What makes Mikan the best imouto of all time?

What makes Mikan the best imouto of all time?

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Anal slut

Time to crash this thread with no survivors

Attached: 1546760421851.gif (360x360, 1.62M)

Mikan is much better than Kirino.

She's always looking out for her onii-chan.

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Attached: DYhIatgVAAAhAbe.jpg (360x254, 30K)


Only if you're retarded.

A needy greedy spoiled cunt of a little sister could never steal the crown from Mikan.

Are you so fucking stupid that you literally can't understand a tsundere character?


Attached: Seven Sevens.png (1553x293, 76K)

Attached: Ringo.png (308x300, 121K)

I'm Otto

Attached: otto2.png (1400x788, 585K)

You don't have to like something to understand it, user. She's garbage.

>insulting someone's wife
Looking to make some enemies are you? Well you just made one. Watch yourself.

she isn't, s2 when?

Attached: 1396988681412.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

For god's sake, get some new material.

Sora is better because she fucks her brother.

Twincest is too close to masturbation for me, thanks.

You know that fraternal twins are not any closer genetically than normal siblings.

Given the same age, same crib, same diapers, same pacifiers, and same so much else, they're still too close for my taste.


Because she's drawn by the master.

Attached: 1561953980963.jpg (764x1200, 157K)

Could be true for older siblings with age gap as well. It's not logical at all.
Anyway I feel bad for you that you can't enjoy some wincest.

I hope he's not one of those faggots that act all gay and shy, does he let his sister wash his back?


Based and orange-piled thread.

This scene in the manga.

Attached: 1541012908970.jpg (1098x936, 614K)

>Could be true for older siblings with age gap as well.
The age gap is what makes wincest work for me, while twincest never does, user.

a lot of incest stories have like two, three years age gap
that ain't much of an age gap at all

My girlfriend has a younger brother with a 15 year age gap.

She basically acts like his mother around him.

>does he let his sister wash his back?
They're indulging in good clean fun together frequently now, user.

Attached: TLRD_70_20-21.jpg (1602x1200, 819K)

At 18, three years is a sixth of your life; that's hardly insignificant.

go back

since like junior high my sister didn't feel any different than girls in my class

I'm gonna say the K word.

Check the reflection on that sink. How did her you know what get past editors?

Attached: Mikan - 2.webm (848x480, 2.91M)


Karen with a ring on her finger

That's just light from Venus reflecting off some swamp gas, then getting projected onto soap scum, user. Whatever else that you think you're seeing is all in your filthy mind.
Plausible deniability isn't just for politicians, user.

The power of Yabuki.

and her special privilege.

Imagine the smell

Attached: 1563605606139.png (512x512, 228K)

Made for the principal dick

Any suggestions, anons?

Attached: TLR_094_03_clip.png (402x926, 57K)

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Attached: mikan_stripping.jpg (900x675, 416K)

Yabuki is a genius and the editors highly respect his craft.

More like they fear his power. A man who draws things like this obviously has nothing to lose.

No matter how over his head Rito gets, she still does her best to support him.

Attached: TLRD_50_32_clip1.png (881x425, 96K)

Kirino a okay


those toothbrushes


Attached: 1559171047264.gif (742x684, 2.99M)

That's one of the rare occasions when the manga was the toned down version of a scene.

Attached: ToLoveRuDarkness_Bangaihen15_4-5_cen.jpg (1690x1200, 888K)

Putting out doesn't stop her from being a bitch.

The manga has nipples which makes it better.

All imoutos are the best girl to their onii-chan

I hate blueballs series so I never watched more than 3 episodes of that shit.

This. My imouto is a cutie.

Its a shame they never showed Mikan's nipples in the anime. Even loli Lala had them with no issue.

That little spike at the top when she ties her hair back is SOOO sexy...
Hard to explain really.
But yeah she is utterly perfect.

The quintessential cunny. [Kisses fingers internally]

Rito puts it well here.

Attached: TLRD_11_12-13.png (1610x1200, 470K)

>Even loli Lala had them with no issue.
Fun-sized Lala is still a High School aged character, so images like this won't get anyone's knickers in a twist.

Attached: TLRD_47_02-03.png (1895x1401, 2.32M)

How does the madman keep getting away with it?

Sorry, I meant Images like this.

Attached: TLrD_OVA_08_0001.png (848x480, 424K)

Maybe if a sequel occurs when she's older and it gets an anime adaptation, she could get a forced size change like Lala.

I want a face full of fun size Lala.

nana is clearly the best here
because the micky mouse buns

the doujins

She wasn't even the best imouto in her own series.

Attached: 1456564130974.jpg (1961x4355, 2.05M)

Panties that you can see through short shorts is infinitely better fanservice than a plan ole upskirt

True, that.

Attached: Venus_059.jpg (1369x2000, 941K)

Attached: 22e2476cd2c193f192507c861a92c955.png (1351x1904, 1007K)

What is it about imoutochads that make them have such good tastes?

>Dat slit
Yabuki really is a master in his craft. When is he finishing Franxx? He really needs to get back to draw more TLR.

Yabuki's the best at drawing tummies

I hope there's more TLR just so there's more Mikan doujins.
I've been fapping to her for about 10 years now and I aint stopping any time soon, but I need new material.


Miya is best imouto
I want to be called nii-nii by her
But onee-chans are better

Attached: hIYHSuE[1].jpg (960x544, 72K)

>But onee-chans are better

At least post her good-side, user.

Attached: Venus_83-84.png (2000x4000, 3.67M)

That butt. The only loli I’ve ever been tempted by in the least.

not enough porn of her ;(

Rito gets it. If I only had one kidney and my imouto needed it, I wouldn't hesitate to die if it means she would live.

Certainly not enough official porn.

I want a mouthful of lolilala.

That little squeal she made as Nana's panties dropped onto her mons was absurdly hot.

Attached: TLrD_OVA_08_0008.png (848x480, 1.34M)

kiss your sister, Yea Forums

Which special was this?

Attached: Not this one, faggot.jpg (273x184, 13K)

Thanks, asshole, now I'm on a fucking list.

Attached: B08_15.png (852x1200, 239K)

Her cute and funny runt cunt

Fuck me, I'm out of it today. Thanks user. In return, the first picture in my Downloads folder with an imouto in it.

Attached: 1554423553124.jpg (1200x1674, 462K)

You're not supposed to kiss her there, user.

more pls

Mikon made me a lolicon when I didn't want to be one

Look, but don't touch, user. Those are the words to live by.

Attached: HG_086.jpg (2685x3800, 1.89M)

She also made you dumb

Yes she did

>dat baby fat on her tummy

Attached: 1560878783644.jpg (468x676, 39K)

You could have told me ahead of time. Now they're both ticked at me.

Attached: TLRD_35_16-18.jpg (3296x1600, 1.98M)

I did and she was happy.
on her forehead, you perverts

Kirino was willing to bear her onii-chan's child, can you say the same about MIkan?

Lush large Lala or lively little Lala, anons?

Attached: HG_069.jpg (4708x3368, 3.61M)

>nana is clearly the best here
True, but it's because she's holding Rito's head in place so he can't pull away.

Which one of them will get pregnant first?

The one who can't think of anything else.

Attached: yui_tub.png (850x778, 549K)

I'm about to say it and nobody can stop me
Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs is the better To Love-Ru
to love-ru is only good for the porn of mikan and yami

Attached: 1548283631173.jpg (1080x1266, 85K)

The fact she's tsundere is auto-fail for her.

And with that, I think that, that series came to a desired and logical conclusion.

I really need to watch this

Must be hard to live with sub 40 IQ
I hope your caretaker is paid enough to wipe your drool dripping retard face and translate your autismobabble into text to post on 4channel

Can't draw knee bends

hoes mad

They could have done a few volumes with just the ecchi adventures of Super Serious Rito and Laughing Little Lala. No one would have complained.

Attached: TLrD_OVA_08_0002.png (848x480, 1.76M)

>Censoring toothbrushes touching

Might be a Jap thing

The truth hurts and you're quick to seethe when the truth is pointed out.

Anyone got that animated?

That's just me being an asshole, user.

Attached: ToLoveRuDarkness_Bangaihen15_4-5.png (1690x1200, 1.2M)

Enjoy your vacation user.

Never, let it die in peace.

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Why would he? It's official manga. You don't get vacationed for posting official manga.

Attached: TLrD_OVA_08.webm (848x480, 756K)

God I miss To Love-ru

Attached: 1563545855074.gif (478x369, 266K)

for posting uncensored unprotected toothbrushes touching

Her whole body. My last one was on her honour.

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Hug your imouto right now.

Attached: 1555067731792.jpg (1916x2015, 537K)

>for uncensored unprotected toothbrushes touching
That's nothing, user. Feast your eyes on this.

Attached: lewd_0001.png (848x480, 417K)


Ahhh the QUALITY imouto

Attached: Ringo.png (308x300, 39K)

How are the LNs? Are they fun enough to pick up?

If every woman were just like this, the world might not be such a shitty place.

I wish I had an imouto like Suzuka. I would hug her at least three times a day.


/thread fpbp imagine the smell envision the aroma BASED and imoutopilled

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That tell you there is no god here.

Attached: 1560350654552.gif (500x248, 1022K)

Only took 8 months


Attached: 23032549_2006596656249307_3097111014550328656_n.jpg (960x937, 293K)

>Slap two images together
>watermark it
The fuck?

Hugged her, got a hug back and an "I love you." Made my heart feel all warm. Imoutos are great.

Just ignore the ESL retards.

Shrinking the Mikantage to add some stupid reaction images. Drink bleach.

Attached: mikan_montage_clean.jpg (1803x1300, 1.93M)

Attached: 1539293926943.jpg (2560x1440, 302K)

Rub your finger against your ass and take a whiff. No need to imagine

Girls dont have smelly butts user.

There is a god, user; he just hasn't found out yet.

Attached: TLRD_66_36_clip.png (850x434, 56K)

bla bla bla You should go to your cave
I just steal that pic from facebook group and put it in my gallery long time ago
I use my cell phone now ( can't edit it) and I'm too busy

I like her nipples.

Both Mikan and Nana get the best nip-slips.

Attached: ToLoveRuDarkness_Bangaihen22_04.png (651x1024, 171K)

いもうと is for bullying not for lewding

One of the best chapters.

Like rainbows and ponies

Nana for completeness sake.

Attached: nanipslip.gif (500x282, 3.2M)


her little butt is a miracle

Attached: 1461711342917 -aXdsr.jpg (878x672, 95K)

I'm curious are there any good cambodian cartoons about cute 2D pregnant girls?
Fun adventures of a expecting mother and father.

She beat the shit out me

her butt is pretty big

for her small frame

Please post Mikan's bloomers.

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What? pretty big?
She's just 13yo

Attached: BU.png (548x565, 679K)

Best imouto coming through. She's actually a kinky slut. You could talk her to do anything.

Attached: best_imouto.jpg (1280x720, 75K)


Question do her and Yami /u/?

>he can't recognize the god
Shameful display


Shit girl

she doesn't even have it in that bath scene though, your lust has blinded you user.

>has never had sex with her Onii-chan
>will never even marry her Onii-chan
Mikan is great but she's wasted in her series and will never be able to compete


Attached: mikan.jpg (6384x2268, 2.31M)

I wanna put her under a mind control spell much like Azenda did in Darkness

Why? So you can die messily when Yami finds you or because no female would ever willingly let you within touching distance?

>your lust has blinded you user.
I tried to stop once I needed glasses, but Mikan was just too compelling.

Attached: TLrD_OVA_07_1.webm (848x480, 484K)

Yabuki is wasting his talents in the darling manga who nobody cares.

I miss mikan loves you Yea Forums threads

You can start them again yourself
Or does Mikan not love Yea Forums anymore?

Attached: 414c13b128e6de77a351bff26b4a5a2d.jpg (760x1200, 106K)

If DitF sales were truly abysmal, the manga would be cancelled.

>waves her ass at the camera for cash
>will never support onii-chan's harem
Kirino isn't worth considering.

No one loves Yea Forumsnons, user. That's why we're here.

>she's bad because she's a whore
>she's bad because she won't let herself be turned into a whore
thanks schizophrenia sensei

There Are you happy now?

Mods went let us love Mikan anymore.

it's around the halfway point right now. can probably expect more TLR in 2021, maybe late 2020.

>Threads should be created with substantial OP text containing a meaningful topic of discussion. Please refrain from posting catch-phrase or template threads.
There, I hope you enjoyed your Mikan thread.

Why was it deleted?

Probably Satan.

I hate hiro

>Why was it deleted?
I already said it


We need more fresh from the shower, warm, and unbuttoned Mikan.

Attached: TLR_095_07_clip.png (879x862, 185K)

She HAS to know what she's doing, right?
A smart, perceptive girl like her couldn't possibly be doing this by accident or without realizing, right?

Attached: Yuuki.Mikan.full.1784091.jpg (2503x1310, 556K)

fucking obviously

Being a good imouto?

Home's the one place she doesn't have to be on guard at all times, so she lets it all hang out to relax.

Attached: ToLoveRuDarkness_Bangaihen22_2-4.png (1953x1024, 1.41M)

She deserved better.


This. You are supposed to be relaxed at home. I walk around in just my tshirt and boxers sometimes. Sis walks around in a bathrobe or nightgown. You shouldn't be worried at home and be able to wear what is comfortable.

Yes. The whole side-arc with Mikan in Darkness was basically about getting comfortable with Rito... even when nude

mikan hairstyle here made my day

Is there anyone else even carrying the imouto torch besides cUta right now?

Attached: c1.png (960x1364, 448K)

Attached: Catmouto.png (802x286, 220K)

She's wise beyond her years.

Attached: TLRD_51_35.png (963x1400, 371K)

>dem triples
Is that the chapter he dick slaps her in the bathtub?

Attached: 1563721374605_1.jpg (440x251, 48K)

Nope, but goddamn Uta is carrying it strong.

No. That's the one where he's still freaked from Mea's attack on his chastity, while she was in Haruna's form.

Attached: TLRD_48_34.png (980x1400, 595K)

Attached: nurse_mikan.png (1287x2078, 2.83M)

When will Rito grow a spine and dip his dick in his sister? Things taking this long makes me wish that Yabuki introduces a new character in the form of an old fat balding virile man in his forties/fifties who will impregnate each and every girl in 2luvru.

Attached: old fat virile men.png (706x629, 336K)

is there even any good imouto this season?

Nezuko from Kimetsu no Yaiba is solid and cute.

old coins and squid? no thanks

y'know yabuki didn't have to add her armpit, he could have just made her sleeves tight and not show anything. but i'm so happy that he did, based yabuki-sensei

He's a man of culture.

Attached: 7e523ea08f5c7fc286b7f0e6ecaab851.jpg (3500x2458, 3.31M)

He's always looking out for all his fans' favorites bits.

Attached: WSJ20_16.jpg (757x1106, 525K)

Attached: Mikan.png (269x363, 86K)

Smart aleck from the beginning, wasn't she?

Attached: toloveru-006-164.png (888x1400, 194K)

A cutie too.

Attached: Mikan2.png (544x565, 318K)

She is a good girl.

Funny how this was censored in the fosrt chapter and uncensored in the 2nd one.

It seemed like the first was a tlr special and the 2nd a tlrd special

She loves Yea Forums.

A bra peek would've made this picture a zillion times better.

>wearing bras

Only when she's leaving the house.

Attached: MTLR_03_0009.jpg (1280x1569, 426K)

There aren't Mikan nipples in the anime
They show the IoIi Lala nipples in the OVA

Attached: cf64DASb3ff.jpg (835x719, 106K)

because loli lala isn't actually an 11 year old

Mikan shoudln't be stuck in a harem. Her onii-chan only belongs to her alone.

but Mikan is 13 year old
and What about Celine? She's a baby

Attached: 93e0e3dd6a.jpg (539x618, 60K)

Attached: 1468891111332.jpg (1440x1500, 240K)

then because loli lala isn't actually a 13 year old, same difference. and we don't know how old celine actually is and even so i don't think they showed her nipples anyway

>i don't think they showed her nipples anyway
They did in the OVA, briefly. Your point is still valid, though, since we don't know that Celine is so young that displays like this need to be nipped in the bud.

Attached: TLrD_OVA_05_0001.png (848x480, 371K)

I don't think fpbp has even been more fitting


Needs more Nana

Hard to find them together.

Attached: TLRD_63_13_clip.png (910x436, 78K)


But she's cute!

Attached: 1460689938855.png (1827x1026, 1.9M)

Mikan isn't really a little sister, she's more like a loli housewife.

Kirino actually acts like a little sister (causes trouble and needs onii-chan to clean up her messes) and Yea Forums hates her for it.

why was that deleted

Fat imouto cunny

It should be illegal for a little sister to be this erotic

Attached: mikan pan.jpg (1300x2400, 924K)

Attached: HG_017Large.jpg (5410x3800, 3.25M)


what is wrong with that word?

Jannies don't like it

It's utterly childish.


Attached: Ash3248.jpg (342x192, 18K)

It's even better when you realize who it is that she's wearing in that image.

Attached: B08_01_clean.jpg (1905x2781, 969K)

Platonic sibling love

We better see Magical Girl Mikan in the next incarnation of TLR.

Attached: 1549423422625.jpg (850x1156, 930K)

It should have been here already

I think she'd most likely just get taken hostage for Yami to be punished again.

Azenda has yet to have a trip to earth end well for her, even if the last one came with a happy ending.

Attached: TLRD_72_34-36.jpg (2427x1200, 2.27M)


And sisterwife

Attached: x3.png (822x1200, 247K)


He can't keep getting away with it!

Attached: x4.png (822x1200, 261K)

Attached: x26.png (836x1200, 195K)

What's your favourite Imouto hentai?

Attached: 01.jpg (1280x1863, 479K)

to love ru darkness

Wanna bet?

Attached: TLRD_70_19.png (822x1200, 265K)

God damn Mikan is a lewd imouto

She knows, user; she knows.

Attached: mikan_smile.webm (848x480, 298K)

I guess she has to be with all those other whores hanging around trying to take her onii-chan away

Attached: 37a227abbee591c1c37b14384a4181d6.png (2675x3800, 2.28M)

Attached: a80189bb07cadd1f7e75e5fcbc9b7f9a.jpg (923x1660, 661K)

Looks like she is about to give an encouraging pep talk

Well, she's definitely encouraging a part of me to pep up.

I certain feel my spirits, or something anyway, rising.

Attached: mikan_towel.png (868x1953, 811K)

Attached: 535bc583cbbe7af8039579f865cdd2aa.png (1282x1025, 1.05M)

Her funny

motto tlr character designs were really nice

Why doesn't Rito fuck his imouto until her hips stop moving on their own?

I like Nana more than Momo and no-one can stop me.

Attached: 262d976160472aef0e03cb233fe4bc07.jpg (1977x1797, 385K)

no one will stop you since no one wants to associate with you people anyway

Good call, user.

Attached: MTLR_11_0001.png (1280x1422, 1.51M)

Noone knows.

It's amazing they got Hanakana to be part of this

>I like Nana more than Momo, and no-one can stop me

Here's a Worksafe Nana, since apparently the janitor can stop me...

Attached: ba1d574408398d30dea02d752715b0b8.png (1220x1520, 1.78M)

Lala > Nana > Momo

He oneitis kept her from even thinking of it. Now, he has a bad case of twoitis to keep him distracted from Mikan's sweet little can.

Attached: TLRD_77_11.png (822x1200, 315K)

Posting the best Imouto!

Attached: [DragsterPS] SAINT SEIYA - Knights of the Zodiac S01E04 [720p] [HEVC] [Multi-Audio] [Multi-Subs] [77 (1280x720, 127K)

If TLR isn't back in 2020 I might die.

More Nana!!

Attached: __nana_asta_deviluke_to_love_ru_drawn_by_yabuki_kentarou__sample-4f139b5fe8b33e3a199acae349e3448b.jp (850x1224, 287K)

Attached: TLRD_36_32.png (1113x1600, 414K)

More hidden shots of Nana!

Attached: 1499414650741.jpg (577x757, 56K)

Nice pits

>tfw this will never happen now
Fuck Momo
Fuck the cringey Harem plan
Fuck TLR Darkness
Fuck Yabuki and Hasemi
The original should have just ended with Lala marrying Rito

Would eat

Attached: 8d69de753695133a245cc5c8f83290c3.jpg (2393x3386, 1.26M)

Mikan is really really well developed for a 12 year old. Fucking hell, puberty must have hit her like a truck.

I cant because her tits would get in the way

>the best imouto of all time

Attached: grisaia-cg-02-171.jpg (1024x576, 123K)

that's an onee-chan though

She needs to immediately stop puberty.

Can you imagine how developed her womb is?

Mikan best IoIi imouto!!

Attached: mik.png (1265x2351, 3.63M)

Mikan is 13 yo
just look at her face and body

Attached: bcfcde0agy1g2hb3b3imzj.jpg (475x797, 149K)

Kirino is the queen of imoutos.

Attached: 1411515178936.png (500x500, 234K)

Almost rino, almost.

I am looking. Very intensely.

Yea Forums hates any character that behaves like a real human. To most of them anime is just an escapist hugbox.

>Kirino actually acts like a little sister (causes trouble and needs onii-chan to clean up her messes)
>and Yea Forums hates her for it.
I think you spelled "loves" wrong.