Kyoto Animation - Kyoani

>30+ innocent people were senselessly murdered
>among them likely Kigami and Takemoto
I've always wanted to go visit Kyoani and thank them, in person, for all the amazing work they've done over the years that's brightened my life. It's extremely disconcerting to know that now i will never be able to see some them. I still can't fucking believe this is happening. I hope the piece of garbage responsible is bought to justice.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck. This is the worst tragedy in anime history.

+ innocent people were senselessly murdered
There is no senseless murder.
You may not like the reason he did it. And it may be completely unjustifiable. But it's not senseless. Otherwise it's not murder.

i really can't stand life anymore. i can't believe this is actually fucking happening

*tips fedora*

I don't think you understood what I just said. There was no fedora tipping involved.

Senseless just means wildly foolish which the motive was. Murder is unlawful premeditated killing which this also is.

50 years ago today we broke the barriet of Earth and landed men on the Moon. Today we mourn the loss of 34(maybe+) men and women who died in literal Hell on Earth because some schizophrenic dickhead wasn't adequately contained from public. What the fuck happened to this planet?

based arsonist

>schizophrenic dickhead

He had asperger.

I'd like to visit DP to thank them tho.

Are you somehow under the impression that people weren't murdered 50 years ago?
That mass murder is a new thing that people came up with just recently?

I think he's trying to say that we should have advanced past that point

what's the point of removing the sticky if people are going to spam threads about the event
I'm not saying OP did something wrong, I'm saying the mods fucked up

Glorious NEET, may his name live forever.

Give it a month.

Because the richest nation on Earth spent a ludicrous amount of money on a project that they couldn't replicate for decades because of what a huge money sink it was?
How did that improve the people's situation on Earth?
Oh right. Some dude went to the moon. I better stop starving now. It's inappropriate. Also, I should stop relying on theft and try to get a job.
That is not what happened and there was never a reason to assume that it would happen.

>mods fucked up
Has that ever not been the case?

It's going to need a new one as names are revealed, too.


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I still really can't believe it even happened, it just feels unreal that someone for such a stupid fucking reason would destroy something so many people hold dear and take away so many innocent lives.

I just can't really comprehend that we might never again see something from KyoAni and that things had to end in this way. I don't feel sad though, I just feel despair and anger and I didn't even like any of the shows KyoAni made that much.

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>still can't fucking believe this is happening
Yea, funny how the world works right? Life is anything but predictable.

Sticky is an eyesore and didnt fix the spam. kyoani is still shit even after burning in flames

You don't advance from mass murder.. Its a statistical inevitability. Its something you must live with. I don't get how you think society can "advance" from schizophrenics. You should be more impressed that this is technically the largest mass murder in Japan since WW2. And its just a mere 30-40 deaths.

Your dumb Kyoani

>Because the richest nation on Earth spent a ludicrous amount of money on a project that they couldn't replicate for decades because of what a huge money sink it was? How did that improve the people's situation on Earth?
Oh right. Some dude went to the moon. I better stop starving now. It's inappropriate. Also, I should stop relying on theft and try to get a job.

And yet you're somehow even stupider then the Kyoani faggots. Amazing, what race are you? Because it takes a certain race and certain political leanings to actually insult and belittle the greatest achievement that was done by humans. Christ, these threads need to be banned. It's amazing how all these event reveals is how fucking stupid Yea Forums is when talking about any events. How do you sound even dumber then Yea Forums!? Bunch of isolated anime otakus.

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I have no doubts that Kyoani will survive, but honestly I don't even care if they never make anything again I just wish this hadn't happened.

Guys, Yukie Tsuda ( ) is "missing" in the fire too, according to NTV24 news piece talking with her husband.

Her credits include finish animation and special effects department, including last Free! movies, making it possible that the Free! staff are in the death list from the 3rd floor besides Takemoto.

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>I don't get how you think society can "advance" from schizophrenics.
By treating them, and not pretending they don't exist. Alternatively, by locking up the dangerous ones.

Also, if I am belittling the achievement, it's because it has nothing to do with the topic. I am mocking user for bringing it up like it has any relation to mass murder.

>Because it takes a certain race
If you think that, then that means you have already made up your mind what race I am. Why bother asking?

I've been pretty generally depressed about it for the past few days, but if the rumors are true and something happened to Tomoyo Kurosawa or Moe Toyota then I'm gonna lose it, bros.

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fuck. i hope she's okay though it's likely she's deceased.

Again, not a schizo.

I don't think women will want to work at Kyuoani again, Finally we can get some good plots in their shows and not sappy melodramas


If people thought it was bad now, just wait until we start reading names and connecting them to actual people.

Literally the only Kyoani thing I've ever seen is Koe no Katachi and I was mildly disappointed when I read the news, but about 30 or so hours ago it suddenly hit me and now I can't take my mind off it or even sleep properly. I just want some good news, if there is any.

Her husband (I think right?) was saying she wasn't answering her phone and he's worried about her
If you can read the texts, it's what he was saying about the situation he was in.

They've been churning out garbage for years anyway. This is clearly a case of die in a fire curse cast by someone.

>amazing work
If by amazing work you mean sameface characters in damn near every show, complete disrespect of the source material they adapt and relying entirely on eye candy instead of interesting stories, you'd be right.

>the greatest achievement that was done by humans
Not him but what's the greatest achievement that was done my humans? They don't teach us this is nonamerican schools since the very concept of an "achievement" by a nonexistent collective persona named "humanity" is a modern schizo dogmatic concept, sorry. I kinda always though it was the invention of writing, forging of metal or the wheel, you know, basic practical things usefull in daily life.

I suppose they'll sticky just the one about Takemoto when it's official.
Someone should also do a list of all the names once they are known to public.
And Megumi Ohno are the only other names who has surfaced. And not posting Ohno's text again because we have been sad enough this time, as other anons requested

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Americans didn't do those things, so they can't be the greatest.

But it is factually the worst tragedy in anime history, and it wouldn't matter which was the studio targeted. Unless you can point to me another event where 30+ people in the industry died in the same day?

This is going to cause butthurt. Godspeed user. The meek shall inherit the Earth.

>21 years old
Fuck, man.

>And not posting Ohno's text again because we have been sad enough this time
Post it, user. I've never seen it.

>But it is factually the worst tragedy in anime history,
You can only say that because you haven't watched the BRS TV anime.

What the fuck are the authorities doing?
Why is nobody being identified?
Why are the families still unsure about who perished? What is happening? Do they have people in the hospital they don't even known?

It's Ayaka Asai I'm worried about. I 'connected' emotionally to one of her characters a while ago, and now I can't help but think of her as a living extension of that character and the whole thing has me down as fuck even though I know she's an individual separate from the character as well as 95% not even in there at the time.

At least that was what drew me into following the story, opening me up to the various eyewitness accounts and the overall gravity of what happened in general, getting me even further down. I just want some good news, if there could be any from this.

The fucking coward deserves the rope. These mass murders always have to take innocents down with them.

>we broke the barriet of Earth and landed men on the Moon
>happened to this planet?
You sound very much like a schizo yourself.

>Why are these bodies, burnt beyond recognition, not being easily identified?
Gee, I wonder

You can always stalk that comie or the /pol/ youtuber who joked about the incident. Its better than just feeling suicidal.
But still, I think if Tomoyo was hurt, Astra lost in Space would have reacted somehow to her not appearing in the recordings. A delay or something. Since its schedule as normal, I don't think Tomoyo is in danger, and Tomoyo was the only one who had a picture in a KyoAni studio.
I think no VA was hurt.


Luckily murderers do get the rope in Japan. And their criminal court has a very high conviction rate so it doesn't look like he's getting out of this one.

>Do they have people in the hospital they don't even known?
Some of the people were burned beyond recognition so they're using dental records and DNA to confirm who they are. Both are processes that take a long time, sometimes a week or more, to confirm the victim's identity.

>domesticating corn, potatoes, and a bunch other plants that pretty much feed the entire world today.
Americans have the greatest avhievements.

Do none of these doctors have Appraisal?

Every day i come to Yea Forums and stupid posts like this amaze me even though they shouldn't anymore.

>complete disrespect of the source material they adapt
More like take a source material, make it way better than would ever be otherwise by adding original content(like phantom world last arc).

>and relying entirely on eye candy instead of interesting stories
That's a fucking lie and even if it wasn't, how is this any worse than other studios making dirt cheap commercials of sources with interesting stories?

they are doing DNA tests, they will take around a week.

It helps no one to be reductive.

A radio show with her as the MC released an episode on Youtube just yesterday
Granted it was recorded on like Tuesday but I think they'd know if she was physically affected im the fire and would have restrained from uploading that if so

muh thoughts n prayers

UPDATE: The remains of Takemoto has been safely buried, his son (pictured) mourning over his tombstone.

good luck, ken-sama

That was fast.
Is that normal in Japan?

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Dicks out for Takemoto?


>writing, forging of metal or the wheel
what about the invention of fire?

>But it's not senseless. Otherwise it's not murder.
ESL please leave


I found out it's not recorded om Tuesdays, it's recorded on Sundays 24.00-24.30
So the next episode will air in like 20 hours and we'll see if she's there

>How did that improve the people's situation on Earth?

Shut up Shinji. Jesus Christ.

>By treating them, and not pretending they don't exist. Alternatively, by locking up the dangerous ones.
how do you propose that the world magically finds all people who are mentally ill and forces them to undergo treatment which may or may not exist for them

Do you have an answer?

Good riddance.

That's mildly reassuring I guess, assuming they wouldn't run it anyway knowing people would realise she was a likely victim if they didn't.

That should help alleviate worry, not just for Ayaka but for Tomoyo and the others, because if Ayaka wasn't there then they won't have been there either.

ever heard of GPS you stupid nigger?

Youngest death was confirmed as 20. Let me search the age gap of the deaths, I screencap it yesterday

All the people?
100% is a lofty goal that can't realistically be achieved. What you aim for is a constant improvement of your reach.
If you get 20% today. Try to get 25% next year.

He deserves far worse than that. Death penalty is what you give someone for wrongly killing another. Not only did this motherfucker kill over 30 but really brutally with fire too.

>KHK unironically trolling yet another funeral thread

I'm not sure that's a consequence of the moonlanding rather than military research.



Based cavefag

I tried watching Tsurune in memorial—but it was a lot of static shots and latent homolust.

Literally everything on that list can be made without spending trillions on few joyrides for some random dudes nobody cares about.

That's a complicated question.

the point is you mostly cant tell if someone has some mental illness without examining them, are you going to force every single citizen to undergo psychiatric evaluations? if so how often

Well can't find the image so here it goes from the news:
The ages have been released of the victims. Only one age was listed to be over 60, which would most likely be Yoshiji Kigami.
Their ages range from 20 to 61
20s: 15
30s: 11
40s: 6
60s: 1

He deserves to experience every single one of his victims' experiences one after the other repeated until he dies of old age. And that includes witnesses who saw burning people, rescuers who found the charred bodies and doctors who have to examine them.

Ironically, just like what they like to do with their anime, big part of this disaster was because Kyoani chose style over substance with their spiral stairs, instead of installing normal, functional stairs.

Too bad society deems torture bad.

Alright, then I guess the government invests money into NASA just for the hell of it.

Only for Kyoani cultists, actually.
They were killing the entire anime industry (despite trying too hard to not be associated with "anime" as a whole) since 2009 so many people can call it a good riddance.

People with mental problems in countries where there is a culture of seeking help for mental problems have a tendency to seek help.
Burning 34 people is not the usual first response to unhappiness.

You need to build up this culture though, and you need to train teachers and kindergarteners and other people in similar situations to be aware of what to look out for.

Well it looks like Kyoani won't die, that's something to be happy about at least.
This dude saved 4 people apparently

Watch Evergarden or Maid Dragon(director)

what you're looking for can't be reasonably expected to happen in societies of tens/hundreds of millions

I disagree.

>More like take a source material, make it way better than would ever be otherwise by adding original content
>make it way better
Nice OPINION, faggot.

>khk is still going
Just fuck off already you parasite.

And this was a guy who had previous criminal convictions for violence and supposedly neighbours had alerted police to his unusual behaviour with nothing done.

its dead jim

Pretty much welfare for military corporations and pool of experts useful for war.

Oh yeah I saw how KyoAni popularized seasonal shounen and isekai. They're totally the ones ruining the industry for going international with shounenshit like Koe no Katachi and isekaishit like VEG.

Yup. Fuck off to your subhuman threads retard.

And yet there are countries with 10s of millions that have achieved it and are working on improving it.

Yea. He's a hero, do we have a name?

thats an example of a tautology.
any if -> then statement in which the antecedent is false is trivially true, no matter the consequent.
in the popplerian or positivist formulations, it is a logically meaningless statement, something not even wrong.

But they had normal functional stairs.

only maiddragon was made worse by kyoani

I don't understand what people see in Maid Dragon besides how the characters looks, its mostly unfunny and gay.

>I've always wanted to go visit Kyoani and thank them
Light up user, they still have other locations you can visit.

His name is Construction-kun and he is based.

Yes, unfortunately he was in Japan at the time and the Japanese don't believe in treating mental illnesses. That is not to say that things would have gone right elsewhere. Fuck ups happen everywhere.
But in a country that does have a functional mental health care system, there would have been a much better chance that things would not have gotten to that point.

The US shrink culture is excellent indeed very few psychos on the loose.

They did have normal stairs. The fire turned it in a chimney and a whole crowd died of intoxication on it

Let's have hope user

Check NHK world, guys

mental illness doesnt exist

Go fuck yourself.

Well yeah of course there wasn't anything done. Being weird isn't illegal.

Blame the idiots who actually turn some comfy anime to be forgotten the next week into a forced masterpiece.

We're in the wrong timeline



That also applies to the original post here() Nice to know you've got nothing substantial to say. If you weren't so ignorant you'd know studios always take liberties with source material.

Did the murderer wake up yet or are they waiting for the victims to mourn before questioning him?

No thanks.

It's very sad news. I really hope they can manage to bounce back somehow.

Yes, they literally have another building right in front of the burned one if I recall

What I want to know is will there be any sweeping legislation to force new fire safety standards. For fuck's sake, the building was literally accidentally engineered to be exactly the same as a chimney. One of the reasons terrorism has basically been nonexistent in the post WWII era has been the fact that nips understand what it means to actually believe in God and do his bidding, so all designated "dangerous" religions are spied on 24/7. You don't exactly have to be a mastermind to walk into a poorly designed building with gas and a lighter.

Some people like gay shit, like some people like lolis.

Think of it as a bug. Do you think, evolutionary speaking, that it is a good move to kill yourself rather than producing offspring?

He was obviously not acting in his own interest.

I can't help but thinking that this is the cause of japs' upper election that will be held in near days.

Sticky went to the shit yesterday thanks to a few spammers, mods did the right thing at put it down.

I hope an animator models a friendly onii-san background character on him one day.

Yeah yeah we need a bear patrol.

The USA are a weird country.

>What the voters say

Where would your body be if you are there anons?

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You do know just because they packed only whites in the vehicle that flew to the moon it wasn't only whites who did the work to actually send them there, right?

The moon landing could have brought important advancing but it wasn't fundet to gain scientific knowledge, just as propaganda.
It's a shame the space race stopped because when you look back how fast we went from 'can mammals even survive out there' to 'land on the moon and take photos of the surface of venus' it's really fucking lame we don't even have a station on the moon in fucking 2019.

>What the fuck happened to this planet?
Nothing, people have burned to death since "people" began existing and they will burn to death as long as we exist.
As a terrorist attack it is kinda relevant, but on the grand scale of human atrocities, rather minor, just think about what happened during the world wars with fires...

Construction worker-san would be the silent based guy type.

They didn't have God's protection because they created idols that their millions of fans worshiped and fed food to; celebrated their entire lives around without a break. So is the senseless and meaningless life of your average weeb.

>Revelation 9:20 The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk;

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>Sticky went to the shit
At the speed it moved, I cannot believe that there was a single point at which it was not shit.

Sound recording

Oh, damn.

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I blame your unbearable generation of childish edgelords that were introduced to anime by shounenshit and isekai.
Fuck off already.

Fire wasn't invented by man, it formes naturally when lightning strikes trees. So man observed the phenomena of fire through lightning and volcanoes and considered how to replicate it. All the other things I mentioned were an actual invention. You could claim man observed rounded objects roll easier but the wheel is still just based on imperfect examples in nature.

Someone in another thread said one of those rooms with a body was a recording room. I can't read Japanese, so can anyone tell me if that's what it actually says?

First sticky reached 6000+, the second one was just damage control.

If only they did not try to steal his light novel idea

in evolutionary terms no, but living things are not rational and do not make every decision based on what is best for them evolutionary speaking. here you are talking about anime on the internet, is that what is best for you?

Once the damage is reliably assessed, it might go down in history as The Day Anime Died.

>how fast we went from 'can mammals even survive out there' to 'land on the moon and take photos of the surface of venus'
Far more significant than the space race were both world wars, WW2 by itself basically caused the creation of computing, which is the necessary foundation to make things like space travel feasible in any way.

it isnt terrorism

Probably in the most retarded place like a random corner.

Is this the dancefloor equivalent?

Masturbating in the women's toilet next to the recording booth.


I love it from an artistic standpoint and the action was really good.

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>Sachie Tsuda unaccounted for by family
>Credits on special effects for episode 5 of Lucky Star
>Apparently has worked there for 20 years

It was pretty shitty but you still had the shit concentrated in a few parts, by simply skipping a few comments you got to people actually talking about the topic, but yesterday for some reason everyone was just throwing shit at each other.

Do you have any specific information about the motive of the attacker?

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First thread got 1k, first sticky got 8k, second sticky got 41k, plus all of the spam threads. Who knows how many the third sticky will get once the names of the dead are made public.

It is the single largest happening in Yea Forums history.

it was literally over 8300

>Killing qt young women for making waifus
Why is god like this?

do you think he burned down an anime studio in the pursuit of political aims after he was shouting about how they stole one of his book ideas?

So we're now getting like 2 names of 5 unaccounted persons, right?

That is retarded point.
What is obviously meant is "Man invented ways of artificially creating fire".

I liked the manga and it was neat seeing it animated, even if the focus shifted to the /ss/ shit more often than I cared for.

>nips understand what it means to actually believe in God
Are you referring to the country where the two primary religions are Buddhism and Shinto? No god and hundreds of gods?

It fucking hurts man, They've been my favorite studio for a while. I don't always enjoy the shows they put out(Tsurune/Free S3) but I appreciated that you could see the time and effort into each show they did which is rare when you get studios just lumping out anime after anime.
It's gonna be tough pill to swallow even 2-3 years down the line.

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That's not the bigger issue. While yes they have other buildings and absolutely need a new one, the people that died can't be replaced. They will need more talented staff but it wont bring the dead back.

Lets just hope the international community or government can help them. Japan's best anime studio cannot fucking die like this.

1f bottom right

>likely Kigami and Takemoto
Nigga, if they ain't confirmed alive at this point, they're fucking dead. "Missing" just means "whoopsiedoodle we couldn't get ahold of friends of family to identify this corpse that was charred beyond recognition, so we'll label it as missing until someone can identify the body"

Motivation is pretty hard to tell, but you are right probably it wasn't really terrorism.

I'm not condoning worshipping idols but those people have no affiliation with the studio and innocent people were burned to death.

No it's a true and valid point.
What you obviously meant is "That's a retarded sentance construction". But since my point is obvious and true I'm excused on grounds of being an ESL.


>Image too large (image: 720x14127px, max: 10000x10000px)


Aye. Free and Tsurune aside most of my favorites from the past 3 years came from them and even though their fujo isn't my thing I would still look forward to them for the consistently high production quality alone.
This shit hurts mate.

Seems like it's mostly families who haven't heard from them talking to media. That's the only reason we're getting any names at all right now.

It's dreadful how some terrible things like this can just randomly happen. Japan has no real issue with terrorism, it's safer than a lot of western countries, it's not a war with anyone, then one day you have a dickhead going out and killing 34 people.
Yeah, it's a huge blow but I think they'll survive this. However, we won't be seeing much from them for at least 1 or two years.

True, at least for modern space fun. But back then they really did that more or less with pencil and paper. It's really insane how fast technology advanced.

Now what do we need to make another space race? I mean next time it should be even better since china and maybe india will be on board.

Sticky-san did its job by soaking up thousands of shitposts. Rest in pieces, Sticky-san.


I see, you are a man of culture.

>3 story building
>die in fire
Worst place to be is 3rd floor I'd probably be on the 1st/ 2nd, but seriously you can jump from 2nd story and live.

Also no way I'm burning to death. I'll go to a window and take the jump. I think a 2nd story fall might break your legs and get you $$$ comp. Won't even stop you from animating. Way better than dying a painful death in fire. Also they had that balcony with grass/soil area under it no?


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of course they are fucking dead, we're just not saying it because it's not official

Niggers contributed nothing despite kike propaganda to the contrary.

>Recording Room

>By treating them, and not pretending they don't exist.
(Western) society goes the exact opposite way, removing some mental illnesses from the DSM-IV and actively encouraging them. Also, the term "saneist" has become a thing to spread around. Postmodern times, I guess, deconstructing our definitions of "sane" and "insane", as it's clearly oppressive against lunatics.

Yeah, at least we can track down who are the unaccounted persons since it's easier to do.
Kigami is dead, jim. The lists released by the police said that there's one person died in his/her 60s years old. Kigami is 63 years old this year.

More like "Oh no! I've died in a fire."

Wasn't even that good, Carlos

We're weird because we've been a powdered keg ever since our inception. There's just never been a spark to light it all up because the overwhelming majority has generally been a single race with common goals and beliefs.

Trump is the start of creating some embers. America is going to be really fucked if they don't get immigration under control very soon

If it were me. I'd jump through a window while screaming "Leroy Jenkins" Then I'd realize I'm burning and on the third floor and jumping through the window is pretty much a death sentence.

You people do know that voice acting for anime isn't recorded at the studio that animates it, right?

>was a kyoAni fag since her high school days
>her dream job was to become animator in kyoAni
>her ex part-time employer said she was cheerful
>really happy when she showed her name on credit to her family
>bought her granpa merchandise of his fav softball team with her own money

You do know there was a recording studio in this building, right?

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And she's dead now tim.

They might have bodies there in critical condition with extensive burns where they already had to amputate arms and legs and are now little more than a lump of raw flesh with tubes and infusions. Wouldn't even make much sense to have some relatives try to identify that. They are probably trying to do their best with DNA tests or deductive identification, as I don't know if they can remove tubes or try to avoid stress by making dental assessments.

Unless you were right around a window and made the decision to jump asap, otherwise by the time you finished saying Nani you would be smoked and blacked fast. It's pretty much game over after that.
So this user is one of the 11 in 2nd floor, probably attempting to find a window.

I'm really interested in what his story will be after he's well enough to speak publicly.

>seriously you can jump from 2nd story and live.
IF you can get a window open
IF you can get through the window
IF opening/breaking the window doesn't start a flashback
IF you hadn't tried a more obvious method like going up the stairs first
Yeah, maybe.

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Don't even dare to say something against megu-chan you son of a bitch.
This was her last drawing in her Instagram account btw

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>khk user still shitting thread

I'll confess, I don't really like seeing KyoAni works in cinegrid threads because they're always webms, never static images like most other cinegrids are.

hello ESL

Your body is a missile
There are times you have to believe

>watched nhk world
>a girl said "kyoAni changed my life, back then I was a loner but after watching their anime I have many friends"
What the fuck did she watch? Eupho?

Any updates bros?

Life's not fair and then we die.

I do, but it seems kind of foolish to expect the seiyuu of all their shows to go over there to record, especially when most of them operate out of Tokyo.

Lucky star?

It's much less gay than people read into it. Just like Hibike, they just lure in the yurifags and then educate them with subliminal messages. Pic is from Maidragon.

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K-On!! probably

The fujo gain many friend drawing doujins of the Free boys fucking.

Anime has the meaning of forget the past and move foward while making friends for girls
Guys get it as keep watching it in our locked room as NEETS without getting disturbed and post about the show in the internet

God bless his soul and all his family.

Next time you're in the US I recommend walking through downtown LA, you'll change your mind in no time. It's chock full of loonies.

Well i mean that's because Kyoani shows have the best production values so it makes sense. Their shows are actually animated unlike most.


Why though

Turning on fake news

He's absolutely fucking deranged. Truly the worst spammer in Yea Forums history.

Sugita is ok right guys?

Might be a blessing in discuss honestly, anime is holding Japan back.

Didn't know trigger or PA works had an incident lately


Friendly reminder.

Attached: burndownkyoani.png (1800x2324, 1.51M)

"What is sarcasm, Alex?"

From what? Being a carbon copy of every first world western country?

He's just jelly someone beat him to burning down KyoAni

I don't want to know how many people died trying to help others and then finding themselves in a pitch black toxic oven. Chances are, they were totally disoriented after a few seconds.

why didn't she save them?

>blocking the windows with metal bars
Shit, no wonder there weren't any jumpers. Even from the third floor, maybe even the roof, you could survive the jump if you went legs first. Yeah, you'd end up with fucking smashed legs, but what's a few months in some casts compared to, well, death?

is japan safe?

i was thinking going there and travel south-west to places like the shikoku island but fuck i dont want to be burned alive,bros :(

>I've always wanted to go visit Kyoani and thank them, in person, for all the amazing work they've done over the years that's brightened my life. It's extremely disconcerting to know that now i will never be able to see some them

Me too user ;_;

I doubt I ever would have actually gone there if this hadn't happened, but just knowing that I can't is painful.

The rooftop was definitely locked, wasn't it?
There's no way out of 19 people who were rushing to the rooftop, not a single person didn't manage to reach it.
I think there's a big chance that the report that the door wasn't locked was falsified by the PR department to make Kyoani look less incompetent and to prevent suing from family members of victims.

Bars? Probably shelves.

It's safer than most countries, including US of A.

just because of one incident it's not gonna becomea 3rd world junglenigger den, retard

>i dont want to be burned alive

Better not go then. Didn't you see the photos?

It wasn't locked. They died because of CO intoxication.

aspergernic dickhead

33 people just died. It would be crazy to go there now.

>There's no way out of 19 people who were rushing to the rooftop, not a single person didn't manage to reach it.
You will lose conscious in 5 seconds. It was death room with smoke.

Honestly I don't like stuff Kyoani puts out at all because I'm not into romance shows. I just want them to recover eventually because they have a lot of fans they make happy with their creations.

Where do you think all that smoke was going, user? That rooftop room was already brimming with monoxide by the time the first victim reached it, it was a literal dead end.

There were jumpers but they had to be fast and around Windows from the beginning or they were dead by the time they got to one. There was even a witness account from a sobbing lady who will probably have nightmares about it.
The smoke was that fast

Why would the seiyuu have been at the studio on that day, seems unlikely they'd have been caught in this.

I'm going in December. If I die I die. Such is the unpredictable nature of life.

There's no way ALL 19 of them collapsed and died before reaching the rooftop. They probably tried to open the door, but failed since it was locked, that's why the 19 bodies were on the stairs near the rooftop.

So can they survive if spiral stair didn't exist?

>I don't like stuff Kyoani puts out at all
>because I'm not into romance shows
Seriously? That's your reason?

Trips of truth. People that think ACK is worse are delusional, at least he had rational behind his actions and would never spam funeral threads.

kakoii onii-san

Denial and bargaining.

Get inside this and you won't last long, no lock needed
Roof isn't that safe either

Attached: 1563481712026.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

What romance shows have they made, are you insane?

It only takes one or two people to die on the stairs for the panic of people behind them to struggle getting up as well, with only seconds to spare before they too die of carbon monoxide poisoning.

How will I get a flashback if I've never been in a fire before?

No. It confirmed earlier that they died from burns while in the building, not CO.

following your regressive mode of thinking we would never have picked up a stick because some chimp would have gotten butthurt at another chimp for not spending 100% of his effort gathering berries for winter

The trees of Shikoku make it the most fire-proof place, Japan could be a sea of fire but shikoku would stand.

first time i hear kigami might be dead.

early rumors had nishiya futoshi and kadowaki miku on the lists. still not confirmed alive?

i mean, i always feel bad about wondering about the prominent kyoani staff. the loss of the young and relatively anonymous animators is of course just as tragic. we can assume that as they had a lot of young women on their staff and were actively trying to create a family-friendly workplace environment, a good number of the victims were actually young mothers.

but wondering about the more prominent kyoani staff is kind of a coping mechanism for me. you can distract yourself with questions about the business strategy and shit without having to think that a bunch of good people burned alive or suffocated painfully in a hell on earth.

They get like 10 more seconds

Did anyone ever find out what work he claimed kyoani copied?

5 of them died from burns and the rest from CO poisoning.

Not if he wants to finish the job, user. There are lots of kind of people.

Come on this is not Detroid.

Kadowaki Miku confirmed okay

Just look for fire escape exits whenever you enter a building

NHK reporters going there for interviews. It's possible that besides some directors and staff, they invited some seiyuu to interview and also show her working there in the room or something like that, so she must be testing it before the journalists arrive.
I think someone should investigate those reporters, maybe they have connections with the arson.

Seems he still isn't well enough yet to discuss the details, may take another day or two.

They had the legendary animator Kigami personally training their new animators. The question is who's going to succeed him. Ishidate is one of the best animators in the current industry, being able to animate mechs, complex body moments and backgrounds but who knows if he'll be able to take on his roles. Fuck. Kigami made Kyoani what they are today.

shit got smoked filled very fast that shit became deadly fast in fires the grand majority of deaths is smoke and toxic fumes released by burning stuff not the actual fire.

with how thick the smoke was they would only have a few minutes at best before they'd be overcome by the smoke and gasses released by the fire that shit is literally poisonous and depending on what else was burning besides the gas the dude use the plastics burning could release nasty shit like Cyanide which make it even less survivable.

and the panic situation makes you breath faster and makes it kill you faster.

one of the things that goes first when dying from smoke and gases is your ability to properly do things as your mind muddles as the brain is the most sensitive organ to oxygen changes.

It was Free!


that is good to hear. who else was confirmed okay?

Hell to the yeah kagawa life

>taking a random twitter post as confirmation when even the poster themselves says that it's too early to tell whether or not Takemoto is dead.

We had a sticky for like, three whole days. That's more than enough time to mourn a bunch of people you didn't and never will know, people who never knew you existed either.

Does anyone know whether Utsumi is safe or not?

KyoAni will find a way. They always do.

>no new IP


There was a tweet that said Ishihara safe and it's confirmed by the age victims, that he's not in the list since he's 50s. Ishidate might be as well safe since the tweet can be trusted.

Taking the necessarily liberties to rework certain things so they work better in the format of the medium is not the problem. Adding entire characters and plot lines that did not exist in the original work certainly is though. It's not a matter of opinion.

>There's no way out of 19 people who were rushing to the rooftop, not a single person didn't manage to reach it.
One falling on their way up because of smoke intoxication, another falling over that person in their panic and bam, stairway blocked enough to make everyones way over them too long so they fall unconscious while trying or shortly after.

We may need to find a way for them this time. Do what you can brother.

There was confirmation that Yamada was safe earlier as well but it was from a tweet so who knows. Best to do is to hope.

We don't even know who died and who lived, I don't know what is worse, if you are attention whoring or if you are this unironically obsessed with people talking about things.

You're underestimating CO2 user. If you're in a closed room like they were and it's filled with enough smoke, you can lose consciousness in less than a minute, and you die 10 minutes later.

Did you miss the part where everything on this list WAS the trillions?

The actual launch was change compared to all the development and prototyping which makes up that list.

They weren't going one after one in a coordinated line, user. Not even japanese will manage that while steaming to death.

her name on staff roll

Attached: 5d313f308ca4d79602.jpg (774x693, 123K)

Hey, sorry. I wasn't trying to be rude. Besides obvious stuff like Lucky Star and Nichijou I try to avoid their shows because I keep hearing they contain a lot of romance. My mistake for saying stuff they put out and making it sound like I didn't like anything that came from them. Sorry.

>Anons replaced the staffs
>First floor anons died instantly in a sea of fire
>3rd floor is hopeless, pretty much everyone died there too
>2nd floor anons
>windows anons died crowding a window
>very few lucky anons that aren't fat manage to jump and live
>construction worker hero-san ssaves 4
Do I get it right? I believe the body count actually may be higher.

If fire is that fast, what are your chances in even the most advanced fire-safety coded buildings?

Seems like anyone can just walk in the front door and light some gas, setting any given building to flames in seconds.

Get mouthfucked by a horse, kudasai.

Do you get off from being a jackass? Of course we will never know them now, they're fucking dead.

Even worse than the evangelion movies?

Attached: 1561916266838.jpg (250x238, 8K)

This building's insides are mostly wood, including the stairs.
Most people will still die of smoke but the fire wouldn't spread as quickly in a non wood interior building.

New buildings either have sprinkler systems or are designed to contain fires in zones so it does not spread and have multiple routes for evacuation.

N-n-no pls dont disrespect my precious anime it made the proud otaku i am! Plss TuT

You could at least look up the official synopsis and genre tags before dropping stuff over hearsay. Damn it son.

dont apologize user, I feel the same. I just accepted that I'm not the target audience for most of their shows and that's okay, but i hope they recover

>None of 4 Main Hibike VAs haven't tweeted yet
fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

Last Tomoyo one says 18th but it was made the 17th so dunno

Attached: 1487076450713.jpg (710x850, 161K)

no smoke and gas kill very very quickly and make even simple tasks nearly impossible to do.

one of the first things to go is your mental ability to properly do things regardless of actual physical ability your brain is very susceptible to changes of oxygen level it's why carbon monoxide is so dangerous because one of it's effects is that it hinders a person's mind.

this pretty much CO and CO2 will disable you far faster than you'll realize and that's before anything more nasty that might be released in a fire depending on what's burning.

fire just spreads really fast

Attached: 1563639266792.gif (500x275, 1.73M)

I wonder how many anons are fat.

That's what people don't understand. Even in a building with a fire escape, the arsonist can just pour gas right in front of it. And boom, you're fucked.
Very little could have been done to prevent this.

Is there a way to donate directly to the family of the person whose work you loved?

Attached: BAAAW2.jpg (315x362, 18K)

Or worse than Evangelion period?

Yeah but the one called Koe no Katachi has no romance tags anywhere even though It's a movie with romance elements right? Tags aren't very accurate man.

I realize now my post made it look like I was insulting them though, I didn't get the point across clearly. An apology was needed. Thanks, though.

You can in fact design buildings to be quick as hell to get out of in an emergency from any point in the building.
Leaving fucking fast is always the number one priority

the way he did it pretty much turned the floor he pour all his stuff on into a inferno and the spiral stairwell just acted like a chimney funneling all the smoke and gasses to the higher floors.

fire safety regulations are actually not about preventing fires, but limiting the development of the fire and the extent of its destruction. they're graded by the time they allow for safe evacuation the arrival of fire brigades.

no fire safety regulation will help you when a motherfucker douses you and your surroundings in gasoline and sets you on fire though.

Animation studio cannot use sprinklers due to damaging paper media that the keyframes are drawn on. They need to keep sensitive media not actively being worked on in a separate sealed room with a halon fire suppression system. Then the rest of the building can use sprinklers.

Attached: 1024px-Halon_fire_suppression_warning_sign.jpg (1024x1365, 230K)

The highest point inside the building is where all the smoke accumulates first, it was a death trap early on. Dunno why they tried to go there anyway, first instincts would have been to get as low as possible (inside the building, going down to lower floors) and then outside. You wouldn't jump out of a third-floor window when you could go down to the second floor, and you wouldn't jump out of a second-floor window if you could still get down to the first floor etc.
Maybe someone shouted "to the roof" and then they climbed to their deaths, dunno. Must have been hell, the heat from the lower floors rising up through the stairwell cooks you alive, the toxic fumes rising up there and accumulating under the roof ...

This. I've got a background in crowd control: I can tell you with 90% certainty what happened on that stairwell.

They rushed up the stairwell and the lead person panicked in the smoke, failing to open the door. At some point, one of the people on the narrow stairwell was overcome and collapsed.

Everyone on the stair is now dead, they just don't know it yet. The unconcious person is blocking 3-5 feet of stairwell with his unsecured body, and would be difficult to avoid on a clear stairwell. This is not a clear stairwell; There's nearly twenty other people trying to get out. They now cannot access or open the door, cannot ascend or descend the stairs past the casualty, and cannot relay that the stairwell is a deathtrap to the people at the bottom trying to make their way up. As a result, the entire group is overcome one by one, further blocking the egress. There is no alternative at this point: No one has the air to make another attempt to escape.

Same issue with what happened in The Station nightclub: The moment an access point becomes blocked, it becomes the most dangerous location in the crisis.

You have to consider that there are no fire safety buildings that are prepared for a arson or deliberated attack. All the fire-proof measurements you can expect in any building are designed for accidental or spontaneous fires, this one was done with fucking gasoline (which is something that rarely starts fires even in a casual way).

also it passed it's fire safety inspection last year.

but keep in mind the code it's was under more than likely didn't take into account some dude on the inside dumping 10.5 gallons of flammables and lighting it after allowing it to fume up.

It's 40l of gasoline fire, it will get to 1500 degree fast and gives a shit load of smoke. You are still looking at a large amount of deaths even with the most advanced ones.
Just imagine him going to a place with a large amount of people inside that type of building and doing the same shit

Same goes for any emergency really, be it a nigga with a gun, a radiation incident, an earthquake, the cops showing up, etc.

Yeah, because of the staircase acting as a chimney and all that toxic smoke because of the gasoline and the paper they had less than 3 minutes to survive, then someone fainted in front of the roof door and peopel were dropping like flies there, nobody could have scaped except the ones from the windows sadly, it worked all wrong because of the building estructure.

Those technologies were developed in order to accomplish said task, which happened to result in other applications.

Attached: carlin.jpg (328x343, 8K)

>61 year old man company officer
>40-year-old company officer
dead according to some guy on 5ch

Can you hold your breath through all that gas, or would you still get knocked out either by the burning fumes or whatever?

Did they really lose everything like I'm hearing?

Several cleverly placed fire proof doors could maybe help people reach the roof, fire escape or jump more or less coordinated out the windows by buying some time.
If the neighbours also act fast they could provide soft stoff like matresses and pillows beneath the windows for trapped people to jump on.

First floor is a metal melting sea of fire, by the time 3rd floor realized about the fire 2nd floor is a smoke field. They pretty much had no choice.

My guess it would still flood through your nostrils/mouth if they are open, and in a sudden panic it would be hard to hold your breath especially for more than a minute at best

You could if you had a clear line to the exit. But with all the offices and low visibility from the smoke if you are caught in the main affected area you are fucked either the flames or the co2 would kill you.

People do not want to invest in basic research. War and glory (in space) has been used during periods to make them do so. If the US prioritized better you'd solve all your social problems and leapfrog the world in research, sadly you do not.

Yes, everything, even digital stuff

Probably. You may keep yourself alive for a bit more, but it's highly unlikely.

They lost everything in that building, but not the things stored in other buildings. That building was supposedly full of preproduction materials and the like.

what if we made buildings out of rubber instead

She could save anime from death, but not her own studio.

Attached: palpatine.png (1868x812, 1.48M)

Everything inside that building, yes.

Not that i know of. Japanese are very reluctant to take donations as it is. You can follow this link to directly help the studio though, if you haven't already seen it.

You can endure like 4 seconds without taking an initial breath.

Were there any VAs there to begin with?

>user went the wrong way cos he can't see and died

Yea Forums has the weirdest autists on all of the 4chans

They took plenty for 3/11

People still mad the gobament is wasting money on the olympics instead of relief for tohoku

I heard the company that helps them with CGI may have some backups

Most likely not, but their silence is leading people to speculate that they were there to be interviewed by NHK regarding the recently announced new season of Hibike! Euphonium. A body being found in the voice recording room isn't helping.

I heard the 6 guests are not VAs but NHK crews filming another KyoAni doc, thus they shut door security off for their convenience.

If you're on the first floor, hold your breath and run as soon as the fire starts, you'll probably be okay.
If you're on the second floor, you might make it if you immediately go for a window.
If you're on the third floor, you're dead.

The US leads the world in patents and startup businesses. Old-world countries like Japan and Europe are famous for being dominated by centuries-old established companies who don't innovate.

Will the execution be recorded/streamed?

thats Yoshiji Kigami
Takemoto is 47, maybe is Eisaku Kawanami, can't find his birthdate, not even in japanese wiki

hell no unless your on the ground level and have unobstructed path out because fight or flight response will make you want to breath faster you'll won't be holding your breath easy if at all.

gasoline fires produce thick, dark, and toxic smoke, and a lot of it. they spread fast too, adding the fire load of environment to the equation, and the environment in question was filled with paper stacks and wooden furniture.

it all went faster than you think. the rooftop group fled directly to where most of the toxic smoke accumulated in the highest concentration. after two minutes at the very most, there was no one left conscious inside the building.

There is nothing people can do to reduce the risk to zero. And quite a lot is actually up to the human factor, regular and thorough fire drills may be just as or even more effective than some building improvements. Both together would be the ultimate way, but even then, casualties can and will keep happening.

No no, the NHK didn't arrived yet when the arson set all on fire. In fact they were the first ones to appear on the fire and calling the police.

Is that what the air conditioning on the 1st floor is for? There are a lot of those machines outside on ground floor but I noticed in old studio photos they used electrical fans so it was odd. Or maybe they didn't have it installed at that time, I don't know.
>This is the fire of 2L gasoline
>40L was used here

Everyone knows the Olympics is just some 2 week cashgrab that does nothing but make the whole world bitch at your culture and customs

Russia and Brazil are still shitholes

>Using portable ladders
Did the city not have any ladder trucks or was Kyoani stuck in a hard to reach area away from the street? It got to be hard carrying all that gear up that tiny ladder.

Attached: ACUSHNET-LADDER-TRUCK.jpg (1600x1060, 813K)

And somehow, we're still thought of as the big kid on the block.

None of our social problems can be solved in a lab, and to leapfrog the world on research, we have to fall behind first.

But this is all off topic.

Flashback meaning oxygen from the outside getting in through a new source leading to the fire suddenly exploding in your direction

the only funny thing is the guy apparently had weapons on him to attack people trying to flee but burned himself probably from the gas fumes exploding in his face

What's also scary is now lots of people know how easy it is to just walk in, dump gas and effectively kill a company and most of the people inside.

dude, every fire brigade has portable ladders.

That's a backdraft

Well even if NHK haven't been there by the moment the attack started, directors/staff/seiyuus might be actually waiting for their arrival. Let's hope that's not the case.

Te space race was literally a cover for testing rockets for ICBMs Nothing more, nothing less.

You guys are missing the point.

Everything that could have failed. failed! The doors were locked, the windows were either locked or too high, the very quantity to gasoline was just too much, the stairs were not done, everything failed.
It was hell!

It was as if God gave a one big fuck you to them.

Not very good for this case anons

I once experienced a tiny panic in my classroom because a swarm of bees that came out of nowhere decided to chill in the open window. People saw them, one screamed hornet attack and almost everyone rushed to the door. We didn't just get stuck in the doorway, we managed to threw around the tables, bags and chairs so much people from the back had serious trouble even reaching the door crowd.

Most people might would have made it out of the building in time if they were on their own.

It's like cursed luck for arsonist.
>they had meeting
>they turned off card system

Security System was down because the NHK crews were going for interviews.
Depends where the arson throw the gasoline, if before or past the ID card readers, things would have been different

But why would it be the Euphonium VAs when a lot of people related to Euphonium were out of the building?

It's still more difficult and less deadly than the good old "truck of peace" routine.

>directors/staff/seiyuus might be actually waiting for their arrival
That 100% happend. They were at the 3rd floor where is the meeting room. It was 10am in the morning, they were there and animators were just working as usual.

Something for the new season.
I think most of the staff in the 3rd floor were from FREE! but who knows with all these secretism.
This woman is confirmed missing by her husband, and is last credited in the Free! movies

Even worse, you'll most likely end up with new expensive structures no one needs that won't make money after the olympics and the whole event turns out to have cost more than you earned.

I did it once. I's not that easy. Japan is very flammable.

There's no divinity involved. It's a simple enough physics problem.

And once you hear "Picture 20 liters of accelerants", you already know how the scenario ends.

I don't think the location would have mattered that much with the mass of fuel he had: The building itself was burning within moments after the ignition. They might have gotten more warning, but I have no idea if that would have saved anyone.

Guessing that's what meant though

At this point we can assume missing = dead right? There will be no miracles in event that itself is miracle for arsonist.

Is this why the madman could easily carry 40L of gas into the building and had a lot of time to set it up?

Again, a security guy would have prevented all these.

A day ago

I said basic research. "Innovation" and "market disruption" is just taking basic research and applying it.

Basic research is when someone spends 5 years solving a mathematical theorem or studying the way a certain gene expresses in a bacteria, with no regards to application.

Sometimes it works of course, like how Boston Dynamics pivoted into application, but with more funding you could have ww2/space race levels of actual technology development _constantly_.

I also drew no comparison to Europe or anyone else, I just said that the US could do much better.

>had a lot of time to set it up
Nah he just walked in and dumped it asap before throwing fire. It was very fast.

dude also had five knives and a hammer on him
>security guy walks up to crazed motherfucker
>excuse me sir you can't do that
>gets stabbed in the face
>crazed motherfucker proceeds to do exactly what happened anyway

Studios don't have much visitors unlike business companies or shops, they don't hire security because they don't need it 99.9% of the time.

Carrying 2 big buckets of fuel is a dead giveaway. That much fuel will do a lot of damage to anything.

And yet most still uses barely changed old soviet equipment to get into space as savely as possible.
I think I remember an article about russias innovations on that matter all proved less secure and more expensive than the classic.

Innovations are great to sell them as gadgets and to explore new paths but in some cases old is better.

Literally me right now.

Attached: 1519449989601.jpg (1920x1036, 119K)

>carbon copy
Yet managing to perfect it.

I hate you

Is there a reason why you continuously add unnecessary line breaks to your posts? Your post could have looked like this instead of taking up so much unnecessary space:
>I said basic research. "Innovation" and "market disruption" is just taking basic research and applying it. Basic research is when someone spends 5 years solving a mathematical theorem or studying the way a certain gene expresses in a bacteria, with no regards to application. Sometimes it works of course, like how Boston Dynamics pivoted into application, but with more funding you could have ww2/space race levels of actual technology development _constantly_. I also drew no comparison to Europe or anyone else, I just said that the US could do much better.

Hell if he knew the door was locked all he would need to do is use the hammer to bust a window or two, chuck some gasoline in, throw in a match, and he wouldn't have even gotten hurt.

It should still be a trained individual vs a fat dude with some weapons.

At least it would alert nearby people and maybe people inside the building much faster.

The amount of waste that these games leave behind make no sense to me. The number of government's slobbering over each other just to get the chance of being wasteful like this, for only 2 weeks, is also puzzling

No. Halon tanks are kept in their own room. When the alarm goes off the halon will be automatically discharged into the room and will displace the oxygen and snuff any fire already started or will prevent any fire from starting. That's why people need to evacuate the room immediately when the alarm sounds. You will suffocate to death if you stay in the room.

Attached: Fire-Suppression-System-gaseous.jpg (1200x550, 180K)

Is all the train-related stuff true?

no, but it's funny.

Maybe. But then again you come with 2 containers of fuel, drop them, light up a rag, toss it and bounce out of there. Fire attacks are fast. If he really was setting up stuff then I could see him getting stopped or maybe people getting a head start.

reddit spacing

pretty much. considering he had a hammer, that might just have been his plan anyway. the knives were lined up outside the building too; he might have planned to use them on the staff fleeing from the building.

dude look, no one is interested in your alt.history fanfiction shit you came up with in the comfort of your own home

Attached: this maggot has a point.jpg (300x300, 16K)

Gas fire is harder to put out with sprinklers.
The best way to stop them is using Argon suppression systems but then they would need to install oxigen supply masks for the people inside.

Which Utsumi? Because the Free Utsumi left KyoAni a while ago.

It was unheard of. This is a nation where this kind of incident happens once every two decades.

Which is kinda self fulfilling, since no one is prepared for this kind of incident either.

I guess as long as they are able to hold off an annoying fan until the police arrives they thought it'd be enough.
I mean seriously, you expect needing high security at all kinds of places but not for animation studios.

If a maniac poured gas in a hair salon because he blames his last haircut to having caused failing his most importantt job interview a trained and armed security could have prevented this as well since nobody would blame them for not having one.

Google Translate:
>According to the president Hatta, the front door usually closes the shutter, and the employees are coming and going from the employee entrance on the other side. However, there was a visitor on the morning of the 18th when the fire started, and the shutter was open.
>In preparation for suspicious persons, a security camera with an entrance was also installed.
>Since the studio is completed in 2007 and there are spiral staircases, Kyoto City has instructed installation of a smoke barrier in the completion inspection. In response to this, they installed a 50 cm long smoke-proof wall that hangs from the ceiling.
>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design, shook his voice, saying, "I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."

It could have been if they didn't somehow lax the security for that one day.

Someone is going to take a fall for this security lapse

It's just a dick-measuring contest.
Most could just use old hotels, old stadiums and old structures and just use the event to renovate them.

Poor kid could have made her way up to chara designer one day.

Attached: 1374929450685.gif (640x360, 1.41M)

>Be American would-be mass murderer
>Walk up into company's front door armed
>Get shot by guard/cop
Feels good to be American.

---> Yea Forums - Anime

Ah. I see. Unfortunate then.

>giving money to minorities
>not throwing it away
Choose only one

You can't use inert gas fire suppression systems, whether it be halon, argon, nitrogen, etc. for whole buildings. The point is for it to be used only on rooms containing sensitive materials. Having such a room would not have prevented the deaths of any employees but could have preserved works drawn on paper media if they were stored in said room.

Sprinklers and fire extinguishers are really the only option for the general building even if they might not be terribly effective. You cannot use any system that removes or displaces the oxygen as it'll kill everyone.

>I don't like a talking point so everyone should be banned from speaking out!

You are almost as bad as the crime apologists

Argon or CO2 depending on what they have readily available to them. Although with that much fuel it might not have helped much. Halon is not for human use and is more for mechanical stuff and PKP is dangerous because it produces by product.

Good thing that's what happens every time.

Attached: 1563491607744.png (583x702, 319K)

NHK and Hatta are the ones to blame on this
>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design

>they installed a 50 cm long smoke-proof wall that hangs from the ceiling.
Oh I saw that... look at the first picture, it's literally designed just to keep a little bit of ceiling smoke from going up the stairwell.

Attached: 1563519652782.jpg (1256x2888, 662K)

>tfw schizo
I keep a supply of pentobarbital handy for check out when the time's right

It seldom works that way in practice but I suppose the one nice thing about dying in a shooting is it's typically less suffering than being horribly burned.

Is his wife still MIA?

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Because you appreciate her I'll give you her profile
dunno if she had a pixiv

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Are emergency stairs even mandatory? I read on NHK that the building was following the proper fire regulations.

They probably died by carbon monoxide poisoning before burning to death. Out in a couple breaths, pretty shitty but beats actually being burned alive.

That's the one big thing that they could have done. Fire escape stairs with doors one the 2nd and the 3rd floor would have saved a lot of people. But a lot of places don't have them, that's not something people think of, especially when authorities deem the building to be ok security-wise.

i respect that

>>Be American would-be mass murderer
>>Walk up into school's front door armed
>>Shoot up kids

Yea Forums - autism

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Too bad for schools right user?

The people on the upper floors probably did. The one's on the ground level that encountered Aoba directly are the one's that had gasoline thrown on them and were ignited.

Even an armed and trained guard isn't going to have a good time of it, and this is coming from a /k/ommando.

Without a firearm, there would have been a struggle, where the perpetrator would have had weapons and the guard really wouldn't (Best he'd have would be a stun gun or a baton, not even a Tazer.).

Gas extinguishers are entirely useless outside of new construction and small, specific spaces. They can even be harmful in the case of an accelerant fire like this, since they'll displace the superheated air to other areas of the building, potentially toward other fuel sources. Halon wants a small, hot fire you need out yesterday in a closed room. Sprinklers handle large fires in wide, open areas and can mitigate damage even when they're not fully effective.

Life in the South. Every establishment has an armed guard and the laws are defensive shooter friendly. I know when I was in Cali none of the guards had guns and they aren't even allowed to confront the perp. They have to call for police defeating the purpose of the guard aspect.

This. its hard to train for something you haven't encountered. Most people there see maybe an occasional fight on the street or a drunkard causing a scene but other than that its peaceful.

>"I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."
What a sad thing to say. If Kyoani doesn't shut down, most likely we'll see these stairs in all current and future buildings.

Then would the foam sprinkler syster work better for non-data rooms?

I personally don't use instagram, but thanks regardless. I'll hold on to it a share it for others to see.

everything already exists. we just "invent" how to use and make it.

>burned lungs, nose, mouth
Breathing hot smoke still probably was shitty.

Not really looking at the speed of smoke and fire, it still wouldn't help much
We might even get another pile near or on the stairs

Damn, she is, or was, cute and skilled.

It was autism that caused this calamity. People with autism should be watched more carefully. They are a danger to society and for themselves.

In an accidental fire, they would have had little difficulty escaping.

The building went from perfectly fine to spontaneous ignition of available fuel in seconds.

>had a lot of time to set it up?
AFAIK he set it up outside the building, nearby. Filled the gasoline into a bucket which he brought into the studio. Pretty clever actually, as it would take quite a little time to empty two gas canisters with their small openings, but a bucket? Just a split second to turn it over. It always sounds as if he spent so much time inside the building, when he literally just entered, walked a few steps to the spiral stairs, empied the bucket and ignited it. Barely five seconds would be enough for that.

And yeah, a security guard could have prevented this exact scenario, but Japan is a high-trust society and there simply is (usually) no need for a guard. And even then, the arsonist might've just walked up to him very friendly, posing as a fan and then stabbed him. Would have been an additional chance to avoid it or at least delay it, but no guarantee that it would have completely prevented it.

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Evolution made social bonds more important to them so most females tend to make friends easier. Because of that they also tend to like to gossip. Some hate do do it with irl people though, so shared imaginary people are the very best way to have fun talking shit together.

Still can't believe kyoani burned down because of some autistic train terminology

fuck off crossboarder

You shutdown relatively quickly when you breath in hot gas. At least they didn't suffer long.

Thanks for the explanation. Sounds very dangerous.

>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design,

Big lawsuit confirmed.


nice citation you lack

The south dealt with diversity the longest. I trust their judgement on the needs for self-defense alot more than west coast hippies

>He could have disguised himself as a cleaner planning to wipe the floor.
Pretty sure every security wouldn't assume gasoline and mostly approach him to ask if he entered the wrong building.

Is Tomoyo Kurosawa okay? Her twitter hasn't updated since the 17th.

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>Subhumans posting "Anti-degeneracy gang" shit on Twitter

We hope so. There's nothing concrete to suggest that she was even in there to begin with, which she probably wasn't.

Either that or a super violent schizo that just got out of jail for armed robbery.

I don't know how people can even do it.
Fun experment: Blow-dry your face and try to breath in, I just barely manage to breath at all but not nearly enough.

I wish this guy would have burned Jagex. Or poison murdered a bunch of executives for Valve, EA, Ubisoft, Hasbro, Sega, Nintendo or website admins and moderators like Yea Forums.

So why can't she respond? She voiced Miria from imas too.

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Worst case: An actual cleaner decides to burn down a building that way.

>president Hatta blames himself for this
It's over, there's no way Kyoani is bumping back. Please God, at least let the VAs be safe, you've already taken everything else.

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They're not doing it voluntarily. They hit a gasp reflex, 1000 degree gas goes into your system, everything gets flash cooked, your throat closes up, your lungs cauterized, you pass out from system shock.

Agency silence order most likely, if not her own grief and/or respect for the dead.

I fucking hate that Yea Forums guy

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Not many VA's have responded in general.

See I don't get that/ If I were a popular celebrity and tragedy affected the place I worked that, I'd reinsure my fans I'm ok.

yep breath in hot enough air and your done no need for gasses to make you pass out.

sorry, but thats stupid. they must know by now that people are worried sick about them so they would at least release some news like "girls are ok, dont worry". I think they were there for interview and are already dead.

>Sprinklers handle large fires in wide, open areas and can mitigate damage even when they're not fully effective.

Yeah, for sure. Sprinklers would've at least stopped the fire from spreading so quickly from the initial gasoline pile.

Not if you were in the hospital with burns all over your body and couldn't hold any sort of electronic device.

>Astra lost in Space would have reacted somehow to her not appearing in the recordings.
You have to consider that if they were involved, and the worst case scenario happened. Nobody with the exception of their families will know for now, they wouldn't delay something just for a speculation, that might cause panic because that basically would confirm they were involved.

Even for Ayaka Asai (who appeared in a YouTube video yesterday which was recorded last week) isn't actually impossible that the company behind isn't aware yet of the safety of these seiyuus. (This applies for Astra case as well)

I don't want to think that.

On the other hand, there was never supposed to be a fire this bad in that kind of a building.

I doubt they even had old nitrate cells at this point: Paper and paints, that's it.

Any news? We still waiting on the list? Has he attacker said anything?

Most likely because she doesn't want too. Yuuki Aoi's only response was 2 entire tweets to say: "No I don't think Twitter is a good place to talk about this, I need to process this on my own and I don't want to just say "woah this is so sad" and move on just like that.". My guess is that they are all quite careful about virtue signaling.

We only have known 2 names from all of the disappeared people because they went to the media (or the media to them, whatever) saying that they can't contact with them.
Big names are really locked at least for a week.
I was about to check in some minutes the japanese tv streams again, but you're welcome to keep seeing if they say or show something new (It's 6am already in Japan, news time)
>aqstream com/jp/
But the comedian scandal is getting everything

>"I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."
You son of a bitch.

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>They hit a gasp reflex
I kinda want to try how long it takes for it to set in, blow-dryer air shouldn't be hot enough to really damage something, right?

>show that burning video to the supposed ex-fireman near my home to ask about things
>he just kept staring

I'm pretty sure Charles Manson existed 50 years ago

That, you reminded me now when Mr Satan's seiyuu killed himself in an alley with a knife during a rainy night

Imagine being a newsreporter and a shitposter and you have to pretend.

Which video are you talking about?

The only news that has come out recently is that the suspect was spotted near the studio a few times before the arson.
The hospital had a press conference about 12 hours ago but they didn't release any names.

Even if some are okay the agency might not want them to help people figure it out by process of elimination for the sake of the family. As soon as someone knows who has died their family is going to get harassed endlessly by reporters and other randoms coming out of the woodwork. It sucks that the fans have to be worried but I'd prioritize the family over them.

pros know.

Even if sprinklers just buy like 10 extra seconds in that kind of scenario, I'd take them.

It's simpler than that. Just hold your breath as long as you can. At some point, your biology takes the wheel and you can't keep it going. Even if you do, you'll just pick right back up breathing when you pass out.

If you do this, do it sitting down.

That's just Japanese virtue signaling

>I've always wanted to go visit Kyoani and thank them

I never wanted to but after this I still don't want to

No one else died on the past 14 hours, right?
Also, what happened to the sticky?

They needed their regular stairwell to be fire resistant and sealed with self-closing fire doors. The stairwell would also have a protected ground-level exit. The idea is to keep the stairwell clear of fire and smoke long enough to allow upper floors to evacuate.

US fire code requires this even in small commercial buildings and rated for at least 1 hour of fire resistance, precisely for cases like this where a 1st floor fire would cut off normal exit routes.

sprinklers would just not have done anything at all in this case. it's just not the kind of fire where sprinklers would have had any chance.

The spiral stair was main villain, that wouldn't really help much I think. It might even kill some of the jumpers cos they wouldn't jump this time

sticky died ;_;

The one with lots of smoke

What about foam sprinklers though? I know people on the lower floors would be utterly fucked but still.

So how did the guy start the fire without anyone noticing, especially the cameras and security? and how did he lock the doors or keep everyone from reaching for the fire extinguishers or barricading the staircases to keep it from spreading?

All the Japanese news broadcasters literally all got copies of the KyoAni's studio's building blueprints and created miniature dioramas of the building either as real life diorama or 3D generated images.

read the damm thread

NHK just reported on it again, nothing we didn't know already and they keep talking about the fucking killer like anyone gives a shit about him.

Staircase is just a hole in the floor, you can't barricade it, no security like most animation studios, there most likely were fire extinguishers but they would have been absolutely useless against 40l of gasoline, there was a camera but that's not going to do anything since the guy only needed a few seconds to empty his buckets of gas and set it on fire.

I tried training my breath holding in the bathtub as a kid regulary and I remember that there are like three stages:
1 - You start calm and get increasingly restless
2 - You start to fidget involuntarily
3 - You suddenly get creepily calm as if you never needed to breath at all
At soon as I hit the third I stopped and made sure to never reachit again, that didn't feel healthy at all and looking back I guess stage 4 - passing out would have followed fast.

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If we could take the killer's weaponised autism and direct it towards people who truly deserve it then that would be 1 step closer against corporates and jews and a harsh society which doesn't take shit from degenerates.
Imagine if this guy burned a mosque and killed 33 Jews. Or corporate executives.

The gasoline can't climb stairs, user. Sprinklers would've prevented the non-gasoline combustibles from catching on fire for a little while and slowed down the gasoline combustion from the steam blanket.

NHK looks weird to you? it shows like black bits all over the image, same for TV Asashi and others.
Build these in office buildings to make sure.

Is Aoki Yuki confirmed safe?

Yeah, it's artifacted to fuck, I don't know why.

she ded son

Pretty sure she's commented on it somewhere since. Somebody mentioned Y.Aoi as one of the ones who had, I assume that is her.

>Please be safe.
>Please be safe.
>Please be safe.
Oh god ;_;

When can we expect the list of victims? I heard a police conference was supposed to be held today.

Shouldn't they test these systems with a controlled fire or something

In a week when the DNA tests come back probably.

prove it

Just check her twitter. She had no reason to be there, so yes she is safe.

They don't have to at this scale, it's a deployment test.

They know the foam works, they just want to make sure the foam is made right and it spread quickly and evenly.

Sprinklers don't help when it's a gas fire, dude. The water literally just helps spread the gasoline around

That's the thing about fire safety and fire codes, you can never expect the unexpected, but you can at least be prepared, and make "impossible" things more impossible.

I remember in Breaking Bad (which is scientifically accurate iirc) that "teeth do this popcorn thing when they get too hot."

I assume that might slow down the identification process quite a bit?

Yesterday worked all fine, shit sucks.

What the fuck kind of workplace were they running here? I wish I could to this to EA's 8th floor.

Jesus this guy wasn't subtle at all. Like going to an apartment 's floor and pouring... 50 liters of gasoline? how the fuck?

At least use a gas of some sort or be that asshole and release poisonous insects

That shitty spiral staircase was a mistake

How much time goes by between the first and last illustration?

2-3 minutes

Around 1 or 2 minutes

Meanwhile, in Fuji TV...

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Stop fucking making this harder on us, you fucking retard, it's enough I have to imagine and have nightmares of them all of them burnt to a crisp and desecrated at the morgue, FUCK. Why couldn't the bodies at least be intact, what kind of sick fucking joke is this?

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Oh Pooh.

>calling someone retarded for bringing up a legit point

Nothing new on NTV24 either, also, the one talking about Yukie Tsuda there was his father.

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It's all so tiresome, guys

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Oh bother.

They do but outside.

1 minute for 3rd floor to catch fire

Legit point for fucking what? We already know they're fucked beyond recognition and that's why it's taking so long, why bring even more gruesome shit into the mix? Everyone is desperate and devastated as it is, we don't need your plebbitor detective skills, fuck off.

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>Why couldn't the bodies at least be intact
>1000-1500 degrees
Carbon based life

>fuck off

Oops! Time to go back to your safe space newfriend!

>We already know they're fucked beyond recognition and that's why it's taking so long

Do you even know how identifying bodies works? You fucking moron.

Dude, teeth don't do that. Stop believing everything you see on TV. dental is really the only reliable way to ID a corpse charred beyond recognition.

Nah, just don't let it go through an open hallway and use fire proof doors instead.

Not accurate enough; Unless you're specifically trying to destroy a body, the teeth will survive in an identifiable state.

The actual reason we don't have any answers yet is because they want to be 100% certain on everyone before they release a list. confirming dead or alive erroneously is top on the list of "Ways to destroy the public trust"

>still believing
Abandon all hopes

This is the foam used for actual gasoline/jet fuel fires. This shit is also extremely toxic to humans, hence why it's not really used when people are around.

The fact that you can look at a face, correlate with a name of the disappeared and call family to verify the body? Or in the case of fucked beyond belief checking the teeth with the dental records? Yes, I do, did I miss something?
Fuck off, pretend oldfag cunt, you don't even know what this place was like before 2016, let alone 2009 or sooner.

I already did.

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>Yes, I do, did I miss something?

So you called a guy who brought up a point about damage to the teeth a retard, despite the fact they need the teeth to identify a charred body?

Literally no chance.

By this point, I'm only hoping there were no VAs in the building, I've lost all hope for everything else.

This. Kyoani president feels personally responsible for everyone's death, and japs don't handle guilt very well

The studio is done after finishing up their movies. Maybe most of the same talent will form under another studio

>Victims of fires are often identified by their teeth, which can withstand temperatures of more than 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,093 degrees Celsius). Teeth that have been through especially intense heat are very fragile and may shrink, but they can be preserved with lacquer and used for identification as long as they are handled very carefully. Dental work, such as a partial or gold crown, will be distorted by fire but can still aid in identification.

Completely destorying human body with no trace is not a trivial task. we have crematoriums for a reason. Also even if the teeth would 'explode', the roots would remain.

Maybe he shouldn't have signed off on an unsegregated spiral staircase linking all the air in the building.

Jesus christ the inside

i fully expect the president to commit suicide after finishing everything he considers to be obliged to. the day after they're opening the park with the memorial.

2nd floor was worse with all the office material burning and all the toxic smoke. That was hell, dude.