It's a megumin movie

>it's a megumin movie

When will konodrones stop shilling for this awful character and accept Aqua-Sama as the true best girl of the series?

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Aqua is the mascot
Megumin is true main girl
Lalatina is just there

>it's a megumin movie
The midget stuff will be dealt with in minutes, the rest of the movie will be Aqua doing chad stuff. They did it for S1 and S2, and they'll do it for the movie also. Because the anime chads know what's up, and how to fix the novel to make it really good.

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I don't understand people who like Aqua. But I really want to believe that she is not just the "ironic" favorite of so many people.
All I can see is a useless retard, and an annoying squaller. If all that you see is her body, then so be it. But why would one defend a character whose only good trait is her appearance? Surely not.
But what else is there to like about her?

Can you help me?

>Megumin is true main girl
don't make me laugh

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Its gets alot more spicier between konosuba and megumin in the LN

not really, kazuma is forced to share a bed with explosive loli by her parents

Teenagers are not loli.

Loli isn't an age its an idea

You just prove me right

>loli bait
>true best girl (of the main trio)

do goddesses go to the toilet?

Only to use purification magic.

it's a bullshit excuse pedos throw out whenever they get called out on being subhuman scum. kill yourself

They are all best girl. Because they are all equally terrible people and therefore really fun to watch

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Not even the best goddess.

Lalatina is pretty badass when it comes to politics
> all the adventurers amass a huge fortune from a series of high paying quests in the volume where Megumin's sister comes to visit
> refuse to work since they're so rich they don't need to leading to huge increases in monster attacks and sightings
> Lalatina says fuck you and then send the tax collectors their way to grab a good portion of their earnings thus forcing them back to work
> Uses the tax money to take a huge step towards the modernization of the konosuba world by setting up the first tax paid elementary school
> also uses the tax money to provide food and support for adventurers who have become too injured (not sure how that works out in the Konosuba world with healing magic, maybe getting their legs cut off) or old to work anymore

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Aqua is a goddess. Since when has God ever been useful or done anything?

Aqua is reddit approved. Megumin is Yea Forums approved. Never before has this been truer than with these two characters.

Aqua is 4channel, megumin is Yea Forums, and darkness is reddit.

what about darkness?

Yeah but Israel is trump approved and trump is Yea Forums approved and megumin is Yea Forums approved so megumin is a Jewish confirmed

For tumblrites into BDSM.

Kazuma is Jewish. That's why he likes her.

trump is /pol/ approved hence reddit approved. Dispite what the normalfags say this place is pretty centrist


She's overall a friendly girl who is also great at parties. If anything her goddess arrogance only comes out as a defense mechanism when Kazuma berates her.

She'd be a great gf for someone who treats her well.

Wiz is better.

What does Konosuba really think of Aqua anyway? Does he see her as an annoying sister?

>Lalatina invents socialism


Because aqua a shit.

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Shit that's hot.

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>ironic favorite
The appeal of Aqua besides her looks is that she really is a goddess. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side.

If only she could use her create water spell with some degree of control, she'd be super useful.
Her ultimate attack could be a water jet cutter.

Peek a boo!

lemme get this straight:
>adventurers put their asses on the line for some good dosh
>Adventurers don't die while fighting hell demons from the pits of Chicago
>adventurers get rich as a result
>lala-fucking-tina over here decides to steal that hard earned money from them for because the market allows them to retire early
>invests that money into sending stupid kids to lil' tard camps and gives bad adventurers a cut of the left overs, allowing them to never improve
Goddamn this bitch is a nightmare. thank god we don't live in a world like that, r-right?

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>being a socailist

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And this is the boogeyman kind of socialism where she steals from the people who actually earned that money via hard work ind risking their lives while the nobility and other parasites living off of money their parents had while producing disproportionately little for society relative to the wealth they hold are untouched.

Real life shouldn't be compared with that fantasy world full of literal NPCs

The adventurers were supposed to be paying taxes in the first place but IIRC the kingdom had been waiving the taxes to encourage more people to become adventurers. The problem was that the adventurers were now sitting on massive fortunes that they weren't really doing anything with and more importantly refused to work altogether, preferring to become shut ins thus leading to increases in monster attacks.

>the boogeyman kind of socialism
Aren't they all?

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Kys aquanigger
Why dogshitty
Why dogshitty
Why dogshitty

But a while since I've paid attention, but I always liked the lewd tank the most. But really all three of the main girls are great. Konosuba is a treasure. In my opinion one of the few genuinely funny anime.

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ok but do goddesses take a shower?