Anime in the 2020s without Kyoani

>The last year of the 2010s has Kyoani literally burning to the ground

Besides maybe Shaft, I honestly can’t think of any other studio that helped shape the 2010s for anime more than Kyoani. Will the burning of Kyoani be remembered as the defining moment that ended an era? How do you think this incident will affect the tone of anime for the next decade? What will the industry be like with Kyoani gone and all its remaining staff most likely going to other studios?

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It does feel like an era defining moment, especially with it being the one studio to shape anime for the past decade, give a little.

But they aren't going out of business.

>they aren't going out of business
I want to believe but It's so hard to.

Free and VEG are still down the pipeline for 2020 releases aren't they?

They have backup studios, they’ll manage

K-ON is shit and wasn't influential.

Keep telling yourself that

The first statement is your opinion and you're entitled to it. The second statement is absolutely false, how delusional do you have to be to actually believe that?

We already been 2 years without the Kyoani we like, what's the difference now, just wait 2 other years, maybe this time they actually do something good.

I am actually looking forward to the works that this incident will spawn. The anime/manga/LN industry isn't /that big. Considering the amount of injured and dead, it is perfectly realistic that a good 500 - 1000 people working in the industry personally knew at least one victim. By its very nature the people in this industry are a creative bunch, and I am sure there are several who will feel a need to overcome the trauma/sorrow by creating something. From sometime next summer or so there probably will be at least one or two good tragedies or melancholic stories released every year.
Mono no aware is a very ingrained Japanese concept, so this tragedy might very well spawn some works with a very positive outlooks on life as well. Perhaps even something on the level of Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou?

I can

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That shit single handely blew up the "cute girls doing cute things" plague from a niche genre to the most popular thing.

in the distant future, everything they did pre-fire will be considered as timeless classics

Kyoto Animation isn't going anywhere, they still have 4 other buildings, VEG 2020 and Free 2020 are still going to screen and the president of the company said he and his remaining staff want to do their best for the ones that passes away.

Long live KyoAni bros.


Sure dude

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>the one studio to shape anime for the past decade

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thanks to kyoanus I stopped watching anime, so it definitely is influential

>I honestly can’t think of any other studio that helped shape the 2010s for anime more than Kyoani
KyoAnus fags are so obnoxious.
Glad these plagiarists were destroyed by their own ignorance and lack of fire safety. Serves them right.

Oof that's edgy bro. That's so fucking BASED holy shit cringe at kyoanus amirite.

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>trying to start a flamewar
I mean I only like 1 show but don't be a Yea Forumstard

>Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Great. 150 more installments of exactly jack and shit.

I don't think they shaped anything. They released 2 successful but generic moe titles and after that they only produced bland melodramas.

>I don't think they shaped anything.
"think" is the keyword

They were somewhat isolated from the industry, but some of their students went to work for other studios, not to mention the many studios that say they wanted to follow their example and become selfsuficient. There was an impact.

Part of what's so sad about this for me is the fact that there's really no lesson to be learned from all of this.
It wasn't some netouyo angry that anime was making the youth into degenerates, or an overworked fired animator who had a mental breakdown, or a yurifag butthurt that they ruined Hibikek, or a jilted lover or anything.
Just some autistic fuck who thought they stole his shitty Donut Steel story.
There's no insight to be gleaned, no social commentary to be made, nothing to make the death of those people mean anything.

It's just so pointless.

People die every day

At least maybe anime industry will stop stealing people's intellectual property

Your first statement is (bad) opinion and the second is objectively wrong.

They didn't steal shit. Guy had a long history of criminally psychotic behavior. This is like the Noid incident except a billion times worse.

Are you sure about that

>I don't think
Could've just ended your post here and saved some time.

We don't know the truth yet. And certain's person mental problems is not the reason to make such claims anyway.
Friendly reminder that Kyoani LN author ripped off Tanaka Romeo's AURA novel in 2012

user, I hate to tell you...

Sauce or didn't happen. The building that burn was the main production studio.

It wasnt at all. It was the preproduction studio, and the studio where they train younger animators.

I've heard it repeated that the Free and VEG movies were mostly done and being put through post production at the Do studio in Osaka but I've never seen the source.

KyoAni basically invented MOE and TSUNDERE.
Not one single anime talked about moe and tsundere before Lucky Star.

Also KyoAni invented the trope where the main female character is an airhead.


Lmao. Do shaftfags actually think this? No one cares about your slideshows outside of the 14 year old harem audience.

>t. newfag

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Every single part of this post is wrong.

Satelight was the best studio this decade and nothing else has hold a candle to them.

>Kyoani LN author
You retarded or something?

If you're implying that Asuka is tsun, you're wrong in that she was never called that at the time. The term wasn't around

Let's talk about it in 10 years anons. I will set a reminder.

OP here. I’m going to hold you to that user.

Not having a term to call her way back then doesn't make her not a tsundere.
If anything she's largely to blame for the retarded tsundere trope of calling the protagonist an idiot at every opportunity.

She's still not a tsundere. There's no dere.

Maybe not by today's absurd standards of being thirsty all the time but she is undeniably thirsty for the MC cock.
Asuka and Rei were far more responsible for huge tropes and trends than anything KyoAni ever did.

have some old gifs from back when these shows aired

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