ITT: Dubs that are superior to the subs

ITT: Dubs that are superior to the subs

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no you are just retarded

Daily reminder that the japanese version is the dub, the original is in english, and vastly superior.

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Medabots Shamanking then again I haven't watch dubshit after the early 2000s

These dubs.

oi oi oi, dubs?

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This is basically the start and the end of the list tho.
special mention to PriPri for the faux brit accent but pretty unremarkable outside of that.

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Golden boy


damn, japanese script writers sure are good at english


OP has never watched the sub.

The one and only answer this thread will ever have is Panty and Stocking.

Russian Haruhi

The Diamond is Unbreakable dub was actually really great

Something like that doesn't exist.

ITT: Retards who can't fast enough to keep up.
How embarrassing.

Dubs which I had enyoed is Vampire Hunter D, Hellsing Ultimate and FMA:B., just because I found it kinda weird for them to be speaking jappanase when I got decent dub. Black Lagoon was aonther one that made more sense going by "lore" but I still ended watching it in sub because dialog was to quiet in comparison to other sounds.

wrong as well
the only acceptable answer is dragon ball and that is only because the original jap voices are trash
PSG had great seiyuu and as such is by default better to watch subbed

fucking faggot

How could any of you forget ghost stories
>she's not just a ghost, she's a ghost and a bitch
>I can't be with you, not because you're a rabbit, but because you are black
>you wanna be an airforce ranger you don't wanna get raped by strangers

stop shitposting cunt and prepare for prison Sean Shemale

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Angel Cop

Subs > dubs in any other anime

All of them

>Neuters the plot by removing all references to Zionism and the Jews
Sure thing there buddy