same look I got when I asked why my local bank closed their ATMs at night and on the weekends (this was 20 years ago, in a small town).

Unable to restrain myself, I asked why at least there wasn't something more pleasant to jump onto underneath the door. I mean, gravel would kinda suck, especially for girls in uniform skirts if they ended up landing on their feet and falling forward onto their knees. I was told there was a mat that could be put down there over the gravel if need be. Where was it? In a utility shed about 200 feet away. Yes, locked, but the vice-principal had the key.

At which point I just gave up and accepted it.

Stay mad moefag, maybe now anime will finally quit being trash.

>Still arguing with the faggot that insists it should have been mandatory to have a fire exit in a small building with very little rare circumstances to cause or catch a major fire


Yes? The company is now completely open to lawsuits, which they will win. The CEO's own wife died in the blaze, he won't be in any mood to protest the verdicts. Shit's fucked.

Armchair escapists. They're so good at escaping that not even their parents know of their whereabouts.

I meant to say the company will LOSE any lawsuits filed against it.

This is what doomposters want to see happen.

It won't happen.

Hideaki Hatta stated that after Thursday's deadly fire at Kyoto Animation's 1st Studio building, he is considering demolishing the building and creating a public park at the spot of the fire that will include a monument. He added, "when I consider the staff and the people in this neighborhood, there are people who don't want to see such a gruesome sight." Hatta is also considering hosting a memorial ceremony for the victims.


I'm talking about the design. I can read japanese just fine. But everything looks like it's made with Wordart and such by a 12 year old and it's always a complete mess. I mean just look at this example:
compared to: mcdonalds.com/us/en-us.html

And that isn't even a completely badly designed page, but WTF?

engineer here: architects check their construction codes and please their clients, engineers only makes fun of their bullshit and figure out how to make it possible structurally speaking

case closed

Why didn't the police do anything about all the threats that the studio got from the arsonist prior?

You fool
Others will take their torch and Moe will still persist

>CEO's own wife died in the blaze
Source: an anus

it just feels weird that it happened in this time frame. it's the fucking future, why are we still afraid of the primitive elements of nature?

>duuuude it's current year why is fire still hot
Interesting point

Why do you feel compelled to use so many buzzwords in your posting? Do you seriously believe that KyoAni is the only animation studio to produce moeshit? Do you think anything will actually change for the better after all's said and done?

Now that the dust has settled: who was in the wrong here?

Hey retard, this guy was so unhinged that it could have happened to literally anyone for any reason.

You're just picking and choosing. One was clearly made for mobile browsers, the other for desktops. I can find you websites that look like the japanese one but in English.

Why are you afraid of running into an hurricane or volcano? So primitive! Sad!

This is literally a general now. Whoever makes the next one should title it /kfa/ (Kyoani Fire General). Or come up with another name

> not killing pets for shits and giggles makes you a leftist faggot
You remind me of this little bitch I once met who bragged about shooting his neighbor's dog with a crossbow and claimed that anyone who thought it was really fucked up was a faggot

architect here: No, you get a lot of wasted space because you're fiting a curved element into what basically is a rectangle.

Also people don't just run, they need some time to realize.
From the station fire:
>At first, there was no panic. Everybody just kind of turned. Most people still just stood there. In the other rooms, the smoke hadn't gotten to them, the flame wasn't that bad, they didn't think anything of it.

Sounds pretty typical. Japanese have an entire culture built around not giving suggestions to your elders. It's also the reason why they're so technologically behind.

architect here: it looks cute and they thought it would be a cute thing to have

Because we're still stuck on this goddamn rock that's floating through space
We are as primitive as cavemen, we just have fancier stuff

Apparently, the death threats were from someone else.

What truly baffles me about that dekotora aesthetics is that it clashes with the rest of the Japanese culture, which emphasizes simplicity and sleekness.

They didn't report it to the police

Literally anyone, or company, that is famous gets threats 24/7. You can't expect people to deal with all of them. I doubt anyone would take this seriously until the fire started, even then, they still wouldn't.

Everyone during the station nightclub fire was drunk as fuck

Yeah that'll happen if you're just some fucking tourist from Yea Forums faggot.

Thank you for translations.

The 34th victim was in the first-floor recording studio (the room with "Deaths" over it).

I'm guessing the enclosed room on the 3rd floor was the conference room, which meant anyone in there would have had to go past the burning spiral stairs.

I don't really think it's a japanese thing, when I was a lot younger, everyone would give me "the look" as well whenever I complained in a workplace. Now, 12 years after, they change things when I say so, and if they don't, they explain why not and say sorry. They respect me a lot more now, so maybe that's what happened to you? given the fact it happened 20 years ago? I'm pretty sure they will listen to your advice a lot more now.

>True anime fans should be celebrating the spiritual death of moecancer.
You couldn't be more wrong you dick sucking motherfucker.

>Deaths of 3DPD are irrelevant.
Get brain surgery.

Not him. Fuck you, subhuman. They do good things like treating their staff well and that's all the reason i need to care. They also made stuff i like. I don't expect them to grieve for every random fan, they physically can't. It cannot be reasonably expected of them. That's morally okay.

All me by the way

And when (you)'s were removed for a little while there was a shitstorm that forced them to be brought back. Normalfags just can't live without their upvotes.

They installed security system and felt safe already. The system was turned off during that day because NHK was supposed to film a documentary.

It's not picking and choosing. I was literally trying for starbucks first, but the japanese one wasn't loading and then went for mcburgers. Pick any international company you wan't, it will always be the same outcome. And I'm not even talking about "real" japanese pages, like this for example: akibaoo.co.jp/
That's what all japanese websites look like.

Because they compare their current situation to the victims but forget that those didn't knew wtf was even happening and had no time to think about the situation.

Try to come up with clever plans after just hearing a loud boom and then getting your room filled with smoke as you still try to catch up with the events.
Also Anons see those broad empty rooms and forget that there's stuff in there that get's thrown around in the panic and starts to burn. And a lot of screaming people flailing around.

I remember on the last anniversary of Aniki's death I started a thread on /pol/ because people were claiming the shitposters were pouring in from /pol/. Even in the /pol/ thread people were mourning his death and telling newfags who were shitposting to get out. Makes you wonder where these edgelord faggots are coming from. 9gag? Facebook?


>"Barisaku" has already been debunked. Stop spreading false news.

>implying that he didn't post on 2/5ch

Any weeb would have posted on that site in Japan at some point.

>Literally anyone, or company, that is famous gets threats 24/7.
Nice IRL headcanon with zero evidence to back it up

That was obvious sarcasm.

I doubt it's that bad in japan but if in these times the police would react to everyone that got ten death treats by retards it would need to hire a lot more people.

>you say there should have to be fire exits in multi-storied businesses? YOU FAGGOT

>When I turned around, some people were already trying to leave, and others were just sitting there going, 'Yeah, that's great!' And I remember that statement, because I was, like, this is not great. This is the time to leave.

I exaggerated the 24/7 part, but if you don't believe it is a common occurrence for famous people to get death threats then you are living under a rock.

How would you design this spiral staircase up to my loft to save space without being a spiral?

Attached: 20190720_173716.jpg (5312x2988, 3.13M)

KyoAni has been the biggest studio here until at least 2006.



Man powered elevator

you can make a 1x1 meter spiral staircase and it won't take more space than that, the curves are optional

try to do that with double stairs or straight stairs: double stairs require at least 4 times that, the hole in the roof is bigger; straight stairs leave space "unusable" below the stairs and require a much bigger hole than the double ones

You must be 18 to post here.

Just jump

Attached: 6178A38A-91A6-4AE8-8CDF-9AEC0C56EE81.jpg (426x640, 136K)

dude i'm 34

This is a blatant fire hazard, what if some madman broke inside and torched the place ? You should have it replaced by a straight staircase. Also knock a few holes in your walls as fire escapes for good measure.

spiral staircases are safer in the case that you fall

Why would you design a loft that has no other access and requires a staircase all for itself? Unless that's some residual space (product of shitty design) that you wanted to somehow give a use.

damn that sucks, he probably had time to say goodbye though

Fuuuck. The inside looks like a scene out of Silent Hill

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Holy fuck. This makes me even more angry that some demented retards are unironically saying they deserved it.

I can't fucking stop imagining the scene. God it must have been so scary and painful.

Attached: 1537631659530.jpg (688x466, 53K)

My brothers school got a new building and built it in a way each story was a few steps shorter than the one below so you had an forbidden balcony that was accessible through the classroom window on one side of the building.
Back then I thought it was idiotic and unsafe since of course students used it to hang out if they felt nobody was watching but noe I guess that was the best panic proof escape way ever.

Women made the best anime. Kyoani are the proof.

Same with the Bradford Stadium Fire.
Fuckint britbongs were cheering as they ran on the pitch at first, but then there is a sudden hush when some people started running about in flames.

dangerous af
>shitty design
people get tired of the same spaces and they retouch their homes all the time

That's fucking haunting.

You don't have to imagine. Just go ahead and burn you hand. Don't stop, let it burn till its gone. :^)

i dont know, why do people tripfag on an anonymous image board?
surely just being able to not be a faggot mans they will cease their endless faggotry?

Correlation does not imply causation.

More pics here

Internal devastation reminded me of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire of 1903

Just watch station nightclub video if you want scary experience. No gore or anything
This camera guy survived only because he was kinda paranoid. You can see exact moment where he had two routes and limited time to react
>Bad End
>Happy End

I strongly wish for the arsonist to be tortured to death.

No one actually went for the spiral stairs. Why did we think that again?

>because he was kinda paranoid
Well, he was there to report about nightclub safety. Probably also why he just kept filming, he must have thought people seeing this might save lifes in the long run.

I don't understand the 11 deaths on the second floor. What were they trying to accomplish?

Probably went to the stairwell, saw that it was engulfed, then backed away and suffocated several seconds later.

>So Jim, what did you discover? Was the club unsafe?
>Not anymore

>people get tired of the same spaces and they retouch their homes all the time
Then don't complain about wasted space.

A lot of the crowd didn't even react to the fire at first because they thought it was part of the show. Situation was fucked

>You can see exact moment where he had two routes and limited time to react
I can't see anything like that in the video.

He's talking about the moment he focuses on the fire on the back wall and starts pushing back out of the room. If he didn't move when he did, he'd be nearly dead last out of the basement (only before the band themselves), Instead, he's almost out before the alarm goes off.

If he didn't move when he did, he would have been in that mess in the front, or worse, still in the basement when the flashover occurred.

People also tend to massively underestimate how fast fires can spread. At first its mostly "Oh look THERE is a fire"

>kyoani will get homenages in the Olympics
So all world will see Tamakos, freebois Violet and Hibekikus

Attached: Kyoani shows.jpg (1200x630, 266K)

You're a fucking sociopath.

Just a tip. Fires are really slow moving. Heat is not.

That fire is going to stay in the corner until the air superheats to the point that it catches everything else in the room in the next 2-4 seconds.